path: root/lib/toolbar/src
diff options
authorDan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>2013-12-20 10:44:42 +0100
committerDan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>2013-12-20 10:44:42 +0100
commit6f0b3bd3fc28de703490470630922873775c97f5 (patch)
tree520b662b4459499e8c58b658285368d81334d326 /lib/toolbar/src
parent0b68c48630311c5c97db50159c3076fa5b17a43d (diff)
parent560f73141afbc1ef41d6c8acb3974b3632ad6f25 (diff)
Merge branch 'dgud/remove-gs-apps/OTP-10915'
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/toolbar/src')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 2170 deletions
diff --git a/lib/toolbar/src/Makefile b/lib/toolbar/src/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index a24846976b..0000000000
--- a/lib/toolbar/src/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# %CopyrightBegin%
-# Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2012. All Rights Reserved.
-# The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-# Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-# compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-# Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-# retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-# the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-# under the License.
-# %CopyrightEnd%
-include $(ERL_TOP)/make/target.mk
-include $(ERL_TOP)/make/$(TARGET)/otp.mk
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Application version
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-include ../vsn.mk
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Release directory specification
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-RELSYSDIR = $(RELEASE_PATH)/lib/toolbar-$(VSN)
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Common Macros
-# ----------------------------------------------------
- canvasbutton \
- toolbar \
- toolbar_graphics \
- toolbar_lib \
- toolbar_toolconfig
-HRL_FILES= toolbar.hrl
-ERL_FILES= $(MODULES:%=%.erl)
-APP_FILE = toolbar.app
-APP_SRC = $(APP_FILE).src
-APPUP_FILE = toolbar.appup
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS += +warn_obsolete_guard
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Targets
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-debug opt: $(TARGET_FILES)
- rm -f $(TARGET_FILES)
- rm -f errs core *~
-$(APP_TARGET): $(APP_SRC) ../vsn.mk
- $(vsn_verbose)sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' $< > $@
-$(APPUP_TARGET): $(APPUP_SRC) ../vsn.mk
- $(vsn_verbose)sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' $< > $@
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Release Target
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-include $(ERL_TOP)/make/otp_release_targets.mk
-release_spec: opt
diff --git a/lib/toolbar/src/canvasbutton.erl b/lib/toolbar/src/canvasbutton.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 81e0ed43bb..0000000000
--- a/lib/toolbar/src/canvasbutton.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2012. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,create,3}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,read,2}}]).
-% Erlang Toolbar
-%%% Description %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% Extension to GS used to imitate buttons but instead using images drawn
-% on a canvas. Enables usage of .gif files as button images and not only
-% .xbm (bitmap) files.
-%%% Constants %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-%%% Internal data structures %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% canvasbutton()
-% cboptions()
- {imagefile=nofile, % nofile |
- % string() Name of image file
- x=0, % integer() X coordinate relative the canvas
- y=0, % integer() Y coordinate relative the canvas
- width=10, % integer() Button width
- height=10, % integer() Button heigth
- fg=black, % atom() Foreground color
- data=[]}). % term() Data associated with button events
-%%% Exports %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-%%% Exported functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% create(Canvas) => create(Canvas,[])
-% create(Canvas,OptionList) => canvasbutton()
-% Canvas - GS canvas object
-% OptionList - [{Option,Value}]
-% Option, Value - see below
-% Create a canvasbutton with the given image on Canvas
-% Option Value Default Comment
-% ----------------------------------------------------------------
-% image nofile | nofile Name of image file. Must be a bitmap
-% string() file (.xbm) or a GIF file (.gif).
-% x integer() 0 X coordinate relative to Canvas
-% y integer() 0 Y coordinate relative to Canvas
-% width integer() 10 Button width
-% height integer() 10 Button height
-% fg atom() black Foreground color, bitmaps only
-% data term() [] Data associated with button events
-% The process calling this function will receive the following events:
-% {gs,GsObj,enter,{canvasbutton,Canvasbutton,Data},Args}
-% {gs,GsObj,leave,{canvasbutton,Canvasbutton,Data},Args}
-% {gs,GsObj,buttonpress,{canvasbutton,Canvasbutton,Data},Args}
-% {gs,GsObj,buttonrelease,{canvasbutton,Canvasbutton,Data},Args}
-% where GsObj and Args are a GS object and its Args field, respectively.
-% Note that press/1 and release/1 has to be called explicitly to create
-% the illusion of the button being pressed or released.
-create(Canvas) ->
- create(Canvas,[]).
-create(Canvas,OptionList) ->
- Options = sort_out_options(OptionList),
- X = Options#cboptions.x,
- Y = Options#cboptions.y,
- W = Options#cboptions.width,
- H = Options#cboptions.height,
- %% Buttons should have the same background color as the canvas
- Bg = gs:read(Canvas,bc),
- %% Draw image
- Image = create_image(Options#cboptions.imagefile,Canvas,Bg,
- Options#cboptions.fg,X,Y,W,H),
- %% Draw upper left corner line
- Ul = gs:create(line,Canvas,[{coords,[{X,Y+H},{X,Y},{X+W,Y}]},
- {fg,white},{width,2}]),
- %% Draw lower right corner line
- Ll = gs:create(line,Canvas,[{coords,[{X,Y+H},{X+W,Y+H},{X+W,Y}]},
- {fg,?gray},{width,2}]),
- %% Draw a rectangle around all (for event catching when width and
- %% height of button is larger than image)
- Rect = gs:create(rectangle,Canvas,[{coords,[{X,Y},{X+W,Y+H}]},
- {fill,Bg},
- {buttonpress,true},
- {buttonrelease,true},
- {enter,true},{leave,true}]),
- %% Now the canvas button is created
- Canvasbutton = #canvasbutton{image=Image,rect=Rect,ul=Ul,ll=Ll},
- Data = Options#cboptions.data,
- gs:config(Rect,{data,{canvasbutton,Canvasbutton,Data}}),
- gs:config(Image,{data,{canvasbutton,Canvasbutton,Data}}),
- gs:config(Rect,lower),
- gs:config(Image,raise),
- Canvasbutton.
-% read(Canvasbutton,coords) => [{L,T},{R,B}]
-% Canvasbutton - canvasbutton()
-% Read a Canvasbutton's coordinates
-read(Canvasbutton,coords) ->
- gs:read(Canvasbutton#canvasbutton.rect,coords).
-% press(Canvasbutton)
-% Canvasbutton - canvasbutton()
-% Create the illusion that Canvasbutton is pressed
-press(Canvasbutton) ->
- gs:config(Canvasbutton#canvasbutton.ul,{fg,?gray}),
- gs:config(Canvasbutton#canvasbutton.ll,{fg,white}),
- case Canvasbutton#canvasbutton.image of
- noimage ->
- ignore;
- Image ->
- gs:config(Image,{move,{-1,-1}})
- end.
-% release(Canvasbutton)
-% Canvasbutton - canvasbutton()
-% Create the illusion that Canvasbutton is released
-release(Canvasbutton) ->
- gs:config(Canvasbutton#canvasbutton.ul,{fg,white}),
- gs:config(Canvasbutton#canvasbutton.ll,{fg,?gray}),
- case Canvasbutton#canvasbutton.image of
- noimage ->
- ignore;
- Image ->
- gs:config(Image,{move,{1,1}})
- end.
-%%% Internal functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% create_image(ImageFile,Canvas,Bg,Fg,X,Y,W,H) => Image
-% ImageFile - string() Image file, must exist and be a bitmap file ending
-% with .xbm or a GIF file ending with .gif.
-% Canvas - GS canvas object
-% Bg - atom() Background color (bitmaps only)
-% Fg - atom() Foreground color (bitmaps only)
-% X, Y - int() X and Y coordinates for Image relative to Canvas
-% W, H - int() Width and height of Image
-% Image - GS canvas image object
-create_image(nofile,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) ->
- noimage;
-create_image(ImageFile,Canvas,Bg,Fg,X,Y,W,H) ->
- case lists:last(string:tokens(ImageFile,".")) of
- "xbm" ->
- gs:create(image,Canvas,
- [{bitmap,ImageFile},
- {bg,Bg},{fg,Fg},
- {anchor,c},
- {coords,[{X+1+W/2,Y+1+H/2}]},
- {buttonpress,true},
- {buttonrelease,true},
- {enter,true},{leave,true}]);
- "gif" ->
- gs:create(image,Canvas,
- [{load_gif,ImageFile},
- {anchor,c},
- {coords,[{X+W/2,Y+H/2}]},
- {buttonpress,true},
- {buttonrelease,true},
- {enter,true},{leave,true}])
- end.
-% sort_out_options(OptionList) => cboptions()
-% OptionList - see create/2
-% Insert members of option list into a cboptions record.
-sort_out_options(OptionList) ->
- sort_out_options(OptionList,#cboptions{}).
-% sort_out_options(OptionList,Options) => cboptions()
-% OptionList - see create/2
-% Options - cboptions()
-% Called by sort_out_options/1.
-sort_out_options([{image,Image}|Rest],Options) ->
- sort_out_options(Rest,Options#cboptions{imagefile=Image});
-sort_out_options([{x,X}|Rest],Options) ->
- sort_out_options(Rest,Options#cboptions{x=X});
-sort_out_options([{y,Y}|Rest],Options) ->
- sort_out_options(Rest,Options#cboptions{y=Y});
-sort_out_options([{width,Width}|Rest],Options) ->
- sort_out_options(Rest,Options#cboptions{width=Width});
-sort_out_options([{height,Height}|Rest],Options) ->
- sort_out_options(Rest,Options#cboptions{height=Height});
-sort_out_options([{fg,Fg}|Rest],Options) ->
- sort_out_options(Rest,Options#cboptions{fg=Fg});
-sort_out_options([{data,Data}|Rest],Options) ->
- sort_out_options(Rest,Options#cboptions{data=Data});
-sort_out_options([],Options) ->
- Options.
diff --git a/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar.app.src b/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar.app.src
deleted file mode 100644
index 16f03c497d..0000000000
--- a/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar.app.src
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-{application, toolbar,
- [{description, "Toolbar"},
- {vsn, "%VSN%"},
- {modules, [
- toolbar,
- toolbar_graphics,
- toolbar_lib,
- toolbar_toolconfig,
- canvasbutton
- ]},
- {registered,[toolbar]},
- {applications, [kernel, stdlib, gs]}]}.
diff --git a/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar.appup.src b/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar.appup.src
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a435e9b22..0000000000
--- a/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar.appup.src
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2009. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
diff --git a/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar.erl b/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index b37c323008..0000000000
--- a/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,579 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2012. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-% Erlang Toolbar
-%%% Description %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% Main module
-%%% Includes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-%%% Exports %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
--define (STARTUP_TIMEOUT, 20000).
-%%% Exported functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% start() => ok | already_started
-start() ->
- case whereis(toolbar) of
- undefined ->
- Self = self(),
- PidInit = spawn(fun() -> init(Self) end),
- init_ok (PidInit);
- _Pid ->
- already_started
- end.
-%%% init_ok /1
-%%% init_ok returns the pid from this process given from
-%%% init/1 after its initialization, or else it timeouts.
-init_ok (PidInit) ->
- %% Wait for a initialization completion message from
- %% the spawned process before returning its Pid.
- %%
- receive
- {initialization_complete, PidInit} ->
- PidInit
- %% (Conditional) Failure to start within the time limit will
- %% result in termination
- after
- exit(PidInit, kill),
- exit({startup_timeout, ?MODULE})
- end.
-% version() -> string()
-% Returns the version number.
-version() ->
- "1.1".
-% update() => ok | {error,not_started}
-% Make a search for new tools (*.tool files) in the current path.
-update() ->
- call(update_toolbar).
-% quit() => ok | {error,not_started}
-% Quit the Toolbar.
-quit() ->
- call(quit).
-% create_tool_file() => ok | {error,not_started}
-% Start the GUI for creating .tool files.
-create_tool_file() ->
- call(create_tool_file).
-% add_gs_contribs() => ok | {error,not_started}
-% Add GS contributions.
-add_gs_contribs() ->
- call(add_gs_contribs).
-%%% Internal functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% Main loop
-% init()
-init(PidCaller) ->
- register (toolbar, self ()),
- %% Start GS
- S = gs:start([{kernel,true}]),
- %% Draw main window
- Window = toolbar_graphics:draw_window(S),
- %% Add system defined Tool icons to main window
- toolbar_graphics:cursor(Window,busy),
- NewWindow = add_tools(Window,code:get_path()),
- toolbar_graphics:cursor(Window,arrow),
- %% Listen to configure events from the window
- toolbar_graphics:listen_configure(NewWindow),
- %% Notify caller that the process appears
- %% to have been started.
- PidCaller ! {initialization_complete, self()},
- loop(S,NewWindow,null,undefined).
-% loop(S,Window,LoopData,TimerRef)
-% S - pid() GS
-% Window - tbwindow record (see toolbar_graphics.erl)
-% LoopData - term()
-% TimerRef - undefined | timer_ref()
-loop(S,Window,LoopData,TimerRef) ->
- receive
- %% test events
- {ping, Pid} ->
- Pid ! {toolbar, alive},
- loop (S, Window, LoopData, TimerRef);
- {stop, Pid} ->
- Pid ! {toolbar, stopped},
- finished;
- %% ----- GS events ----- %%
- {gs,_Object,Event,Data,Args} ->
- case toolbar_graphics:event(LoopData,Event,Data,Args) of
- noevent ->
- loop(S,Window,LoopData,TimerRef);
- %% Display short information message
- {display,Msg} ->
- {ok,Ref} = timer:apply_after(500,toolbar_graphics,
- display_show,[Window,Msg]),
- loop(S,Window,LoopData,Ref);
- %% Clear display area
- display_clear ->
- timer:cancel(TimerRef),
- toolbar_graphics:display_clear(Window),
- loop(S,Window,LoopData,undefined);
- %% New LoopData
- {newData,NewLoopData} ->
- loop(S,Window,NewLoopData,TimerRef);
- %% Icon button clicked, start corresponding tool/uc
- {start,Start} ->
- WinObj = toolbar_graphics:get_window(Window),
- start_tool(Start,WinObj),
- loop(S,Window,LoopData,TimerRef);
- %% Update Toolbar
- update_toolbar ->
- toolbar_graphics:cursor(Window,busy),
- NewWindow = add_tools(Window,code:get_path()),
- toolbar_graphics:cursor(Window,arrow),
- loop(S,NewWindow,LoopData,TimerRef);
- %% Start Tool Configuration tool
- create_tool_file ->
- toolbar_toolconfig:start(),
- loop(S,Window,LoopData,TimerRef);
- %% Add GS contributions
- add_gs_contribs ->
- toolbar_graphics:cursor(Window,busy),
- GsDir = toolbar_lib:gs_contribs_dir(),
- code:add_path(GsDir),
- NewWindow = add_tools(Window,[GsDir]),
- toolbar_graphics:cursor(Window,arrow),
- loop(S,NewWindow,LoopData,TimerRef);
- %% Help
- {help,Html} ->
- toolbar_graphics:cursor(Window,busy),
- WinObj = toolbar_graphics:get_window(Window),
- tool_utils:open_help(WinObj, Html),
- toolbar_graphics:cursor(Window,arrow),
- loop(S,Window,LoopData,TimerRef);
- %% About help
- about_help ->
- WinObj = toolbar_graphics:get_window(Window),
- Text = ["Help text is on HTML format",
- "Requires Netscape to be up and running"],
- tool_utils:notify(WinObj, Text),
- loop(S,Window,LoopData,TimerRef);
- %% Window has been resized, redraw it
- {redraw,Size} ->
- NewWindow = toolbar_graphics:redraw_window(Window,Size),
- loop(S,NewWindow,LoopData,TimerRef);
- %% Quit
- quit ->
- finished
- end;
- %% ----- Events from user ----- %%
- %% Update Toolbar
- update_toolbar ->
- toolbar_graphics:cursor(Window,busy),
- NewWindow = add_tools(Window,code:get_path()),
- toolbar_graphics:cursor(Window,arrow),
- loop(S,NewWindow,LoopData,TimerRef);
- %% Quit
- quit ->
- finished;
- %% Start Tool Configuration tool
- create_tool_file ->
- toolbar_toolconfig:start(),
- loop(S,Window,LoopData,TimerRef);
- %% Add GS contributions
- add_gs_contribs ->
- toolbar_graphics:cursor(Window,busy),
- GsDir = toolbar_lib:gs_contribs_dir(),
- code:add_path(GsDir),
- NewWindow = add_tools(Window,[GsDir]),
- toolbar_graphics:cursor(Window,arrow),
- loop(S,NewWindow,LoopData,TimerRef);
- Other ->
- io:format("toolbar: unexp msg ~p~n",[Other]),
- loop(S,Window,LoopData,TimerRef)
- end.
-% call(Msg) => ok | {error,not_started}
-% Msg - term()
-% Send message to toolbar if it is started, otherwise return an error
-call(Msg) ->
- case whereis(toolbar) of
- undefined ->
- {error,not_started};
- _ ->
- toolbar ! Msg,
- ok
- end.
-% Addition of new tools
-% add_tools(Window,Dirs) => NewWindow
-% Window, NewWindow - tbwindow record (see toolbar_graphics.erl)
-% Dirs - [string()] Directory names
-% Calls add_tools2/2 recursively for a number of directories
-add_tools(Window,[Dir|Rest]) when is_list(Dir) ->
- %% Add all tools in the directory Dir
- NewWindow = add_tools2(Window,tool_files(Dir)),
- case filename:basename(Dir) of
- %% Dir is an 'ebin' directory, check in '../priv' as well
- "ebin" ->
- NewerWindow =
- add_tools2(NewWindow,
- tool_files(filename:join(filename:dirname(Dir),
- "priv"))),
- add_tools(NewerWindow,Rest);
- _ ->
- add_tools(NewWindow,Rest)
- end;
-add_tools(Window,[]) ->
- Window.
-% add_tools2(Window,ToolFiles) => NewWindow
-% Window, NewWindow - tbwindow record (see toolbar_graphics.erl)
-% ToolFiles - [string()] *.tool file names
-% Calls add_tool/2 recursively for a number of .tool files in a directory
-add_tools2(Window,[ToolFile|Rest]) ->
- case add_tool(Window,ToolFile) of
- {ok,NewWindow} ->
- add_tools2(NewWindow,Rest);
- {error,_Reason} ->
- add_tools2(Window,Rest)
- end;
-add_tools2(Window,[]) ->
- Window.
-% add_tool(Window,ToolFile) => {ok,NewWindow} | {error,Reason}
-% Window, NewWindow - tbwindow record (see toolbar_graphics.erl)
-% ToolFile - string() A .tool file
-% Reason - noname | nostart | version | format | read | open
-% Reads tool information from a .tool file and adds it to the toolbar
-% Returns the new window information
-add_tool(Window,ToolFile) ->
- case tool_info(ToolFile) of
- {ok,ToolInfo} ->
- case toolbar_graphics:already_added(Window,ToolInfo) of
- true ->
- {ok,Window};
- false ->
- NewWindow = toolbar_graphics:add_icon(Window,ToolInfo),
- {ok,NewWindow}
- end;
- {error,Reason} ->
- %% Log
- {error,Reason}
- end.
-% Functions for getting *.tool configuration files
-% tool_files(Dir) => ToolFiles
-% Dir - string() Directory name
-% ToolFiles - [string()]
-% Return the list of all files in Dir ending with .tool (appended to Dir)
-tool_files(Dir) ->
- case file:list_dir(Dir) of
- {ok,Files} ->
- filter_tool_files(Dir,Files);
- {error,_Reason} ->
- []
- end.
-% filter_tool_files(Dir,Files) => ToolFiles
-% Dir - string() Directory name
-% Files, ToolFiles - [string()] File names
-% Filters out the files in Files ending with .tool and append them to Dir
-filter_tool_files(_Dir,[]) ->
- [];
-filter_tool_files(Dir,[File|Rest]) ->
- case filename:extension(File) of
- ".tool" ->
- [filename:join(Dir,File)|filter_tool_files(Dir,Rest)];
- _ ->
- filter_tool_files(Dir,Rest)
- end.
-% Functions for retrieving tool information from *.tool files
-% tool_info(ToolFile) => {ok,ToolInfo} | {error,Reason}
-% ToolFile - string() .tool file
-% ToolInfo - toolinfo record
-% Reason - nofile | format | noname | nostart
-% Retreives tool information from ToolFile
-tool_info(ToolFile) ->
- case file:consult(ToolFile) of
- {error,open} ->
- {error,nofile};
- {error,read} ->
- {error,format};
- {ok,[{version,Vsn},InfoTuple]} when is_tuple(InfoTuple)->
- case toolbar_lib:tool_info_syntax(Vsn,InfoTuple) of
- %% Syntax check ok, start additional checks
- {ok,InfoList} ->
- tool_info2(filename:dirname(ToolFile),
- InfoList,#toolinfo{});
- %% Syntax error
- Error ->
- Error
- end;
- {ok,[{version,Vsn},ToolInfo]} when is_list(ToolInfo)->
- case toolbar_lib:tool_info_syntax(Vsn,ToolInfo) of
- %% Syntax check ok, start additional checks
- {ok,InfoList} ->
- tool_info2(filename:dirname(ToolFile),
- InfoList,#toolinfo{});
- %% Syntax error
- Error ->
- Error
- end;
- {ok,_Other} ->
- {error,format}
- end.
-% tool_info2(Dir,Info,ToolInfo) => {ok,ToolInfo}
-% Dir - string() Directory where this .tool file is situated
-% Info - [{Key,Val}] List of tuples in the .tool file
-% ToolInfo - toolinfo record being filled in
-% Used by tool_info2/1
-%%% Tool name
-tool_info2(Dir,[{tool,Name}|Rest],TI) ->
- tool_info2(Dir,Rest,TI#toolinfo{tool=Name});
-%%% Start function
-tool_info2(Dir,[{start,{M,F,A}}|Rest],TI) ->
- tool_info2(Dir,Rest,TI#toolinfo{start={M,F,A}});
-%%% Icon file
-%%% It must exist since the icon is drawn immediately after this .tool
-%%% file has been successfully read
-%%% It must also end with a .gif or .xbm suffix
-%%% Otherwise the icon is ignored!
-%%% Uses absolute path: If a relative path is given, it is assumed to be
-%%% relative to the directory of the .tool file
-tool_info2(Dir,[{icon,Icon}|Rest],TI) ->
- %% Check that the image file ends with .xbm or .gif
- case image_suffix(Icon) of
- true ->
- %% Add absolute path (if necessary)
- File = absolute_path(Dir,Icon),
- case toolbar_lib:legal_file(File) of
- ok ->
- tool_info2(Dir,Rest,TI#toolinfo{icon=File});
- _Error ->
- %% LOG File does not exist or cannot be read
- tool_info2(Dir,Rest,TI)
- end;
- false ->
- %% LOG Illegal icon file name
- tool_info2(Dir,Rest,TI)
- end;
-%%% Message string
-tool_info2(Dir,[{message,Msg}|Rest],TI) ->
- tool_info2(Dir,Rest,TI#toolinfo{message=Msg});
-%%% Html file is found
-%%% Check if file exists at "view-time", not now!
-%%% Uses absolute path: If a relative path is given, it is assumed to be
-%%% relative to the directory of the .tool file
-tool_info2(Dir,[{html,Html}|Rest],TI) ->
- %% Check if the HTML file is a remote URL or a local file
- case Html of
- %% http://... Remote URL, save as is
- [$h,$t,$t,$p,$:,$/,$/|_] ->
- tool_info2(Dir,Rest,TI#toolinfo{html=Html});
- %% file:... Local file, save file with absolute path
- [$f,$i,$l,$e,$:|File] ->
- tool_info2(Dir,Rest,TI#toolinfo{html=absolute_path(Dir,File)});
- %% Everything else is assumed to be a file name
- %% Save file with absolute path
- _ ->
- tool_info2(Dir,Rest,TI#toolinfo{html=absolute_path(Dir,Html)})
- end;
-%%% Info has been traversed
-tool_info2(_Dir,[],ToolInfo) ->
- {ok,ToolInfo}.
-% image_suffix(File) => true | false
-% File - string() File name
-% Returns true if File end with an image suffix: gif or xbm
-image_suffix(File) ->
- case filename:extension(File) of
- ".gif" ->
- true;
- ".xbm" ->
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end.
-% absolute_path(Dir,File) => string()
-% Dir, File - string()
-% Given a directory and a file name, return the appended result if the file
-% name does not already contain an absolute path.
-% Dir is supposed to be an absolute path, if it is '.', it is replaced
-% with the current working directory.
-absolute_path(".",File) ->
- {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
- absolute_path(Cwd,File);
-absolute_path(Dir,File) ->
- filename:join(Dir,File).
-% Start of a tool
-% start_tool({Module,Function,Arguments}, GSobj)
-% Module - atom() Module name
-% Function - atom() Function name
-% Argument - [term()] Function arguments
-% GSobj - gs_obj()
-% Applies the given function in order to start a tool.
-start_tool({M,F,A}, GSobj) ->
- spawn(fun() -> start_tool(M, F, A, GSobj) end).
-start_tool(M,F,A,GSobj) ->
- case catch apply(M,F,A) of
- {'EXIT',Reason} ->
- String1 = io_lib:format("Failed to call apply(~p,~p,~p)",
- [M,F,A]),
- String2 = io_lib:format("Reason: ~p",[Reason]),
- tool_utils:notify(GSobj,[String1,String2]),
- false;
- _ ->
- true
- end.
diff --git a/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar.hrl b/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar.hrl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1793cd1833..0000000000
--- a/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar.hrl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2009. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-% Erlang Toolbar
-%%% Common data structures %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% Tool configuration information
- {tool,
- start,
- icon=nofile,
- message="",
- html=nofile}).
diff --git a/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar_graphics.erl b/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar_graphics.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index c4c4273c63..0000000000
--- a/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar_graphics.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2012. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,create,3}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,read,2}}]).
-% Erlang Toolbar
-%%% Description %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% Toolbar graphics.
-% The Toolbar window looks something like this:
-% |-----------------------------|
-% | File Tools Help |
-% |-----------------------------|
-% | |-----| |-----| |-----| |
-% | | | | | | | |
-% | |Icon1| |Icon2|...|IconN| |
-% | |-----| |-----| |-----| |
-% |-----------------------------|
-% | Help text area |
-% |-----------------------------|
-%%% Includes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-%%% Internal data structures %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% Toolbar window record
- {window,menubar,canvas,labelframe,
- label,helpmenu,
- no_of_buttons,
- min_height,min_width,cur_height,icons}).
-%%% Constants %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% Window width
-% Icon width and height
-% Margin around icons
-% Default label width and height
-% Default button width and height
-%%% Exports %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-%%% Exported functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% event(Data,GsEvent,Data,Args) => Event
-% Data - term()
-% GsEvent - GS event
-% Data, Args - Data and Arg fields associated with the GS event
-% Event - {display,String} | display_clear | noevent | {start,{M,F,A}} |
-% update_toolbar | create_tool_file | add_gs_contribs |
-% {help,Html} | about_help | {redraw,{Width,Height}} | quit |
-% {newData,NewData}
-% String - string()
-% M, F - atom() Module and function name
-% A - [term()] Function argument
-% Html - string() HTML file | nofile
-% Width, Height - integer()
-% NewData - term()
-% Tries to convert a GS event to an internal toolbar event. The separation
-% is intented to keep the implementation details of the graphics hidden
-% for toolbar.erl. Pure graphical events triggered by the GS event will
-% be executed by this function.
-% The Data field is used for saving information between different events
-% (without having to use put/get or ets). Right now it is only used to save
-% the coordinates of the last canvasbutton pressed, making it possible to
-% check if the canvasbutton is released with the mouse moved outside the
-% button (= no action) or with the mouse still inside the button (= action).
-%%% Mouse enters a icon, display short help message
-event(_LoopData,enter,{canvasbutton,_Cbtn,{_Start,{message,String}}},_Args) ->
- {display,String};
-%% Mouse leaves a icon, clear display area
-event(_LoopData,leave,{canvasbutton,_Cbtn,_Data},_Args) ->
- display_clear;
-%% An icon is pressed, create graphical illusion of this
-event(_LoopData,buttonpress,{canvasbutton,Canvasbutton,_},_Args) ->
- canvasbutton:press(Canvasbutton),
- {newData,canvasbutton:read(Canvasbutton,coords)};
-%% An icon is released, create graphical illusion of this
- [_,X,Y|_]) ->
- canvasbutton:release(Cbtn),
- case within(X,Y,LoopData) of
- true ->
- {start,Start};
- false ->
- noevent
- end;
-%%% Update Toolbar button pressed
-event(_LoopData,click,_Data,["Update Toolbar"|_]) ->
- update_toolbar;
-%%% Tool configuration button pressed
-event(_LoopData,click,_Data,["Create Tool File..."|_]) ->
- create_tool_file;
-%%% Add GS contribution button pressed
-event(_LoopData,click,_Data,["Add GS Contributions"|_]) ->
- add_gs_contribs;
-%%% Help menu button selected
-event(_LoopData,click,{help,Html},_Args) ->
- {help,Html};
-%%% About Help menu button selected
-event(_LoopData,click,about_help,_Args) ->
- about_help;
-%% Window resized, redraw it
-event(_LoopData,configure,_Data,[Width,Height|_]) ->
- {redraw,{Width,Height}};
-%%% Quit button pressed
-event(_LoopData,click,_Data,["Quit"|_]) ->
- quit;
-%%% Window closed
-event(_LoopData,destroy,_Data,_Args) ->
- quit;
-event(_LoopData,_GsEvent,_Data,_Args) ->
- noevent.
-% Main window functions
-% draw_window(S) => Window
-% S - pid() GS
-% Window - tbwindow record
-% This functions create the main window, initially without any tool icons
-draw_window(S) ->
- Norm = ?icon + 2*?pad,
- %% Main window
- Win = gs:create(window,S,[{title,"Erlang Tools"},{width,?width}]),
- %% Menu bar with menu buttons
- Menubar = gs:create(menubar,Win,[]),
- %% File menu
- File = gs:create(menubutton,Menubar,[{label,{text,"File"}},{side,left}]),
- FileM = gs:create(menu,File,[]),
- gs:create(menuitem,FileM,[{label,{text,"Update Toolbar"}}]),
- gs:create(menuitem,FileM,[{label,{text,"Quit"}}]),
- %% Tools menu
- Tool = gs:create(menubutton,Menubar,[{label,{text,"Tools"}},{side,left}]),
- ToolM = gs:create(menu,Tool,[]),
- gs:create(menuitem,ToolM,[{label,{text,"Create Tool File..."}}]),
- gs:create(menuitem,ToolM,[{label,{text,"Add GS Contributions"}}]),
- %% Help menu
- Help = gs:create(menubutton,Menubar,[{label,{text,"Help"}},{side,right}]),
- HelpM = gs:create(menu,Help,[]),
- gs:create(menuitem,HelpM,[{label,{text,"About..."}},
- {data,about_help}]),
- gs:create(menuitem,HelpM,[{label,{text,"Toolbar"}},
- {data,{help,toolbar_lib:help_file()}}]),
- gs:create(menuitem,HelpM,[{label,{text,"OTP"}},
- {data,{help,toolbar_lib:otp_file()}}]),
- gs:create(menuitem,HelpM,[{itemtype,separator}]),
- %% Check height of menu bar
- H = gs:read(Menubar,height),
- %% Now the height of the window can be computed
- Height = H+Norm+?hlabel+2*?pad,
- gs:config(Win,{height,Height}),
- %% Canvas, here will the Tool canvasbuttons be inserted
- Canvas = gs:create(canvas,Win,[{width,?width},{height,Norm},{x,0},{y,H}]),
- %% Label for displaying help messages and the frame containing it
- LabelF = gs:create(frame,Win,[{bg,green},{bw,1},
- {width,?width},{height,?hlabel+2*?pad},
- {x,0},{y,H+Norm}]),
- Label = gs:create(label,LabelF,[{align,w},{height,?hlabel},
- {width,?width},{x,?pad},{y,?pad},
- {label,{text,string:copies(" ",30)}}]),
- gs:config(Win,{map,true}),
- #tbwindow{window=Win,
- menubar=Menubar,canvas=Canvas,labelframe=LabelF,
- label=Label,helpmenu=HelpM,
- no_of_buttons=0,
- min_height=Height,min_width=?width,cur_height=Height,
- icons=[]}.
-% redraw_window(Window,{NewWidth,NewHeight}) => NewWindow
-% Window, NewWindow - tbwindow record
-% NewWidth, NewHeight - integer()
-% Redraw main window contents according to a new size
-redraw_window(Window,{NewWidth,NewHeight}) ->
- MinWidth = Window#tbwindow.min_width,
- if
- NewWidth=<MinWidth ->
- true;
- true ->
- gs:config(Window#tbwindow.canvas,{width,NewWidth}),
- gs:config(Window#tbwindow.labelframe,{width,NewWidth}),
- gs:config(Window#tbwindow.label,{width,NewWidth-2*?pad})
- end,
- MinHeight = Window#tbwindow.min_height,
- if
- NewHeight=<MinHeight ->
- Window;
- true ->
- %% Compute size difference
- Diff = NewHeight - Window#tbwindow.cur_height,
- %% Resize button frame
- Canvas = Window#tbwindow.canvas,
- gs:config(Canvas,{height,gs:read(Canvas,height)+Diff}),
- %% Move label frame accordingly
- LabelF = Window#tbwindow.labelframe,
- gs:config(LabelF,{y,gs:read(LabelF,y)+Diff}),
- %% Return updated tbwindow record
- Window#tbwindow{cur_height=NewHeight}
- end.
-% already_added(Window,ToolInfo) => true | false
-% Window - tbwindow record
-% ToolInfo - toolinfo record
-% Returns true if ToolInfo contains information about a tool that
-% is already included in Window
-already_added(Window,ToolInfo) ->
- already_added2(Window#tbwindow.icons,ToolInfo#toolinfo.tool).
-% already_added2(ToolInfos,Tool) => true | false
-% ToolInfos - [toolinfo record]
-% Tool - atom() Tool name
-already_added2([#toolinfo{tool=Tool}|_Rest],Tool) ->
- true;
-already_added2([_|Rest],Tool) ->
- already_added2(Rest,Tool);
-already_added2([],_ToolInfo) ->
- false.
-% add_icon(Window,ToolInfo) => NewWindow
-% Window, NewWindow - tbwindow record
-% ToolInfo - toolinfo record
-% Add an icon to the main window
-add_icon(Window,ToolInfo) ->
- Norm = ?icon + 2*?pad,
- %% Extend window if necessary
- N = Window#tbwindow.no_of_buttons,
- ReqWidth = N*Norm+Norm,
- CurWidth = gs:read(Window#tbwindow.window,width),
- if
- ReqWidth>CurWidth ->
- gs:config(Window#tbwindow.window,{width,ReqWidth}),
- gs:config(Window#tbwindow.canvas,{width,ReqWidth}),
- gs:config(Window#tbwindow.labelframe,{width,ReqWidth}),
- gs:config(Window#tbwindow.label,{width,ReqWidth-2*?pad});
- true ->
- true
- end,
- %% Insert icon into button frame
- canvasbutton:create(Window#tbwindow.canvas,
- [{image,ToolInfo#toolinfo.icon},
- {x,N*Norm+?pad},{y,?pad},
- {width,?icon},{height,?icon},
- {data,{{start,ToolInfo#toolinfo.start},
- {message,ToolInfo#toolinfo.message}}}]),
- %% Insert tool name into help menu (if there is any help available)
- case ToolInfo#toolinfo.html of
- nofile ->
- true;
- Html ->
- gs:create(menuitem,Window#tbwindow.helpmenu,
- [{label,{text,ToolInfo#toolinfo.tool}},
- {data,{help,Html}}])
- end,
- MinWidth = gs:read(Window#tbwindow.window,width),
- Window#tbwindow{no_of_buttons=N+1,min_width=MinWidth,
- icons=[ToolInfo|Window#tbwindow.icons]}.
-% get_window(Window) -> gs_obj()
-% Window - tbwindow record
-get_window(Window) ->
- Window#tbwindow.window.
-% cursor(Window,Cursor)
-% Window - tbwindow record
-% Cursor - arrow | busy
-cursor(Window,Cursor) ->
- gs:config(Window#tbwindow.window,{cursor,Cursor}).
-% listen_configure(Window)
-% Window - tbwindow record
-% Configure Window to listen for configure events
-listen_configure(Window) ->
- gs:config(Window#tbwindow.window,{configure,true}).
-% display_show(Window,Text)
-% Window - tbwindow record
-% Text - string()
-% Display text in the help text area
-display_show(Window,Text) ->
- gs:config(Window#tbwindow.label,{label,{text,Text}}).
-% display_clear(Window)
-% Window - tbwindow record
-% Clear the help text area
-display_clear(Window) ->
- display_show(Window,"").
-%%% Internal functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% within(X,Y,[{Left,Top},{Right,Bot}]) => true | false
-% Return true if {X,Y} is within the given rectangle.
-within(X,Y,[{L,T},{R,B}]) ->
- if
- X>=L,
- X=<R,
- Y>=T,
- Y=<B ->
- true;
- true ->
- false
- end.
diff --git a/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar_lib.erl b/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar_lib.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d3b9fdeb5..0000000000
--- a/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar_lib.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2009. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-% Erlang Toolbar
-%%% Description %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% Library functions
-%%% Exports %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-%%% Exported functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% gs_contribs_dir() => string()
-% Return the directory of the GS contributions
-gs_contribs_dir() ->
- filename:join(code:lib_dir(gs),"contribs/ebin/").
-% help_file() => string()
-% Returns the address to the toolbar help file
-help_file() ->
- filename:join([code:lib_dir(toolbar),"doc", "html", "index.html"]).
-% otp_file() => string()
-% Returns the address to the OTP documentation
-otp_file() ->
- filename:join([code:root_dir(),"doc", "index.html"]).
-% error_string(Reason) => string()
-% Reason - nofile | format | noname | nostart | illegal | raccess | waccess
-% Given Reason, returns a short "explanation string"
-error_string(nofile) -> "File does not exist";
-error_string(format) -> "File on wrong format";
-error_string(noname) -> "No tool name is specified";
-error_string(nostart) -> "No start function is specified";
-error_string(illegal) -> "Illegal file name";
-error_string(raccess) -> "File is not readable";
-error_string(waccess) -> "File is not writeable".
-% legal_file(File) => ok | directory | {error,nofile} | {error,raccess}
-% File - string() File name
-% Checks if File is an existing and readable file.
-legal_file(File) ->
- case file:read_file_info(File) of
- %% File exists...
- {ok,#file_info{type=regular,access=Access}} ->
- if
- %% ...but is read protected
- Access/=read,
- Access/=read_write ->
- {error,raccess};
- %% ...and is possible to read
- true ->
- ok
- end;
- {ok,#file_info{type=directory}} ->
- directory;
- %% File does not exist
- _Error ->
- {error,nofile}
- end.
-% insert_newlines(Strings) => string()
-% Strings - string() | [string()]
-% If Strings is a list of strings, return a string where all these strings
-% are concatenated with newlines in between, otherwise return Strings.
-insert_newlines([String|Rest]) when is_list(String), Rest/=[]->
- String ++ "\n" ++ insert_newlines(Rest);
-insert_newlines([Last]) ->
- [Last];
-insert_newlines(Other) ->
- Other.
-% tool_info_syntax(Version,ToolInfo) => {ok,CorrToolInfo} | {error,Reason}
-% Version - string()
-% ToolInfo - tuple()
-% CorrToolInfo - list()
-% Reason - version | format | noname | nostart
-% Return a corrected (blanks removed etc) version of ToolInfo
-% if the syntax of ToolInfo is correct (ie contains all
-% mandatory elements and all values are of the specified type).
-% Currently accepted versions:
-% "0.1" (which should be "1.0")
-% "1.1" (same as "0.1")
-tool_info_syntax("1.1",ToolInfo) ->
- tool_info_syntax("0.1",ToolInfo);
-tool_info_syntax("0.1",ToolInfo) when is_tuple(ToolInfo) ->
- syntax01(tuple_to_list(ToolInfo),false,false,[]);
-tool_info_syntax("0.1",_) ->
- {error,format};
-tool_info_syntax("1.2",ToolInfo) when is_list(ToolInfo)->
- syntax01(ToolInfo,false,false,[]);
-tool_info_syntax(_Vsn,_) ->
- {error,version}.
-%%% Internal functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% syntax01(List,NameF,StartF,Res) => {ok,Res} | {error,Reason}
-% List - [tuple()]
-% NameF, StartF - boolean()
-% Res - [tuple()]
-% Reason - format | noname | nostart
-% Version 0.1 syntax check of .tool file.
-syntax01([{tool,Str}|Rest],false,StartF,Res) when is_list(Str) ->
- case string:strip(Str) of
- [] ->
- {error,format};
- Tool ->
- syntax01(Rest,true,StartF,[{tool,Tool}|Res])
- end;
-syntax01([{start,{M,F,A}}|Rest],NameF,false,Res) when is_atom(M),
- is_atom(F),
- is_list(A) ->
- syntax01(Rest,NameF,true,[{start,{M,F,A}}|Res]);
-syntax01([{icon,Str}|Rest],NameF,StartF,Res) when is_list(Str) ->
- case string:strip(Str) of
- [] ->
- syntax01(Rest,NameF,StartF,Res);
- Icon ->
- syntax01(Rest,NameF,StartF,[{icon,Icon}|Res])
- end;
-syntax01([{message,Str}|Rest],NameF,StartF,Res) when is_list(Str) ->
- case string:strip(Str) of
- [] ->
- syntax01(Rest,NameF,StartF,Res);
- Message ->
- syntax01(Rest,NameF,StartF,
- [{message,lists:sublist(Message,1,30)}|Res])
- end;
-syntax01([{html,Str}|Rest],NameF,StartF,Res) when is_list(Str) ->
- case string:strip(Str) of
- [] ->
- syntax01(Rest,NameF,StartF,Res);
- Html ->
- syntax01(Rest,NameF,StartF,[{html,Html}|Res])
- end;
-%%The fields used by webtool must be removed
-syntax01([_|Rest],NameF,StartF,Res) ->
- syntax01(Rest,NameF,StartF,Res);
-syntax01([],true,true,Res) ->
- {ok,Res};
-syntax01([],false,_,_) ->
- {error,noname};
-syntax01([],_,false,_) ->
- {error,nostart};
-syntax01(_,_,_,_) ->
- {error,format}.
diff --git a/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar_toolconfig.erl b/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar_toolconfig.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 479033fa22..0000000000
--- a/lib/toolbar/src/toolbar_toolconfig.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,549 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2012. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,create,3}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,destroy,1}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,read,2}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,start,0}}]).
-% Erlang Toolbar
-%%% Description %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% Tool configuration tool, edit and creates .tool files
-% This tool works separately from the toolbar.
-%%% External data types %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% toolinfo() -- Tool configuration information
-%%% Internal data types %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% tfwindow() -- Toolfile configuration window
- {window,
- fileentry,
- toolentry,moduleentry,functionentry,
- iconentry,messageentry,htmlentry,
- label}).
-%%% Exports %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
--export([init/0]). % spawn
-%%% Exported functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% start() => pid()
-start() ->
- spawn(toolbar_toolconfig,init,[]).
-%%% Internal functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% Main loop
-% init()
-init() ->
- %% Start GS (or get the pid if it is already running)
- S = gs:start(),
- %% Draw the window
- Window = draw_window(S),
- loop(S,Window).
-% loop(S,Window)
-% S - pid() GS
-% Window - tfwindow()
-loop(S,Window) ->
- receive
- %% 'Return' pressed in the 'File' entry
- {gs,_Obj,keypress,file,['Return'|_]} ->
- %% Check if a file name is specified
- case string:strip(gs:read(Window#tfwindow.fileentry,text)) of
- %% No file name specified, move focus to next entry
- "" ->
- move_focus(Window,file);
- %% A name is specified
- String ->
- %% Add a .tool suffix to the file name if necessary
- FileName = tool_file(String),
- %% Write the complete file name to the file entry
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.fileentry,{text,FileName}),
- %% Try to open the file
- case file:consult(FileName) of
- %% File exists and seems ok
- {ok,[{version,Vsn},T]} ->
- %% Check the syntax of the file contents
- %% (All mandatory information specified,
- %% correct types, etc)
- case toolbar_lib:tool_info_syntax(Vsn,T) of
- %% Ok -- Show the file contents in the window
- %% and move focus to the next entry
- {ok,Info} ->
- display(Window,"File: "++FileName++
- " opened"),
- clear_info(Window),
- show_info(Window,Info),
- move_focus(Window,file);
- %% Erroneous version number -- Notify user
- {error,version} ->
- Win = Window#tfwindow.window,
- tool_utils:notify(Win,[FileName,
- "File has wrong version number"]);
- %% Other error -- Notify user
- _Error ->
- Win = Window#tfwindow.window,
- tool_utils:notify(Win,[FileName,
- "File is in erroneous format"])
- end;
- %% The file can not be read, show default values
- %% according to the file name in the window and
- %% move focus to the next entry
- _ ->
- display(Window,"File: "++FileName ++
- " could not be read, new file"),
- Tool = filename:basename(FileName,".tool"),
- clear_info(Window),
- show_info(Window,[{tool,Tool},
- {start,{list_to_atom(Tool),
- start,[]}},
- {icon,Tool++".gif"},
- {html,Tool++".html"}]),
- move_focus(Window,file)
- end
- end,
- loop(S,Window);
- %% 'Return' pressed in another entry, move focus to next entry
- {gs,_Obj,keypress,Focus,['Return'|_]} ->
- move_focus(Window,Focus),
- loop(S,Window);
- %% Any oher keypress, clear the display
- {gs,_Obj,keypress,_Data,_Args} ->
- display_clear(Window),
- loop(S,Window);
- %% 'Clear' button pressed, clear the window
- {gs,_Obj,click,_Data,["Clear"|_]} ->
- clear_info(Window),
- loop(S,Window);
- %% 'Save' button pressed, save the given information to file
- {gs,_Obj,click,_Data,["Save"|_]} ->
- %% Check if a file name is specified
- case string:strip(gs:read(Window#tfwindow.fileentry,text)) of
- %% No file name specified, notify user
- "" ->
- Win = Window#tfwindow.window,
- tool_utils:notify(Win,
- "A file name must be specified");
- %% A name is specified
- String ->
- %% Add a .tool suffix to the file name if necessary
- FileName = tool_file(String),
- %% Write the complete file name to the file entry
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.fileentry,{text,FileName}),
- %% Check the other information given
- case check_info(Window) of
- %% If given info is correct, try to save
- %% it to the file
- {ok,ToolInfo} ->
- Win = Window#tfwindow.window,
- case save_info(Win,FileName,ToolInfo) of
- %% Ok, display confirmation
- ok ->
- display(Window,
- "Tool information saved to "++
- FileName);
- %% Cancel, do nothing
- cancel ->
- ignore;
- %% Error, display error message
- {error,Reason} ->
- display(Window,
- toolbar_lib:error_string(Reason)++
- FileName)
- end;
- %% Given info incorrect, notify user
- {error,Reason} ->
- Win = Window#tfwindow.window,
- Str = toolbar_lib:error_string(Reason),
- tool_utils:notify(Win,Str)
- end
- end,
- loop(S,Window);
- %% 'Stop' button, close window and exit
- {gs,_Obj,click,_Data,["Stop"|_]} ->
- gs:destroy(Window#tfwindow.window),
- finished;
- %% Window closed, exit
- {gs,_Obj,destroy,_Data,_Args} ->
- finished;
- Other ->
- io:format("toolbar_toolconfig: unexp msg: ~p~n",[Other]),
- loop(S,Window)
- end.
-% Graphics
-% draw_window(S)
-% S - pid() GS
-% Draw the main window.
-draw_window(S) ->
- %% ----- Open a new window -----
- Win = gs:create(window,S,[{width,400},{height,390},
- {title,"Create Tool File"}]),
- %% ----- Top frame containing a 'File name' label and entry -----
- Top = gs:create(frame,Win,[{x,0},{y,0},{width,400},{height,60},{bw,2},
- {keypress,true}]),
- %% File name
- gs:create(label,Top,[{x,10},{y,10},{width,80},{height,30},{align,e},
- {keypress,true},
- {label,{text,"File name:"}}]),
- File = gs:create(entry,Top,[{x,110},{y,10},{width,280},{height,30},
- {keypress,true},{data,file}]),
- %% ----- Middle frame containing other labels and entries -----
- Mid = gs:create(frame,Win,[{x,0},{y,60},{width,400},{height,250},{bw,2},
- {keypress,true}]),
- %% Tool name
- gs:create(label,Mid,[{x,10},{y,10},{width,80},{height,30},{align,e},
- {keypress,true},
- {label,{text,"Tool name:"}}]),
- Tool = gs:create(entry,Mid,[{x,110},{y,10},{width,280},{height,30},
- {keypress,true},{data,tool}]),
- %% Start function
- gs:create(label,Mid,[{x,10},{y,60},{width,80},{height,30},{align,e},
- {keypress,true},
- {label,{text,"Start:"}}]),
- Mod = gs:create(entry,Mid,[{x,110},{y,60},{width,135},{height,30},
- {keypress,true},{data,module}]),
- Fun = gs:create(entry,Mid,[{x,245},{y,60},{width,135},{height,30},
- {keypress,true},{data,function}]),
- %% Icon file
- gs:create(label,Mid,[{x,10},{y,110},{width,80},{height,30},{align,e},
- {keypress,true},
- {label,{text,"Icon file:"}}]),
- Icon = gs:create(entry,Mid,[{x,110},{y,110},{width,280},{height,30},
- {keypress,true},{data,icon}]),
- %% Message
- gs:create(label,Mid,[{x,10},{y,160},{width,80},{height,30},{align,e},
- {keypress,true},
- {label,{text,"Message:"}}]),
- Msg = gs:create(entry,Mid,[{x,110},{y,160},{width,280},{height,30},
- {keypress,true},{data,message}]),
- %% HTML file
- gs:create(label,Mid,[{x,10},{y,210},{width,80},{height,30},{align,e},
- {keypress,true},
- {label,{text,"HTML:"}}]),
- Html = gs:create(entry,Mid,[{x,110},{y,210},{width,280},{height,30},
- {keypress,true},{data,html}]),
- %% ----- Bottom frame containing the buttons -----
- Bot = gs:create(frame,Win,[{x,0},{y,310},{width,400},{height,50},
- {bw,2},{keypress,true}]),
- gs:create(button,Bot,[{x,75},{y,10},{width,50},{height,30},
- {keypress,true},
- {label,{text,"Clear"}}]),
- gs:create(button,Bot,[{x,175},{y,10},{width,50},{height,30},
- {keypress,true},
- {label,{text,"Save"}}]),
- gs:create(button,Bot,[{x,275},{y,10},{width,50},{height,30},
- {keypress,true},
- {label,{text,"Stop"}}]),
- %% ----- Label for displaying help messages -----
- Lbl = gs:create(label,Win,[{x,0},{y,360},{width,400},{height,30},{bw,2},
- {relief,raised},
- {keypress,true},
- {align,c},{label,{text,""}}]),
- gs:config(Win,{map,true}),
- gs:config(File,{setfocus,true}),
- #tfwindow{window=Win,
- fileentry=File,
- toolentry=Tool,
- moduleentry=Mod,
- functionentry=Fun,
- iconentry=Icon,
- messageentry=Msg,
- htmlentry=Html,
- label=Lbl}.
-% move_focus(Window,Focus)
-% Window - tfwindow()
-% Focus - file | tool | module | function | icon | message | html | none
-% Move the input focus to the entry following Focus
-move_focus(Window,file) ->
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.toolentry,{setfocus,true});
-move_focus(Window,tool) ->
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.moduleentry,{setfocus,true});
-move_focus(Window,module) ->
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.functionentry,{setfocus,true});
-move_focus(Window,function) ->
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.iconentry,{setfocus,true});
-move_focus(Window,icon) ->
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.messageentry,{setfocus,true});
-move_focus(Window,message) ->
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.htmlentry,{setfocus,true});
-move_focus(Window,html) ->
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.htmlentry,{setfocus,false});
-move_focus(_Window,none) ->
- true.
-% display(Window,Text)
-% Window - tfwindow()
-% Text - string()
-% Display a help message in the window
-display(Window,Text) ->
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.label,{label,{text,Text}}).
-% display_clear(Window)
-% Window - tfwindow()
-% Clear the help message display
-display_clear(Window) ->
- display(Window,"").
-% clear_info(Window)
-% Window - tfwindow()
-% Clear the entries of Window (except the file entry)
-clear_info(Window) ->
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.toolentry,{text,""}),
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.moduleentry,{text,""}),
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.functionentry,{text,""}),
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.iconentry,{text,""}),
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.messageentry,{text,""}),
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.htmlentry,{text,""}).
-% show_info(Window,List)
-% Window - tfwindow()
-% List - [{Key,Val}]
-% Key - tool, Val - string()
-% Key - start, Val - {atom(),atom(),_}
-% Key - icon, Val - string()
-% Key - message, Val - string()
-% Key - html, Val - string()
-% Display the different Val's in the appropriate entries of Window
-show_info(_Window,[]) ->
- ok;
-show_info(Window,[{tool,Tool}|Rest]) ->
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.toolentry,{text,Tool}),
- show_info(Window,Rest);
-show_info(Window,[{start,{M,F,_}}|Rest]) ->
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.moduleentry,{text,M}),
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.functionentry,{text,F}),
- show_info(Window,Rest);
-show_info(Window,[{icon,Icon}|Rest]) ->
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.iconentry,{text,Icon}),
- show_info(Window,Rest);
-show_info(Window,[{message,Message}|Rest]) ->
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.messageentry,{text,Message}),
- show_info(Window,Rest);
-show_info(Window,[{html,Html}|Rest]) ->
- gs:config(Window#tfwindow.htmlentry,{text,Html}),
- show_info(Window,Rest).
-% Retrieve user specified information
-% check_info(Window) => {ok,ToolInfo} | {error,Reason}
-% Window - tfwindow()
-% ToolInfo - toolinfo()
-% Reason - noname | nostart
-% Check the information given in the entries and insert it into ToolInfo
-% if all mandatory information is given.
-check_info(Window) ->
- %% First check mandatory elements: name and start function
- Tool = gs:read(Window#tfwindow.toolentry,text),
- M = gs:read(Window#tfwindow.moduleentry,text),
- F = gs:read(Window#tfwindow.functionentry,text),
- if
- Tool/="",M/="",F/="" ->
- ToolInfo =
- #toolinfo{tool=Tool,
- start={list_to_atom(M),list_to_atom(F),[]},
- icon=gs:read(Window#tfwindow.iconentry,text),
- message=gs:read(Window#tfwindow.messageentry,text),
- html=gs:read(Window#tfwindow.htmlentry,text)},
- {ok,ToolInfo};
- Tool=="" ->
- {error,noname};
- true ->
- {error,nostart}
- end.
-% Save information to file
-% save_info(Win,File,ToolInfo) => ok | cancel | {error,waccess}
-% Win - GS object
-% File - string()
-% ToolInfo - toolinfo()
-% Saves the information in ToolInfo to File on a predefined format.
-save_info(Win,File,ToolInfo) ->
- %% First check if file already exists
- case file:read_file_info(File) of
- {ok,_FileInfo} ->
- %% Request the user to confirm that the file should
- %% be overwritten
- case tool_utils:confirm(Win,[File,
- "exists, will be overwritten"]) of
- ok ->
- save_info2(File,ToolInfo);
- cancel ->
- cancel
- end;
- {error,_Reason} -> % _Reason = "No such file or directory"
- save_info2(File,ToolInfo)
- end.
-% save_info2(File,ToolInfo) => ok | {error,waccess}
-% File - string() File name
-% ToolInfo - toolinfo record
-% Called by save_info/3
-save_info2(File,ToolInfo) ->
- case file:open(File, [write]) of
- {ok,Fd} ->
- io:format(Fd,"{version,\"~s\"}.~n",[toolbar:version()]),
- io:format(Fd,"{{tool,\"~s\"},~n",[ToolInfo#toolinfo.tool]),
- io:format(Fd," {start,~w}",[ToolInfo#toolinfo.start]),
- case ToolInfo#toolinfo.icon of
- "" -> ignore;
- Icon -> io:format(Fd,",~n {icon,\"~s\"}",[Icon])
- end,
- case ToolInfo#toolinfo.message of
- "" -> ignore;
- Message -> io:format(Fd,",~n {message,\"~s\"}",[Message])
- end,
- case ToolInfo#toolinfo.html of
- "" -> ignore;
- Html -> io:format(Fd,",~n {html,\"~s\"}",[Html])
- end,
- io:format(Fd,"}.~n",[]),
- file:close(Fd),
- ok;
- _Error ->
- {error,waccess}
- end.
-% Auxiliary functions
-% tool_file(File) => string()
-% File - string()
-% Return a file name consisting of File with the suffix .tool added,
-% if File does not already have this suffix.
-tool_file(File) ->
- case filename:extension(File) of
- ".tool" -> File;
- _ -> File ++ ".tool"
- end.