path: root/lib/snmp/test/test-mibs/ALARM-MIB.mib
diff options
authorMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2013-02-08 15:48:20 +0100
committerMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2013-02-08 15:48:20 +0100
commit1981684d10beae3b631dd51a02ba44b0000f523b (patch)
tree8baa318181324fb5f6f483ac2e58190a2e672e2b /lib/snmp/test/test-mibs/ALARM-MIB.mib
parent14966543730096365d4fddc5ac1dce8554c40d7c (diff)
parent9d28f76402347f498d3c2175ac41a2591d7091b1 (diff)
Merge branch 'bmk/snmp/snmp4231_integration/r16'
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/snmp/test/test-mibs/ALARM-MIB.mib')
1 files changed, 1214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/snmp/test/test-mibs/ALARM-MIB.mib b/lib/snmp/test/test-mibs/ALARM-MIB.mib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18e43d4b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/snmp/test/test-mibs/ALARM-MIB.mib
@@ -0,0 +1,1214 @@
+ Integer32, Unsigned32, Gauge32,
+ TimeTicks, Counter32, Counter64,
+ IpAddress, Opaque, mib-2,
+ zeroDotZero
+ FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- [RFC2578]
+ DateAndTime,
+ RowStatus, RowPointer,
+ FROM SNMPv2-TC -- [RFC2579]
+ SnmpAdminString
+ InetAddressType, InetAddress
+ FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- [RFC2580]
+ ZeroBasedCounter32
+ FROM RMON2-MIB; -- [RFC2021]
+ LAST-UPDATED "200409090000Z" -- September 09, 2004
+ ORGANIZATION "IETF Distributed Management Working Group"
+ "WG EMail: [email protected]
+ Subscribe: [email protected]
+ http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/disman-charter.html
+ Chair: Randy Presuhn
+ Editors: Sharon Chisholm
+ Nortel Networks
+ PO Box 3511 Station C
+ Ottawa, Ont. K1Y 4H7
+ Canada
+ Dan Romascanu
+ Avaya
+ Atidim Technology Park, Bldg. #3
+ Tel Aviv, 61131
+ Israel
+ Tel: +972-3-645-8414
+ "The MIB module describes a generic solution
+ to model alarms and to store the current list
+ of active alarms.
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004). The
+ initial version of this MIB module was published
+ in RFC 3877. For full legal notices see the RFC
+ itself. Supplementary information may be available on:
+ http://www.ietf.org/copyrights/ianamib.html"
+ REVISION "200409090000Z" -- September 09, 2004
+ "Initial version, published as RFC 3877."
+ ::= { mib-2 118 }
+alarmObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmMIB 1 }
+alarmNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmMIB 0 }
+alarmModel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmObjects 1 }
+alarmActive OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmObjects 2 }
+alarmClear OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmObjects 3 }
+-- Textual Conventions
+ -- ResourceId is intended to be a general textual convention
+ -- that can be used outside of the set of MIBs related to
+ -- Alarm Management.
+ STATUS current
+ "A unique identifier for this resource.
+ The type of the resource can be determined by looking
+ at the OID that describes the resource.
+ Resources must be identified in a consistent manner.
+ For example, if this resource is an interface, this
+ object MUST point to an ifIndex and if this resource
+ is a physical entity [RFC2737], then this MUST point
+ to an entPhysicalDescr, given that entPhysicalIndex
+ is not accessible. In general, the value is the
+ name of the instance of the first accessible columnar
+ object in the conceptual row of a table that is
+ meaningful for this resource type, which SHOULD
+ be defined in an IETF standard MIB."
+ -- LocalSnmpEngineOrZeroLenStr is intended to be a general
+ -- textual convention that can be used outside of the set of
+ -- MIBs related to Alarm Management.
+ LocalSnmpEngineOrZeroLenStr ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+ STATUS current
+ "An SNMP Engine ID or a zero-length string. The
+ instantiation of this textual convention will provide
+ guidance on when this will be an SNMP Engine ID and
+ when it will be a zero lengths string"
+-- Alarm Model
+alarmModelLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TimeTicks
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last
+ creation, deletion or modification of an entry in
+ the alarmModelTable.
+ If the number and content of entries has been unchanged
+ since the last re-initialization of the local network
+ management subsystem, then the value of this object
+ MUST be zero."
+ ::= { alarmModel 1 }
+alarmModelTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "A table of information about possible alarms on the system,
+ and how they have been modelled."
+ ::= { alarmModel 2 }
+alarmModelEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AlarmModelEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "Entries appear in this table for each possible alarm state.
+ This table MUST be persistent across system reboots."
+ INDEX { alarmListName, alarmModelIndex, alarmModelState }
+ ::= { alarmModelTable 1 }
+AlarmModelEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ alarmModelIndex Unsigned32,
+ alarmModelState Unsigned32,
+ alarmModelNotificationId OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+ alarmModelVarbindIndex Unsigned32,
+ alarmModelVarbindValue Integer32,
+ alarmModelDescription SnmpAdminString,
+ alarmModelSpecificPointer RowPointer,
+ alarmModelVarbindSubtree OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+ alarmModelResourcePrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+ alarmModelRowStatus RowStatus
+ }
+alarmModelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "An integer that acts as an alarm Id
+ to uniquely identify each alarm
+ within the named alarm list. "
+ ::= { alarmModelEntry 1 }
+alarmModelState OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "A value of 1 MUST indicate a clear alarm state.
+ The value of this object MUST be less than the
+ alarmModelState of more severe alarm states for
+ this alarm. The value of this object MUST be more
+ than the alarmModelState of less severe alarm states
+ for this alarm."
+ ::= { alarmModelEntry 2 }
+alarmModelNotificationId OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-create
+ STATUS current
+ "The NOTIFICATION-TYPE object identifier of this alarm
+ state transition. If there is no notification associated
+ with this alarm state, the value of this object MUST be
+ '0.0'"
+ DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }
+ ::= { alarmModelEntry 3 }
+alarmModelVarbindIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Unsigned32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-create
+ STATUS current
+ "The index into the varbind listing of the notification
+ indicated by alarmModelNotificationId which helps
+ signal that the given alarm has changed state.
+ If there is no applicable varbind, the value of this
+ object MUST be zero.
+ Note that the value of alarmModelVarbindIndex acknowledges
+ the existence of the first two obligatory varbinds in
+ the InformRequest-PDU and SNMPv2-Trap-PDU (sysUpTime.0
+ and snmpTrapOID.0). That is, a value of 2 refers to
+ the snmpTrapOID.0.
+ If the incoming notification is instead an SNMPv1 Trap-PDU,
+ then an appropriate value for sysUpTime.0 or snmpTrapOID.0
+ shall be determined by using the rules in section 3.1 of
+ [RFC3584]"
+ DEFVAL { 0 }
+ ::= { alarmModelEntry 4 }
+alarmModelVarbindValue OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Integer32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-create
+ STATUS current
+ "The value that the varbind indicated by
+ alarmModelVarbindIndex takes to indicate
+ that the alarm has entered this state.
+ If alarmModelVarbindIndex has a value of 0, so
+ MUST alarmModelVarbindValue.
+ "
+ DEFVAL { 0 }
+ ::= { alarmModelEntry 5 }
+alarmModelDescription OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
+ MAX-ACCESS read-create
+ STATUS current
+ "A brief description of this alarm and state suitable
+ to display to operators."
+ DEFVAL { "" }
+ ::= { alarmModelEntry 6 }
+alarmModelSpecificPointer OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX RowPointer
+ MAX-ACCESS read-create
+ STATUS current
+ "If no additional, model-specific Alarm MIB is supported by
+ the system the value of this object is `0.0'and attempts
+ to set it to any other value MUST be rejected appropriately.
+ When a model-specific Alarm MIB is supported, this object
+ MUST refer to the first accessible object in a corresponding
+ row of the model definition in one of these model-specific
+ MIB and attempts to set this object to { 0 0 } or any other
+ value MUST be rejected appropriately."
+ DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }
+ ::= { alarmModelEntry 7 }
+ alarmModelVarbindSubtree OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-create
+ STATUS current
+ "The name portion of each VarBind in the notification,
+ in order, is compared to the value of this object.
+ If the name is equal to or a subtree of the value
+ of this object, for purposes of computing the value
+ of AlarmActiveResourceID the 'prefix' will be the
+ matching portion, and the 'indexes' will be any
+ remainder. The examination of varbinds ends with
+ the first match. If the value of this object is 0.0,
+ then the first varbind, or in the case of v2, the
+ first varbind after the timestamp and the trap
+ OID, will always be matched.
+ "
+ DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }
+ ::= { alarmModelEntry 8 }
+ alarmModelResourcePrefix OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-create
+ STATUS current
+ "The value of AlarmActiveResourceId is computed
+ by appending any indexes extracted in accordance
+ with the description of alarmModelVarbindSubtree
+ onto the value of this object. If this object's
+ value is 0.0, then the 'prefix' extracted is used
+ instead.
+ "
+ DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }
+ ::= { alarmModelEntry 9 }
+alarmModelRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX RowStatus
+ MAX-ACCESS read-create
+ STATUS current
+ "Control for creating and deleting entries. Entries may be
+ modified while active. Alarms whose alarmModelRowStatus is
+ not active will not appear in either the alarmActiveTable
+ or the alarmClearTable. Setting this object to notInService
+ cannot be used as an alarm suppression mechanism. Entries
+ that are notInService will disappear as described in RFC2579.
+ This row can not be modified while it is being
+ referenced by a value of alarmActiveModelPointer. In these
+ cases, an error of `inconsistentValue' will be returned to
+ the manager.
+ This entry may be deleted while it is being
+ referenced by a value of alarmActiveModelPointer. This results
+ in the deletion of this entry and entries in the active alarms
+ referencing this entry via an alarmActiveModelPointer.
+ As all read-create objects in this table have a DEFVAL clause,
+ there is no requirement that any object be explicitly set
+ before this row can become active. Note that a row consisting
+ only of default values is not very meaningful."
+ ::= { alarmModelEntry 10 }
+-- Active Alarm Table --
+alarmActiveLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TimeTicks
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last
+ creation or deletion of an entry in the alarmActiveTable.
+ If the number of entries has been unchanged since the
+ last re-initialization of the local network management
+ subsystem, then this object contains a zero value."
+ ::= { alarmActive 1 }
+ alarmActiveOverflow OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ UNITS "active alarms"
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of active alarms that have not been put into
+ the alarmActiveTable since system restart as a result
+ of extreme resource constraints."
+ ::= { alarmActive 5 }
+alarmActiveTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "A table of Active Alarms entries."
+ ::= { alarmActive 2 }
+alarmActiveEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AlarmActiveEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "Entries appear in this table when alarms are raised. They
+ are removed when the alarm is cleared.
+ If under extreme resource constraint the system is unable to
+ add any more entries into this table, then the
+ alarmActiveOverflow statistic will be increased by one."
+ INDEX { alarmListName, alarmActiveDateAndTime,
+ alarmActiveIndex }
+ ::= { alarmActiveTable 1 }
+AlarmActiveEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ alarmListName SnmpAdminString,
+ alarmActiveDateAndTime DateAndTime,
+ alarmActiveIndex Unsigned32,
+ alarmActiveEngineID LocalSnmpEngineOrZeroLenStr,
+ alarmActiveEngineAddressType InetAddressType,
+ alarmActiveEngineAddress InetAddress,
+ alarmActiveContextName SnmpAdminString,
+ alarmActiveVariables Unsigned32,
+ alarmActiveNotificationID OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+ alarmActiveResourceId ResourceId,
+ alarmActiveDescription SnmpAdminString,
+ alarmActiveLogPointer RowPointer,
+ alarmActiveModelPointer RowPointer,
+ alarmActiveSpecificPointer RowPointer }
+alarmListName OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The name of the list of alarms. This SHOULD be the same as
+ nlmLogName if the Notification Log MIB [RFC3014] is supported.
+ This SHOULD be the same as, or contain as a prefix, the
+ applicable snmpNotifyFilterProfileName if the
+ An implementation may allow multiple named alarm lists, up to
+ some implementation-specific limit (which may be none). A
+ zero-length list name is reserved for creation and deletion
+ by the managed system, and MUST be used as the default log
+ name by systems that do not support named alarm lists."
+ ::= { alarmActiveEntry 1 }
+alarmActiveDateAndTime OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DateAndTime
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The local date and time when the error occurred.
+ This object facilitates retrieving all instances of
+ alarms that have been raised or have changed state
+ since a given point in time.
+ Implementations MUST include the offset from UTC,
+ if available. Implementation in environments in which
+ the UTC offset is not available is NOT RECOMMENDED."
+ ::= { alarmActiveEntry 2 }
+alarmActiveIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "A strictly monotonically increasing integer which
+ acts as the index of entries within the named alarm
+ list. It wraps back to 1 after it reaches its
+ maximum value."
+ ::= { alarmActiveEntry 3 }
+alarmActiveEngineID OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX LocalSnmpEngineOrZeroLenStr
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The identification of the SNMP engine at which the alarm
+ originated. If the alarm is from an SNMPv1 system this
+ object is a zero length string."
+ ::= { alarmActiveEntry 4 }
+alarmActiveEngineAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX InetAddressType
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "This object indicates what type of address is stored in
+ the alarmActiveEngineAddress object - IPv4, IPv6, DNS, etc."
+ ::= { alarmActiveEntry 5 }
+alarmActiveEngineAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX InetAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The address of the SNMP engine on which the alarm is
+ occurring.
+ This object MUST always be instantiated, even if the list
+ can contain alarms from only one engine."
+ ::= { alarmActiveEntry 6 }
+alarmActiveContextName OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The name of the SNMP MIB context from which the alarm came.
+ For SNMPv1 alarms this is the community string from the Trap.
+ Note that care MUST be taken when selecting community
+ strings to ensure that these can be represented as a
+ well-formed SnmpAdminString. Community or Context names
+ that are not well-formed SnmpAdminStrings will be mapped
+ to zero length strings.
+ If the alarm's source SNMP engine is known not to support
+ multiple contexts, this object is a zero length string."
+ ::= { alarmActiveEntry 7 }
+alarmActiveVariables OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Unsigned32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of variables in alarmActiveVariableTable for this
+ alarm."
+ ::= { alarmActiveEntry 8 }
+alarmActiveNotificationID OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The NOTIFICATION-TYPE object identifier of the alarm
+ state transition that is occurring."
+ ::= { alarmActiveEntry 9 }
+alarmActiveResourceId OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ResourceId
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "This object identifies the resource under alarm.
+ If there is no corresponding resource, then
+ the value of this object MUST be 0.0."
+ ::= { alarmActiveEntry 10 }
+alarmActiveDescription OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "This object provides a textual description of the
+ active alarm. This text is generated dynamically by the
+ notification generator to provide useful information
+ to the human operator. This information SHOULD
+ provide information allowing the operator to locate
+ the resource for which this alarm is being generated.
+ This information is not intended for consumption by
+ automated tools."
+ ::= { alarmActiveEntry 11 }
+alarmActiveLogPointer OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX RowPointer
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "A pointer to the corresponding row in a
+ notification logging MIB where the state change
+ notification for this active alarm is logged.
+ If no log entry applies to this active alarm,
+ then this object MUST have the value of 0.0"
+ ::= { alarmActiveEntry 12 }
+alarmActiveModelPointer OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX RowPointer
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "A pointer to the corresponding row in the
+ alarmModelTable for this active alarm. This
+ points not only to the alarm model being
+ instantiated, but also to the specific alarm
+ state that is active."
+ ::= { alarmActiveEntry 13 }
+alarmActiveSpecificPointer OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX RowPointer
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "If no additional, model-specific, Alarm MIB is supported by
+ the system this object is `0.0'. When a model-specific Alarm
+ MIB is supported, this object is the instance pointer to the
+ specific model-specific active alarm list."
+ ::= { alarmActiveEntry 14 }
+-- Active Alarm Variable Table --
+alarmActiveVariableTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AlarmActiveVariableEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "A table of variables to go with active alarm entries."
+ ::= { alarmActive 3 }
+alarmActiveVariableEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AlarmActiveVariableEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "Entries appear in this table when there are variables in
+ the varbind list of a corresponding alarm in
+ alarmActiveTable.
+ Entries appear in this table as though
+ the trap/notification had been transported using a
+ SNMPv2-Trap-PDU, as defined in [RFC3416] - i.e., the
+ alarmActiveVariableIndex 1 will always be sysUpTime
+ and alarmActiveVariableIndex 2 will always be
+ snmpTrapOID.
+ If the incoming notification is instead an SNMPv1 Trap-PDU and
+ the value of alarmModelVarbindIndex is 1 or 2, an appropriate
+ value for sysUpTime.0 or snmpTrapOID.0 shall be determined
+ by using the rules in section 3.1 of [RFC3584]."
+ INDEX { alarmListName, alarmActiveIndex,
+ alarmActiveVariableIndex }
+ ::= { alarmActiveVariableTable 1 }
+AlarmActiveVariableEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ alarmActiveVariableIndex Unsigned32,
+ alarmActiveVariableID OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+ alarmActiveVariableValueType INTEGER,
+ alarmActiveVariableCounter32Val Counter32,
+ alarmActiveVariableUnsigned32Val Unsigned32,
+ alarmActiveVariableTimeTicksVal TimeTicks,
+ alarmActiveVariableInteger32Val Integer32,
+ alarmActiveVariableOctetStringVal OCTET STRING,
+ alarmActiveVariableIpAddressVal IpAddress,
+ alarmActiveVariableOidVal OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+ alarmActiveVariableCounter64Val Counter64,
+ alarmActiveVariableOpaqueVal Opaque }
+alarmActiveVariableIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "A strictly monotonically increasing integer, starting at
+ 1 for a given alarmActiveIndex, for indexing variables
+ within the active alarm variable list. "
+ ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 1 }
+alarmActiveVariableID OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The alarm variable's object identifier."
+ ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 2 }
+alarmActiveVariableValueType OBJECT-TYPE
+ counter32(1),
+ unsigned32(2),
+ timeTicks(3),
+ integer32(4),
+ ipAddress(5),
+ octetString(6),
+ objectId(7),
+ counter64(8),
+ opaque(9)
+ }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The type of the value. One and only one of the value
+ objects that follow is used for a given row in this table,
+ based on this type."
+ ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 3 }
+alarmActiveVariableCounter32Val OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'counter32'."
+ ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 4 }
+alarmActiveVariableUnsigned32Val OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Unsigned32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'unsigned32'."
+ ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 5 }
+alarmActiveVariableTimeTicksVal OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TimeTicks
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'timeTicks'."
+ ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 6 }
+alarmActiveVariableInteger32Val OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Integer32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'integer32'."
+ ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 7 }
+alarmActiveVariableOctetStringVal OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'octetString'."
+ ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 8 }
+alarmActiveVariableIpAddressVal OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'ipAddress'."
+ ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 9 }
+alarmActiveVariableOidVal OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'objectId'."
+ ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 10 }
+alarmActiveVariableCounter64Val OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'counter64'."
+ ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 11 }
+alarmActiveVariableOpaqueVal OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Opaque
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'opaque'.
+ Note that although RFC2578 [RFC2578] forbids the use
+ of Opaque in 'standard' MIB modules, this particular
+ usage is driven by the need to be able to accurately
+ represent any well-formed notification, and justified
+ by the need for backward compatibility."
+ ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 12 }
+-- Statistics --
+alarmActiveStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AlarmActiveStatsEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "This table represents the alarm statistics
+ information."
+ ::= { alarmActive 4 }
+alarmActiveStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AlarmActiveStatsEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "Statistics on the current active alarms."
+ INDEX { alarmListName }
+ ::= { alarmActiveStatsTable 1 }
+AlarmActiveStatsEntry ::=
+ alarmActiveStatsActiveCurrent Gauge32,
+ alarmActiveStatsActives ZeroBasedCounter32,
+ alarmActiveStatsLastRaise TimeTicks,
+ alarmActiveStatsLastClear TimeTicks
+ }
+alarmActiveStatsActiveCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Gauge32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of currently active alarms on the system."
+ ::= { alarmActiveStatsEntry 1 }
+alarmActiveStatsActives OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of active alarms since system restarted."
+ ::= { alarmActiveStatsEntry 2 }
+alarmActiveStatsLastRaise OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TimeTicks
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last
+ alarm raise for this alarm list.
+ If no alarm raises have occurred since the
+ last re-initialization of the local network management
+ subsystem, then this object contains a zero value."
+ ::= { alarmActiveStatsEntry 3 }
+alarmActiveStatsLastClear OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TimeTicks
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last
+ alarm clear for this alarm list.
+ If no alarm clears have occurred since the
+ last re-initialization of the local network management
+ subsystem, then this object contains a zero value."
+ ::= { alarmActiveStatsEntry 4 }
+-- Alarm Clear
+alarmClearMaximum OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Unsigned32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ "This object specifies the maximum number of cleared
+ alarms to store in the alarmClearTable. When this
+ number is reached, the cleared alarms with the
+ earliest clear time will be removed from the table."
+ ::= { alarmClear 1 }
+alarmClearTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "This table contains information on
+ cleared alarms."
+ ::= { alarmClear 2 }
+alarmClearEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AlarmClearEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "Information on a cleared alarm."
+ INDEX { alarmListName, alarmClearDateAndTime,
+alarmClearIndex }
+ ::= { alarmClearTable 1 }
+AlarmClearEntry ::=
+ alarmClearIndex Unsigned32,
+ alarmClearDateAndTime DateAndTime,
+ alarmClearEngineID LocalSnmpEngineOrZeroLenStr,
+ alarmClearEngineAddressType InetAddressType,
+ alarmClearEngineAddress InetAddress,
+ alarmClearContextName SnmpAdminString,
+ alarmClearNotificationID OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+ alarmClearResourceId ResourceId,
+ alarmClearLogIndex Unsigned32,
+ alarmClearModelPointer RowPointer
+ }
+alarmClearIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "An integer which acts as the index of entries within
+ the named alarm list. It wraps back to 1 after it
+ reaches its maximum value.
+ This object has the same value as the alarmActiveIndex that
+ this alarm instance had when it was active."
+ ::= { alarmClearEntry 1 }
+alarmClearDateAndTime OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DateAndTime
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The local date and time when the alarm cleared.
+ This object facilitates retrieving all instances of
+ alarms that have been cleared since a given point in time.
+ Implementations MUST include the offset from UTC,
+ if available. Implementation in environments in which
+ the UTC offset is not available is NOT RECOMMENDED."
+ ::= { alarmClearEntry 2 }
+alarmClearEngineID OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX LocalSnmpEngineOrZeroLenStr
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The identification of the SNMP engine at which the alarm
+ originated. If the alarm is from an SNMPv1 system this
+ object is a zero length string."
+ ::= { alarmClearEntry 3 }
+alarmClearEngineAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX InetAddressType
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "This object indicates what type of address is stored in
+ the alarmActiveEngineAddress object - IPv4, IPv6, DNS, etc."
+ ::= { alarmClearEntry 4 }
+alarmClearEngineAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX InetAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The Address of the SNMP engine on which the alarm was
+ occurring. This is used to identify the source of an SNMPv1
+ trap, since an alarmActiveEngineId cannot be extracted from the
+ SNMPv1 trap PDU.
+ This object MUST always be instantiated, even if the list
+ can contain alarms from only one engine."
+ ::= { alarmClearEntry 5 }
+alarmClearContextName OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The name of the SNMP MIB context from which the alarm came.
+ For SNMPv1 traps this is the community string from the Trap.
+ Note that care needs to be taken when selecting community
+ strings to ensure that these can be represented as a
+ well-formed SnmpAdminString. Community or Context names
+ that are not well-formed SnmpAdminStrings will be mapped
+ to zero length strings.
+ If the alarm's source SNMP engine is known not to support
+ multiple contexts, this object is a zero length string."
+ ::= { alarmClearEntry 6 }
+alarmClearNotificationID OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The NOTIFICATION-TYPE object identifier of the alarm
+ clear."
+ ::= { alarmClearEntry 7 }
+alarmClearResourceId OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ResourceId
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "This object identifies the resource that was under alarm.
+ If there is no corresponding resource, then
+ the value of this object MUST be 0.0."
+ ::= { alarmClearEntry 8 }
+alarmClearLogIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "This number MUST be the same as the log index of the
+ applicable row in the notification log MIB, if it exists.
+ If no log index applies to the trap, then this object
+ MUST have the value of 0."
+ ::= { alarmClearEntry 9 }
+alarmClearModelPointer OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX RowPointer
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "A pointer to the corresponding row in the
+ alarmModelTable for this cleared alarm."
+ ::= { alarmClearEntry 10 }
+-- Notifications
+ OBJECTS { alarmActiveModelPointer,
+ alarmActiveResourceId }
+ STATUS current
+ "An instance of the alarm indicated by
+ alarmActiveModelPointer has been raised
+ against the entity indicated by
+ alarmActiveResourceId.
+ The agent must throttle the generation of
+ consecutive alarmActiveState traps so that there is at
+ least a two-second gap between traps of this
+ type against the same alarmActiveModelPointer and
+ alarmActiveResourceId. When traps are throttled,
+ they are dropped, not queued for sending at a future time.
+ A management application should periodically check
+ the value of alarmActiveLastChanged to detect any
+ missed alarmActiveState notification-events, e.g.,
+ due to throttling or transmission loss."
+ ::= { alarmNotifications 2 }
+ OBJECTS { alarmActiveModelPointer,
+ alarmActiveResourceId }
+ STATUS current
+ "An instance of the alarm indicated by
+ alarmActiveModelPointer has been cleared against
+ the entity indicated by alarmActiveResourceId.
+ The agent must throttle the generation of
+ consecutive alarmActiveClear traps so that there is at
+ least a two-second gap between traps of this
+ type against the same alarmActiveModelPointer and
+ alarmActiveResourceId. When traps are throttled,
+ they are dropped, not queued for sending at a future time.
+ A management application should periodically check
+ the value of alarmActiveLastChanged to detect any
+ missed alarmClearState notification-events, e.g.,
+ due to throttling or transmission loss."
+ ::= { alarmNotifications 3 }
+-- Conformance
+alarmConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmMIB 2 }
+alarmCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmConformance 1 }
+alarmCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+ STATUS current
+ "The compliance statement for systems supporting
+ the Alarm MIB."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ alarmActiveGroup,
+ alarmModelGroup
+ }
+ GROUP alarmActiveStatsGroup
+ "This group is optional."
+ GROUP alarmClearGroup
+ "This group is optional."
+ GROUP alarmNotificationsGroup
+ "This group is optional."
+ ::= { alarmCompliances 1 }
+alarmGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmConformance 2 }
+alarmModelGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ alarmModelLastChanged,
+ alarmModelNotificationId,
+ alarmModelVarbindIndex,
+ alarmModelVarbindValue,
+ alarmModelDescription,
+ alarmModelSpecificPointer,
+ alarmModelVarbindSubtree,
+ alarmModelResourcePrefix,
+ alarmModelRowStatus
+ }
+ STATUS current
+ "Alarm model group."
+ ::= { alarmGroups 1}
+alarmActiveGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ alarmActiveLastChanged,
+ alarmActiveOverflow,
+ alarmActiveEngineID,
+ alarmActiveEngineAddressType,
+ alarmActiveEngineAddress,
+ alarmActiveContextName,
+ alarmActiveVariables,
+ alarmActiveNotificationID,
+ alarmActiveResourceId,
+ alarmActiveDescription,
+ alarmActiveLogPointer,
+ alarmActiveModelPointer,
+ alarmActiveSpecificPointer,
+ alarmActiveVariableID,
+ alarmActiveVariableValueType,
+ alarmActiveVariableCounter32Val,
+ alarmActiveVariableUnsigned32Val,
+ alarmActiveVariableTimeTicksVal,
+ alarmActiveVariableInteger32Val,
+ alarmActiveVariableOctetStringVal,
+ alarmActiveVariableIpAddressVal,
+ alarmActiveVariableOidVal,
+ alarmActiveVariableCounter64Val,
+ alarmActiveVariableOpaqueVal
+ }
+ STATUS current
+ "Active Alarm list group."
+ ::= { alarmGroups 2}
+ alarmActiveStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ alarmActiveStatsActives,
+ alarmActiveStatsActiveCurrent,
+ alarmActiveStatsLastRaise,
+ alarmActiveStatsLastClear
+ }
+ STATUS current
+ "Active alarm summary group."
+ ::= { alarmGroups 3}
+alarmClearGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ alarmClearMaximum,
+ alarmClearEngineID,
+ alarmClearEngineAddressType,
+ alarmClearEngineAddress,
+ alarmClearContextName,
+ alarmClearNotificationID,
+ alarmClearResourceId,
+ alarmClearLogIndex,
+ alarmClearModelPointer
+ }
+ STATUS current
+ "Cleared alarm group."
+ ::= { alarmGroups 4}
+alarmNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+ NOTIFICATIONS { alarmActiveState, alarmClearState }
+ STATUS current
+ "The collection of notifications that can be used to
+ model alarms for faults lacking pre-existing
+ notification definitions."
+ ::= { alarmGroups 6 }