path: root/lib/ssh
diff options
authorIngela Anderton Andin <ingela@erlang.org>2015-01-26 08:53:02 +0100
committerIngela Anderton Andin <ingela@erlang.org>2015-01-26 08:53:02 +0100
commitff87c52b703c1820278bbe816fc79d83f8fbf4ef (patch)
tree7c0f9f2f719a077ca28091a123a375012ba518e3 /lib/ssh
parent51bc4157763032e18342eefe1ccbd7f262505483 (diff)
parent5c1a83668b14ef4288adaf181140f7f325ca407f (diff)
Merge branch 'ia/ssh/sftp-v3-flags' into maint
* ia/ssh/sftp-v3-flags: ssh: Add some more flags ssh: Correct Sftp flag handling ssh: Add handling of sftp v3 flags
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssh')
2 files changed, 114 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftpd.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftpd.erl
index 52665635f0..04ae6b11e2 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftpd.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftpd.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -559,56 +559,73 @@ stat(ReqId, RelPath, State0=#state{file_handler=FileMod,
send_status({error, E}, ReqId, State1)
-decode_4_open_flag(create_new) ->
- [write];
-decode_4_open_flag(create_truncate) ->
- [write];
-decode_4_open_flag(truncate_existing) ->
- [write];
-decode_4_open_flag(open_existing) ->
- [read].
-decode_4_flags([OpenFlag | Flags]) ->
- decode_4_flags(Flags, decode_4_open_flag(OpenFlag)).
-decode_4_flags([], Flags) ->
- Flags;
-decode_4_flags([append_data|R], _Flags) ->
- decode_4_flags(R, [append]);
-decode_4_flags([append_data_atomic|R], _Flags) ->
- decode_4_flags(R, [append]);
-decode_4_flags([_|R], Flags) ->
- decode_4_flags(R, Flags).
-decode_4_access_flag(read_data) ->
- [read];
-decode_4_access_flag(list_directory) ->
- [read];
-decode_4_access_flag(write_data) ->
- [write];
-decode_4_access_flag(add_file) ->
- [write];
-decode_4_access_flag(add_subdirectory) ->
- [read];
-decode_4_access_flag(append_data) ->
- [append];
-decode_4_access_flag(write_attributes) ->
- [write];
-decode_4_access_flag(_) ->
- [read].
-decode_4_acess([_ | _] = Flags) ->
+sftp_to_erlang_flag(read, Vsn) when Vsn == 3;
+ Vsn == 4 ->
+ read;
+sftp_to_erlang_flag(write, Vsn) when Vsn == 3;
+ Vsn == 4 ->
+ write;
+sftp_to_erlang_flag(append, Vsn) when Vsn == 3;
+ Vsn == 4 ->
+ append;
+sftp_to_erlang_flag(creat, Vsn) when Vsn == 3;
+ Vsn == 4 ->
+ write;
+sftp_to_erlang_flag(trunc, Vsn) when Vsn == 3;
+ Vsn == 4 ->
+ write;
+sftp_to_erlang_flag(excl, Vsn) when Vsn == 3;
+ Vsn == 4 ->
+ read;
+sftp_to_erlang_flag(create_new, Vsn) when Vsn > 4 ->
+ write;
+sftp_to_erlang_flag(create_truncate, Vsn) when Vsn > 4 ->
+ write;
+sftp_to_erlang_flag(open_existing, Vsn) when Vsn > 4 ->
+ read;
+sftp_to_erlang_flag(open_or_create, Vsn) when Vsn > 4 ->
+ write;
+sftp_to_erlang_flag(truncate_existing, Vsn) when Vsn > 4 ->
+ write;
+sftp_to_erlang_flag(append_data, Vsn) when Vsn > 4 ->
+ append;
+sftp_to_erlang_flag(append_data_atomic, Vsn) when Vsn > 4 ->
+ append;
+sftp_to_erlang_flag(_, _) ->
+ read.
+sftp_to_erlang_flags(Flags, Vsn) ->
lists:map(fun(Flag) ->
- [decode_4_access_flag(Flag)]
- end, Flags);
-decode_4_acess([]) ->
- [].
+ sftp_to_erlang_flag(Flag, Vsn)
+ end, Flags).
+sftp_to_erlang_access_flag(read_data, _) ->
+ read;
+sftp_to_erlang_access_flag(list_directory, _) ->
+ read;
+sftp_to_erlang_access_flag(write_data, _) ->
+ write;
+sftp_to_erlang_access_flag(append_data, _) ->
+ append;
+sftp_to_erlang_access_flag(add_subdirectory, _) ->
+ read;
+sftp_to_erlang_access_flag(add_file, _) ->
+ write;
+sftp_to_erlang_access_flag(write_attributes, _) ->
+ write;
+sftp_to_erlang_access_flag(_, _) ->
+ read.
+sftp_to_erlang_access_flags(Flags, Vsn) ->
+ lists:map(fun(Flag) ->
+ sftp_to_erlang_access_flag(Flag, Vsn)
+ end, Flags).
open(Vsn, ReqId, Data, State) when Vsn =< 3 ->
<<?UINT32(BLen), BPath:BLen/binary, ?UINT32(PFlags),
_Attrs/binary>> = Data,
Path = unicode:characters_to_list(BPath),
- Flags = ssh_xfer:decode_open_flags(Vsn, PFlags),
+ FlagBits = ssh_xfer:decode_open_flags(Vsn, PFlags),
+ Flags = lists:usort(sftp_to_erlang_flags(FlagBits, Vsn)),
do_open(ReqId, State, Path, Flags);
open(Vsn, ReqId, Data, State) when Vsn >= 4 ->
<<?UINT32(BLen), BPath:BLen/binary, ?UINT32(Access),
@@ -616,15 +633,12 @@ open(Vsn, ReqId, Data, State) when Vsn >= 4 ->
Path = unicode:characters_to_list(BPath),
FlagBits = ssh_xfer:decode_open_flags(Vsn, PFlags),
AcessBits = ssh_xfer:decode_ace_mask(Access),
- %% TODO: This is to make sure the Access flags are not ignored
- %% but this should be thought through better. This solution should
- %% be considered a hack in order to buy some time. At least
- %% it works better than when the Access flags where totally ignored.
- %% A better solution may need some code refactoring that we do
- %% not have time for right now.
- AcessFlags = decode_4_acess(AcessBits),
- Flags = lists:append(lists:umerge(
- [[decode_4_flags(FlagBits)] | AcessFlags])),
+ %% TODO: There are still flags that are not
+ %% fully handled as SSH_FXF_ACCESS_TEXT_MODE and
+ %% a lot a ACE flags, the later we may not need
+ %% to understand as they are NFS flags
+ AcessFlags = sftp_to_erlang_access_flags(AcessBits, Vsn),
+ Flags = lists:usort(sftp_to_erlang_flags(FlagBits, Vsn) ++ AcessFlags),
do_open(ReqId, State, Path, Flags).
do_open(ReqId, State0, Path, Flags) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sftpd_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sftpd_SUITE.erl
index 7b22e45d5e..0ce8eec906 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sftpd_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_sftpd_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ all() ->
- ver3_rename,
+ ver3_rename,
+ ver3_open_flags,
@@ -193,6 +194,39 @@ open_close_file(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ver3_open_flags() ->
+ [{doc, "Test open flags"}].
+ver3_open_flags(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ FileName = filename:join(PrivDir, "not_exist.txt"),
+ {Cm, Channel} = ?config(sftp, Config),
+ ReqId = 0,
+ {ok, <<?SSH_FXP_HANDLE, ?UINT32(ReqId), Handle/binary>>, _} =
+ open_file_v3(FileName, Cm, Channel, ReqId,
+ {ok, <<?SSH_FXP_STATUS, ?UINT32(ReqId),
+ ?UINT32(?SSH_FX_OK), _/binary>>, _} = close(Handle, ReqId,
+ Cm, Channel),
+ NewFileName = filename:join(PrivDir, "not_exist2.txt"),
+ NewReqId = ReqId + 1,
+ {ok, <<?SSH_FXP_HANDLE, ?UINT32(NewReqId), NewHandle/binary>>, _} =
+ open_file_v3(NewFileName, Cm, Channel, NewReqId,
+ {ok, <<?SSH_FXP_STATUS, ?UINT32(NewReqId),
+ ?UINT32(?SSH_FX_OK), _/binary>>, _} = close(NewHandle, NewReqId,
+ Cm, Channel),
+ NewFileName1 = filename:join(PrivDir, "test.txt"),
+ NewReqId1 = NewReqId + 1,
+ {ok, <<?SSH_FXP_HANDLE, ?UINT32(NewReqId1), NewHandle1/binary>>, _} =
+ open_file_v3(NewFileName1, Cm, Channel, NewReqId1,
+ {ok, <<?SSH_FXP_STATUS, ?UINT32(NewReqId1),
+ ?UINT32(?SSH_FX_OK), _/binary>>, _} = close(NewHandle1, NewReqId1,
+ Cm, Channel).
open_close_dir() ->
[{doc,"Test SSH_FXP_OPENDIR and SSH_FXP_CLOSE commands"}].
@@ -662,6 +696,16 @@ open_file(File, Cm, Channel, ReqId, Access, Flags) ->
?SSH_FXP_OPEN, Data/binary>>),
reply(Cm, Channel).
+open_file_v3(File, Cm, Channel, ReqId, Flags) ->
+ Data = list_to_binary([?uint32(ReqId),
+ ?binary(list_to_binary(File)),
+ ?uint32(Flags),
+ Size = 1 + size(Data),
+ ssh_connection:send(Cm, Channel, <<?UINT32(Size),
+ ?SSH_FXP_OPEN, Data/binary>>),
+ reply(Cm, Channel).
close(Handle, ReqId, Cm , Channel) ->