path: root/lib/wx/src
diff options
authorDan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>2016-08-19 10:13:11 +0200
committerDan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>2016-08-19 10:13:11 +0200
commit2bb55f7bb6c8aa534d84087da18736e431bb482b (patch)
treed70d197a4cf60d1b96b353b44a051090e685589c /lib/wx/src
parent08cece25cf519d35b97b5cf38619a51c53416129 (diff)
parent2757590a9d7e092dcbaf15c15354f7ccd0154219 (diff)
Merge branch 'maint'
* maint: wx: Add missing specs
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/wx/src')
3 files changed, 85 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/lib/wx/src/gen/wxListCtrl.erl b/lib/wx/src/gen/wxListCtrl.erl
index d1a063d900..851686062a 100644
--- a/lib/wx/src/gen/wxListCtrl.erl
+++ b/lib/wx/src/gen/wxListCtrl.erl
@@ -94,31 +94,34 @@ parent_class(_Class) -> erlang:error({badtype, ?MODULE}).
-type wxListCtrl() :: wx:wx_object().
-%% @spec () -> wxListCtrl()
%% @doc See <a href="http://www.wxwidgets.org/manuals/stable/wx_wxlistctrl.html#wxlistctrlwxlistctrl">external documentation</a>.
+-spec new() -> wxListCtrl().
new() ->
wxe_util:construct(?wxListCtrl_new_0, <<>>).
-%% @spec (Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow()) -> wxListCtrl()
-%% @equiv new(Parent, [])
+-spec new(Parent) -> wxListCtrl() when
+ Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow().
when is_record(Parent, wx_ref) ->
new(Parent, []).
-%% @spec (Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow(), [Option]) -> wxListCtrl()
-%% Option = {winid, integer()} |
-%% {pos, {X::integer(),Y::integer()}} |
-%% {size, {W::integer(),H::integer()}} |
-%% {style, integer()} |
-%% {validator, wx:wx()} |
-%% {onGetItemText, OnGetItemText} |
-%% {onGetItemAttr, OnGetItemAttr} |
-%% {onGetItemColumnImage, OnGetItemColumnImage}
+%% @doc Creates a listctrl with optional callback functions:
-%% OnGetItemText = (This, Item, Column) -> wxString()
-%% OnGetItemAttr = (This, Item) -> wxListItemAttr()
+%% OnGetItemText = (This, Item, Column) -> unicode:charlist()
+%% OnGetItemAttr = (This, Item) -> wxListItemAttr:wxListItemAttr()
%% OnGetItemColumnImage = (This, Item, Column) -> integer()
-%% @doc See <a href="http://www.wxwidgets.org/manuals/stable/wx_wxlistctrl.html#wxlistctrlwxlistctrl">external documentation</a>.
+%% See <a href="http://www.wxwidgets.org/manuals/stable/wx_wxlistctrl.html#wxlistctrlwxlistctrl">external documentation</a>.
+-spec new(Parent, [Option]) -> wxListCtrl() when
+ Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow(),
+ Option::{winid, integer()} |
+ {pos, {X::integer(),Y::integer()}} |
+ {size, {W::integer(),H::integer()}} |
+ {style, integer()} |
+ {validator, wx:wx_object()} |
+ {onGetItemText, function()} |
+ {onGetItemAttr, function()} |
+ {onGetItemColumnImage, function()}.
new(#wx_ref{type=ParentT,ref=ParentRef}, Options)
when is_list(Options)->
@@ -185,26 +188,27 @@ clearAll(#wx_ref{type=ThisT,ref=ThisRef}) ->
-%% @spec (This::wxListCtrl(), Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow()) -> bool()
%% @equiv create(This,Parent, [])
+-spec create(This, Parent) -> wxListCtrl() when
+ This::wxWindow:wxWindow(),
+ Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow().
when is_record(This, wx_ref),is_record(Parent, wx_ref) ->
create(This,Parent, []).
-%% @spec (This::wxListCtrl(), Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow(), [Option]) -> bool()
-%% Option = {winid, integer()} |
-%% {pos, {X::integer(),Y::integer()}} |
-%% {size, {W::integer(),H::integer()}} |
-%% {style, integer()} |
-%% {validator, wx:wx()} |
-%% {onGetItemText, OnGetItemText} |
-%% {onGetItemAttr, OnGetItemAttr} |
-%% {onGetItemColumnImage, OnGetItemColumnImage}
-%% OnGetItemText = (This, Item, Column) -> wxString()
-%% OnGetItemAttr = (This, Item) -> wxListItemAttr()
-%% OnGetItemColumnImage = (This, Item, Column) -> integer()
%% @doc See <a href="http://www.wxwidgets.org/manuals/stable/wx_wxlistctrl.html#wxlistctrlcreate">external documentation</a>.
+-spec create(This, Parent, [Option]) -> wxListCtrl() when
+ This::wxWindow:wxWindow(),
+ Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow(),
+ Option::{winid, integer()} |
+ {pos, {X::integer(),Y::integer()}} |
+ {size, {W::integer(),H::integer()}} |
+ {style, integer()} |
+ {validator, wx:wx_object()} |
+ {onGetItemText, function()} |
+ {onGetItemAttr, function()} |
+ {onGetItemColumnImage, function()}.
create(#wx_ref{type=ThisT,ref=ThisRef},#wx_ref{type=ParentT,ref=ParentRef}, Options)
when is_list(Options) ->
diff --git a/lib/wx/src/gen/wxXmlResource.erl b/lib/wx/src/gen/wxXmlResource.erl
index ae02c74751..aa65b8b04e 100644
--- a/lib/wx/src/gen/wxXmlResource.erl
+++ b/lib/wx/src/gen/wxXmlResource.erl
@@ -334,8 +334,6 @@ unload(#wx_ref{type=ThisT,ref=ThisRef},Filename)
<<ThisRef:32/?UI,(byte_size(Filename_UC)):32/?UI,(Filename_UC)/binary, 0:(((8- ((0+byte_size(Filename_UC)) band 16#7)) band 16#7))/unit:8>>).
-%% @spec (Window::wxWindow:wxWindow(),Name::string(), Type::atom()) -> wx:wxObject()
%% @doc Looks up a control with Name in a window created with XML
%% resources. You can use it to set/get values from controls.
%% The object is type casted to <b>Type</b>.
@@ -345,6 +343,10 @@ unload(#wx_ref{type=ThisT,ref=ThisRef},Filename)
%% true = wxXmlResource:loadDialog(Xrc, Dlg, Frame, "controls_dialog"), <br />
%% LCtrl = xrcctrl(Dlg, "controls_listctrl", wxListCtrl), <br />
%% wxListCtrl:insertColumn(LCtrl, 0, "Name", [{width, 200}]), <br />
+-spec xrcctrl(Window, Name, Type) -> wx:wx_object() when
+ Window::wxWindow:wxWindow(),
+ Name::string(),
+ Type::atom().
xrcctrl(Window = #wx_ref{}, Name, Type) when is_list(Name), is_atom(Type) ->
%% Func Id ?wxXmlResource_xrcctrl
diff --git a/lib/wx/src/wx_object.erl b/lib/wx/src/wx_object.erl
index 40ee308358..40170b6eb1 100644
--- a/lib/wx/src/wx_object.erl
+++ b/lib/wx/src/wx_object.erl
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
%% When stop is returned in one of the functions above with Reason =
%% normal | shutdown | Term, terminate(State) is called. It lets the
%% user module clean up, it is always called when server terminates or
-%% when wxObject() in the driver is deleted. If the Parent process
+%% when wx_object() in the driver is deleted. If the Parent process
%% terminates the Module:terminate/2 function is called. <br/>
%% terminate(Reason, State)
@@ -171,58 +171,59 @@
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
-%% @spec (Mod, Args, Options) -> wxWindow:wxWindow()
-%% Mod = atom()
-%% Args = term()
-%% Options = [{timeout, Timeout} | {debug, [Flag]}]
-%% Flag = trace | log | {logfile, File} | statistics | debug
%% @doc Starts a generic wx_object server and invokes Mod:init(Args) in the
%% new process.
+-spec start(Mod, Args, Options) -> wxWindow:wxWindow() | {error, term()} when
+ Mod::atom(),
+ Args::term(),
+ Flag::trace | log | {logfile, string()} | statistics | debug,
+ Options::[{timeout, timeout()} | {debug, [Flag]}].
start(Mod, Args, Options) ->
gen_response(gen:start(?MODULE, nolink, Mod, Args, [get(?WXE_IDENTIFIER)|Options])).
-%% @spec (Name, Mod, Args, Options) -> wxWindow:wxWindow()
-%% Name = {local, atom()}
-%% Mod = atom()
-%% Args = term()
-%% Options = [{timeout, Timeout} | {debug, [Flag]}]
-%% Flag = trace | log | {logfile, File} | statistics | debug
%% @doc Starts a generic wx_object server and invokes Mod:init(Args) in the
%% new process.
+-spec start(Name, Mod, Args, Options) -> wxWindow:wxWindow() | {error, term()} when
+ Name::{local, atom()},
+ Mod::atom(),
+ Args::term(),
+ Flag::trace | log | {logfile, string()} | statistics | debug,
+ Options::[{timeout, timeout()} | {debug, [Flag]}].
start(Name, Mod, Args, Options) ->
gen_response(gen:start(?MODULE, nolink, Name, Mod, Args, [get(?WXE_IDENTIFIER)|Options])).
-%% @spec (Mod, Args, Options) -> wxWindow:wxWindow()
-%% Mod = atom()
-%% Args = term()
-%% Options = [{timeout, Timeout} | {debug, [Flag]}]
-%% Flag = trace | log | {logfile, File} | statistics | debug
%% @doc Starts a generic wx_object server and invokes Mod:init(Args) in the
%% new process.
+-spec start_link(Mod, Args, Options) -> wxWindow:wxWindow() | {error, term()} when
+ Mod::atom(),
+ Args::term(),
+ Flag::trace | log | {logfile, string()} | statistics | debug,
+ Options::[{timeout, timeout()} | {debug, [Flag]}].
start_link(Mod, Args, Options) ->
gen_response(gen:start(?MODULE, link, Mod, Args, [get(?WXE_IDENTIFIER)|Options])).
-%% @spec (Name, Mod, Args, Options) -> wxWindow:wxWindow()
-%% Name = {local, atom()}
-%% Mod = atom()
-%% Args = term()
-%% Options = [{timeout, Timeout} | {debug, [Flag]}]
-%% Flag = trace | log | {logfile, File} | statistics | debug
%% @doc Starts a generic wx_object server and invokes Mod:init(Args) in the
%% new process.
+-spec start_link(Name, Mod, Args, Options) -> wxWindow:wxWindow() | {error, term()} when
+ Name::{local, atom()},
+ Mod::atom(),
+ Args::term(),
+ Flag::trace | log | {logfile, string()} | statistics | debug,
+ Options::[{timeout, timeout()} | {debug, [Flag]}].
start_link(Name, Mod, Args, Options) ->
gen_response(gen:start(?MODULE, link, Name, Mod, Args, [get(?WXE_IDENTIFIER)|Options])).
gen_response({ok, Pid}) ->
receive {ack, Pid, Ref = #wx_ref{}} -> Ref end;
gen_response(Reply) ->
-%% @spec (Ref::wxObject()|atom()|pid()) -> ok
%% @doc Stops a generic wx_object server with reason 'normal'.
%% Invokes terminate(Reason,State) in the server. The call waits until
%% the process is terminated. If the process does not exist, an
%% exception is raised.
+-spec stop(Obj) -> ok when
+ Obj::wx:wx_object()|atom()|pid().
stop(Ref = #wx_ref{state=Pid}) when is_pid(Pid) ->
@@ -236,11 +237,14 @@ stop(Name) when is_atom(Name) orelse is_pid(Name) ->
erlang:error({ExitReason, {?MODULE, stop, [Name]}})
-%% @spec (Ref::wxObject()|atom()|pid(), Reason::term(), Timeout::timeout()) -> ok
%% @doc Stops a generic wx_object server with the given Reason.
%% Invokes terminate(Reason,State) in the server. The call waits until
%% the process is terminated. If the call times out, or if the process
%% does not exist, an exception is raised.
+-spec stop(Obj, Reason, Timeout) -> ok when
+ Obj::wx:wx_object()|atom()|pid(),
+ Reason::term(),
+ Timeout::timeout().
stop(Ref = #wx_ref{state=Pid}, Reason, Timeout) when is_pid(Pid) ->
gen:stop(Pid, Reason, Timeout)
@@ -254,12 +258,14 @@ stop(Name, Reason, Timeout) when is_atom(Name) orelse is_pid(Name) ->
erlang:error({ExitReason, {?MODULE, stop, [Name, Reason, Timeout]}})
-%% @spec (Ref::wxObject()|atom()|pid(), Request::term()) -> term()
%% @doc Make a call to a wx_object server.
%% The call waits until it gets a result.
%% Invokes handle_call(Request, From, State) in the server
+-spec call(Obj, Request) -> term() when
+ Obj::wx:wx_object()|atom()|pid(),
+ Request::term().
call(Ref = #wx_ref{state=Pid}, Request) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- try
+ try
{ok,Res} = gen:call(Pid, '$gen_call', Request, infinity),
catch _:Reason ->
@@ -272,10 +278,13 @@ call(Name, Request) when is_atom(Name) orelse is_pid(Name) ->
catch _:Reason ->
erlang:error({Reason, {?MODULE, call, [Name, Request]}})
-%% @spec (Ref::wxObject()|atom()|pid(), Request::term(), Timeout::integer()) -> term()
%% @doc Make a call to a wx_object server with a timeout.
%% Invokes handle_call(Request, From, State) in server
+-spec call(Obj, Request, Timeout) -> term() when
+ Obj::wx:wx_object()|atom()|pid(),
+ Request::term(),
+ Timeout::integer().
call(Ref = #wx_ref{state=Pid}, Request, Timeout) when is_pid(Pid) ->
{ok,Res} = gen:call(Pid, '$gen_call', Request, Timeout),
@@ -291,10 +300,11 @@ call(Name, Request, Timeout) when is_atom(Name) orelse is_pid(Name) ->
erlang:error({Reason, {?MODULE, call, [Name, Request, Timeout]}})
-%% @spec (Ref::wxObject()|atom()|pid(), Request::term()) -> ok
%% @doc Make a cast to a wx_object server.
%% Invokes handle_cast(Request, State) in the server
+-spec cast(Obj, Request) -> ok when
+ Obj::wx:wx_object()|atom()|pid(),
+ Request::term().
cast(#wx_ref{state=Pid}, Request) when is_pid(Pid) ->
Pid ! {'$gen_cast',Request},
@@ -302,21 +312,23 @@ cast(Name, Request) when is_atom(Name) orelse is_pid(Name) ->
Name ! {'$gen_cast',Request},
-%% @spec (Ref::wxObject()) -> pid()
%% @doc Get the pid of the object handle.
+-spec get_pid(Obj) -> pid() when
+ Obj::wx:wx_object()|atom()|pid().
get_pid(#wx_ref{state=Pid}) when is_pid(Pid) ->
-%% @spec (Ref::wxObject(), pid()) -> wxObject()
%% @doc Sets the controlling process of the object handle.
+-spec set_pid(Obj, pid()) -> wx:wx_object() when
+ Obj::wx:wx_object()|atom()|pid().
set_pid(#wx_ref{}=R, Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
%% Send a reply to the client.
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
-%% @spec (From::tuple(), Reply::term()) -> pid()
%% @doc Get the pid of the object handle.
+-spec reply({pid(), Tag::term()}, Reply::term()) -> pid().
reply({To, Tag}, Reply) ->
catch To ! {Tag, Reply}.