path: root/lib/ssl/test
diff options
authorMagnus Henoch <[email protected]>2016-02-03 18:20:39 +0000
committerMagnus Henoch <[email protected]>2016-03-17 16:48:24 +0000
commit4b3a9cbeaa101603b6eaf6d68976e90780d85fc2 (patch)
treec2662280a2d89933f56ee90cc9b8465aa83ad4da /lib/ssl/test
parentca946a3c64573295d289dbd556c375ec5259c4b3 (diff)
Allow passing verify_fun for TLS distribution
Accept a value of the form {Module, Function, State} from the command line. This is different from the {Fun, State} that ssl:connect etc expect, since there's no clean way to parse a fun from a command line argument.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/test')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_SUITE.erl
index 00f9ee8e3c..b07be0dcad 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_SUITE.erl
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@
all() ->
[basic, payload, plain_options, plain_verify_options, nodelay_option,
- listen_port_options, listen_options, connect_options, use_interface].
+ listen_port_options, listen_options, connect_options, use_interface,
+ verify_fun_fail, verify_fun_pass].
groups() ->
@@ -418,6 +419,78 @@ use_interface(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+verify_fun_fail() ->
+ [{doc,"Test specifying verify_fun with a function that always fails"}].
+verify_fun_fail(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ DistOpts = "-ssl_dist_opt "
+ "server_verify verify_peer server_verify_fun {ssl_dist_SUITE,verify_fail_always,{}} "
+ "client_verify verify_peer client_verify_fun {ssl_dist_SUITE,verify_fail_always,{}} ",
+ NH1 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts} | Config]),
+ NH2 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts} | Config]),
+ Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
+ pang = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> net_adm:ping(Node2) end),
+ [] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> nodes() end),
+ [] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> nodes() end),
+ %% Check that the function ran on the client node.
+ [{verify_fail_always_ran, true}] =
+ apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> ets:tab2list(verify_fun_ran) end),
+ %% On the server node, it wouldn't run, because the server didn't
+ %% request a certificate from the client.
+ undefined =
+ apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> ets:info(verify_fun_ran) end),
+ stop_ssl_node(NH1),
+ stop_ssl_node(NH2),
+ success(Config).
+verify_fail_always(_Certificate, _Event, _State) ->
+ %% Create an ETS table, to record the fact that the verify function ran.
+ ets:new(verify_fun_ran, [public, named_table, {heir, whereis(ssl_tls_dist_proxy), {}}]),
+ ets:insert(verify_fun_ran, {verify_fail_always_ran, true}),
+ {fail, bad_certificate}.
+verify_fun_pass() ->
+ [{doc,"Test specifying verify_fun with a function that always succeeds"}].
+verify_fun_pass(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ DistOpts = "-ssl_dist_opt "
+ "server_verify verify_peer server_verify_fun {ssl_dist_SUITE,verify_pass_always,{}} "
+ "server_fail_if_no_peer_cert true "
+ "client_verify verify_peer client_verify_fun {ssl_dist_SUITE,verify_pass_always,{}} ",
+ NH1 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts} | Config]),
+ Node1 = NH1#node_handle.nodename,
+ NH2 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts} | Config]),
+ Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
+ pong = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> net_adm:ping(Node2) end),
+ [Node2] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> nodes() end),
+ [Node1] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> nodes() end),
+ %% Check that the function ran on the client node.
+ [{verify_pass_always_ran, true}] =
+ apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> ets:tab2list(verify_fun_ran) end),
+ %% Check that it ran on the server node as well. The server
+ %% requested and verified the client's certificate because we
+ %% passed fail_if_no_peer_cert.
+ [{verify_pass_always_ran, true}] =
+ apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> ets:tab2list(verify_fun_ran) end),
+ stop_ssl_node(NH1),
+ stop_ssl_node(NH2),
+ success(Config).
+verify_pass_always(_Certificate, _Event, State) ->
+ %% Create an ETS table, to record the fact that the verify function ran.
+ ets:new(verify_fun_ran, [public, named_table, {heir, whereis(ssl_tls_dist_proxy), {}}]),
+ ets:insert(verify_fun_ran, {verify_pass_always_ran, true}),
+ {valid, State}.
%%% Internal functions -----------------------------------------------