path: root/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
diff options
authorIngela Anderton Andin <ingela@erlang.org>2016-02-05 17:39:04 +0100
committerIngela Anderton Andin <ingela@erlang.org>2016-04-06 11:38:30 +0200
commit923ea90fb23ff65071b688fbee09c00b47afc272 (patch)
tree809441054e9067fe86226b66add8155318598b99 /lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
parent30b22c1a3835fa411733763c49c65f2e2abb1640 (diff)
ssl: Add option signature_algs
In TLS-1.2 The signature algorithm and the hash function algorithm used to produce the digest that is used when creating the digital signature may be negotiated through the signature algorithm extension RFC 5246. We want to make these algorithm pairs configurable. In connections using lower versions of TLS these algorithms are implicit defined and can not be negotiated or configured. DTLS is updated to not cause dialyzer errors, but needs to get a real implementation later.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
index 780bef5877..9045f8fef9 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
@@ -700,6 +700,10 @@ handle_options(Opts0, Role) ->
srp_identity = handle_option(srp_identity, Opts, undefined),
ciphers = handle_cipher_option(proplists:get_value(ciphers, Opts, []),
+ signature_algs = handle_hashsigns_option(proplists:get_value(signature_algs, Opts,
+ default_option_role(server,
+ tls_v1:default_signature_algs(Versions), Role)),
+ RecordCb:highest_protocol_version(Versions)),
%% Server side option
reuse_session = handle_option(reuse_session, Opts, ReuseSessionFun),
reuse_sessions = handle_option(reuse_sessions, Opts, true),
@@ -749,7 +753,7 @@ handle_options(Opts0, Role) ->
alpn_preferred_protocols, next_protocols_advertised,
client_preferred_next_protocols, log_alert,
server_name_indication, honor_cipher_order, padding_check, crl_check, crl_cache,
- fallback],
+ fallback, signature_algs],
SockOpts = lists:foldl(fun(Key, PropList) ->
proplists:delete(Key, PropList)
@@ -989,6 +993,18 @@ validate_option(crl_cache, {Cb, {_Handle, Options}} = Value) when is_atom(Cb) an
validate_option(Opt, Value) ->
throw({error, {options, {Opt, Value}}}).
+handle_hashsigns_option(Value, {Major, Minor} = Version) when is_list(Value)
+ andalso Major >= 3 andalso Minor >= 3->
+ case tls_v1:signature_algs(Version, Value) of
+ [] ->
+ throw({error, {options, no_supported_algorithms, {signature_algs, Value}}});
+ _ ->
+ Value
+ end;
+handle_hashsigns_option(_, {Major, Minor} = Version) when Major >= 3 andalso Minor >= 3->
+ handle_hashsigns_option(tls_v1:default_signature_algs(Version), Version);
+handle_hashsigns_option(_, _Version) ->
+ undefined.
validate_options([]) ->
@@ -1285,6 +1301,13 @@ new_ssl_options([{server_name_indication, Value} | Rest], #ssl_options{} = Opts,
new_ssl_options(Rest, Opts#ssl_options{server_name_indication = validate_option(server_name_indication, Value)}, RecordCB);
new_ssl_options([{honor_cipher_order, Value} | Rest], #ssl_options{} = Opts, RecordCB) ->
new_ssl_options(Rest, Opts#ssl_options{honor_cipher_order = validate_option(honor_cipher_order, Value)}, RecordCB);
+new_ssl_options([{signature_algs, Value} | Rest], #ssl_options{} = Opts, RecordCB) ->
+ new_ssl_options(Rest,
+ Opts#ssl_options{signature_algs =
+ handle_hashsigns_option(Value,
+ RecordCB:highest_protocol_version())},
+ RecordCB);
new_ssl_options([{Key, Value} | _Rest], #ssl_options{}, _) ->
throw({error, {options, {Key, Value}}}).