path: root/lib/test_server
diff options
authorPeter Andersson <peppe@erlang.org>2012-03-26 13:40:14 +0200
committerPeter Andersson <peppe@erlang.org>2012-03-26 13:40:20 +0200
commit67ccf96bb7b430e691509a45299eeee1ca5f27c5 (patch)
tree2f0fdf2cf41e2f39d430d17413ff6d1e9b24f819 /lib/test_server
parent22c4c386fe2a8655b1c9be09a083b89e220f1120 (diff)
parent5fd16511a1240220f0126f7be51f44aa38bcce56 (diff)
Merge remote branch 'origin/peppe/common_test/otp-9988_9871.merged' into maint
* origin/peppe/common_test/otp-9988_9871.merged: Fix various problems with the user timetrap implementation Fix dialyzer reported errors Implement support for user controlled timetraps OTP-9988
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/test_server')
2 files changed, 477 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server.erl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server.erl
index d7ce432786..96d2e2b80e 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/test_server.erl
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ do_run_test_case_apply(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, TimetrapData) ->
group_leader(OldGLeader, self()),
put(test_server_detected_fail, []),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, false, false, "", undefined).
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, false, false, "", undefined, starting).
%% Ugly bug (pre R5A):
%% If this process (group leader of the test case) terminates before
@@ -639,19 +639,37 @@ do_run_test_case_apply(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, TimetrapData) ->
%% A test case is known to have failed if it returns {'EXIT', _} tuple,
%% or sends a message {failed, File, Line} to it's group_leader
-run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, CaptureStdout, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf) ->
+run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, CaptureStdout, Terminate,
+ Comment, CurrConf, Status) ->
%% NOTE: Keep job_proxy_msgloop/0 up to date when changes
%% are made in this function!
{Timeout,ReturnValue} =
case Terminate of
{true, ReturnVal} ->
+ %% stop any timetrap timers for the test case
+ %% that have been started by this process
+ timetrap_cancel_all(Pid, false),
{20, ReturnVal};
false ->
{infinity, should_never_appear}
+ {test_case_initialized,Pid} ->
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,running);
+ Abort = {abort_current_testcase,_,_} when Status == starting ->
+ %% we're in init phase, must must postpone this operation
+ %% until test case execution is in progress (or FW:init_tc
+ %% gets killed)
+ self() ! Abort,
+ erlang:yield(),
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
{abort_current_testcase,Reason,From} ->
- Line = get_loc(Pid),
+ Line = case is_process_alive(Pid) of
+ true -> get_loc(Pid);
+ false -> unknown
+ end,
Mon = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
@@ -665,76 +683,94 @@ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, CaptureStdout, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf) ->
exit(Pid, kill),
%% here's the only place we know Reason, so we save
%% it as a comment, potentially replacing user data
- Error = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Aborted: ~p",[Reason])),
+ Error = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Aborted: ~p",
+ [Reason])),
Error1 = lists:flatten([string:strip(S,left) ||
- S <- string:tokens(Error,[$\n])]),
+ S <- string:tokens(Error,
+ [$\n])]),
if length(Error1) > 63 ->
string:substr(Error1,1,60) ++ "...";
true ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,NewComment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ NewComment,CurrConf,Status);
when is_list(Format) ->
Msg = (catch io_lib:Func(Format,Args)),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
when is_atom(Format) ->
Msg = (catch io_lib:Func(Format,Args)),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
{io_request,From,ReplyAs,{put_chars,Bytes}} ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
when is_list(Format) ->
Msg = unicode_to_latin1(catch io_lib:Func(Format,Args)),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
when is_list(Format) ->
Msg = (catch io_lib:Func(Format,Args)),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
when is_atom(Format) ->
Msg = unicode_to_latin1(catch io_lib:Func(Format,Args)),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
when is_atom(Format) ->
Msg = (catch io_lib:Func(Format,Args)),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
{io_request,From,ReplyAs,{put_chars,unicode,Bytes}} ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
{io_request,From,ReplyAs,{put_chars,latin1,Bytes}} ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
IoReq when element(1, IoReq) == io_request ->
%% something else, just pass it on
group_leader() ! IoReq,
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
{structured_io,ClientPid,Msg} ->
output(Msg, ClientPid),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
{capture,NewCapture} ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,NewCapture,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,NewCapture,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
{sync_apply,From,MFA} ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
{sync_apply_proxy,Proxy,From,MFA} ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
{printout,Detail,Format,Args} ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
{comment,NewComment} ->
NewComment1 = test_server_ctrl:to_string(NewComment),
NewComment2 = test_server_sup:framework_call(format_comment,
@@ -747,13 +783,16 @@ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, CaptureStdout, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf) ->
Other ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate1,NewComment2,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate1,
+ NewComment2,CurrConf,Status);
{read_comment,From} ->
From ! {self(),read_comment,Comment},
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
{set_curr_conf,From,NewCurrConf} ->
From ! {self(),set_curr_conf,ok},
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,NewCurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,NewCurrConf,Status);
{make_priv_dir,From} when CurrConf == undefined ->
From ! {self(),make_priv_dir,{error,no_priv_dir_in_config}};
{make_priv_dir,From} ->
@@ -772,10 +811,12 @@ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, CaptureStdout, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf) ->
From ! {self(),make_priv_dir,Result},
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
{'EXIT',Pid,{Ref,Time,Value,Loc,Opts}} ->
RetVal = {Time/1000000,Value,mod_loc(Loc),Opts,Comment},
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,{true,RetVal},Comment,undefined);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,{true,RetVal},
+ Comment,undefined,Status);
{'EXIT',Pid,Reason} ->
case Reason of
{timetrap_timeout,TVal,Loc} ->
@@ -786,36 +827,42 @@ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, CaptureStdout, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf) ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
- Comment,undefined);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,
+ Terminate,Comment,
+ undefined,Status);
Loc1 ->
%% call end_per_testcase on a separate process,
- %% only so that the user has a chance to clean up
- %% after init_per_testcase, even after a timetrap timeout
+ %% only so that the user has a chance to
+ %% clean up after init_per_testcase, even after
+ %% a timetrap timeout
NewCurrConf =
case CurrConf of
{{Mod,Func},Conf} ->
EndConfPid =
- call_end_conf(Mod,Func,Pid,
- {timetrap_timeout,TVal},
- Loc1,[{tc_status,
- {failed,
- timetrap_timeout}}|Conf],
- TVal),
+ call_end_conf(
+ Mod,Func,Pid,
+ {timetrap_timeout,TVal},
+ Loc1,[{tc_status,
+ {failed,
+ timetrap_timeout}}|Conf],
+ TVal),
_ ->
{Mod,Func} = get_mf(Loc1),
- %% The framework functions mustn't execute on this
- %% group leader process or io will cause deadlock,
- %% so we spawn a dedicated process for the operation
- %% and let the group leader go back to handle io.
+ %% The framework functions mustn't
+ %% execute on this group leader process
+ %% or io will cause deadlock, so we
+ %% spawn a dedicated process for the
+ %% operation and let the group leader
+ %% go back to handle io.
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
- Comment,NewCurrConf)
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,
+ Terminate,Comment,
+ NewCurrConf,Status)
{timetrap_timeout,TVal,Loc,InitOrEnd} ->
case mod_loc(Loc) of
@@ -830,7 +877,17 @@ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, CaptureStdout, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf) ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ {testcase_aborted,ErrorMsg={user_timetrap_error,_},AbortLoc} ->
+ %% user timetrap function caused exit
+ %% during start of test case
+ {Mod,Func} = get_mf(mod_loc(AbortLoc)),
+ spawn_fw_call(Mod,Func,CurrConf,Pid,
+ ErrorMsg,unknown,self()),
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,
+ Terminate,Comment,
+ undefined,Status);
{testcase_aborted,AbortReason,AbortLoc} ->
ErrorMsg = {testcase_aborted,AbortReason},
case mod_loc(AbortLoc) of
@@ -839,33 +896,41 @@ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, CaptureStdout, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf) ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
- Comment,undefined);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,
+ Terminate,Comment,
+ undefined,Status);
Loc1 ->
- %% call end_per_testcase on a separate process, only so
- %% that the user has a chance to clean up after init_per_testcase,
- %% even after abortion
+ %% call end_per_testcase on a separate process,
+ %% only so that the user has a chance to clean up
+ %% after init_per_testcase, even after abortion
NewCurrConf =
case CurrConf of
{{Mod,Func},Conf} ->
- TVal = case lists:keysearch(default_timeout,1,Conf) of
- {value,{default_timeout,Tmo}} -> Tmo;
- end,
+ TVal =
+ case lists:keysearch(default_timeout,
+ 1,
+ Conf) of
+ {value,{default_timeout,Tmo}} ->
+ Tmo;
+ _ ->
+ end,
EndConfPid =
- call_end_conf(Mod,Func,Pid,ErrorMsg,
- Loc1,
- [{tc_status,{failed,ErrorMsg}}|Conf],
- TVal),
+ call_end_conf(
+ Mod,Func,Pid,
+ ErrorMsg,Loc1,
+ [{tc_status,
+ {failed,ErrorMsg}}|Conf],TVal),
_ ->
{Mod,Func} = get_mf(Loc1),
- spawn_fw_call(Mod,Func,CurrConf,Pid,ErrorMsg,
- Loc1,self()),
+ spawn_fw_call(Mod,Func,CurrConf,Pid,
+ ErrorMsg,Loc1,self()),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
- Comment,NewCurrConf)
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,
+ Terminate,Comment,
+ NewCurrConf,Status)
killed ->
%% result of an exit(TestCase,kill) call, which is the
@@ -878,11 +943,14 @@ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, CaptureStdout, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf) ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
{fw_error,{FwMod,FwFunc,FwError}} ->
- spawn_fw_call(FwMod,FwFunc,CurrConf,Pid,{framework_error,FwError},
+ spawn_fw_call(FwMod,FwFunc,CurrConf,Pid,
+ {framework_error,FwError},
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
_Other ->
%% the testcase has terminated because of Reason (e.g. an exit
%% because a linked process failed)
@@ -890,17 +958,22 @@ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, CaptureStdout, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf) ->
{MF,_} -> MF;
_ -> {undefined,undefined}
- spawn_fw_call(Mod,Func,CurrConf,Pid,Reason,unknown,self()),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf)
+ spawn_fw_call(Mod,Func,CurrConf,Pid,
+ Reason,unknown,self()),
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status)
{EndConfPid,{call_end_conf,Data,_Result}} ->
case CurrConf of
{EndConfPid,{Mod,Func},_Conf} ->
{_Mod,_Func,TCPid,TCExitReason,Loc} = Data,
- spawn_fw_call(Mod,Func,CurrConf,TCPid,TCExitReason,Loc,self()),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,undefined);
+ spawn_fw_call(Mod,Func,CurrConf,TCPid,
+ TCExitReason,Loc,self()),
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,undefined,Status);
_ ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf)
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status)
{_FwCallPid,fw_notify_done,{T,Value,Loc,Opts,AddToComment}} ->
%% the framework has been notified, we're finished
@@ -920,7 +993,8 @@ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, CaptureStdout, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf) ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,{true,RetVal},Comment,undefined);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,{true,RetVal},
+ Comment,undefined,Status);
{'EXIT',_FwCallPid,{fw_notify_done,Func,Error}} ->
%% a framework function failed
@@ -931,20 +1005,63 @@ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, CaptureStdout, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf) ->
RetVal = {died,{framework_error,Loc,Error},Loc,"Framework error"},
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,{true,RetVal},Comment,undefined);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,{true,RetVal},
+ Comment,undefined,Status);
{failed,File,Line} ->
[{File, Line}| get(test_server_detected_fail)]),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ {user_timetrap,Pid,_TrapTime,StartTime,E={user_timetrap_error,_},_} ->
+ case update_user_timetraps(Pid, StartTime) of
+ proceed ->
+ self() ! {abort_current_testcase,E,Pid};
+ ignore ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ {user_timetrap,Pid,TrapTime,StartTime,ElapsedTime,Scale} ->
+ %% a user timetrap is triggered, ignore it if new
+ %% timetrap has been started since
+ case update_user_timetraps(Pid, StartTime) of
+ proceed ->
+ TotalTime = if is_integer(TrapTime) ->
+ TrapTime + ElapsedTime;
+ true ->
+ TrapTime
+ end,
+ timetrap(TrapTime, TotalTime, Pid, Scale);
+ ignore ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ {timetrap_cancel_one,Handle,_From} ->
+ timetrap_cancel_one(Handle, false),
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ {timetrap_cancel_all,TCPid,_From} ->
+ timetrap_cancel_all(TCPid, false),
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ {get_timetrap_info,TCPid,From} ->
+ Info = get_timetrap_info(TCPid, false),
+ From ! {self(),get_timetrap_info,Info},
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
_Other when not is_tuple(_Other) ->
%% ignore anything not generated by test server
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status);
_Other when element(1, _Other) /= 'EXIT',
element(1, _Other) /= started,
element(1, _Other) /= finished,
element(1, _Other) /= print ->
%% ignore anything not generated by test server
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,Comment,CurrConf)
+ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,CaptureStdout,Terminate,
+ Comment,CurrConf,Status)
after Timeout ->
@@ -1176,10 +1293,11 @@ run_test_case_eval(Mod, Func, Args0, Name, Ref, RunInit,
TimetrapData, LogOpts, TCCallback) ->
put(test_server_multiply_timetraps, TimetrapData),
put(test_server_logopts, LogOpts),
+ FWInitResult = test_server_sup:framework_call(init_tc,[?pl2a(Mod),Func,Args0],
+ {ok,Args0}),
+ group_leader() ! {test_case_initialized,self()},
{{Time,Value},Loc,Opts} =
- case test_server_sup:framework_call(init_tc,[?pl2a(Mod),Func,Args0],
- {ok,Args0}) of
+ case FWInitResult of
{ok,Args} ->
run_test_case_eval1(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, TCCallback);
Error = {error,_Reason} ->
@@ -2020,26 +2138,56 @@ timetrap_scale_factor() ->
%% Creates a time trap, that will kill the calling process if the
%% trap is not cancelled with timetrap_cancel/1, within Timeout milliseconds.
-timetrap(Timeout0) ->
- Timeout = time_ms(Timeout0),
- cancel_default_timetrap(),
- case get(test_server_multiply_timetraps) of
- undefined -> timetrap1(Timeout, true);
- {undefined,false} -> timetrap1(Timeout, false);
- {undefined,_} -> timetrap1(Timeout, true);
- {infinity,_} -> infinity;
- {_Int,_Scale} when Timeout == infinity -> infinity;
- {Int,Scale} -> timetrap1(Timeout*Int, Scale)
- end.
+timetrap(Timeout) ->
+ MultAndScale =
+ case get(test_server_multiply_timetraps) of
+ undefined -> {fun(T) -> T end, true};
+ {undefined,false} -> {fun(T) -> T end, false};
+ {undefined,_} -> {fun(T) -> T end, true};
+ {infinity,_} -> {fun(_) -> infinity end, false};
+ {Int,Scale} -> {fun(infinity) -> infinity;
+ (T) -> T*Int end, Scale}
+ end,
+ timetrap(Timeout, Timeout, self(), MultAndScale).
+%% when the function is called from different process than
+%% the test case, the test_server_multiply_timetraps data
+%% is unknown and must be passed as argument
+timetrap(Timeout, TCPid, MultAndScale) ->
+ timetrap(Timeout, Timeout, TCPid, MultAndScale).
+timetrap(Timeout0, TimeToReport0, TCPid, MultAndScale = {Multiplier,Scale}) ->
+ %% the time_ms call will either convert Timeout to ms or spawn a
+ %% user timetrap which sends the result to the IO server process
+ Timeout = time_ms(Timeout0, TCPid, MultAndScale),
+ Timeout1 = Multiplier(Timeout),
+ TimeToReport = if Timeout0 == TimeToReport0 ->
+ Timeout1;
+ true ->
+ %% only convert to ms, don't start a
+ %% user timetrap
+ time_ms_check(TimeToReport0)
+ end,
+ cancel_default_timetrap(self() == TCPid),
+ Handle = case Timeout1 of
+ infinity ->
+ infinity;
+ _ ->
+ spawn_link(test_server_sup,timetrap,[Timeout1,TimeToReport,
+ Scale,TCPid])
+ end,
+ %% ERROR! This sets dict on IO process instead of testcase process
+ %% if Timeout is return value from previous user timetrap!!
-timetrap1(Timeout, Scale) ->
- TCPid = self(),
- Ref = spawn_link(test_server_sup,timetrap,[Timeout,Scale,TCPid]),
case get(test_server_timetraps) of
- undefined -> put(test_server_timetraps,[{Ref,TCPid,{Timeout,Scale}}]);
- List -> put(test_server_timetraps,[{Ref,TCPid,{Timeout,Scale}}|List])
+ undefined ->
+ put(test_server_timetraps,[{Handle,TCPid,{TimeToReport,Scale}}]);
+ List ->
+ List1 = lists:delete({infinity,TCPid,{infinity,false}}, List),
+ put(test_server_timetraps,[{Handle,TCPid,{TimeToReport,Scale}}|List1])
- Ref.
+ Handle.
ensure_timetrap(Config) ->
case get(test_server_timetraps) of
@@ -2064,7 +2212,10 @@ ensure_timetrap(Config) ->
put(test_server_default_timetrap, timetrap(seconds(DTmo)))
-cancel_default_timetrap() ->
+%% executing on IO process, no default timetrap ever set here
+cancel_default_timetrap(false) ->
+ ok;
+cancel_default_timetrap(true) ->
case get(test_server_default_timetrap) of
undefined ->
@@ -2082,75 +2233,175 @@ cancel_default_timetrap() ->
-time_ms({hours,N}) -> hours(N);
-time_ms({minutes,N}) -> minutes(N);
-time_ms({seconds,N}) -> seconds(N);
-time_ms({Other,_N}) ->
+time_ms({hours,N}, _, _) -> hours(N);
+time_ms({minutes,N}, _, _) -> minutes(N);
+time_ms({seconds,N}, _, _) -> seconds(N);
+time_ms({Other,_N}, _, _) ->
format("=== ERROR: Invalid time specification: ~p. "
"Should be seconds, minutes, or hours.~n", [Other]),
-time_ms(Ms) when is_integer(Ms) -> Ms;
-time_ms(infinity) -> infinity;
-time_ms(Fun) when is_function(Fun) ->
- time_ms_apply(Fun);
-time_ms({M,F,A}=MFA) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(A) ->
- time_ms_apply(MFA);
-time_ms(Other) -> exit({invalid_time_format,Other}).
-time_ms_apply(Func) ->
- time_ms_apply(Func, [5000,30000,60000,infinity]).
-time_ms_apply(Func, TOs) ->
- Apply = fun() ->
- case Func of
- {M,F,A} ->
- exit({self(),apply(M, F, A)});
- Fun ->
- exit({self(),Fun()})
- end
- end,
- Pid = spawn(Apply),
- Ref = monitor(process, Pid),
- time_ms_wait(Func, Pid, Ref, TOs).
-time_ms_wait(Func, Pid, Ref, [TO|TOs]) ->
- receive
- {'DOWN',Ref,process,Pid,{Pid,Result}} ->
- time_ms_check(Result);
- {'DOWN',Ref,process,Pid,Error} ->
- exit({timetrap_error,Error})
- after
- TO ->
- format("=== WARNING: No return from timetrap function ~p~n", [Func]),
- time_ms_wait(Func, Pid, Ref, TOs)
- end;
-%% this clause will never execute if 'infinity' is in TOs list, that's ok!
-time_ms_wait(Func, Pid, Ref, []) ->
- demonitor(Ref),
- exit(Pid, kill),
- exit({timetrap_error,{no_return_from_timetrap_function,Func}}).
+time_ms(Ms, _, _) when is_integer(Ms) -> Ms;
+time_ms(infinity, _, _) -> infinity;
+time_ms(Fun, TCPid, MultAndScale) when is_function(Fun) ->
+ time_ms_apply(Fun, TCPid, MultAndScale);
+time_ms({M,F,A}=MFA, TCPid, MultAndScale) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(A) ->
+ time_ms_apply(MFA, TCPid, MultAndScale);
+time_ms(Other, _, _) -> exit({invalid_time_format,Other}).
time_ms_check(MFA = {M,F,A}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(A) ->
- exit({invalid_time_format,MFA});
+ MFA;
time_ms_check(Fun) when is_function(Fun) ->
- exit({invalid_time_format,Fun});
+ Fun;
time_ms_check(Other) ->
- time_ms(Other).
+ time_ms(Other, undefined, undefined).
+time_ms_apply(Func, TCPid, MultAndScale) ->
+ {_,GL} = process_info(TCPid, group_leader),
+ WhoAmI = self(), % either TC or IO server
+ T0 = now(),
+ UserTTSup =
+ spawn(fun() ->
+ user_timetrap_supervisor(Func, WhoAmI, TCPid,
+ GL, T0, MultAndScale)
+ end),
+ receive
+ {UserTTSup,infinity} ->
+ %% remember the user timetrap so that it can be cancelled
+ save_user_timetrap(TCPid, UserTTSup, T0),
+ %% we need to make sure the user timetrap function
+ %% gets time to execute and return
+ timetrap(infinity, TCPid, MultAndScale)
+ after 5000 ->
+ exit(UserTTSup, kill),
+ if WhoAmI /= GL ->
+ exit({user_timetrap_error,time_ms_apply});
+ true ->
+ format("=== ERROR: User timetrap execution failed!", []),
+ ignore
+ end
+ end.
+user_timetrap_supervisor(Func, Spawner, TCPid, GL, T0, MultAndScale) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ Spawner ! {self(),infinity},
+ MonRef = monitor(process, TCPid),
+ UserTTSup = self(),
+ group_leader(GL, UserTTSup),
+ UserTT = spawn_link(fun() -> call_user_timetrap(Func, UserTTSup) end),
+ receive
+ {UserTT,Result} ->
+ demonitor(MonRef, [flush]),
+ Elapsed = trunc(timer:now_diff(now(), T0) / 1000),
+ try time_ms_check(Result) of
+ TimeVal ->
+ %% this is the new timetrap value to set (return value
+ %% from a fun or an MFA)
+ GL ! {user_timetrap,TCPid,TimeVal,T0,Elapsed,MultAndScale}
+ catch _:_ ->
+ %% when other than a legal timetrap value is returned
+ %% which will be the normal case for user timetraps
+ GL ! {user_timetrap,TCPid,0,T0,Elapsed,MultAndScale}
+ end;
+ {'EXIT',UserTT,Error} when Error /= normal ->
+ demonitor(MonRef, [flush]),
+ GL ! {user_timetrap,TCPid,0,T0,{user_timetrap_error,Error},
+ MultAndScale};
+ {'DOWN',MonRef,_,_,_} ->
+ demonitor(MonRef, [flush]),
+ exit(UserTT, kill)
+ end.
+call_user_timetrap(Func, Sup) when is_function(Func) ->
+ try Func() of
+ Result ->
+ Sup ! {self(),Result}
+ catch _:Error ->
+ exit({Error,erlang:get_stacktrace()})
+ end;
+call_user_timetrap({M,F,A}, Sup) ->
+ try apply(M,F,A) of
+ Result ->
+ Sup ! {self(),Result}
+ catch _:Error ->
+ exit({Error,erlang:get_stacktrace()})
+ end.
+save_user_timetrap(TCPid, UserTTSup, StartTime) ->
+ %% save pid of user timetrap supervisor process so that
+ %% it may be stopped even before the timetrap func has returned
+ NewUserTT = {TCPid,{UserTTSup,StartTime}},
+ case get(test_server_user_timetrap) of
+ undefined ->
+ put(test_server_user_timetrap, [NewUserTT]);
+ UserTTSups ->
+ case proplists:get_value(TCPid, UserTTSups) of
+ undefined ->
+ put(test_server_user_timetrap,
+ [NewUserTT | UserTTSups]);
+ PrevTTSup ->
+ %% remove prev user timetrap
+ remove_user_timetrap(PrevTTSup),
+ put(test_server_user_timetrap,
+ [NewUserTT | proplists:delete(TCPid,
+ UserTTSups)])
+ end
+ end.
+update_user_timetraps(TCPid, StartTime) ->
+ %% called when a user timetrap is triggered
+ case get(test_server_user_timetrap) of
+ undefined ->
+ proceed;
+ UserTTs ->
+ case proplists:get_value(TCPid, UserTTs) of
+ {_UserTTSup,StartTime} -> % same timetrap
+ put(test_server_user_timetrap,
+ proplists:delete(TCPid, UserTTs)),
+ proceed;
+ {OtherUserTTSup,OtherStartTime} ->
+ case timer:now_diff(OtherStartTime, StartTime) of
+ Diff when Diff >= 0 ->
+ ignore;
+ _ ->
+ exit(OtherUserTTSup, kill),
+ put(test_server_user_timetrap,
+ proplists:delete(TCPid, UserTTs)),
+ proceed
+ end;
+ undefined ->
+ proceed
+ end
+ end.
+remove_user_timetrap(TTSup) ->
+ exit(TTSup, kill).
%% timetrap_cancel(Handle) -> ok
%% Handle = term()
%% Cancels a time trap.
-timetrap_cancel(infinity) ->
- ok;
timetrap_cancel(Handle) ->
+ timetrap_cancel_one(Handle, true).
+timetrap_cancel_one(infinity, _SendToServer) ->
+ ok;
+timetrap_cancel_one(Handle, SendToServer) ->
case get(test_server_timetraps) of
- undefined -> ok;
- [{Handle,_,_}] -> erase(test_server_timetraps);
- Timers -> put(test_server_timetraps,
- lists:keydelete(Handle, 1, Timers))
+ undefined ->
+ ok;
+ [{Handle,_,_}] ->
+ erase(test_server_timetraps);
+ Timers ->
+ case lists:keysearch(Handle, 1, Timers) of
+ {value,_} ->
+ put(test_server_timetraps,
+ lists:keydelete(Handle, 1, Timers));
+ false when SendToServer == true ->
+ group_leader() ! {timetrap_cancel_one,Handle,self()};
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end
@@ -2159,31 +2410,59 @@ timetrap_cancel(Handle) ->
%% Cancels timetrap for current test case.
timetrap_cancel() ->
+ timetrap_cancel_all(self(), true).
+timetrap_cancel_all(TCPid, SendToServer) ->
case get(test_server_timetraps) of
undefined ->
Timers ->
- case lists:keysearch(self(), 2, Timers) of
- {value,{Handle,_,_}} ->
- timetrap_cancel(Handle);
- _ ->
+ [timetrap_cancel_one(Handle, false) ||
+ {Handle,Pid,_} <- Timers, Pid == TCPid]
+ end,
+ case get(test_server_user_timetrap) of
+ undefined ->
+ ok;
+ UserTTs ->
+ case proplists:get_value(TCPid, UserTTs) of
+ {UserTTSup,_StartTime} ->
+ remove_user_timetrap(UserTTSup),
+ put(test_server_user_timetrap,
+ proplists:delete(TCPid, UserTTs));
+ undefined ->
- end.
+ end,
+ if SendToServer == true ->
+ group_leader() ! {timetrap_cancel_all,TCPid,self()};
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ ok.
%% get_timetrap_info() -> {Timeout,Scale} | undefined
%% Read timetrap info for current test case
get_timetrap_info() ->
+ get_timetrap_info(self(), true).
+get_timetrap_info(TCPid, SendToServer) ->
case get(test_server_timetraps) of
undefined ->
Timers ->
- case lists:keysearch(self(), 2, Timers) of
- {value,{_,_,Info}} ->
- Info;
- _ ->
+ case [Info || {Handle,Pid,Info} <- Timers,
+ Pid == TCPid, Handle /= infinity] of
+ [I|_] ->
+ I;
+ [] when SendToServer == true ->
+ MsgLooper = group_leader(),
+ MsgLooper ! {get_timetrap_info,TCPid,self()},
+ receive
+ {MsgLooper,get_timetrap_info,I} -> I
+ end;
+ [] ->
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_sup.erl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_sup.erl
index 875f45eea6..68d6198bb7 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_sup.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_sup.erl
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
%%% Purpose: Test server support functions.
--export([timetrap/2, timetrap/3, timetrap_cancel/1, capture_get/1, messages_get/1,
+-export([timetrap/2, timetrap/3, timetrap/4,
+ timetrap_cancel/1, capture_get/1, messages_get/1,
timecall/3, call_crash/5, app_test/2, check_new_crash_dumps/0,
cleanup_crash_dumps/0, crash_dump_dir/0, tar_crash_dumps/0,
get_username/0, get_os_family/0,
@@ -44,9 +45,12 @@
%% delays during the test (e.g. if cover is running).
timetrap(Timeout0, Pid) ->
- timetrap(Timeout0, true, Pid).
+ timetrap(Timeout0, Timeout0, true, Pid).
timetrap(Timeout0, Scale, Pid) ->
+ timetrap(Timeout0, Timeout0, Scale, Pid).
+timetrap(Timeout0, ReportTVal, Scale, Pid) ->
process_flag(priority, max),
Timeout = if not Scale -> Timeout0;
true -> test_server:timetrap_scale_factor() * Timeout0
@@ -54,28 +58,36 @@ timetrap(Timeout0, Scale, Pid) ->
TruncTO = trunc(Timeout),
after TruncTO ->
- MFLs = test_server:get_loc(Pid),
- Mon = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
- Trap =
- case get(test_server_init_or_end_conf) of
- undefined ->
- {timetrap_timeout,TruncTO,MFLs};
- InitOrEnd ->
- {timetrap_timeout,TruncTO,MFLs,InitOrEnd}
- end,
- exit(Pid, Trap),
- receive
- {'DOWN', Mon, process, Pid, _} ->
+ case is_process_alive(Pid) of
+ true ->
+ TimeToReport = if Timeout0 == ReportTVal -> TruncTO;
+ true -> ReportTVal end,
+ MFLs = test_server:get_loc(Pid),
+ Mon = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ Trap =
+ case get(test_server_init_or_end_conf) of
+ undefined ->
+ {timetrap_timeout,TimeToReport,MFLs};
+ InitOrEnd ->
+ {timetrap_timeout,TimeToReport,MFLs,InitOrEnd}
+ end,
+ exit(Pid, Trap),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Mon, process, Pid, _} ->
+ ok
+ after 10000 ->
+ %% Pid is probably trapping exits, hit it harder...
+ catch error_logger:warning_msg(
+ "Testcase process ~p not "
+ "responding to timetrap "
+ "timeout:~n"
+ " ~p.~n"
+ "Killing testcase...~n",
+ [Pid, Trap]),
+ exit(Pid, kill)
+ end;
+ false ->
- after 10000 ->
- %% Pid is probably trapping exits, hit it harder...
- catch error_logger:warning_msg("Testcase process ~p not "
- "responding to timetrap "
- "timeout:~n"
- " ~p.~n"
- "Killing testcase...~n",
- [Pid, Trap]),
- exit(Pid, kill)
@@ -88,8 +100,12 @@ timetrap_cancel(Handle) ->
MonRef = erlang:monitor(process, Handle),
exit(Handle, kill),
- receive {'DOWN',MonRef,_,_,_} -> ok after 2000 -> ok end.
+ receive {'DOWN',MonRef,_,_,_} -> ok
+ after
+ 2000 ->
+ erlang:demonitor(MonRef, [flush]),
+ ok
+ end.
capture_get(Msgs) ->
@@ -99,7 +115,6 @@ capture_get(Msgs) ->
messages_get(Msgs) ->
Msg ->
@@ -108,7 +123,6 @@ messages_get(Msgs) ->
timecall(M, F, A) ->
Befor = erlang:now(),
Val = apply(M, F, A),