path: root/lib/test_server/src/test_server_io.erl
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2016-02-16 06:45:27 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2016-02-17 10:35:22 +0100
commitdcda9b507bf14391c8bed91bfa9c56355342b681 (patch)
tree45658baf8d18d7f363a3044972201b957acaffb1 /lib/test_server/src/test_server_io.erl
parent40aaa8bfa8ec0776a4d70079cf34a5bd337d42fe (diff)
Remove test_server as a standalone application
The test_server application has previously been deprecated. In OTP 19, we will move relevant parts of test_server into the common_test application. Test suites that include test_server.hrl must be updated to include ct.hrl instead. Test suites that include test_server_line.hrl must removed that inclusion. Test suites that call the test_server module directly will continue to work in OTP 19. The test suites for Erlang/OTP are built and executed in exactly the same way as previously. Here are some more details. The modules test_server*.erl and erl2html2.erl in lib/test_server/src have been moved to common_test/src. The test_server.hrl and test_server_line.hrl include files have been deleted. The macros in test_server.hrl have been copied into lib/common_test/include/ct.hrl. The ts*.erl modules and their associated data files in lib/test_server/src has been been moved to the new directory lib/common_test/test_server. The ts* modules are no longer built to lib/common_test/ebin. They will only built when 'make release_tests' is executed. The test suite for test_server has been moved to lib/common_test/test. The rest of the files have been deleted.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/test_server/src/test_server_io.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 452 deletions
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_io.erl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_io.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d881d0ada..0000000000
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_io.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2012-2013. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% This module implements a process with the registered name 'test_server_io',
-%% which has two main responsibilities:
-%% * Manage group leader processes (see the test_server_gl module)
-%% for test cases. A group_leader process is obtained by calling
-%% get_gl/1. Group leader processes will be kept alive as along as
-%% the 'test_server_io' process is alive.
-%% * Handle output to the common log files (stdout, major, html,
-%% unexpected_io).
- start_transaction/0,end_transaction/0,
- print_buffered/1,print/3,print_unexpected/1,
- set_footer/1,set_job_name/1,set_gl_props/1,
- reset_state/0,finish/0]).
--record(st, {fds, % Singleton fds (gb_tree)
- tags=[], % Known tag types
- shared_gl :: pid(), % Shared group leader
- gls, % Group leaders (gb_set)
- io_buffering=false, % I/O buffering
- buffered, % Buffered I/O requests
- html_footer, % HTML footer
- job_name, % Name of current job.
- gl_props, % Properties for GL
- phase, % Indicates current mode
- offline_buffer, % Buffer I/O during startup
- stopping, % Reply to when process stopped
- pending_ops % Perform when process idle
- }).
-start_link() ->
- case whereis(?MODULE) of
- undefined ->
- case gen_server:start_link({local,?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []) of
- {ok,Pid} ->
- {ok,Pid};
- Other ->
- Other
- end;
- Pid ->
- %% already running, reset the state
- reset_state(),
- {ok,Pid}
- end.
-stop(FilesToClose) ->
- OldGL = group_leader(),
- group_leader(self(), self()),
- req({stop,FilesToClose}),
- group_leader(OldGL, self()),
- ok.
-finish() ->
- req(finish).
-%% get_gl(Shared) -> Pid
-%% Shared = boolean()
-%% Pid = pid()
-%% Return a group leader (a process using the test_server_gl module).
-%% If Shared is true, the shared group leader is returned (suitable for
-%% running sequential test cases), otherwise a new group leader process
-%% is spawned. Group leader processes will live until the
-%% 'test_server_io' process is stopped.
-get_gl(Shared) when is_boolean(Shared) ->
- req({get_gl,Shared}).
-%% set_fd(Tag, Fd) -> ok.
-%% Tag = major | html | unexpected_io
-%% Fd = a file descriptor (as returned by file:open/2)
-%% Associate a file descriptor with the given Tag. This
-%% Tag can later be used in when calling to print/3.
-set_fd(Tag, Fd) ->
- req({set_fd,Tag,Fd}).
-%% start_transaction()
-%% Subsequent calls to print/3 from the process executing start_transaction/0
-%% will cause the messages to be buffered instead of printed directly.
-start_transaction() ->
- req({start_transaction,self()}).
-%% end_transaction()
-%% End the transaction started by start_transaction/0. Subsequent calls to
-%% print/3 will cause the message to be printed directly.
-end_transaction() ->
- req({end_transaction,self()}).
-%% print(From, Tag, Msg)
-%% From = pid()
-%% Tag = stdout, or any tag that has been registered using set_fd/2
-%% Msg = string or iolist
-%% Either print Msg to the file identified by Tag, or buffer the message
-%% start_transaction/0 has been called from the process From.
-%% NOTE: The tags have various special meanings. For example, 'html'
-%% is assumed to be a HTML file.
-print(From, Tag, Msg) ->
- req({print,From,Tag,Msg}).
-%% print_buffered(Pid)
-%% Pid = pid()
-%% Print all messages buffered in the *first* transaction buffered for Pid.
-%% (If start_transaction/0 and end_transaction/0 has been called N times,
-%% print_buffered/1 must be called N times to print all transactions.)
-print_buffered(Pid) ->
- req({print_buffered,Pid}).
-%% print_unexpected(Msg)
-%% Msg = string or iolist
-%% Print the given string in the unexpected_io log.
-print_unexpected(Msg) ->
- print(xxxFrom,unexpected_io,Msg).
-%% set_footer(IoData)
-%% Set a footer for the file associated with the 'html' tag.
-%% It will be used by print/3 to print a footer for the HTML file.
-set_footer(Footer) ->
- req({set_footer,Footer}).
-%% set_job_name(Name)
-%% Set a name for the currently running job. The name will be used
-%% when printing to 'stdout'.
-set_job_name(Name) ->
- req({set_job_name,Name}).
-%% set_gl_props(PropList)
-%% Set properties for group leader processes. When a group_leader process
-%% is created, test_server_gl:set_props(PropList) will be called.
-set_gl_props(PropList) ->
- req({set_gl_props,PropList}).
-%% reset_state
-%% Reset the initial state
-reset_state() ->
- req(reset_state).
-%%% Internal functions.
-init([]) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- Empty = gb_trees:empty(),
- {ok,Shared} = test_server_gl:start_link(),
- {ok,#st{fds=Empty,shared_gl=Shared,gls=gb_sets:empty(),
- io_buffering=gb_sets:empty(),
- buffered=Empty,
- html_footer="</body>\n</html>\n",
- job_name="<name not set>",
- gl_props=[],
- phase=starting,
- offline_buffer=[],
- pending_ops=[]}}.
-req(Req) ->
- gen_server:call(?MODULE, Req, infinity).
-handle_call({get_gl,false}, _From, #st{gls=Gls,gl_props=Props}=St) ->
- {ok,Pid} = test_server_gl:start_link(),
- test_server_gl:set_props(Pid, Props),
- {reply,Pid,St#st{gls=gb_sets:insert(Pid, Gls)}};
-handle_call({get_gl,true}, _From, #st{shared_gl=Shared}=St) ->
- {reply,Shared,St};
-handle_call({set_fd,Tag,Fd}, _From, #st{fds=Fds0,tags=Tags0,
- offline_buffer=OfflineBuff}=St) ->
- Fds = gb_trees:enter(Tag, Fd, Fds0),
- St1 = St#st{fds=Fds,tags=[Tag|lists:delete(Tag, Tags0)]},
- OfflineBuff1 =
- if OfflineBuff == [] ->
- [];
- true ->
- %% Fd ready, print anything buffered for associated Tag
- lists:filtermap(fun({T,From,Str}) when T == Tag ->
- output(From, Tag, Str, St1),
- false;
- (_) ->
- true
- end, lists:reverse(OfflineBuff))
- end,
- {reply,ok,St1#st{phase=started,
- offline_buffer=lists:reverse(OfflineBuff1)}};
-handle_call({start_transaction,Pid}, _From, #st{io_buffering=Buffer0,
- buffered=Buf0}=St) ->
- Buf = case gb_trees:is_defined(Pid, Buf0) of
- false -> gb_trees:insert(Pid, queue:new(), Buf0);
- true -> Buf0
- end,
- Buffer = gb_sets:add(Pid, Buffer0),
- {reply,ok,St#st{io_buffering=Buffer,buffered=Buf}};
-handle_call({print,From,Tag,Str}, _From, St0) ->
- St = output(From, Tag, Str, St0),
- {reply,ok,St};
-handle_call({end_transaction,Pid}, _From, #st{io_buffering=Buffer0,
- buffered=Buffered0}=St0) ->
- Q0 = gb_trees:get(Pid, Buffered0),
- Q = queue:in(eot, Q0),
- Buffered = gb_trees:update(Pid, Q, Buffered0),
- Buffer = gb_sets:delete_any(Pid, Buffer0),
- St = St0#st{io_buffering=Buffer,buffered=Buffered},
- {reply,ok,St};
-handle_call({print_buffered,Pid}, _From, #st{buffered=Buffered0}=St0) ->
- Q0 = gb_trees:get(Pid, Buffered0),
- Q = do_print_buffered(Q0, St0),
- Buffered = gb_trees:update(Pid, Q, Buffered0),
- St = St0#st{buffered=Buffered},
- {reply,ok,St};
-handle_call({set_footer,Footer}, _From, St) ->
- {reply,ok,St#st{html_footer=Footer}};
-handle_call({set_job_name,Name}, _From, St) ->
- {reply,ok,St#st{job_name=Name}};
-handle_call({set_gl_props,Props}, _From, #st{shared_gl=Shared}=St) ->
- test_server_gl:set_props(Shared, Props),
- {reply,ok,St#st{gl_props=Props}};
-handle_call(reset_state, From, #st{phase=stopping,pending_ops=Ops}=St) ->
- %% can't reset during stopping phase, save op for later
- Op = fun(NewSt) ->
- {_,Result,NewSt1} = handle_call(reset_state, From, NewSt),
- {Result,NewSt1}
- end,
- {noreply,St#st{pending_ops=[{From,Op}|Ops]}};
-handle_call(reset_state, _From, #st{fds=Fds,tags=Tags,gls=Gls,
- offline_buffer=OfflineBuff}) ->
- %% close open log files
- lists:foreach(fun(Tag) ->
- case gb_trees:lookup(Tag, Fds) of
- none ->
- ok;
- {value,Fd} ->
- file:close(Fd)
- end
- end, Tags),
- GlList = gb_sets:to_list(Gls),
- [test_server_gl:stop(GL) || GL <- GlList],
- timer:sleep(100),
- case lists:filter(fun(GlPid) -> is_process_alive(GlPid) end, GlList) of
- [] ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- timer:sleep(2000),
- [exit(GL, kill) || GL <- GlList]
- end,
- Empty = gb_trees:empty(),
- {ok,Shared} = test_server_gl:start_link(),
- {reply,ok,#st{fds=Empty,shared_gl=Shared,gls=gb_sets:empty(),
- io_buffering=gb_sets:empty(),
- buffered=Empty,
- html_footer="</body>\n</html>\n",
- job_name="<name not set>",
- gl_props=[],
- phase=starting,
- offline_buffer=OfflineBuff,
- pending_ops=[]}};
-handle_call({stop,FdTags}, From, #st{fds=Fds0,tags=Tags0,
- shared_gl=SGL,gls=Gls0}=St0) ->
- St = St0#st{gls=gb_sets:insert(SGL, Gls0),phase=stopping,stopping=From},
- gc(St),
- %% close open log files
- {Fds1,Tags1} = lists:foldl(fun(Tag, {Fds,Tags}) ->
- case gb_trees:lookup(Tag, Fds) of
- none ->
- {Fds,Tags};
- {value,Fd} ->
- file:close(Fd),
- {gb_trees:delete(Tag, Fds),
- lists:delete(Tag, Tags)}
- end
- end, {Fds0,Tags0}, FdTags),
- %% Give the users of the surviving group leaders some
- %% time to finish.
- erlang:send_after(1000, self(), stop_group_leaders),
- {noreply,St#st{fds=Fds1,tags=Tags1}};
-handle_call(finish, From, St) ->
- gen_server:reply(From, ok),
- {stop,normal,St}.
-handle_info({'EXIT',Pid,normal}, #st{gls=Gls0,stopping=From}=St) ->
- Gls = gb_sets:delete_any(Pid, Gls0),
- case gb_sets:is_empty(Gls) andalso stopping =/= undefined of
- true ->
- %% No more group leaders left.
- gen_server:reply(From, ok),
- {noreply,St#st{gls=Gls,phase=stopping,stopping=undefined}};
- false ->
- %% Wait for more group leaders to finish.
- {noreply,St#st{gls=Gls,phase=stopping}}
- end;
-handle_info({'EXIT',_Pid,Reason}, _St) ->
- exit(Reason);
-handle_info(stop_group_leaders, #st{gls=Gls}=St) ->
- %% Stop the remaining group leaders.
- GlPids = gb_sets:to_list(Gls),
- [test_server_gl:stop(GL) || GL <- GlPids],
- timer:sleep(100),
- Wait =
- case lists:filter(fun(GlPid) -> is_process_alive(GlPid) end, GlPids) of
- [] -> 0;
- _ -> 2000
- end,
- erlang:send_after(Wait, self(), kill_group_leaders),
- {noreply,St};
-handle_info(kill_group_leaders, #st{gls=Gls,stopping=From,
- pending_ops=Ops}=St) ->
- [exit(GL, kill) || GL <- gb_sets:to_list(Gls)],
- if From /= undefined ->
- gen_server:reply(From, ok);
- true -> % reply has been sent already
- ok
- end,
- %% we're idle, check if any ops are pending
- St1 = lists:foldr(fun({ReplyTo,Op},NewSt) ->
- {Result,NewSt1} = Op(NewSt),
- gen_server:reply(ReplyTo, Result),
- NewSt1
- end, St#st{phase=idle,pending_ops=[]}, Ops),
- {noreply,St1};
-handle_info(Other, St) ->
- io:format("Ignoring: ~p\n", [Other]),
- {noreply,St}.
-terminate(_, _) ->
- ok.
-output(From, Tag, Str, #st{io_buffering=Buffered,buffered=Buf0,
- phase=Phase,offline_buffer=OfflineBuff}=St) ->
- case gb_sets:is_member(From, Buffered) of
- false ->
- case do_output(Tag, Str, Phase, St) of
- buffer when length(OfflineBuff)>500 ->
- %% something's wrong, clear buffer
- St#st{offline_buffer=[]};
- buffer ->
- St#st{offline_buffer=[{Tag,From,Str}|OfflineBuff]};
- _ ->
- St
- end;
- true ->
- Q0 = gb_trees:get(From, Buf0),
- Q = queue:in({Tag,Str}, Q0),
- Buf = gb_trees:update(From, Q, Buf0),
- St#st{buffered=Buf}
- end.
-do_output(stdout, Str, _, #st{job_name=undefined}) ->
- io:put_chars(Str);
-do_output(stdout, Str0, _, #st{job_name=Name}) ->
- Str = io_lib:format("Testing ~ts: ~ts\n", [Name,Str0]),
- io:put_chars(Str);
-do_output(Tag, Str, Phase, #st{fds=Fds}=St) ->
- case gb_trees:lookup(Tag, Fds) of
- none when Phase /= started ->
- buffer;
- none ->
- S = io_lib:format("\n*** ERROR: ~w, line ~w: No known '~p' log file\n",
- [?MODULE,?LINE,Tag]),
- do_output(stdout, [S,Str], Phase, St);
- {value,Fd} ->
- try
- io:put_chars(Fd, Str),
- case Tag of
- html -> finalise_table(Fd, St);
- _ -> ok
- end
- catch _:Error ->
- S = io_lib:format("\n*** ERROR: ~w, line ~w: Error writing to "
- "log file '~p': ~p\n",
- [?MODULE,?LINE,Tag,Error]),
- do_output(stdout, [S,Str], Phase, St)
- end
- end.
-finalise_table(Fd, #st{html_footer=Footer}) ->
- case file:position(Fd, {cur,0}) of
- {ok,Pos} ->
- %% We are writing to a seekable file. Finalise so
- %% we get complete valid (and viewable) HTML code.
- %% Then rewind to overwrite the finalising code.
- io:put_chars(Fd, ["\n</table>\n",Footer]),
- file:position(Fd, Pos);
- {error,epipe} ->
- %% The file is not seekable. We cannot erase what
- %% we've already written --- so the reader will
- %% have to wait until we're done.
- ok
- end.
-do_print_buffered(Q0, St) ->
- Item = queue:get(Q0),
- Q = queue:drop(Q0),
- case Item of
- eot ->
- Q;
- {Tag,Str} ->
- do_output(Tag, Str, undefined, St),
- do_print_buffered(Q, St)
- end.
-gc(#st{gls=Gls0}) ->
- InUse0 = [begin
- case process_info(P, group_leader) of
- {group_leader,GL} -> GL;
- undefined -> undefined
- end
- end || P <- processes()],
- InUse = ordsets:from_list(InUse0),
- Gls = gb_sets:to_list(Gls0),
- NotUsed = ordsets:subtract(Gls, InUse),
- [test_server_gl:stop(Pid) || Pid <- NotUsed],
- ok.