path: root/lib
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2015-03-19 12:25:40 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2015-04-10 12:33:23 +0200
commit8724991b13d3de1f47a9b297d85a2a055992ba66 (patch)
tree3b6ad27e2d9dc5a2a2066ac9bb8baad1fb9951e9 /lib
parentf25d4d038667f6d460b6eadc026fb825bfe390a8 (diff)
Optimize unicode_SUITE:ex_binaries_errors* test cases
Refactor the code so that the error test cases for utf16 can share the code for big and little endian. Do the same for utf32. The major optimization is the observation that the following code: byte_size(unicode:characters_to_binary(List, unicode, {utf16,big}) can be replaced with: 2*length(List) which is much faster. (That optimization is not safe in general, but for the lists used in the error tests cases, it is.)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/unicode_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/unicode_SUITE.erl
index 26420e6e7d..613be99ccd 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/unicode_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/unicode_SUITE.erl
@@ -111,109 +111,84 @@ ex_binaries_errors_utf8(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ex_binaries_errors_utf16_little(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- BrokenPart = << <<X:16/little>> || X <- lists:seq(16#DC00,16#DFFF) >>,
- BrokenSz = byte_size(BrokenPart),
- [ begin
- OKList = lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(N,lists:seq(1,255))),
- OKBin = unicode:characters_to_binary(OKList,unicode,{utf16,little}),
- OKLen = length(OKList),
- %% Copy to avoid that the binary get's writable
- PartlyBroken = binary:copy(<<OKBin/binary, BrokenPart/binary>>),
- PBSz = byte_size(PartlyBroken),
- {error,OKList,DeepBrokenPart} =
- unicode:characters_to_list(PartlyBroken,{utf16,little}),
- BrokenPart = iolist_to_binary(DeepBrokenPart),
- [ begin
- NewList = lists:nthtail(X, OKList),
- NewSz = byte_size(unicode:characters_to_binary(NewList,unicode,{utf16,little})) +
- BrokenSz,
- Chomped = binary:part(PartlyBroken,PBSz - NewSz, NewSz),
- true = (binary:referenced_byte_size(Chomped) =:= PBSz),
- {error,NewList,DeepBrokenPart2} =
- unicode:characters_to_list(Chomped,{utf16,little}),
- BrokenPart = iolist_to_binary(DeepBrokenPart2)
- end || X <- lists:seq(1,OKLen) ]
- end || N <- lists:seq(1,16,3) ],
- ok.
+ ex_binaries_errors_utf16(little).
ex_binaries_errors_utf16_big(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- BrokenPart = << <<X:16/big>> || X <- lists:seq(16#DC00,16#DFFF) >>,
+ ex_binaries_errors_utf16(big).
+ex_binaries_errors_utf16(Endian) ->
+ BrokenSeq = lists:seq(16#DC00, 16#DFFF),
+ BrokenPart = case Endian of
+ little ->
+ << <<X:16/little>> || X <- BrokenSeq >>;
+ big ->
+ << <<X:16/big>> || X <- BrokenSeq >>
+ end,
BrokenSz = byte_size(BrokenPart),
+ Seq255 = lists:seq(1, 255),
[ begin
- OKList = lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(N,lists:seq(1,255))),
- OKBin = unicode:characters_to_binary(OKList,unicode,{utf16,big}),
- OKLen = length(OKList),
- %% Copy to avoid that the binary get's writable
- PartlyBroken = binary:copy(<<OKBin/binary, BrokenPart/binary>>),
+ OKList = lists:append(lists:duplicate(N, Seq255)),
+ OKBin = unicode:characters_to_binary(OKList, unicode, {utf16,Endian}),
+ PartlyBroken = iolist_to_binary([OKBin,BrokenPart]),
PBSz = byte_size(PartlyBroken),
{error,OKList,DeepBrokenPart} =
- unicode:characters_to_list(PartlyBroken,{utf16,big}),
+ unicode:characters_to_list(PartlyBroken, {utf16,Endian}),
BrokenPart = iolist_to_binary(DeepBrokenPart),
- [ begin
- NewList = lists:nthtail(X, OKList),
- NewSz = byte_size(unicode:characters_to_binary(NewList,unicode,{utf16,big})) +
- BrokenSz,
- Chomped = binary:part(PartlyBroken,PBSz - NewSz, NewSz),
- true = (binary:referenced_byte_size(Chomped) =:= PBSz),
- {error,NewList,DeepBrokenPart2} =
- unicode:characters_to_list(Chomped,{utf16,big}),
- BrokenPart = iolist_to_binary(DeepBrokenPart2)
- end || X <- lists:seq(1,OKLen) ]
- end || N <- lists:seq(1,16,3) ],
+ utf16_inner_loop(OKList, BrokenPart, BrokenSz,
+ PartlyBroken, PBSz, Endian)
+ end || N <- lists:seq(1, 16, 3) ],
+ ok.
+utf16_inner_loop([_|List], BrokenPart, BrokenSz, PartlyBroken, PBSz, Endian) ->
+ Sz = length(List)*2 + BrokenSz,
+ Chomped = binary:part(PartlyBroken, PBSz - Sz, Sz),
+ true = binary:referenced_byte_size(Chomped) =:= PBSz,
+ {error,List,DeepBrokenPart} =
+ unicode:characters_to_list(Chomped, {utf16,Endian}),
+ BrokenPart = iolist_to_binary(DeepBrokenPart),
+ utf16_inner_loop(List, BrokenPart, BrokenSz, PartlyBroken, PBSz, Endian);
+utf16_inner_loop([], _, _, _, _, _) ->
ex_binaries_errors_utf32_big(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- BrokenPart = << <<X:32/big>> || X <- lists:seq(16#DC00,16#DFFF) >>,
- BrokenSz = byte_size(BrokenPart),
- [ begin
- OKList = lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(N,lists:seq(1,255))),
- OKBin = unicode:characters_to_binary(OKList,unicode,{utf32,big}),
- OKLen = length(OKList),
- %% Copy to avoid that the binary get's writable
- PartlyBroken = binary:copy(<<OKBin/binary, BrokenPart/binary>>),
- PBSz = byte_size(PartlyBroken),
- {error,OKList,DeepBrokenPart} =
- unicode:characters_to_list(PartlyBroken,{utf32,big}),
- BrokenPart = iolist_to_binary(DeepBrokenPart),
- [ begin
- NewList = lists:nthtail(X, OKList),
- NewSz = byte_size(unicode:characters_to_binary(NewList,unicode,{utf32,big})) +
- BrokenSz,
- Chomped = binary:part(PartlyBroken,PBSz - NewSz, NewSz),
- true = (binary:referenced_byte_size(Chomped) =:= PBSz),
- {error,NewList,DeepBrokenPart2} =
- unicode:characters_to_list(Chomped,{utf32,big}),
- BrokenPart = iolist_to_binary(DeepBrokenPart2)
- end || X <- lists:seq(1,OKLen) ]
- end || N <- lists:seq(1,16,3) ],
- ok.
+ ex_binaries_errors_utf32(big).
ex_binaries_errors_utf32_little(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- BrokenPart = << <<X:32/little>> || X <- lists:seq(16#DC00,16#DFFF) >>,
+ ex_binaries_errors_utf32(little).
+ex_binaries_errors_utf32(Endian) ->
+ BrokenSeq = lists:seq(16#DC00, 16#DFFF),
+ BrokenPart = case Endian of
+ little ->
+ << <<X:32/little>> || X <- BrokenSeq >>;
+ big ->
+ << <<X:32/big>> || X <- BrokenSeq >>
+ end,
BrokenSz = byte_size(BrokenPart),
+ Seq255 = lists:seq(1, 255),
[ begin
- OKList = lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(N,lists:seq(1,255))),
- OKBin = unicode:characters_to_binary(OKList,unicode,{utf32,little}),
- OKLen = length(OKList),
- %% Copy to avoid that the binary get's writable
- PartlyBroken = binary:copy(<<OKBin/binary, BrokenPart/binary>>),
+ OKList = lists:append(lists:duplicate(N, Seq255)),
+ OKBin = unicode:characters_to_binary(OKList, unicode, {utf32,Endian}),
+ PartlyBroken = iolist_to_binary([OKBin,BrokenPart]),
PBSz = byte_size(PartlyBroken),
{error,OKList,DeepBrokenPart} =
- unicode:characters_to_list(PartlyBroken,{utf32,little}),
+ unicode:characters_to_list(PartlyBroken, {utf32,Endian}),
BrokenPart = iolist_to_binary(DeepBrokenPart),
- [ begin
- NewList = lists:nthtail(X, OKList),
- NewSz = byte_size(unicode:characters_to_binary(NewList,unicode,{utf32,little})) +
- BrokenSz,
- Chomped = binary:part(PartlyBroken,PBSz - NewSz, NewSz),
- true = (binary:referenced_byte_size(Chomped) =:= PBSz),
- {error,NewList,DeepBrokenPart2} =
- unicode:characters_to_list(Chomped,{utf32,little}),
- BrokenPart = iolist_to_binary(DeepBrokenPart2)
- end || X <- lists:seq(1,OKLen) ]
- end || N <- lists:seq(1,16,3) ],
+ utf32_inner_loop(OKList, BrokenPart, BrokenSz,
+ PartlyBroken, PBSz, Endian)
+ end || N <- lists:seq(1, 16, 3) ],
+utf32_inner_loop([_|List], BrokenPart, BrokenSz, PartlyBroken, PBSz, Endian) ->
+ Sz = length(List)*4 + BrokenSz,
+ Chomped = binary:part(PartlyBroken, PBSz - Sz, Sz),
+ true = binary:referenced_byte_size(Chomped) =:= PBSz,
+ {error,List,DeepBrokenPart} =
+ unicode:characters_to_list(Chomped, {utf32,Endian}),
+ BrokenPart = iolist_to_binary(DeepBrokenPart),
+ utf32_inner_loop(List, BrokenPart, BrokenSz, PartlyBroken, PBSz, Endian);
+utf32_inner_loop([], _, _, _, _, _) ->
+ ok.
exceptions(Config) when is_list(Config) ->