path: root/lib/stdlib/test/unicode_util_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorSverker Eriksson <[email protected]>2017-08-30 21:00:35 +0200
committerSverker Eriksson <[email protected]>2017-08-30 21:00:35 +0200
commit44a83c8860bbd00878c720a7b9d940b4630bab8a (patch)
tree101b3c52ec505a94f56c8f70e078ecb8a2e8c6cd /lib/stdlib/test/unicode_util_SUITE.erl
parent7c67bbddb53c364086f66260701bc54a61c9659c (diff)
parent040bdce67f88d833bfb59adae130a4ffb4c180f0 (diff)
Merge tag 'OTP-20.0' into sverker/20/binary_to_atom-utf8-crash/ERL-474/OTP-14590
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/test/unicode_util_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 433 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/unicode_util_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/unicode_util_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03c24c7027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/unicode_util_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-export([all/0, suite/0, extra/1,
+ uppercase/1, lowercase/1, titlecase/1, casefold/1,
+ cp/1, gc/1,
+ nfd/1, nfc/1, nfkd/1, nfkc/1,
+ whitespace/1,
+ get/1,
+ count/1]).
+-export([debug/0, id/1, bin_split/1, uc_loaded_size/0]).
+suite() ->
+ [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]},
+ {timetrap,{minutes,20}}].
+all() ->
+ [
+ extra,
+ uppercase, lowercase, titlecase, casefold,
+ cp, gc,
+ nfd, nfc, nfkd, nfkc,
+ whitespace,
+ get,
+ count
+ ].
+debug() ->
+ Config = [{data_dir, ?MODULE_STRING++"_data"}],
+ [io:format("~p:~p~n",[Test,?MODULE:Test(Config)]) || Test <- all()].
+extra(_) ->
+ {_, _} = unicode_util:spec_version(),
+ #{ccc:=0, compat:=[], canon:=[_,_]} = unicode_util:lookup($å),
+ #{fold:=229,lower:=229,title:=197,upper:=197} = unicode_util:get_case($å),
+ #{fold:="ss",lower:=223,title:="Ss",upper:="SS"} = unicode_util:get_case($ß),
+ ok.
+uppercase(_) ->
+ [$H] = unicode_util:uppercase([$H]),
+ [$H] = unicode_util:uppercase([$h]),
+ [$1] = unicode_util:uppercase([$1]),
+ ok.
+titlecase(_) ->
+ [$H] = unicode_util:titlecase([$H]),
+ [$H] = unicode_util:titlecase([$h]),
+ [$1] = unicode_util:titlecase([$1]),
+ ok.
+lowercase(_) ->
+ [$h] = unicode_util:lowercase([$H]),
+ [$h] = unicode_util:lowercase([$h]),
+ [$1] = unicode_util:lowercase([$1]),
+ [$i] = unicode_util:casefold([$I]), %% no Turkish
+ ok.
+casefold(_) ->
+ [$h] = unicode_util:casefold([$H]),
+ [$h] = unicode_util:casefold([$h]),
+ [$1] = unicode_util:casefold([$1]),
+ [$i] = unicode_util:casefold([$I]),%% no Turkish
+ [[$s,$s]|"abC"] = unicode_util:casefold([$ß,$a,$b,$C]),
+ [[$s,$s]] = unicode_util:casefold([$ẞ]),
+ ok.
+whitespace(_) ->
+ WS = unicode_util:whitespace(),
+ WS = lists:filter(fun unicode_util:is_whitespace/1, WS),
+ %% TODO add more tests
+ ok.
+cp(_) ->
+ Get = fun unicode_util:cp/1,
+ "hejsan" = fetch("hejsan", Get),
+ "hejsan" = fetch(<<"hejsan">>, Get),
+ "hejsan" = fetch(["hej",<<"san">>], Get),
+ "hejsan" = fetch(["hej"|<<"san">>], Get),
+ {error, <<128>>} = Get(<<128>>),
+ {error, [<<128>>, 0]} = Get([<<128>>, 0]),
+ ok.
+gc(Config) ->
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ Get = fun unicode_util:gc/1,
+ "hejsan" = fetch("hejsan", Get),
+ "hejsan" = fetch(<<"hejsan">>, Get),
+ "hejsan" = fetch(["hej",<<"san">>], Get),
+ "hejsan" = fetch(["hej"|<<"san">>], Get),
+ {error, <<128>>} = Get(<<128>>),
+ {error, [<<128>>, 0]} = Get([<<128>>, 0]),
+ 0 = fold(fun verify_gc/3, 0, DataDir ++ "/GraphemeBreakTest.txt"),
+ ok.
+verify_gc(Line0, N, Acc) ->
+ Line = unicode:characters_to_list(Line0),
+ Line = fetch(Line0,fun unicode_util:cp/1), %% Test cp
+ LineGC = fetch(Line0,fun unicode_util:gc/1), %% Test gc
+ LineGC = fetch(Line,fun unicode_util:gc/1), %% Test gc
+ LineGC = fetch(LineGC,fun unicode_util:gc/1), %% Test gc
+ LineGC = fetch(LineGC,fun unicode_util:cp/1), %% Test cp
+ %io:format("Line: ~s~n",[Line]),
+ [Data|_Comments] = string:tokens(Line, "#"),
+ %io:format("Data: ~w~n",[string:tokens(Data, " \t")]),
+ {Str,Res} = gc_test_data(string:tokens(Data, " \t"), [], [[]]),
+ try
+ Res = fetch(Str, fun unicode_util:gc/1),
+ Acc
+ catch _Cl:{badmatch, Other} ->
+ io:format("Failed: ~p~nInput: ~ts~n\t=> ~w |~ts|~n",[N, Line, Str, Str]),
+ io:format("Expected: ~p~n", [Res]),
+ io:format("Got: ~w~n", [Other]),
+ Acc+1;
+ Cl:R ->
+ io:format("~p: ~ts => |~tp|~n",[N, Line, Str]),
+ io:format("Expected: ~p~n", [Res]),
+ erlang:raise(Cl,R,erlang:get_stacktrace())
+ end.
+gc_test_data([[247]|Rest], Str, [First|GCs]) ->
+ case First of
+ [] -> gc_test_data(Rest, Str, [[]|GCs]);
+ [CP] -> gc_test_data(Rest, Str, [[],CP|GCs]);
+ _ -> gc_test_data(Rest, Str, [[],lists:reverse(First)|GCs])
+ end;
+gc_test_data([[215]|Rest], Str, GCs) ->
+ gc_test_data(Rest, Str, GCs);
+gc_test_data([Hex|Rest], Str, [First|GCs]) ->
+ CP = hex_to_int(Hex),
+ gc_test_data(Rest, [CP|Str], [[CP|First]|GCs]);
+gc_test_data([], Str, [[]|GCs]) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Str), lists:reverse(GCs)};
+gc_test_data([], Str, GCs) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Str), lists:reverse(GCs)}.
+nfd(Config) ->
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ ok = fold(fun verify_nfd/3, 0, DataDir ++ "/NormalizationTest.txt"),
+ ok.
+verify_nfd(<<"@Part", _/binary>>, _LineNo, _Acc) -> ok;
+verify_nfd(Data0, LineNo, _Acc) ->
+ Data1 = unicode:characters_to_list(Data0),
+ [Data2|_Comments] = string:tokens(Data1, "#"),
+ Columns = string:tokens(Data2, ";"),
+ [C1,C2,C3,C4,C5|_] = [[hex_to_int(CP) || CP <- string:tokens(C, " ")] ||
+ C <- Columns],
+ C3GC = fetch(C3, fun unicode_util:gc/1),
+ try
+ C3GC = fetch(C1, fun unicode_util:nfd/1),
+ C3GC = fetch(C2, fun unicode_util:nfd/1),
+ C3GC = fetch(C3, fun unicode_util:nfd/1)
+ catch _Cl:{badmatch, Other} = _R->
+ io:format("Failed: ~p~nInput: ~ts~n\t=> ~w |~ts|~n",[LineNo, Data1, C1, C1]),
+ io:format("Expected: ~ts ~w~n", [C3GC, C3GC]),
+ io:format("Got: ~ts ~w~n", [Other, Other]),
+ erlang:raise(_Cl,_R,erlang:get_stacktrace());
+ Cl:R ->
+ io:format("~p: ~ts => |~tp|~n",[LineNo, Data1, C1]),
+ io:format("Expected: ~p~n", [C3]),
+ erlang:raise(Cl,R,erlang:get_stacktrace())
+ end,
+ C5GC = fetch(C5, fun unicode_util:gc/1),
+ try
+ C5GC = fetch(C4, fun unicode_util:nfd/1),
+ C5GC = fetch(C5, fun unicode_util:nfd/1)
+ catch _Cl2:{badmatch, Other2} = _R2->
+ io:format("Failed: ~p~nInput: ~ts~n\t=> ~w |~ts|~n",[LineNo, Data1, C1, C1]),
+ io:format("Expected: ~ts ~w~n", [C5GC, C5GC]),
+ io:format("Got: ~ts ~w~n", [Other2, Other2]),
+ erlang:raise(_Cl2,_R2,erlang:get_stacktrace());
+ Cl2:R2 ->
+ io:format("~p: ~ts => |~tp|~n",[LineNo, Data1, C1]),
+ io:format("Expected: ~p~n", [C5]),
+ erlang:raise(Cl2,R2,erlang:get_stacktrace())
+ end,
+ ok.
+nfc(Config) ->
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ ok = fold(fun verify_nfc/3, 0, DataDir ++ "/NormalizationTest.txt"),
+ ok.
+verify_nfc(<<"@Part", _/binary>>, _LineNo, _Acc) -> ok;
+verify_nfc(Data0, LineNo, _Acc) ->
+ Data1 = unicode:characters_to_list(Data0),
+ [Data2|_Comments] = string:tokens(Data1, "#"),
+ Columns = string:tokens(Data2, ";"),
+ [C1,C2,C3,C4,C5|_] = [[hex_to_int(CP) || CP <- string:tokens(C, " ")] ||
+ C <- Columns],
+ C2GC = fetch(C2, fun unicode_util:gc/1),
+ try
+ C2GC = fetch(C1, fun unicode_util:nfc/1),
+ C2GC = fetch(C2, fun unicode_util:nfc/1),
+ C2GC = fetch(C3, fun unicode_util:nfc/1)
+ catch _Cl:{badmatch, Other} = _R->
+ io:format("Failed: ~p~nInput: ~ts~n\t=> ~w |~ts|~n",[LineNo, Data1, C1, C1]),
+ io:format("Expected: ~ts ~w~n", [C2GC, C2GC]),
+ io:format("Got: ~ts ~w~n", [Other, Other]),
+ erlang:raise(_Cl,_R,erlang:get_stacktrace());
+ Cl:R ->
+ io:format("~p: ~ts => |~tp|~n",[LineNo, Data1, C1]),
+ io:format("Expected: ~p~n", [C3]),
+ erlang:raise(Cl,R,erlang:get_stacktrace())
+ end,
+ C4GC = fetch(C4, fun unicode_util:gc/1),
+ try
+ C4GC = fetch(C4, fun unicode_util:nfc/1),
+ C4GC = fetch(C5, fun unicode_util:nfc/1)
+ catch _Cl2:{badmatch, Other2} = _R2->
+ io:format("Failed: ~p~nInput: ~ts~n\t=> ~w |~ts|~n",[LineNo, Data1, C1, C1]),
+ io:format("Expected: ~ts ~w~n", [C4GC, C4GC]),
+ io:format("Got: ~ts ~w~n", [Other2, Other2]),
+ erlang:raise(_Cl2,_R2,erlang:get_stacktrace());
+ Cl2:R2 ->
+ io:format("~p: ~ts => |~tp|~n",[LineNo, Data1, C1]),
+ io:format("Expected: ~p~n", [C5]),
+ erlang:raise(Cl2,R2,erlang:get_stacktrace())
+ end,
+ ok.
+nfkd(Config) ->
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ ok = fold(fun verify_nfkd/3, 0, DataDir ++ "/NormalizationTest.txt"),
+ ok.
+verify_nfkd(<<"@Part", _/binary>>, _LineNo, _Acc) -> ok;
+verify_nfkd(Data0, LineNo, _Acc) ->
+ Data1 = unicode:characters_to_list(Data0),
+ [Data2|_Comments] = string:tokens(Data1, "#"),
+ Columns = string:tokens(Data2, ";"),
+ [C1,C2,C3,C4,C5|_] = [[hex_to_int(CP) || CP <- string:tokens(C, " ")] ||
+ C <- Columns],
+ C5GC = lists:flatten(fetch(C5, fun unicode_util:gc/1)),
+ try
+ C5GC = lists:flatten(fetch(C1, fun unicode_util:nfkd/1)),
+ C5GC = lists:flatten(fetch(C2, fun unicode_util:nfkd/1)),
+ C5GC = lists:flatten(fetch(C3, fun unicode_util:nfkd/1)),
+ C5GC = lists:flatten(fetch(C4, fun unicode_util:nfkd/1)),
+ C5GC = lists:flatten(fetch(C5, fun unicode_util:nfkd/1))
+ catch _Cl:{badmatch, Other} = _R->
+ io:format("Failed: ~p~nInput: ~ts~n\t=> ~w |~ts|~n",[LineNo, Data1, C5, C5]),
+ io:format("Expected: ~ts ~w~n", [C5GC, C5GC]),
+ io:format("Got: ~ts ~w~n", [Other, Other]),
+ erlang:raise(_Cl,_R,erlang:get_stacktrace());
+ Cl:R ->
+ io:format("~p: ~ts => |~tp|~n",[LineNo, Data1, C1]),
+ io:format("Expected: ~p~n", [C3]),
+ erlang:raise(Cl,R,erlang:get_stacktrace())
+ end,
+ ok.
+nfkc(Config) ->
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ ok = fold(fun verify_nfkc/3, 0, DataDir ++ "/NormalizationTest.txt"),
+ ok.
+verify_nfkc(<<"@Part", _/binary>>, _LineNo, _Acc) -> ok;
+verify_nfkc(Data0, LineNo, _Acc) ->
+ Data1 = unicode:characters_to_list(Data0),
+ [Data2|_Comments] = string:tokens(Data1, "#"),
+ Columns = string:tokens(Data2, ";"),
+ [C1,C2,C3,C4,C5|_] = [[hex_to_int(CP) || CP <- string:tokens(C, " ")] ||
+ C <- Columns],
+ C4GC = lists:flatten(fetch(C4, fun unicode_util:gc/1)),
+ try
+ C4GC = lists:flatten(fetch(C1, fun unicode_util:nfkc/1)),
+ C4GC = lists:flatten(fetch(C2, fun unicode_util:nfkc/1)),
+ C4GC = lists:flatten(fetch(C3, fun unicode_util:nfkc/1)),
+ C4GC = lists:flatten(fetch(C4, fun unicode_util:nfkc/1)),
+ C4GC = lists:flatten(fetch(C5, fun unicode_util:nfkc/1))
+ catch _Cl:{badmatch, Other} = _R->
+ io:format("Failed: ~p~nInput: ~ts~n\t=> ~w |~ts|~n",[LineNo, Data1, C4, C4]),
+ io:format("Expected: ~ts ~w~n", [C4GC, C4GC]),
+ io:format("Got: ~ts ~w~n", [Other, Other]),
+ erlang:raise(_Cl,_R,erlang:get_stacktrace());
+ Cl:R ->
+ io:format("~p: ~ts => |~tp|~n",[LineNo, Data1, C1]),
+ io:format("Expected: ~p~n", [C3]),
+ erlang:raise(Cl,R,erlang:get_stacktrace())
+ end,
+ ok.
+get(_) ->
+ add_get_tests.
+count(Config) ->
+ ct:timetrap({minutes,5}),
+ case ct:get_timetrap_info() of
+ {_,{_,Scale}} ->
+ {skip,{measurments_skipped_debug,Scale}};
+ _ -> % No scaling
+ do_measure(Config)
+ end.
+do_measure(Config) ->
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ File = DataDir ++ "/NormalizationTest.txt",
+ {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(File),
+ Do = fun(Func, Mode) ->
+ {N, Mean, Stddev, Res} = time_count(Func, Mode, Bin),
+ io:format("~4w ~6w ~.10w ~.6wms ±~.2wms #~.2w~n",
+ [Func, Mode, Res, Mean div 1000, Stddev div 1000, N])
+ end,
+ Do(lref, list),
+ Do(bref, binary),
+ io:format("----------------------~n"),
+ [Do(What,Mode) || What <- [cp, gc, nfd, nfc, nfkd, nfkc], Mode <- [list, deep_l, binary, deep_b]],
+ io:format("Size of unicode_util: ~pkB~n",[uc_loaded_size() div 1024]),
+ ok.
+uc_loaded_size() ->
+ uc_loaded_size(binary:split(erlang:system_info(loaded), <<$\n>>, [global])).
+uc_loaded_size([<<"unicode_util ", Rest/binary>>|_]) ->
+ [StrSize|_] = binary:split(Rest, <<$\s>>),
+ binary_to_integer(StrSize);
+uc_loaded_size([_|Rest]) ->
+ uc_loaded_size(Rest).
+time_count(Fun, Mode, Bin) ->
+ timer:sleep(100), %% Let emulator catch up and clean things before test runs
+ Self = self(),
+ Pid = spawn_link(fun() ->
+ Str = mode(Mode, Bin),
+ Self ! {self(),do_count(0,0,0, Fun, Str, undefined)}
+ end),
+ receive {Pid,Msg} -> Msg end.
+do_count(N,Sum,SumSq, Fun, Str, _) when N < 10 ->
+ {Time, Res} = do_count(Fun, Str),
+ do_count(N+1,Sum+Time,SumSq+Time*Time, Fun, Str, Res);
+do_count(N,Sum,SumSq, _, _, Res) ->
+ Mean = round(Sum / N),
+ Stdev = round(math:sqrt((SumSq - (Sum*Sum/N))/(N - 1))),
+ {N, Mean, Stdev, Res}.
+do_count(Fun, Str) ->
+ Count = fun Count(Str0, N) ->
+ case unicode_util:Fun(Str0) of
+ [] -> N;
+ [_|Str1] -> Count(Str1,N+1)
+ end
+ end,
+ if Fun =/= lref, Fun =/= bref ->
+ timer:tc(fun() -> Count(Str, 0) end);
+ true ->
+ Pick = case Fun of
+ lref -> id(id);
+ bref -> id(bin_split)
+ end,
+ Ref = fun LR(Str0, N) ->
+ case ?MODULE:Pick(Str0) of
+ [] -> N;
+ [_|Str1] -> LR(Str1,N+1)
+ end
+ end,
+ timer:tc(fun() -> Ref(Str, 0) end)
+ end.
+id(Op) -> Op.
+bin_split(<<>>) -> [];
+bin_split(<<CP/utf8,R/binary>>) -> [CP|R].
+mode(binary, Bin) -> Bin;
+mode(list, Bin) -> unicode:characters_to_list(Bin);
+mode(deep_b, Bin) -> [Bin];
+mode(deep_l, Bin) -> [unicode:characters_to_list(Bin)].
+fetch(Str, F) ->
+ case F(Str) of
+ [] -> [];
+ [CP|R] -> [CP|fetch(R,F)]
+ end.
+%% *Test.txt file helpers
+hex_to_int([]) -> [];
+hex_to_int(HexStr) ->
+ list_to_integer(string:strip(HexStr, both), 16).
+fold(Fun, Acc, File) ->
+ io:format("Processing ~s~n",[File]),
+ {ok, Fd} = file:open(File, [read, raw, binary, {read_ahead, 100000}]),
+ Get = fun() -> file:read_line(Fd) end,
+ try
+ fold_1(Fun, 1, Acc, Get)
+ after
+ ok = file:close(Fd)
+ end.
+fold_1(Fun, Line, Acc, Get) ->
+ case Get() of
+ eof -> Acc;
+ {ok, <<"#",_/binary>>} -> %% Ignore comments
+ fold_1(Fun, Line+1, Acc, Get);
+ {ok, <<"\n">>} -> %% Ignore empty lines
+ fold_1(Fun, Line+1, Acc, Get);
+ {ok, Data} ->
+ fold_1(Fun, Line+1, Fun(Data, Line, Acc), Get)
+ end.