path: root/lib/stdlib
diff options
authorHans Bolinder <hasse@erlang.org>2017-03-09 10:12:31 +0100
committerHans Bolinder <hasse@erlang.org>2017-04-27 10:26:48 +0200
commit6edb6a45d8b2d2993f50176b3324d3fff97fe123 (patch)
tree258d6fe7fd2fde3a56920511e2130fb08ece7a50 /lib/stdlib
parent70074be307908d8913e042dcf564487028c53f84 (diff)
stdlib: Improve the Erlang shell's handling of references
As of Erlang/OTP 20.0, the type of ETS tables, ets:tid(), is a reference(). A request was put forward that the Erlang shell should be able to handle references in its input. This commit introduces an extended parser in module lib. It can parse pids, ports, references, and external funs under the condition that they can be created in the running system. The parser is meant to be used internally in Erlang/OTP. The alternative, to extend erl_scan and erl_parse, was deemed inferior as it would require the abstract format be able to represent pids, ports, references, and funs, which would be confusing as they are not expressions as such, but data types.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib')
4 files changed, 335 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/shell.xml b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/shell.xml
index ab62c2fcdd..2593d3690b 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/shell.xml
+++ b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/shell.xml
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ Hello Number: 3378
42> <input>E = ets:new(t, []).</input>
<p>Command 42 creates an ETS table.</p>
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ false</pre>
47> <input>E = ets:new(t, []).</input>
48> <input>ets:insert({d,1,2}).</input>
* exception error: undefined function ets:insert/1</pre>
@@ -617,10 +617,23 @@ true</pre>
<p>Command 49 successfully inserts the tuple into the ETS table.</p>
-50> <input>halt().</input>
+50> <input>ets:insert(#Ref&lt;0.1662103692.2407923716.214197>, {e,3,4}).</input>
+ <p>Command 50 inserts another tuple into the ETS table. This time
+ the first argument is the table identifier itself. The shell can
+ parse commands with pids (<c>&lt;0.60.0></c>), ports
+ (<c>#Port&lt;0.536></c>), references
+ (<c>#Ref&lt;0.1662103692.2407792644.214210></c>), and external
+ functions (<c>#Fun&lt;a.b.1></c>), but the command fails unless
+ the corresponding pid, port, reference, or function can be created
+ in the running system.</p>
+ <pre>
+51> <input>halt().</input>
strider 2></pre>
- <p>Command 50 exits the Erlang runtime system.</p>
+ <p>Command 51 exits the Erlang runtime system.</p>
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/lib.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/lib.erl
index 56654097d9..aa6797bce6 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/lib.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/lib.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2017. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
-export([flush_receive/0, error_message/2, progname/0, nonl/1, send/2,
sendw/2, eval_str/1]).
+-export([extended_parse_exprs/1, extended_parse_term/1,
+ subst_values_for_vars/2]).
-export([format_exception/6, format_exception/7,
format_stacktrace/4, format_stacktrace/5,
format_call/4, format_call/5, format_fun/1]).
@@ -127,6 +130,224 @@ all_white([$\t|T]) -> all_white(T);
all_white([]) -> true;
all_white(_) -> false.
+%% `Tokens' is assumed to have been scanned with the 'text' option.
+%% The annotations of the returned expressions are locations.
+%% Can handle pids, ports, references, and external funs ("items").
+%% Known items are represented by variables in the erl_parse tree, and
+%% the items themselves are stored in the returned bindings.
+-spec extended_parse_exprs(Tokens) ->
+ {'ok', ExprList, Bindings} | {'error', ErrorInfo} when
+ Tokens :: [erl_scan:token()],
+ ExprList :: [erl_parse:abstract_expr()],
+ Bindings :: erl_eval:binding_struct(),
+ ErrorInfo :: erl_parse:error_info().
+extended_parse_exprs(Tokens) ->
+ Ts = tokens_fixup(Tokens),
+ case erl_parse:parse_exprs(Ts) of
+ {ok, Exprs0} ->
+ {Exprs, Bs} = expr_fixup(Exprs0),
+ {ok, reset_expr_anno(Exprs), Bs};
+ _ErrorInfo ->
+ erl_parse:parse_exprs(reset_token_anno(Ts))
+ end.
+tokens_fixup([]) -> [];
+tokens_fixup([T|Ts]=Ts0) ->
+ try token_fixup(Ts0) of
+ {NewT, NewTs} ->
+ [NewT|tokens_fixup(NewTs)]
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ [T|tokens_fixup(Ts)]
+ end.
+token_fixup(Ts) ->
+ {AnnoL, NewTs, FixupTag} = unscannable(Ts),
+ String = lists:append([erl_anno:text(A) || A <- AnnoL]),
+ _ = (fixup_fun(FixupTag))(String),
+ NewAnno = erl_anno:set_text(fixup_text(FixupTag), hd(AnnoL)),
+ {{string, NewAnno, String}, NewTs}.
+unscannable([{'#', A1}, {var, A2, 'Fun'}, {'<', A3}, {atom, A4, _},
+ {'.', A5}, {float, A6, _}, {'>', A7}|Ts]) ->
+ {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7], Ts, function};
+unscannable([{'#', A1}, {var, A2, 'Fun'}, {'<', A3}, {atom, A4, _},
+ {'.', A5}, {atom, A6, _}, {'.', A7}, {integer, A8, _},
+ {'>', A9}|Ts]) ->
+ {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9], Ts, function};
+unscannable([{'<', A1}, {float, A2, _}, {'.', A3}, {integer, A4, _},
+ {'>', A5}|Ts]) ->
+ {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5], Ts, pid};
+unscannable([{'#', A1}, {var, A2, 'Port'}, {'<', A3}, {float, A4, _},
+ {'>', A5}|Ts]) ->
+ {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5], Ts, port};
+unscannable([{'#', A1}, {var, A2, 'Ref'}, {'<', A3}, {float, A4, _},
+ {'.', A5}, {float, A6, _}, {'>', A7}|Ts]) ->
+ {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7], Ts, reference}.
+expr_fixup(Expr0) ->
+ {Expr, Bs, _} = expr_fixup(Expr0, erl_eval:new_bindings(), 1),
+ {Expr, Bs}.
+expr_fixup({string,A,S}=T, Bs0, I) ->
+ try string_fixup(A, S) of
+ Value ->
+ Var = new_var(I),
+ Bs = erl_eval:add_binding(Var, Value, Bs0),
+ {{var, A, Var}, Bs, I+1}
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ {T, Bs0, I}
+ end;
+expr_fixup(Tuple, Bs0, I0) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
+ {L, Bs, I} = expr_fixup(tuple_to_list(Tuple), Bs0, I0),
+ {list_to_tuple(L), Bs, I};
+expr_fixup([E0|Es0], Bs0, I0) ->
+ {E, Bs1, I1} = expr_fixup(E0, Bs0, I0),
+ {Es, Bs, I} = expr_fixup(Es0, Bs1, I1),
+ {[E|Es], Bs, I};
+expr_fixup(T, Bs, I) ->
+ {T, Bs, I}.
+string_fixup(A, S) ->
+ Text = erl_anno:text(A),
+ FixupTag = fixup_tag(Text, S),
+ (fixup_fun(FixupTag))(S).
+new_var(I) ->
+ list_to_atom(lists:concat(['__ExtendedParseExprs_', I, '__'])).
+reset_token_anno(Tokens) ->
+ [setelement(2, T, (reset_anno())(element(2, T))) || T <- Tokens].
+reset_expr_anno(Exprs) ->
+ [erl_parse:map_anno(reset_anno(), E) || E <- Exprs].
+reset_anno() ->
+ fun(A) -> erl_anno:new(erl_anno:location(A)) end.
+fixup_fun(function) -> fun function/1;
+fixup_fun(pid) -> fun erlang:list_to_pid/1;
+fixup_fun(port) -> fun erlang:list_to_port/1;
+fixup_fun(reference) -> fun erlang:list_to_ref/1.
+function(S) ->
+ %% External function.
+ {ok, [_, _, _,
+ {atom, _, Module}, _,
+ {atom, _, Function}, _,
+ {integer, _, Arity}|_], _} = erl_scan:string(S),
+ erlang:make_fun(Module, Function, Arity).
+fixup_text(function) -> "function";
+fixup_text(pid) -> "pid";
+fixup_text(port) -> "port";
+fixup_text(reference) -> "reference".
+fixup_tag("function", "#"++_) -> function;
+fixup_tag("pid", "<"++_) -> pid;
+fixup_tag("port", "#"++_) -> port;
+fixup_tag("reference", "#"++_) -> reference.
+%%% End of extended_parse_exprs.
+%% `Tokens' is assumed to have been scanned with the 'text' option.
+%% Can handle pids, ports, references, and external funs.
+-spec extended_parse_term(Tokens) ->
+ {'ok', Term} | {'error', ErrorInfo} when
+ Tokens :: [erl_scan:token()],
+ Term :: term(),
+ ErrorInfo :: erl_parse:error_info().
+extended_parse_term(Tokens) ->
+ case extended_parse_exprs(Tokens) of
+ {ok, [Expr], Bindings} ->
+ try normalise(Expr, Bindings) of
+ Term ->
+ {ok, Term}
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ Loc = erl_anno:location(element(2, Expr)),
+ {error,{Loc,?MODULE,"bad term"}}
+ end;
+ {ok, [_,Expr|_], _Bindings} ->
+ Loc = erl_anno:location(element(2, Expr)),
+ {error,{Loc,?MODULE,"bad term"}};
+ {error, _} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+%% From erl_parse.
+normalise({var, _, V}, Bs) ->
+ {value, Value} = erl_eval:binding(V, Bs),
+ Value;
+normalise({char,_,C}, _Bs) -> C;
+normalise({integer,_,I}, _Bs) -> I;
+normalise({float,_,F}, _Bs) -> F;
+normalise({atom,_,A}, _Bs) -> A;
+normalise({string,_,S}, _Bs) -> S;
+normalise({nil,_}, _Bs) -> [];
+normalise({bin,_,Fs}, Bs) ->
+ {value, B, _} =
+ eval_bits:expr_grp(Fs, [],
+ fun(E, _) ->
+ {value, normalise(E, Bs), []}
+ end, [], true),
+ B;
+normalise({cons,_,Head,Tail}, Bs) ->
+ [normalise(Head, Bs)|normalise(Tail, Bs)];
+normalise({tuple,_,Args}, Bs) ->
+ list_to_tuple(normalise_list(Args, Bs));
+normalise({map,_,Pairs}, Bs) ->
+ maps:from_list(lists:map(fun
+ %% only allow '=>'
+ ({map_field_assoc,_,K,V}) ->
+ {normalise(K, Bs),normalise(V, Bs)}
+ end, Pairs));
+%% Special case for unary +/-.
+normalise({op,_,'+',{char,_,I}}, _Bs) -> I;
+normalise({op,_,'+',{integer,_,I}}, _Bs) -> I;
+normalise({op,_,'+',{float,_,F}}, _Bs) -> F;
+normalise({op,_,'-',{char,_,I}}, _Bs) -> -I; %Weird, but compatible!
+normalise({op,_,'-',{integer,_,I}}, _Bs) -> -I;
+normalise({op,_,'-',{float,_,F}}, _Bs) -> -F;
+normalise({'fun',_,{function,{atom,_,M},{atom,_,F},{integer,_,A}}}, _Bs) ->
+ %% Since "#Fun<M.F.A>" is recognized, "fun M:F/A" should be too.
+ fun M:F/A.
+normalise_list([H|T], Bs) ->
+ [normalise(H, Bs)|normalise_list(T, Bs)];
+normalise_list([], _Bs) ->
+ [].
+%% To be used on ExprList and Bindings returned from extended_parse_exprs().
+%% Substitute {value, A, Item} for {var, A, ExtendedParseVar}.
+%% {value, A, Item} is a shell/erl_eval convention, and for example
+%% the linter cannot handle it.
+-spec subst_values_for_vars(ExprList, Bindings) -> [term()] when
+ ExprList :: [erl_parse:abstract_expr()],
+ Bindings :: erl_eval:binding_struct().
+subst_values_for_vars({var, A, V}=Var, Bs) ->
+ case erl_eval:binding(V, Bs) of
+ {value, Value} ->
+ {value, A, Value};
+ unbound ->
+ Var
+ end;
+subst_values_for_vars(L, Bs) when is_list(L) ->
+ [subst_values_for_vars(E, Bs) || E <- L];
+subst_values_for_vars(T, Bs) when is_tuple(T) ->
+ list_to_tuple(subst_values_for_vars(tuple_to_list(T), Bs));
+subst_values_for_vars(T, _Bs) ->
+ T.
%%% Formatting of exceptions, mfa:s and funs.
%% -> iolist() (no \n at end)
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/shell.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/shell.erl
index 961f5f8a30..76a2789406 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/shell.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/shell.erl
@@ -229,8 +229,9 @@ server_loop(N0, Eval_0, Bs00, RT, Ds00, History0, Results0) ->
{Eval_1,Bs0,Ds0,Prompt} = prompt(N, Eval_0, Bs00, RT, Ds00),
{Res,Eval0} = get_command(Prompt, Eval_1, Bs0, RT, Ds0),
case Res of
- {ok,Es0} ->
- case expand_hist(Es0, N) of
+ {ok,Es0,XBs} ->
+ Es1 = lib:subst_values_for_vars(Es0, XBs),
+ case expand_hist(Es1, N) of
{ok,Es} ->
{V,Eval,Bs,Ds} = shell_cmd(Es, Eval0, Bs0, RT, Ds0, cmd),
{History,Results} = check_and_get_history_and_results(),
@@ -276,10 +277,10 @@ get_command(Prompt, Eval, Bs, RT, Ds) ->
fun() ->
- io:scan_erl_exprs(group_leader(), Prompt, 1)
+ io:scan_erl_exprs(group_leader(), Prompt, 1, [text])
{ok,Toks,_EndPos} ->
- erl_parse:parse_exprs(Toks);
+ lib:extended_parse_exprs(Toks);
{eof,_EndPos} ->
{error,ErrorInfo,_EndPos} ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/shell_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/shell_SUITE.erl
index 56002dda25..99411bc8fd 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/shell_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/shell_SUITE.erl
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
progex_lc/1, progex_funs/1,
otp_5990/1, otp_6166/1, otp_6554/1,
otp_7184/1, otp_7232/1, otp_8393/1, otp_10302/1, otp_13719/1,
- otp_14285/1]).
+ otp_14285/1, otp_14296/1]).
-export([ start_restricted_from_shell/1,
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ groups() ->
{tickets, [],
[otp_5990, otp_6166, otp_6554, otp_7184,
- otp_7232, otp_8393, otp_10302, otp_13719, otp_14285]}].
+ otp_7232, otp_8393, otp_10302, otp_13719, otp_14285, otp_14296]}].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
@@ -2841,6 +2841,95 @@ otp_14285(Config) ->
+otp_14296(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ fun() ->
+ F = fun() -> a end,
+ LocalFun = term_to_string(F),
+ S = LocalFun ++ ".",
+ "1: syntax error before: Fun" = comm_err(S)
+ end(),
+ fun() ->
+ F = fun mod:func/1,
+ ExternalFun = term_to_string(F),
+ S = ExternalFun ++ ".",
+ R = ExternalFun ++ ".\n",
+ R = t(S)
+ end(),
+ fun() ->
+ UnknownPid = "<100000.0.0>",
+ S = UnknownPid ++ ".",
+ "1: syntax error before: '<'" = comm_err(S)
+ end(),
+ fun() ->
+ KnownPid = term_to_string(self()),
+ S = KnownPid ++ ".",
+ R = KnownPid ++ ".\n",
+ R = t(S)
+ end(),
+ fun() ->
+ Port = open_port({spawn, "ls"}, [line]),
+ KnownPort = erlang:port_to_list(Port),
+ S = KnownPort ++ ".",
+ R = KnownPort ++ ".\n",
+ R = t(S)
+ end(),
+ fun() ->
+ UnknownPort = "#Port<100000.0>",
+ S = UnknownPort ++ ".",
+ "1: syntax error before: Port" = comm_err(S)
+ end(),
+ fun() ->
+ UnknownRef = "#Ref<100000.0.0.0>",
+ S = UnknownRef ++ ".",
+ "1: syntax error before: Ref" = comm_err(S)
+ end(),
+ fun() ->
+ KnownRef = term_to_string(make_ref()),
+ S = KnownRef ++ ".",
+ R = KnownRef ++ ".\n",
+ R = t(S)
+ end(),
+ %% Test lib:extended_parse_term/1
+ TF = fun(S) ->
+ {ok, Ts, _} = erl_scan:string(S++".", 1, [text]),
+ case lib:extended_parse_term(Ts) of
+ {ok, Term} -> Term;
+ {error, _}=Error -> Error
+ end
+ end,
+ Fun = fun m:f/1,
+ Fun = TF(term_to_string(Fun)),
+ Fun = TF("fun m:f/1"),
+ Pid = self(),
+ Pid = TF(term_to_string(Pid)),
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ Ref = TF(term_to_string(Ref)),
+ Term = {[10, a], {"foo", []}, #{x => <<"bar">>}},
+ Term = TF(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Term]))),
+ {$a, F1, "foo"} = TF("{$a, 1.0, \"foo\"}"),
+ true = is_float(F1),
+ 3 = TF("+3"),
+ $a = TF("+$a"),
+ true = is_float(TF("+1.0")),
+ true = -3 =:= TF("-3"),
+ true = -$a =:= TF("-$a"),
+ true = is_float(TF("-1.0")),
+ {error, {_, _, ["syntax error"++_|_]}} = TF("{1"),
+ {error, {_,_,"bad term"}} = TF("fun() -> foo end"),
+ {error, {_,_,"bad term"}} = TF("1, 2"),
+ ok.
+term_to_string(T) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w", [T])).
scan(B) ->
F = fun(Ts) ->
case erl_parse:parse_term(Ts) of