path: root/lib/stdlib/src/timer.erl
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authorHans Bolinder <[email protected]>2011-05-13 14:04:23 +0200
committerHans Bolinder <[email protected]>2011-05-13 14:04:23 +0200
commit22f3c9720cb7d19a3aafac613f03aede91d6283f (patch)
treebc0961a8b4d9377d5e0e19204061f9d12e0ed4a9 /lib/stdlib/src/timer.erl
parent8c3a2a93b6b60253faa8397e5a02206b882b811f (diff)
parent76ca320fd37cecdcf225ddcc094bc72a607b0453 (diff)
Merge branch 'hb/stdlib/specs/OTP-9267' into dev
* hb/stdlib/specs/OTP-9267: Types and specifications have been modified and added Conflicts: lib/stdlib/src/timer.erl
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src/timer.erl')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/timer.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/timer.erl
index 78e897b877..89fae05e4f 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/timer.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/timer.erl
@@ -46,56 +46,108 @@
-opaque tref() :: {integer(), reference()}.
-type time() :: non_neg_integer().
--type timestamp() :: {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}.
%% Interface functions
--spec apply_after(time(), atom(), atom(), [term()]) -> {'ok', tref()} | {'error', term()}.
+-spec apply_after(Time, Module, Function, Arguments) ->
+ {'ok', TRef} | {'error', Reason} when
+ Time :: time(),
+ Module :: module(),
+ Function :: atom(),
+ Arguments :: [term()],
+ TRef :: tref(),
+ Reason :: term().
apply_after(Time, M, F, A) ->
req(apply_after, {Time, {M, F, A}}).
--spec send_after(time(), pid() | atom(), term()) -> {'ok', tref()} | {'error', term()}.
+-spec send_after(Time, Pid, Message) -> {'ok', TRef} | {'error', Reason} when
+ Time :: time(),
+ Pid :: pid() | (RegName :: atom()),
+ Message :: term(),
+ TRef :: tref(),
+ Reason :: term().
send_after(Time, Pid, Message) ->
req(apply_after, {Time, {?MODULE, send, [Pid, Message]}}).
--spec send_after(time(), term()) -> {'ok', tref()} | {'error', term()}.
+-spec send_after(Time, Message) -> {'ok', TRef} | {'error', Reason} when
+ Time :: time(),
+ Message :: term(),
+ TRef :: tref(),
+ Reason :: term().
send_after(Time, Message) ->
send_after(Time, self(), Message).
--spec exit_after(time(), pid() | atom(), term()) -> {'ok', tref()} | {'error', term()}.
+-spec exit_after(Time, Pid, Reason1) -> {'ok', TRef} | {'error', Reason2} when
+ Time :: time(),
+ Pid :: pid() | (RegName :: atom()),
+ TRef :: tref(),
+ Reason1 :: term(),
+ Reason2 :: term().
exit_after(Time, Pid, Reason) ->
req(apply_after, {Time, {erlang, exit, [Pid, Reason]}}).
--spec exit_after(time(), term()) -> {'ok', tref()} | {'error', term()}.
+-spec exit_after(Time, Reason1) -> {'ok', TRef} | {'error', Reason2} when
+ Time :: time(),
+ TRef :: tref(),
+ Reason1 :: term(),
+ Reason2 :: term().
exit_after(Time, Reason) ->
exit_after(Time, self(), Reason).
--spec kill_after(time(), pid() | atom()) -> {'ok', tref()} | {'error', term()}.
+-spec kill_after(Time, Pid) -> {'ok', TRef} | {'error', Reason2} when
+ Time :: time(),
+ Pid :: pid() | (RegName :: atom()),
+ TRef :: tref(),
+ Reason2 :: term().
kill_after(Time, Pid) ->
exit_after(Time, Pid, kill).
--spec kill_after(time()) -> {'ok', tref()} | {'error', term()}.
+-spec kill_after(Time) -> {'ok', TRef} | {'error', Reason2} when
+ Time :: time(),
+ TRef :: tref(),
+ Reason2 :: term().
kill_after(Time) ->
exit_after(Time, self(), kill).
--spec apply_interval(time(), atom(), atom(), [term()]) -> {'ok', tref()} | {'error', term()}.
+-spec apply_interval(Time, Module, Function, Arguments) ->
+ {'ok', TRef} | {'error', Reason} when
+ Time :: time(),
+ Module :: module(),
+ Function :: atom(),
+ Arguments :: [term()],
+ TRef :: tref(),
+ Reason :: term().
apply_interval(Time, M, F, A) ->
req(apply_interval, {Time, self(), {M, F, A}}).
--spec send_interval(time(), pid() | atom(), term()) -> {'ok', tref()} | {'error', term()}.
+-spec send_interval(Time, Pid, Message) ->
+ {'ok', TRef} | {'error', Reason} when
+ Time :: time(),
+ Pid :: pid() | (RegName :: atom()),
+ Message :: term(),
+ TRef :: tref(),
+ Reason :: term().
send_interval(Time, Pid, Message) ->
req(apply_interval, {Time, Pid, {?MODULE, send, [Pid, Message]}}).
--spec send_interval(time(), term()) -> {'ok', tref()} | {'error', term()}.
+-spec send_interval(Time, Message) -> {'ok', TRef} | {'error', Reason} when
+ Time :: time(),
+ Message :: term(),
+ TRef :: tref(),
+ Reason :: term().
send_interval(Time, Message) ->
send_interval(Time, self(), Message).
--spec cancel(tref()) -> {'ok', 'cancel'} | {'error', term()}.
+-spec cancel(TRef) -> {'ok', 'cancel'} | {'error', Reason} when
+ TRef :: tref(),
+ Reason :: term().
cancel(BRef) ->
req(cancel, BRef).
--spec sleep(timeout()) -> 'ok'.
+-spec sleep(Time) -> 'ok' when
+ Time :: timeout().
sleep(T) ->
after T -> ok
@@ -104,7 +156,10 @@ sleep(T) ->
%% Measure the execution time (in microseconds) for Fun().
--spec tc(function()) -> {time(), term()}.
+-spec tc(Fun) -> {Time, Value} when
+ Fun :: function(),
+ Time :: integer(),
+ Value :: term().
tc(F) ->
Before = os:timestamp(),
Val = F(),
@@ -114,7 +169,11 @@ tc(F) ->
%% Measure the execution time (in microseconds) for Fun(Args).
--spec tc(function(), [_]) -> {time(), term()}.
+-spec tc(Fun, Arguments) -> {Time, Value} when
+ Fun :: function(),
+ Arguments :: [term()],
+ Time :: integer(),
+ Value :: term().
tc(F, A) ->
Before = os:timestamp(),
Val = apply(F, A),
@@ -124,7 +183,12 @@ tc(F, A) ->
%% Measure the execution time (in microseconds) for an MFA.
--spec tc(atom(), atom(), [term()]) -> {time(), term()}.
+-spec tc(Module, Function, Arguments) -> {Time, Value} when
+ Module :: module(),
+ Function :: atom(),
+ Arguments :: [term()],
+ Time :: integer(),
+ Value :: term().
tc(M, F, A) ->
Before = os:timestamp(),
Val = apply(M, F, A),
@@ -135,23 +199,36 @@ tc(M, F, A) ->
%% Calculate the time difference (in microseconds) of two
%% erlang:now() timestamps, T2-T1.
--spec now_diff(timestamp(), timestamp()) -> integer().
+-spec now_diff(T1, T2) -> Tdiff when
+ T1 :: calendar:t_now(),
+ T2 :: calendar:t_now(),
+ Tdiff :: integer().
now_diff({A2, B2, C2}, {A1, B1, C1}) ->
((A2-A1)*1000000 + B2-B1)*1000000 + C2-C1.
%% Convert seconds, minutes etc. to milliseconds.
--spec seconds(non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
+-spec seconds(Seconds) -> MilliSeconds when
+ Seconds :: non_neg_integer(),
+ MilliSeconds :: non_neg_integer().
seconds(Seconds) ->
--spec minutes(non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
+-spec minutes(Minutes) -> MilliSeconds when
+ Minutes :: non_neg_integer(),
+ MilliSeconds :: non_neg_integer().
minutes(Minutes) ->
--spec hours(non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
+-spec hours(Hours) -> MilliSeconds when
+ Hours :: non_neg_integer(),
+ MilliSeconds :: non_neg_integer().
hours(Hours) ->
--spec hms(non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
+-spec hms(Hours, Minutes, Seconds) -> MilliSeconds when
+ Hours :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Minutes :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Seconds :: non_neg_integer(),
+ MilliSeconds :: non_neg_integer().
hms(H, M, S) ->
hours(H) + minutes(M) + seconds(S).