path: root/lib
diff options
authorBjörn-Egil Dahlberg <egil@erlang.org>2013-06-05 14:36:49 +0200
committerBjörn-Egil Dahlberg <egil@erlang.org>2013-06-05 14:36:49 +0200
commitaf03cbc7b14fc504e181332d6902de109049725f (patch)
tree3a4b169b501d8b70110222625e9cb823ff1cda07 /lib
parent872987787b0d95b89c45920c8b5453a86580d201 (diff)
parent0fba8e9c2442151590d8e64103c8644b98a6cda0 (diff)
Merge branch 'maint'
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
4 files changed, 301 insertions, 199 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tools/doc/src/eprof.xml b/lib/tools/doc/src/eprof.xml
index 6c740fec1a..3ebacf5546 100644
--- a/lib/tools/doc/src/eprof.xml
+++ b/lib/tools/doc/src/eprof.xml
@@ -52,12 +52,14 @@
<name>start_profiling(Rootset) -> profiling | {error, Reason}</name>
<name>start_profiling(Rootset,Pattern) -> profiling | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <name>start_profiling(Rootset,Pattern,Options) -> profiling | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Start profiling.</fsummary>
<v>Rootset = [atom() | pid()]</v>
- <v>Pattern = {Module, Function, Arity}</v>
- <v>Module = Function = atom()</v>
- <v>Arity = integer()</v>
+ <v>Pattern = {Module, Function, Arity}</v>
+ <v>Module = Function = atom()</v>
+ <v>Arity = integer()</v>
+ <v>Options = [set_on_spawn]</v>
<v>Reason = term()</v>
@@ -70,6 +72,9 @@
<p>A pattern can be selected to narrow the profiling. For instance a
specific module can be selected, and only the code executed in that
module will be profiled.</p>
+ <p>The <c>set_on_spawn</c> option will active call time tracing for
+ all processes spawned by processes in the rootset. This is
+ the default behaviour.</p>
@@ -82,19 +87,22 @@
<name>profile(Fun) -> profiling | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <name>profile(Fun, Options) -> profiling | {error, Reason}</name>
<name>profile(Rootset) -> profiling | {error, Reason}</name>
<name>profile(Rootset,Fun) -> {ok, Value} | {error,Reason}</name>
<name>profile(Rootset,Fun,Pattern) -> {ok, Value} | {error, Reason}</name>
<name>profile(Rootset,Module,Function,Args) -> {ok, Value} | {error, Reason}</name>
<name>profile(Rootset,Module,Function,Args,Pattern) -> {ok, Value} | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <name>profile(Rootset,Module,Function,Args,Pattern,Options) -> {ok, Value} | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Start profiling.</fsummary>
<v>Rootset = [atom() | pid()]</v>
- <v>Fun = fun() -> term()</v>
- <v>Pattern = {Module, Function, Arity}</v>
+ <v>Fun = fun() -> term() end</v>
+ <v>Pattern = {Module, Function, Arity}</v>
<v>Module = Function = atom()</v>
<v>Args = [term()]</v>
- <v>Arity = integer()</v>
+ <v>Arity = integer()</v>
+ <v>Options = [set_on_spawn]</v>
<v>Value = Reason = term()</v>
@@ -108,8 +116,11 @@
<c>Rootset</c>, the function returns <c>{ok,Value}</c> when
<c>Fun()</c>/<c>apply</c> returns with the value <c>Value</c>, or
<c>{error,Reason}</c> if <c>Fun()</c>/<c>apply</c> fails with
- exit reason <c>Reason</c>. Otherwise it returns <c>{error, Reason}</c>
+ exit reason <c>Reason</c>. Otherwise it returns <c>{error, Reason}</c>
+ <p>The <c>set_on_spawn</c> option will active call time tracing for
+ all processes spawned by processes in the rootset. This is
+ the default behaviour.</p>
<p>The programmer must ensure that the function given as argument
is truly synchronous and that no work continues after
the function has returned a value.</p>
diff --git a/lib/tools/src/eprof.erl b/lib/tools/src/eprof.erl
index 87fdc1fa34..bc9345fa62 100644
--- a/lib/tools/src/eprof.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/src/eprof.erl
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
- start_profiling/1, start_profiling/2,
+ start_profiling/1, start_profiling/2, start_profiling/3,
profile/1, profile/2, profile/3, profile/4, profile/5,
analyze/0, analyze/1, analyze/2,
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
-record(bpd, {
n = 0, % number of total calls
us = 0, % sum of uS for all calls
@@ -46,14 +48,18 @@
mfa = [] % list of {Mfa, {Count, Us}}
+-define(default_options, [{set_on_spawn, true}]).
+-define(default_pattern, {'_','_','_'}).
-record(state, {
- profiling = false,
- pattern = {'_','_','_'},
- rootset = [],
- fd = undefined,
- start_ts = undefined,
- reply = undefined,
- bpd = #bpd{}
+ profiling = false,
+ pattern = ?default_pattern,
+ rootset = [],
+ trace_opts = [],
+ fd = undefined,
+ start_ts = undefined,
+ reply = undefined,
+ bpd = #bpd{}
@@ -67,26 +73,6 @@
start() -> gen_server:start({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
stop() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, stop, infinity).
-profile(Fun) when is_function(Fun) ->
- profile([], Fun);
-profile(Rs) when is_list(Rs) ->
- start_profiling(Rs).
-profile(Pids, Fun) ->
- profile(Pids, Fun, {'_','_','_'}).
-profile(Pids, Fun, Pattern) ->
- profile(Pids, erlang, apply, [Fun,[]], Pattern).
-profile(Pids, M, F, A) ->
- profile(Pids, M, F, A, {'_','_','_'}).
-profile(Pids, M, F, A, Pattern) ->
- start(),
- gen_server:call(?MODULE, {profile,Pids,Pattern,M,F,A},infinity).
-dump() ->
- gen_server:call(?MODULE, dump, infinity).
analyze() ->
@@ -98,17 +84,53 @@ analyze(Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
analyze(Type, Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {analyze, Type, Opts}, infinity).
+%% odd duck, should only been start_profiling/1
+profile(Rootset) when is_list(Rootset) ->
+ start_profiling(Rootset);
+profile(Fun) when is_function(Fun) ->
+ profile([], Fun).
+profile(Fun, Opts) when is_function(Fun), is_list(Opts) ->
+ profile([], erlang, apply, [Fun, []], ?default_pattern, Opts);
+profile(Rootset, Fun) when is_list(Rootset), is_function(Fun) ->
+ profile(Rootset, Fun, ?default_pattern).
+profile(Rootset, Fun, Pattern) when is_list(Rootset), is_function(Fun) ->
+ profile(Rootset, Fun, Pattern, ?default_options).
+profile(Rootset, Fun, Pattern, Options) when is_list(Rootset), is_function(Fun), is_list(Options) ->
+ profile(Rootset, erlang, apply, [Fun,[]], Pattern, Options);
+profile(Rootset, M, F, A) when is_list(Rootset), is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(A) ->
+ profile(Rootset, M, F, A, ?default_pattern).
+profile(Rootset, M, F, A, Pattern) when is_list(Rootset), is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(A) ->
+ profile(Rootset, M, F, A, Pattern, ?default_options).
+%% Returns when M:F/A has terminated
+profile(Rootset, M, F, A, Pattern, Options) ->
+ start(),
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {profile_start, Rootset, Pattern, {M,F,A}, Options}, infinity).
+dump() ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, dump, infinity).
log(File) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {logfile, File}, infinity).
+%% Does not block
start_profiling(Rootset) ->
- start_profiling(Rootset, {'_','_','_'}).
+ start_profiling(Rootset, ?default_pattern).
start_profiling(Rootset, Pattern) ->
+ start_profiling(Rootset, Pattern, ?default_options).
+start_profiling(Rootset, Pattern, Options) ->
- gen_server:call(?MODULE, {profile, Rootset, Pattern}, infinity).
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {profile_start, Rootset, Pattern, undefined, Options}, infinity).
stop_profiling() ->
- gen_server:call(?MODULE, stop_profiling, infinity).
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, profile_stop, infinity).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
@@ -151,74 +173,75 @@ handle_call({analyze, Type, _Opts}, _, S) ->
%% profile
-handle_call({profile, _Rootset, _Pattern, _M,_F,_A}, _From, #state{ profiling = true } = S) ->
+handle_call({profile_start, _Rootset, _Pattern, _MFA, _Opts}, _From, #state{ profiling = true } = S) ->
{reply, {error, already_profiling}, S};
-handle_call({profile, Rootset, Pattern, M,F,A}, From, #state{fd = Fd } = S) ->
+handle_call({profile_start, Rootset, Pattern, {M,F,A}, Opts}, From, #state{fd = Fd } = S) ->
+ ok = set_pattern_trace(false, S#state.pattern),
+ _ = set_process_trace(false, S#state.rootset, S#state.trace_opts),
- set_pattern_trace(false, S#state.pattern),
- set_process_trace(false, S#state.rootset),
+ Topts = get_trace_options(Opts),
+ Pid = setup_profiling(M,F,A),
- Pid = setup_profiling(M,F,A),
- case set_process_trace(true, [Pid|Rootset]) of
+ case set_process_trace(true, [Pid|Rootset], Topts) of
true ->
- set_pattern_trace(true, Pattern),
+ ok = set_pattern_trace(true, Pattern),
T0 = now(),
- execute_profiling(Pid),
+ ok = execute_profiling(Pid),
{noreply, #state{
- profiling = true,
- rootset = [Pid|Rootset],
- start_ts = T0,
- reply = From,
- fd = Fd,
- pattern = Pattern
+ profiling = true,
+ rootset = [Pid|Rootset],
+ start_ts = T0,
+ reply = From,
+ fd = Fd,
+ trace_opts = Topts,
+ pattern = Pattern
false ->
exit(Pid, eprof_kill),
{reply, error, #state{ fd = Fd}}
-handle_call({profile, _Rootset, _Pattern}, _From, #state{ profiling = true } = S) ->
- {reply, {error, already_profiling}, S};
-handle_call({profile, Rootset, Pattern}, From, #state{ fd = Fd } = S) ->
+handle_call({profile_start, Rootset, Pattern, undefined, Opts}, From, #state{ fd = Fd } = S) ->
- set_pattern_trace(false, S#state.pattern),
- set_process_trace(false, S#state.rootset),
+ ok = set_pattern_trace(false, S#state.pattern),
+ true = set_process_trace(false, S#state.rootset, S#state.trace_opts),
+ Topts = get_trace_options(Opts),
- case set_process_trace(true, Rootset) of
+ case set_process_trace(true, Rootset, Topts) of
true ->
T0 = now(),
- set_pattern_trace(true, Pattern),
+ ok = set_pattern_trace(true, Pattern),
{reply, profiling, #state{
- profiling = true,
- rootset = Rootset,
- start_ts = T0,
- reply = From,
- fd = Fd,
- pattern = Pattern
+ profiling = true,
+ rootset = Rootset,
+ start_ts = T0,
+ reply = From,
+ fd = Fd,
+ trace_opts = Topts,
+ pattern = Pattern
false ->
{reply, error, #state{ fd = Fd }}
-handle_call(stop_profiling, _From, #state{ profiling = false } = S) ->
+handle_call(profile_stop, _From, #state{ profiling = false } = S) ->
{reply, profiling_already_stopped, S};
-handle_call(stop_profiling, _From, #state{ profiling = true } = S) ->
- set_pattern_trace(pause, S#state.pattern),
+handle_call(profile_stop, _From, #state{ profiling = true } = S) ->
+ ok = set_pattern_trace(pause, S#state.pattern),
Bpd = collect_bpd(),
- set_process_trace(false, S#state.rootset),
- set_pattern_trace(false, S#state.pattern),
+ _ = set_process_trace(false, S#state.rootset, S#state.trace_opts),
+ ok = set_pattern_trace(false, S#state.pattern),
{reply, profiling_stopped, S#state{
- profiling = false,
- rootset = [],
- pattern = {'_','_','_'},
- bpd = Bpd
+ profiling = false,
+ rootset = [],
+ trace_opts = [],
+ pattern = ?default_pattern,
+ bpd = Bpd
%% logfile
@@ -261,33 +284,33 @@ handle_info({'EXIT', _, eprof_kill}, S) ->
{noreply, S};
handle_info({'EXIT', _, Reason}, #state{ reply = FromTag } = S) ->
- set_process_trace(false, S#state.rootset),
- set_pattern_trace(false, S#state.pattern),
+ _ = set_process_trace(false, S#state.rootset, S#state.trace_opts),
+ ok = set_pattern_trace(false, S#state.pattern),
gen_server:reply(FromTag, {error, Reason}),
{noreply, S#state{
- profiling = false,
- rootset = [],
- pattern = {'_','_','_'}
+ profiling = false,
+ rootset = [],
+ trace_opts = [],
+ pattern = ?default_pattern
% check if Pid is spawned process?
handle_info({_Pid, {answer, Result}}, #state{ reply = {From,_} = FromTag} = S) ->
- set_pattern_trace(pause, S#state.pattern),
- Bpd = collect_bpd(),
- set_process_trace(false, S#state.rootset),
- set_pattern_trace(false, S#state.pattern),
+ ok = set_pattern_trace(pause, S#state.pattern),
+ Bpd = collect_bpd(),
+ _ = set_process_trace(false, S#state.rootset, S#state.trace_opts),
+ ok = set_pattern_trace(false, S#state.pattern),
catch unlink(From),
gen_server:reply(FromTag, {ok, Result}),
{noreply, S#state{
- profiling = false,
- rootset = [],
- pattern = {'_','_','_'},
- bpd = Bpd
+ profiling = false,
+ rootset = [],
+ trace_opts = [],
+ pattern = ?default_pattern,
+ bpd = Bpd
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
@@ -297,11 +320,11 @@ handle_info({_Pid, {answer, Result}}, #state{ reply = {From,_} = FromTag} = S) -
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
terminate(_Reason, #state{ fd = undefined }) ->
- set_pattern_trace(false, {'_','_','_'}),
+ ok = set_pattern_trace(false, ?default_pattern),
terminate(_Reason, #state{ fd = Fd }) ->
- file:close(Fd),
- set_pattern_trace(false, {'_','_','_'}),
+ ok = file:close(Fd),
+ ok = set_pattern_trace(false, ?default_pattern),
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
@@ -330,7 +353,19 @@ spin_profile(M, F, A) ->
execute_profiling(Pid) ->
- Pid ! {self(), execute}.
+ Pid ! {self(), execute},
+ ok.
+get_trace_options([]) ->
+ [call];
+get_trace_options([{set_on_spawn, true}|Opts]) ->
+ [set_on_spawn | get_trace_options(Opts)];
+get_trace_options([set_on_spawn|Opts]) ->
+ [set_on_spawn | get_trace_options(Opts)];
+get_trace_options([_|Opts]) ->
+ get_trace_options(Opts).
set_pattern_trace(Flag, Pattern) ->
erlang:system_flag(multi_scheduling, block),
@@ -339,10 +374,6 @@ set_pattern_trace(Flag, Pattern) ->
erlang:system_flag(multi_scheduling, unblock),
-set_process_trace(Flag, Pids) ->
- % do we need procs for meta info?
- % could be useful
- set_process_trace(Flag, Pids, [call, set_on_spawn]).
set_process_trace(_, [], _) -> true;
set_process_trace(Flag, [Pid|Pids], Options) when is_pid(Pid) ->
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE.erl b/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE.erl
index 3283fa571f..148622cf07 100644
--- a/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE.erl
@@ -21,12 +21,14 @@
-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
- init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2,tiny/1,eed/1,basic/1]).
+ init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2]).
suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
all() ->
- [basic, tiny, eed].
+ [basic, basic_option, tiny, eed].
groups() ->
@@ -49,140 +51,185 @@ basic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% load eprof_test and change directory
- ?line {ok, OldCurDir} = file:get_cwd(),
+ {ok, OldCurDir} = file:get_cwd(),
Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
Privdir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
- ?line {ok,eprof_test} = compile:file(filename:join(Datadir, "eprof_test"),
+ {ok,eprof_test} = compile:file(filename:join(Datadir, "eprof_test"),
[trace,{outdir, Privdir}]),
- ?line ok = file:set_cwd(Privdir),
- ?line code:purge(eprof_test),
- ?line {module,eprof_test} = code:load_file(eprof_test),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(Privdir),
+ code:purge(eprof_test),
+ {module,eprof_test} = code:load_file(eprof_test),
%% rootset profiling
- ?line ensure_eprof_stopped(),
- ?line profiling = eprof:profile([self()]),
- ?line {error, already_profiling} = eprof:profile([self()]),
- ?line profiling_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
- ?line profiling_already_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
- ?line profiling = eprof:start_profiling([self(),self(),self()]),
- ?line profiling_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
+ ensure_eprof_stopped(),
+ profiling = eprof:profile([self()]),
+ {error, already_profiling} = eprof:profile([self()]),
+ profiling_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
+ profiling_already_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
+ profiling = eprof:start_profiling([self(),self(),self()]),
+ profiling_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
%% with patterns
- ?line profiling = eprof:start_profiling([self()], {?MODULE, '_', '_'}),
- ?line {error, already_profiling} = eprof:start_profiling([self()], {?MODULE, '_', '_'}),
- ?line profiling_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
- ?line profiling = eprof:start_profiling([self()], {?MODULE, start_stop, '_'}),
- ?line profiling_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
- ?line profiling = eprof:start_profiling([self()], {?MODULE, start_stop, 1}),
- ?line profiling_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
+ profiling = eprof:start_profiling([self()], {?MODULE, '_', '_'}),
+ {error, already_profiling} = eprof:start_profiling([self()], {?MODULE, '_', '_'}),
+ profiling_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
+ profiling = eprof:start_profiling([self()], {?MODULE, start_stop, '_'}),
+ profiling_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
+ profiling = eprof:start_profiling([self()], {?MODULE, start_stop, 1}),
+ profiling_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
%% with fun
- ?line {ok, _} = eprof:profile(fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end),
- ?line profiling = eprof:profile([self()]),
- ?line {error, already_profiling} = eprof:profile(fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end),
- ?line profiling_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
- ?line {ok, _} = eprof:profile(fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end),
- ?line {ok, _} = eprof:profile([], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end),
- ?line Pid = whereis(eprof),
- ?line {ok, _} = eprof:profile(erlang:processes() -- [Pid], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end),
- ?line {ok, _} = eprof:profile([], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end, {eprof_test, '_', '_'}),
- ?line {ok, _} = eprof:profile([], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end, {eprof_test, go, '_'}),
- ?line {ok, _} = eprof:profile([], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end, {eprof_test, go, 1}),
- ?line {ok, _} = eprof:profile([], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end, {eprof_test, dec, 1}),
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile(fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end),
+ profiling = eprof:profile([self()]),
+ {error, already_profiling} = eprof:profile(fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end),
+ profiling_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile(fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end),
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile([], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end),
+ Pid = whereis(eprof),
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile(erlang:processes() -- [Pid], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end),
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile([], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end, {eprof_test, '_', '_'}),
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile([], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end, {eprof_test, go, '_'}),
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile([], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end, {eprof_test, go, 1}),
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile([], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end, {eprof_test, dec, 1}),
%% error case
- ?line error = eprof:profile([Pid], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end),
- ?line Pid = whereis(eprof),
- ?line error = eprof:profile([Pid], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end),
- ?line A = spawn(fun() -> receive _ -> ok end end),
- ?line profiling = eprof:profile([A]),
- ?line true = exit(A, kill_it),
- ?line profiling_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
- ?line {error,_} = eprof:profile(fun() -> a = b end),
+ error = eprof:profile([Pid], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end),
+ Pid = whereis(eprof),
+ error = eprof:profile([Pid], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end),
+ A = spawn(fun() -> receive _ -> ok end end),
+ profiling = eprof:profile([A]),
+ true = exit(A, kill_it),
+ profiling_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
+ {error,_} = eprof:profile(fun() -> a = b end),
%% with mfa
- ?line {ok, _} = eprof:profile([], eprof_test, go, [10]),
- ?line {ok, _} = eprof:profile([], eprof_test, go, [10], {eprof_test, dec, 1}),
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile([], eprof_test, go, [10]),
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile([], eprof_test, go, [10], {eprof_test, dec, 1}),
%% dump
- ?line {ok, _} = eprof:profile([], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end, {eprof_test, '_', '_'}),
- ?line [{_, Mfas}] = eprof:dump(),
- ?line Dec_mfa = {eprof_test, dec, 1},
- ?line Go_mfa = {eprof_test, go, 1},
- ?line {value, {Go_mfa, { 1, _Time1}}} = lists:keysearch(Go_mfa, 1, Mfas),
- ?line {value, {Dec_mfa, {11, _Time2}}} = lists:keysearch(Dec_mfa, 1, Mfas),
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile([], fun() -> eprof_test:go(10) end, {eprof_test, '_', '_'}),
+ [{_, Mfas}] = eprof:dump(),
+ Dec_mfa = {eprof_test, dec, 1},
+ Go_mfa = {eprof_test, go, 1},
+ {value, {Go_mfa, { 1, _Time1}}} = lists:keysearch(Go_mfa, 1, Mfas),
+ {value, {Dec_mfa, {11, _Time2}}} = lists:keysearch(Dec_mfa, 1, Mfas),
%% change current working directory
- ?line ok = file:set_cwd(OldCurDir),
- ?line stopped = eprof:stop(),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(OldCurDir),
+ stopped = eprof:stop(),
+ ok.
+basic_option(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% load eprof_test and change directory
+ {ok, OldCurDir} = file:get_cwd(),
+ Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Privdir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ {ok,eprof_test} = compile:file(filename:join(Datadir, "eprof_test"),
+ [trace,{outdir, Privdir}]),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(Privdir),
+ code:purge(eprof_test),
+ {module,eprof_test} = code:load_file(eprof_test),
+ % vanilla
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile(fun() -> eprof_test:do(10) end, [{set_on_spawn, true}]),
+ [{_, MfasDo1},{_, MfasLists1}] = eprof:dump(),
+ Mfas1 = MfasDo1 ++ MfasLists1,
+ {value, {_, {11, _}}} = lists:keysearch({eprof_test,dec,1}, 1, Mfas1),
+ {value, {_, { 1, _}}} = lists:keysearch({eprof_test, go,1}, 1, Mfas1),
+ {value, {_, { 9, _}}} = lists:keysearch({lists, split_2,5}, 1, Mfas1),
+ {value, {_, { 4, _}}} = lists:keysearch({lists, seq_loop,3}, 1, Mfas1),
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile(fun() -> eprof_test:do(10) end, [set_on_spawn]),
+ [{_, MfasDo2},{_, MfasLists2}] = eprof:dump(),
+ Mfas2 = MfasDo2 ++ MfasLists2,
+ {value, {_, {11, _}}} = lists:keysearch({eprof_test,dec,1}, 1, Mfas2),
+ {value, {_, { 1, _}}} = lists:keysearch({eprof_test, go,1}, 1, Mfas2),
+ {value, {_, { 9, _}}} = lists:keysearch({lists, split_2,5}, 1, Mfas2),
+ {value, {_, { 4, _}}} = lists:keysearch({lists, seq_loop,3}, 1, Mfas2),
+ % disable trace set_on_spawn
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile(fun() -> eprof_test:do(10) end, []),
+ [{_, Mfas3}] = eprof:dump(),
+ {value, {_, {11, _}}} = lists:keysearch({eprof_test,dec,1}, 1, Mfas3),
+ {value, {_, { 1, _}}} = lists:keysearch({eprof_test, go,1}, 1, Mfas3),
+ false = lists:keysearch({lists, split_2,5}, 1, Mfas3),
+ false = lists:keysearch({lists, seq_loop,3}, 1, Mfas3),
+ %% change current working directory
+ ok = file:set_cwd(OldCurDir),
+ stopped = eprof:stop(),
tiny(suite) -> [];
tiny(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line ensure_eprof_stopped(),
- ?line {ok, OldCurDir} = file:get_cwd(),
+ ensure_eprof_stopped(),
+ {ok, OldCurDir} = file:get_cwd(),
Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
Privdir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
- ?line TTrap=?t:timetrap(60*1000),
+ TTrap=?t:timetrap(60*1000),
% (Trace)Compile to priv_dir and make sure the correct version is loaded.
- ?line {ok,eprof_suite_test} = compile:file(filename:join(Datadir,
+ {ok,eprof_suite_test} = compile:file(filename:join(Datadir,
[trace,{outdir, Privdir}]),
- ?line ok = file:set_cwd(Privdir),
- ?line code:purge(eprof_suite_test),
- ?line {module,eprof_suite_test} = code:load_file(eprof_suite_test),
- ?line {ok,_Pid} = eprof:start(),
- ?line nothing_to_analyze = eprof:analyze(),
- ?line nothing_to_analyze = eprof:analyze(total),
- ?line eprof:profile([], eprof_suite_test, test, [Config]),
- ?line ok = eprof:analyze(),
- ?line ok = eprof:analyze(total),
- ?line ok = eprof:log("eprof_SUITE_logfile"),
- ?line stopped = eprof:stop(),
- ?line ?t:timetrap_cancel(TTrap),
- ?line ok = file:set_cwd(OldCurDir),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(Privdir),
+ code:purge(eprof_suite_test),
+ {module,eprof_suite_test} = code:load_file(eprof_suite_test),
+ {ok,_Pid} = eprof:start(),
+ nothing_to_analyze = eprof:analyze(),
+ nothing_to_analyze = eprof:analyze(total),
+ eprof:profile([], eprof_suite_test, test, [Config]),
+ ok = eprof:analyze(),
+ ok = eprof:analyze(total),
+ ok = eprof:log("eprof_SUITE_logfile"),
+ stopped = eprof:stop(),
+ ?t:timetrap_cancel(TTrap),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(OldCurDir),
eed(suite) -> [];
eed(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line ensure_eprof_stopped(),
- ?line Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
- ?line Privdir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
- ?line TTrap=?t:timetrap(5*60*1000),
+ ensure_eprof_stopped(),
+ Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Privdir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ TTrap=?t:timetrap(5*60*1000),
%% (Trace)Compile to priv_dir and make sure the correct version is loaded.
- ?line code:purge(eed),
- ?line {ok,eed} = c:c(filename:join(Datadir, "eed"), [trace,{outdir,Privdir}]),
- ?line {ok,_Pid} = eprof:start(),
- ?line Script = filename:join(Datadir, "ed.script"),
- ?line ok = file:set_cwd(Datadir),
- ?line {T1,_} = statistics(runtime),
- ?line ok = eed:file(Script),
- ?line ok = eed:file(Script),
- ?line ok = eed:file(Script),
- ?line ok = eed:file(Script),
- ?line ok = eed:file(Script),
- ?line ok = eed:file(Script),
- ?line ok = eed:file(Script),
- ?line ok = eed:file(Script),
- ?line ok = eed:file(Script),
- ?line ok = eed:file(Script),
- ?line {T2,_} = statistics(runtime),
- ?line {ok,ok} = eprof:profile([], eed, file, [Script]),
- ?line {T3,_} = statistics(runtime),
- ?line profiling_already_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
- ?line ok = eprof:analyze(),
- ?line ok = eprof:analyze(total),
- ?line ok = eprof:log("eprof_SUITE_logfile"),
- ?line stopped = eprof:stop(),
- ?line ?t:timetrap_cancel(TTrap),
+ code:purge(eed),
+ {ok,eed} = c:c(filename:join(Datadir, "eed"), [trace,{outdir,Privdir}]),
+ {ok,_Pid} = eprof:start(),
+ Script = filename:join(Datadir, "ed.script"),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(Datadir),
+ {T1,_} = statistics(runtime),
+ ok = eed:file(Script),
+ ok = eed:file(Script),
+ ok = eed:file(Script),
+ ok = eed:file(Script),
+ ok = eed:file(Script),
+ ok = eed:file(Script),
+ ok = eed:file(Script),
+ ok = eed:file(Script),
+ ok = eed:file(Script),
+ ok = eed:file(Script),
+ {T2,_} = statistics(runtime),
+ {ok,ok} = eprof:profile([], eed, file, [Script]),
+ {T3,_} = statistics(runtime),
+ profiling_already_stopped = eprof:stop_profiling(),
+ ok = eprof:analyze(),
+ ok = eprof:analyze(total),
+ ok = eprof:log("eprof_SUITE_logfile"),
+ stopped = eprof:stop(),
+ ?t:timetrap_cancel(TTrap),
S = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p times slower",
@@ -198,5 +245,5 @@ ensure_eprof_stopped() ->
undefined ->
Pid ->
- ?line stopped=eprof:stop()
+ stopped=eprof:stop()
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE_data/eprof_test.erl b/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE_data/eprof_test.erl
index 33c428e893..2d9e4c2945 100644
--- a/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE_data/eprof_test.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE_data/eprof_test.erl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+-export([go/1, do/1]).
go(N) ->
0 = dec(N),
@@ -7,3 +7,16 @@ go(N) ->
dec(0) -> 0;
dec(N) -> dec(N - 1).
+load(N, Pid) ->
+ _ = lists:sort(lists:reverse(lists:seq(1, N))),
+ Pid ! {self(), ok}.
+do(N) ->
+ Me = self(),
+ Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> load(N, Me) end),
+ ok = go(N),
+ receive {Pid, ok} -> ok end.