path: root/lib/stdlib/src
diff options
authorHans Bolinder <[email protected]>2015-09-15 14:25:48 +0200
committerHans Bolinder <[email protected]>2015-09-15 14:25:48 +0200
commit676b4aaf02b5ba4069ec19eff2c0b42074d30fce (patch)
treed6907817794d330611df1ef5a1969fe97ca8116f /lib/stdlib/src
parent195393b00e0a5b83526a2bca504fe32edd6dc989 (diff)
parentd16c327bd35493a3687f7e07e2b332d2d18c5bc8 (diff)
Merge branch 'hb/finish_line_abstraction/OTP-12861'
* hb/finish_line_abstraction/OTP-12861: syntax_tools: Use the erl_anno module a bit more test_server: Fix a bug related to the use of the erl_anno module debugger: Fix a bug related to the use of the erl_anno module stdlib: Remove deprecated functions in erl_parse and erl_scan
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src')
5 files changed, 70 insertions, 387 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_anno.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_anno.erl
index 143318aa55..d32c34dabd 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_anno.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_anno.erl
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
--define(LN(L), is_integer(L)).
+-define(LN(L), is_integer(L), L >= 0).
-define(COL(C), (is_integer(C) andalso C >= 1)).
%% Location.
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@
| {'record', record()}
| {'text', string()}.
--type anno() :: location() | [annotation(), ...].
+-opaque anno() :: location() | [annotation(), ...].
-type anno_term() :: term().
-type column() :: pos_integer().
-type generated() :: boolean().
-type filename() :: file:filename_all().
--type line() :: integer().
+-type line() :: non_neg_integer().
-type location() :: line() | {line(), column()}.
-type record() :: boolean().
-type text() :: string().
@@ -90,9 +90,13 @@ to_term(Anno) ->
from_term(Term) when is_list(Term) ->
+from_term(Line) when is_integer(Line), Line < 0 -> % Before OTP 19
+ set_generated(true, new(-Line));
from_term(Term) ->
[{location, Term}].
+from_term(Line) when is_integer(Line), Line < 0 -> % Before OTP 19
+ set_generated(true, new(-Line));
from_term(Term) ->
@@ -198,18 +202,11 @@ file(Anno) ->
Anno :: anno().
generated(Line) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
- Line =< 0;
+ false;
generated({Line, Column}) when ?ALINE(Line), ?ACOLUMN(Column) ->
- Line =< 0;
+ false;
generated(Anno) ->
- _ = anno_info(Anno, generated, false),
- {location, Location} = lists:keyfind(location, 1, Anno),
- case Location of
- {Line, _Column} ->
- Line =< 0;
- Line ->
- Line =< 0
- end.
+ anno_info(Anno, generated, false).
-spec line(Anno) -> line() when
Anno :: anno().
@@ -226,18 +223,11 @@ line(Anno) ->
Anno :: anno().
location(Line) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
- abs(Line);
-location({Line, Column}) when ?ALINE(Line), ?ACOLUMN(Column) ->
- {abs(Line), Column};
+ Line;
+location({Line, Column}=Location) when ?ALINE(Line), ?ACOLUMN(Column) ->
+ Location;
location(Anno) ->
- case anno_info(Anno, location) of
- Line when Line < 0 ->
- -Line;
- {Line, Column} when Line < 0 ->
- {-Line, Column};
- Location ->
- Location
- end.
+ anno_info(Anno, location).
-spec record(Anno) -> record() when
Anno :: anno().
@@ -270,31 +260,8 @@ set_file(File, Anno) ->
Generated :: generated(),
Anno :: anno().
-set_generated(true, Line) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
- -abs(Line);
-set_generated(false, Line) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
- abs(Line);
-set_generated(true, {Line, Column}) when ?ALINE(Line),
- ?ACOLUMN(Column) ->
- {-abs(Line),Column};
-set_generated(false, {Line, Column}) when ?ALINE(Line),
- ?ACOLUMN(Column) ->
- {abs(Line),Column};
set_generated(Generated, Anno) ->
- _ = set(generated, Generated, Anno),
- {location, Location} = lists:keyfind(location, 1, Anno),
- NewLocation =
- case Location of
- {Line, Column} when Generated ->
- {-abs(Line), Column};
- {Line, Column} when not Generated ->
- {abs(Line), Column};
- Line when Generated ->
- -abs(Line);
- Line when not Generated ->
- abs(Line)
- end,
- lists:keyreplace(location, 1, Anno, {location, NewLocation}).
+ set(generated, Generated, Anno).
-spec set_line(Line, Anno) -> Anno when
Line :: line(),
@@ -313,38 +280,17 @@ set_line(Line, Anno) ->
Anno :: anno().
set_location(Line, L) when ?ALINE(L), ?LLINE(Line) ->
- new_location(fix_line(Line, L));
+ new_location(Line);
set_location(Line, {L, Column}) when ?ALINE(L), ?ACOLUMN(Column),
?LLINE(Line) ->
- new_location(fix_line(Line, L));
+ new_location(Line);
set_location({L, C}=Loc, Line) when ?ALINE(Line), ?LLINE(L), ?LCOLUMN(C) ->
- new_location(fix_location(Loc, Line));
+ new_location(Loc);
set_location({L, C}=Loc, {Line, Column}) when ?ALINE(Line), ?ACOLUMN(Column),
- new_location(fix_location(Loc, Line));
+ new_location(Loc);
set_location(Location, Anno) ->
- _ = set(location, Location, Anno),
- {location, OldLocation} = lists:keyfind(location, 1, Anno),
- NewLocation =
- case {Location, OldLocation} of
- {{_Line, _Column}=Loc, {L, _C}} ->
- fix_location(Loc, L);
- {Line, {L, _C}} ->
- fix_line(Line, L);
- {{_Line, _Column}=Loc, L} ->
- fix_location(Loc, L);
- {Line, L} ->
- fix_line(Line, L)
- end,
- lists:keyreplace(location, 1, Anno, {location, NewLocation}).
-fix_location({Line, Column}, OldLine) ->
- {fix_line(Line, OldLine), Column}.
-fix_line(Line, OldLine) when OldLine < 0, Line > 0 ->
- -Line;
-fix_line(Line, _OldLine) ->
- Line.
+ set(location, Location, Anno).
-spec set_record(Record, Anno) -> Anno when
Record :: record(),
@@ -383,7 +329,7 @@ set_anno(Item, Value, Anno) ->
_ ->
lists:keyreplace(Item, 1, Anno, {Item, Value})
- simplify(R)
+ reset_simplify(R)
reset(Anno, Item) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
index c4cb5fdc80..a5f0e7dbd3 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
@@ -31,12 +31,8 @@
-import(lists, [member/2,map/2,foldl/3,foldr/3,mapfoldl/3,all/2,reverse/1]).
--deprecated([{modify_line, 2, next_major_release}]).
%% bool_option(OnOpt, OffOpt, Default, Options) -> boolean().
%% value_option(Flag, Default, Options) -> Value.
%% value_option(Flag, Default, OnOpt, OnVal, OffOpt, OffVal, Options) ->
@@ -79,7 +75,7 @@ value_option(Flag, Default, On, OnVal, Off, OffVal, Opts) ->
%%-define(DEBUGF(X,Y), io:format(X, Y)).
-define(DEBUGF(X,Y), void).
--type line() :: erl_anno:line(). % a convenient alias
+-type line() :: erl_anno:anno(). % a convenient alias
-type fa() :: {atom(), arity()}. % function+arity
-type ta() :: {atom(), arity()}. % type+arity
@@ -238,6 +234,9 @@ format_error({removed, MFA, ReplacementMFA, Rel}) ->
"use ~s", [format_mfa(MFA), Rel, format_mfa(ReplacementMFA)]);
format_error({removed, MFA, String}) when is_list(String) ->
io_lib:format("~s: ~s", [format_mfa(MFA), String]);
+format_error({removed_type, MNA, ReplacementMNA, Rel}) ->
+ io_lib:format("the type ~s was removed in ~s; use ~s instead",
+ [format_mna(MNA), Rel, format_mna(ReplacementMNA)]);
format_error({obsolete_guard, {F, A}}) ->
io_lib:format("~p/~p obsolete", [F, A]);
format_error({too_many_arguments,Arity}) ->
@@ -413,6 +412,9 @@ format_mfa({M, F, A}) when is_integer(A) ->
format_mf(M, F, ArityString) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) ->
atom_to_list(M) ++ ":" ++ atom_to_list(F) ++ "/" ++ ArityString.
+format_mna({M, N, A}) when is_integer(A) ->
+ atom_to_list(M) ++ ":" ++ atom_to_list(N) ++ gen_type_paren(A).
format_where(L) when is_integer(L) ->
io_lib:format("(line ~p)", [L]);
format_where({L,C}) when is_integer(L), is_integer(C) ->
@@ -3482,13 +3484,6 @@ vt_no_unused(Vt) -> [V || {_,{_,U,_L}}=V <- Vt, U =/= unused].
copy_expr(Expr, Anno) ->
erl_parse:map_anno(fun(_A) -> Anno end, Expr).
-%% modify_line(Form, Fun) -> Form
-%% modify_line(Expression, Fun) -> Expression
-%% Applies Fun to each line number occurrence.
-modify_line(T, F0) ->
- erl_parse:map_anno(F0, T).
%% Check a record_info call. We have already checked that it is not
%% shadowed by an import.
@@ -3557,6 +3552,7 @@ deprecated_function(Line, M, F, As, St) ->
+-dialyzer({no_match, deprecated_type/5}).
deprecated_type(L, M, N, As, St) ->
NAs = length(As),
case otp_internal:obsolete_type(M, N, NAs) of
@@ -3567,6 +3563,8 @@ deprecated_type(L, M, N, As, St) ->
false ->
+ {removed, Replacement, Rel} ->
+ add_warning(L, {removed_type, {M,N,NAs}, Replacement, Rel}, St);
no ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl
index e82282421e..206b0c6e7b 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl
@@ -525,11 +525,6 @@ Erlang code.
-export([map_anno/2, fold_anno/3, mapfold_anno/3,
new_anno/1, anno_to_term/1, anno_from_term/1]).
--deprecated([{set_line, 2, next_major_release},
- {get_attribute, 2, next_major_release},
- {get_attributes, 1, next_major_release}]).
%% The following directive is needed for (significantly) faster compilation
%% of the generated .erl file by the HiPE compiler. Please do not remove.
@@ -1118,28 +1113,6 @@ type_preop_prec('-') -> {600,700};
type_preop_prec('bnot') -> {600,700};
type_preop_prec('#') -> {700,800}.
-%%% [Experimental]. The parser just copies the attributes of the
-%%% scanner tokens to the abstract format. This design decision has
-%%% been hidden to some extent: use set_line() and get_attribute() to
-%%% access the second element of (almost all) of the abstract format
-%%% tuples. A typical use is to negate line numbers to prevent the
-%%% compiler from emitting warnings and errors. The second element can
-%%% (of course) be set to any value, but then these functions no
-%%% longer apply. To get all present attributes as a property list
-%%% get_attributes() should be used.
-set_line(L, F) ->
- erl_scan:set_attribute(line, L, F).
-get_attribute(L, Name) ->
- erl_scan:attributes_info(L, Name).
-get_attributes(L) ->
- erl_scan:attributes_info(L).
-spec map_anno(Fun, Abstr) -> NewAbstr when
Fun :: fun((Anno) -> Anno),
Anno :: erl_anno:anno(),
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_scan.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_scan.erl
index d2f53816b8..47223b129c 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_scan.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_scan.erl
@@ -52,25 +52,15 @@
%%% External exports
- format_error/1,reserved_word/1,
- token_info/1,token_info/2,
- attributes_info/1,attributes_info/2,set_attribute/3]).
+ format_error/1,reserved_word/1]).
--deprecated([{attributes_info, 1, next_major_release},
- {attributes_info, 2, next_major_release},
- {set_attribute, 3, next_major_release},
- {token_info, 1, next_major_release},
- {token_info, 2, next_major_release}]).
%%% Private
- line/0,
- location/0,
@@ -85,29 +75,18 @@
-define(ALINE(L), is_integer(L)).
-define(STRING(S), is_list(S)).
-define(RESWORDFUN(F), is_function(F, 1)).
--define(SETATTRFUN(F), is_function(F, 1)).
-type category() :: atom().
--type column() :: pos_integer(). % Deprecated
--type line() :: integer(). % Deprecated
--type location() :: line() | {line(),column()}. % Deprecated
-type resword_fun() :: fun((atom()) -> boolean()).
-type option() :: 'return' | 'return_white_spaces' | 'return_comments'
| 'text' | {'reserved_word_fun', resword_fun()}.
-type options() :: option() | [option()].
-type symbol() :: atom() | float() | integer() | string().
--type info_line() :: integer() | term().
--type attributes_data()
- :: [{'column', column()} | {'line', info_line()} | {'text', string()}]
- | {line(), column()}.
-%% The fact that {line(),column()} is a possible attributes() type
-%% is hidden.
--type attributes() :: line() | attributes_data().
--type token() :: {category(), attributes(), symbol()}
- | {category(), attributes()}.
+-type token() :: {category(), Anno :: erl_anno:anno(), symbol()}
+ | {category(), Anno :: erl_anno:anno()}.
-type tokens() :: [token()].
-type error_description() :: term().
--type error_info() :: {location(), module(), error_description()}.
+-type error_info() :: {erl_anno:location(), module(), error_description()}.
%%% Local record.
@@ -136,8 +115,8 @@ format_error(Other) ->
String :: string(),
Return :: {'ok', Tokens :: tokens(), EndLocation}
| {'error', ErrorInfo :: error_info(), ErrorLocation},
- EndLocation :: location(),
- ErrorLocation :: location().
+ EndLocation :: erl_anno:location(),
+ ErrorLocation :: erl_anno:location().
string(String) ->
string(String, 1, []).
@@ -145,9 +124,9 @@ string(String) ->
String :: string(),
Return :: {'ok', Tokens :: tokens(), EndLocation}
| {'error', ErrorInfo :: error_info(), ErrorLocation},
- StartLocation :: location(),
- EndLocation :: location(),
- ErrorLocation :: location().
+ StartLocation :: erl_anno:location(),
+ EndLocation :: erl_anno:location(),
+ ErrorLocation :: erl_anno:location().
string(String, StartLocation) ->
string(String, StartLocation, []).
@@ -156,9 +135,9 @@ string(String, StartLocation) ->
Options :: options(),
Return :: {'ok', Tokens :: tokens(), EndLocation}
| {'error', ErrorInfo :: error_info(), ErrorLocation},
- StartLocation :: location(),
- EndLocation :: location(),
- ErrorLocation :: location().
+ StartLocation :: erl_anno:location(),
+ EndLocation :: erl_anno:location(),
+ ErrorLocation :: erl_anno:location().
string(String, Line, Options) when ?STRING(String), ?ALINE(Line) ->
string1(String, options(Options), Line, no_col, []);
string(String, {Line,Column}, Options) when ?STRING(String),
@@ -167,20 +146,23 @@ string(String, {Line,Column}, Options) when ?STRING(String),
string1(String, options(Options), Line, Column, []).
-type char_spec() :: string() | 'eof'.
--type cont_fun() :: fun((char_spec(), #erl_scan{}, line(), column(),
+-type cont_fun() :: fun((char_spec(), #erl_scan{},
+ erl_anno:line(), erl_anno:column(),
tokens(), any()) -> any()).
-opaque return_cont() :: {erl_scan_continuation,
- string(), column(), tokens(), line(),
+ string(), erl_anno:column(), tokens(),
+ erl_anno:line(),
#erl_scan{}, any(), cont_fun()}.
--type tokens_result() :: {'ok', Tokens :: tokens(), EndLocation :: location()}
- | {'eof', EndLocation :: location()}
+-type tokens_result() :: {'ok', Tokens :: tokens(),
+ EndLocation :: erl_anno:location()}
+ | {'eof', EndLocation :: erl_anno:location()}
| {'error', ErrorInfo :: error_info(),
- EndLocation :: location()}.
+ EndLocation :: erl_anno:location()}.
-spec tokens(Continuation, CharSpec, StartLocation) -> Return when
Continuation :: return_cont() | [],
CharSpec :: char_spec(),
- StartLocation :: location(),
+ StartLocation :: erl_anno:location(),
Return :: {'done',Result :: tokens_result(),LeftOverChars :: char_spec()}
| {'more', Continuation1 :: return_cont()}.
tokens(Cont, CharSpec, StartLocation) ->
@@ -189,7 +171,7 @@ tokens(Cont, CharSpec, StartLocation) ->
-spec tokens(Continuation, CharSpec, StartLocation, Options) -> Return when
Continuation :: return_cont() | [],
CharSpec :: char_spec(),
- StartLocation :: location(),
+ StartLocation :: erl_anno:location(),
Options :: options(),
Return :: {'done',Result :: tokens_result(),LeftOverChars :: char_spec()}
| {'more', Continuation1 :: return_cont()}.
@@ -257,155 +239,6 @@ symbol({_Category,_Anno,Symbol}) ->
symbol(T) ->
erlang:error(badarg, [T]).
--type attribute_item() :: 'column' | 'length' | 'line'
- | 'location' | 'text'.
--type info_location() :: location() | term().
--type attribute_info() :: {'column', column()}| {'length', pos_integer()}
- | {'line', info_line()}
- | {'location', info_location()}
- | {'text', string()}.
--type token_item() :: 'category' | 'symbol' | attribute_item().
--type token_info() :: {'category', category()} | {'symbol', symbol()}
- | attribute_info().
--spec token_info(Token) -> TokenInfo when
- Token :: token(),
- TokenInfo :: [TokenInfoTuple :: token_info()].
-token_info(Token) ->
- Items = [category,column,length,line,symbol,text], % undefined order
- token_info(Token, Items).
--spec token_info(Token, TokenItem) -> TokenInfoTuple | 'undefined' when
- Token :: token(),
- TokenItem :: token_item(),
- TokenInfoTuple :: token_info();
- (Token, TokenItems) -> TokenInfo when
- Token :: token(),
- TokenItems :: [TokenItem :: token_item()],
- TokenInfo :: [TokenInfoTuple :: token_info()].
-token_info(_Token, []) ->
- [];
-token_info(Token, [Item|Items]) when is_atom(Item) ->
- case token_info(Token, Item) of
- undefined ->
- token_info(Token, Items);
- TokenInfo when is_tuple(TokenInfo) ->
- [TokenInfo|token_info(Token, Items)]
- end;
-token_info({Category,_Attrs}, category=Item) ->
- {Item,Category};
-token_info({Category,_Attrs,_Symbol}, category=Item) ->
- {Item,Category};
-token_info({Category,_Attrs}, symbol=Item) ->
- {Item,Category};
-token_info({_Category,_Attrs,Symbol}, symbol=Item) ->
- {Item,Symbol};
-token_info({_Category,Attrs}, Item) ->
- attributes_info(Attrs, Item);
-token_info({_Category,Attrs,_Symbol}, Item) ->
- attributes_info(Attrs, Item).
--spec attributes_info(Attributes) -> AttributesInfo when
- Attributes :: attributes(),
- AttributesInfo :: [AttributeInfoTuple :: attribute_info()].
-attributes_info(Attributes) ->
- Items = [column,length,line,text], % undefined order
- attributes_info(Attributes, Items).
--spec attributes_info
- (Attributes, AttributeItem) -> AttributeInfoTuple | 'undefined' when
- Attributes :: attributes(),
- AttributeItem :: attribute_item(),
- AttributeInfoTuple :: attribute_info();
- (Attributes, AttributeItems) -> AttributeInfo when
- Attributes :: attributes(),
- AttributeItems :: [AttributeItem :: attribute_item()],
- AttributeInfo :: [AttributeInfoTuple :: attribute_info()].
-attributes_info(_Attrs, []) ->
- [];
-attributes_info(Attrs, [A|As]) when is_atom(A) ->
- case attributes_info(Attrs, A) of
- undefined ->
- attributes_info(Attrs, As);
- AttributeInfo when is_tuple(AttributeInfo) ->
- [AttributeInfo|attributes_info(Attrs, As)]
- end;
-attributes_info({Line,Column}, column=Item) when ?ALINE(Line),
- ?COLUMN(Column) ->
- {Item,Column};
-attributes_info(Line, column) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
- undefined;
-attributes_info(Attrs, column=Item) ->
- case attr_info(Attrs, Item) of
- undefined ->
- case erl_anno:column(Attrs) of
- undefined ->
- undefined;
- Column ->
- {Item,Column}
- end;
- T ->
- T
- end;
-attributes_info(Attrs, length=Item) ->
- case attributes_info(Attrs, text) of
- undefined ->
- undefined;
- {text,Text} ->
- {Item,length(Text)}
- end;
-attributes_info(Line, line=Item) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
- {Item,Line};
-attributes_info({Line,Column}, line=Item) when ?ALINE(Line),
- ?COLUMN(Column) ->
- {Item,Line};
-attributes_info(Attrs, line=Item) ->
- case attr_info(Attrs, Item) of
- undefined ->
- case attr_info(Attrs, location) of
- {location,{Line,_Column}} ->
- {Item,Line};
- {location,Line} ->
- {Item,Line};
- undefined ->
- undefined
- end;
- T ->
- T
- end;
-attributes_info({Line,Column}=Location, location=Item) when ?ALINE(Line),
- ?COLUMN(Column) ->
- {Item,Location};
-attributes_info(Line, location=Item) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
- {Item,Line};
-attributes_info(Attrs, location=Item) ->
- {line,Line} = attributes_info(Attrs, line),
- case attributes_info(Attrs, column) of
- undefined ->
- %% If set_attribute() has assigned a term such as {17,42}
- %% to 'line', then Line will look like {Line,Column}. One
- %% should not use 'location' but 'line' and 'column' in
- %% such special cases.
- {Item,Line};
- {column,Column} ->
- {Item,{Line,Column}}
- end;
-attributes_info({Line,Column}, text) when ?ALINE(Line), ?COLUMN(Column) ->
- undefined;
-attributes_info(Line, text) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
- undefined;
-attributes_info(Attrs, text=Item) ->
- attr_info(Attrs, Item);
-attributes_info(T1, T2) ->
- erlang:error(badarg, [T1,T2]).
--spec set_attribute(AttributeItem, Attributes, SetAttributeFun) -> Attributes when
- AttributeItem :: 'line',
- Attributes :: attributes(),
- SetAttributeFun :: fun((info_line()) -> info_line()).
-set_attribute(Tag, Attributes, Fun) when ?SETATTRFUN(Fun) ->
- set_attr(Tag, Attributes, Fun).
%%% Local functions
@@ -471,62 +304,6 @@ expand_opt(return, Os) ->
expand_opt(O, Os) ->
-attr_info(Attrs, Item) ->
- try lists:keyfind(Item, 1, Attrs) of
- {_Item, _Value} = T ->
- T;
- false ->
- undefined
- catch
- _:_ ->
- erlang:error(badarg, [Attrs, Item])
- end.
--spec set_attr('line', attributes(), fun((line()) -> line())) -> attributes().
-set_attr(line, Line, Fun) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
- Ln = Fun(Line),
- if
- ?ALINE(Ln) ->
- Ln;
- true ->
- [{line,Ln}]
- end;
-set_attr(line, {Line,Column}, Fun) when ?ALINE(Line), ?COLUMN(Column) ->
- Ln = Fun(Line),
- if
- ?ALINE(Ln) ->
- {Ln,Column};
- true ->
- [{line,Ln},{column,Column}]
- end;
-set_attr(line=Tag, Attrs, Fun) when is_list(Attrs) ->
- case lists:keyfind(Tag, 1, Attrs) of
- {line,Line} ->
- case lists:keyreplace(Tag, 1, Attrs, {line,Fun(Line)}) of
- [{line,Ln}] when ?ALINE(Ln) ->
- Ln;
- As ->
- As
- end;
- false ->
- {location, Location} = lists:keyfind(location, 1, Attrs),
- Ln = case Location of
- {Line,Column} when ?ALINE(Line), ?COLUMN(Column) ->
- {Fun(Line),Column};
- _ ->
- Fun(Location)
- end,
- case lists:keyreplace(location, 1, Attrs, {location,Ln}) of
- [{location,Ln}] when ?ALINE(Ln) ->
- Ln;
- As ->
- As
- end
- end;
-set_attr(T1, T2, T3) ->
- erlang:error(badarg, [T1,T2,T3]).
tokens1(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Fun, Any) when ?STRING(Cs); Cs =:= eof ->
case Fun(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Any) of
{more,{Cs0,Ncol,Ntoks,Nline,Nany,Nfun}} ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
index 2d77888512..27e195e1f3 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
@@ -597,38 +597,29 @@ obsolete_1(core_lib, is_literal_list, 1) ->
obsolete_1(core_lib, literal_value, 1) ->
obsolete_1(erl_scan, set_attribute, 3) ->
- {deprecated,
- "deprecated (will be removed in OTP 19); use erl_anno:set_line/2 instead"};
+ {removed,{erl_anno,set_line,2},"19.0"};
obsolete_1(erl_scan, attributes_info, 1) ->
- {deprecated,
- "deprecated (will be removed in OTP 19); use "
+ {removed,"removed in 19.0; use "
"erl_anno:{column,line,location,text}/1 instead"};
obsolete_1(erl_scan, attributes_info, 2) ->
- {deprecated,
- "deprecated (will be removed in OTP 19); use "
+ {removed,"removed in 19.0; use "
"erl_anno:{column,line,location,text}/1 instead"};
obsolete_1(erl_scan, token_info, 1) ->
- {deprecated,
- "deprecated (will be removed in OTP 19); use "
+ {removed,"removed in 19.0; use "
"erl_scan:{category,column,line,location,symbol,text}/1 instead"};
obsolete_1(erl_scan, token_info, 2) ->
- {deprecated,
- "deprecated (will be removed in OTP 19); use "
+ {removed,"removed in 19.0; use "
"erl_scan:{category,column,line,location,symbol,text}/1 instead"};
obsolete_1(erl_parse, set_line, 2) ->
- {deprecated,
- "deprecated (will be removed in OTP 19); use erl_anno:set_line/2 instead"};
+ {removed,{erl_anno,set_line,2},"19.0"};
obsolete_1(erl_parse, get_attributes, 1) ->
- {deprecated,
- "deprecated (will be removed in OTP 19); use "
+ {removed,"removed in 19.0; use "
"erl_anno:{column,line,location,text}/1 instead"};
obsolete_1(erl_parse, get_attribute, 2) ->
- {deprecated,
- "deprecated (will be removed in OTP 19); use "
+ {removed,"removed in 19.0; use "
"erl_anno:{column,line,location,text}/1 instead"};
obsolete_1(erl_lint, modify_line, 2) ->
- {deprecated,
- "deprecated (will be removed in OTP 19); use erl_parse:map_anno/2 instead"};
+ {removed,{erl_parse,map_anno,2},"19.0"};
obsolete_1(ssl, negotiated_next_protocol, 1) ->
@@ -698,26 +689,24 @@ is_snmp_agent_function(_, _) -> false.
-spec obsolete_type(module(), atom(), arity()) ->
'no' | {tag(), string()} | {tag(), mfas(), release()}.
+-dialyzer({no_match, obsolete_type/3}).
obsolete_type(Module, Name, NumberOfVariables) ->
case obsolete_type_1(Module, Name, NumberOfVariables) of
-%% {deprecated=Tag,{_,_,_}=Replacement} ->
-%% {Tag,Replacement,"in a future release"};
+ {deprecated=Tag,{_,_,_}=Replacement} ->
+ {Tag,Replacement,"in a future release"};
{_,String}=Ret when is_list(String) ->
-%% {_,_,_}=Ret ->
-%% Ret;
+ {_,_,_}=Ret ->
+ Ret;
no ->
obsolete_type_1(erl_scan,column,0) ->
- {deprecated,
- "deprecated (will be removed in OTP 19); use erl_anno:column() instead"};
+ {removed,{erl_anno,column,0},"19.0"};
obsolete_type_1(erl_scan,line,0) ->
- {deprecated,
- "deprecated (will be removed in OTP 19); use erl_anno:line() instead"};
+ {removed,{erl_anno,line,0},"19.0"};
obsolete_type_1(erl_scan,location,0) ->
- {deprecated,
- "deprecated (will be removed in OTP 19); use erl_anno:location() instead"};
+ {removed,{erl_anno,location,0},"19.0"};
obsolete_type_1(_,_,_) ->