path: root/lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl
diff options
authorIngela Anderton Andin <[email protected]>2012-05-31 11:39:46 +0200
committerIngela Anderton Andin <[email protected]>2012-06-08 17:34:08 +0200
commit8e80b89c7aafc70fbcb538c9c6b464912cb11d83 (patch)
tree6cd7de0d6521d979bcc406bb873261baed0515df /lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl
parent68a055e261d70d3053694efddc1e5a26bf3553f1 (diff)
ssl: File handling optimization
Avoid cach validation with file:file_info/2 as this i too expensive and causes a bottleneck in the file server. Instead we expose a new API function ssl:clear_pem_cache/0 to deal with the problem. As we think it will be of occasional use and the normal case is that the cache will be valid we think it is the right thing to do. Convert file paths to binary representation in the ssl API module to avoid uncessarry calls in file later on. Also add sanity checks for openssl versions in testsuite due to new openssl bugs.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl
index e3bf0a1f92..a18cb70e2d 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
new_session_id/1, clean_cert_db/2,
register_session/2, register_session/3, invalidate_session/2,
- invalidate_session/3]).
+ invalidate_session/3, clear_pem_cache/0]).
% Spawn export
@@ -58,9 +58,10 @@
-define('24H_in_sec', 8640).
--define(PEM_CACHE_CLEANUP, 120000).
+-define(CLEAR_PEM_CACHE, 120000).
-define(CLEAN_SESSION_DB, 60000).
-define(CLEAN_CERT_DB, 500).
+-define(NOT_TO_BIG, 10).
%% API
@@ -84,24 +85,46 @@ start_link_dist(Opts) ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ssl_manager_dist}, ?MODULE, [ssl_manager_dist, Opts], []).
--spec connection_init(string()| {der, list()}, client | server) ->
+-spec connection_init(binary()| {der, list()}, client | server) ->
{ok, certdb_ref(), db_handle(), db_handle()}.
%% Description: Do necessary initializations for a new connection.
+connection_init({der, _} = Trustedcerts, Role) ->
+ call({connection_init, Trustedcerts, Role});
+connection_init(<<>> = Trustedcerts, Role) ->
+ call({connection_init, Trustedcerts, Role});
connection_init(Trustedcerts, Role) ->
call({connection_init, Trustedcerts, Role}).
--spec cache_pem_file(string(), term()) -> {ok, term()} | {error, reason()}.
+-spec cache_pem_file(binary(), term()) -> {ok, term()} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Cach a pem file and return its content.
cache_pem_file(File, DbHandle) ->
- case file:read_file_info(File) of
- {ok, #file_info{mtime = LastWrite}} ->
- cache_pem_file(File, LastWrite, DbHandle);
- Error -> Error
+ MD5 = crypto:md5(File),
+ case ssl_certificate_db:lookup_cached_pem(DbHandle, MD5) of
+ [Content] ->
+ {ok, Content};
+ [{Content,_}] ->
+ {ok, Content};
+ undefined ->
+ call({cache_pem, {MD5, File}})
+-spec clear_pem_cache() -> ok.
+%% Description: Clear the PEM cache
+clear_pem_cache() ->
+ %% Not supported for distribution at the moement, should it be?
+ put(ssl_manager, ssl_manager),
+ call(unconditionally_clear_pem_cache).
-spec lookup_trusted_cert(term(), reference(), serialnumber(), issuer()) ->
undefined |
@@ -170,7 +193,7 @@ init([Name, Opts]) ->
SessionCache = CacheCb:init(proplists:get_value(session_cb_init_args, Opts, [])),
Timer = erlang:send_after(SessionLifeTime * 1000,
self(), validate_sessions),
- erlang:send_after(?PEM_CACHE_CLEANUP, self(), clean_pem_cache),
+ erlang:send_after(?CLEAR_PEM_CACHE, self(), clear_pem_cache),
{ok, #state{certificate_db = CertDb,
session_cache = SessionCache,
session_cache_cb = CacheCb,
@@ -188,7 +211,7 @@ init([Name, Opts]) ->
%% Description: Handling call messages
-handle_call({{connection_init, "", _Role}, _Pid}, _From,
+handle_call({{connection_init, <<>>, _Role}, _Pid}, _From,
#state{certificate_db = [CertDb, FileRefDb, PemChace],
session_cache = Cache} = State) ->
Result = {ok, make_ref(),CertDb, FileRefDb, PemChace, Cache},
@@ -214,15 +237,18 @@ handle_call({{new_session_id,Port}, _},
{reply, Id, State};
-handle_call({{cache_pem, File, LastWrite}, _Pid}, _,
+handle_call({{cache_pem, File}, _Pid}, _,
#state{certificate_db = Db} = State) ->
- try ssl_certificate_db:cache_pem_file(File, LastWrite, Db) of
+ try ssl_certificate_db:cache_pem_file(File, Db) of
Result ->
{reply, Result, State}
_:Reason ->
{reply, {error, Reason}, State}
- end.
+ end;
+handle_call({unconditionally_clear_pem_cache, _},_, #state{certificate_db = [_,_,PemChace]} = State) ->
+ ssl_certificate_db:clear(PemChace),
+ {reply, ok, State}.
-spec handle_cast(msg(), #state{}) -> {noreply, #state{}}.
@@ -283,19 +309,25 @@ handle_info({delayed_clean_session, Key}, #state{session_cache = Cache,
CacheCb:delete(Cache, Key),
{noreply, State};
-handle_info(clean_pem_cache, #state{certificate_db = [_,_,PemChace]} = State) ->
- ssl_certificate_db:clean(PemChace),
- erlang:send_after(?PEM_CACHE_CLEANUP, self(), clean_pem_cache),
+handle_info(clear_pem_cache, #state{certificate_db = [_,_,PemChace]} = State) ->
+ case ssl_certificate_db:db_size(PemChace) of
+ N when N < ?NOT_TO_BIG ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ssl_certificate_db:clear(PemChace)
+ end,
+ erlang:send_after(?CLEAR_PEM_CACHE, self(), clear_pem_cache),
{noreply, State};
handle_info({clean_cert_db, Ref, File},
#state{certificate_db = [CertDb,RefDb, PemCache]} = State) ->
case ssl_certificate_db:ref_count(Ref, RefDb, 0) of
0 ->
MD5 = crypto:md5(File),
case ssl_certificate_db:lookup_cached_pem(MD5, PemCache) of
- [{Mtime, Content, Ref}] ->
- ssl_certificate_db:insert(MD5, {Mtime, Content}, PemCache);
+ [{Content, Ref}] ->
+ ssl_certificate_db:insert(MD5, Content, PemCache);
undefined ->
@@ -380,24 +412,6 @@ session_validation({{Port, _}, Session}, LifeTime) ->
validate_session(Port, Session, LifeTime),
-cache_pem_file(File, LastWrite, DbHandle) ->
- case ssl_certificate_db:lookup_cached_pem(DbHandle,crypto:md5(File)) of
- [{Mtime, Content}] ->
- handle_cached_entry(File, LastWrite, Mtime, Content);
- [{Mtime, Content,_}] ->
- handle_cached_entry(File, LastWrite, Mtime, Content);
- undefined ->
- call({cache_pem, File, LastWrite})
- end.
-handle_cached_entry(File, LastWrite, Time, Content) ->
- case LastWrite of
- Time ->
- {ok, Content};
- _ ->
- call({cache_pem, File, LastWrite})
- end.
delay_time() ->
case application:get_env(ssl, session_delay_cleanup_time) of
{ok, Time} when is_integer(Time) ->