path: root/lib/sasl/test
diff options
authorSiri Hansen <siri@erlang.org>2011-09-05 16:52:56 +0200
committerSiri Hansen <siri@erlang.org>2011-09-05 16:52:56 +0200
commitff6c59699ef71acf04105223d617cbd9dc84b89f (patch)
treed931131fbdd2174d0ff4de4ed4fa5870fc96777c /lib/sasl/test
parent53475d05e282cf04c9d206240961363a7189c6e7 (diff)
Fix bug in systools:make_tar when path given as just 'ebin'
If a path was given as ONLY 'ebin' and not for example './ebin', then systools:make_tar would fail with a function_clause exception in filename:join/1. The bug was in systools_make:appDir/1, which tried to find the parent directory of the given path. This function now uses library functions filename:basename and filename:dirname instead of general list manipulations.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sasl/test')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE.erl b/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE.erl
index 9190b111ef..539f6de99d 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE.erl
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
included_fail_script/1, included_bug_script/1, exref_script/1]).
-export([ tar_options/1, normal_tar/1, no_mod_vsn_tar/1, variable_tar/1,
src_tests_tar/1, shadow_tar/1, var_tar/1,
- exref_tar/1, link_tar/1]).
+ exref_tar/1, link_tar/1, otp_9507/1]).
-export([ normal_relup/1, abnormal_relup/1, no_appup_relup/1,
bad_appup_relup/1, app_start_type_relup/1, otp_3065/1]).
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ groups() ->
{tar, [],
[tar_options, normal_tar, no_mod_vsn_tar, variable_tar,
src_tests_tar, shadow_tar, var_tar,
- exref_tar, link_tar]},
+ exref_tar, link_tar, otp_9507]},
{relup, [],
[normal_relup, abnormal_relup, no_appup_relup,
bad_appup_relup, app_start_type_relup]},
@@ -1066,6 +1066,48 @@ exref_tar(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line ok = file:set_cwd(OldDir),
+%% otp_9507
+otp_9507(suite) -> [];
+otp_9507(doc) ->
+ ["make_tar failed when path given as just 'ebin'."];
+otp_9507(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line {ok, OldDir} = file:get_cwd(),
+ ?line {LatestDir, LatestName} = create_script(latest_small,Config),
+ ?line DataDir = filename:absname(?copydir),
+ ?line LibDir = fname([DataDir, d_normal, lib]),
+ ?line FeDir = fname([LibDir, 'fe-3.1']),
+ ?line ok = file:set_cwd(FeDir),
+ RelName = fname([LatestDir,LatestName]),
+ ?line P1 = ["./ebin",
+ fname([DataDir, lib, kernel, ebin]),
+ fname([DataDir, lib, stdlib, ebin])],
+ ?line {ok, _, _} = systools:make_script(RelName, [silent, {path, P1}]),
+ ?line ok = systools:make_tar(RelName, [{path, P1}]),
+ ?line Content1 = tar_contents(RelName),
+ ?line P2 = ["ebin",
+ fname([DataDir, lib, kernel, ebin]),
+ fname([DataDir, lib, stdlib, ebin])],
+ %% Tickets solves the following line - it used to fail with
+ %% {function_clause,[{filename,join,[[]]},...}
+ ?line ok = systools:make_tar(RelName, [{path, P2}]),
+ ?line Content2 = tar_contents(RelName),
+ true = (Content1 == Content2),
+ ?line ok = file:set_cwd(OldDir),
+ ok.
%% The relup stuff.