path: root/lib/stdlib/test/erl_anno_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorHans Bolinder <[email protected]>2015-09-15 14:25:48 +0200
committerHans Bolinder <[email protected]>2015-09-15 14:25:48 +0200
commit676b4aaf02b5ba4069ec19eff2c0b42074d30fce (patch)
treed6907817794d330611df1ef5a1969fe97ca8116f /lib/stdlib/test/erl_anno_SUITE.erl
parent195393b00e0a5b83526a2bca504fe32edd6dc989 (diff)
parentd16c327bd35493a3687f7e07e2b332d2d18c5bc8 (diff)
Merge branch 'hb/finish_line_abstraction/OTP-12861'
* hb/finish_line_abstraction/OTP-12861: syntax_tools: Use the erl_anno module a bit more test_server: Fix a bug related to the use of the erl_anno module debugger: Fix a bug related to the use of the erl_anno module stdlib: Remove deprecated functions in erl_parse and erl_scan
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/test/erl_anno_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/erl_anno_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/erl_anno_SUITE.erl
index 66b02151a0..0369455846 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/erl_anno_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/erl_anno_SUITE.erl
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]).
-export([new/1, is_anno/1, generated/1, end_location/1, file/1,
- line/1, location/1, record/1, text/1, bad/1, neg_line/1]).
+ line/1, location/1, record/1, text/1, bad/1]).
-export([parse_abstract/1, mapfold_anno/1]).
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ all() ->
groups() ->
[{anno, [], [new, is_anno, generated, end_location, file,
- line, location, record, text, bad, neg_line]},
+ line, location, record, text, bad]},
{parse, [], [parse_abstract, mapfold_anno]}].
suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
@@ -229,74 +229,6 @@ bad(_Config) ->
(catch erl_anno:record(bad)), % 1st arg not opaque
-neg_line(doc) ->
- ["Test negative line numbers (OTP 18)"];
-neg_line(_Config) ->
- neg_line1(false),
- neg_line1(true),
- ok.
-neg_line1(TextToo) ->
- Minus8_0 = erl_anno:new(-8),
- Plus8_0 = erl_anno:new(8),
- Minus8C_0 = erl_anno:new({-8, 17}),
- Plus8C_0 = erl_anno:new({8, 17}),
- [Minus8, Plus8, Minus8C, Plus8C] =
- [case TextToo of
- true ->
- erl_anno:set_text("foo", A);
- false ->
- A
- end || A <- [Minus8_0, Plus8_0, Minus8C_0, Plus8C_0]],
- tst(-3, erl_anno:set_location(3, Minus8)),
- tst(-3, erl_anno:set_location(-3, Plus8)),
- tst(-3, erl_anno:set_location(-3, Minus8)),
- tst({-3,9}, erl_anno:set_location({3, 9}, Minus8)),
- tst({-3,9}, erl_anno:set_location({-3, 9}, Plus8)),
- tst({-3,9}, erl_anno:set_location({-3, 9}, Minus8)),
- tst(-3, erl_anno:set_location(3, Minus8C)),
- tst(-3, erl_anno:set_location(-3, Plus8C)),
- tst(-3, erl_anno:set_location(-3, Minus8C)),
- tst({-3,9}, erl_anno:set_location({3, 9}, Minus8C)),
- tst({-3,9}, erl_anno:set_location({-3, 9}, Plus8C)),
- tst({-3,9}, erl_anno:set_location({-3, 9}, Minus8C)),
- tst(-8, erl_anno:set_generated(true, Plus8)),
- tst(-8, erl_anno:set_generated(true, Minus8)),
- tst({-8,17}, erl_anno:set_generated(true, Plus8C)),
- tst({-8,17}, erl_anno:set_generated(true, Minus8C)),
- tst(8, erl_anno:set_generated(false, Plus8)),
- tst(8, erl_anno:set_generated(false, Minus8)),
- tst({8,17}, erl_anno:set_generated(false, Plus8C)),
- tst({8,17}, erl_anno:set_generated(false, Minus8C)),
- tst(-3, erl_anno:set_line(3, Minus8)),
- tst(-3, erl_anno:set_line(-3, Plus8)),
- tst(-3, erl_anno:set_line(-3, Minus8)),
- tst({-3,17}, erl_anno:set_line(3, Minus8C)),
- tst({-3,17}, erl_anno:set_line(-3, Plus8C)),
- tst({-3,17}, erl_anno:set_line(-3, Minus8C)),
- ok.
-tst(Term, Anno) ->
- ?format("Term: ~p\n", [Term]),
- ?format("Anno: ~p\n", [Anno]),
- case anno_to_term(Anno) of
- Term ->
- ok;
- Else ->
- case lists:keyfind(location, 1, Else) of
- {location, Term} ->
- ok;
- _Else2 ->
- ?format("Else2 ~p\n", [_Else2]),
- io:format("expected ~p\n got ~p\n", [Term, Else]),
- exit({Term, Else})
- end
- end.
parse_abstract(doc) ->
["Test erl_parse:new_anno/1, erl_parse:anno_to_term/1"
", and erl_parse:anno_from_term/1"];