path: root/lib
diff options
authorAnders Svensson <anders@erlang.org>2012-11-15 18:39:54 +0100
committerAnders Svensson <anders@erlang.org>2012-11-15 19:03:09 +0100
commit23925103bfb66268113e533e701eb3865d6c1085 (patch)
tree43b92d07e451fbec6613daf4cb14b86a3e1ab685 /lib
parent3b1b9e110e9db2ee0fcfad2b5d558c4d6a82700d (diff)
Implement transport_opt() capx_timeout
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
2 files changed, 30 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter.erl
index 95702f03d4..8f9901907a 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter.erl
@@ -330,6 +330,7 @@ call(SvcName, App, Message) ->
| {applications, [app_alias()]}
| {capabilities, [capability()]}
| {capabilities_cb, evaluable()}
+ | {capx_timeout, 'Unsigned32'()}
| {disconnect_cb, evaluable()}
| {watchdog_timer, 'Unsigned32'() | {module(), atom(), list()}}
| {reconnect_timer, 'Unsigned32'()}
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_peer_fsm.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_peer_fsm.erl
index e06dc136ce..c4320fcb99 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_peer_fsm.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_peer_fsm.erl
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
-define(IS_SUCCESS(N), 2 == (N) div 1000).
%% Guards.
--define(IS_UINT32(N), (0 =< N andalso 0 == N bsr 32)).
+-define(IS_UINT32(N), (is_integer(N) andalso 0 =< N andalso 0 == N bsr 32)).
-define(IS_TIMEOUT(N), ?IS_UINT32(N)).
-define(IS_CAUSE(N), N == ?REBOOT; N == rebooting;
N == ?GOAWAY; N == goaway;
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
%% for some event.
-define(EVENT_TIMEOUT, 10000).
+%% Default timeout for reception of CER/CEA.
%% Default timeout for DPA in response to DPR. A bit short but the
%% timeout used to be hardcoded. (So it could be worse.)
@@ -93,8 +94,9 @@
-type uint32() :: diameter:'Unsigned32'().
- {state = 'Wait-Conn-Ack' %% state of RFC 3588 Peer State Machine
- :: 'Wait-Conn-Ack'
+ {state %% of RFC 3588 Peer State Machine
+ :: 'Wait-Conn-Ack' %% old code
+ | {'Wait-Conn-Ack', uint32()}
| recv_CER
| 'Wait-CEA' %% old code
| {'Wait-CEA', uint32(), uint32()}
@@ -191,7 +193,10 @@ i({WPid, T, Opts, {Mask, Nodes, #diameter_service{applications = Apps,
putr(?RESTRICT_KEY, Nodes),
erlang:monitor(process, WPid),
{TPid, Addrs} = start_transport(T, Rest, Svc),
- #state{parent = WPid,
+ Tmo = proplists:get_value(capx_timeout, Opts, ?EVENT_TIMEOUT),
+ ?IS_TIMEOUT(Tmo) orelse ?ERROR({invalid, {capx_timeout, Tmo}}),
+ #state{state = {'Wait-Conn-Ack', Tmo},
+ parent = WPid,
transport = TPid,
mode = M,
service = svc(Svc, Addrs)}.
@@ -329,13 +334,17 @@ eraser(Key) ->
%% transition/2
+%% Started in old code.
+transition(T, #state{state = 'Wait-Conn-Ack' = PS} = S) ->
+ transition(T, S#state{state = {PS, ?EVENT_TIMEOUT}});
%% Connection to peer.
transition({diameter, {TPid, connected, Remote}},
#state{transport = TPid,
state = PS,
mode = M}
= S) ->
- 'Wait-Conn-Ack' = PS, %% assert
+ {'Wait-Conn-Ack', _} = PS, %% assert
connect = M, %%
send_CER(S#state{mode = {M, Remote}});
@@ -347,11 +356,11 @@ transition({diameter, {TPid, connected}},
mode = M,
parent = Pid}
= S) ->
- 'Wait-Conn-Ack' = PS, %% assert
+ {'Wait-Conn-Ack', Tmo} = PS, %% assert
accept = M, %%
Pid ! {accepted, self()},
- start_timer(S#state{state = recv_CER});
+ start_timer(Tmo, S#state{state = recv_CER});
%% Connection established after receiving a connection_timeout
%% message. This may be followed by an incoming message which arrived
@@ -365,7 +374,7 @@ transition({diameter, {_, connected, _}}, _) ->
%% Connection has timed out: start an alternate.
transition({connection_timeout = T, TPid},
#state{transport = TPid,
- state = 'Wait-Conn-Ack'}
+ state = {'Wait-Conn-Ack', _}}
= S) ->
exit(TPid, {shutdown, T}),
@@ -380,7 +389,7 @@ transition({diameter, {recv, Pkt}}, S) ->
%% Timeout when still in the same state ...
transition({timeout, PS}, #state{state = PS}) ->
- stop;
+ {stop, {capx(PS), timeout}};
%% ... or not.
transition({timeout, _}, _) ->
@@ -435,6 +444,11 @@ transition({state, Pid}, #state{state = S, transport = TPid}) ->
%% Crash on anything unexpected.
+capx(recv_CER) ->
+ 'CER';
+capx({'Wait-CEA', _, _}) ->
+ 'CEA'.
%% start_next/1
start_next(#state{service = Svc0} = S) ->
@@ -450,7 +464,8 @@ start_next(#state{service = Svc0} = S) ->
%% send_CER/1
-send_CER(#state{mode = {connect, Remote},
+send_CER(#state{state = {'Wait-Conn-Ack', Tmo},
+ mode = {connect, Remote},
service = #diameter_service{capabilities = LCaps},
transport = TPid}
= S) ->
@@ -465,7 +480,7 @@ send_CER(#state{mode = {connect, Remote},
= Pkt
= encode(CER),
send(TPid, Pkt),
- start_timer(S#state{state = {'Wait-CEA', Hid, Eid}}).
+ start_timer(Tmo, S#state{state = {'Wait-CEA', Hid, Eid}}).
%% Register ourselves as connecting to the remote endpoint in
%% question. This isn't strictly necessary since a peer implementing
@@ -477,10 +492,10 @@ send_CER(#state{mode = {connect, Remote},
req_send_CER(OriginHost, Remote) ->
register_everywhere({?MODULE, connection, OriginHost, {remote, Remote}}).
-%% start_timer/1
+%% start_timer/2
-start_timer(#state{state = PS} = S) ->
- erlang:send_after(?EVENT_TIMEOUT, self(), {timeout, PS}),
+start_timer(Tmo, #state{state = PS} = S) ->
+ erlang:send_after(Tmo, self(), {timeout, PS}),
%% build_CER/1