path: root/lib/ssl/proxy_server.erl
diff options
authorIngela Anderton Andin <[email protected]>2011-06-30 15:38:55 +0200
committerIngela Anderton Andin <[email protected]>2011-09-09 15:59:24 +0200
commit5b0a4180582921fe3b61b430f0c87d9a68ba6da8 (patch)
treef0850e6caaa6c8d02ab9f38523da97f1e983177f /lib/ssl/proxy_server.erl
parent50392cec6e5bda7ac62abff3313eae551b006612 (diff)
First fully working version
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/proxy_server.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/proxy_server.erl b/lib/ssl/proxy_server.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 38ec0ef0d8..0000000000
--- a/lib/ssl/proxy_server.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-%%% @author Dan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>
-%%% @copyright (C) 2010, Dan Gudmundsson
-%%% @doc start server with -proto_dist inet_proxy and net_kernel:start([s@faenor, shortnames]).
-%%% @end
-%%% Created : 22 Jun 2010 by Dan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>
--export([init/1, start_link/0, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
- terminate/2, code_change/3]).
- {listen,
- accept_loop
- }).
--define(PPRE, 4).
--define(PPOST, 4).
-start_link() ->
- gen_server:start_link({local, proxy_server}, proxy_server, [], []).
-init([]) ->
- io:format("~p: init~n",[self()]),
- process_flag(priority, max),
- {ok, #state{}}.
-handle_call(What = {listen, Name}, _From, State) ->
- io:format("~p: call listen ~p~n",[self(), What]),
- case gen_tcp:listen(0, [{active, false}, {packet,?PPRE}]) of
- {ok, Socket} ->
- {ok, World} = gen_tcp:listen(0, [{active, false}, binary, {packet,?PPRE}]),
- TcpAddress = get_tcp_address(Socket),
- WorldTcpAddress = get_tcp_address(World),
- {_,Port} = WorldTcpAddress#net_address.address,
- {ok, Creation} = erl_epmd:register_node(Name, Port),
- {reply, {ok, {Socket, TcpAddress, Creation}},
- State#state{listen={Socket, World}}};
- Error ->
- {reply, Error, State}
- end;
-handle_call(What = {accept, Listen}, {From, _}, State = #state{listen={_, World}}) ->
- io:format("~p: call accept ~p~n",[self(), What]),
- Self = self(),
- ErtsPid = spawn_link(fun() -> accept_loop(Self, erts, Listen, From) end),
- WorldPid = spawn_link(fun() -> accept_loop(Self, world, World, Listen) end),
- {reply, ErtsPid, State#state{accept_loop={ErtsPid, WorldPid}}};
-handle_call({connect, Ip, Port}, {From, _}, State) ->
- Me = self(),
- Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> setup_proxy(Ip, Port, Me) end),
- receive
- {Pid, go_ahead, LPort} ->
- Res = {ok, Socket} = try_connect(LPort),
- ok = gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket, From),
- {reply, Res, State};
- {Pid, Error} ->
- {reply, Error, State}
- end;
-handle_call({get_remote_id, {Socket,_Node}}, _From, State) ->
- Address = get_tcp_address(Socket),
- io:format("~p: get_remote_id ~p~n",[self(), Address]),
- {reply, Address, State};
-handle_call(What, _From, State) ->
- io:format("~p: call ~p~n",[self(), What]),
- {reply, ok, State}.
-handle_cast(What, State) ->
- io:format("~p: cast ~p~n",[self(), What]),
- {noreply, State}.
-handle_info(What, State) ->
- io:format("~p: info ~p~n",[self(), What]),
- {noreply, State}.
-terminate(_Reason, _St) ->
- ok.
-code_change(_OldVsn, St, _Extra) ->
- {ok, St}.
-get_tcp_address(Socket) ->
- {ok, Address} = inet:sockname(Socket),
- {ok, Host} = inet:gethostname(),
- #net_address{
- address = Address,
- host = Host,
- protocol = proxy,
- family = inet
- }.
-accept_loop(Proxy, Type, Listen, Extra) ->
- process_flag(priority, max),
- case Type of
- erts ->
- case gen_tcp:accept(Listen) of
- {ok, Socket} ->
- io:format("~p: erts accept~n",[self()]),
- Extra ! {accept,self(),Socket,inet,proxy},
- receive
- {_Kernel, controller, Pid} ->
- ok = gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket, Pid),
- Pid ! {self(), controller};
- {_Kernel, unsupported_protocol} ->
- exit(unsupported_protocol)
- end;
- Error ->
- exit(Error)
- end;
- world ->
- case gen_tcp:accept(Listen) of
- {ok, Socket} ->
- Opts = get_ssl_options(server),
- {ok, SslSocket} = ssl:ssl_accept(Socket, Opts),
- io:format("~p: world accept~n",[self()]),
- PairHandler = spawn_link(fun() -> setup_connection(SslSocket, Extra) end),
- ok = ssl:controlling_process(SslSocket, PairHandler);
- Error ->
- exit(Error)
- end
- end,
- accept_loop(Proxy, Type, Listen, Extra).
-try_connect(Port) ->
- case gen_tcp:connect({127,0,0,1}, Port, [{active, false}, {packet,?PPRE}]) of
- R = {ok, _S} ->
- R;
- {error, _R} ->
- io:format("Failed ~p~n",[_R]),
- try_connect(Port)
- end.
-setup_proxy(Ip, Port, Parent) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- Opts = get_ssl_options(client),
- case ssl:connect(Ip, Port, [{active, true}, binary, {packet,?PPRE}] ++ Opts) of
- {ok, World} ->
- {ok, ErtsL} = gen_tcp:listen(0, [{active, true}, binary, {packet,?PPRE}]),
- #net_address{address={_,LPort}} = get_tcp_address(ErtsL),
- Parent ! {self(), go_ahead, LPort},
- case gen_tcp:accept(ErtsL) of
- {ok, Erts} ->
- %% gen_tcp:close(ErtsL),
- io:format("World ~p Erts ~p~n",[World, Erts]),
- loop_conn_setup(World, Erts);
- Err ->
- Parent ! {self(), Err}
- end;
- Err ->
- Parent ! {self(), Err}
- end.
-setup_connection(World, ErtsListen) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- io:format("Setup connection ~n",[]),
- TcpAddress = get_tcp_address(ErtsListen),
- {_Addr,Port} = TcpAddress#net_address.address,
- {ok, Erts} = gen_tcp:connect({127,0,0,1}, Port, [{active, true}, binary, {packet,?PPRE}]),
- ssl:setopts(World, [{active,true}, {packet,?PPRE}]),
- io:format("~p ~n",[?LINE]),
- loop_conn_setup(World, Erts).
-loop_conn_setup(World, Erts) ->
- receive
- {ssl, World, Data = <<$a, _/binary>>} ->
- gen_tcp:send(Erts, Data),
- io:format("Handshake finished World -> Erts ~p ~c~n",[size(Data), $a]),
- ssl:setopts(World, [{packet,?PPOST}]),
- inet:setopts(Erts, [{packet,?PPOST}]),
- loop_conn(World, Erts);
- {tcp, Erts, Data = <<$a, _/binary>>} ->
- ssl:send(World, Data),
- io:format("Handshake finished Erts -> World ~p ~c~n",[size(Data), $a]),
- ssl:setopts(World, [{packet,?PPOST}]),
- inet:setopts(Erts, [{packet,?PPOST}]),
- loop_conn(World, Erts);
- {ssl, World, Data = <<H, _/binary>>} ->
- gen_tcp:send(Erts, Data),
- io:format("Handshake World -> Erts ~p ~c~n",[size(Data), H]),
- loop_conn_setup(World, Erts);
- {tcp, Erts, Data = <<H, _/binary>>} ->
- ssl:send(World, Data),
- io:format("Handshake Erts -> World ~p ~c~n",[size(Data), H]),
- loop_conn_setup(World, Erts);
- {ssl, World, Data} ->
- gen_tcp:send(Erts, Data),
- io:format("World -> Erts ~p <<>>~n",[size(Data)]),
- loop_conn_setup(World, Erts);
- {tcp, Erts, Data} ->
- ssl:send(World, Data),
- io:format("Erts -> World ~p <<>>~n",[size(Data)]),
- loop_conn_setup(World, Erts);
- Other ->
- io:format("~p ~p~n",[?LINE, Other])
- end.
-loop_conn(World, Erts) ->
- receive
- {ssl, World, Data = <<H, _/binary>>} ->
- gen_tcp:send(Erts, Data),
- io:format("World -> Erts ~p ~c~n",[size(Data), H]),
- loop_conn(World, Erts);
- {tcp, Erts, Data = <<H, _/binary>>} ->
- ssl:send(World, Data),
- io:format("Erts -> World ~p ~c~n",[size(Data), H]),
- loop_conn(World, Erts);
- {ssl, World, Data} ->
- gen_tcp:send(Erts, Data),
- io:format("World -> Erts ~p <<>>~n",[size(Data)]),
- loop_conn(World, Erts);
- {tcp, Erts, Data} ->
- ssl:send(World, Data),
- io:format("Erts -> World ~p <<>>~n",[size(Data)]),
- loop_conn(World, Erts);
- Other ->
- io:format("~p ~p~n",[?LINE, Other])
- end.
-get_ssl_options(Type) ->
- case init:get_argument(ssl_dist_opt) of
- {ok, Args} ->
- ssl_options(Type, Args);
- _ ->
- []
- end.
-ssl_options(_,[]) ->
- [];
-ssl_options(server, [["server_certfile", Value]|T]) ->
- [{certfile, Value} | ssl_options(server,T)];
-ssl_options(client, [["client_certfile", Value]|T]) ->
- [{certfile, Value} | ssl_options(client,T)];
-ssl_options(server, [["server_cacertfile", Value]|T]) ->
- [{cacertfile, Value} | ssl_options(server,T)];
-ssl_options(server, [["server_keyfile", Value]|T]) ->
- [{keyfile, Value} | ssl_options(server,T)];
-ssl_options(Type, [["client_certfile", _Value]|T]) ->
- ssl_options(Type,T);
-ssl_options(Type, [["server_certfile", _Value]|T]) ->
- ssl_options(Type,T);
-ssl_options(Type, [[Item, Value]|T]) ->
- [{atomize(Item),fixup(Value)} | ssl_options(Type,T)];
-ssl_options(Type, [[Item,Value |T1]|T2]) ->
- ssl_options(atomize(Type),[[Item,Value],T1|T2]);
-ssl_options(_,_) ->
- exit(malformed_ssl_dist_opt).
-fixup(Value) ->
- case catch list_to_integer(Value) of
- {'EXIT',_} ->
- Value;
- Int ->
- Int
- end.
-atomize(List) when is_list(List) ->
- list_to_atom(List);
-atomize(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) ->
- Atom.