path: root/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_MACHINE.erl
diff options
authorDan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>2010-01-13 10:53:07 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <[email protected]>2010-01-13 14:57:32 +0100
commit405de8c986fd22c05f398036edac809e98149292 (patch)
treeeefd31852cbb80917fe661fbc683ccda62bdd472 /lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_MACHINE.erl
parent009152080c9009498026db17ccee244171423c1c (diff)
Add test suite for the ssl application
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_MACHINE.erl')
1 files changed, 935 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_MACHINE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_MACHINE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e75f7079ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_MACHINE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-export([many_conns/0, mk_ssl_cert_opts/1, test_one_listener/7,
+ test_server_only/6]).
+-export([process_init/3, do_start/1]).
+-define(WAIT_TIMEOUT, 10000).
+-define(CLOSE_WAIT, 1000).
+%% many_conns() -> ManyConnections
+%% Choose a suitable number of "many connections" depending on platform
+%% and current limit for file descriptors.
+many_conns() ->
+ case os:type() of
+ {unix,_} -> many_conns_1();
+ _ -> 10
+ end.
+many_conns_1() ->
+ N0 = os:cmd("ulimit -n"),
+ N1 = lists:reverse(N0),
+ N2 = lists:dropwhile(fun($\r) -> true;
+ ($\n) -> true;
+ (_) -> false
+ end, N1),
+ N = list_to_integer(lists:reverse(N2)),
+ lists:min([(N - 10) div 2, 501]).
+%% mk_ssl_cert_opts(Config) -> {ok, {COpts, SOpts}}
+mk_ssl_cert_opts(_Config) ->
+ Dir = filename:join([code:lib_dir(ssl), "examples", "certs", "etc"]),
+ COpts = [{cacertfile, filename:join([Dir, "client", "cacerts.pem"])},
+ {certfile, filename:join([Dir, "client", "cert.pem"])},
+ {keyfile, filename:join([Dir, "client", "key.pem"])}],
+ SOpts = [{cacertfile, filename:join([Dir, "server", "cacerts.pem"])},
+ {certfile, filename:join([Dir, "server", "cert.pem"])},
+ {keyfile, filename:join([Dir, "server", "key.pem"])}],
+ {ok, {COpts, SOpts}}.
+%% Cmds:
+%% {protomod, gen_tcp | ssl} default = ssl
+%% {serialize_accept, true | false} default = false
+%% {timeout, Timeout}
+%% {sockopts, Opts}
+%% {sslopts, Opts}
+%% {protocols, Protocols} [sslv2|sslv3|tlsv1]
+%% {listen, Port}
+%% {lsock, LSock} listen socket for acceptor
+%% peercert
+%% accept
+%% {connect, {Host, Port}}
+%% {recv, N}
+%% {send, N}
+%% {echo, N} async echo back
+%% close close connection socket
+%% {close, Time} wait time and then close socket
+%% lclose close listen socket
+%% await_close wait for close
+%% wait_sync listener's wait for sync from parent
+%% connection_info
+%% {exit, Reason} exit
+%% We cannot have more than `backlog' acceptors at the same time.
+%% test_one_listener(NConns, LCmds, ACmds, CCmds, Timeout, Suite, Config)
+%% Creates one client and one server node, and runs one listener on
+%% the server node (according to LCmds), and creates NConns acceptors
+%% on the server node, and the same number of connectors on the client
+%% node. The acceptors and and connectors execute according to ACmds
+%% and CCmds, respectively.
+%% It is a good idea to have the backlog size in LCmds set to
+%% be at least as large as NConns.
+test_one_listener(NConns, LCmds0, ACmds0, CCmds0, Timeout, Suite, Config) ->
+ ProtoMod = get_protomod(Config),
+ SerializeAccept = get_serialize_accept(Config),
+ ?line {ok, {CNode, SNode}} = start_client_server_nodes(Suite),
+ case ProtoMod of
+ ssl ->
+ ?line ok = start_ssl([CNode, SNode], Config);
+ gen_tcp ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ LCmds = [{protomod, ProtoMod}| LCmds0],
+ ACmds = [{protomod, ProtoMod}, {serialize_accept, SerializeAccept}|
+ ACmds0],
+ CCmds = [{protomod, ProtoMod}| CCmds0],
+ ?line {ok, Listener} = start_process(SNode, self(), LCmds, listener),
+ ?line {ok, LSock} = wait_lsock(Listener, ?WAIT_TIMEOUT),
+ ?line {ok, Accs0} = start_processes(NConns, SNode, self(),
+ [{lsock, LSock}| ACmds], acceptor),
+ Accs = case ProtoMod of
+ gen_tcp ->
+ [Acc1| Accs1] = Accs0,
+ Acc1 ! {continue_accept, self()},
+ Accs1;
+ ssl ->
+ Accs0
+ end,
+ ?line {ok, Conns} = start_processes(NConns, CNode, self(),
+ CCmds, connector),
+ ?line case wait_ack(Accs, Accs0 ++ Conns, Timeout) of
+ ok ->
+ ?line sync([Listener]),
+ ?line wait_ack([], [Listener], ?WAIT_TIMEOUT);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?line stop_node(SNode),
+ ?line stop_node(CNode),
+ exit(Reason)
+ end,
+ ?line stop_node(SNode),
+ ?line stop_node(CNode),
+ ok.
+%% test_server_only(NConns, LCmds, ACmds, Timeout, Suite, Config)
+%% Creates only one server node, and runs one listener on
+%% the server node (according to LCmds), and creates NConns acceptors
+%% on the server node. The acceptors execute according to ACmds.
+%% There are no connectors.
+test_server_only(NConns, LCmds0, ACmds0, Timeout, Suite, Config) ->
+ ProtoMod = get_protomod(Config),
+ ?line {ok, SNode} = start_server_node(Suite),
+ case ProtoMod of
+ ssl ->
+ ?line ok = start_ssl([SNode], Config);
+ gen_tcp ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ LCmds = [{protomod, ProtoMod}| LCmds0],
+ ACmds = [{protomod, ProtoMod}| ACmds0],
+ ?line {ok, Listener} = start_process(SNode, self(), LCmds, listener),
+ ?line {ok, LSock} = wait_lsock(Listener, ?WAIT_TIMEOUT),
+ ?line {ok, Accs0} = start_processes(NConns, SNode, self(),
+ [{lsock, LSock}| ACmds], acceptor),
+ Accs = case ProtoMod of
+ gen_tcp ->
+ [Acc1| Accs1] = Accs0,
+ Acc1 ! {continue_accept, self()},
+ Accs1;
+ ssl ->
+ Accs0
+ end,
+ ?line case wait_ack(Accs, Accs0, Timeout) of
+ ok ->
+ ?line sync([Listener]),
+ ?line wait_ack([], [Listener], ?WAIT_TIMEOUT);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?line stop_node(SNode),
+ exit(Reason)
+ end,
+ ?line stop_node(SNode),
+ ok.
+%% start_client_server_nodes(Suite) -> {ok, {CNode, SNode}}
+start_client_server_nodes(Suite) ->
+ {ok, CNode} = start_client_node(Suite),
+ {ok, SNode} = start_server_node(Suite),
+ {ok, {CNode, SNode}}.
+start_client_node(Suite) ->
+ start_node(lists:concat([Suite, "_client"])).
+start_server_node(Suite) ->
+ start_node(lists:concat([Suite, "_server"])).
+%% start_ssl(Nodes, Config)
+start_ssl(Nodes, Config) ->
+ Env0 = lists:flatten([Env00 || {env, Env00} <- Config]),
+ Env1 = case os:getenv("SSL_DEBUG") of
+ false ->
+ [];
+ _ ->
+ Dir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ [{debug, true}, {debugdir, Dir}]
+ end,
+ Env = Env0 ++ Env1,
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(Node) -> rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, do_start, [Env]) end, Nodes),
+ ok.
+do_start(Env) ->
+ application:load(ssl),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun({Par, Val}) -> application:set_env(ssl, Par, Val) end, Env),
+ application:start(ssl),
+ application:start(crypto).
+%% start_node(Name) -> {ok, Node}
+%% start_node(Name, ExtraParams) -> {ok, Node}
+start_node(Name) ->
+ start_node(Name, []).
+start_node(Name, ExtraParams) ->
+ Params = "-pa " ++ filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)) ++ " " ++
+ ExtraParams,
+ test_server:start_node(Name, slave, [{args, Params}]).
+stop_node(Node) ->
+ test_server:stop_node(Node).
+%% start_processes(N, Node, Parent, Cmds, Type) -> {ok, Pids}
+start_processes(M, Node, Parent, Cmds, Type) ->
+ start_processes1(0, M, Node, Parent, Cmds, Type, []).
+start_processes1(M, M, _, _, _, _, Pids) ->
+ {ok, lists:reverse(Pids)};
+start_processes1(N, M, Node, Parent, Cmds, Type, Pids) ->
+ {ok, Pid} = start_process(Node, Parent, Cmds, {Type, N + 1}),
+ start_processes1(N + 1, M, Node, Parent, Cmds, Type, [Pid| Pids]).
+%% start_process(Node, Parent, Cmds, Type) -> {ok, Pid}
+start_process(Node, Parent, Cmds0, Type) ->
+ Cmds = case os:type() of
+ {win32, _} ->
+ lists:map(fun(close) -> {close, ?CLOSE_WAIT};
+ (Term) -> Term end, Cmds0);
+ _ ->
+ Cmds0
+ end,
+ Pid = spawn_link(Node, ?MODULE, process_init, [Parent, Cmds, Type]),
+ {ok, Pid}.
+process_init(Parent, Cmds, Type) ->
+ ?debug("#### ~w start~n", [{Type, self()}]),
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, #st{parent = Parent, type = Type}).
+%% pre_main_loop
+pre_main_loop([], St) ->
+ ?debug("#### ~w end~n", [{St#st.type, self()}]),
+ main_loop([], St);
+pre_main_loop(Cmds, St) ->
+ ?debug("#### ~w -> ~w~n",
+ [{St#st.type, self(), St#st.sock, St#st.port,
+ St#st.peer, St#st.active}, hd(Cmds)]),
+ main_loop(Cmds, St).
+%% main_loop(Cmds, St)
+main_loop([{protomod, ProtoMod}| Cmds], St) ->
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St#st{protomod = ProtoMod});
+main_loop([{serialize_accept, Bool}| Cmds], St) ->
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St#st{serialize_accept = Bool});
+main_loop([{sockopts, Opts}| Cmds], St) ->
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St#st{sockopts = Opts});
+main_loop([{sslopts, Opts}| Cmds], St) ->
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St#st{sslopts = Opts});
+main_loop([{protocols, Protocols}| Cmds], St) ->
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St#st{protocols = Protocols});
+main_loop([{timeout, T}| Cmds], St) ->
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St#st{timeout = T});
+main_loop([{lsock, LSock}| Cmds], St) ->
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St#st{lsock = LSock});
+main_loop([{seed, Data}| Cmds], St) ->
+ case ssl:seed("tjosan") of
+ ok ->
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?error("#### ~w(~w) in seed: error: ~w~n",
+ [St#st.type, self(), Reason]),
+ exit(Reason)
+ end;
+main_loop([{listen, Port}| Cmds], St) ->
+ case listen(St, Port) of
+ {ok, LSock} ->
+ ack_lsock(St#st.parent, LSock),
+ NSt = get_active(St#st{port = Port, sock = LSock, lsock = LSock}),
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?error("#### ~w(~w) in listen: error: ~w~n",
+ [St#st.type, self(), Reason]),
+ exit(Reason)
+ end;
+main_loop([accept| Cmds], St) ->
+ case St#st.serialize_accept of
+ true ->
+ Parent = St#st.parent,
+ receive
+ {continue_accept, Parent} ->
+ ok
+ end;
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ case accept(St) of
+ {ok, Sock, Port, Peer} ->
+ case St#st.serialize_accept of
+ true ->
+ St#st.parent ! {one_accept_done, self()};
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ NSt = get_active(St#st{sock = Sock, port = Port, peer = Peer}),
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, NSt);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?error("#### ~w(~w) in accept: error: ~w~n",
+ [St#st.type, self(), Reason]),
+ exit(Reason)
+ end;
+main_loop([accept_timeout| Cmds], St) ->
+ case accept(St) of
+ {error, timeout} ->
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?error("#### ~w(~w) in accept_timeout: error: ~w~n",
+ [St#st.type, self(), Reason]),
+ exit(Reason)
+ end;
+main_loop([{connect, {Host, Port}}| Cmds], St) ->
+ case connect(St, Host, Port) of
+ {ok, Sock, LPort, Peer} ->
+ NSt = get_active(St#st{sock = Sock, port = LPort, peer = Peer}),
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, NSt);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?error("#### ~w(~w) in connect: error: ~w~n",
+ [St#st.type, self(), Reason]),
+ exit(Reason)
+ end;
+main_loop([connection_info| Cmds], St) ->
+ case connection_info(St) of
+ {ok, ProtoInfo} ->
+ io:fwrite("Got connection_info:~n~p~n", [ProtoInfo]),
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?error("#### ~w(~w) in connection_info: error: ~w~n",
+ [St#st.type, self(), Reason]),
+ exit(Reason)
+ end;
+main_loop([peercert| Cmds], St) ->
+ case peercert(St) of
+ {ok, Cert} ->
+ io:fwrite("Got cert:~n~p~n", [Cert]),
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?error("#### ~w(~w) in peercert: error: ~w~n",
+ [St#st.type, self(), Reason]),
+ exit(Reason)
+ end;
+main_loop([nopeercert| Cmds], St) ->
+ case peercert(St) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ io:fwrite("Got no cert as expected. reason:~n~p~n", [Reason]),
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St);
+ {ok, Cert} ->
+ ?error("#### ~w(~w) in peercert: error: got cert: ~p~n",
+ [St#st.type, self(), Cert]),
+ exit(peercert)
+ end;
+main_loop([{recv, N}| Cmds], St) ->
+ recv_loop([{recv, N}| Cmds], fun recv/1, St); % Returns to main_loop/2.
+main_loop([{send, N}| Cmds], St) ->
+ Msg = mk_msg(N),
+ case send(St, Msg) of
+ ok ->
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?error("#### ~w(~w) in send: error: ~w~n",
+ [St#st.type, self(), Reason]),
+ exit(Reason)
+ end;
+main_loop([{echo, N}| Cmds], St) ->
+ recv_loop([{echo, N}| Cmds], fun echo/1, St); % Returns to main_loop/2.
+main_loop([{close, WaitTime}| Cmds], St) ->
+ wait(WaitTime),
+ pre_main_loop([close| Cmds], St);
+main_loop([close| Cmds], St) ->
+ case close(St) of
+ ok ->
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St#st{sock = nil});
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?error("#### ~w(~w) in close: error: ~w~n",
+ [St#st.type, self(), Reason]),
+ exit(Reason)
+ end;
+main_loop([lclose| Cmds], St) ->
+ case lclose(St) of
+ ok ->
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St#st{lsock = nil});
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?error("#### ~w(~w) in lclose: error: ~w~n",
+ [St#st.type, self(), Reason]),
+ exit(Reason)
+ end;
+main_loop([await_close| Cmds], St) ->
+ case await_close(St) of
+ ok ->
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St#st{sock = nil});
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?error("#### ~w(~w) in await_close: error: ~w~n",
+ [St#st.type, self(), Reason]),
+ exit(Reason)
+ end;
+main_loop([wait_sync| Cmds], St) ->
+ wait_sync(St),
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St);
+main_loop({exit, Reason}, _St) ->
+ exit(Reason);
+main_loop([], _St) ->
+ ok.
+%% recv_loop(Cmds, F, St)
+%% F = recv/1 | echo/1
+recv_loop([{_Tag, 0}| Cmds], _, St) ->
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, St);
+recv_loop([{_Tag, N}| _Cmds], _, St) when N < 0 ->
+ ?error("#### ~w(~w) in recv_loop: error: too much: ~w~n",
+ [St#st.type, self(), N]),
+ exit(toomuch); % XXX or {error, Reason}?
+recv_loop([{Tag, N}| Cmds], F, St) ->
+ case F(St) of
+ {ok, Len} ->
+ NSt = St#st{active = new_active(St#st.active)},
+ if
+ Len == N ->
+ pre_main_loop(Cmds, NSt);
+ true ->
+ ?debug("#### ~w -> ~w~n",
+ [{NSt#st.type, self(), NSt#st.sock, NSt#st.port,
+ NSt#st.peer, NSt#st.active}, {Tag, N - Len}]),
+ recv_loop([{Tag, N - Len}| Cmds], F, NSt)
+ end;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?error("#### ~w(~w) in recv_loop: error: ~w, ~w bytes remain~n",
+ [St#st.type, self(), Reason, N]),
+ exit(Reason)
+ end.
+new_active(once) ->
+ false;
+new_active(A) ->
+ A.
+get_active(St) ->
+ A = case proplists:get_value(active, St#st.sockopts, undefined) of
+ undefined ->
+ Mod = case St#st.protomod of
+ ssl ->
+ ssl;
+ gen_tcp ->
+ inet
+ end,
+ {ok, [{active, Ax}]} = Mod:getopts(St#st.sock, [active]),
+ Ax;
+ Ay ->
+ Ay
+ end,
+ ?debug("#### ~w(~w) get_active: ~p\n", [St#st.type, self(), A]),
+ St#st{active = A}.
+%% ssl
+%% listen(St, LPort) -> {ok, LSock} | {error, Reason}
+listen(St, LPort) ->
+ case St#st.protomod of
+ ssl ->
+ ssl:listen(LPort, St#st.sockopts ++ St#st.sslopts);
+ gen_tcp ->
+ gen_tcp:listen(LPort, St#st.sockopts)
+ end.
+%% accept(St) -> {ok, Sock} | {error, Reason}
+accept(St) ->
+ case St#st.protomod of
+ ssl ->
+ case ssl:transport_accept(St#st.lsock, St#st.timeout) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ case ssl:ssl_accept(Sock, St#st.timeout) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, Port} = ssl:sockname(Sock),
+ {ok, Peer} = ssl:peername(Sock),
+ {ok, Sock, Port, Peer};
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end;
+ gen_tcp ->
+ case gen_tcp:accept(St#st.lsock, St#st.timeout) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ {ok, Port} = inet:port(Sock),
+ {ok, Peer} = inet:peername(Sock),
+ {ok, Sock, Port, Peer};
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end
+ end.
+%% connect(St, Host, Port) -> {ok, Sock} | {error, Reason}
+connect(St, Host, Port) ->
+ case St#st.protomod of
+ ssl ->
+ case ssl:connect(Host, Port, St#st.sockopts ++ St#st.sslopts,
+ St#st.timeout) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ {ok, LPort} = ssl:sockname(Sock),
+ {ok, Peer} = ssl:peername(Sock),
+ {ok, Sock, LPort, Peer};
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end;
+ gen_tcp ->
+ case gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, St#st.sockopts, St#st.timeout) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ {ok, LPort} = inet:port(Sock),
+ {ok, Peer} = inet:peername(Sock),
+ {ok, Sock, LPort, Peer};
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end
+ end.
+%% peercert(St) -> {ok, Cert} | {error, Reason}
+peercert(St) ->
+ case St#st.protomod of
+ ssl ->
+ ssl:peercert(St#st.sock, [ssl]);
+ gen_tcp ->
+ {ok, <<>>}
+ end.
+%% connection_info(St) -> {ok, ProtoInfo} | {error, Reason}
+connection_info(St) ->
+ case St#st.protomod of
+ ssl ->
+ case ssl:connection_info(St#st.sock) of
+ Res = {ok, {Proto, _}} ->
+ case St#st.protocols of
+ [] ->
+ Res;
+ Protocols ->
+ case lists:member(Proto, Protocols) of
+ true ->
+ Res;
+ false ->
+ {error, Proto}
+ end
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ gen_tcp ->
+ {ok, <<>>}
+ end.
+%% close(St) -> ok | {error, Reason}
+close(St) ->
+ Mod = St#st.protomod,
+ case St#st.sock of
+ nil ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ Mod:close(St#st.sock)
+ end.
+%% lclose(St) -> ok | {error, Reason}
+lclose(St) ->
+ Mod = St#st.protomod,
+ case St#st.lsock of
+ nil ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ Mod:close(St#st.lsock)
+ end.
+%% recv(St) = {ok, Len} | {error, Reason}
+recv(St) ->
+ case do_recv(St) of
+ {ok, Msg} ->
+ {ok, length(Msg)};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+do_recv(St) when St#st.active == false ->
+ %% First check that we do *not* have any ssl/gen_tcp messages in the
+ %% message queue, then call the receive function.
+ Sock = St#st.sock,
+ case St#st.protomod of
+ ssl ->
+ receive
+ M = {ssl, Sock, _Msg} ->
+ {error, {unexpected_messagex, M}};
+ M = {ssl_closed, Sock} ->
+ {error, {unexpected_message, M}};
+ M = {ssl_error, Sock, _Reason} ->
+ {error, {unexpected_message, M}}
+ after 0 ->
+ ssl:recv(St#st.sock, 0, St#st.timeout)
+ end;
+ gen_tcp ->
+ receive
+ M = {tcp, Sock, _Msg} ->
+ {error, {unexpected_message, M}};
+ M = {tcp_closed, Sock} ->
+ {error, {unexpected_message, M}};
+ M = {tcp_error, Sock, _Reason} ->
+ {error, {unexpected_message, M}}
+ after 0 ->
+ gen_tcp:recv(St#st.sock, 0, St#st.timeout)
+ end
+ end;
+do_recv(St) ->
+ Sock = St#st.sock,
+ Timeout = St#st.timeout,
+ case St#st.protomod of
+ ssl ->
+ receive
+ {ssl, Sock, Msg} ->
+ {ok, Msg};
+ {ssl_closed, Sock} ->
+ {error, closed};
+ {ssl_error, Sock, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ after Timeout ->
+ {error, timeout}
+ end;
+ gen_tcp ->
+ receive
+ {tcp, Sock, Msg} ->
+ {ok, Msg};
+ {tcp_closed, Sock} ->
+ {error, closed};
+ {tcp_error, Sock, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ after Timeout ->
+ {error, timeout}
+ end
+ end.
+%% echo(St) = {ok, Len} | {error, Reason}
+echo(St) ->
+ Sock = St#st.sock,
+ case do_recv(St) of
+ {ok, Msg} ->
+ Mod = St#st.protomod,
+ case Mod:send(Sock, Msg) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, length(Msg)};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+%% send(St, Msg) -> ok | {error, Reason}
+send(St, Msg) ->
+ Mod = St#st.protomod,
+ Mod:send(St#st.sock, Msg).
+%% await_close(St) -> ok | {error, Reason}
+await_close(St) when St#st.active == false ->
+ %% First check that we do *not* have any ssl/gen_tcp messages in the
+ %% message queue, then call the receive function.
+ Sock = St#st.sock,
+ Res = case St#st.protomod of
+ ssl ->
+ receive
+ M = {ssl, Sock, _Msg0} ->
+ {error, {unexpected_message, M}};
+ M = {ssl_closed, Sock} ->
+ {error, {unexpected_message, M}};
+ M = {ssl_error, Sock, _Reason} ->
+ {error, {unexpected_message, M}}
+ after 0 ->
+ ok
+ end;
+ gen_tcp ->
+ receive
+ M = {tcp, Sock, _Msg0} ->
+ {error, {unexpected_message, M}};
+ M = {tcp_closed, Sock} ->
+ {error, {unexpected_message, M}};
+ M = {tcp_error, Sock, _Reason} ->
+ {error, {unexpected_message, M}}
+ after 0 ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end,
+ case Res of
+ ok ->
+ Mod = St#st.protomod,
+ case Mod:recv(St#st.sock, 0, St#st.timeout) of
+ {ok, _Msg} ->
+ {error, toomuch};
+ {error, _} ->
+ ok
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ Res
+ end;
+await_close(St) ->
+ Sock = St#st.sock,
+ Timeout = St#st.timeout,
+ case St#st.protomod of
+ ssl ->
+ receive
+ {ssl, Sock, _Msg} ->
+ {error, toomuch};
+ {ssl_closed, Sock} ->
+ ok;
+ {ssl_error, Sock, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ after Timeout ->
+ {error, timeout}
+ end;
+ gen_tcp ->
+ receive
+ {tcp, Sock, _Msg} ->
+ {error, toomuch};
+ {tcp_closed, Sock} ->
+ ok;
+ {tcp_error, Sock, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ after Timeout ->
+ {error, timeout}
+ end
+ end.
+wait_ack(_, [], _) ->
+ ok;
+wait_ack(AccPids0, Pids, Timeout) ->
+ ?debug("#### CONTROLLER: waiting for ~w~n", [Pids]),
+ receive
+ {one_accept_done, Pid} ->
+ case lists:delete(Pid, AccPids0) of
+ [] ->
+ wait_ack([], Pids, Timeout);
+ [AccPid| AccPids1] ->
+ AccPid ! {continue_accept, self()},
+ wait_ack(AccPids1, Pids, Timeout)
+ end;
+ {'EXIT', Pid, normal} ->
+ wait_ack(AccPids0, lists:delete(Pid, Pids), Timeout);
+ {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
+ ?error("#### CONTROLLER got abnormal exit: ~w, ~w~n",
+ [Pid, Reason]),
+ {error, Reason}
+ after Timeout ->
+ ?error("#### CONTROLLER exiting because of timeout = ~w~n",
+ [Timeout]),
+ {error, Timeout}
+ end.
+%% ack_lsock(Pid, LSock)
+ack_lsock(Pid, LSock) ->
+ Pid ! {lsock, self(), LSock}.
+wait_lsock(Pid, Timeout) ->
+ receive
+ {lsock, Pid, LSock} ->
+ {ok, LSock}
+ after Timeout ->
+ exit(timeout)
+ end.
+%% sync(Pids)
+sync(Pids) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun (Pid) -> Pid ! {self(), sync} end, Pids).
+%% wait_sync(St)
+wait_sync(St) ->
+ Pid = St#st.parent,
+ receive
+ {Pid, sync} ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% wait(Time)
+wait(Time) ->
+ receive
+ after Time ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% mk_msg(Size)
+mk_msg(Size) ->
+ mk_msg(0, Size, []).
+mk_msg(_, 0, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+mk_msg(Pos, Size, Acc) ->
+ C = (((Pos + Size) rem 256) - 1) band 255,
+ mk_msg(Pos, Size - 1, [C| Acc]).
+%% get_protomod(Config)
+get_protomod(Config) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(protomod, 1, Config) of
+ {value, {_, ProtoMod}} ->
+ ProtoMod;
+ false ->
+ ssl
+ end.
+%% get_serialize_accept(Config)
+get_serialize_accept(Config) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(serialize_accept, 1, Config) of
+ {value, {_, Val}} ->
+ Val;
+ false ->
+ false
+ end.