path: root/lib
diff options
authorDan Gudmundsson <dgud@erlang.org>2011-12-07 09:27:14 +0100
committerDan Gudmundsson <dgud@erlang.org>2011-12-07 09:27:14 +0100
commit6b0ab16b86cad902e85b077a078b8f7a6b831205 (patch)
treeff87937bfeb1464fee10d49fd2f7879394760b3f /lib
parent71249e713aaf0f6aea513fd2347b0c5f303d1e6e (diff)
parent14335e788f03ffdbd0540c20623eed9f1fc58de5 (diff)
Merge branch 'dgud/mnesia/impl-table-options/OTP-8970'
* dgud/mnesia/impl-table-options/OTP-8970: [mnesia] Add possibility for implementation dependent storage options to create_table
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
9 files changed, 190 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mnesia/doc/src/mnesia.xml b/lib/mnesia/doc/src/mnesia.xml
index 19ec70118f..20133cb6cb 100644
--- a/lib/mnesia/doc/src/mnesia.xml
+++ b/lib/mnesia/doc/src/mnesia.xml
@@ -813,6 +813,21 @@ mnesia:change_table_copy_type(person, node(), disc_copies)
+ <p><c>{storage_properties, [{Backend, Properties}]</c>.
+ Forwards additional properties to the backend storage.
+ <c>Backend</c> can currently be <c>ets</c> or <c>dets</c> and
+ <c>Properties</c> is a list of options sent to the backend storage
+ during table creation. <c>Properties</c> may not contain properties
+ already used by mnesia such as <c>type</c> or <c>named_table</c>.
+ </p>
+ <p>For example:</p>
+ <code type="none">
+mnesia:create_table(table, [{ram_copies, [node()]}, {disc_only_copies, nodes()},
+ {storage_properties,
+ [{ets, [compressed]}, {dets, [{auto_save, 5000}]} ]}])
+ </code>
+ </item>
+ <item>
<p><c>{type, Type}</c>, where <c>Type</c> must be
either of the atoms <c>set</c>, <c>ordered_set</c> or
<c>bag</c>. The default value is <c>set</c>. In a
diff --git a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia.appup.src b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia.appup.src
index e0954ad206..304a15242f 100644
--- a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia.appup.src
+++ b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia.appup.src
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
%% -*- erlang -*-
- {"4.5", [{restart_application, mnesia}]},
+ {"4.5.1", [{restart_application, mnesia}]},
+ {"4.5", [{restart_application, mnesia}]},
{"4.4.19", [{restart_application, mnesia}]},
{"4.4.18", [{restart_application, mnesia}]},
{"4.4.17", [{restart_application, mnesia}]},
{"4.4.16", [{restart_application, mnesia}]}
- {"4.5", [{restart_application, mnesia}]},
+ {"4.5.1", [{restart_application, mnesia}]},
+ {"4.5", [{restart_application, mnesia}]},
{"4.4.19", [{restart_application, mnesia}]},
{"4.4.18", [{restart_application, mnesia}]},
{"4.4.17", [{restart_application, mnesia}]},
diff --git a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia.hrl b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia.hrl
index 2375b72d59..2855792646 100644
--- a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia.hrl
+++ b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia.hrl
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
attributes = [key, val], % [Atom]
user_properties = [], % [Record]
frag_properties = [], % [{Key, Val]
+ storage_properties = [], % [{Key, Val]
cookie = ?unique_cookie, % Term
version = {{2, 0}, []}}). % {{Integer, Integer}, [Node]}
diff --git a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_controller.erl b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_controller.erl
index 6a561394d5..836510a80d 100644
--- a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_controller.erl
+++ b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_controller.erl
@@ -279,11 +279,8 @@ rec_tabs([], _, _, Init) ->
-%% New function that does exactly what get_cstructs() used to do.
-%% When this function is called, we know that the calling node knows
-%% how to convert cstructs on the receiving end (should they differ).
get_remote_cstructs() ->
- call(get_cstructs).
+ get_cstructs(). %% Sigh not forward compatible always check version
%% Old function kept for backwards compatibility; converts cstructs before sending.
get_cstructs() ->
diff --git a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_dumper.erl b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_dumper.erl
index f8d7664156..9e7e1ad1c6 100644
--- a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_dumper.erl
+++ b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_dumper.erl
@@ -604,15 +604,19 @@ insert_op(Tid, _, {op, restore_recreate, TabDef}, InPlace, InitBy) ->
mnesia_checkpoint:tm_del_copy(Tab, node())
+ StorageProps = Cs#cstruct.storage_properties,
%% And create new ones..
(InitBy == startup) or (Storage == unknown) ->
Storage == ram_copies ->
- Args = [{keypos, 2}, public, named_table, Type],
+ EtsProps = proplists:get_value(ets, StorageProps, []),
+ Args = [{keypos, 2}, public, named_table, Type | EtsProps],
mnesia_monitor:mktab(Tab, Args);
Storage == disc_copies ->
- Args = [{keypos, 2}, public, named_table, Type],
+ EtsProps = proplists:get_value(ets, StorageProps, []),
+ Args = [{keypos, 2}, public, named_table, Type | EtsProps],
mnesia_monitor:mktab(Tab, Args),
File = mnesia_lib:tab2dcd(Tab),
FArg = [{file, File}, {name, {mnesia,create}},
@@ -622,10 +626,12 @@ insert_op(Tid, _, {op, restore_recreate, TabDef}, InPlace, InitBy) ->
Storage == disc_only_copies ->
File = mnesia_lib:tab2dat(Tab),
+ DetsProps = proplists:get_value(dets, StorageProps, []),
Args = [{file, mnesia_lib:tab2dat(Tab)},
{type, mnesia_lib:disk_type(Tab, Type)},
{keypos, 2},
- {repair, mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair)}],
+ {repair, mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair)}
+ | DetsProps ],
mnesia_monitor:open_dets(Tab, Args)
insert_op(Tid, ignore, {op, create_table, TabDef}, InPlace, InitBy);
@@ -635,6 +641,7 @@ insert_op(Tid, _, {op, create_table, TabDef}, InPlace, InitBy) ->
insert_cstruct(Tid, Cs, false, InPlace, InitBy),
Tab = Cs#cstruct.name,
Storage = mnesia_lib:cs_to_storage_type(node(), Cs),
+ StorageProps = Cs#cstruct.storage_properties,
case InitBy of
startup ->
case Storage of
@@ -656,10 +663,13 @@ insert_op(Tid, _, {op, create_table, TabDef}, InPlace, InitBy) ->
_ ->
+ DetsProps = proplists:get_value(dets, StorageProps, []),
Args = [{file, mnesia_lib:tab2dat(Tab)},
{type, mnesia_lib:disk_type(Tab, Cs#cstruct.type)},
{keypos, 2},
- {repair, mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair)}],
+ {repair, mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair)}
+ | DetsProps ],
case mnesia_monitor:open_dets(Tab, Args) of
{ok, _} ->
@@ -671,7 +681,7 @@ insert_op(Tid, _, {op, create_table, TabDef}, InPlace, InitBy) ->
Copies = mnesia_lib:copy_holders(Cs),
Active = mnesia_lib:intersect(Copies, val({current, db_nodes})),
[mnesia_controller:add_active_replica(Tab, N, Cs) || N <- Active],
case Storage of
unknown ->
mnesia_lib:unset({Tab, create_table}),
@@ -944,11 +954,14 @@ open_files(Tab, Storage, UpdateInPlace, InitBy)
Bool = open_disc_copies(Tab, InitBy),
_ ->
+ Props = val({Tab, storage_properties}),
+ DetsProps = proplists:get_value(dets, Props, []),
Fname = prepare_open(Tab, UpdateInPlace),
Args = [{file, Fname},
{keypos, 2},
{repair, mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair)},
- {type, mnesia_lib:disk_type(Tab, Type)}],
+ {type, mnesia_lib:disk_type(Tab, Type)}
+ | DetsProps],
{ok, _} = mnesia_monitor:open_dets(Tab, Args),
put({?MODULE, Tab}, {opened_dumper, dat}),
diff --git a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_loader.erl b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_loader.erl
index c4b22814a8..e443b54016 100644
--- a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_loader.erl
+++ b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_loader.erl
@@ -61,9 +61,11 @@ do_get_disc_copy2(Tab, _Reason, Storage, _Type) when Storage == unknown ->
do_get_disc_copy2(Tab, Reason, Storage, Type) when Storage == disc_copies ->
%% NOW we create the actual table
Repair = mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair),
- Args = [{keypos, 2}, public, named_table, Type],
+ StorageProps = val({Tab, storage_properties}),
+ EtsOpts = proplists:get_value(ets, StorageProps, []),
+ Args = [{keypos, 2}, public, named_table, Type | EtsOpts],
case Reason of
- {dumper, _} -> %% Resources allready allocated
+ {dumper, _} -> %% Resources already allocated
_ ->
mnesia_monitor:mktab(Tab, Args),
@@ -82,7 +84,9 @@ do_get_disc_copy2(Tab, Reason, Storage, Type) when Storage == disc_copies ->
{loaded, ok};
do_get_disc_copy2(Tab, Reason, Storage, Type) when Storage == ram_copies ->
- Args = [{keypos, 2}, public, named_table, Type],
+ StorageProps = val({Tab, storage_properties}),
+ EtsOpts = proplists:get_value(ets, StorageProps, []),
+ Args = [{keypos, 2}, public, named_table, Type | EtsOpts],
case Reason of
{dumper, _} -> %% Resources allready allocated
@@ -115,10 +119,14 @@ do_get_disc_copy2(Tab, Reason, Storage, Type) when Storage == ram_copies ->
{loaded, ok};
do_get_disc_copy2(Tab, Reason, Storage, Type) when Storage == disc_only_copies ->
+ StorageProps = val({Tab, storage_properties}),
+ DetsOpts = proplists:get_value(dets, StorageProps, []),
Args = [{file, mnesia_lib:tab2dat(Tab)},
{type, mnesia_lib:disk_type(Tab, Type)},
{keypos, 2},
- {repair, mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair)}],
+ {repair, mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair)}
+ | DetsOpts],
case Reason of
{dumper, _} ->
mnesia_index:init_index(Tab, Storage),
@@ -349,17 +357,21 @@ do_init_table(Tab,Storage,Cs,SenderPid,
create_table(Tab, TabSize, Storage, Cs) ->
+ StorageProps = val({Tab, storage_properties}),
Storage == disc_only_copies ->
Tmp = mnesia_lib:tab2tmp(Tab),
Size = lists:max([TabSize, 256]),
+ DetsOpts = lists:keydelete(estimated_no_objects, 1,
+ proplists:get_value(dets, StorageProps, [])),
Args = [{file, Tmp},
{keypos, 2},
%% {ram_file, true},
{estimated_no_objects, Size},
{repair, mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair)},
- {type, mnesia_lib:disk_type(Tab, Cs#cstruct.type)}],
+ {type, mnesia_lib:disk_type(Tab, Cs#cstruct.type)}
+ | DetsOpts],
case mnesia_lib:dets_sync_open(Tab, Args) of
{ok, _} ->
@@ -370,7 +382,8 @@ create_table(Tab, TabSize, Storage, Cs) ->
(Storage == ram_copies) or (Storage == disc_copies) ->
- Args = [{keypos, 2}, public, named_table, Cs#cstruct.type],
+ EtsOpts = proplists:get_value(ets, StorageProps, []),
+ Args = [{keypos, 2}, public, named_table, Cs#cstruct.type | EtsOpts],
case mnesia_monitor:unsafe_mktab(Tab, Args) of
Tab ->
{Storage, Tab};
@@ -516,10 +529,13 @@ handle_last({disc_only_copies, Tab}, Type, nobin) ->
Dat = mnesia_lib:tab2dat(Tab),
case file:rename(Tmp, Dat) of
ok ->
+ StorageProps = val({Tab, storage_properties}),
+ DetsOpts = proplists:get_value(dets, StorageProps, []),
Args = [{file, mnesia_lib:tab2dat(Tab)},
{type, mnesia_lib:disk_type(Tab, Type)},
{keypos, 2},
- {repair, mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair)}],
+ {repair, mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair)} | DetsOpts],
mnesia_monitor:open_dets(Tab, Args),
{error, Reason} ->
diff --git a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_monitor.erl b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_monitor.erl
index 8cb2e92c08..c08bbc879f 100644
--- a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_monitor.erl
+++ b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_monitor.erl
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@
going_down = [], tm_started = false, early_connects = [],
connecting, mq = []}).
--define(current_protocol_version, {8,0}).
+-define(current_protocol_version, {8,1}).
--define(previous_protocol_version, {7,6}).
+-define(previous_protocol_version, {8,0}).
start() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE,
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ protocol_version() ->
%% A sorted list of acceptable protocols the
%% preferred protocols are first in the list
acceptable_protocol_versions() ->
- [protocol_version(), ?previous_protocol_version].
+ [protocol_version(), ?previous_protocol_version, {7,6}].
needs_protocol_conversion(Node) ->
case {?catch_val({protocol, Node}), protocol_version()} of
@@ -417,6 +417,8 @@ handle_call({negotiate_protocol, Mon, Version, Protocols}, From, State)
case hd(Protocols) of
?previous_protocol_version ->
accept_protocol(Mon, MyVersion, ?previous_protocol_version, From, State);
+ {7,6} ->
+ accept_protocol(Mon, MyVersion, {7,6}, From, State);
_ ->
verbose("Connection with ~p rejected. "
"version = ~p, protocols = ~p, "
diff --git a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_schema.erl b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_schema.erl
index 179e15197e..6e43052fb0 100644
--- a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_schema.erl
+++ b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_schema.erl
@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ do_set_schema(Tab, Cs) ->
[set({Tab, user_property, element(1, P)}, P) || P <- Cs#cstruct.user_properties],
set({Tab, frag_properties}, Cs#cstruct.frag_properties),
mnesia_frag:set_frag_hash(Tab, Cs#cstruct.frag_properties),
+ set({Tab, storage_properties}, Cs#cstruct.storage_properties),
set({Tab, attributes}, Cs#cstruct.attributes),
Arity = length(Cs#cstruct.attributes) + 1,
set({Tab, arity}, Arity),
@@ -644,6 +645,14 @@ cs2list(Cs) when is_record(Cs, cstruct) ->
rec2list(Tags, Tags, 2, Cs);
cs2list(CreateList) when is_list(CreateList) ->
+%% 4.6
+cs2list(Cs) when element(1, Cs) == cstruct, tuple_size(Cs) == 19 ->
+ Tags = [name,type,ram_copies,disc_copies,disc_only_copies,
+ load_order,access_mode,majority,index,snmp,local_content,
+ record_name,attributes,
+ user_properties,frag_properties,storage_properties,
+ cookie,version],
+ rec2list(Tags, Tags, 2, Cs);
%% 4.4.19
cs2list(Cs) when element(1, Cs) == cstruct, tuple_size(Cs) == 18 ->
Tags = [name,type,ram_copies,disc_copies,disc_only_copies,
@@ -674,8 +683,17 @@ cs2list(ver4_4_19, Cs) ->
+ rec2list(Tags, Orig, 2, Cs);
+cs2list(ver4_6, Cs) ->
+ Orig = record_info(fields, cstruct),
+ Tags = [name,type,ram_copies,disc_copies,disc_only_copies,
+ load_order,access_mode,majority,index,snmp,local_content,
+ record_name,attributes,
+ user_properties,frag_properties,storage_properties,
+ cookie,version],
rec2list(Tags, Orig, 2, Cs).
rec2list([Tag | Tags], [Tag | Orig], Pos, Rec) ->
Val = element(Pos, Rec),
[{Tag, Val} | rec2list(Tags, Orig, Pos + 1, Rec)];
@@ -728,6 +746,29 @@ list2cs(List) when is_list(List) ->
Frag = pick(Name, frag_properties, List, []),
verify({alt, [nil, list]}, mnesia_lib:etype(Frag),
{badarg, Name, {frag_properties, Frag}}),
+ BEProps = pick(Name, storage_properties, List, []),
+ verify({alt, [nil, list]}, mnesia_lib:etype(Ix),
+ {badarg, Name, {storage_properties, BEProps}}),
+ CheckProp = fun(Opt, Opts) when is_atom(Opt) ->
+ lists:member(Opt, Opts)
+ andalso mnesia:abort({badarg, Name, Opt});
+ (Tuple, Opts) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
+ lists:member(element(1,Tuple), Opts)
+ andalso mnesia:abort({badarg, Name, Tuple});
+ (What,_) ->
+ mnesia:abort({badarg, Name, What})
+ end,
+ BadEtsOpts = [set, ordered_set, bag, duplicate_bag,
+ public, private, protected,
+ keypos, named_table],
+ EtsOpts = proplists:get_value(ets, BEProps, []),
+ is_list(EtsOpts) orelse mnesia:abort({badarg, Name, {ets, EtsOpts}}),
+ [CheckProp(Prop, BadEtsOpts) || Prop <- EtsOpts],
+ BadDetsOpts = [type, keypos, repair, access, file],
+ DetsOpts = proplists:get_value(dets, BEProps, []),
+ is_list(DetsOpts) orelse mnesia:abort({badarg, Name, {dets, DetsOpts}}),
+ [CheckProp(Prop, BadDetsOpts) || Prop <- DetsOpts],
#cstruct{name = Name,
ram_copies = Rc,
disc_copies = Dc,
@@ -743,6 +784,7 @@ list2cs(List) when is_list(List) ->
attributes = Attrs,
user_properties = lists:sort(UserProps),
frag_properties = lists:sort(Frag),
+ storage_properties = lists:sort(BEProps),
cookie = Cookie,
version = Version}.
@@ -1881,18 +1923,18 @@ prepare_op(Tid, {op, create_table, TabDef}, _WaitFor) ->
ram_copies ->
mnesia_lib:set({Tab, create_table},true),
- create_ram_table(Tab, Cs#cstruct.type),
+ create_ram_table(Tab, Cs),
insert_cstruct(Tid, Cs, false),
{true, optional};
disc_copies ->
mnesia_lib:set({Tab, create_table},true),
- create_ram_table(Tab, Cs#cstruct.type),
+ create_ram_table(Tab, Cs),
insert_cstruct(Tid, Cs, false),
{true, optional};
disc_only_copies ->
mnesia_lib:set({Tab, create_table},true),
- create_disc_only_table(Tab,Cs#cstruct.type),
+ create_disc_only_table(Tab,Cs),
insert_cstruct(Tid, Cs, false),
{true, optional};
unknown -> %% No replica on this node
@@ -2044,7 +2086,7 @@ prepare_op(_Tid, {op, change_table_copy_type, N, FromS, ToS, TabDef}, _WaitFor)
mnesia_dumper:raw_named_dump_table(Tab, dmp);
FromS == disc_only_copies ->
Type = Cs#cstruct.type,
- create_ram_table(Tab, Type),
+ create_ram_table(Tab, Cs),
Datname = mnesia_lib:tab2dat(Tab),
Repair = mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair),
case mnesia_lib:dets_to_ets(Tab, Tab, Datname, Type, Repair, no) of
@@ -2132,8 +2174,9 @@ prepare_op(_Tid, {op, merge_schema, TabDef}, _WaitFor) ->
prepare_op(_Tid, _Op, _WaitFor) ->
{true, optional}.
-create_ram_table(Tab, Type) ->
- Args = [{keypos, 2}, public, named_table, Type],
+create_ram_table(Tab, #cstruct{type=Type, storage_properties=Props}) ->
+ EtsOpts = proplists:get_value(ets, Props, []),
+ Args = [{keypos, 2}, public, named_table, Type | EtsOpts],
case mnesia_monitor:unsafe_mktab(Tab, Args) of
Tab ->
@@ -2141,6 +2184,7 @@ create_ram_table(Tab, Type) ->
Err = "Failed to create ets table",
mnesia:abort({system_limit, Tab, {Err,Reason}})
create_disc_table(Tab) ->
File = mnesia_lib:tab2dcd(Tab),
@@ -2154,13 +2198,15 @@ create_disc_table(Tab) ->
Err = "Failed to create disc table",
mnesia:abort({system_limit, Tab, {Err,Reason}})
-create_disc_only_table(Tab,Type) ->
+create_disc_only_table(Tab, #cstruct{type=Type, storage_properties=Props}) ->
File = mnesia_lib:tab2dat(Tab),
+ DetsOpts = proplists:get_value(dets, Props, []),
Args = [{file, mnesia_lib:tab2dat(Tab)},
{type, mnesia_lib:disk_type(Tab, Type)},
{keypos, 2},
- {repair, mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair)}],
+ {repair, mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair)}
+ | DetsOpts],
case mnesia_monitor:unsafe_open_dets(Tab, Args) of
{ok, _} ->
@@ -2688,17 +2734,17 @@ restore_schema([{schema, Tab, List} | Schema], R) ->
R2 = R#r{tables = [{Tab, undefined, Snmp, RecName} | R#r.tables]},
restore_schema(Schema, R2);
recreate_tables ->
- case ?catch_val({Tab, cstruct}) of
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- TidTs = {_Mod, Tid, Ts} = get(mnesia_activity_state),
- RunningNodes = val({current, db_nodes}),
- Nodes = mnesia_lib:intersect(mnesia_lib:cs_to_nodes(list2cs(List)),
- RunningNodes),
- mnesia_locker:wlock_no_exist(Tid, Ts#tidstore.store, Tab, Nodes),
- TidTs;
- _ ->
- TidTs = get_tid_ts_and_lock(Tab, write)
- end,
+ TidTs = case ?catch_val({Tab, cstruct}) of
+ {'EXIT', _} ->
+ TTs = {_Mod, Tid, Ts} = get(mnesia_activity_state),
+ RunningNodes = val({current, db_nodes}),
+ Nodes = mnesia_lib:intersect(mnesia_lib:cs_to_nodes(list2cs(List)),
+ RunningNodes),
+ mnesia_locker:wlock_no_exist(Tid, Ts#tidstore.store, Tab, Nodes),
+ TTs;
+ _ ->
+ get_tid_ts_and_lock(Tab, write)
+ end,
NC = {cookie, ?unique_cookie},
List2 = lists:keyreplace(cookie, 1, List, NC),
Where = where_to_commit(Tab, List2),
@@ -2839,15 +2885,15 @@ do_merge_schema(LockTabs0) ->
fetch_cstructs(Node) ->
- case mnesia_monitor:needs_protocol_conversion(Node) of
- true ->
+ case need_old_cstructs([Node]) of
+ false ->
+ rpc:call(Node, mnesia_controller, get_remote_cstructs, []);
+ _Ver ->
case rpc:call(Node, mnesia_controller, get_cstructs, []) of
{cstructs, Cs0, RR} ->
{cstructs, [list2cs(cs2list(Cs)) || Cs <- Cs0], RR};
Err -> Err
- end;
- false ->
- rpc:call(Node, mnesia_controller, get_remote_cstructs, [])
+ end
need_old_cstructs() ->
@@ -2868,7 +2914,9 @@ need_old_cstructs(Nodes) ->
Cs when element(1, Cs) == cstruct, tuple_size(Cs) == 17 ->
ver4_4_18; % Without majority
Cs when element(1, Cs) == cstruct, tuple_size(Cs) == 18 ->
- ver4_4_19 % With majority
+ ver4_4_19; % With majority
+ Cs when element(1, Cs) == cstruct, tuple_size(Cs) == 19 ->
+ ver4_6 % With storage_properties
diff --git a/lib/mnesia/test/mnesia_evil_coverage_test.erl b/lib/mnesia/test/mnesia_evil_coverage_test.erl
index c1918071a1..64b61288ef 100644
--- a/lib/mnesia/test/mnesia_evil_coverage_test.erl
+++ b/lib/mnesia/test/mnesia_evil_coverage_test.erl
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ end_per_testcase(Func, Conf) ->
all() ->
[system_info, table_info, error_description,
db_node_lifecycle, evil_delete_db_node, start_and_stop,
- checkpoint, table_lifecycle, add_copy_conflict,
+ checkpoint, table_lifecycle, storage_options,
+ add_copy_conflict,
add_copy_when_going_down, replica_management,
schema_availability, local_content,
{group, table_access_modifications}, replica_location,
@@ -462,7 +463,7 @@ table_lifecycle(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?match({atomic, ok}, mnesia:create_table([{name, already_exists},
{ram_copies, [Node1]}])),
?match({aborted, Reason23 } when element(1, Reason23) ==already_exists,
- mnesia:create_table([{name, already_exists},
+ mnesia:create_table([{name, already_exists},
{ram_copies, [Node1]}])),
?match({aborted, Reason21 } when element(1, Reason21) == bad_type,
mnesia:create_table([{name, bad_node}, {ram_copies, ["foo"]}])),
@@ -520,12 +521,57 @@ table_lifecycle(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?match({atomic, ok},
mnesia:create_table([{name, create_with_index}, {index, [3]},
{ram_copies, [Node1]}])),
- ets:new(ets_table, [named_table]),
+ ets:new(ets_table, [named_table]),
?match({aborted, _}, mnesia:create_table(ets_table, [{ram_copies, Nodes}])),
+ ?match({aborted, _}, mnesia:create_table(ets_table, [{ram_copies, [Node1]}])),
+ ets:delete(ets_table),
+ ?match({atomic, ok}, mnesia:create_table(ets_table, [{ram_copies, [Node1]}])),
+ ?match(Node1, rpc:call(Node1, mnesia_lib, val, [{ets_table,where_to_read}])),
+ ?match(Node1, rpc:call(Node2, mnesia_lib, val, [{ets_table,where_to_read}])),
+ ?match({atomic, ok}, mnesia:change_table_copy_type(ets_table, Node1, disc_only_copies)),
+ ?match(Node1, rpc:call(Node2, mnesia_lib, val, [{ets_table,where_to_read}])),
+ ?verify_mnesia(Nodes, []).
+storage_options(suite) -> [];
+storage_options(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ [N1,N2,N3] = Nodes = ?acquire_nodes(3, Config),
+ ?match({aborted,_}, mnesia:create_table(a, [{storage_properties, [{ets,foobar}]}])),
+ ?match({aborted,_}, mnesia:create_table(a, [{storage_properties, [{ets,[foobar]}]}])),
+ ?match({aborted,_}, mnesia:create_table(a, [{storage_properties, [{ets,[duplicate_bag]}]}])),
+ ?match({aborted,_}, mnesia:create_table(a, [{storage_properties, [{dets,[{type,bag}]}]}])),
+ ?match({atomic, ok}, mnesia:create_table(a, [{ram_copies, [N1]},
+ {disc_only_copies, [N2]},
+ {storage_properties,
+ [{ets,[compressed]},
+ {dets, [{auto_save, 5000}]} ]}])),
+ ?match(true, ets:info(a, compressed)),
+ ?match(5000, rpc:call(N2, dets, info, [a, auto_save])),
+ ?match(ok, mnesia:dirty_write({a,1,1})),
+ ?match([{a,1,1}], mnesia:dirty_read({a,1})),
+ mnesia:dump_log(),
+ W2C1 = [{N2, disc_only_copies}, {N1, ram_copies}],
+ ?match(W2C1, lists:sort(rpc:call(N2, mnesia_lib, val, [{a, where_to_commit}]))),
+ ?match(W2C1, lists:sort(rpc:call(N3, mnesia_lib, val, [{a, where_to_commit}]))),
+ ?match({atomic,ok}, mnesia:change_table_copy_type(a, N1, disc_only_copies)),
+ W2C2 = [{N2, disc_only_copies}, {N1, disc_only_copies}],
+ ?match(W2C2, lists:sort(rpc:call(N2, mnesia_lib, val, [{a, where_to_commit}]))),
+ ?match(W2C2, lists:sort(rpc:call(N3, mnesia_lib, val, [{a, where_to_commit}]))),
+ ?match(undefined, ets:info(a, compressed)),
+ ?match(5000, dets:info(a, auto_save)),
+ ?match({atomic,ok}, mnesia:change_table_copy_type(a, N1, disc_copies)),
+ ?match(true, ets:info(a, compressed)),
?verify_mnesia(Nodes, []).
add_copy_conflict(suite) -> [];
add_copy_conflict(doc) ->
["Verify that OTP-5065 doesn't happen again, whitebox testing"];