path: root/lib
diff options
authorHans Bolinder <hasse@erlang.org>2010-03-17 09:11:23 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2010-03-17 09:11:23 +0000
commitba24a5d2f839bb0cfef00bdb8bf74744e77ed587 (patch)
treeb2a7b8998673cdcdd91388a9404f0c261e5dda4a /lib
parent4b8723ee1e17264d15cc89e26e2293605280f319 (diff)
OTP-8522 Avoid duplicated 'undefined' in record field types
The Erlang parser no longer duplicates the singleton type undefined in the type of record fields without initial value.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
2 files changed, 50 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl
index 435464227f..ea91ec5927 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl
@@ -734,13 +734,29 @@ record_fields([{typed,Expr,TypeInfo}|Fields]) ->
case Expr of
{match, _, _, _} -> TypeInfo; %% If we have an initializer.
{atom, La, _} ->
- lift_unions(abstract(undefined, La), TypeInfo)
+ case has_undefined(TypeInfo) of
+ false ->
+ lift_unions(abstract(undefined, La), TypeInfo);
+ true ->
+ TypeInfo
+ end
record_fields([Other|_Fields]) ->
ret_err(?line(Other), "bad record field");
record_fields([]) -> [].
+has_undefined({atom,_,undefined}) ->
+ true;
+has_undefined({ann_type,_,[_,T]}) ->
+ has_undefined(T);
+has_undefined({paren_type,_,[T]}) ->
+ has_undefined(T);
+has_undefined({type,_,union,Ts}) ->
+ lists:any(fun has_undefined/1, Ts);
+has_undefined(_) ->
+ false.
term(Expr) ->
try normalise(Expr)
catch _:_R -> ret_err(?line(Expr), "bad attribute")
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/erl_pp_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/erl_pp_SUITE.erl
index a695374908..92a54108aa 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/erl_pp_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/erl_pp_SUITE.erl
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
otp_6321/1, otp_6911/1, otp_6914/1, otp_8150/1, otp_8238/1,
- otp_8473/1]).
+ otp_8473/1, otp_8522/1]).
%% Internal export.
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ neg_indent(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
tickets(suite) ->
- [otp_6321, otp_6911, otp_6914, otp_8150, otp_8238, otp_8473].
+ [otp_6321, otp_6911, otp_6914, otp_8150, otp_8238, otp_8473, otp_8522].
otp_6321(doc) ->
"OTP_6321. Bug fix of exprs().";
@@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ type_examples() ->
{ex4,<<"-type t1() :: atom(). ">>},
{ex5,<<"-type t2() :: [t1()]. ">>},
{ex6,<<"-type t3(Atom) :: integer(Atom). ">>},
- {ex7,<<"-type t4() :: t3(foobar). ">>},
+ {ex7,<<"-type '\\'t::4'() :: t3('\\'foobar'). ">>},
{ex8,<<"-type t5() :: {t1(), t3(foo)}. ">>},
{ex9,<<"-type t6() :: 1 | 2 | 3 | 'foo' | 'bar'. ">>},
{ex10,<<"-type t7() :: []. ">>},
@@ -883,16 +883,16 @@ type_examples() ->
"1|2|3|4|a|b|c|d| "
"nonempty_maybe_improper_list(integer, any())]}. ">>},
{ex30,<<"-type t99() ::"
- "{t2(),t4(),t5(),t6(),t7(),t8(),t10(),t14(),"
+ "{t2(),'\\'t::4'(),t5(),t6(),t7(),t8(),t10(),t14(),"
"t15(),t20(),t21(), t22(),t25()}. ">>},
{ex31,<<"-spec t1(FooBar :: t99()) -> t99();"
"(t2()) -> t2();"
- "(t4()) -> t4() when is_subtype(t4(), t24);"
+ "('\\'t::4'()) -> '\\'t::4'() when is_subtype('\\'t::4'(), t24);"
"(t23()) -> t23() when is_subtype(t23(), atom()),"
" is_subtype(t23(), t14());"
"(t24()) -> t24() when is_subtype(t24(), atom()),"
" is_subtype(t24(), t14()),"
- " is_subtype(t24(), t4()).">>},
+ " is_subtype(t24(), '\\'t::4'()).">>},
{ex32,<<"-spec mod:t2() -> any(). ">>},
{ex33,<<"-opaque attributes_data() :: "
"[{'column', column()} | {'line', info_line()} |"
@@ -922,6 +922,33 @@ otp_8473(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{N,B} <- Ex],
+otp_8522(doc) ->
+ "OTP_8522. Avoid duplicated 'undefined' in record field types.";
+otp_8522(suite) -> [];
+otp_8522(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ FileName = filename('otp_8522.erl', Config),
+ C = <<"-module(otp_8522).\n"
+ "-record(r, {f1 :: undefined,\n"
+ " f2 :: A :: undefined,\n"
+ " f3 :: (undefined),\n"
+ " f4 :: x | y | undefined | z,\n"
+ " f5 :: a}).\n">>,
+ ?line ok = file:write_file(FileName, C),
+ ?line {ok, _} = compile:file(FileName, [{outdir,?privdir},debug_info]),
+ BF = filename("otp_8522", Config),
+ ?line {ok, A} = beam_lib:chunks(BF, [abstract_code]),
+ ?line 5 = count_atom(A, undefined),
+ ok.
+count_atom(A, A) ->
+ 1;
+count_atom(T, A) when is_tuple(T) ->
+ count_atom(tuple_to_list(T), A);
+count_atom(L, A) when is_list(L) ->
+ lists:sum([count_atom(T, A) || T <- L]);
+count_atom(_, _) ->
+ 0.
compile(Config, Tests) ->