path: root/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
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authorIngela Anderton Andin <[email protected]>2013-09-10 09:53:34 +0200
committerIngela Anderton Andin <[email protected]>2013-09-10 09:53:34 +0200
commit13c9f03c03161ac2e2c61f5f1e2a1d40306a1a13 (patch)
treec4be7b2ff70cc1932d16608cc9577de16f3450c8 /lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
parent603a91e3b4b62bd551ba83c131723ee2c0f6e34b (diff)
parent23de86802028de4e1dd2fe8169d4f448c0ac72bc (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/maint'
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl')
1 files changed, 1650 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
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index 0000000000..29a8996bd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1650 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Purpose: Help funtions for handling the SSL-handshake protocol (common
+%% to SSL/TLS and DTLS
+%% Handshake messages
+-export([hello_request/0, server_hello_done/0,
+ certificate/4, certificate_request/4, key_exchange/3,
+ finished/5, next_protocol/1]).
+%% Handle handshake messages
+-export([certify/7, client_certificate_verify/6, certificate_verify/6, verify_signature/5,
+ master_secret/5, server_key_exchange_hash/2, verify_connection/6]).
+%% Encode/Decode
+-export([encode_handshake/2, encode_hello_extensions/1,
+ encode_client_protocol_negotiation/2, encode_protocols_advertised_on_server/1,
+ decode_handshake/3, decode_hello_extensions/1,
+ decode_server_key/3, decode_client_key/3,
+ decode_suites/2
+ ]).
+%% Cipher suites handling
+-export([available_suites/2, available_suites/3, cipher_suites/2,
+ select_session/10]).
+%% Extensions handling
+ handle_client_hello_extensions/8, %% Returns server hello extensions
+ handle_server_hello_extensions/9
+ ]).
+%% MISC
+-export([select_version/3, prf/5, select_hashsign/2, select_cert_hashsign/3,
+ decrypt_premaster_secret/2]).
+%% Internal application API
+%% ---------- Create handshake messages ----------
+-spec hello_request() -> #hello_request{}.
+%% Description: Creates a hello request message sent by server to
+%% trigger renegotiation.
+hello_request() ->
+ #hello_request{}.
+-spec server_hello_done() -> #server_hello_done{}.
+%% Description: Creates a server hello done message.
+server_hello_done() ->
+ #server_hello_done{}.
+client_hello_extensions(Version, CipherSuites, SslOpts, ConnectionStates, Renegotiation) ->
+ {EcPointFormats, EllipticCurves} =
+ case advertises_ec_ciphers(lists:map(fun ssl_cipher:suite_definition/1, CipherSuites)) of
+ true ->
+ ecc_extensions(tls_v1, Version);
+ false ->
+ {undefined, undefined}
+ end,
+ SRP = srp_user(SslOpts),
+ #hello_extensions{
+ renegotiation_info = renegotiation_info(tls_record, client,
+ ConnectionStates, Renegotiation),
+ srp = SRP,
+ hash_signs = advertised_hash_signs(Version),
+ ec_point_formats = EcPointFormats,
+ elliptic_curves = EllipticCurves,
+ next_protocol_negotiation =
+ encode_client_protocol_negotiation(SslOpts#ssl_options.next_protocol_selector,
+ Renegotiation)}.
+-spec certificate(der_cert(), db_handle(), certdb_ref(), client | server) -> #certificate{} | #alert{}.
+%% Description: Creates a certificate message.
+certificate(OwnCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, client) ->
+ Chain =
+ case ssl_certificate:certificate_chain(OwnCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) of
+ {ok, CertChain} ->
+ CertChain;
+ {error, _} ->
+ %% If no suitable certificate is available, the client
+ %% SHOULD send a certificate message containing no
+ %% certificates. (chapter 7.4.6. RFC 4346)
+ []
+ end,
+ #certificate{asn1_certificates = Chain};
+certificate(OwnCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, server) ->
+ case ssl_certificate:certificate_chain(OwnCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) of
+ {ok, Chain} ->
+ #certificate{asn1_certificates = Chain};
+ {error, _} ->
+ end.
+-spec next_protocol(binary()) -> #next_protocol{}.
+%% Description: Creates a next protocol message
+next_protocol(SelectedProtocol) ->
+ #next_protocol{selected_protocol = SelectedProtocol}.
+-spec client_certificate_verify(undefined | der_cert(), binary(),
+ tls_version(), term(), private_key(),
+ tls_handshake_history()) ->
+ #certificate_verify{} | ignore | #alert{}.
+%% Description: Creates a certificate_verify message, called by the client.
+client_certificate_verify(undefined, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+ ignore;
+client_certificate_verify(_, _, _, _, undefined, _) ->
+ ignore;
+client_certificate_verify(OwnCert, MasterSecret, Version,
+ {HashAlgo, SignAlgo},
+ PrivateKey, {Handshake, _}) ->
+ case public_key:pkix_is_fixed_dh_cert(OwnCert) of
+ true ->
+ false ->
+ Hashes =
+ calc_certificate_verify(Version, HashAlgo, MasterSecret, Handshake),
+ Signed = digitally_signed(Version, Hashes, HashAlgo, PrivateKey),
+ #certificate_verify{signature = Signed, hashsign_algorithm = {HashAlgo, SignAlgo}}
+ end.
+-spec certificate_request(erl_cipher_suite(), db_handle(), certdb_ref(), tls_version()) ->
+ #certificate_request{}.
+%% Description: Creates a certificate_request message, called by the server.
+certificate_request(CipherSuite, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, Version) ->
+ Types = certificate_types(CipherSuite),
+ HashSigns = advertised_hash_signs(Version),
+ Authorities = certificate_authorities(CertDbHandle, CertDbRef),
+ #certificate_request{
+ certificate_types = Types,
+ hashsign_algorithms = HashSigns,
+ certificate_authorities = Authorities
+ }.
+-spec key_exchange(client | server, tls_version(),
+ {premaster_secret, binary(), public_key_info()} |
+ {dh, binary()} |
+ {dh, {binary(), binary()}, #'DHParameter'{}, {HashAlgo::atom(), SignAlgo::atom()},
+ binary(), binary(), private_key()} |
+ {ecdh, #'ECPrivateKey'{}} |
+ {psk, binary()} |
+ {dhe_psk, binary(), binary()} |
+ {srp, {binary(), binary()}, #srp_user{}, {HashAlgo::atom(), SignAlgo::atom()},
+ binary(), binary(), private_key()}) ->
+ #client_key_exchange{} | #server_key_exchange{}.
+%% Description: Creates a keyexchange message.
+key_exchange(client, _Version, {premaster_secret, Secret, {_, PublicKey, _}}) ->
+ EncPremasterSecret =
+ encrypted_premaster_secret(Secret, PublicKey),
+ #client_key_exchange{exchange_keys = EncPremasterSecret};
+key_exchange(client, _Version, {dh, PublicKey}) ->
+ #client_key_exchange{
+ exchange_keys = #client_diffie_hellman_public{
+ dh_public = PublicKey}
+ };
+key_exchange(client, _Version, {ecdh, #'ECPrivateKey'{publicKey = {0, ECPublicKey}}}) ->
+ #client_key_exchange{
+ exchange_keys = #client_ec_diffie_hellman_public{
+ dh_public = ECPublicKey}
+ };
+key_exchange(client, _Version, {psk, Identity}) ->
+ #client_key_exchange{
+ exchange_keys = #client_psk_identity{
+ identity = Identity}
+ };
+key_exchange(client, _Version, {dhe_psk, Identity, PublicKey}) ->
+ #client_key_exchange{
+ exchange_keys = #client_dhe_psk_identity{
+ identity = Identity,
+ dh_public = PublicKey}
+ };
+key_exchange(client, _Version, {psk_premaster_secret, PskIdentity, Secret, {_, PublicKey, _}}) ->
+ EncPremasterSecret =
+ encrypted_premaster_secret(Secret, PublicKey),
+ #client_key_exchange{
+ exchange_keys = #client_rsa_psk_identity{
+ identity = PskIdentity,
+ exchange_keys = EncPremasterSecret}};
+key_exchange(client, _Version, {srp, PublicKey}) ->
+ #client_key_exchange{
+ exchange_keys = #client_srp_public{
+ srp_a = PublicKey}
+ };
+key_exchange(server, Version, {dh, {PublicKey, _},
+ #'DHParameter'{prime = P, base = G},
+ HashSign, ClientRandom, ServerRandom, PrivateKey}) ->
+ ServerDHParams = #server_dh_params{dh_p = int_to_bin(P),
+ dh_g = int_to_bin(G), dh_y = PublicKey},
+ enc_server_key_exchange(Version, ServerDHParams, HashSign,
+ ClientRandom, ServerRandom, PrivateKey);
+key_exchange(server, Version, {ecdh, #'ECPrivateKey'{publicKey = {0, ECPublicKey},
+ parameters = ECCurve}, HashSign,
+ ClientRandom, ServerRandom, PrivateKey}) ->
+ ServerECParams = #server_ecdh_params{curve = ECCurve, public = ECPublicKey},
+ enc_server_key_exchange(Version, ServerECParams, HashSign,
+ ClientRandom, ServerRandom, PrivateKey);
+key_exchange(server, Version, {psk, PskIdentityHint,
+ HashSign, ClientRandom, ServerRandom, PrivateKey}) ->
+ ServerPSKParams = #server_psk_params{hint = PskIdentityHint},
+ enc_server_key_exchange(Version, ServerPSKParams, HashSign,
+ ClientRandom, ServerRandom, PrivateKey);
+key_exchange(server, Version, {dhe_psk, PskIdentityHint, {PublicKey, _},
+ #'DHParameter'{prime = P, base = G},
+ HashSign, ClientRandom, ServerRandom, PrivateKey}) ->
+ ServerEDHPSKParams = #server_dhe_psk_params{
+ hint = PskIdentityHint,
+ dh_params = #server_dh_params{dh_p = int_to_bin(P),
+ dh_g = int_to_bin(G), dh_y = PublicKey}
+ },
+ enc_server_key_exchange(Version, ServerEDHPSKParams,
+ HashSign, ClientRandom, ServerRandom, PrivateKey);
+key_exchange(server, Version, {srp, {PublicKey, _},
+ #srp_user{generator = Generator, prime = Prime,
+ salt = Salt},
+ HashSign, ClientRandom, ServerRandom, PrivateKey}) ->
+ ServerSRPParams = #server_srp_params{srp_n = Prime, srp_g = Generator,
+ srp_s = Salt, srp_b = PublicKey},
+ enc_server_key_exchange(Version, ServerSRPParams, HashSign,
+ ClientRandom, ServerRandom, PrivateKey).
+-spec finished(tls_version(), client | server, integer(), binary(), tls_handshake_history()) ->
+ #finished{}.
+%% Description: Creates a handshake finished message
+finished(Version, Role, PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, {Handshake, _}) -> % use the current handshake
+ #finished{verify_data =
+ calc_finished(Version, Role, PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, Handshake)}.
+%% ---------- Handle handshake messages ----------
+-spec certificate_verify(binary(), public_key_info(), tls_version(), term(),
+ binary(), tls_handshake_history()) -> valid | #alert{}.
+%% Description: Checks that the certificate_verify message is valid.
+certificate_verify(Signature, PublicKeyInfo, Version,
+ HashSign = {HashAlgo, _}, MasterSecret, {_, Handshake}) ->
+ Hash = calc_certificate_verify(Version, HashAlgo, MasterSecret, Handshake),
+ case verify_signature(Version, Hash, HashSign, Signature, PublicKeyInfo) of
+ true ->
+ valid;
+ _ ->
+ end.
+-spec verify_signature(tls_version(), binary(), {term(), term()}, binary(),
+ public_key_info()) -> true | false.
+%% Description: Checks that a public_key signature is valid.
+verify_signature(_Version, _Hash, {_HashAlgo, anon}, _Signature, _) ->
+ true;
+verify_signature({3, Minor}, Hash, {HashAlgo, rsa}, Signature, {?rsaEncryption, PubKey, _PubKeyParams})
+ when Minor >= 3 ->
+ public_key:verify({digest, Hash}, HashAlgo, Signature, PubKey);
+verify_signature(_Version, Hash, _HashAlgo, Signature, {?rsaEncryption, PubKey, _PubKeyParams}) ->
+ case public_key:decrypt_public(Signature, PubKey,
+ [{rsa_pad, rsa_pkcs1_padding}]) of
+ Hash -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end;
+verify_signature(_Version, Hash, {HashAlgo, dsa}, Signature, {?'id-dsa', PublicKey, PublicKeyParams}) ->
+ public_key:verify({digest, Hash}, HashAlgo, Signature, {PublicKey, PublicKeyParams});
+verify_signature(_Version, Hash, {HashAlgo, ecdsa}, Signature,
+ {?'id-ecPublicKey', PublicKey, PublicKeyParams}) ->
+ public_key:verify({digest, Hash}, HashAlgo, Signature, {PublicKey, PublicKeyParams}).
+-spec certify(#certificate{}, db_handle(), certdb_ref(), integer() | nolimit,
+ verify_peer | verify_none, {fun(), term},
+ client | server) -> {der_cert(), public_key_info()} | #alert{}.
+%% Description: Handles a certificate handshake message
+certify(#certificate{asn1_certificates = ASN1Certs}, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef,
+ MaxPathLen, _Verify, VerifyFunAndState, Role) ->
+ [PeerCert | _] = ASN1Certs,
+ ValidationFunAndState =
+ case VerifyFunAndState of
+ undefined ->
+ {fun(OtpCert, ExtensionOrVerifyResult, SslState) ->
+ ssl_certificate:validate_extension(OtpCert,
+ ExtensionOrVerifyResult, SslState)
+ end, Role};
+ {Fun, UserState0} ->
+ {fun(OtpCert, {extension, _} = Extension, {SslState, UserState}) ->
+ case ssl_certificate:validate_extension(OtpCert,
+ Extension,
+ SslState) of
+ {valid, NewSslState} ->
+ {valid, {NewSslState, UserState}};
+ {fail, Reason} ->
+ apply_user_fun(Fun, OtpCert, Reason, UserState,
+ SslState);
+ {unknown, _} ->
+ apply_user_fun(Fun, OtpCert,
+ Extension, UserState, SslState)
+ end;
+ (OtpCert, VerifyResult, {SslState, UserState}) ->
+ apply_user_fun(Fun, OtpCert, VerifyResult, UserState,
+ SslState)
+ end, {Role, UserState0}}
+ end,
+ try
+ {TrustedErlCert, CertPath} =
+ ssl_certificate:trusted_cert_and_path(ASN1Certs, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef),
+ case public_key:pkix_path_validation(TrustedErlCert,
+ CertPath,
+ [{max_path_length,
+ MaxPathLen},
+ {verify_fun, ValidationFunAndState}]) of
+ {ok, {PublicKeyInfo,_}} ->
+ {PeerCert, PublicKeyInfo};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ path_validation_alert(Reason)
+ end
+ catch
+ error:_ ->
+ %% ASN-1 decode of certificate somehow failed
+ end.
+-spec verify_connection(tls_version(), #finished{}, client | server, integer(), binary(),
+ tls_handshake_history()) -> verified | #alert{}.
+%% Description: Checks the ssl handshake finished message to verify
+%% the connection.
+verify_connection(Version, #finished{verify_data = Data},
+ Role, PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, {_, Handshake}) ->
+ %% use the previous hashes
+ case calc_finished(Version, Role, PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, Handshake) of
+ Data ->
+ verified;
+ _ ->
+ end.
+-spec decrypt_premaster_secret(binary(), #'RSAPrivateKey'{}) -> binary().
+%% Description: Public key decryption using the private key.
+decrypt_premaster_secret(Secret, RSAPrivateKey) ->
+ try public_key:decrypt_private(Secret, RSAPrivateKey,
+ [{rsa_pad, rsa_pkcs1_padding}])
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ end.
+-spec server_key_exchange_hash(md5sha | md5 | sha | sha224 |sha256 | sha384 | sha512, binary()) -> binary().
+%% Description: Calculate server key exchange hash
+server_key_exchange_hash(md5sha, Value) ->
+ MD5 = crypto:hash(md5, Value),
+ SHA = crypto:hash(sha, Value),
+ <<MD5/binary, SHA/binary>>;
+server_key_exchange_hash(Hash, Value) ->
+ crypto:hash(Hash, Value).
+-spec prf(tls_version(), binary(), binary(), [binary()], non_neg_integer()) ->
+ {ok, binary()} | {error, undefined}.
+%% Description: use the TLS PRF to generate key material
+prf({3,0}, _, _, _, _) ->
+ {error, undefined};
+prf({3,1}, Secret, Label, Seed, WantedLength) ->
+ {ok, tls_v1:prf(?MD5SHA, Secret, Label, Seed, WantedLength)};
+prf({3,_N}, Secret, Label, Seed, WantedLength) ->
+ {ok, tls_v1:prf(?SHA256, Secret, Label, Seed, WantedLength)}.
+-spec select_hashsign(#hash_sign_algos{}| undefined, undefined | binary()) ->
+ [{atom(), atom()}] | undefined.
+%% Description:
+select_hashsign(_, undefined) ->
+ {null, anon};
+select_hashsign(undefined, Cert) ->
+ #'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBSCert} = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
+ #'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'{algorithm = {_,Algo, _}} = TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subjectPublicKeyInfo,
+ select_cert_hashsign(undefined, Algo, {undefined, undefined});
+select_hashsign(#hash_sign_algos{hash_sign_algos = HashSigns}, Cert) ->
+ #'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBSCert} =public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
+ #'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'{algorithm = {_,Algo, _}} = TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subjectPublicKeyInfo,
+ DefaultHashSign = {_, Sign} = select_cert_hashsign(undefined, Algo, {undefined, undefined}),
+ case lists:filter(fun({sha, dsa}) ->
+ true;
+ ({_, dsa}) ->
+ false;
+ ({Hash, S}) when S == Sign ->
+ ssl_cipher:is_acceptable_hash(Hash, proplists:get_value(hashs, crypto:supports()));
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end, HashSigns) of
+ [] ->
+ DefaultHashSign;
+ [HashSign| _] ->
+ HashSign
+ end.
+-spec select_cert_hashsign(#hash_sign_algos{}| undefined, oid(), tls_version() | {undefined, undefined}) ->
+ {atom(), atom()}.
+%% Description: For TLS 1.2 selected cert_hash_sign will be recived
+%% in the handshake message, for previous versions use appropriate defaults.
+%% This function is also used by select_hashsign to extract
+%% the alogrithm of the server cert key.
+select_cert_hashsign(HashSign, _, {Major, Minor}) when HashSign =/= undefined andalso Major >= 3 andalso Minor >= 3 ->
+ HashSign;
+select_cert_hashsign(undefined,?'id-ecPublicKey', _) ->
+ {sha, ecdsa};
+select_cert_hashsign(undefined, ?rsaEncryption, _) ->
+ {md5sha, rsa};
+select_cert_hashsign(undefined, ?'id-dsa', _) ->
+ {sha, dsa}.
+-spec master_secret(atom(), tls_version(), #session{} | binary(), #connection_states{},
+ client | server) -> {binary(), #connection_states{}} | #alert{}.
+%% Description: Sets or calculates the master secret and calculate keys,
+%% updating the pending connection states. The Mastersecret and the update
+%% connection states are returned or an alert if the calculation fails.
+master_secret(RecordCB, Version, #session{master_secret = Mastersecret},
+ ConnectionStates, Role) ->
+ ConnectionState =
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
+ try master_secret(RecordCB, Version, Mastersecret, SecParams,
+ ConnectionStates, Role)
+ catch
+ exit:Reason ->
+ Report = io_lib:format("Key calculation failed due to ~p",
+ [Reason]),
+ error_logger:error_report(Report),
+ end;
+master_secret(RecordCB, Version, PremasterSecret, ConnectionStates, Role) ->
+ ConnectionState =
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
+ #security_parameters{prf_algorithm = PrfAlgo,
+ client_random = ClientRandom,
+ server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
+ try master_secret(RecordCB, Version,
+ calc_master_secret(Version,PrfAlgo,PremasterSecret,
+ ClientRandom, ServerRandom),
+ SecParams, ConnectionStates, Role)
+ catch
+ exit:Reason ->
+ Report = io_lib:format("Master secret calculation failed"
+ " due to ~p", [Reason]),
+ error_logger:error_report(Report),
+ end.
+%%-------------Encode/Decode --------------------------------
+encode_handshake(#next_protocol{selected_protocol = SelectedProtocol}, _Version) ->
+ PaddingLength = 32 - ((byte_size(SelectedProtocol) + 2) rem 32),
+ {?NEXT_PROTOCOL, <<?BYTE((byte_size(SelectedProtocol))), SelectedProtocol/binary,
+ ?BYTE(PaddingLength), 0:(PaddingLength * 8)>>};
+encode_handshake(#server_hello{server_version = {Major, Minor},
+ random = Random,
+ session_id = Session_ID,
+ cipher_suite = CipherSuite,
+ compression_method = Comp_method,
+ extensions = #hello_extensions{} = Extensions}, _Version) ->
+ SID_length = byte_size(Session_ID),
+ ExtensionsBin = encode_hello_extensions(Extensions),
+ {?SERVER_HELLO, <<?BYTE(Major), ?BYTE(Minor), Random:32/binary,
+ ?BYTE(SID_length), Session_ID/binary,
+ CipherSuite/binary, ?BYTE(Comp_method), ExtensionsBin/binary>>};
+encode_handshake(#certificate{asn1_certificates = ASN1CertList}, _Version) ->
+ ASN1Certs = certs_from_list(ASN1CertList),
+ ACLen = erlang:iolist_size(ASN1Certs),
+ {?CERTIFICATE, <<?UINT24(ACLen), ASN1Certs:ACLen/binary>>};
+encode_handshake(#server_key_exchange{exchange_keys = Keys}, _Version) ->
+encode_handshake(#server_key_params{params_bin = Keys, hashsign = HashSign,
+ signature = Signature}, Version) ->
+ EncSign = enc_sign(HashSign, Signature, Version),
+ {?SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE, <<Keys/binary, EncSign/binary>>};
+encode_handshake(#certificate_request{certificate_types = CertTypes,
+ hashsign_algorithms = #hash_sign_algos{hash_sign_algos = HashSignAlgos},
+ certificate_authorities = CertAuths},
+ {Major, Minor})
+ when Major == 3, Minor >= 3 ->
+ HashSigns= << <<(ssl_cipher:hash_algorithm(Hash)):8, (ssl_cipher:sign_algorithm(Sign)):8>> ||
+ {Hash, Sign} <- HashSignAlgos >>,
+ CertTypesLen = byte_size(CertTypes),
+ HashSignsLen = byte_size(HashSigns),
+ CertAuthsLen = byte_size(CertAuths),
+ <<?BYTE(CertTypesLen), CertTypes/binary,
+ ?UINT16(HashSignsLen), HashSigns/binary,
+ ?UINT16(CertAuthsLen), CertAuths/binary>>
+ };
+encode_handshake(#certificate_request{certificate_types = CertTypes,
+ certificate_authorities = CertAuths},
+ _Version) ->
+ CertTypesLen = byte_size(CertTypes),
+ CertAuthsLen = byte_size(CertAuths),
+ <<?BYTE(CertTypesLen), CertTypes/binary,
+ ?UINT16(CertAuthsLen), CertAuths/binary>>
+ };
+encode_handshake(#server_hello_done{}, _Version) ->
+encode_handshake(#client_key_exchange{exchange_keys = ExchangeKeys}, Version) ->
+ {?CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, encode_client_key(ExchangeKeys, Version)};
+encode_handshake(#certificate_verify{signature = BinSig, hashsign_algorithm = HashSign}, Version) ->
+ EncSig = enc_sign(HashSign, BinSig, Version),
+encode_handshake(#finished{verify_data = VerifyData}, _Version) ->
+ {?FINISHED, VerifyData}.
+encode_hello_extensions(#hello_extensions{} = Extensions) ->
+ encode_hello_extensions(hello_extensions_list(Extensions), <<>>).
+encode_hello_extensions([], <<>>) ->
+ <<>>;
+encode_hello_extensions([], Acc) ->
+ Size = byte_size(Acc),
+ <<?UINT16(Size), Acc/binary>>;
+encode_hello_extensions([#next_protocol_negotiation{extension_data = ExtensionData} | Rest], Acc) ->
+ Len = byte_size(ExtensionData),
+ encode_hello_extensions(Rest, <<?UINT16(?NEXTPROTONEG_EXT), ?UINT16(Len),
+ ExtensionData/binary, Acc/binary>>);
+encode_hello_extensions([#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined} | Rest], Acc) ->
+ encode_hello_extensions(Rest, Acc);
+encode_hello_extensions([#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = ?byte(0) = Info} | Rest], Acc) ->
+ Len = byte_size(Info),
+ encode_hello_extensions(Rest, <<?UINT16(?RENEGOTIATION_EXT), ?UINT16(Len), Info/binary, Acc/binary>>);
+encode_hello_extensions([#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = Info} | Rest], Acc) ->
+ InfoLen = byte_size(Info),
+ Len = InfoLen +1,
+ encode_hello_extensions(Rest, <<?UINT16(?RENEGOTIATION_EXT), ?UINT16(Len), ?BYTE(InfoLen),
+ Info/binary, Acc/binary>>);
+encode_hello_extensions([#elliptic_curves{elliptic_curve_list = EllipticCurves} | Rest], Acc) ->
+ EllipticCurveList = << <<(tls_v1:oid_to_enum(X)):16>> || X <- EllipticCurves>>,
+ ListLen = byte_size(EllipticCurveList),
+ Len = ListLen + 2,
+ encode_hello_extensions(Rest, <<?UINT16(?ELLIPTIC_CURVES_EXT),
+ ?UINT16(Len), ?UINT16(ListLen), EllipticCurveList/binary, Acc/binary>>);
+encode_hello_extensions([#ec_point_formats{ec_point_format_list = ECPointFormats} | Rest], Acc) ->
+ ECPointFormatList = list_to_binary(ECPointFormats),
+ ListLen = byte_size(ECPointFormatList),
+ Len = ListLen + 1,
+ encode_hello_extensions(Rest, <<?UINT16(?EC_POINT_FORMATS_EXT),
+ ?UINT16(Len), ?BYTE(ListLen), ECPointFormatList/binary, Acc/binary>>);
+encode_hello_extensions([#srp{username = UserName} | Rest], Acc) ->
+ SRPLen = byte_size(UserName),
+ Len = SRPLen + 2,
+ encode_hello_extensions(Rest, <<?UINT16(?SRP_EXT), ?UINT16(Len), ?BYTE(SRPLen),
+ UserName/binary, Acc/binary>>);
+encode_hello_extensions([#hash_sign_algos{hash_sign_algos = HashSignAlgos} | Rest], Acc) ->
+ SignAlgoList = << <<(ssl_cipher:hash_algorithm(Hash)):8, (ssl_cipher:sign_algorithm(Sign)):8>> ||
+ {Hash, Sign} <- HashSignAlgos >>,
+ ListLen = byte_size(SignAlgoList),
+ Len = ListLen + 2,
+ encode_hello_extensions(Rest, <<?UINT16(?SIGNATURE_ALGORITHMS_EXT),
+ ?UINT16(Len), ?UINT16(ListLen), SignAlgoList/binary, Acc/binary>>).
+enc_server_key_exchange(Version, Params, {HashAlgo, SignAlgo},
+ ClientRandom, ServerRandom, PrivateKey) ->
+ EncParams = encode_server_key(Params),
+ case HashAlgo of
+ null ->
+ #server_key_params{params = Params,
+ params_bin = EncParams,
+ hashsign = {null, anon},
+ signature = <<>>};
+ _ ->
+ Hash =
+ server_key_exchange_hash(HashAlgo, <<ClientRandom/binary,
+ ServerRandom/binary,
+ EncParams/binary>>),
+ Signature = digitally_signed(Version, Hash, HashAlgo, PrivateKey),
+ #server_key_params{params = Params,
+ params_bin = EncParams,
+ hashsign = {HashAlgo, SignAlgo},
+ signature = Signature}
+ end.
+-spec decode_client_key(binary(), key_algo(), tls_version()) ->
+ #encrypted_premaster_secret{}
+ | #client_diffie_hellman_public{}
+ | #client_ec_diffie_hellman_public{}
+ | #client_psk_identity{}
+ | #client_dhe_psk_identity{}
+ | #client_rsa_psk_identity{}
+ | #client_srp_public{}.
+%% Description: Decode client_key data and return appropriate type
+decode_client_key(ClientKey, Type, Version) ->
+ dec_client_key(ClientKey, key_exchange_alg(Type), Version).
+-spec decode_server_key(binary(), key_algo(), tls_version()) ->
+ #server_key_params{}.
+%% Description: Decode server_key data and return appropriate type
+decode_server_key(ServerKey, Type, Version) ->
+ dec_server_key(ServerKey, key_exchange_alg(Type), Version).
+encode_client_protocol_negotiation(undefined, _) ->
+ undefined;
+encode_client_protocol_negotiation(_, false) ->
+ #next_protocol_negotiation{extension_data = <<>>};
+encode_client_protocol_negotiation(_, _) ->
+ undefined.
+encode_protocols_advertised_on_server(undefined) ->
+ undefined;
+encode_protocols_advertised_on_server(Protocols) ->
+ #next_protocol_negotiation{extension_data = lists:foldl(fun encode_protocol/2, <<>>, Protocols)}.
+decode_handshake(_, ?HELLO_REQUEST, <<>>) ->
+ #hello_request{};
+decode_handshake(_, ?NEXT_PROTOCOL, <<?BYTE(SelectedProtocolLength),
+ SelectedProtocol:SelectedProtocolLength/binary,
+ ?BYTE(PaddingLength), _Padding:PaddingLength/binary>>) ->
+ #next_protocol{selected_protocol = SelectedProtocol};
+decode_handshake(_Version, ?SERVER_HELLO, <<?BYTE(Major), ?BYTE(Minor), Random:32/binary,
+ ?BYTE(SID_length), Session_ID:SID_length/binary,
+ Cipher_suite:2/binary, ?BYTE(Comp_method)>>) ->
+ #server_hello{
+ server_version = {Major,Minor},
+ random = Random,
+ session_id = Session_ID,
+ cipher_suite = Cipher_suite,
+ compression_method = Comp_method,
+ extensions = #hello_extensions{}};
+decode_handshake(_Version, ?SERVER_HELLO, <<?BYTE(Major), ?BYTE(Minor), Random:32/binary,
+ ?BYTE(SID_length), Session_ID:SID_length/binary,
+ Cipher_suite:2/binary, ?BYTE(Comp_method),
+ ?UINT16(ExtLen), Extensions:ExtLen/binary>>) ->
+ HelloExtensions = decode_hello_extensions(Extensions),
+ #server_hello{
+ server_version = {Major,Minor},
+ random = Random,
+ session_id = Session_ID,
+ cipher_suite = Cipher_suite,
+ compression_method = Comp_method,
+ extensions = HelloExtensions};
+decode_handshake(_Version, ?CERTIFICATE, <<?UINT24(ACLen), ASN1Certs:ACLen/binary>>) ->
+ #certificate{asn1_certificates = certs_to_list(ASN1Certs)};
+decode_handshake(_Version, ?SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE, Keys) ->
+ #server_key_exchange{exchange_keys = Keys};
+decode_handshake({Major, Minor}, ?CERTIFICATE_REQUEST,
+ <<?BYTE(CertTypesLen), CertTypes:CertTypesLen/binary,
+ ?UINT16(HashSignsLen), HashSigns:HashSignsLen/binary,
+ ?UINT16(CertAuthsLen), CertAuths:CertAuthsLen/binary>>)
+ when Major >= 3, Minor >= 3 ->
+ HashSignAlgos = [{ssl_cipher:hash_algorithm(Hash), ssl_cipher:sign_algorithm(Sign)} ||
+ <<?BYTE(Hash), ?BYTE(Sign)>> <= HashSigns],
+ #certificate_request{certificate_types = CertTypes,
+ hashsign_algorithms = #hash_sign_algos{hash_sign_algos = HashSignAlgos},
+ certificate_authorities = CertAuths};
+decode_handshake(_Version, ?CERTIFICATE_REQUEST,
+ <<?BYTE(CertTypesLen), CertTypes:CertTypesLen/binary,
+ ?UINT16(CertAuthsLen), CertAuths:CertAuthsLen/binary>>) ->
+ #certificate_request{certificate_types = CertTypes,
+ certificate_authorities = CertAuths};
+decode_handshake(_Version, ?SERVER_HELLO_DONE, <<>>) ->
+ #server_hello_done{};
+decode_handshake({Major, Minor}, ?CERTIFICATE_VERIFY,<<HashSign:2/binary, ?UINT16(SignLen),
+ Signature:SignLen/binary>>)
+ when Major == 3, Minor >= 3 ->
+ #certificate_verify{hashsign_algorithm = dec_hashsign(HashSign), signature = Signature};
+decode_handshake(_Version, ?CERTIFICATE_VERIFY,<<?UINT16(SignLen), Signature:SignLen/binary>>)->
+ #certificate_verify{signature = Signature};
+decode_handshake(_Version, ?CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, PKEPMS) ->
+ #client_key_exchange{exchange_keys = PKEPMS};
+decode_handshake(_Version, ?FINISHED, VerifyData) ->
+ #finished{verify_data = VerifyData};
+decode_handshake(_, _, _) ->
+-spec decode_hello_extensions({client, binary()} | binary()) -> #hello_extensions{}.
+%% Description: Decodes TLS hello extensions
+decode_hello_extensions({client, <<>>}) ->
+ #hello_extensions{};
+decode_hello_extensions({client, <<?UINT16(ExtLen), Extensions:ExtLen/binary>>}) ->
+ decode_hello_extensions(Extensions);
+decode_hello_extensions(Extensions) ->
+ dec_hello_extensions(Extensions, #hello_extensions{}).
+dec_server_key(<<?UINT16(PLen), P:PLen/binary,
+ ?UINT16(GLen), G:GLen/binary,
+ ?UINT16(YLen), Y:YLen/binary, _/binary>> = KeyStruct,
+ Params = #server_dh_params{dh_p = P, dh_g = G, dh_y = Y},
+ {BinMsg, HashSign, Signature} = dec_server_key_params(PLen + GLen + YLen + 6, KeyStruct, Version),
+ #server_key_params{params = Params,
+ params_bin = BinMsg,
+ hashsign = HashSign,
+ signature = Signature};
+%% ECParameters with named_curve
+%% TODO: explicit curve
+dec_server_key(<<?BYTE(?NAMED_CURVE), ?UINT16(CurveID),
+ ?BYTE(PointLen), ECPoint:PointLen/binary,
+ _/binary>> = KeyStruct,
+ Params = #server_ecdh_params{curve = {namedCurve, tls_v1:enum_to_oid(CurveID)},
+ public = ECPoint},
+ {BinMsg, HashSign, Signature} = dec_server_key_params(PointLen + 4, KeyStruct, Version),
+ #server_key_params{params = Params,
+ params_bin = BinMsg,
+ hashsign = HashSign,
+ signature = Signature};
+dec_server_key(<<?UINT16(Len), PskIdentityHint:Len/binary, _/binary>> = KeyStruct,
+ KeyExchange, Version)
+ when KeyExchange == ?KEY_EXCHANGE_PSK; KeyExchange == ?KEY_EXCHANGE_RSA_PSK ->
+ Params = #server_psk_params{
+ hint = PskIdentityHint},
+ {BinMsg, HashSign, Signature} = dec_server_key_params(Len + 2, KeyStruct, Version),
+ #server_key_params{params = Params,
+ params_bin = BinMsg,
+ hashsign = HashSign,
+ signature = Signature};
+dec_server_key(<<?UINT16(Len), IdentityHint:Len/binary,
+ ?UINT16(PLen), P:PLen/binary,
+ ?UINT16(GLen), G:GLen/binary,
+ ?UINT16(YLen), Y:YLen/binary, _/binary>> = KeyStruct,
+ ?KEY_EXCHANGE_DHE_PSK, Version) ->
+ DHParams = #server_dh_params{dh_p = P, dh_g = G, dh_y = Y},
+ Params = #server_dhe_psk_params{
+ hint = IdentityHint,
+ dh_params = DHParams},
+ {BinMsg, HashSign, Signature} = dec_server_key_params(Len + PLen + GLen + YLen + 8, KeyStruct, Version),
+ #server_key_params{params = Params,
+ params_bin = BinMsg,
+ hashsign = HashSign,
+ signature = Signature};
+dec_server_key(<<?UINT16(NLen), N:NLen/binary,
+ ?UINT16(GLen), G:GLen/binary,
+ ?BYTE(SLen), S:SLen/binary,
+ ?UINT16(BLen), B:BLen/binary, _/binary>> = KeyStruct,
+ ?KEY_EXCHANGE_SRP, Version) ->
+ Params = #server_srp_params{srp_n = N, srp_g = G, srp_s = S, srp_b = B},
+ {BinMsg, HashSign, Signature} = dec_server_key_params(NLen + GLen + SLen + BLen + 7, KeyStruct, Version),
+ #server_key_params{params = Params,
+ params_bin = BinMsg,
+ hashsign = HashSign,
+ signature = Signature};
+dec_server_key(_, _, _) ->
+-spec decode_suites('2_bytes'|'3_bytes', binary()) -> list().
+%% Description:
+decode_suites('2_bytes', Dec) ->
+ from_2bytes(Dec);
+decode_suites('3_bytes', Dec) ->
+ from_3bytes(Dec).
+%%-------------Cipeher suite handling --------------------------------
+available_suites(UserSuites, Version) ->
+ case UserSuites of
+ [] ->
+ ssl_cipher:suites(Version);
+ _ ->
+ UserSuites
+ end.
+available_suites(ServerCert, UserSuites, Version) ->
+ ssl_cipher:filter(ServerCert, available_suites(UserSuites, Version)).
+cipher_suites(Suites, false) ->
+cipher_suites(Suites, true) ->
+ Suites.
+select_session(SuggestedSessionId, CipherSuites, Compressions, Port, Session, Version,
+ #ssl_options{ciphers = UserSuites} = SslOpts, Cache, CacheCb, Cert) ->
+ {SessionId, Resumed} = ssl_session:server_id(Port, SuggestedSessionId,
+ SslOpts, Cert,
+ Cache, CacheCb),
+ Suites = ssl_handshake:available_suites(Cert, UserSuites, Version),
+ case Resumed of
+ undefined ->
+ CipherSuite = select_cipher_suite(CipherSuites, Suites),
+ Compression = select_compression(Compressions),
+ {new, Session#session{session_id = SessionId,
+ cipher_suite = CipherSuite,
+ compression_method = Compression}};
+ _ ->
+ {resumed, Resumed}
+ end.
+%%-------------certificate handling --------------------------------
+certificate_types({KeyExchange, _, _, _})
+ when KeyExchange == rsa;
+ KeyExchange == dhe_dss;
+ KeyExchange == dhe_rsa;
+ KeyExchange == ecdhe_rsa ->
+certificate_types({KeyExchange, _, _, _})
+ when KeyExchange == dh_ecdsa;
+ KeyExchange == dhe_ecdsa ->
+certificate_types(_) ->
+ <<?BYTE(?RSA_SIGN)>>.
+certificate_authorities(CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) ->
+ Authorities = certificate_authorities_from_db(CertDbHandle, CertDbRef),
+ Enc = fun(#'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate=TBSCert}) ->
+ OTPSubj = TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subject,
+ DNEncodedBin = public_key:pkix_encode('Name', OTPSubj, otp),
+ DNEncodedLen = byte_size(DNEncodedBin),
+ <<?UINT16(DNEncodedLen), DNEncodedBin/binary>>
+ end,
+ list_to_binary([Enc(Cert) || {_, Cert} <- Authorities]).
+certificate_authorities_from_db(CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) ->
+ ConnectionCerts = fun({{Ref, _, _}, Cert}, Acc) when Ref == CertDbRef ->
+ [Cert | Acc];
+ (_, Acc) ->
+ Acc
+ end,
+ ssl_pkix_db:foldl(ConnectionCerts, [], CertDbHandle).
+%%-------------Extension handling --------------------------------
+handle_client_hello_extensions(RecordCB, Random,
+ #hello_extensions{renegotiation_info = Info,
+ srp = SRP,
+ next_protocol_negotiation = NextProtocolNegotiation,
+ ec_point_formats = EcPointFormats0,
+ elliptic_curves = EllipticCurves0}, Version,
+ #ssl_options{secure_renegotiate = SecureRenegotation} = Opts,
+ #session{cipher_suite = CipherSuite, compression_method = Compression} = Session0,
+ ConnectionStates0, Renegotiation) ->
+ Session = handle_srp_extension(SRP, Session0),
+ ConnectionStates = handle_renegotiation_extension(server, RecordCB, Version, Info,
+ Random, CipherSuite, Compression,
+ ConnectionStates0, Renegotiation, SecureRenegotation),
+ ProtocolsToAdvertise = handle_next_protocol_extension(NextProtocolNegotiation, Renegotiation, Opts),
+ {EcPointFormats, EllipticCurves} = handle_ecc_extensions(Version, EcPointFormats0, EllipticCurves0),
+ ServerHelloExtensions = #hello_extensions{
+ renegotiation_info = renegotiation_info(RecordCB, server,
+ ConnectionStates, Renegotiation),
+ ec_point_formats = EcPointFormats,
+ elliptic_curves = EllipticCurves,
+ next_protocol_negotiation =
+ encode_protocols_advertised_on_server(ProtocolsToAdvertise)
+ },
+ {Session, ConnectionStates, ServerHelloExtensions}.
+handle_server_hello_extensions(RecordCB, Random, CipherSuite, Compression,
+ #hello_extensions{renegotiation_info = Info,
+ next_protocol_negotiation = NextProtocolNegotiation}, Version,
+ #ssl_options{secure_renegotiate = SecureRenegotation,
+ next_protocol_selector = NextProtoSelector},
+ ConnectionStates0, Renegotiation) ->
+ ConnectionStates = handle_renegotiation_extension(client, RecordCB, Version, Info, Random, CipherSuite,
+ Compression, ConnectionStates0,
+ Renegotiation, SecureRenegotation),
+ case handle_next_protocol(NextProtocolNegotiation, NextProtoSelector, Renegotiation) of
+ #alert{} = Alert ->
+ Alert;
+ Protocol ->
+ {ConnectionStates, Protocol}
+ end.
+select_version(RecordCB, ClientVersion, Versions) ->
+ ServerVersion = RecordCB:highest_protocol_version(Versions),
+ RecordCB:lowest_protocol_version(ClientVersion, ServerVersion).
+renegotiation_info(_, client, _, false) ->
+ #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined};
+renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, server, ConnectionStates, false) ->
+ CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ case CS#connection_state.secure_renegotiation of
+ true ->
+ #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = ?byte(0)};
+ false ->
+ #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined}
+ end;
+renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, client, ConnectionStates, true) ->
+ CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ case CS#connection_state.secure_renegotiation of
+ true ->
+ Data = CS#connection_state.client_verify_data,
+ #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = Data};
+ false ->
+ #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined}
+ end;
+renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, server, ConnectionStates, true) ->
+ CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ case CS#connection_state.secure_renegotiation of
+ true ->
+ CData = CS#connection_state.client_verify_data,
+ SData =CS#connection_state.server_verify_data,
+ #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = <<CData/binary, SData/binary>>};
+ false ->
+ #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined}
+ end.
+handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, _, #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = ?byte(0)},
+ ConnectionStates, false, _, _) ->
+ {ok, ssl_record:set_renegotiation_flag(true, ConnectionStates)};
+handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, server, undefined, ConnectionStates, _, _, CipherSuites) ->
+ case is_member(?TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV, CipherSuites) of
+ true ->
+ {ok, ssl_record:set_renegotiation_flag(true, ConnectionStates)};
+ false ->
+ {ok, ssl_record:set_renegotiation_flag(false, ConnectionStates)}
+ end;
+handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, _, undefined, ConnectionStates, false, _, _) ->
+ {ok, ssl_record:set_renegotiation_flag(false, ConnectionStates)};
+handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, client, #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = ClientServerVerify},
+ ConnectionStates, true, _, _) ->
+ CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ CData = CS#connection_state.client_verify_data,
+ SData = CS#connection_state.server_verify_data,
+ case <<CData/binary, SData/binary>> == ClientServerVerify of
+ true ->
+ {ok, ConnectionStates};
+ false ->
+ end;
+handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, server, #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = ClientVerify},
+ ConnectionStates, true, _, CipherSuites) ->
+ case is_member(?TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV, CipherSuites) of
+ true ->
+ false ->
+ CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ Data = CS#connection_state.client_verify_data,
+ case Data == ClientVerify of
+ true ->
+ {ok, ConnectionStates};
+ false ->
+ end
+ end;
+handle_renegotiation_info(RecordCB, client, undefined, ConnectionStates, true, SecureRenegotation, _) ->
+ handle_renegotiation_info(RecordCB, ConnectionStates, SecureRenegotation);
+handle_renegotiation_info(RecordCB, server, undefined, ConnectionStates, true, SecureRenegotation, CipherSuites) ->
+ case is_member(?TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV, CipherSuites) of
+ true ->
+ false ->
+ handle_renegotiation_info(RecordCB, ConnectionStates, SecureRenegotation)
+ end.
+handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, ConnectionStates, SecureRenegotation) ->
+ CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ case {SecureRenegotation, CS#connection_state.secure_renegotiation} of
+ {_, true} ->
+ {true, false} ->
+ {false, false} ->
+ {ok, ConnectionStates}
+ end.
+hello_extensions_list(#hello_extensions{renegotiation_info = RenegotiationInfo,
+ srp = SRP,
+ hash_signs = HashSigns,
+ ec_point_formats = EcPointFormats,
+ elliptic_curves = EllipticCurves,
+ next_protocol_negotiation = NextProtocolNegotiation}) ->
+ [Ext || Ext <- [RenegotiationInfo, SRP, HashSigns,
+ EcPointFormats,EllipticCurves, NextProtocolNegotiation], Ext =/= undefined].
+srp_user(#ssl_options{srp_identity = {UserName, _}}) ->
+ #srp{username = UserName};
+srp_user(_) ->
+ undefined.
+ecc_extensions(Module, Version) ->
+ CryptoSupport = proplists:get_value(public_keys, crypto:supports()),
+ case proplists:get_bool(ecdh, CryptoSupport) of
+ true ->
+ EcPointFormats = #ec_point_formats{ec_point_format_list = [?ECPOINT_UNCOMPRESSED]},
+ EllipticCurves = #elliptic_curves{elliptic_curve_list = Module:ecc_curves(Version)},
+ {EcPointFormats, EllipticCurves};
+ _ ->
+ {undefined, undefined}
+ end.
+handle_ecc_extensions(Version, EcPointFormats0, EllipticCurves0) ->
+ CryptoSupport = proplists:get_value(public_keys, crypto:supports()),
+ case proplists:get_bool(ecdh, CryptoSupport) of
+ true ->
+ EcPointFormats1 = handle_ecc_point_fmt_extension(EcPointFormats0),
+ EllipticCurves1 = handle_ecc_curves_extension(Version, EllipticCurves0),
+ {EcPointFormats1, EllipticCurves1};
+ _ ->
+ {undefined, undefined}
+ end.
+handle_ecc_point_fmt_extension(undefined) ->
+ undefined;
+handle_ecc_point_fmt_extension(_) ->
+ #ec_point_formats{ec_point_format_list = [?ECPOINT_UNCOMPRESSED]}.
+handle_ecc_curves_extension(_Version, undefined) ->
+ undefined;
+handle_ecc_curves_extension(Version, _) ->
+ #elliptic_curves{elliptic_curve_list = tls_v1:ecc_curves(Version)}.
+advertises_ec_ciphers([]) ->
+ false;
+advertises_ec_ciphers([{ecdh_ecdsa, _,_,_} | _]) ->
+ true;
+advertises_ec_ciphers([{ecdhe_ecdsa, _,_,_} | _]) ->
+ true;
+advertises_ec_ciphers([{ecdh_rsa, _,_,_} | _]) ->
+ true;
+advertises_ec_ciphers([{ecdhe_rsa, _,_,_} | _]) ->
+ true;
+advertises_ec_ciphers([{ecdh_anon, _,_,_} | _]) ->
+ true;
+advertises_ec_ciphers([_| Rest]) ->
+ advertises_ec_ciphers(Rest).
+%%% Internal functions
+apply_user_fun(Fun, OtpCert, ExtensionOrError, UserState0, SslState) ->
+ case Fun(OtpCert, ExtensionOrError, UserState0) of
+ {valid, UserState} ->
+ {valid, {SslState, UserState}};
+ {fail, _} = Fail ->
+ Fail;
+ {unknown, UserState} ->
+ {unknown, {SslState, UserState}}
+ end.
+path_validation_alert({bad_cert, cert_expired}) ->
+path_validation_alert({bad_cert, invalid_issuer}) ->
+path_validation_alert({bad_cert, invalid_signature}) ->
+path_validation_alert({bad_cert, name_not_permitted}) ->
+path_validation_alert({bad_cert, unknown_critical_extension}) ->
+path_validation_alert({bad_cert, cert_revoked}) ->
+path_validation_alert({bad_cert, selfsigned_peer}) ->
+path_validation_alert({bad_cert, unknown_ca}) ->
+path_validation_alert(_) ->
+encrypted_premaster_secret(Secret, RSAPublicKey) ->
+ try
+ PreMasterSecret = public_key:encrypt_public(Secret, RSAPublicKey,
+ [{rsa_pad,
+ rsa_pkcs1_padding}]),
+ #encrypted_premaster_secret{premaster_secret = PreMasterSecret}
+ catch
+ _:_->
+ end.
+digitally_signed({3, Minor}, Hash, HashAlgo, Key) when Minor >= 3 ->
+ public_key:sign({digest, Hash}, HashAlgo, Key);
+digitally_signed(_Version, Hash, HashAlgo, #'DSAPrivateKey'{} = Key) ->
+ public_key:sign({digest, Hash}, HashAlgo, Key);
+digitally_signed(_Version, Hash, _HashAlgo, #'RSAPrivateKey'{} = Key) ->
+ public_key:encrypt_private(Hash, Key,
+ [{rsa_pad, rsa_pkcs1_padding}]);
+digitally_signed(_Version, Hash, HashAlgo, Key) ->
+ public_key:sign({digest, Hash}, HashAlgo, Key).
+calc_certificate_verify({3, 0}, HashAlgo, MasterSecret, Handshake) ->
+ ssl_v3:certificate_verify(HashAlgo, MasterSecret, lists:reverse(Handshake));
+calc_certificate_verify({3, N}, HashAlgo, _MasterSecret, Handshake) ->
+ tls_v1:certificate_verify(HashAlgo, N, lists:reverse(Handshake)).
+calc_finished({3, 0}, Role, _PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, Handshake) ->
+ ssl_v3:finished(Role, MasterSecret, lists:reverse(Handshake));
+calc_finished({3, N}, Role, PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, Handshake) ->
+ tls_v1:finished(Role, N, PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, lists:reverse(Handshake)).
+master_secret(_RecordCB, Version, MasterSecret,
+ #security_parameters{
+ client_random = ClientRandom,
+ server_random = ServerRandom,
+ hash_size = HashSize,
+ prf_algorithm = PrfAlgo,
+ key_material_length = KML,
+ expanded_key_material_length = EKML,
+ iv_size = IVS},
+ ConnectionStates, Role) ->
+ {ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret, ClientWriteKey,
+ ServerWriteKey, ClientIV, ServerIV} =
+ setup_keys(Version, PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, ServerRandom,
+ ClientRandom, HashSize, KML, EKML, IVS),
+ ConnStates1 = ssl_record:set_master_secret(MasterSecret, ConnectionStates),
+ ConnStates2 =
+ ssl_record:set_mac_secret(ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret,
+ Role, ConnStates1),
+ ClientCipherState = #cipher_state{iv = ClientIV, key = ClientWriteKey},
+ ServerCipherState = #cipher_state{iv = ServerIV, key = ServerWriteKey},
+ {MasterSecret,
+ ssl_record:set_pending_cipher_state(ConnStates2, ClientCipherState,
+ ServerCipherState, Role)}.
+setup_keys({3,0}, _PrfAlgo, MasterSecret,
+ ServerRandom, ClientRandom, HashSize, KML, EKML, IVS) ->
+ ssl_v3:setup_keys(MasterSecret, ServerRandom,
+ ClientRandom, HashSize, KML, EKML, IVS);
+setup_keys({3,N}, PrfAlgo, MasterSecret,
+ ServerRandom, ClientRandom, HashSize, KML, _EKML, IVS) ->
+ tls_v1:setup_keys(N, PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, ServerRandom, ClientRandom, HashSize,
+ KML, IVS).
+calc_master_secret({3,0}, _PrfAlgo, PremasterSecret, ClientRandom, ServerRandom) ->
+ ssl_v3:master_secret(PremasterSecret, ClientRandom, ServerRandom);
+calc_master_secret({3,_}, PrfAlgo, PremasterSecret, ClientRandom, ServerRandom) ->
+ tls_v1:master_secret(PrfAlgo, PremasterSecret, ClientRandom, ServerRandom).
+handle_renegotiation_extension(Role, RecordCB, Version, Info, Random, CipherSuite, Compression,
+ ConnectionStates0, Renegotiation, SecureRenegotation) ->
+ case handle_renegotiation_info(RecordCB, Role, Info, ConnectionStates0,
+ Renegotiation, SecureRenegotation,
+ [CipherSuite]) of
+ {ok, ConnectionStates} ->
+ hello_pending_connection_states(RecordCB, Role,
+ Version,
+ CipherSuite,
+ Random,
+ Compression,
+ ConnectionStates);
+ #alert{} = Alert ->
+ throw(Alert)
+ end.
+%% Update pending connection states with parameters exchanged via
+%% hello messages
+%% NOTE : Role is the role of the receiver of the hello message
+%% currently being processed.
+hello_pending_connection_states(_RecordCB, Role, Version, CipherSuite, Random, Compression,
+ ConnectionStates) ->
+ ReadState =
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ WriteState =
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, write),
+ NewReadSecParams =
+ hello_security_parameters(Role, Version, ReadState, CipherSuite,
+ Random, Compression),
+ NewWriteSecParams =
+ hello_security_parameters(Role, Version, WriteState, CipherSuite,
+ Random, Compression),
+ ssl_record:set_security_params(NewReadSecParams,
+ NewWriteSecParams,
+ ConnectionStates).
+hello_security_parameters(client, Version, ConnectionState, CipherSuite, Random,
+ Compression) ->
+ SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
+ NewSecParams = ssl_cipher:security_parameters(Version, CipherSuite, SecParams),
+ NewSecParams#security_parameters{
+ server_random = Random,
+ compression_algorithm = Compression
+ };
+hello_security_parameters(server, Version, ConnectionState, CipherSuite, Random,
+ Compression) ->
+ SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
+ NewSecParams = ssl_cipher:security_parameters(Version, CipherSuite, SecParams),
+ NewSecParams#security_parameters{
+ client_random = Random,
+ compression_algorithm = Compression
+ }.
+%%-------------Encode/Decode --------------------------------
+encode_server_key(#server_dh_params{dh_p = P, dh_g = G, dh_y = Y}) ->
+ PLen = byte_size(P),
+ GLen = byte_size(G),
+ YLen = byte_size(Y),
+ <<?UINT16(PLen), P/binary, ?UINT16(GLen), G/binary, ?UINT16(YLen), Y/binary>>;
+encode_server_key(#server_ecdh_params{curve = {namedCurve, ECCurve}, public = ECPubKey}) ->
+ %%TODO: support arbitrary keys
+ KLen = size(ECPubKey),
+ <<?BYTE(?NAMED_CURVE), ?UINT16((tls_v1:oid_to_enum(ECCurve))),
+ ?BYTE(KLen), ECPubKey/binary>>;
+encode_server_key(#server_psk_params{hint = PskIdentityHint}) ->
+ Len = byte_size(PskIdentityHint),
+ <<?UINT16(Len), PskIdentityHint/binary>>;
+encode_server_key(Params = #server_dhe_psk_params{hint = undefined}) ->
+ encode_server_key(Params#server_dhe_psk_params{hint = <<>>});
+ hint = PskIdentityHint,
+ dh_params = #server_dh_params{dh_p = P, dh_g = G, dh_y = Y}}) ->
+ Len = byte_size(PskIdentityHint),
+ PLen = byte_size(P),
+ GLen = byte_size(G),
+ YLen = byte_size(Y),
+ <<?UINT16(Len), PskIdentityHint/binary,
+ ?UINT16(PLen), P/binary, ?UINT16(GLen), G/binary, ?UINT16(YLen), Y/binary>>;
+encode_server_key(#server_srp_params{srp_n = N, srp_g = G, srp_s = S, srp_b = B}) ->
+ NLen = byte_size(N),
+ GLen = byte_size(G),
+ SLen = byte_size(S),
+ BLen = byte_size(B),
+ <<?UINT16(NLen), N/binary, ?UINT16(GLen), G/binary,
+ ?BYTE(SLen), S/binary, ?UINT16(BLen), B/binary>>.
+encode_client_key(#encrypted_premaster_secret{premaster_secret = PKEPMS},{3, 0}) ->
+encode_client_key(#encrypted_premaster_secret{premaster_secret = PKEPMS}, _) ->
+ PKEPMSLen = byte_size(PKEPMS),
+ <<?UINT16(PKEPMSLen), PKEPMS/binary>>;
+encode_client_key(#client_diffie_hellman_public{dh_public = DHPublic}, _) ->
+ Len = byte_size(DHPublic),
+ <<?UINT16(Len), DHPublic/binary>>;
+encode_client_key(#client_ec_diffie_hellman_public{dh_public = DHPublic}, _) ->
+ Len = byte_size(DHPublic),
+ <<?BYTE(Len), DHPublic/binary>>;
+encode_client_key(#client_psk_identity{identity = undefined}, _) ->
+ Id = <<"psk_identity">>,
+ Len = byte_size(Id),
+ <<?UINT16(Len), Id/binary>>;
+encode_client_key(#client_psk_identity{identity = Id}, _) ->
+ Len = byte_size(Id),
+ <<?UINT16(Len), Id/binary>>;
+encode_client_key(Identity = #client_dhe_psk_identity{identity = undefined}, Version) ->
+ encode_client_key(Identity#client_dhe_psk_identity{identity = <<"psk_identity">>}, Version);
+encode_client_key(#client_dhe_psk_identity{identity = Id, dh_public = DHPublic}, _) ->
+ Len = byte_size(Id),
+ DHLen = byte_size(DHPublic),
+ <<?UINT16(Len), Id/binary, ?UINT16(DHLen), DHPublic/binary>>;
+encode_client_key(Identity = #client_rsa_psk_identity{identity = undefined}, Version) ->
+ encode_client_key(Identity#client_rsa_psk_identity{identity = <<"psk_identity">>}, Version);
+encode_client_key(#client_rsa_psk_identity{identity = Id, exchange_keys = ExchangeKeys}, Version) ->
+ EncPMS = encode_client_key(ExchangeKeys, Version),
+ Len = byte_size(Id),
+ <<?UINT16(Len), Id/binary, EncPMS/binary>>;
+encode_client_key(#client_srp_public{srp_a = A}, _) ->
+ Len = byte_size(A),
+ <<?UINT16(Len), A/binary>>.
+enc_sign({_, anon}, _Sign, _Version) ->
+ <<>>;
+enc_sign({HashAlg, SignAlg}, Signature, _Version = {Major, Minor})
+ when Major == 3, Minor >= 3->
+ SignLen = byte_size(Signature),
+ HashSign = enc_hashsign(HashAlg, SignAlg),
+ <<HashSign/binary, ?UINT16(SignLen), Signature/binary>>;
+enc_sign(_HashSign, Sign, _Version) ->
+ SignLen = byte_size(Sign),
+ <<?UINT16(SignLen), Sign/binary>>.
+enc_hashsign(HashAlgo, SignAlgo) ->
+ Hash = ssl_cipher:hash_algorithm(HashAlgo),
+ Sign = ssl_cipher:sign_algorithm(SignAlgo),
+ <<?BYTE(Hash), ?BYTE(Sign)>>.
+encode_protocol(Protocol, Acc) ->
+ Len = byte_size(Protocol),
+ <<Acc/binary, ?BYTE(Len), Protocol/binary>>.
+dec_client_key(PKEPMS, ?KEY_EXCHANGE_RSA, {3, 0}) ->
+ #encrypted_premaster_secret{premaster_secret = PKEPMS};
+dec_client_key(<<?UINT16(_), PKEPMS/binary>>, ?KEY_EXCHANGE_RSA, _) ->
+ #encrypted_premaster_secret{premaster_secret = PKEPMS};
+dec_client_key(<<>>, ?KEY_EXCHANGE_DIFFIE_HELLMAN, _) ->
+dec_client_key(<<?UINT16(DH_YLen), DH_Y:DH_YLen/binary>>,
+ #client_diffie_hellman_public{dh_public = DH_Y};
+dec_client_key(<<>>, ?KEY_EXCHANGE_EC_DIFFIE_HELLMAN, _) ->
+dec_client_key(<<?BYTE(DH_YLen), DH_Y:DH_YLen/binary>>,
+ #client_ec_diffie_hellman_public{dh_public = DH_Y};
+dec_client_key(<<?UINT16(Len), Id:Len/binary>>,
+ #client_psk_identity{identity = Id};
+dec_client_key(<<?UINT16(Len), Id:Len/binary,
+ ?UINT16(DH_YLen), DH_Y:DH_YLen/binary>>,
+ #client_dhe_psk_identity{identity = Id, dh_public = DH_Y};
+dec_client_key(<<?UINT16(Len), Id:Len/binary, PKEPMS/binary>>,
+ ?KEY_EXCHANGE_RSA_PSK, {3, 0}) ->
+ #client_rsa_psk_identity{identity = Id,
+ exchange_keys = #encrypted_premaster_secret{premaster_secret = PKEPMS}};
+dec_client_key(<<?UINT16(Len), Id:Len/binary, ?UINT16(_), PKEPMS/binary>>,
+ #client_rsa_psk_identity{identity = Id,
+ exchange_keys = #encrypted_premaster_secret{premaster_secret = PKEPMS}};
+dec_client_key(<<?UINT16(ALen), A:ALen/binary>>,
+ #client_srp_public{srp_a = A}.
+dec_server_key_params(Len, Keys, Version) ->
+ <<Params:Len/bytes, Signature/binary>> = Keys,
+ dec_server_key_signature(Params, Signature, Version).
+dec_server_key_signature(Params, <<?BYTE(HashAlgo), ?BYTE(SignAlgo),
+ ?UINT16(0)>>, {Major, Minor})
+ when Major == 3, Minor >= 3 ->
+ HashSign = {ssl_cipher:hash_algorithm(HashAlgo), ssl_cipher:sign_algorithm(SignAlgo)},
+ {Params, HashSign, <<>>};
+dec_server_key_signature(Params, <<?BYTE(HashAlgo), ?BYTE(SignAlgo),
+ ?UINT16(Len), Signature:Len/binary>>, {Major, Minor})
+ when Major == 3, Minor >= 3 ->
+ HashSign = {ssl_cipher:hash_algorithm(HashAlgo), ssl_cipher:sign_algorithm(SignAlgo)},
+ {Params, HashSign, Signature};
+dec_server_key_signature(Params, <<>>, _) ->
+ {Params, {null, anon}, <<>>};
+dec_server_key_signature(Params, <<?UINT16(0)>>, _) ->
+ {Params, {null, anon}, <<>>};
+dec_server_key_signature(Params, <<?UINT16(Len), Signature:Len/binary>>, _) ->
+ {Params, undefined, Signature};
+dec_server_key_signature(_, _, _) ->
+dec_hello_extensions(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+dec_hello_extensions(<<?UINT16(?NEXTPROTONEG_EXT), ?UINT16(Len), ExtensionData:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ NextP = #next_protocol_negotiation{extension_data = ExtensionData},
+ dec_hello_extensions(Rest, Acc#hello_extensions{next_protocol_negotiation = NextP});
+dec_hello_extensions(<<?UINT16(?RENEGOTIATION_EXT), ?UINT16(Len), Info:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ RenegotiateInfo = case Len of
+ 1 -> % Initial handshake
+ Info; % should be <<0>> will be matched in handle_renegotiation_info
+ _ ->
+ VerifyLen = Len - 1,
+ <<?BYTE(VerifyLen), VerifyInfo/binary>> = Info,
+ VerifyInfo
+ end,
+ dec_hello_extensions(Rest, Acc#hello_extensions{renegotiation_info =
+ #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection =
+ RenegotiateInfo}});
+dec_hello_extensions(<<?UINT16(?SRP_EXT), ?UINT16(Len), ?BYTE(SRPLen), SRP:SRPLen/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc)
+ when Len == SRPLen + 2 ->
+ dec_hello_extensions(Rest, Acc#hello_extensions{srp = #srp{username = SRP}});
+dec_hello_extensions(<<?UINT16(?SIGNATURE_ALGORITHMS_EXT), ?UINT16(Len),
+ ExtData:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ SignAlgoListLen = Len - 2,
+ <<?UINT16(SignAlgoListLen), SignAlgoList/binary>> = ExtData,
+ HashSignAlgos = [{ssl_cipher:hash_algorithm(Hash), ssl_cipher:sign_algorithm(Sign)} ||
+ <<?BYTE(Hash), ?BYTE(Sign)>> <= SignAlgoList],
+ dec_hello_extensions(Rest, Acc#hello_extensions{hash_signs =
+ #hash_sign_algos{hash_sign_algos = HashSignAlgos}});
+dec_hello_extensions(<<?UINT16(?ELLIPTIC_CURVES_EXT), ?UINT16(Len),
+ ExtData:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ <<?UINT16(_), EllipticCurveList/binary>> = ExtData,
+ EllipticCurves = [tls_v1:enum_to_oid(X) || <<X:16>> <= EllipticCurveList],
+ dec_hello_extensions(Rest, Acc#hello_extensions{elliptic_curves =
+ #elliptic_curves{elliptic_curve_list =
+ EllipticCurves}});
+dec_hello_extensions(<<?UINT16(?EC_POINT_FORMATS_EXT), ?UINT16(Len),
+ ExtData:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ <<?BYTE(_), ECPointFormatList/binary>> = ExtData,
+ ECPointFormats = binary_to_list(ECPointFormatList),
+ dec_hello_extensions(Rest, Acc#hello_extensions{ec_point_formats =
+ #ec_point_formats{ec_point_format_list =
+ ECPointFormats}});
+%% Ignore data following the ClientHello (i.e.,
+%% extensions) if not understood.
+dec_hello_extensions(<<?UINT16(_), ?UINT16(Len), _Unknown:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ dec_hello_extensions(Rest, Acc);
+%% This theoretically should not happen if the protocol is followed, but if it does it is ignored.
+dec_hello_extensions(_, Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+dec_hashsign(<<?BYTE(HashAlgo), ?BYTE(SignAlgo)>>) ->
+ {ssl_cipher:hash_algorithm(HashAlgo), ssl_cipher:sign_algorithm(SignAlgo)}.
+decode_next_protocols({next_protocol_negotiation, Protocols}) ->
+ decode_next_protocols(Protocols, []).
+decode_next_protocols(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+decode_next_protocols(<<?BYTE(Len), Protocol:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ case Len of
+ 0 ->
+ {error, invalid_next_protocols};
+ _ ->
+ decode_next_protocols(Rest, [Protocol|Acc])
+ end;
+decode_next_protocols(_Bytes, _Acc) ->
+ {error, invalid_next_protocols}.
+%% encode/decode stream of certificate data to/from list of certificate data
+certs_to_list(ASN1Certs) ->
+ certs_to_list(ASN1Certs, []).
+certs_to_list(<<?UINT24(CertLen), Cert:CertLen/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ certs_to_list(Rest, [Cert | Acc]);
+certs_to_list(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc, []).
+certs_from_list(ACList) ->
+ list_to_binary([begin
+ CertLen = byte_size(Cert),
+ <<?UINT24(CertLen), Cert/binary>>
+ end || Cert <- ACList]).
+from_3bytes(Bin3) ->
+ from_3bytes(Bin3, []).
+from_3bytes(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+from_3bytes(<<?UINT24(N), Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ from_3bytes(Rest, [?uint16(N) | Acc]).
+from_2bytes(Bin2) ->
+ from_2bytes(Bin2, []).
+from_2bytes(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+from_2bytes(<<?UINT16(N), Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ from_2bytes(Rest, [?uint16(N) | Acc]).
+key_exchange_alg(rsa) ->
+key_exchange_alg(Alg) when Alg == dhe_rsa; Alg == dhe_dss;
+ Alg == dh_dss; Alg == dh_rsa; Alg == dh_anon ->
+key_exchange_alg(Alg) when Alg == ecdhe_rsa; Alg == ecdh_rsa;
+ Alg == ecdhe_ecdsa; Alg == ecdh_ecdsa;
+ Alg == ecdh_anon ->
+key_exchange_alg(psk) ->
+key_exchange_alg(dhe_psk) ->
+key_exchange_alg(rsa_psk) ->
+ when Alg == srp_rsa; Alg == srp_dss; Alg == srp_anon ->
+key_exchange_alg(_) ->
+ ?NULL.
+%%-------------Extension handling --------------------------------
+ _NextProtocolSelector, _Renegotiating) ->
+ undefined;
+handle_next_protocol(#next_protocol_negotiation{} = NextProtocols,
+ NextProtocolSelector, Renegotiating) ->
+ case next_protocol_extension_allowed(NextProtocolSelector, Renegotiating) of
+ true ->
+ select_next_protocol(decode_next_protocols(NextProtocols), NextProtocolSelector);
+ false ->
+ ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE) % unexpected next protocol extension
+ end.
+handle_next_protocol_extension(NextProtocolNegotiation, Renegotiation, SslOpts)->
+ case handle_next_protocol_on_server(NextProtocolNegotiation, Renegotiation, SslOpts) of
+ #alert{} = Alert ->
+ Alert;
+ ProtocolsToAdvertise ->
+ ProtocolsToAdvertise
+ end.
+handle_next_protocol_on_server(undefined, _Renegotiation, _SslOpts) ->
+ undefined;
+handle_next_protocol_on_server(#next_protocol_negotiation{extension_data = <<>>},
+ false, #ssl_options{next_protocols_advertised = Protocols}) ->
+ Protocols;
+handle_next_protocol_on_server(_Hello, _Renegotiation, _SSLOpts) ->
+ ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE). % unexpected next protocol extension
+next_protocol_extension_allowed(NextProtocolSelector, Renegotiating) ->
+ NextProtocolSelector =/= undefined andalso not Renegotiating.
+select_next_protocol({error, _Reason}, _NextProtocolSelector) ->
+select_next_protocol(Protocols, NextProtocolSelector) ->
+ case NextProtocolSelector(Protocols) of
+ Protocol when is_binary(Protocol) ->
+ Protocol
+ end.
+handle_srp_extension(undefined, Session) ->
+ Session;
+handle_srp_extension(#srp{username = Username}, Session) ->
+ Session#session{srp_username = Username}.
+%%-------------Misc --------------------------------
+select_cipher_suite([], _) ->
+ no_suite;
+select_cipher_suite([Suite | ClientSuites], SupportedSuites) ->
+ case is_member(Suite, SupportedSuites) of
+ true ->
+ Suite;
+ false ->
+ select_cipher_suite(ClientSuites, SupportedSuites)
+ end.
+int_to_bin(I) ->
+ L = (length(integer_to_list(I, 16)) + 1) div 2,
+ <<I:(L*8)>>.
+is_member(Suite, SupportedSuites) ->
+ lists:member(Suite, SupportedSuites).
+select_compression(_CompressionMetodes) ->
+ ?NULL.
+-define(TLSEXT_SIGALG_RSA(MD), {MD, rsa}).
+-define(TLSEXT_SIGALG_DSA(MD), {MD, dsa}).
+-define(TLSEXT_SIGALG_ECDSA(MD), {MD, ecdsa}).
+advertised_hash_signs({Major, Minor}) when Major >= 3 andalso Minor >= 3 ->
+ HashSigns = [?TLSEXT_SIGALG(sha512),
+ ?TLSEXT_SIGALG(sha384),
+ ?TLSEXT_SIGALG(sha256),
+ ?TLSEXT_SIGALG(sha224),
+ CryptoSupport = crypto:supports(),
+ HasECC = proplists:get_bool(ecdsa, proplists:get_value(public_keys, CryptoSupport)),
+ Hashs = proplists:get_value(hashs, CryptoSupport),
+ #hash_sign_algos{hash_sign_algos =
+ lists:filter(fun({Hash, ecdsa}) -> HasECC andalso proplists:get_bool(Hash, Hashs);
+ ({Hash, _}) -> proplists:get_bool(Hash, Hashs) end, HashSigns)};
+advertised_hash_signs(_) ->
+ undefined.