path: root/lib/test_server/src
diff options
authorTobias Schlager <tobias.schlager@lindenbaum.eu>2014-02-18 12:31:52 +0100
committerSiri Hansen <siri@erlang.org>2014-02-24 11:02:14 +0100
commite13698de39397b8adf774467ff4c9c9b8e22bd3a (patch)
tree77c6c845a451743b10dca9491a2b0ca416fe6810 /lib/test_server/src
parenta61f66e1157b0e77839b76ef416f436f28304579 (diff)
Introduce appup test utility
This adds a test function similar to the app file test function existing in test_server. The code is mostly taken from the asn1, snmp and inets test suites. Low-level upgrade instruction checking is stripped. Library application's appup files get specialized treatment, since their content is almost static.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/test_server/src')
2 files changed, 251 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server.erl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server.erl
index d367e7b5d6..82672521f7 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/test_server.erl
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
-export([start_node/3, stop_node/1, wait_for_node/1, is_release_available/1]).
--export([app_test/1, app_test/2]).
+-export([app_test/1, app_test/2, appup_test/1]).
-export([comment/1, make_priv_dir/0]).
@@ -2448,8 +2448,11 @@ app_test(App) ->
app_test(App, Mode) ->
test_server_sup:app_test(App, Mode).
+%% appup_test/1
+appup_test(App) ->
+ test_server_sup:appup_test(App).
%% is_native(Mod) -> true | false
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_sup.erl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_sup.erl
index 70ead42b1b..3cfa84a52f 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_sup.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_sup.erl
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
util_start/0, util_stop/0, unique_name/0,
- call_trace/1]).
+ call_trace/1,
+ appup_test/1]).
-define(src_listing_ext, ".src.html").
@@ -265,6 +266,249 @@ app_check_export_all([Mod|Mods]) ->
+%% appup_test/1
+%% Checks one applications .appup file for obvious errors.
+%% Checks..
+%% * .. syntax
+%% * .. that version in app file matches appup file version
+%% * .. validity of appup instructions
+%% For library application this function checks that the proper
+%% 'restart_application' upgrade and downgrade clauses exist.
+appup_test(Application) ->
+ case is_app(Application) of
+ {ok, AppFile} ->
+ case is_appup(Application, proplists:get_value(vsn, AppFile)) of
+ {ok, Up, Down} ->
+ StartMod = proplists:get_value(mod, AppFile),
+ Modules = proplists:get_value(modules, AppFile),
+ do_appup_tests(StartMod, Application, Up, Down, Modules);
+ Error ->
+ test_server:fail(Error)
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ test_server:fail(Error)
+ end.
+is_appup(Application, Version) ->
+ AppupFile = atom_to_list(Application) ++ ".appup",
+ AppupPath = filename:join([code:lib_dir(Application), "ebin", AppupFile]),
+ case file:consult(AppupPath) of
+ {ok, [{Version, Up, Down}]} when is_list(Up), is_list(Down) ->
+ {ok, Up, Down};
+ _ ->
+ test_server:format(
+ minor,
+ "Application upgrade (.appup) file not found, "
+ "or it has very bad syntax.~n"),
+ {error, appup_not_readable}
+ end.
+do_appup_tests(undefined, Application, Up, Down, _Modules) ->
+ %% library application
+ case Up of
+ [{<<".*">>, [{restart_application, Application}]}] ->
+ case Down of
+ [{<<".*">>, [{restart_application, Application}]}] ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ test_server:format(
+ minor,
+ "Library application needs restart_application "
+ "downgrade instruction.~n"),
+ {error, library_downgrade_instruction_malformed}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ test_server:format(
+ minor,
+ "Library application needs restart_application "
+ "upgrade instruction.~n"),
+ {error, library_upgrade_instruction_malformed}
+ end;
+do_appup_tests(_, _Application, Up, Down, Modules) ->
+ %% normal application
+ case check_appup_clauses_plausible(Up, up, Modules) of
+ ok ->
+ case check_appup_clauses_plausible(Down, down, Modules) of
+ ok ->
+ test_server:format(minor, "OK~n");
+ Error ->
+ test_server:format(minor, "ERROR ~p~n", [Error]),
+ test_server:fail(Error)
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ test_server:format(minor, "ERROR ~p~n", [Error]),
+ test_server:fail(Error)
+ end.
+check_appup_clauses_plausible([], _Direction, _Modules) ->
+ ok;
+check_appup_clauses_plausible([{Re, Instrs} | Rest], Direction, Modules)
+ when is_binary(Re) ->
+ case re:compile(Re) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ case check_appup_instructions(Instrs, Direction, Modules) of
+ ok ->
+ check_appup_clauses_plausible(Rest, Direction, Modules);
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ {error, Error} ->
+ {error, {version_regex_malformed, Re, Error}}
+ end;
+check_appup_clauses_plausible([{V, Instrs} | Rest], Direction, Modules)
+ when is_list(V) ->
+ case check_appup_instructions(Instrs, Direction, Modules) of
+ ok ->
+ check_appup_clauses_plausible(Rest, Direction, Modules);
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+check_appup_clauses_plausible(Clause, _Direction, _Modules) ->
+ {error, {clause_malformed, Clause}}.
+check_appup_instructions(Instrs, Direction, Modules) ->
+ case check_instructions(Direction, Instrs, Instrs, [], [], Modules) of
+ {_Good, []} ->
+ ok;
+ {_, Bad} ->
+ {error, {bad_instructions, Bad}}
+ end.
+check_instructions(_, [], _, Good, Bad, _) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Good), lists:reverse(Bad)};
+check_instructions(UpDown, [Instr | Rest], All, Good, Bad, Modules) ->
+ case catch check_instruction(UpDown, Instr, All, Modules) of
+ ok ->
+ check_instructions(UpDown, Rest, All, [Instr | Good], Bad, Modules);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ NewBad = [{Instr, Reason} | Bad],
+ check_instructions(UpDown, Rest, All, Good, NewBad, Modules)
+ end.
+check_instruction(up, {add_module, Module}, _, Modules) ->
+ %% A new module is added
+ check_module(Module, Modules);
+check_instruction(down, {add_module, Module}, _, Modules) ->
+ %% An old module is re-added
+ case (catch check_module(Module, Modules)) of
+ {error, {unknown_module, Module, Modules}} -> ok;
+ ok -> throw({error, {existing_readded_module, Module}})
+ end;
+check_instruction(_, {load_module, Module}, _, Modules) ->
+ check_module(Module, Modules);
+check_instruction(_, {load_module, Module, DepMods}, _, Modules) ->
+ check_module(Module, Modules),
+ check_depend(DepMods);
+check_instruction(_, {load_module, Module, Pre, Post, DepMods}, _, Modules) ->
+ check_module(Module, Modules),
+ check_depend(DepMods),
+ check_purge(Pre),
+ check_purge(Post);
+check_instruction(up, {delete_module, Module}, _, Modules) ->
+ case (catch check_module(Module, Modules)) of
+ {error, {unknown_module, Module, Modules}} ->
+ ok;
+ ok ->
+ throw({error,{existing_module_deleted, Module}})
+ end;
+check_instruction(down, {delete_module, Module}, _, Modules) ->
+ check_module(Module, Modules);
+check_instruction(_, {update, Module}, _, Modules) ->
+ check_module(Module, Modules);
+check_instruction(_, {update, Module, supervisor}, _, Modules) ->
+ check_module(Module, Modules);
+check_instruction(_, {update, Module, DepMods}, _, Modules)
+ when is_list(DepMods) ->
+ check_module(Module, Modules);
+check_instruction(_, {update, Module, Change}, _, Modules) ->
+ check_module(Module, Modules),
+ check_change(Change);
+check_instruction(_, {update, Module, Change, DepMods}, _, Modules) ->
+ check_module(Module, Modules),
+ check_change(Change),
+ check_depend(DepMods);
+check_instruction(_, {update, Module, Change, Pre, Post, DepMods}, _, Modules) ->
+ check_module(Module, Modules),
+ check_change(Change),
+ check_purge(Pre),
+ check_purge(Post),
+ check_depend(DepMods);
+ {update, Module, Timeout, Change, Pre, Post, DepMods},
+ _,
+ Modules) ->
+ check_module(Module, Modules),
+ check_timeout(Timeout),
+ check_change(Change),
+ check_purge(Pre),
+ check_purge(Post),
+ check_depend(DepMods);
+ {update, Module, ModType, Timeout, Change, Pre, Post, DepMods},
+ _,
+ Modules) ->
+ check_module(Module, Modules),
+ check_mod_type(ModType),
+ check_timeout(Timeout),
+ check_change(Change),
+ check_purge(Pre),
+ check_purge(Post),
+ check_depend(DepMods);
+check_instruction(_, {restart_application, Application}, _, _) ->
+ check_application(Application);
+check_instruction(_, {remove_application, Application}, _, _) ->
+ check_application(Application);
+check_instruction(_, {add_application, Application}, _, _) ->
+ check_application(Application);
+check_instruction(_, {add_application, Application, Type}, _, _) ->
+ check_application(Application),
+ check_restart_type(Type);
+check_instruction(_, Instr, _, _) ->
+ throw({error, {low_level_or_invalid_instruction, Instr}}).
+check_module(Module, Modules) when is_atom(Module) ->
+ case {is_atom(Module), lists:member(Module, Modules)} of
+ {true, true} -> ok;
+ {true, false} -> throw({error, {unknown_module, Module}});
+ {false, _} -> throw({error, {bad_module, Module}})
+ end.
+check_application(App) ->
+ case is_atom(App) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> throw({error, {bad_application, App}})
+ end.
+check_depend(Dep) when is_list(Dep) -> ok;
+check_depend(Dep) -> throw({error, {bad_depend, Dep}}).
+check_restart_type(permanent) -> ok;
+check_restart_type(transient) -> ok;
+check_restart_type(temporary) -> ok;
+check_restart_type(load) -> ok;
+check_restart_type(none) -> ok;
+check_restart_type(Type) -> throw({error, {bad_restart_type, Type}}).
+check_timeout(T) when is_integer(T), T > 0 -> ok;
+check_timeout(default) -> ok;
+check_timeout(infinity) -> ok;
+check_timeout(T) -> throw({error, {bad_timeout, T}}).
+check_mod_type(static) -> ok;
+check_mod_type(dynamic) -> ok;
+check_mod_type(Type) -> throw({error, {bad_mod_type, Type}}).
+check_purge(soft_purge) -> ok;
+check_purge(brutal_purge) -> ok;
+check_purge(Purge) -> throw({error, {bad_purge, Purge}}).
+check_change(soft) -> ok;
+check_change({advanced, _}) -> ok;
+check_change(Change) -> throw({error, {bad_change, Change}}).
%% Given two sorted lists, L1 and L2, returns {NotInL2, NotInL1},
%% NotInL2 is the elements of L1 which don't occurr in L2,
%% NotInL1 is the elements of L2 which don't ocurr in L1.