path: root/lib/ssl/doc/src/new_ssl.xml
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authorErlang/OTP <[email protected]>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <[email protected]>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
commit84adefa331c4159d432d22840663c38f155cd4c1 (patch)
treebff9a9c66adda4df2106dfd0e5c053ab182a12bd /lib/ssl/doc/src/new_ssl.xml
The R13B03 release.OTP_R13B03
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/doc/src/new_ssl.xml')
1 files changed, 678 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000000..f50f714fe6
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+++ b/lib/ssl/doc/src/new_ssl.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="latin1" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE erlref SYSTEM "erlref.dtd">
+ <header>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>1999</year>
+ <year>2007</year>
+ <holder>Ericsson AB, All Rights Reserved</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <legalnotice>
+ The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+ Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+ Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+ retrieved aniline's at http://www.erlang.org/.
+ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+ basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+ the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+ under the License.
+ The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson AB.
+ </legalnotice>
+ <title>ssl</title>
+ <prepared>Ingela Anderton Andin</prepared>
+ <responsible>Ingela Anderton Andin</responsible>
+ <docno></docno>
+ <approved></approved>
+ <checked></checked>
+ <date>2003-03-25</date>
+ <rev></rev>
+ <file>new_ssl.xml</file>
+ </header>
+ <module>new_ssl</module>
+ <modulesummary>Interface Functions for Secure Socket Layer</modulesummary>
+ <description>
+ <p>This module contains interface functions to the Secure Socket
+ Layer.
+ </p>
+ </description>
+ <section>
+ <title>NEW SSL</title>
+ <p>This manual page describes functions that are defined
+ in the ssl module and represents the new ssl implementation
+ that coexists with the old one, as the new implementation
+ is not yet complete enough to replace the old one.</p>
+ <p>The new implementation can be
+ accessed by providing the option {ssl_imp, new} to the
+ ssl:connect and ssl:listen functions.</p>
+ <p>The new implementation is Erlang based and all logic
+ is in Erlang and only payload encryption calculations are
+ done in C via the crypto application. The main reason for
+ making a new implementation is that the old solution was
+ very crippled as the control of the ssl-socket was deep
+ down in openssl making it hard if not impossible to
+ support all inet options, ipv6 and upgrade of a tcp
+ connection to a ssl connection. The alfa version has a
+ few limitations that will be removed before the ssl-4.0
+ release. Main differences and limitations in the alfa are
+ listed below.</p>
+ <list type="bulleted">
+ <item>New ssl requires the crypto
+ application.</item>
+ <item>The option reuseaddr is
+ supported and the default value is false as in gen_tcp.
+ Old ssl is patched to accept that the option is set to
+ true to provide a smoother migration between the
+ versions. In old ssl the option is hard coded to
+ true.</item>
+ <item>ssl:version/0 is replaced by
+ ssl:versions/0</item>
+ <item>ssl:ciphers/0 is replaced by
+ ssl:cipher_suites/0</item>
+ <item>ssl:pid/1 is a
+ meaningless function in new ssl and will be deprecated in
+ ssl-4.0 until it is removed it will return a valid but
+ meaningless pid.</item>
+ <item>New API functions are
+ ssl:shutdown/2, ssl:cipher_suites/[0,1] and
+ ssl:versions/0</item>
+ <item>Diffie-Hellman keyexchange is
+ not supported yet.</item>
+ <item>CRL and policy certificate
+ extensions are not supported yet. </item>
+ <item>Supported SSL/TLS-versions are SSL-3.0 and TLS-1.0 </item>
+ <item>For security reasons sslv2 is not supported.</item>
+ </list>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>COMMON DATA TYPES</title>
+ <p>The following data types are used in the functions below:
+ </p>
+ <p><c>boolean() = true | false</c></p>
+ <p><c>property() = atom()</c></p>
+ <p><c>option() = socketoption() | ssloption() | transportoption()</c></p>
+ <p><c>socketoption() = [{property(), term()}] - defaults to
+ [{mode,list},{packet, 0},{header, 0},{active, true}].
+ </c></p>
+ <p>For valid options
+ see <seealso marker="kernel:inet">inet(3) </seealso> and
+ <seealso marker="kernel:gen_tcp">gen_tcp(3) </seealso>.
+ </p>
+ <p> <c>ssloption() = {verify, verify_type()} |
+ {fail_if_no_peer_cert, boolean()}
+ {depth, integer()} |
+ {certfile, path()} | {keyfile, path()} | {password, string()} |
+ {cacertfile, path()} | {ciphers, ciphers()} | {ssl_imp, ssl_imp()}
+ | {reuse_sessions, boolean()} | {reuse_session, fun()}
+ </c></p>
+ <p><c>transportoption() = {CallbackModule, DataTag, ClosedTag}
+ - defaults to {gen_tcp, tcp, tcp_closed}. Ssl may be
+ run over any reliable transport protocol that has
+ an equivalent API to gen_tcp's.</c></p>
+ <p><c>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CallbackModule =
+ atom()</c>
+ </p> <p><c>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; DataTag =
+ atom() - tag used in socket data message.</c></p>
+ <p><c>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ClosedTag = atom() - tag used in
+ socket close message.</c></p>
+ <p><c>verify_type() = verify_none | verify_peer</c></p>
+ <p><c>path() = string() - representing a file path.</c></p>
+ <p><c>host() = hostname() | ipaddress()</c></p>
+ <p><c>hostname() = string()</c></p>
+ <p><c>
+ ip_address() = {N1,N2,N3,N4} % IPv4
+ | {K1,K2,K3,K4,K5,K6,K7,K8} % IPv6 </c></p>
+ <p><c>sslsocket() - opaque to the user. </c></p>
+ <p><c>protocol() = sslv3 | tlsv1 </c></p>
+ <p><c>ciphers() = [ciphersuite()] | sting() (according to old API)</c></p>
+ <p><c>ciphersuite() =
+ {key_exchange(), cipher(), hash(), exportable()}</c></p>
+ <p><c>key_exchange() = rsa | dh_dss | dh_rsa | dh_anon | dhe_dss
+ | dhe_rsa | krb5 | KeyExchange_export
+ </c></p>
+ <p><c>cipher() = rc4_128 | idea_cbc | des_cbc | '3des_ede_cbc'
+ des40_cbc | dh_dss | aes_128_cbc | aes_256_cbc |
+ rc2_cbc_40 | rc4_40 </c></p>
+ <p> <c>hash() = md5 | sha
+ </c></p>
+ <p> <c>exportable() = export | no_export | ignore
+ </c></p>
+ <p><c>ssl_imp() = new | old - default is old.</c></p>
+ </section>
+ <taglist>
+ <tag>{verify, verify_type()}</tag>
+ <item> If <c>verify_none</c> is specified x509-certificate
+ path validation errors at the client side
+ will not automatically cause the connection to fail, as
+ it will if the verify type is <c>verify_peer</c>. See also
+ the option verify_fun.
+ Servers only do the path validation if <c>verify_peer</c> is set to
+ true, as it then will
+ send a certificate request to
+ the client (this message is not sent if the verify option is
+ <c>verify_none</c>) and you may then also want to specify
+ the option <c>fail_if_no_peer_cert</c>.
+ </item>
+ <tag>{fail_if_no_peer_cert, boolean()}</tag>
+ <item>Used together with {verify, verify_peer} by a ssl server.
+ If set to true,
+ the server will fail if the client does not have a certificate
+ to send, e.i sends a empty certificate, if set to false it will
+ only fail if the client sends a invalid certificate (an empty
+ certificate is considered valid).
+ </item>
+ <tag>{verify_fun, fun(ErrorList) -> boolean()}</tag>
+ <item>Used by the ssl client to determine if
+ x509-certificate path validations errors are acceptable or
+ if the connection should fail. Defaults to:
+fun(ErrorList) ->
+ case lists:foldl(fun({bad_cert,unknown_ca}, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+ (Other, Acc) ->
+ [Other | Acc]
+ end, [], ErrorList) of
+ [] ->
+ true;
+ [_|_] ->
+ false
+ end
+ I.e. by default if the only error found was that the CA-certificate
+ holder was unknown this will be accepted.
+ Possible errors in the error list are:
+ {bad_cert, cert_expired}, {bad_cert, invalid_issuer},
+ {bad_cert, invalid_signature}, {bad_cert, name_not_permitted},
+ {bad_cert, unknown_ca},
+ {bad_cert, cert_expired}, {bad_cert, invalid_issuer},
+ {bad_cert, invalid_signature}, {bad_cert, name_not_permitted},
+ {bad_cert, cert_revoked} (not implemented yet),
+ {bad_cert, unknown_critical_extension} or {bad_cert, term()} (Will
+ be relevant later when an option is added for the user to be able to verify application specific extensions.)
+ </item>
+ <tag>{depth, integer()}</tag>
+ <item>Specifies the maximum
+ verification depth, i.e. how far in a chain of certificates the
+ verification process can proceed before the verification is
+ considered to fail. Peer certificate = 0, CA certificate = 1,
+ higher level CA certificate = 2, etc. The value 2 thus means
+ that a chain can at most contain peer cert, CA cert, next CA
+ cert, and an additional CA cert. The default value is 1.
+ </item>
+ <tag>{certfile, path()}</tag>
+ <item>Path to a file containing the
+ user's certificate. Optional for clients but note
+ that some servers requires that the client can certify
+ itself. </item>
+ <tag>{keyfile, path()}</tag>
+ <item>Path to file containing user's
+ private PEM encoded key. As PEM-files may contain several
+ entries this option defaults to the same file as given by
+ certfile option.</item>
+ <tag>{password, string()}</tag>
+ <item>String containing the user's password.
+ Only used if the private keyfile is password protected.
+ </item>
+ <tag>{cacertfile, path()}</tag>
+ <item>Path to file containing PEM encoded
+ CA certificates (trusted certificates used for verifying a peer
+ certificate). May be omitted if you do not want to verify
+ the peer.</item>
+ <tag>{ciphers, ciphers()}</tag>
+ <item>The function <c>ciphers_suites/0</c> can
+ be used to find all available ciphers.
+ </item>
+ <tag>{ssl_imp, ssl_imp()}</tag>
+ <item>Specify which ssl implementation you want to use.
+ </item>
+ <tag>{reuse_sessions, boolean()}</tag>
+ <item>Specifies if ssl sessions should be reused
+ when possible.
+ </item>
+ <tag>{reuse_session, fun(SuggestedSessionId,
+ PeerCert, Compression, CipherSuite) -> boolean()}</tag>
+ <item>Enables the ssl server to have a local policy
+ for deciding if a session should be reused or not,
+ only meaning full if <c>reuse_sessions</c> is set to true.
+ SuggestedSessionId is a binary(), PeerCert is a DER encoded
+ certificate, Compression is an enumeration integer
+ and CipherSuite of type ciphersuite().
+ </item>
+ </taglist>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>General</title>
+ <p>When a ssl socket is in active mode (the default), data from the
+ socket is delivered to the owner of the socket in the form of
+ messages:
+ </p>
+ <list type="bulleted">
+ <item>{ssl, Socket, Data}
+ </item>
+ <item>{ssl_closed, Socket}
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ {ssl_error, Socket, Reason}
+ </item>
+ </list>
+ <p>A <c>Timeout</c> argument specifies a timeout in milliseconds. The
+ default value for a <c>Timeout</c> argument is <c>infinity</c>.
+ </p>
+ </section>
+ <funcs>
+ <func>
+ <name>cipher_suites() -></name>
+ <name>cipher_suites(Type) -> ciphers()</name>
+ <fsummary> Returns a list of supported cipher suites</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Type = erlang | openssl</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc><p>Returns a list of supported cipher suites.
+ cipher_suites() is equivalent to cipher_suites(erlang).
+ Type openssl is provided for backwards compatibility with
+ old ssl that used openssl.
+ </p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>connect(Socket, SslOptions) -> </name>
+ <name>connect(Socket, SslOptions, Timeout) -> {ok, SslSocket}
+ | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary> Upgrades a gen_tcp, or
+ equivalent, connected socket to a ssl socket. </fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Socket = socket()</v>
+ <v>SslOptions = [ssloption()]</v>
+ <v>Timeout = integer() | infinity</v>
+ <v>SslSocket = sslsocket()</v>
+ <v>Reason = term()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc> <p>Upgrades a gen_tcp, or equivalent,
+ connected socket to a ssl socket e.i performs the
+ client-side ssl handshake.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>connect(Host, Port, Options) -></name>
+ <name>connect(Host, Port, Options, Timeout) ->
+ {ok, SslSocket} | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Opens an ssl connection to Host, Port. </fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Host = host()</v>
+ <v>Port = integer()</v>
+ <v>Options = [option()]</v>
+ <v>Timeout = integer() | infinity</v>
+ <v>SslSocket = sslsocket()</v>
+ <v>Reason = term()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc> <p>Opens an ssl connection to Host, Port.</p> </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>close(SslSocket) -> ok | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Close a ssl connection</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>SslSocket = sslsocket()</v>
+ <v>Reason = term()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc><p>Close a ssl connection.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>controlling_process(SslSocket, NewOwner) ->
+ ok | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Assigns a new controlling process to the
+ ssl-socket.</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>SslSocket = sslsocket()</v>
+ <v>NewOwner = pid()</v>
+ <v>Reason = term()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc><p>Assigns a new controlling process to the ssl-socket. A
+ controlling process is the owner of a ssl-socket, and receives
+ all messages from the socket.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>connection_info(SslSocket) ->
+ {ok, {ProtocolVersion, CipherSuite}} | {error, Reason} </name>
+ <fsummary>Returns the negotiated protocol version and cipher suite.
+ </fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>CipherSuite = ciphersuite()</v>
+ <v>ProtocolVersion = protocol()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc><p>Returns the negotiated protocol version and cipher suite.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>getopts(Socket) -> </name>
+ <name>getopts(Socket, OptionNames) ->
+ {ok, [socketoption()]} | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Get the value of the specified options.</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
+ <v>OptionNames = [property()]</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Get the value of the specified socket options, if no
+ options are specified all options are returned.
+ </p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>listen(Port, Options) ->
+ {ok, ListenSocket} | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Creates a ssl listen socket.</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Port = integer()</v>
+ <v>Options = options()</v>
+ <v>ListenSocket = sslsocket()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Creates a ssl listen socket.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>peercert(Socket) -> </name>
+ <name>peercert(Socket, Opts) -> {ok, Cert} | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Return the peer certificate.</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
+ <v>Opts = [] | [otp] | [plain] </v>
+ <v>Cert = term()</v>
+ <v>Subject = term()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p><c>peercert(Cert)</c> is equivalent to <c>peercert(Cert, [])</c>.
+ </p>
+ <p>The form of the returned certificate depends on the
+ options.
+ </p>
+ <p>If the options list is empty the certificate is returned as
+ a DER encoded binary.
+ </p>
+ <p>The option <c>otp</c> or <c>plain</c> implies that the
+ certificate will be returned as a parsed ASN.1 structure in the
+ form of an Erlang term. For detail see the public_key application.
+ Currently only plain is officially supported see the public_key users
+ guide.
+ </p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>peername(Socket) -> {ok, {Address, Port}} |
+ {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Return peer address and port.</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
+ <v>Address = ipaddress()</v>
+ <v>Port = integer()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Returns the address and port number of the peer.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>recv(Socket, Length) -> </name>
+ <name>recv(Socket, Length, Timeout) -> {ok, Data} | {error,
+ Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Receive data on a socket.</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
+ <v>Length = integer()</v>
+ <v>Timeout = integer()</v>
+ <v>Data = [char()] | binary()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>This function receives a packet from a socket in passive
+ mode. A closed socket is indicated by a return value
+ <c>{error, closed}</c>.</p>
+ <p>The <c>Length</c> argument is only meaningful when
+ the socket is in <c>raw</c> mode and denotes the number of
+ bytes to read. If <c>Length</c> = 0, all available bytes are
+ returned. If <c>Length</c> &gt; 0, exactly <c>Length</c>
+ bytes are returned, or an error; possibly discarding less
+ than <c>Length</c> bytes of data when the socket gets closed
+ from the other side.</p>
+ <p>The optional <c>Timeout</c> parameter specifies a timeout in
+ milliseconds. The default value is <c>infinity</c>.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>send(Socket, Data) -> ok | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Write data to a socket.</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
+ <v>Data = iolist() | binary()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Writes <c>Data</c> to <c>Socket</c>. </p>
+ <p>A notable return value is <c>{error, closed}</c> indicating that
+ the socket is closed.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>setopts(Socket, Options) -> ok | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Set socket options.</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
+ <v>Options = [socketoption]()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Sets options according to <c>Options</c> for the socket
+ <c>Socket</c>. </p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>shutdown(Socket, How) -> ok | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Immediately close a socket</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
+ <v>How = read | write | read_write</v>
+ <v>Reason = reason()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Immediately close a socket in one or two directions.</p>
+ <p><c>How == write</c> means closing the socket for writing,
+ reading from it is still possible.</p>
+ <p>To be able to handle that the peer has done a shutdown on
+ the write side, the <c>{exit_on_close, false}</c> option
+ is useful.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>ssl_accept(ListenSocket) -> </name>
+ <name>ssl_accept(ListenSocket, Timeout) -> ok | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Perform server-side SSL handshake</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>ListenSocket = sslsocket()</v>
+ <v>Timeout = integer()</v>
+ <v>Reason = term()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>The <c>ssl_accept</c> function establish the SSL connection
+ on the server side. It should be called directly after
+ <c>transport_accept</c>, in the spawned server-loop.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>ssl_accept(ListenSocket, SslOptions) -> </name>
+ <name>ssl_accept(ListenSocket, SslOptions, Timeout) -> {ok, Socket} | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Perform server-side SSL handshake</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>ListenSocket = socket()</v>
+ <v>SslOptions = ssloptions()</v>
+ <v>Timeout = integer()</v>
+ <v>Reason = term()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p> Upgrades a gen_tcp, or
+ equivalent, socket to a ssl socket e.i performs the
+ ssl server-side handshake.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>sockname(Socket) -> {ok, {Address, Port}} |
+ {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Return the local address and port.</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
+ <v>Address = ipaddress()</v>
+ <v>Port = integer()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Returns the local address and port number of the socket
+ <c>Socket</c>.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>start() -> </name>
+ <name>start(Type) -> ok | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Starts the Ssl application. </fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Type = permanent | transient | temporary</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Starts the Ssl application. Default type
+ is temporary.
+ <seealso marker="kernel:application">application(3)</seealso></p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>stop() -> ok </name>
+ <fsummary>Stops the Ssl application.</fsummary>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Stops the Ssl application.
+ <seealso marker="kernel:application">application(3)</seealso></p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>transport_accept(Socket) -></name>
+ <name>transport_accept(Socket, Timeout) ->
+ {ok, NewSocket} | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Accept an incoming connection and
+ prepare for <c>ssl_accept</c></fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Socket = NewSocket = sslsocket()</v>
+ <v>Timeout = integer()</v>
+ <v>Reason = reason()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Accepts an incoming connection request on a listen socket.
+ <c>ListenSocket</c> must be a socket returned from
+ <c>listen/2</c>. The socket returned should be passed to
+ <c>ssl_accept</c> to complete ssl handshaking and
+ establishing the connection.</p>
+ <warning>
+ <p>The socket returned can only be used with <c>ssl_accept</c>,
+ no traffic can be sent or received before that call.</p>
+ </warning>
+ <p>The accepted socket inherits the options set for
+ <c>ListenSocket</c> in <c>listen/2</c>.</p>
+ <p>The default
+ value for <c>Timeout</c> is <c>infinity</c>. If
+ <c>Timeout</c> is specified, and no connection is accepted
+ within the given time, <c>{error, timeout}</c> is
+ returned.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>versions() ->
+ [{SslAppVer, SupportedSslVer, AvailableSslVsn}]</name>
+ <fsummary>Returns version information relevant for the
+ ssl application.</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>SslAppVer = string()</v>
+ <v>SupportedSslVer = [protocol()]</v>
+ <v>AvailableSslVsn = [protocol()]</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>
+ Returns version information relevant for the
+ ssl application.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ </funcs>
+ <section>
+ <title>SEE ALSO</title>
+ <p><seealso marker="kernel:inet">inet(3) </seealso> and
+ <seealso marker="kernel:gen_tcp">gen_tcp(3) </seealso>
+ </p>
+ </section>