path: root/lib/stdlib/src
diff options
authorPéter Dimitrov <[email protected]>2017-11-06 09:54:12 +0100
committerPéter Dimitrov <[email protected]>2017-11-06 14:39:45 +0100
commit7e5d062973e7cb4f9ee949529e9dcdb5785c1304 (patch)
treeca2fc1717791c2beddd7aa8a3c70e3fecacdba0e /lib/stdlib/src
parent74c2a9db0caa376ea375614fcc67c3a9295737d7 (diff)
stdlib: Remove compose_query and dissect_query
compose_query/{1,2} and dissect_query/1 removed as the implemented specification (HTML 2.0) is old. They will be re-implemented based on HTML5.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl
index f4acf1885d..22212da222 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl
@@ -226,8 +226,7 @@
%% External API
--export([compose_query/1, compose_query/2,
- dissect_query/1, normalize/1, parse/1,
+-export([normalize/1, parse/1,
recompose/1, transcode/2]).
-export_type([error/0, uri_map/0, uri_string/0]).
@@ -382,75 +381,6 @@ transcode(URIString, Options) when is_list(URIString) ->
-%% Functions for working with the query part of a URI as a list
-%% of key/value pairs.
-%% HTML 2.0 (RFC 1866) defines a media type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
-%% in section [8.2.1] "The form-urlencoded Media Type".
-%% Compose urlencoded query string from a list of unescaped key/value pairs.
--spec compose_query(QueryList) -> QueryString when
- QueryList :: [{uri_string(), uri_string()}],
- QueryString :: uri_string()
- | error().
-compose_query(List) ->
- compose_query(List, []).
--spec compose_query(QueryList, Options) -> QueryString when
- QueryList :: [{uri_string(), uri_string()}],
- Options :: [{separator, atom()}],
- QueryString :: uri_string()
- | error().
-compose_query([],_Options) ->
- [];
-compose_query(List, Options) ->
- try compose_query(List, Options, false, <<>>)
- catch
- throw:{error, Atom, RestData} -> {error, Atom, RestData}
- end.
-compose_query([{Key,Value}|Rest], Options, IsList, Acc) ->
- Separator = get_separator(Options, Rest),
- K = form_urlencode(Key),
- V = form_urlencode(Value),
- IsListNew = IsList orelse is_list(Key) orelse is_list(Value),
- compose_query(Rest, Options, IsListNew, <<Acc/binary,K/binary,"=",V/binary,Separator/binary>>);
-compose_query([], _Options, IsList, Acc) ->
- case IsList of
- true -> convert_to_list(Acc, utf8);
- false -> Acc
- end.
-%% Dissect a query string into a list of unescaped key/value pairs.
--spec dissect_query(QueryString) -> QueryList when
- QueryString :: uri_string(),
- QueryList :: [{uri_string(), uri_string()}]
- | error().
-dissect_query(<<>>) ->
- [];
-dissect_query([]) ->
- [];
-dissect_query(QueryString) when is_list(QueryString) ->
- try
- B = convert_to_binary(QueryString, utf8, utf8),
- dissect_query_key(B, true, [], <<>>, <<>>)
- catch
- throw:{error, Atom, RestData} -> {error, Atom, RestData}
- end;
-dissect_query(QueryString) ->
- try dissect_query_key(QueryString, false, [], <<>>, <<>>)
- catch
- throw:{error, Atom, RestData} -> {error, Atom, RestData}
- end.
%%% Internal functions
@@ -655,7 +585,6 @@ maybe_add_path(Map) ->
-spec parse_scheme(binary(), uri_map()) -> {binary(), uri_map()}.
parse_scheme(?STRING_REST($:, Rest), URI) ->
{_, URI1} = parse_hier(Rest, URI),
@@ -1744,149 +1673,6 @@ percent_encode_segment(Segment) ->
-%% Helper functions for compose_query
-%% Returns separator to be used between key-value pairs
-get_separator(_, L) when length(L) =:= 0 ->
- <<>>;
-get_separator([], _L) ->
- <<"&amp;">>;
-get_separator([{separator, amp}], _L) ->
- <<"&">>;
-get_separator([{separator, escaped_amp}], _L) ->
- <<"&amp;">>;
-get_separator([{separator, semicolon}], _L) ->
- <<";">>.
-%% Form-urlencode input based on RFC 1866 [8.2.1]
-form_urlencode(Cs) when is_list(Cs) ->
- B = convert_to_binary(Cs, utf8, utf8),
- form_urlencode(B, <<>>);
-form_urlencode(Cs) ->
- form_urlencode(Cs, <<>>).
-form_urlencode(<<>>, Acc) ->
- Acc;
-form_urlencode(<<$ ,T/binary>>, Acc) ->
- form_urlencode(T, <<Acc/binary,$+>>);
-form_urlencode(<<H/utf8,T/binary>>, Acc) ->
- case is_url_char(H) of
- true ->
- form_urlencode(T, <<Acc/binary,H>>);
- false ->
- E = percent_encode_binary(H),
- form_urlencode(T, <<Acc/binary,E/binary>>)
- end;
-form_urlencode(<<H,_T/binary>>, _Acc) ->
- throw({error,invalid_utf8,<<H>>});
-form_urlencode(H, _Acc) ->
- throw({error,invalid_input, H}).
-%% Return true if input char can appear in URL according to
-%% RFC 1738 "Uniform Resource Locators".
- when 0 =< C, C =< 31;
- 128 =< C, C =< 255 -> false;
-is_url_char(127) -> false;
-is_url_char(C) ->
- not (is_reserved(C) orelse is_unsafe(C)).
-%% Reserved characters (RFC 1738)
-is_reserved($;) -> true;
-is_reserved($/) -> true;
-is_reserved($?) -> true;
-is_reserved($:) -> true;
-is_reserved($@) -> true;
-is_reserved($=) -> true;
-is_reserved($&) -> true;
-is_reserved(_) -> false.
-%% Unsafe characters (RFC 1738)
-is_unsafe(${) -> true;
-is_unsafe($}) -> true;
-is_unsafe($|) -> true;
-is_unsafe($\\) -> true;
-is_unsafe($^) -> true;
-is_unsafe($~) -> true;
-is_unsafe($[) -> true;
-is_unsafe($]) -> true;
-is_unsafe($`) -> true;
-is_unsafe(_) -> false.
-%% Helper functions for dissect_query
-dissect_query_key(<<$=,T/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
- dissect_query_value(T, IsList, Acc, Key, Value);
-dissect_query_key(<<H,T/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
- dissect_query_key(T, IsList, Acc, <<Key/binary,H>>, Value);
-dissect_query_key(B, _, _, _, _) ->
- throw({error, missing_value, B}).
-dissect_query_value(<<$&,_/binary>> = B, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
- K = form_urldecode(IsList, Key),
- V = form_urldecode(IsList, Value),
- dissect_query_separator_amp(B, IsList, [{K,V}|Acc], <<>>, <<>>);
-dissect_query_value(<<$;,_/binary>> = B, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
- K = form_urldecode(IsList, Key),
- V = form_urldecode(IsList, Value),
- dissect_query_separator_semicolon(B, IsList, [{K,V}|Acc], <<>>, <<>>);
-dissect_query_value(<<H,T/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
- dissect_query_value(T, IsList, Acc, Key, <<Value/binary,H>>);
-dissect_query_value(<<>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
- K = form_urldecode(IsList, Key),
- V = form_urldecode(IsList, Value),
- lists:reverse([{K,V}|Acc]).
-dissect_query_separator_amp(<<"&amp;",T/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
- dissect_query_key(T, IsList, Acc, Key, Value);
-dissect_query_separator_amp(<<$&,T/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
- dissect_query_key(T, IsList, Acc, Key, Value).
-dissect_query_separator_semicolon(<<$;,T/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
- dissect_query_key(T, IsList, Acc, Key, Value).
-%% Form-urldecode input based on RFC 1866 [8.2.1]
-form_urldecode(true, B) ->
- Result = form_urldecode(B, <<>>),
- convert_to_list(Result, utf8);
-form_urldecode(false, B) ->
- form_urldecode(B, <<>>);
-form_urldecode(<<>>, Acc) ->
- Acc;
-form_urldecode(<<$+,T/binary>>, Acc) ->
- form_urldecode(T, <<Acc/binary,$ >>);
-form_urldecode(<<$%,C0,C1,T/binary>>, Acc) ->
- case is_hex_digit(C0) andalso is_hex_digit(C1) of
- true ->
- V = ?HEX2DEC(C0)*16+?HEX2DEC(C1),
- form_urldecode(T, <<Acc/binary, V>>);
- false ->
- L = convert_to_list(<<$%,C0,C1,T/binary>>, utf8),
- throw({error, invalid_percent_encoding, L})
- end;
-form_urldecode(<<H/utf8,T/binary>>, Acc) ->
- case is_url_char(H) of
- true ->
- form_urldecode(T, <<Acc/binary,H>>);
- false ->
- throw({error, invalid_character, [H]})
- end;
-form_urldecode(<<H,_/binary>>, _Acc) ->
- throw({error, invalid_character, [H]}).
%% Helper functions for normalize