path: root/lib
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2013-09-05 13:57:09 +0200
committerBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2013-09-05 14:28:08 +0200
commit60984adef62f5e5bf8c65f403d4f8522afb6d40a (patch)
treeb44fe1497cce75afc9b675b32f1478bedc233906 /lib
parent11c31f5ba8489b0e179caea46e514b990fbadb95 (diff)
compiler: Conform returned errors to the documented format
ErrorInfo is documented to be: {ErrorLine,Module,ErrorDescriptor} but for some errors with line numbers it would look like: {Module,ErrorDescriptor} Ensure that all ErrorInfo tuples have three elements. Use 'none' instead of a line number: {none,Module,ErrorDescriptor} There already are errors that return 'none' when no line number is available, but that convention was not documented. Mention it in the documentation. Also make sure that the compiler will not print 'none' as a line number in error messages (if the 'report_errors' option is given) as that looks stupid. That is, when attempting to compile a non-existing module, the error message should be: non-existing.erl: no such file or directory and not: non-existing.erl:none: no such file or directory
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
6 files changed, 30 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/doc/src/compile.xml b/lib/compiler/doc/src/compile.xml
index ddaae2655d..f1238f27a6 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/doc/src/compile.xml
+++ b/lib/compiler/doc/src/compile.xml
@@ -859,6 +859,10 @@ pi() -> 3.1416.
{ErrorLine, Module, ErrorDescriptor}
+ <p><c>ErrorLine</c> will be the atom <c>none</c> if the error does
+ not correspond to a specific line (e.g. if the source file does
+ not exist).</p>
<p>A string describing the error is obtained with the following
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
index 2ca403de54..802e3dfa2f 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@
-type option() :: atom() | {atom(), term()} | {'d', atom(), term()}.
--type err_info() :: {erl_scan:line(), module(), term()}. %% ErrorDescriptor
+-type err_info() :: {erl_scan:line() | 'none',
+ module(), term()}. %% ErrorDescriptor
-type errors() :: [{file:filename(), [err_info()]}].
-type warnings() :: [{file:filename(), [err_info()]}].
-type mod_ret() :: {'ok', module()}
@@ -1290,10 +1291,10 @@ native_compile_1(St) ->
{error,R} ->
case IgnoreErrors of
true ->
- Ws = [{St#compile.ifile,[{?MODULE,{native,R}}]}],
+ Ws = [{St#compile.ifile,[{none,?MODULE,{native,R}}]}],
{ok,St#compile{warnings=St#compile.warnings ++ Ws}};
false ->
- Es = [{St#compile.ifile,[{?MODULE,{native,R}}]}],
+ Es = [{St#compile.ifile,[{none,?MODULE,{native,R}}]}],
{error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}}
@@ -1302,7 +1303,7 @@ native_compile_1(St) ->
case IgnoreErrors of
true ->
Ws = [{St#compile.ifile,
- [{?MODULE,{native_crash,R,Stk}}]}],
+ [{none,?MODULE,{native_crash,R,Stk}}]}],
{ok,St#compile{warnings=St#compile.warnings ++ Ws}};
false ->
erlang:raise(Class, R, Stk)
@@ -1349,7 +1350,7 @@ save_binary(#compile{module=Mod,ofile=Outfile,
_ ->
Es = [{St#compile.ofile,
- [{?MODULE,{module_name,Mod,Base}}]}],
+ [{none,?MODULE,{module_name,Mod,Base}}]}],
{error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}}
@@ -1363,20 +1364,20 @@ save_binary_1(St) ->
ok ->
{error,RenameError} ->
- Es0 = [{Ofile,[{?MODULE,{rename,Tfile,Ofile,
- RenameError}}]}],
+ Es0 = [{Ofile,[{none,?MODULE,{rename,Tfile,Ofile,
+ RenameError}}]}],
Es = case file:delete(Tfile) of
ok -> Es0;
{error,DeleteError} ->
Es0 ++
- [{?MODULE,{delete_temp,Tfile,
- DeleteError}}]}]
+ [{none,?MODULE,{delete_temp,Tfile,
+ DeleteError}}]}]
{error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}}
{error,_Error} ->
- Es = [{Tfile,[{compile,write_error}]}],
+ Es = [{Tfile,[{none,compile,write_error}]}],
{error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}}
@@ -1419,6 +1420,9 @@ report_warnings(#compile{options=Opts,warnings=Ws0}) ->
false -> ok
+format_message(F, P, [{none,Mod,E}|Es]) ->
+ M = {none,io_lib:format("~ts: ~s~ts\n", [F,P,Mod:format_error(E)])},
+ [M|format_message(F, P, Es)];
format_message(F, P, [{{Line,Column}=Loc,Mod,E}|Es]) ->
M = {{F,Loc},io_lib:format("~ts:~w:~w ~s~ts\n",
@@ -1428,12 +1432,17 @@ format_message(F, P, [{Line,Mod,E}|Es]) ->
[M|format_message(F, P, Es)];
format_message(F, P, [{Mod,E}|Es]) ->
+ %% Not documented and not expected to be used any more, but
+ %% keep a while just in case.
M = {none,io_lib:format("~ts: ~s~ts\n", [F,P,Mod:format_error(E)])},
[M|format_message(F, P, Es)];
format_message(_, _, []) -> [].
%% list_errors(File, ErrorDescriptors) -> ok
+list_errors(F, [{none,Mod,E}|Es]) ->
+ io:fwrite("~ts: ~ts\n", [F,Mod:format_error(E)]),
+ list_errors(F, Es);
list_errors(F, [{{Line,Column},Mod,E}|Es]) ->
io:fwrite("~ts:~w:~w: ~ts\n", [F,Line,Column,Mod:format_error(E)]),
list_errors(F, Es);
@@ -1441,6 +1450,8 @@ list_errors(F, [{Line,Mod,E}|Es]) ->
io:fwrite("~ts:~w: ~ts\n", [F,Line,Mod:format_error(E)]),
list_errors(F, Es);
list_errors(F, [{Mod,E}|Es]) ->
+ %% Not documented and not expected to be used any more, but
+ %% keep a while just in case.
io:fwrite("~ts: ~ts\n", [F,Mod:format_error(E)]),
list_errors(F, Es);
list_errors(_F, []) -> ok.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/core_lint.erl b/lib/compiler/src/core_lint.erl
index 1e8983f594..e5d5fa2bcd 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/core_lint.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/core_lint.erl
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ return_status(St) ->
%% add_warning(ErrorDescriptor, State) -> State'
%% Note that we don't use line numbers here.
-add_error(E, St) -> St#lint{errors=[{?MODULE,E}|St#lint.errors]}.
+add_error(E, St) -> St#lint{errors=[{none,?MODULE,E}|St#lint.errors]}.
%%add_warning(W, St) -> St#lint{warnings=[{none,core_lint,W}|St#lint.warnings]}.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
index 5f1c108f7c..2b2b8bf550 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
@@ -1875,7 +1875,7 @@ format_error(bad_segment_size) ->
add_warning(none, Term, Anno, #kern{ws=Ws}=St) ->
File = get_file(Anno),
- St#kern{ws=[{File,[{?MODULE,Term}]}|Ws]};
+ St#kern{ws=[{File,[{none,?MODULE,Term}]}|Ws]};
add_warning(Line, Term, Anno, #kern{ws=Ws}=St) ->
File = get_file(Anno),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE.erl
index 97777568b6..be01ea713d 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE.erl
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ forms_2(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
module_mismatch(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
?line File = filename:join(DataDir, "wrong_module_name.erl"),
- ?line {error,[{"wrong_module_name.beam",
- [{compile,{module_name,arne,"wrong_module_name"}}]}],
+ {error,[{"wrong_module_name.beam",
+ [{none,compile,{module_name,arne,"wrong_module_name"}}]}],
[]} = compile:file(File, [return]),
?line error = compile:file(File, [report]),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/core_fold_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/core_fold_SUITE.erl
index abc9ab6a72..a5a4e62a42 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/core_fold_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/core_fold_SUITE.erl
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ unused_multiple_values_error(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Opts = [no_copt,clint,return,from_core,{outdir,PrivDir}
- [{core_lint,{return_mismatch,{hello,1}}}]}],
+ [{none,core_lint,{return_mismatch,{hello,1}}}]}],
[]} = c:c(Core, Opts),