path: root/lib/tools/src/xref_utils.erl
diff options
authorErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
commit84adefa331c4159d432d22840663c38f155cd4c1 (patch)
treebff9a9c66adda4df2106dfd0e5c053ab182a12bd /lib/tools/src/xref_utils.erl
The R13B03 release.OTP_R13B03
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/tools/src/xref_utils.erl')
1 files changed, 725 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tools/src/xref_utils.erl b/lib/tools/src/xref_utils.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aeb7bf9f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tools/src/xref_utils.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,725 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-export([is_directory/1, file_info/1, fa_to_mfa/2]).
+-export([is_string/2, is_path/1]).
+-export([module_filename/2, application_filename/1, application_filename/2]).
+-export([release_directory/3, select_application_directories/2,
+ filename_to_application/1, select_last_application_version/1,
+ split_filename/2, scan_directory/4, list_path/2]).
+-export([predefined_functions/0, is_funfun/3, is_builtin/3]).
+-export([is_static_function/2, is_abstract_module/1]).
+-export([closure/1, components/1, condensation/1, path/2, use/2, call/2]).
+-import(lists, [append/1, delete/2, filter/2, foldl/3, foreach/2,
+ keydelete/3, keysearch/3, keysort/2, last/1, map/2,
+ member/2, reverse/1, sort/1]).
+ [difference/2, domain/1, family/1,
+ family_to_relation/1, from_external/2, from_term/2,
+ intersection/2, partition/2, relation/1, relation_to_family/1,
+ restriction/2, set/1, to_external/1, type/1]).
+%% Exported functions
+xset(L, T) when is_list(L) ->
+ from_external(lists:usort(L), T);
+xset(S, T) ->
+ from_external(S, T).
+%% -> true | false | {error, ?MODULE, Reason}
+%is_directory(F) ->
+% filelib:is_dir(F);
+is_directory(F) ->
+ case file:read_file_info(F) of
+ {ok, Info} ->
+ Info#file_info.type =:= directory;
+ {error, Error} ->
+ file_error(F, Error)
+ end.
+%% file_info(FileName) -> {ok, FileInfo} | {error, ?MODULE, Reason}
+%% FileInfo = {FileName, DirOrFile, Readable, ModificationTime}
+%% DirOrFile = directory | file
+%% Readable = readable | unreadable
+%% ModificationTime = {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}}
+%% DirOrFile is equal to 'directory' ('file') if FileName is a
+%% directory (regular file).
+%% Readable is equal 'readable' ('unreadable') if FileName is readable
+%% (unreadable).
+%% ModificationTime is copied from file_info.mtime.
+file_info(F) ->
+ case file:read_file_info(F) of
+ {ok, Info} ->
+ Readable = case Info#file_info.access of
+ Access when Access =:= read;
+ Access =:= read_write ->
+ readable;
+ _ ->
+ unreadable
+ end,
+ Type = case Info#file_info.type of
+ directory -> directory;
+ regular -> file;
+ _ -> error
+ end,
+ case Type of
+ error -> error({unrecognized_file, F});
+ _ -> {ok, {F, Type, Readable, Info#file_info.mtime}}
+ end;
+ {error, Error} ->
+ file_error(F, Error)
+ end.
+fa_to_mfa(FAs, Mod) ->
+ fa_to_mfa(FAs, Mod, []).
+fa_to_mfa([{F,A} | MFs], Mod, L) ->
+ fa_to_mfa(MFs, Mod, [{Mod,F,A} | L]);
+fa_to_mfa([], _Mod, L) ->
+ reverse(L).
+module_filename(Dir, Module) ->
+ filename:join(Dir, to_list(Module) ++ code:objfile_extension()).
+application_filename(AppName) ->
+ to_list(AppName) ++ ".app".
+application_filename(Dir, AppName) ->
+ filename:join(to_list(Dir), application_filename(AppName)).
+%% -> bool()
+is_string([], _) ->
+ false;
+is_string(Term, C) ->
+ is_string1(Term, C).
+is_string1([H | T], C) when H > C, H < 127 ->
+ is_string1(T, C);
+is_string1([], _) ->
+ true;
+is_string1(_, _) ->
+ false.
+%% -> bool()
+is_path([S | Ss]) ->
+ case is_string(S, 31) of
+ true ->
+ is_path(Ss);
+ false ->
+ false
+ end;
+is_path([]) ->
+ true;
+is_path(_) ->
+ false.
+% Release and application functions.
+%%% ApplDir = {ApplicationName,NumericApplicationVersion,ApplicationDirectory}
+%%% ApplicationName = atom()
+%%% ApplicationDirectory = string()
+%%% NumericApplicationVersion = [integer()] ("3.1.7" becomes [3,1,7]).
+%%% [] means that the application has no version...
+%%% ModuleName = ModuleFileName = string()
+%%% ReleaseName = atom()
+%% release_directory(Directory, CheckLib, SubDirectory) ->
+%% {ok, ReleaseName, AppDir, [ApplDir]} | {error, ?MODULE, Reason}
+%% CheckLib = bool()
+%% AppDir = string()
+%% SubDirectory = string()
+%% Returns all sub directories of a given directory, assuming all sub
+%% directories are application directories. If a sub directory has a
+%% sub directory SubDirectory, that one is chosen as application
+%% directory. If Directory has a sub directory 'lib' and CheckLib is
+%% equal to 'true', applications are looked for on that
+%% directory. ApplDir is the directory where applications reside. In
+%% any case, the returned ReleaseName is the basename of the given
+%% directory.
+release_directory(Dir, UseLib, SubDir) ->
+ SDir = subdir(Dir, "lib", UseLib),
+ case file:list_dir(SDir) of
+ {ok, FileNames} ->
+ Files = [filename:join(SDir, File) || File <- FileNames],
+ case select_application_directories(Files, SubDir) of
+ {ok, ApplDirs} ->
+ {ok, list_to_atom(filename:basename(Dir)), SDir, ApplDirs};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ {error, Error} ->
+ file_error(SDir, Error)
+ end.
+%% select_application_directories([FileName], SubDirectory) ->
+%% {ok, [ApplDir]} | {error, ?MODULE, Error}
+%% SubDirectory = string()
+%% For each filename that is a directory, the filename is split into
+%% an application name and an application version, if possible, using
+%% '-' as separator. If not possible, the empty version - [] - is
+%% used. If a directory has a sub directory called SubDirectory, that
+%% one is returned as application directory rather than the directory
+%% itself.
+select_application_directories(FileNames, Dir) ->
+ select_application_directories(FileNames, Dir, Dir =/= [], []).
+%% filename_to_application(FileName) ->
+%% {ApplicationName,NumbericApplicationVersion}
+%% Interprets a filename as an application name and an application
+%% version. If the filename (the basename actually) cannot be split
+%% into two components using '-' as separator, the whole basename is
+%% used as application name, and the version returned is [].
+filename_to_application(FileName) ->
+ Basename = filename:basename(FileName),
+ case catch filename2appl(Basename) of
+ {'EXIT',_} ->
+ {list_to_atom(Basename),[]};
+ Split ->
+ Split
+ end.
+%% select_last_application_version([ApplDir]) -> [ApplDir]
+%% For each application that occurs with more than one version in the
+%% input list, only the one with the last version is kept.
+select_last_application_version(AppVs) ->
+ TL = to_external(partition(1, relation(AppVs))),
+ [last(keysort(2, L)) || L <- TL].
+%% scan_directory(Directory, Recurse, Collect, Watch) ->
+%% {Collected, Errors, Seen, Unreadable}
+%% Watch = Collect = [string()]
+%% Directory = string() | atom()
+%% Recurse = bool()
+%% Collected = [{Dir,Basename}]
+%% Dir = Basename = Seen = Unreadable = [string()]
+%% Collected (Seen) contains those regular files with extension
+%% occurring in Collect (Watch). Watch is tried only if a filename
+%% does not match Collect. Only readable files occur in Collected, the
+%% unreadable files (with extension matching Collect) go into
+%% Unreadable.
+scan_directory(File, Recurse, Collect, Watch) ->
+ Init = [[] | {[],[],[]}],
+ [L | {E,J,U}] = find_files_dir(File, Recurse, Collect, Watch, Init),
+ {reverse(L), reverse(E), reverse(J), reverse(U)}.
+%% {Dir, Basename} | false
+split_filename(File, Extension) ->
+ case catch begin
+ Dir = filename:dirname(File),
+ Basename = filename:basename(File, Extension),
+ {Dir, Basename++Extension}
+ end of
+ {'EXIT', _} ->
+ false;
+ R ->
+ R
+ end.
+%% list_path(Path, Extensions) ->
+%% {[{Module, {integer(), Directory, Basename}}], [error()]}
+%% Path = [Directory]
+%% Extensions = [string()]
+%% Module = atom()
+%% Directory = Basename = string()
+%% Files with any of the given extensions are searched for among
+%% the given directories (Path). Directories "below" some of the given
+%% directories are not searched (unless enumerated in Path). If some
+%% file is found on more than one directory, the first one found is
+%% returned (Path is searched from the beginning).
+list_path(P, Extensions) ->
+ list_dirs(P, 1, Extensions, [], []).
+list_dirs([D | Ds], I, Exts, CL, E) ->
+ Fun = fun(X, A) ->
+ File = filename:join(D, X),
+ case is_directory(File) of
+ false ->
+ Ext = filename:extension(X),
+ case member(Ext, Exts) of
+ true ->
+ M = list_to_atom(filename:basename(X, Ext)),
+ [{M, {I,D,X}} | A];
+ false ->
+ A
+ end;
+ true ->
+ A;
+ _Else ->
+ A
+ end
+ end,
+ {NCL, NE} = case file:list_dir(D) of
+ {ok, C0} ->
+ {foldl(Fun, CL, C0), E};
+ {error, Error} ->
+ {CL, [file_error(D, Error) | E]}
+ end,
+ list_dirs(Ds, I+1, Exts, NCL, NE);
+list_dirs([], _I, _Exts, C, E) ->
+ {C, E}.
+%% Returns functions that are present in all modules.
+predefined_functions() ->
+ [{module_info,0}, {module_info,1}].
+%% Returns true if an MFA takes functional arguments.
+is_funfun(erlang, apply, 2) -> true;
+is_funfun(erlang, apply, 3) -> true;
+is_funfun(erlang, spawn, 1) -> true;
+is_funfun(erlang, spawn, 2) -> true;
+is_funfun(erlang, spawn, 3) -> true;
+is_funfun(erlang, spawn, 4) -> true;
+is_funfun(erlang, spawn_link, 1) -> true;
+is_funfun(erlang, spawn_link, 2) -> true;
+is_funfun(erlang, spawn_link, 3) -> true;
+is_funfun(erlang, spawn_link, 4) -> true;
+is_funfun(erlang, spawn_opt, 2) -> true;
+is_funfun(erlang, spawn_opt, 3) -> true;
+is_funfun(erlang, spawn_opt, 4) -> true;
+is_funfun(erlang, spawn_opt, 5) -> true;
+is_funfun(erts_debug, apply, 4) -> true;
+is_funfun(_, _, _) -> false.
+is_builtin(erts_debug, apply, 4) -> true;
+is_builtin(M, F, A) ->
+ erlang:is_builtin(M, F, A).
+is_abstract_module(Attributes) ->
+ case keysearch(abstract, 1, Attributes) of
+ {value, {abstract, true}} ->
+ true;
+ {value, {abstract, Vals}} when is_list(Vals) ->
+ member(true, Vals);
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+%% A "static function" is a function in an abstract module that may be
+%% called directly.
+is_static_function(module_info, 0) ->
+ true;
+is_static_function(module_info, 1) ->
+ true;
+is_static_function(new, _) ->
+ true;
+is_static_function(instance, _) ->
+ true;
+is_static_function(_F, _A) ->
+ false.
+%%% The following functions implement some of the operators recognized
+%%% in xref_compiler.erl.
+closure(S) ->
+ relation_to_graph(S).
+components(G) ->
+ %% Returns a plain set of sets.
+ from_term(digraph_utils:cyclic_strong_components(G), [[atom]]).
+condensation(G) ->
+ G2 = digraph_utils:condensation(G),
+ %% A relation. The result can be only be used by a few set operations.
+ R = graph_to_relation(G2),
+ true = digraph:delete(G2),
+ R.
+path(G, [E]) ->
+ path(G, [E,E]);
+path(G, P=[E1 | _]) ->
+ path(P, G, [[E1]]).
+use(G, V) ->
+ neighbours(to_external(V), G, reaching_neighbours, type(V)).
+call(G, V) ->
+ neighbours(to_external(V), G, reachable_neighbours, type(V)).
+regexpr({regexpr, RExpr}, Var) ->
+ Xs = match_list(to_external(Var), RExpr),
+ xset(Xs, type(Var));
+regexpr({ModExpr, FunExpr, ArityExpr}, Var) ->
+ Type = type(Var),
+ V1 = case {ModExpr,Type} of
+ {{atom, Mod},[{ModType, _}]} ->
+ restriction(Var, xset([Mod], [ModType]));
+ {{regexpr, MExpr},[{ModType, _}]} ->
+ Mods = match_list(to_external(domain(Var)), MExpr),
+ restriction(Var, xset(Mods, [ModType]));
+ {variable,_} ->
+ Var;
+ {_,_} -> % Var is the empty set
+ Var
+ end,
+ V2 = case FunExpr of
+ {atom, FunName} ->
+ V1L = to_external(V1),
+ xset(match_one(V1L, FunName, 2), Type);
+ {regexpr, FExpr} ->
+ V1L = to_external(V1),
+ xset(match_many(V1L, FExpr, 2), Type);
+ variable ->
+ V1
+ end,
+ case ArityExpr of
+ {integer, Arity} ->
+ V2L = to_external(V2),
+ xset(match_one(V2L, Arity, 3), Type);
+ {regexpr, Expr} ->
+ V2L = to_external(V2),
+ xset(match_many(V2L, Expr, 3), Type);
+ variable ->
+ V2
+ end.
+%% -> digraph()
+relation_to_graph(S) ->
+ G = digraph:new(),
+ Fun = fun({From, To}) ->
+ digraph:add_vertex(G, From),
+ digraph:add_vertex(G, To),
+ digraph:add_edge(G, From, To)
+ end,
+ foreach(Fun, to_external(S)),
+ G.
+%% -> {ok, FileName} | Error | fault()
+%% Finds a module's BEAM file.
+find_beam(Module) when is_atom(Module) ->
+ case code:which(Module) of
+ non_existing ->
+ error({no_such_module, Module});
+ preloaded ->
+ {_M, _Bin, File} = code:get_object_code(Module),
+ {ok, File};
+ cover_compiled ->
+ error({cover_compiled, Module});
+ File ->
+ {ok, File}
+ end;
+find_beam(Culprit) ->
+ erlang:error(badarg, [Culprit]).
+%% options(Options, ValidOptions) -> {OptionValues, InvalidOptions}
+%% Options = [Option] | Option
+%% ValidOptions = [atom() | {OptionName, ValidValues}]
+%% OptionValues = [bool() | {OptionName, [term()]}]
+%% OptionName = atom()
+%% InvalidOptions = [Option]
+%% Option = OptionName | {OptionName, term()}
+%% ValidValues = [] | [DefaultValue | [ValidValue]] | [DefaultValue, Tester]
+%% ValidValue = DefaultValue = term()
+%% Tester = fun([term()]) -> bool()
+%% A Boolean Option has a name (an atom). A Value Option has a name
+%% (an atom) and a value (a term).
+%% ValidOptions enumerates allowed options - a Boolean Option is
+%% enumerated with its name, and a Value Option is enumerated with a
+%% pair {Name, Values}, where Name is the option's name and Values is
+%% a list of allowed values for the Value Option, the first one being
+%% the default value (by convention). An empty list of allowed values
+%% means that all terms are allowed as value (and that there is no
+%% default value). Also if the only allowed value is the default
+%% value, all terms are allowed as value. A function argument (Tester)
+%% may be used for testing the supplied values (useful for a path...)
+%% An allowed option must not be enumerated more than once, but
+%% allowed values may be duplicated.
+%% OptionValues is a list of option values, where member i is the
+%% value of option i in ValidOptions. The value of a Boolean Option is
+%% 'true' if the option name is mentioned in Options, otherwise
+%% 'false'. The value of a Value Option is a list of the option values
+%% mentioned in Options for the Value Option. If the Value Option is
+%% not mentioned in Options, the list contains the default value (if
+%% there is no default value, the list is empty), and if it is
+%% mentioned more than once, the values are sorted in standard order.
+%% InvalidOptions is a list of those options present in Options that
+%% do not match any allowed option mentioned in ValidOptions.
+options(Options, Valid) ->
+ split_options(Options, [], [], [], Valid).
+subprocess(Fun, Opts) ->
+ Pid = spawn_opt(Fun, Opts),
+ receive
+ {Pid, Reply} -> Reply
+ end.
+format_error({error, Module, Error}) ->
+ Module:format_error(Error);
+format_error({file_error, FileName, Reason}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~s: ~p~n", [FileName, file:format_error(Reason)]);
+format_error({unrecognized_file, FileName}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p is neither a regular file nor a directory~n",
+ [FileName]);
+format_error({no_such_module, Module}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Cannot find module ~p using the code path~n", [Module]);
+format_error({interpreted, Module}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Cannot use BEAM code of interpreted module ~p~n", [Module]);
+format_error(E) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p~n", [E]).
+%% Local functions
+to_list(X) when is_atom(X) -> atom_to_list(X);
+to_list(X) when is_list(X) -> X.
+select_application_directories([FileName|FileNames], Dir, Flag, L) ->
+ case is_directory(FileName) of
+ true ->
+ File = filename:basename(FileName),
+ {Name, Vsn} = filename_to_application(File),
+ ApplDir = {Name, Vsn, subdir(FileName, Dir, Flag)},
+ select_application_directories(FileNames, Dir, Flag, [ApplDir|L]);
+ false ->
+ select_application_directories(FileNames, Dir, Flag, L);
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+select_application_directories([], _Dir, _Flag, L) ->
+ {ok,reverse(L)}.
+subdir(Dir, _, false) ->
+ Dir;
+subdir(Dir, SubDir, true) ->
+ EDir = filename:join(Dir, SubDir),
+ case is_directory(EDir) of
+ true -> EDir;
+ _FalseOrError -> Dir
+ end.
+%% Avoid "App-01.01" - the zeroes will be lost.
+filename2appl(File) ->
+ Pos = string:rstr(File, "-"),
+ true = Pos > 1,
+ V = string:sub_string(File, Pos+1),
+ true = string:len(V) > 0,
+ VsnT = string:tokens(V, "."),
+ ApplName = string:sub_string(File, 1, Pos-1),
+ Vsn = [list_to_integer(Vsn) || Vsn <- VsnT],
+ {list_to_atom(ApplName),Vsn}.
+find_files_dir(Dir, Recurse, Collect, Watch, L) ->
+ case file:list_dir(Dir) of
+ {ok, Files} ->
+ find_files(sort(Files), Dir, Recurse, Collect, Watch, L);
+ {error, Error} ->
+ [B | {E,J,U}] = L,
+ [B | {[file_error(Dir, Error)|E],J,U}]
+ end.
+find_files([F | Fs], Dir, Recurse, Collect, Watch, L) ->
+ File = filename:join(Dir, F),
+ L1 = case file_info(File) of
+ {ok, {_, directory, readable, _}} when Recurse ->
+ find_files_dir(File, Recurse, Collect, Watch, L);
+ {ok, {_, directory, _, _}} ->
+ L;
+ Info ->
+ [B | EJU = {E,J,U}] = L,
+ Ext = filename:extension(File),
+ C = member(Ext, Collect),
+ case C of
+ true ->
+ case Info of
+ {ok, {_, file, readable, _}} ->
+ [[{Dir,F} | B] | EJU];
+ {ok, {_, file, unreadable, _}} ->
+ [B | {E,J,[File|U]}];
+ Error ->
+ [B | {[Error|E],J,U}]
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case member(Ext, Watch) of
+ true -> [B | {E,[File|J],U}];
+ false -> L
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ find_files(Fs, Dir, Recurse, Collect, Watch, L1);
+find_files([], _Dir, _Recurse, _Collect, _Watch, L) ->
+ L.
+graph_to_relation(G) ->
+ Fun = fun(E) -> {_E, V1, V2, _Label} = digraph:edge(G, E), {V1, V2} end,
+ from_term(map(Fun, digraph:edges(G)), [{[atom],[atom]}]).
+path([E1, E2 | P], G, L) ->
+ case digraph:get_short_path(G, E1, E2) of
+ false ->
+ false;
+ [_V | Vs] ->
+ path([E2 | P], G, [Vs | L])
+ end;
+path([_], _G, L) ->
+ append(reverse(L)).
+neighbours(Vs, G, Fun, VT) ->
+ neighbours(Vs, G, Fun, VT, []).
+neighbours([V | Vs], G, Fun, VT, L) ->
+ Ns = digraph_utils:Fun([V], G),
+ neighbours(Ns, G, Fun, VT, L, V, Vs);
+neighbours([], _G, _Fun, [VT], L) ->
+ xset(L, [{VT,VT}]).
+neighbours([N | Ns], G, Fun, VT, L, V, Vs) when Fun =:= reachable_neighbours ->
+ neighbours(Ns, G, Fun, VT, [{V, N} | L], V, Vs);
+neighbours([N | Ns], G, Fun, VT, L, V, Vs) ->
+ neighbours(Ns, G, Fun, VT, [{N, V} | L], V, Vs);
+neighbours([], G, Fun, VT, L, _V, Vs) ->
+ neighbours(Vs, G, Fun, VT, L).
+match_list(L, RExpr) ->
+ {ok, Expr} = regexp:parse(RExpr),
+ filter(fun(E) -> match(E, Expr) end, L).
+match_one(VarL, Con, Col) ->
+ select_each(VarL, fun(E) -> Con =:= element(Col, E) end).
+match_many(VarL, RExpr, Col) ->
+ {ok, Expr} = regexp:parse(RExpr),
+ select_each(VarL, fun(E) -> match(element(Col, E), Expr) end).
+match(I, Expr) when is_integer(I) ->
+ S = integer_to_list(I),
+ {match, 1, length(S)} =:= regexp:first_match(S, Expr);
+match(A, Expr) when is_atom(A) ->
+ S = atom_to_list(A),
+ {match, 1, length(S)} =:= regexp:first_match(S, Expr).
+select_each([{Mod,Funs} | L], Pred) ->
+ case filter(Pred, Funs) of
+ [] ->
+ select_each(L, Pred);
+ NFuns ->
+ [{Mod,NFuns} | select_each(L, Pred)]
+ end;
+select_each([], _Pred) ->
+ [].
+split_options([O | Os], A, P, I, V) when is_atom(O) ->
+ split_options(Os, [O | A], P, I, V);
+split_options([O={Name,_} | Os], A, P, I, V) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ split_options(Os, A, [O | P], I, V);
+split_options([O | Os], A, P, I, V) ->
+ split_options(Os, A, P, [O | I], V);
+split_options([], A, P, I, V) ->
+ Atoms = to_external(set(A)),
+ Pairs = to_external(relation_to_family(relation(P))),
+ option_values(V, Atoms, Pairs, I, []);
+split_options(O, A, P, I, V) ->
+ split_options([O], A, P, I, V).
+option_values([O | Os], A, P, I, Vs) when is_atom(O) ->
+ option_values(Os, delete(O, A), P, I, [member(O, A) | Vs]);
+option_values([{Name, AllowedValues} | Os], A, P, I, Vs) ->
+ case keysearch(Name, 1, P) of
+ {value, {_, Values}} ->
+ option_value(Name, AllowedValues, Values, A, P, I, Vs, Os);
+ false when AllowedValues =:= [] ->
+ option_values(Os, A, P, I, [[] | Vs]);
+ false ->
+ [Default | _] = AllowedValues,
+ option_values(Os, A, P, I, [[Default] | Vs])
+ end;
+option_values([], A, P, Invalid, Values) ->
+ I2 = to_external(family_to_relation(family(P))),
+ {reverse(Values), Invalid ++ A ++ I2}.
+option_value(Name, [_Deflt, Fun], Vals, A, P, I, Vs, Os)
+ when is_function(Fun) ->
+ P1 = keydelete(Name, 1, P),
+ case Fun(Vals) of
+ true ->
+ option_values(Os, A, P1, I, [Vals | Vs]);
+ false ->
+ option_values(Os, A, [{Name,Vals} | P1], I, [[] | Vs])
+ end;
+option_value(Name, AllowedValues, Values, A, P, I, Vs, Os) ->
+ P1 = keydelete(Name, 1, P),
+ VS = set(Values),
+ AVS = set(AllowedValues),
+ V1 = to_external(intersection(VS, AVS)),
+ {V, NP} = case to_external(difference(VS, AVS)) of
+ _ when AllowedValues =:= [] -> {Values,P1};
+ [] -> {V1,P1};
+ _ when length(AllowedValues) =:= 1 ->
+ {Values,P1};
+ I1 -> {V1,[{Name,I1} | P1]}
+ end,
+ option_values(Os, A, NP, I, [V | Vs]).
+file_error(File, Error) ->
+ error({file_error, File, Error}).
+error(Error) ->
+ {error, ?MODULE, Error}.