path: root/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl
diff options
authorSiri Hansen <[email protected]>2014-06-11 14:29:19 +0200
committerSiri Hansen <[email protected]>2014-06-11 14:29:19 +0200
commitda42410cb15c0749ea6cf9b6196b81320d8391b6 (patch)
tree829f5cdb59cf92cdaf381564fe51885644494650 /lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl
parent5f2b70f205bc64be545b75db5419111aac11291d (diff)
parent154a057dcbf087deb38b13e97f0a0373e6a72f1d (diff)
Merge branch 'siri/sync-stop-gen/OTP-11173'
* siri/sync-stop-gen/OTP-11173: Add synchronous stop function to wx_object Fix minor bugs in gen_server and gen_fsm documentation Update gen_event:stop to be synchronous Add synchronous stop functions to gen_server and gen_fsm Add synchronous stop function to proc_lib Add system message 'terminate' Remove old code from stdlib/test/sys_sp2.erl
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl
index 63116fa16e..6d7ca3d75c 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
%%% The standard behaviour should export init_it/6.
-export([start/5, start/6, debug_options/1,
- call/3, call/4, reply/2]).
+ call/3, call/4, reply/2, stop/1, stop/3]).
-export([init_it/6, init_it/7]).
@@ -145,56 +145,10 @@ init_it2(GenMod, Starter, Parent, Name, Mod, Args, Options) ->
call(Process, Label, Request) ->
call(Process, Label, Request, ?default_timeout).
-%% Local or remote by pid
-call(Pid, Label, Request, Timeout)
- when is_pid(Pid), Timeout =:= infinity;
- is_pid(Pid), is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
- do_call(Pid, Label, Request, Timeout);
-%% Local by name
-call(Name, Label, Request, Timeout)
- when is_atom(Name), Timeout =:= infinity;
- is_atom(Name), is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
- case whereis(Name) of
- Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- do_call(Pid, Label, Request, Timeout);
- undefined ->
- exit(noproc)
- end;
-%% Global by name
call(Process, Label, Request, Timeout)
- when ((tuple_size(Process) == 2 andalso element(1, Process) == global)
- orelse
- (tuple_size(Process) == 3 andalso element(1, Process) == via))
- andalso
- (Timeout =:= infinity orelse (is_integer(Timeout) andalso Timeout >= 0)) ->
- case where(Process) of
- Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- Node = node(Pid),
- try do_call(Pid, Label, Request, Timeout)
- catch
- exit:{nodedown, Node} ->
- %% A nodedown not yet detected by global,
- %% pretend that it was.
- exit(noproc)
- end;
- undefined ->
- exit(noproc)
- end;
-%% Local by name in disguise
-call({Name, Node}, Label, Request, Timeout)
- when Node =:= node(), Timeout =:= infinity;
- Node =:= node(), is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
- call(Name, Label, Request, Timeout);
-%% Remote by name
-call({_Name, Node}=Process, Label, Request, Timeout)
- when is_atom(Node), Timeout =:= infinity;
- is_atom(Node), is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
- if
- node() =:= nonode@nohost ->
- exit({nodedown, Node});
- true ->
- do_call(Process, Label, Request, Timeout)
- end.
+ when Timeout =:= infinity; is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
+ Fun = fun(Pid) -> do_call(Pid, Label, Request, Timeout) end,
+ do_for_proc(Process, Fun).
do_call(Process, Label, Request, Timeout) ->
try erlang:monitor(process, Process) of
@@ -276,6 +230,65 @@ reply({To, Tag}, Reply) ->
Msg = {Tag, Reply},
try To ! Msg catch _:_ -> Msg end.
+%% Syncronously stop a generic process
+stop(Process) ->
+ stop(Process, normal, infinity).
+stop(Process, Reason, Timeout)
+ when Timeout =:= infinity; is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
+ Fun = fun(Pid) -> proc_lib:stop(Pid, Reason, Timeout) end,
+ do_for_proc(Process, Fun).
+%% Map different specifications of a process to either Pid or
+%% {Name,Node}. Execute the given Fun with the process as only
+%% argument.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Local or remote by pid
+do_for_proc(Pid, Fun) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ Fun(Pid);
+%% Local by name
+do_for_proc(Name, Fun) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ case whereis(Name) of
+ Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ Fun(Pid);
+ undefined ->
+ exit(noproc)
+ end;
+%% Global by name
+do_for_proc(Process, Fun)
+ when ((tuple_size(Process) == 2 andalso element(1, Process) == global)
+ orelse
+ (tuple_size(Process) == 3 andalso element(1, Process) == via)) ->
+ case where(Process) of
+ Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ Node = node(Pid),
+ try Fun(Pid)
+ catch
+ exit:{nodedown, Node} ->
+ %% A nodedown not yet detected by global,
+ %% pretend that it was.
+ exit(noproc)
+ end;
+ undefined ->
+ exit(noproc)
+ end;
+%% Local by name in disguise
+do_for_proc({Name, Node}, Fun) when Node =:= node() ->
+ do_for_proc(Name, Fun);
+%% Remote by name
+do_for_proc({_Name, Node} = Process, Fun) when is_atom(Node) ->
+ if
+ node() =:= nonode@nohost ->
+ exit({nodedown, Node});
+ true ->
+ Fun(Process)
+ end.
%%% Misc. functions.