path: root/lib/tv/src/tv_db_search.erl
diff options
authorDan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>2013-12-20 10:44:42 +0100
committerDan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>2013-12-20 10:44:42 +0100
commit6f0b3bd3fc28de703490470630922873775c97f5 (patch)
tree520b662b4459499e8c58b658285368d81334d326 /lib/tv/src/tv_db_search.erl
parent0b68c48630311c5c97db50159c3076fa5b17a43d (diff)
parent560f73141afbc1ef41d6c8acb3974b3632ad6f25 (diff)
Merge branch 'dgud/remove-gs-apps/OTP-10915'
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/tv/src/tv_db_search.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 475 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tv/src/tv_db_search.erl b/lib/tv/src/tv_db_search.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index edfa57df04..0000000000
--- a/lib/tv/src/tv_db_search.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2012. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%%% Description: Code for the search window.
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,config,2}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,destroy,1}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,entry,3}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,frame,2}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,label,2}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,label,3}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,listbox,3}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,radiobutton,3}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,read,2}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,start,0}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,window,3}}]).
- resize_window/1,
- reset_window/1,
- destroy_window/1,
- mark_busy/1,
- mark_nonbusy/1,
- get_input_and_search/3,
- update_search/4,
- string_to_term/1
- ]).
--define(WIN_WIDTH, 445).
--define(SMALL_WIN_HEIGHT, 117).
--define(BIG_WIN_HEIGHT, 335).
--define(FRAME_WIDTH, 429). % 334
--define(OLD_FRAME_WIDTH, 334).
--define(FRAME_HEIGHT, 105).
--define(FRAME_XPOS, (10-2)).
--define(FRAME_YPOS, 10).
--define(ENTRY_XPOS, 9).
--define(ENTRY_YPOS, 31).
--define(LISTBOX_HEIGHT, 162).
--define(BTN_WIDTH, 80).
--define(BTN_HEIGHT, 30).
--define(BG_COLOUR, {217,217,217}).
-create_window(true) ->
- gs:config(win, [raise]);
-create_window(false) ->
- gs:window(win, gs:start(), [{width,?WIN_WIDTH},
- {height,?SMALL_WIN_HEIGHT},
- {data,small},
- {bg,?BG_COLOUR},
- {title,"[TV] Search Object"},
- {destroy,true},
- {configure,true},
- {cursor,arrow}
- ]),
- F = gs:frame(win, [{width,?FRAME_WIDTH},
- {height,?FRAME_HEIGHT},
- {x,?FRAME_XPOS},
- {y,?FRAME_YPOS},
- {bw,2},
- {bg,?BG_COLOUR}
- ]),
- gs:label(F, [{width,80},
- {height,25},
- {x,?ENTRY_XPOS+2},
- {y,8},
- {align,w},
- {bg,?BG_COLOUR},
- {fg, {0,0,0}},
- {label, {text,"Search for:"}}
- ]),
- gs:entry(entry, F, [{width,?ENTRY_WIDTH},
- {height,30},
- {x,?ENTRY_XPOS},
- {y,?ENTRY_YPOS},
- {insert, {0,"<Search expression>"}},
- {bg, {255,255,255}},
- {fg, {0,0,0}},
- {cursor,text},
- {justify,left},
- {keypress,true},
- {setfocus,true}
- ]),
- Group = list_to_atom("expr" ++ pid_to_list(self())),
- RadioWidth = round(?ENTRY_WIDTH / 2),
- gs:radiobutton(expr_term, F, [{width,RadioWidth - 45},
- {height,25},
- {x,?ENTRY_XPOS},
- {y,?ENTRY_YPOS+40},
- {group,Group},
- {align, c},
- {label,{text,"as term"}},
- {select,true}
- ]),
- gs:radiobutton(expr_regexp, F, [{width,RadioWidth + 45},
- {height,25},
- {x,?ENTRY_XPOS+RadioWidth-20-26},
- {y,?ENTRY_YPOS+40},
- {group,Group},
- {align,c},
- {label,{text,"as regular expression"}}
- ]),
- gs:button(search, F, [{width,?BTN_WIDTH},
- {height,?BTN_HEIGHT},
- {x,?BTN_XPOS},
- {y,11},
- {label, {text,"Search"}},
- {bg,?BG_COLOUR},
- {fg, {0,0,0}}
- ]),
- gs:button(cancel, F, [{width,?BTN_WIDTH},
- {height,?BTN_HEIGHT},
- {x,?BTN_XPOS},
- {y,?BTN_HEIGHT+11+10},
- {label, {text,"Cancel"}},
- {data,cancel},
- {bg,?BG_COLOUR},
- {fg, {0,0,0}}
- ]),
- expand_window(),
- gs:config(entry, [{select, {0,1000}}]),
- gs:config(win, [{map,true}]).
-resize_window(false) ->
- done;
-resize_window(true) ->
- gs:config(win, [{width,?WIN_WIDTH},
- {height,?BIG_WIN_HEIGHT}
- ]).
-reset_window(false) ->
- done;
-reset_window(true) ->
- gs:config(listbox, [clear]),
- gs:config(objects_found, [{label, {text,""}}]).
-destroy_window(false) ->
- done;
-destroy_window(true) ->
- gs:destroy(win).
-mark_busy(false) ->
- done;
-mark_busy(true) ->
- gs:config(win, [{cursor,busy}]),
- gs:config(entry, [{cursor,busy}]).
-mark_nonbusy(false) ->
- done;
-mark_nonbusy(true) ->
- gs:config(win, [{cursor,arrow}]),
- gs:config(entry, [{cursor,text}]).
-get_input_and_search(DbList, IsRegExp, ListAsStr) ->
- get_input_and_search(DbList, IsRegExp, true, ListAsStr).
-get_input_and_search(DbList, IsRegExp, Notify, ListAsStr) ->
- Str = get_entry_text(),
- StrConvRes = case IsRegExp of
- true ->
- string_to_regexp(Str);
- false ->
- string_to_term(Str)
- end,
- case StrConvRes of
- {ok, TermOrRE} ->
- search(IsRegExp, TermOrRE, DbList, ListAsStr);
- {error, {_Reason, Msg}} when Notify ->
- gs:config(win, [beep]),
- tv_utils:notify(win, "TV Notification", Msg);
- {error, {_Reason, _Msg}} ->
- done
- end.
-update_search(false, _DbList, _IsRegExp, _ListAsStr) ->
- done;
-update_search(true, DbList, true, ListAsStr) ->
- get_input_and_search(DbList, false, false, ListAsStr);
-update_search(true, DbList, false, ListAsStr) ->
- get_input_and_search(DbList, true, false, ListAsStr).
-get_entry_text() ->
- gs:read(entry,text).
-string_to_regexp(Str) ->
- case re:compile(Str) of
- {ok, RegExp} ->
- {ok, RegExp};
- {error, _Error} ->
- case get(error_msg_mode) of
- normal ->
- {error, {not_a_regexp, "Please enter a regular expression!"}};
- haiku ->
- {error, {not_a_regexp, ["Being incorrect",
- "The regular expression",
- "Must now be retyped."]}}
- end
- end.
-string_to_term(Str) ->
- case catch erl_scan:string(Str ++ ". ") of
- {ok, ScannedStr, _No} ->
- case erl_parse:parse_term(ScannedStr) of
- {ok, Term} ->
- {ok, Term};
- _Other ->
- %% May be a PID, have to check this, since erl_scan
- %% currently cannot handle this case... :-(
- case catch list_to_pid(Str) of
- Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- {ok, Pid};
- _Error ->
- case get(error_msg_mode) of
- normal ->
- {error, {not_a_term, "Please enter a valid term!"}};
- haiku ->
- {error, {not_a_term, ["Aborted effort.",
- "Reflect, repent and retype:",
- "Enter valid term."]}}
- end
- end
- end;
- _Error ->
- case get(error_msg_mode) of
- normal ->
- {error, {not_a_term, "Please enter a valid term!"}};
- haiku ->
- {error, {not_a_term, ["Aborted effort.",
- "Reflect, repent and retype:",
- "Enter valid term."]}}
- end
- end.
-search(IsRegExp, SearchValue, DbList, ListAsStr) ->
- gs:config(cancel, [{label, {text,"Stop"}}]),
- mark_busy(true),
- reset_window(true),
- SearchRes = traverse(SearchValue, DbList, 1, length(DbList), [], IsRegExp, ListAsStr),
- gs:config(cancel, [{label, {text,"Cancel"}}]),
- mark_nonbusy(true),
- SearchRes.
-expand_window() ->
- gs:listbox(listbox, win, [{width,?LISTBOX_WIDTH},
- {height,?LISTBOX_HEIGHT},
- {bg, {255,255,255}},
- {fg, {0,0,0}},
- {scrollbg,?BG_COLOUR},
- {scrollfg,?BG_COLOUR},
- {hscroll,bottom},
- {vscroll,right},
- {click,true},
- {doubleclick,false},
- {selectmode,single}
- ]),
- gs:label(objects_found, win, [{width,?LISTBOX_WIDTH},
- {height,25},
- {align,w},
- {bg,?BG_COLOUR},
- {fg, {0,0,0}}
- ]),
- gs:config(win, [{width,?WIN_WIDTH},
- {height,?BIG_WIN_HEIGHT}
- ]).
-traverse(Pattern, [Object | T], Row, Length, Acc, IsRegExp, ListAsStr) ->
- SearchRes =
- case IsRegExp of
- true ->
- search_for_regexp(Pattern, Object, ListAsStr);
- false ->
- compare_terms(Pattern, Object)
- end,
- NewAcc
- = case SearchRes of
- found ->
- RowStr = integer_to_list(Row),
- LengthStr = integer_to_list(Length),
- ObjectStr = case ListAsStr of
- true ->
- lists:flatten(tv_io_lib:format("~p", [Object]));
- false ->
- lists:flatten(tv_io_lib:write(Object))
- end,
- gs:config(listbox,
- [{add,
- " Row " ++ RowStr ++ ":" ++
- lists:duplicate(length(LengthStr)-length(RowStr), " ") ++
- " " ++ ObjectStr}
- ]),
- gs:config(objects_found,
- [{label,
- {text,integer_to_list(length(Acc)+1) ++
- " object(s) found"}}
- ]),
- [{Row,Object} | Acc];
- not_found ->
- Acc
- end,
- receive
- {gs,cancel,click,_Data,_Args} ->
- gs:config(objects_found,
- [{label,
- {text,integer_to_list(gs:read(listbox,size)) ++
- " object(s) found"}}
- ]),
- lists:reverse(NewAcc)
- after
- 0 ->
- traverse(Pattern, T, Row+1, Length, NewAcc, IsRegExp, ListAsStr)
- end;
-traverse(_Pattern, [], _N, _Length, Acc, _IsRegExp, _ListAsStr) ->
- gs:config(objects_found,
- [{label,
- {text,integer_to_list(gs:read(listbox,size)) ++
- " object(s) found"}}
- ]),
- lists:reverse(Acc).
-search_for_regexp(Pattern, Elem, ListAsStr) ->
- ListToSearch =
- case ListAsStr of
- true ->
- lists:flatten(tv_io_lib:format("~p", [Elem]));
- false ->
- lists:flatten(tv_io_lib:write(Elem))
- end,
- case re:run(ListToSearch, Pattern, [{capture,none}]) of
- match ->
- found;
- nomatch ->
- not_found
- end.
-compare_terms(Term, Elem) when not is_tuple(Elem), not is_list(Elem), Term =/= Elem ->
- not_found;
-compare_terms(Term, Term) ->
- %% Even the case Term = "{}" or "[]"!!!
- found;
-compare_terms(Term, Elem) when is_list(Elem) ->
- traverse_list(Term, Elem);
-compare_terms(Term, Elem) when is_tuple(Elem) ->
- traverse_tuple(Term, Elem, 1, size(Elem)).
-traverse_tuple(Pattern, Tuple, N, Stop) when N =< Stop ->
- Elem = element(N,Tuple),
- case compare_terms(Pattern, Elem) of
- found ->
- found;
- not_found ->
- traverse_tuple(Pattern, Tuple, N+1, Stop)
- end;
-traverse_tuple(_Pattern, _Tuple, N, Stop) when N > Stop ->
- not_found.
-traverse_list(Pattern, [H | T]) ->
- case compare_terms(Pattern, H) of
- found ->
- found;
- not_found ->
- traverse_list(Pattern, T)
- end;
-traverse_list(_Pattern, []) ->
- not_found.