path: root/lib/xmerl/test/xmerl_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorLars Thorsen <[email protected]>2011-04-15 12:52:05 +0200
committerLars Thorsen <[email protected]>2011-05-10 09:13:24 +0200
commit111410b7809269d8dec37722d6723d250c412cda (patch)
tree75deb47dc115142e3796f6e87736f6c4d3c20216 /lib/xmerl/test/xmerl_SUITE.erl
parent824a6db3ff111f8d2427ac5adad0362bf078630a (diff)
Using the same testdata for testing xmerl_scan and xmerl_sax_parser.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/xmerl/test/xmerl_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/lib/xmerl/test/xmerl_SUITE.erl b/lib/xmerl/test/xmerl_SUITE.erl
index 2061c32b3f..9b65232fe7 100644
--- a/lib/xmerl/test/xmerl_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/xmerl/test/xmerl_SUITE.erl
@@ -265,37 +265,278 @@ testXSEIF(Config) ->
export_simple1(suite) -> [];
export_simple1(Config) ->
- ?line ok = xmerl_test_lib:export_simple1(Config).
+ Simple = simple(),
+ Res = xmerl:export_simple(Simple,xmerl_xml,[{title, "Doc Title"}]),
+ ?line "<?xml version="++_ = lists:flatten(Res),
+ %% Use of fun in simple content OTP-6679
+ Simple2 = simple2(),
+ Res2 = xmerl:export_simple(Simple2,xmerl_xml,[{title,"Doc Title"}]),
+ ?line true = (Res2 =:= Res),
+ ok.
export(suite) -> [];
export(Config) ->
- ?line ok = xmerl_test_lib:export(Config).
+ DataDir = ?config(data_dir,Config),
+ Prolog = ["<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n<!DOCTYPE motorcycles SYSTEM \"motorcycles.dtd\">\n"],
+ TestFile = filename:join([DataDir,"misc","motorcycles.xml"]),
+ ?line {E,_} = xmerl_scan:file(TestFile),
+ ?line Exported = xmerl:export([E],xmerl_xml,[{prolog,Prolog}]),
+ B = list_to_binary(Exported++"\n"),
+ ?line {ok,B} = file:read_file(TestFile),
+ ok.
sax_parse_and_export(suite) -> [];
sax_parse_and_export(Config) ->
- ?line ok = xmerl_test_lib:sax_parse_export_xml_big(Config),
- ?line ok = xmerl_test_lib:sax_parse_export_xml_small(Config).
+ ?line ok = sax_parse_export_xml_big(Config),
+ ?line ok = sax_parse_export_xml_small(Config).
+sax_parse_export_xml_big(Config) ->
+ DataDir = ?config(data_dir,Config),
+ OutDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
+ io:format("DataDir: ~p~n,OutDir:~p~n",[DataDir,OutDir]),
+ CMOMxml = filename:join([DataDir,"eventp","CMOM.xml"]),
+ ?line {Ex,[]} = xmerl_eventp:file_sax(CMOMxml, xmerl_xml,[],[]),
+ OutFile = filename:join([OutDir,"cmom"]),
+ file:delete(OutFile),
+ StubFile = filename:join([DataDir,"eventp","CelloMOM.stub"]),
+ ?line {ok,Bin} = file:read_file(StubFile),
+ ?line {ok,IO} = file:open(OutFile,[write,append]),
+ ?line ok = file:write(IO,Bin),
+ ?line ok = io:format(IO,"~s~n~n",[lists:flatten(Ex)]),
+ Cmd = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("cmp ~s ~s",[OutFile,CMOMxml])),
+ ?line [] = os:cmd(Cmd),
+ ok.
+sax_parse_export_xml_small(Config) ->
+ DataDir = ?config(data_dir,Config),
+ OutDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
+ Wurfl_xml = filename:join([DataDir,"eventp","wurfl.xml"]),
+ ?line {Ex,[]} = xmerl_eventp:file_sax(Wurfl_xml, xmerl_xml,[],[]),
+ OutFile = filename:join([OutDir,"wrfl"]),
+ file:delete(OutFile),
+ StubFile = filename:join([DataDir,"eventp","wurfl.stub"]),
+ ?line {ok,Bin} = file:read_file(StubFile),
+ ?line {ok,IO} = file:open(OutFile,[write,append]),
+ ?line ok = file:write(IO,Bin),
+ ?line ok = io:format(IO,"~s~n",[lists:flatten(Ex)]),
+ Cmd = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("cmp ~s ~s",[OutFile,Wurfl_xml])),
+ ?line [] = os:cmd(Cmd),
+ ok.
+simple() ->
+ [{document,
+ [{title, "Doc Title"}, {author, "Ulf Wiger"}],
+ [{section,
+ [{heading, "heading1"}],
+ [{'P', ["This is a paragraph of text."]},
+ {section,
+ [{heading, "heading2"}],
+ [{'P', ["This is another paragraph."]},
+ {table,
+ [{border, 1}],
+ [{heading,
+ [{col, ["head1"]},
+ {col, ["head2"]}]},
+ {row,
+ [{col, ["col11"]},
+ {col, ["col12"]}]},
+ {row,
+ [{col, ["col21"]},
+ {col, ["col22"]}]}]}]}]}]}].
+simple2() ->
+ GenC = fun ?MODULE:generate_section/1,
+ GenA = fun ?MODULE:generate_attr_title/1,
+ [{document,[{GenA,2}],[{GenC,1}]}].
+generate_attr_title(0) ->
+ done;
+generate_attr_title(1) ->
+ {{title,"Doc Title"},0};
+generate_attr_title(2) ->
+ {{author, "Ulf Wiger"},1}.
+generate_section(0) ->
+ done;
+generate_section(N) ->
+ GenC = fun ?MODULE:generate_section_content/1,
+ GenA = fun ?MODULE:generate_section_attribute/1,
+ {{section,[{GenA,1}],[{GenC,2}]},N-1}.
+generate_section_attribute(0) ->
+ done;
+generate_section_attribute(N) ->
+ {{heading, "heading1"},N-1}.
+generate_subsection_content(0) ->
+ done;
+generate_subsection_content(1) ->
+ {{'P',["This is another paragraph."]},0};
+generate_subsection_content(N) ->
+ {{table,[{fun ?MODULE:generate_border_attribute/1,1}],
+ [{fun ?MODULE:generate_table_content/1,2}]},N-1}.
+generate_section_content(0) ->
+ done;
+generate_section_content(1) ->
+ {{'P',["This is a paragraph of text."]},0};
+generate_section_content(N) ->
+ {{section,[{heading,"heading2"}],
+ [{fun ?MODULE:generate_subsection_content/1,2}]},N-1}.
+generate_border_attribute(0) ->
+ done;
+generate_border_attribute(N) ->
+ {{border,N},N-1}.
+generate_table_content(0) ->
+ done;
+generate_table_content(1) ->
+ {{fun ?MODULE:generate_heading/1,1},0};
+generate_table_content(N) ->
+ {{fun ?MODULE:generate_row/1, {2,2}},N-1}.
+generate_row({0,_}) ->
+ done;
+generate_row(N) ->
+ UpdateS = fun({2,_}) -> {1,2};(_) -> {0,0} end,
+ {{row,[{fun ?MODULE:generate_row_col/1, N}]},UpdateS(N)}.
+generate_row_col({_,0}) ->
+ done;
+generate_row_col(N={C,R}) ->
+ UpdateS = fun({X,Y}) -> {X,Y-1} end,
+ {{col,[lists:concat(["col",C,R])]},UpdateS(N)}.
+generate_heading(0) ->
+ done;
+generate_heading(N) ->
+ {{heading,[{fun ?MODULE:generate_heading_col/1,2}]},N-1}.
+generate_heading_col(0) ->
+ done;
+generate_heading_col(N) ->
+ {{col,[lists:concat(["head",N])]},N-1}.
+%% Ticket Tests
+%% ticket_5998
+%% A Kleene Closure child in a sequence consumed all following
+%% childs. This problem has been fixed.
ticket_5998(suite) -> [];
ticket_5998(Config) ->
- ?line ok = xmerl_test_lib:ticket_5998(Config).
+ DataDir = ?config(data_dir,Config),
+ %% First fix is tested by case syntax_bug2.
+ ?line case catch xmerl_scan:file(filename:join([DataDir,misc,
+ "ticket_5998_2.xml"])) of
+ {'EXIT',{fatal,Reason1}} ->
+ case Reason1 of
+ {{endtag_does_not_match,
+ {was,obj,should_have_been,int}},
+ _,_,_} -> ok;
+ _ -> {comment,"parsing changed behaviour"}
+ end
+ end,
+ ?line case catch xmerl_scan:file(filename:join([DataDir,misc,
+ "ticket_5998_3.xml"])) of
+ {'EXIT',{fatal,Reason2}} ->
+ case Reason2 of
+ {"expected one of: ?>, standalone, encoding",
+ _,_,_} -> ok;
+ _ -> {comment,"parsing changed behaviour"}
+ end
+ end.
+%% ticket_7211
+%% A Kleene Closure child in a sequence consumed all following
+%% childs. This problem has been fixed.
ticket_7211(suite) -> [];
ticket_7211(Config) ->
- ?line ok = xmerl_test_lib:ticket_7211(Config).
+ DataDir = ?config(data_dir,Config),
+ ?line {E,[]} =
+ xmerl_scan:file(filename:join([DataDir,misc,"notes2.xml"]),
+ [{fetch_path,[filename:join([DataDir,misc,erlang_docs_dtd])]},
+ {validation,dtd}]),
+ ?line ok = case E of
+ Rec when is_record(Rec,xmlElement) ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ E
+ end,
+ ?line {E2,[]} =
+ xmerl_scan:file(filename:join([DataDir,misc,"XS.xml"]),
+ [{fetch_path,[filename:join([DataDir,misc,erlang_docs_dtd])]},
+ {validation,dtd}]),
+ ?line ok = case E2 of
+ Rec2 when is_record(Rec2,xmlElement) ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ E2
+ end.
+%% ticket_7214
+%% Now validating xhtml1-transitional.dtd.
+%% A certain contentspec with a succeding choice, that didn't match
+%% all content, followed by other child elements caused a
+%% failure. This is now corrected.
ticket_7214(suite) -> [];
ticket_7214(Config) ->
- ?line ok = xmerl_test_lib:ticket_7214(Config).
+ DataDir = ?config(data_dir,Config),
+ ?line {E,[]} =
+ xmerl_scan:file(filename:join([DataDir,misc,'block_tags.html']),
+ [{validation,dtd},
+ {fetch_path,[filename:join([DataDir,misc,erlang_docs_dtd])]}]),
+ ?line ok = case E of
+ Rec when is_record(Rec,xmlElement) ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ E
+ end.
+%% ticket_7430
+%% Problem with contents of numeric character references followed by
+%% UTF-8 characters..
ticket_7430(suite) -> [];
ticket_7430(Config) ->
- ?line ok = xmerl_test_lib:ticket_7430(Config).
+ DataDir = ?config(data_dir,Config),
+ ?line {E,[]} =
+ xmerl_scan:string("<a>\303\251&#xD;\303\251</a>",
+ [{encoding, 'utf-8'}]),
+ ?line ok = case E of
+ {xmlElement,a,a,[],
+ {xmlNamespace,[],[]},
+ [],1,[],
+ [{xmlText,[{a,1}],1,[],"�",text},
+ {xmlText,[{a,1}],2,[],"\n�",text}],
+ [],_,undeclared} ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ E
+ end.
ticket_6873(suite) -> [];
ticket_6873(Config) ->
@@ -334,11 +575,6 @@ ticket_8697(Config) ->
?line [16#545C] = HexEntityText,
-% app_test(Config) ->
-% ?line xmerl_app_test:app().