path: root/lib
diff options
authorLukas Larsson <lukas@erix.ericsson.se>2011-02-17 17:12:58 +0100
committerLukas Larsson <lukas@erix.ericsson.se>2011-02-17 17:12:58 +0100
commit62e3328272e3bac139e765e6a5147daca02ec833 (patch)
tree6598446fa99d235a3a726a6c08c62d19942b41cd /lib
parent53974a3517268389ae18fabee509ebf4bbfce747 (diff)
parent00db7dddae0c6f1acddf52d97c9e6c65393d2459 (diff)
Merge branch 'lukas/common_test/updates_needed_before_migration/OTP-8768' into dev
* lukas/common_test/updates_needed_before_migration/OTP-8768: Update ts to take the config path as an invironmental and as a variables passed with all_tests and also with the normal run Update TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK os variable to be regarded as undet if set to undefined Fix bug with subgroups after introduction of remote groups Rename Suite Callback to Common Test Hook Update so that cover is skipper for applications without a .cover file Update minimal build target to include runtime_tools and common_test Update ts to start common test with both ts.config and ts.PLATFORM.config Update ts scb to add nodenames in all pre_init clauses Add release/tests/test_server to path Add ts_install_scb which is a common_test SCB that handles making of test modules. Update ts to work with common test instead of test_server Add kill_slavenodes/0 as an exported function Change format of remote groups to {group, Module, GroupName}, note that this is an unsupported feature Add possibility to get all testdata Fix bug when groups refer to groups in the groups/0 function Add support for external groups. Refactor code to make it easier to debug Update so that when asking for os and we are in the test_server_ctrl process, just use os:type(). Fix so that groups can return external test cases, i.e.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
12 files changed, 476 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Makefile b/lib/Makefile
index f5ffc6f166..00bcf27ee3 100644
--- a/lib/Makefile
+++ b/lib/Makefile
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ else
# --------------
ERTS_SUB_DIRECTORIES = stdlib sasl kernel compiler
- OTHER_SUB_DIRECTORIES = tools test_server
+ OTHER_SUB_DIRECTORIES = tools test_server common_test runtime_tools
ifeq ($(findstring win32,$(TARGET)),win32) # BUILD_ALL on win32
diff --git a/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_junit_report.xml b/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_junit_report.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 49a40cc1de..0000000000
--- a/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_junit_report.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="latin1" ?>
-<!DOCTYPE erlref SYSTEM "erlref.dtd">
-<modulesummary>Common Test Framework functions handling test specifications.</modulesummary>
-<p>Common Test Framework functions handling test specifications.</p>
- <p>This module creates a junit report of the test run if plugged in
- as a suite_callback.</p></description>
-<name>init(Opts) -&gt; term()
-<fsummary> </fsummary>
-<desc><marker id="init-1"/>
- </desc></func>
-<name>post_end_group(Group, Config, State) -&gt; term()
-<fsummary> </fsummary>
-<desc><marker id="post_end_group-3"/>
- </desc></func>
-<name>post_end_suite(Suite, Config, State) -&gt; term()
-<fsummary> </fsummary>
-<desc><marker id="post_end_suite-3"/>
- </desc></func>
-<name>post_end_tc(TC, Config, State) -&gt; term()
-<fsummary> </fsummary>
-<desc><marker id="post_end_tc-3"/>
- </desc></func>
-<name>post_init_group(Group, Config, State) -&gt; term()
-<fsummary> </fsummary>
-<desc><marker id="post_init_group-3"/>
- </desc></func>
-<name>post_init_suite(Suite, Config, State) -&gt; term()
-<fsummary> </fsummary>
-<desc><marker id="post_init_suite-3"/>
- </desc></func>
-<name>pre_end_group(Group, Config, State) -&gt; term()
-<fsummary> </fsummary>
-<desc><marker id="pre_end_group-3"/>
- </desc></func>
-<name>pre_end_suite(Suite, Config, State) -&gt; term()
-<fsummary> </fsummary>
-<desc><marker id="pre_end_suite-3"/>
- </desc></func>
-<name>pre_init_group(Group, Config, State) -&gt; term()
-<fsummary> </fsummary>
-<desc><marker id="pre_init_group-3"/>
- </desc></func>
-<name>pre_init_suite(Suite, Config, State) -&gt; term()
-<fsummary> </fsummary>
-<desc><marker id="pre_init_suite-3"/>
- </desc></func>
-<name>pre_init_tc(TC, Config, State) -&gt; term()
-<fsummary> </fsummary>
-<desc><marker id="pre_init_tc-3"/>
- </desc></func>
-<name>terminate(Config, State) -&gt; term()
-<fsummary> </fsummary>
-<desc><marker id="terminate-2"/>
- </desc></func></funcs>
-<aname> </aname>
-<email> </email></authors></erlref> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl
index 04829004f4..b61eda7152 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl
@@ -743,12 +743,12 @@ get_suite(Mod, Group={conf,Props,_Init,TCs,_End}) ->
%% init/end functions for top groups will be executed
case catch proplists:get_value(name, element(2, hd(ConfTests))) of
Name -> % top group
- ConfTests;
+ delete_subs(ConfTests, ConfTests);
_ ->
false ->
- ConfTests
+ delete_subs(ConfTests, ConfTests)
_ ->
@@ -765,9 +765,25 @@ get_suite(Mod, Name) ->
find_groups(Mod, Name, TCs, GroupDefs) ->
Found = find(Mod, Name, TCs, GroupDefs, [], GroupDefs, false),
Trimmed = trim(Found),
- delete_subs(Trimmed, Trimmed).
-find(Mod, all, _TCs, [{Name,Props,Tests} | Gs], Known, Defs, _) ->
+ %% I cannot find a reason to why this function is called,
+ %% It deletes any group which is referenced in any other
+ %% group. i.e.
+ %% groups() ->
+ %% [{test, [], [testcase1]},
+ %% {testcases, [], [{group, test}]}].
+ %% Would be changed to
+ %% groups() ->
+ %% [{testcases, [], [testcase1]}].
+ %% instead of what I believe is correct:
+ %% groups() ->
+ %% [{test, [], [testcase1]},
+ %% {testcases, [], [testcase1]}].
+ %% Have to double check with peppe
+ delete_subs(Trimmed, Trimmed),
+ Trimmed.
+find(Mod, all, _TCs, [{Name,Props,Tests} | Gs], Known, Defs, _)
+ when is_atom(Name), is_list(Props), is_list(Tests) ->
cyclic_test(Mod, Name, Known),
[make_conf(Mod, Name, Props,
find(Mod, all, all, Tests, [Name | Known], Defs, true)) |
@@ -789,8 +805,8 @@ find(Mod, Name, TCs, [{Name,Props,Tests} | _Gs], Known, Defs, false)
find(Mod, Name, TCs, [{Name1,Props,Tests} | Gs], Known, Defs, false)
when is_atom(Name1), is_list(Props), is_list(Tests) ->
cyclic_test(Mod, Name1, Known),
- [make_conf(Mod, Name1, Props,
- find(Mod, Name, TCs, Tests, [Name1 | Known], Defs, false)) |
+ [make_conf(Mod,Name1,Props,
+ find(Mod, Name, TCs, Tests, [Name1 | Known], Defs, false)) |
find(Mod, Name, TCs, Gs, [], Defs, false)];
find(Mod, Name, _TCs, [{Name,_Props,_Tests} | _Gs], _Known, _Defs, true)
@@ -806,17 +822,31 @@ find(Mod, Name, all, [{Name1,Props,Tests} | Gs], Known, Defs, true)
find(Mod, Name, all, Tests, [Name1 | Known], Defs, true)) |
find(Mod, Name, all, Gs, [], Defs, true)];
-find(Mod, Name, TCs, [{group,Name1} | Gs], Known, Defs, Found) when is_atom(Name1) ->
+find(Mod, Name, TCs, [{group,Name1} | Gs], Known, Defs, Found)
+ when is_atom(Name1) ->
find(Mod, Name, TCs, [expand(Mod, Name1, Defs) | Gs], Known, Defs, Found);
+%% Undocumented remote group feature, use with caution
+find(Mod, Name, TCs, [{group, ExtMod, ExtGrp} | Gs], Known, Defs, true)
+ when is_atom(ExtMod), is_atom(ExtGrp) ->
+ ExternalDefs = ExtMod:groups(),
+ ExternalTCs = find(ExtMod, ExtGrp, TCs, [{group, ExtGrp}],
+ [], ExternalDefs, false),
+ ExternalTCs ++ find(Mod, Name, TCs, Gs, Known, Defs, true);
find(Mod, Name, TCs, [{Name1,Tests} | Gs], Known, Defs, Found)
when is_atom(Name1), is_list(Tests) ->
find(Mod, Name, TCs, [{Name1,[],Tests} | Gs], Known, Defs, Found);
-find(Mod, Name, TCs, [TC | Gs], Known, Defs, false) when is_atom(TC) ->
+find(Mod, Name, TCs, [_TC | Gs], Known, Defs, false) ->
find(Mod, Name, TCs, Gs, Known, Defs, false);
find(Mod, Name, TCs, [TC | Gs], Known, Defs, true) when is_atom(TC) ->
+ [{Mod, TC} | find(Mod, Name, TCs, Gs, Known, Defs, true)];
+find(Mod, Name, TCs, [{ExternalTC, Case} = TC | Gs], Known, Defs, true)
+ when is_atom(ExternalTC),
+ is_atom(Case) ->
[TC | find(Mod, Name, TCs, Gs, Known, Defs, true)];
find(Mod, _Name, _TCs, [BadTerm | _Gs], Known, _Defs, _Found) ->
@@ -836,7 +866,7 @@ find(_Mod, _Name, _TCs, [], _Known, _Defs, false) ->
find(_Mod, _Name, _TCs, [], _Known, _Defs, _Found) ->
-delete_subs([Conf | Confs], All) ->
+delete_subs([{conf, _,_,_,_} = Conf | Confs], All) ->
All1 = delete_conf(Conf, All),
case is_sub(Conf, All1) of
true ->
@@ -844,7 +874,8 @@ delete_subs([Conf | Confs], All) ->
false ->
delete_subs(Confs, All)
+delete_subs([_Else | Confs], All) ->
+ delete_subs(Confs, All);
delete_subs([], All) ->
@@ -936,7 +967,9 @@ make_all_conf(Mod) ->
[] ->
ConfTests ->
- [{conf,Props,Init,all,End} || {conf,Props,Init,_,End} <- ConfTests]
+ [{conf,Props,Init,all,End} ||
+ {conf,Props,Init,_,End}
+ <- delete_subs(ConfTests, ConfTests)]
@@ -982,31 +1015,11 @@ get_all(Mod, ConfTests) ->
SeqsAndTCs ->
%% expand group references in all() using ConfTests
- Expand =
- fun({group,Name}) ->
- FindConf =
- fun({conf,Props,_,_,_}) ->
- case proplists:get_value(name, Props) of
- Name -> true;
- _ -> false
- end
- end,
- case lists:filter(FindConf, ConfTests) of
- [ConfTest|_] ->
- ConfTest;
- [] ->
- E = "Invalid reference to group "++
- atom_to_list(Name)++" in "++
- atom_to_list(Mod)++":all/0",
- throw({error,list_to_atom(E)})
- end;
- (SeqOrTC) -> SeqOrTC
- end,
- case catch lists:map(Expand, SeqsAndTCs) of
+ case catch expand_groups(SeqsAndTCs, ConfTests, Mod) of
{error,_} = Error ->
Tests ->
- Tests
+ delete_subs(Tests, Tests)
Skip = {skip,_Reason} ->
@@ -1017,6 +1030,30 @@ get_all(Mod, ConfTests) ->
+expand_groups([H | T], ConfTests, Mod) ->
+ [expand_groups(H, ConfTests, Mod) | expand_groups(T, ConfTests, Mod)];
+expand_groups([], _ConfTests, _Mod) ->
+ [];
+expand_groups({group,Name}, ConfTests, Mod) ->
+ FindConf =
+ fun({conf,Props,_,_,_}) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(name, Props) of
+ Name -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end
+ end,
+ case lists:filter(FindConf, ConfTests) of
+ [ConfTest|_] ->
+ expand_groups(ConfTest, ConfTests, Mod);
+ [] ->
+ E = "Invalid reference to group "++
+ atom_to_list(Name)++" in "++
+ atom_to_list(Mod)++":all/0",
+ throw({error,list_to_atom(E)})
+ end;
+expand_groups(SeqOrTC, _ConfTests, _Mod) ->
+ SeqOrTC.
%%! The support for sequences by means of using sequences/0
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_util.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_util.erl
index 45146de57c..0476e1599f 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_util.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_util.erl
@@ -288,6 +288,9 @@ loop(Mode,TestData,StartDir) ->
TestData1 = lists:keydelete(Key,1,TestData),
+ {{get_testdata, all}, From} ->
+ return(From, TestData),
+ loop(From, TestData, StartDir);
{{get_testdata,Key},From} ->
case lists:keysearch(Key,1,TestData) of
{value,{Key,Val}} ->
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/Makefile b/lib/test_server/src/Makefile
index 3dca55178d..ba264a5748 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/Makefile
@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ TS_MODULES= \
ts_erl_config \
ts_autoconf_win32 \
ts_autoconf_vxworks \
- ts_install
+ ts_install \
+ ts_install_cth
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ release_tests_spec: opt
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(RELEASE_PATH)/test_server
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server.erl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server.erl
index 13ff02cc6c..e0bf50bc43 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/test_server.erl
@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, CaptureStdout, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf) ->
%% a framework function failed
Loc = case CB of
- false ->
+ FW when FW =:= false; FW =:= "undefined" ->
_ ->
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_ctrl.erl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_ctrl.erl
index 977a2b1785..7cd58642d0 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_ctrl.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_ctrl.erl
@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
cross_cover_analyse/1, cross_cover_analyse/2, trc/1, stop_trace/0]).
%%% TEST_SERVER INTERFACE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-export([output/2, print/2, print/3, print_timestamp/2]).
@@ -525,6 +526,9 @@ testcase_callback(ModFunc) ->
set_random_seed(Seed) ->
+kill_slavenodes() ->
+ controller_call(kill_slavenodes).
get_hosts() ->
@@ -533,6 +537,8 @@ get_target_os_type() ->
undefined ->
%% This is probably called on the target node
+ Pid when Pid =:= self() ->
+ os:type();
_pid ->
%% This is called on the controller, e.g. from a
%% specification clause of a test case
@@ -637,7 +643,7 @@ contact_main_target(local) ->
%% When used by a general framework, global registration of
%% test_server should not be required.
case os:getenv("TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK") of
- false ->
+ FW when FW =:= false; FW =:= "undefined" ->
%% Local target! The global test_server process implemented by
%% test_server.erl will not be started, so we simulate it by
%% globally registering this process instead.
@@ -1704,7 +1710,7 @@ do_test_cases(TopCases, SkipCases,
[erlang:system_info(version), code:root_dir()]),
case os:getenv("TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK") of
- false ->
+ FW when FW =:= false; FW =:= "undefined" ->
print(html, "<p>Target:<br>\n"),
print_who(TI#target_info.host, TI#target_info.username),
print(html, "<br>Used Erlang ~s in <tt>~s</tt>.\n",
@@ -4057,7 +4063,7 @@ get_font_style1(default) ->
format_exception(Reason={_Error,Stack}) when is_list(Stack) ->
case os:getenv("TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK") of
- false ->
+ FW when FW =:= false; FW =:= "undefined" ->
case application:get_env(test_server, format_exception) of
{ok,false} ->
@@ -4630,7 +4636,7 @@ collect_case([Case | Cases], St, Acc) ->
collect_case_invoke(Mod, Case, MFA, St) ->
case os:getenv("TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK") of
- false ->
+ FW when FW =:= false; FW =:= "undefined" ->
case catch apply(Mod, Case, [suite]) of
{'EXIT',_} ->
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_node.erl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_node.erl
index 49025b1a3d..056d18da96 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_node.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_node.erl
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ start_remote_main_target(Parameters) ->
Cmd =
case os:getenv("TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK") of
- false -> Cmd0;
+ FW when FW =:= false; FW =:= "undefined" -> Cmd0;
FW -> Cmd0 ++ " -env TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK " ++ FW
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_sup.erl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_sup.erl
index 625724fbb5..4a7804a482 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_sup.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_sup.erl
@@ -494,7 +494,8 @@ framework_call(Func,Args) ->
framework_call(Func,Args,DefaultReturn) ->
-framework_call(false,_Func,_Args,DefaultReturn) ->
+ when FW =:= false; FW =:= "undefined" ->
framework_call(Callback,Func,Args,DefaultReturn) ->
Mod = list_to_atom(Callback),
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/ts.erl b/lib/test_server/src/ts.erl
index fcd955345f..3d55f41b8c 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/ts.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/ts.erl
@@ -150,6 +150,14 @@ help(installed) ->
" TraceSpec is the name of a file containing\n",
" trace specifications or a list of trace\n",
" specification elements.\n",
+ " {config, Path} - Specify which directory ts should get it's \n"
+ " config files from. The files should follow\n"
+ " the convention lib/test_server/src/ts*.config.\n"
+ " These config files can also be specified by\n"
+ " setting the TEST_CONFIG_PATH environment\n"
+ " variable to the directory where the config\n"
+ " files are. The default location is\n"
+ " tests/test_server/.\n"
"Supported trace information elements\n",
" {tp | tpl, Mod, [] | match_spec()}\n",
@@ -249,7 +257,7 @@ run_some([Spec|Specs], Opts) ->
run(Testspec) when is_atom(Testspec) ->
Options=check_test_get_opts(Testspec, []),
File = atom_to_list(Testspec),
- run_test(File, ["SPEC current.spec NAME ",File], Options);
+ run_test(File, [{spec,[File++".spec"]}], Options);
%% This can be used from command line, e.g.
%% erl -s ts run all_tests <config>
@@ -293,11 +301,11 @@ run(List, Opts) when is_list(List), is_list(Opts) ->
run(Testspec, Config) when is_atom(Testspec), is_list(Config) ->
Options=check_test_get_opts(Testspec, Config),
- run_test(File, ["SPEC current.spec NAME ", File], Options);
+ run_test(File, [{spec,[File++".spec"]}], Options);
%% Runs one module in a spec (interactive)
run(Testspec, Mod) when is_atom(Testspec), is_atom(Mod) ->
run_test({atom_to_list(Testspec), Mod},
- ["SPEC current.spec NAME ", atom_to_list(Mod)],
+ [{suite,Mod}],
%% run/3
@@ -305,20 +313,23 @@ run(Testspec, Mod) when is_atom(Testspec), is_atom(Mod) ->
run(Testspec,Mod,Config) when is_atom(Testspec), is_atom(Mod), is_list(Config) ->
Options=check_test_get_opts(Testspec, Config),
run_test({atom_to_list(Testspec), Mod},
- ["SPEC current.spec NAME ", atom_to_list(Mod)],
+ [{suite,Mod}],
%% Runs one testcase in a module.
run(Testspec, Mod, Case) when is_atom(Testspec), is_atom(Mod), is_atom(Case) ->
Options=check_test_get_opts(Testspec, []),
- Args = ["CASE ",atom_to_list(Mod)," ",atom_to_list(Case)],
+ Args = [{suite,atom_to_list(Mod)},{testcase,atom_to_list(Case)}],
run_test(atom_to_list(Testspec), Args, Options).
%% run/4
%% Run one testcase in a module with Options.
-run(Testspec, Mod, Case, Config) when is_atom(Testspec), is_atom(Mod), is_atom(Case), is_list(Config) ->
+run(Testspec, Mod, Case, Config) when is_atom(Testspec),
+ is_atom(Mod),
+ is_atom(Case),
+ is_list(Config) ->
Options=check_test_get_opts(Testspec, Config),
- Args = ["CASE ",atom_to_list(Mod), " ",atom_to_list(Case)],
+ Args = [{suite,atom_to_list(Mod)}, {testcase,atom_to_list(Case)}],
run_test(atom_to_list(Testspec), Args, Options).
%% Check testspec to be valid and get possible Options
@@ -327,10 +338,11 @@ check_test_get_opts(Testspec, Config) ->
Mode = configmember(batch, {batch, interactive}, Config),
Vars = configvars(Config),
- Trace = configtrace(Config),
+ Trace = get_config(trace,Config),
+ ConfigPath = get_config(config,Config),
KeepTopcase = configmember(keep_topcase, {keep_topcase,[]}, Config),
Cover = configcover(Testspec,Config),
- lists:flatten([Vars,Mode,Trace,KeepTopcase,Cover]).
+ lists:flatten([Vars,Mode,Trace,KeepTopcase,Cover,ConfigPath]).
to_erlang_term(Atom) ->
String = atom_to_list(Atom),
@@ -398,8 +410,8 @@ special_vars(Config) ->
-configtrace(Config) ->
- case lists:keysearch(trace,1,Config) of
+get_config(Key,Config) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(Key,1,Config) of
{value,Value} -> Value;
false -> []
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/ts_install_cth.erl b/lib/test_server/src/ts_install_cth.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e28ebd529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/ts_install_cth.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% @doc TS Installed SCB
+%%% This module does what the make parts of the ts:run/x command did,
+%%% but not the Makefile.first parts! So they have to be done by ts or
+%%% manually!!
+%% Suite Callbacks
+-type proplist() :: list({atom(),term()}).
+-type config() :: proplist().
+-type reason() :: term().
+-type skip_or_fail() :: {skip, reason()} |
+ {auto_skip, reason()} |
+ {fail, reason()}.
+-record(state, { ts_conf_dir, target_system, install_opts, nodenames, nodes }).
+%% @doc The id of this SCB
+-spec id(Opts :: term()) ->
+ Id :: term().
+id(_Opts) ->
+%% @doc Always called before any other callback function.
+-spec init(Id :: term(), Opts :: proplist()) ->
+ State :: #state{}.
+init(_Id, Opts) ->
+% ct:log("CurrWD: ~p",[file:get_cwd()]),
+ Nodenames = proplists:get_value(nodenames, Opts, 0),
+ Nodes = proplists:get_value(nodes, Opts, 0),
+ TSConfDir = proplists:get_value(ts_conf_dir, Opts),
+ TargetSystem = proplists:get_value(target_system, Opts, install_local),
+ InstallOpts = proplists:get_value(install_opts, Opts, []),
+ #state{ nodenames = Nodenames,
+ nodes = Nodes,
+ ts_conf_dir = TSConfDir,
+ target_system = TargetSystem,
+ install_opts = InstallOpts }.
+%% @doc Called before init_per_suite is called.
+-spec pre_init_per_suite(Suite :: atom(),
+ Config :: config(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {config() | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+pre_init_per_suite(Suite,Config,#state{ ts_conf_dir = undefined} = State) ->
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ ParentDir = filename:join(
+ lists:reverse(
+ tl(lists:reverse(filename:split(DataDir))))),
+ TSConfDir = filename:join([ParentDir, "..","test_server"]),
+ pre_init_per_suite(Suite, Config, State#state{ ts_conf_dir = TSConfDir });
+pre_init_per_suite(_Suite,Config,State) ->
+% ct:log("pre_init_per_suite(~p,~p,~p)",[_Suite,Config,State]),
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ try
+% install(State#state.ts_conf_dir,
+% State#state.target_system,
+% State#state.install_opts),
+ {ok,Variables} =
+ file:consult(filename:join(State#state.ts_conf_dir,"variables")),
+ %% Make the stuff in all_SUITE_data if it exists
+ AllDir = filename:join(DataDir,"../all_SUITE_data"),
+ case filelib:is_dir(AllDir) of
+ true ->
+ make_non_erlang(AllDir,Variables);
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ make_non_erlang(DataDir, Variables),
+ {add_node_name(Config, State), State}
+ catch Error:Reason ->
+ Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
+ ct:pal("~p failed! ~p:{~p,~p}",[?MODULE,Error,Reason,Stack]),
+ {fail,{?MODULE,{Error,Reason, Stack}}}
+ end.
+%% @doc Called after init_per_suite.
+-spec post_init_per_suite(Suite :: atom(),
+ Config :: config(),
+ Return :: config() | skip_or_fail(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {config() | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+post_init_per_suite(_Suite,_Config,Return,State) ->
+ test_server_ctrl:kill_slavenodes(),
+ {Return, State}.
+%% @doc Called before end_per_suite.
+-spec pre_end_per_suite(Suite :: atom(),
+ Config :: config() | skip_or_fail(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {ok | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+pre_end_per_suite(_Suite,Config,State) ->
+ {Config, State}.
+%% @doc Called after end_per_suite.
+-spec post_end_per_suite(Suite :: atom(),
+ Config :: config(),
+ Return :: term(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {ok | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+post_end_per_suite(_Suite,_Config,Return,State) ->
+ {Return, State}.
+%% @doc Called before each init_per_group.
+-spec pre_init_per_group(Group :: atom(),
+ Config :: config(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {config() | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+pre_init_per_group(_Group,Config,State) ->
+ {add_node_name(Config, State), State}.
+%% @doc Called after each init_per_group.
+-spec post_init_per_group(Group :: atom(),
+ Config :: config(),
+ Return :: config() | skip_or_fail(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {config() | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+post_init_per_group(_Group,_Config,Return,State) ->
+ {Return, State}.
+%% @doc Called after each end_per_group.
+-spec pre_end_per_group(Group :: atom(),
+ Config :: config() | skip_or_fail(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {ok | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+pre_end_per_group(_Group,Config,State) ->
+ {Config, State}.
+%% @doc Called after each end_per_group.
+-spec post_end_per_group(Group :: atom(),
+ Config :: config(),
+ Return :: term(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {ok | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+post_end_per_group(_Group,_Config,Return,State) ->
+ {Return, State}.
+%% @doc Called before each test case.
+-spec pre_init_per_testcase(TC :: atom(),
+ Config :: config(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {config() | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+pre_init_per_testcase(_TC,Config,State) ->
+ {add_node_name(Config, State), State}.
+%% @doc Called after each test case.
+-spec post_end_per_testcase(TC :: atom(),
+ Config :: config(),
+ Return :: term(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {ok | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+post_end_per_testcase(_TC,_Config,Return,State) ->
+ {Return, State}.
+%% @doc Called after a test case failed.
+-spec on_tc_fail(TC :: init_per_suite | end_per_suite |
+ init_per_group | end_per_group | atom(),
+ Reason :: term(), State :: #state{}) ->
+ NewState :: #state{}.
+on_tc_fail(_TC, _Reason, State) ->
+ State.
+%% @doc Called when a test case is skipped.
+-spec on_tc_skip(TC :: end_per_suite | init_per_group | end_per_group | atom(),
+ {tc_auto_skip, {failed, {Mod :: atom(), Function :: atom(),
+ Reason :: term()}}} |
+ {tc_user_skip, {skipped, Reason :: term()}},
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ NewState :: #state{}.
+on_tc_skip(_TC, _Reason, State) ->
+ State.
+%% @doc Called when the scope of the SCB is done.
+-spec terminate(State :: #state{}) ->
+ term().
+terminate(_State) ->
+% ct:log("Terminate called"),
+ ok.
+%%% ============================================================================
+%%% Local functions
+%%% ============================================================================
+%% Configure and run all the Makefiles in the data dirs of the suite
+%% in question
+make_non_erlang(DataDir, Variables) ->
+ {ok,CurrWD} = file:get_cwd(),
+ try
+ file:set_cwd(DataDir),
+ MakeCommand = proplists:get_value(make_command,Variables),
+ FirstMakefile = filename:join(DataDir,"Makefile.first"),
+ case filelib:is_regular(FirstMakefile) of
+ true ->
+ ct:log("Making ~p",[FirstMakefile]),
+ ok = ts_make:make(
+ MakeCommand, DataDir, filename:basename(FirstMakefile));
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ MakefileSrc = filename:join(DataDir,"Makefile.src"),
+ MakefileDest = filename:join(DataDir,"Makefile"),
+ case filelib:is_regular(MakefileSrc) of
+ true ->
+ ok = ts_lib:subst_file(MakefileSrc,MakefileDest,Variables),
+ ct:log("Making ~p",[MakefileDest]),
+ ok = ts_make:make([{makefile,"Makefile"},{data_dir,DataDir}
+ | Variables]);
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end
+ after
+ file:set_cwd(CurrWD),
+ timer:sleep(100)
+ end.
+%% Add a nodename to config if it does not exist
+add_node_name(Config, State) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(nodenames, Config) of
+ undefined ->
+ lists:keystore(
+ nodenames, 1, Config,
+ {nodenames,generate_nodenames(State#state.nodenames)});
+ _Else ->
+ Config
+ end.
+%% Copied from test_server_ctrl.erl
+generate_nodenames(Num) ->
+ {ok,Name} = inet:gethostname(),
+ generate_nodenames2(Num, [Name], []).
+generate_nodenames2(0, _Hosts, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+generate_nodenames2(N, Hosts, Acc) ->
+ Host=lists:nth((N rem (length(Hosts)))+1, Hosts),
+ Name=list_to_atom(temp_nodename("nod", []) ++ "@" ++ Host),
+ generate_nodenames2(N-1, Hosts, [Name|Acc]).
+temp_nodename([], Acc) ->
+ lists:flatten(Acc);
+temp_nodename([Chr|Base], Acc) ->
+ {A,B,C} = erlang:now(),
+ New = [Chr | integer_to_list(Chr bxor A bxor B+A bxor C+B)],
+ temp_nodename(Base, [New|Acc]).
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/ts_run.erl b/lib/test_server/src/ts_run.erl
index 888ac98973..60e01600e1 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/ts_run.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/ts_run.erl
@@ -63,32 +63,13 @@ run(File, Args0, Options, Vars0) ->
_ ->
{false, fun run_interactive/3}
- HandleTopcase = case member(keep_topcase, Options) of
- true -> [fun copy_topcase/3];
- false -> [fun remove_original_topcase/3,
- fun init_topcase/3]
- end,
- MakefileHooks = [fun make_make/3,
- fun add_make_testcase/3],
- MakeLoop = fun(V, Sp, St) -> make_loop(MakefileHooks, V, Sp, St) end,
Hooks = [fun init_state/3,
- fun read_spec_file/3] ++
- HandleTopcase ++
- [fun run_preinits/3,
- fun find_makefiles/3,
- MakeLoop,
- fun make_test_suite/3,
- fun add_topcase_to_spec/3,
- fun write_spec_file/3,
+ fun run_preinits/3,
fun make_command/3,
- Args = make_test_server_args(Args0,Options,Vars),
+ Args = make_common_test_args(Args0,Options,Vars),
St = #state{file=File,test_server_args=Args,batch=Batch},
R = execute(Hooks, Vars, [], St),
- case Batch of
- true -> ts_reports:make_index();
- false -> ok % ts_reports:make_index() is run on the test_server node
- end,
case R of
{ok,_,_,_} -> ok;
Error -> Error
@@ -430,6 +411,15 @@ write_spec_file(Vars, Spec, _State) ->
MoreConfig = io_lib:format("~p.\n", [{config,Conf}]),
file:write_file("current.spec", [DiskLess,Hosts,MoreConfig,SpecFile]).
+get_config_files() ->
+ TSConfig = "ts.config",
+ [TSConfig | case os:type() of
+ {unix,_} -> ["ts.unix.config"];
+ {win32,_} -> ["ts.win32.config"];
+ vxworks -> ["ts.vxworks.config"];
+ _ -> []
+ end].
consult_config() ->
{ok,Conf} = file:consult("ts.config"),
case os:type() of
@@ -457,6 +447,7 @@ backslashify([]) ->
make_command(Vars, Spec, State) ->
+ {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
TestDir = State#state.test_dir,
TestPath = filename:nativename(TestDir),
Erl = case os:getenv("TS_RUN_VALGRIND") of
@@ -487,7 +478,7 @@ make_command(Vars, Spec, State) ->
{value,{erl_start_args,Args}} -> Args;
false -> ""
- CrashFile = State#state.file ++ "_erl_crash.dump",
+ CrashFile = filename:join(Cwd,State#state.file ++ "_erl_crash.dump"),
case filelib:is_file(CrashFile) of
true ->
io:format("ts_run: Deleting dump: ~s\n",[CrashFile]),
@@ -495,7 +486,8 @@ make_command(Vars, Spec, State) ->
false ->
- Cmd = [Erl, Naming, "test_server -pa ", $", TestPath, $",
+ %% NOTE: Do not use ' in these commands as it wont work on windows
+ Cmd = [Erl, Naming, "test_server"
" -rsh ", ts_lib:var(rsh_name, Vars),
" -env PATH \"",
backslashify(lists:flatten([TestPath, path_separator(),
@@ -505,15 +497,20 @@ make_command(Vars, Spec, State) ->
%% uncomment the line below to disable exception formatting
%% " -test_server_format_exception false",
" -boot start_sasl -sasl errlog_type error",
- " -s test_server_ctrl run_test ", State#state.test_server_args,
+ " -pz ",Cwd,
+ " -eval \"file:set_cwd(\\\"",TestDir,"\\\")\" "
+ " -eval \"ct:run_test(",
+ backslashify(lists:flatten(State#state.test_server_args)),")\""
" ",
{ok, Vars, Spec, State#state{command=lists:flatten(Cmd)}}.
run_batch(Vars, _Spec, State) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Command = State#state.command ++ " -noinput -s erlang halt",
ts_lib:progress(Vars, 1, "Command: ~s~n", [Command]),
+ io:format(user, "Command: ~s~n",[Command]),
Port = open_port({spawn, Command}, [stream, in, eof]),
@@ -554,7 +551,7 @@ is_testnode_dead([{"test_server",_}|_]) -> false;
is_testnode_dead([_|T]) -> is_testnode_dead(T).
run_interactive(Vars, _Spec, State) ->
- Command = State#state.command ++ " -s ts_reports make_index",
+ Command = State#state.command,
ts_lib:progress(Vars, 1, "Command: ~s~n", [Command]),
case ts_lib:var(os, Vars) of
"Windows 95" ->
@@ -604,6 +601,52 @@ path_separator() ->
+make_common_test_args(Args0, Options, _Vars) ->
+ Trace =
+ case lists:keysearch(trace,1,Options) of
+ {value,{trace,TI}} when is_tuple(TI); is_tuple(hd(TI)) ->
+ ok = file:write_file(?tracefile,io_lib:format("~p.~n",[TI])),
+ [{ct_trace,?tracefile}];
+ {value,{trace,TIFile}} when is_atom(TIFile) ->
+ [{ct_trace,atom_to_list(TIFile)}];
+ {value,{trace,TIFile}} ->
+ [{ct_trace,TIFile}];
+ false ->
+ []
+ end,
+ Cover =
+ case lists:keysearch(cover,1,Options) of
+ {value,{cover, App, none, _Analyse}} ->
+ io:format("No cover file found for ~p~n",[App]),
+ [];
+ {value,{cover,_App,File,_Analyse}} ->
+ [{cover,to_list(File)}];
+ false ->
+ []
+ end,
+ Logdir = case lists:keysearch(logdir, 1, Options) of
+ {value,{logdir, _}} ->
+ [];
+ false ->
+ [{logdir,"../test_server"}]
+ end,
+ ConfigPath = case {os:getenv("TEST_CONFIG_PATH"),
+ lists:keysearch(config, 1, Options)} of
+ {false,{value, {config, Path}}} ->
+ Path;
+ {false,false} ->
+ "../test_server";
+ {Path,_} ->
+ Path
+ end,
+ ConfigFiles = [{config,[filename:join(ConfigPath,File)
+ || File <- get_config_files()]}],
+ io_lib:format("~100000p",[Args0++Trace++Cover++Logdir++
+ ConfigFiles++Options]).
make_test_server_args(Args0,Options,Vars) ->
Parameters =
case ts_lib:var(os, Vars) of