path: root/lib
diff options
authorHans Bolinder <hasse@erlang.org>2015-06-29 16:45:10 +0200
committerHans Bolinder <hasse@erlang.org>2015-08-25 09:24:54 +0200
commitbe602ec806a37fb3951dc3327ff5f2a96fe9cc86 (patch)
tree95b0b1437aade00ca4b5391daa0c86df764085b4 /lib
parente409bd71d9aec56dec9f111966d1ca99d2537c41 (diff)
dialyzer: Generalize an argument of erl_types:t_from_form()
Add more information about the caller of t_from_form(). Instead of just the module, also provide name of the type, spec, or record where the type form resides.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 269 insertions, 245 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
index 1079c2e09b..7251de8b10 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
@@ -395,22 +395,21 @@ insert_constraints([], Dict) -> Dict.
store_tmp_contract(MFA, FileLine, {TypeSpec, Xtra}, SpecDict, RecordsDict) ->
%% io:format("contract from form: ~p\n", [TypeSpec]),
- {Module, _, _} = MFA,
- TmpContract = contract_from_form(TypeSpec, Module, RecordsDict, FileLine),
+ TmpContract = contract_from_form(TypeSpec, MFA, RecordsDict, FileLine),
%% io:format("contract: ~p\n", [TmpContract]),
dict:store(MFA, {FileLine, TmpContract, Xtra}, SpecDict).
-contract_from_form(Forms, Module, RecDict, FileLine) ->
- {CFuns, Forms1} = contract_from_form(Forms, Module, RecDict, FileLine, [], []),
+contract_from_form(Forms, MFA, RecDict, FileLine) ->
+ {CFuns, Forms1} = contract_from_form(Forms, MFA, RecDict, FileLine, [], []),
#tmp_contract{contract_funs = CFuns, forms = Forms1}.
-contract_from_form([{type, _, 'fun', [_, _]} = Form | Left], Module, RecDict,
+contract_from_form([{type, _, 'fun', [_, _]} = Form | Left], MFA, RecDict,
FileLine, TypeAcc, FormAcc) ->
TypeFun =
fun(ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
NewType =
- from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, Module, AllRecords)
+ from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords)
throw:{error, Msg} ->
{File, Line} = FileLine,
@@ -423,55 +422,55 @@ contract_from_form([{type, _, 'fun', [_, _]} = Form | Left], Module, RecDict,
NewTypeAcc = [TypeFun | TypeAcc],
NewFormAcc = [{Form, []} | FormAcc],
- contract_from_form(Left, Module, RecDict, FileLine, NewTypeAcc, NewFormAcc);
+ contract_from_form(Left, MFA, RecDict, FileLine, NewTypeAcc, NewFormAcc);
contract_from_form([{type, _L1, bounded_fun,
[{type, _L2, 'fun', [_, _]} = Form, Constr]}| Left],
- Module, RecDict, FileLine, TypeAcc, FormAcc) ->
+ MFA, RecDict, FileLine, TypeAcc, FormAcc) ->
TypeFun =
fun(ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
{Constr1, VarDict} =
- process_constraints(Constr, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords),
- NewType = from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, Module, AllRecords,
+ process_constraints(Constr, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords),
+ NewType = from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords,
NewTypeNoVars = erl_types:subst_all_vars_to_any(NewType),
{NewTypeNoVars, Constr1}
NewTypeAcc = [TypeFun | TypeAcc],
NewFormAcc = [{Form, Constr} | FormAcc],
- contract_from_form(Left, Module, RecDict, FileLine, NewTypeAcc, NewFormAcc);
-contract_from_form([], _Module, _RecDict, _FileLine, TypeAcc, FormAcc) ->
+ contract_from_form(Left, MFA, RecDict, FileLine, NewTypeAcc, NewFormAcc);
+contract_from_form([], _MFA, _RecDict, _FileLine, TypeAcc, FormAcc) ->
{lists:reverse(TypeAcc), lists:reverse(FormAcc)}.
-process_constraints(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
- Init0 = initialize_constraints(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords),
+process_constraints(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
+ Init0 = initialize_constraints(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords),
Init = remove_cycles(Init0),
- constraints_fixpoint(Init, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords).
+ constraints_fixpoint(Init, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords).
-initialize_constraints(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
- initialize_constraints(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, []).
+initialize_constraints(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
+ initialize_constraints(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, []).
-initialize_constraints([], _Module, _RecDict, _ExpTypes, _AllRecords, Acc) ->
+initialize_constraints([], _MFA, _RecDict, _ExpTypes, _AllRecords, Acc) ->
-initialize_constraints([Constr|Rest], Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, Acc) ->
+initialize_constraints([Constr|Rest], MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, Acc) ->
case Constr of
{type, _, constraint, [{atom, _, is_subtype}, [Type1, Type2]]} ->
- T1 = final_form(Type1, ExpTypes, Module, AllRecords, dict:new()),
+ T1 = final_form(Type1, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, dict:new()),
Entry = {T1, Type2},
- initialize_constraints(Rest, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, [Entry|Acc]);
+ initialize_constraints(Rest, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, [Entry|Acc]);
{type, _, constraint, [{atom,_,Name}, List]} ->
N = length(List),
io_lib:format("Unsupported type guard ~w/~w\n", [Name, N])})
-constraints_fixpoint(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
+constraints_fixpoint(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
VarDict =
- constraints_to_dict(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, dict:new()),
- constraints_fixpoint(VarDict, Module, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords).
+ constraints_to_dict(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, dict:new()),
+ constraints_fixpoint(VarDict, MFA, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords).
-constraints_fixpoint(OldVarDict, Module, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
+constraints_fixpoint(OldVarDict, MFA, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
NewVarDict =
- constraints_to_dict(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, OldVarDict),
+ constraints_to_dict(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, OldVarDict),
case NewVarDict of
OldVarDict ->
DictFold =
@@ -481,33 +480,33 @@ constraints_fixpoint(OldVarDict, Module, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords)
FinalConstrs = dict:fold(DictFold, [], NewVarDict),
{FinalConstrs, NewVarDict};
_Other ->
- constraints_fixpoint(NewVarDict, Module, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords)
+ constraints_fixpoint(NewVarDict, MFA, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords)
-final_form(Form, ExpTypes, Module, AllRecords, VarDict) ->
- from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, Module, AllRecords, VarDict).
+final_form(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, VarDict) ->
+ from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, VarDict).
-from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, Module, AllRecords) ->
- erl_types:t_check_record_fields(Form, ExpTypes, Module, AllRecords),
- erl_types:t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Module, AllRecords).
+from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords) ->
+ from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, dict:new()).
-from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, Module, AllRecords, VarDict) ->
- erl_types:t_check_record_fields(Form, ExpTypes, Module, AllRecords,
+from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, VarDict) ->
+ Site = {spec, MFA},
+ erl_types:t_check_record_fields(Form, ExpTypes, Site, AllRecords,
- erl_types:t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Module, AllRecords, VarDict).
+ erl_types:t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Site, AllRecords, VarDict).
-constraints_to_dict(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict) ->
+constraints_to_dict(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict) ->
Subtypes =
- constraints_to_subs(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict, []),
+ constraints_to_subs(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict, []),
insert_constraints(Subtypes, dict:new()).
-constraints_to_subs([], _Module, _RecDict, _ExpTypes, _AllRecords, _VarDict, Acc) ->
+constraints_to_subs([], _MFA, _RecDict, _ExpTypes, _AllRecords, _VarDict, Acc) ->
-constraints_to_subs([C|Rest], Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict, Acc) ->
+constraints_to_subs([C|Rest], MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict, Acc) ->
{T1, Form2} = C,
- T2 = final_form(Form2, ExpTypes, Module, AllRecords, VarDict),
+ T2 = final_form(Form2, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, VarDict),
NewAcc = [{subtype, T1, T2}|Acc],
- constraints_to_subs(Rest, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict, NewAcc).
+ constraints_to_subs(Rest, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict, NewAcc).
%% Replaces variables with '_' when necessary to break up cycles among
%% the constraints.
@@ -630,7 +629,7 @@ get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs([{MFA, {FileLine, Contract, _Xtra}}|Left],
{error, {extra_range, ExtraRanges, STRange}} ->
Warn =
case t_from_forms_without_remote(Contract#contract.forms,
- RecDict) of
+ MFA, RecDict) of
{ok, NoRemoteType} ->
CRet = erl_types:t_fun_range(NoRemoteType),
erl_types:t_is_subtype(ExtraRanges, CRet);
@@ -705,7 +704,7 @@ picky_contract_check(CSig0, Sig0, MFA, WarningInfo, Contract, RecDict, Acc) ->
-extra_contract_warning({M, F, A}, WarningInfo, Contract, CSig, Sig, RecDict) ->
+extra_contract_warning(MFA, WarningInfo, Contract, CSig, Sig, RecDict) ->
%% We do not want to depend upon erl_types:t_to_string() possibly
%% hiding the contents of opaque types.
SigUnopaque = erl_types:t_unopaque(Sig),
@@ -717,11 +716,12 @@ extra_contract_warning({M, F, A}, WarningInfo, Contract, CSig, Sig, RecDict) ->
%% The only difference is in record fields containing 'undefined' or not.
IsUndefRecordFieldsRelated = SigString0 =:= ContractString0,
{IsRemoteTypesRelated, SubtypeRelation} =
- is_remote_types_related(Contract, CSig, Sig, RecDict),
+ is_remote_types_related(Contract, CSig, Sig, MFA, RecDict),
case IsUndefRecordFieldsRelated orelse IsRemoteTypesRelated of
true ->
false ->
+ {M, F, A} = MFA,
SigString = lists:flatten(dialyzer_utils:format_sig(Sig, RecDict)),
ContractString = contract_to_string(Contract),
{Tag, Msg} =
@@ -739,14 +739,15 @@ extra_contract_warning({M, F, A}, WarningInfo, Contract, CSig, Sig, RecDict) ->
{warning, {Tag, WarningInfo, Msg}}
-is_remote_types_related(Contract, CSig, Sig, RecDict) ->
+is_remote_types_related(Contract, CSig, Sig, MFA, RecDict) ->
case erl_types:t_is_subtype(CSig, Sig) of
true ->
{false, contract_is_subtype};
false ->
case erl_types:t_is_subtype(Sig, CSig) of
true ->
- case t_from_forms_without_remote(Contract#contract.forms, RecDict) of
+ case t_from_forms_without_remote(Contract#contract.forms, MFA,
+ RecDict) of
{ok, NoRemoteTypeSig} ->
case blame_remote(CSig, NoRemoteTypeSig, Sig) of
true ->
@@ -762,13 +763,14 @@ is_remote_types_related(Contract, CSig, Sig, RecDict) ->
-t_from_forms_without_remote([{FType, []}], RecDict) ->
- Type1 = erl_types:t_from_form_without_remote(FType, RecDict),
+t_from_forms_without_remote([{FType, []}], MFA, RecDict) ->
+ Site = {spec, MFA},
+ Type1 = erl_types:t_from_form_without_remote(FType, Site, RecDict),
{ok, erl_types:subst_all_vars_to_any(Type1)};
-t_from_forms_without_remote([{_FType, _Constrs}], _RecDict) ->
+t_from_forms_without_remote([{_FType, _Constrs}], _MFA, _RecDict) ->
%% 'When' constraints
-t_from_forms_without_remote(_Forms, _RecDict) ->
+t_from_forms_without_remote(_Forms, _MFA, _RecDict) ->
%% Lots of forms
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_utils.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_utils.erl
index b585646fde..7fe982a992 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_utils.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_utils.erl
@@ -304,15 +304,16 @@ process_record_remote_types(CServer) ->
RecordFun =
fun(Key, Value) ->
case Key of
- {record, _Name} ->
+ {record, Name} ->
FieldFun =
- fun(_Arity, Fields) ->
- [{Name, Field,
+ fun(Arity, Fields) ->
+ Site = {record, {Module, Name, Arity}},
+ [{FieldName, Field,
- Module,
+ Site,
- || {Name, Field, _} <- Fields]
+ || {FieldName, Field, _} <- Fields]
{FileLine, Fields} = Value,
{FileLine, orddict:map(FieldFun, Fields)};
@@ -340,9 +341,10 @@ process_opaque_types(TempRecords, TempExpTypes) ->
RecordFun =
fun(Key, Value) ->
case Key of
- {opaque, _Name, _NArgs} ->
+ {opaque, Name, NArgs} ->
{{_Module, _FileLine, Form, _ArgNames}=F, _Type} = Value,
- Type = erl_types:t_from_form(Form, TempExpTypes, Module,
+ Site = {type, {Module, Name, NArgs}},
+ Type = erl_types:t_from_form(Form, TempExpTypes, Site,
{F, Type};
_Other -> Value
@@ -355,25 +357,28 @@ process_opaque_types(TempRecords, TempExpTypes) ->
check_record_fields(Records, TempExpTypes) ->
CheckFun =
fun({Module, Element}) ->
- CheckForm = fun(F) ->
- erl_types:t_check_record_fields(F, TempExpTypes,
- Module, Records)
+ CheckForm = fun(Form, Site) ->
+ erl_types:t_check_record_fields(Form, TempExpTypes,
+ Site, Records)
ElemFun =
fun({Key, Value}) ->
case Key of
- {record, _Name} ->
+ {record, Name} ->
FieldFun =
- fun({_Arity, Fields}) ->
- _ = [ok = CheckForm(Field) || {_, Field, _} <- Fields],
+ fun({Arity, Fields}) ->
+ Site = {record, {Module, Name, Arity}},
+ _ = [ok = CheckForm(Field, Site) ||
+ {_, Field, _} <- Fields],
{FileLine, Fields} = Value,
Fun = fun() -> lists:foreach(FieldFun, Fields) end,
msg_with_position(Fun, FileLine);
- {_OpaqueOrType, _Name, _} ->
+ {_OpaqueOrType, Name, NArgs} ->
+ Site = {type, {Module, Name, NArgs}},
{{_Module, FileLine, Form, _ArgNames}, _Type} = Value,
- Fun = fun() -> ok = CheckForm(Form) end,
+ Fun = fun() -> ok = CheckForm(Form, Site) end,
msg_with_position(Fun, FileLine)
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
index cc4fee0853..f0b907f86c 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
- t_from_form_without_remote/2,
+ t_from_form_without_remote/3,
@@ -3971,27 +3971,32 @@ mod_name(Mod, Name) ->
-type type_names() :: [type_key() | record_key()].
+-type mta() :: {module(), atom(), arity()}.
+-type mra() :: {module(), atom(), arity()}.
+-type site() :: {'type', mta()} | {'spec', mfa()} | {'record', mra()}.
-spec t_from_form(parse_form(), sets:set(mfa()),
- module(), mod_records()) -> erl_type().
+ site(), mod_records()) -> erl_type().
-t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Module, RecDict) ->
- t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Module, RecDict, dict:new()).
+t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Site, RecDict) ->
+ t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Site, RecDict, dict:new()).
-spec t_from_form(parse_form(), sets:set(mfa()),
- module(), mod_records(), var_table()) -> erl_type().
+ site(), mod_records(), var_table()) -> erl_type().
-t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Module, RecDict, VarDict) ->
- {T, _} = t_from_form1(Form, [], ExpTypes, Module, RecDict, VarDict),
+t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Site, RecDict, VarDict) ->
+ {T, _} = t_from_form1(Form, ExpTypes, Site, RecDict, VarDict),
%% Replace external types with with none().
--spec t_from_form_without_remote(parse_form(), type_table()) -> erl_type().
+-spec t_from_form_without_remote(parse_form(), site(), type_table()) ->
+ erl_type().
-t_from_form_without_remote(Form, TypeTable) ->
- Module = mod,
+t_from_form_without_remote(Form, Site, TypeTable) ->
+ Module = site_module(Site),
RecDict = dict:from_list([{Module, TypeTable}]),
ExpTypes = replace_by_none,
- {T, _} = t_from_form1(Form, [], ExpTypes, Module, RecDict, dict:new()),
+ {T, _} = t_from_form1(Form, ExpTypes, Site, RecDict, dict:new()),
%% REC_TYPE_LIMIT is used for limiting the depth of recursive types.
@@ -4005,23 +4010,23 @@ t_from_form_without_remote(Form, TypeTable) ->
-type expand_depth() :: integer().
-t_from_form1(Form, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V) ->
- t_from_form1(Form, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, ?EXPAND_DEPTH).
+t_from_form1(Form, ET, Site, MR, V) ->
+ t_from_form1(Form, ET, Site, MR, V, ?EXPAND_DEPTH).
-t_from_form1(Form, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D) ->
+t_from_form1(Form, ET, Site, MR, V, D) ->
- {T, L1} = t_from_form(Form, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L),
+ {T, L1} = t_from_form(Form, [], ET, Site, MR, V, D, L),
L1 =< 0, D > 1 ->
D1 = D div 2,
- t_from_form1(Form, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D1);
+ t_from_form1(Form, ET, Site, MR, V, D1);
true ->
{T, L1}
-spec t_from_form(parse_form(), type_names(),
sets:set(mfa()) | 'replace_by_none',
- module(), mod_records(), var_table(),
+ site(), mod_records(), var_table(),
expand_depth(), expand_limit())
-> {erl_type(), expand_limit()}.
@@ -4031,193 +4036,194 @@ t_from_form1(Form, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D) ->
%% self() ! {self(), ext_types, {RemMod, Name, ArgsLen}}
%% is called, unless 'replace_by_none' is given.
-%% It is assumed that M can be found in MR.
+%% It is assumed that site_module(S) can be found in MR.
-t_from_form(_, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, D, L) when D =< 0 ; L =< 0 ->
+t_from_form(_, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, D, L) when D =< 0 ; L =< 0 ->
{t_any(), L};
-t_from_form({var, _L, '_'}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({var, _L, '_'}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_any(), L};
-t_from_form({var, _L, Name}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({var, _L, Name}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, V, _D, L) ->
case dict:find(Name, V) of
error -> {t_var(Name), L};
{ok, Val} -> {Val, L}
-t_from_form({ann_type, _L, [_Var, Type]}, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- t_from_form(Type, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L);
-t_from_form({paren_type, _L, [Type]}, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- t_from_form(Type, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L);
+t_from_form({ann_type, _L, [_Var, Type]}, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ t_from_form(Type, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L);
+t_from_form({paren_type, _L, [Type]}, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ t_from_form(Type, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L);
t_from_form({remote_type, _L, [{atom, _, Module}, {atom, _, Type}, Args]},
- TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- remote_from_form(Module, Type, Args, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L);
-t_from_form({atom, _L, Atom}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+ TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ remote_from_form(Module, Type, Args, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L);
+t_from_form({atom, _L, Atom}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_atom(Atom), L};
-t_from_form({integer, _L, Int}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({integer, _L, Int}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_integer(Int), L};
-t_from_form({op, _L, _Op, _Arg} = Op, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({op, _L, _Op, _Arg} = Op, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
case erl_eval:partial_eval(Op) of
{integer, _, Val} ->
{t_integer(Val), L};
_ -> throw({error, io_lib:format("Unable to evaluate type ~w\n", [Op])})
t_from_form({op, _L, _Op, _Arg1, _Arg2} = Op, _TypeNames,
- _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+ _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
case erl_eval:partial_eval(Op) of
{integer, _, Val} ->
{t_integer(Val), L};
_ -> throw({error, io_lib:format("Unable to evaluate type ~w\n", [Op])})
-t_from_form({type, _L, any, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, any, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_any(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, arity, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, arity, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_arity(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, atom, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, atom, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_atom(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, binary, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, binary, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_binary(), L};
t_from_form({type, _L, binary, [Base, Unit]} = Type,
- _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+ _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
case {erl_eval:partial_eval(Base), erl_eval:partial_eval(Unit)} of
{{integer, _, B}, {integer, _, U}} when B >= 0, U >= 0 ->
{t_bitstr(U, B), L};
_ -> throw({error, io_lib:format("Unable to evaluate type ~w\n", [Type])})
-t_from_form({type, _L, bitstring, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, bitstring, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_bitstr(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, bool, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, bool, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_boolean(), L}; % XXX: Temporarily
-t_from_form({type, _L, boolean, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, boolean, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_boolean(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, byte, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, byte, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_byte(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, char, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, char, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_char(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, float, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, float, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_float(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, function, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, function, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_fun(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, 'fun', []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, 'fun', []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_fun(), L};
t_from_form({type, _L, 'fun', [{type, _, any}, Range]}, TypeNames,
- ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- {T, L1} = t_from_form(Range, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D - 1, L - 1),
+ ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ {T, L1} = t_from_form(Range, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D - 1, L - 1),
{t_fun(T), L1};
t_from_form({type, _L, 'fun', [{type, _, product, Domain}, Range]},
- TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- {Dom1, L1} = list_from_form(Domain, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L),
- {Ran1, L2} = t_from_form(Range, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D - 1, L1),
+ TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ {Dom1, L1} = list_from_form(Domain, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L),
+ {Ran1, L2} = t_from_form(Range, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D - 1, L1),
{t_fun(Dom1, Ran1), L2};
-t_from_form({type, _L, identifier, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, identifier, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_identifier(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, integer, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, integer, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_integer(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, iodata, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, iodata, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_iodata(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, iolist, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, iolist, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_iolist(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, list, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, list, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_list(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, list, [Type]}, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- {T, L1} = t_from_form(Type, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D - 1, L - 1),
+t_from_form({type, _L, list, [Type]}, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ {T, L1} = t_from_form(Type, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D - 1, L - 1),
{t_list(T), L1};
-t_from_form({type, _L, map, _}, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- builtin_type(map, t_map([]), TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L);
-t_from_form({type, _L, mfa, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, map, _}, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ builtin_type(map, t_map([]), TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L);
+t_from_form({type, _L, mfa, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_mfa(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, module, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, module, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_module(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, nil, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, nil, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_nil(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, neg_integer, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, neg_integer, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_neg_integer(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, non_neg_integer, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR,
+t_from_form({type, _L, non_neg_integer, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR,
_V, _D, L) ->
{t_non_neg_integer(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, no_return, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, no_return, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_unit(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, node, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, node, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_node(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, none, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, none, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_none(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, nonempty_list, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, nonempty_list, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_nonempty_list(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, nonempty_list, [Type]}, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- {T, L1} = t_from_form(Type, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L - 1),
+t_from_form({type, _L, nonempty_list, [Type]}, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ {T, L1} = t_from_form(Type, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L - 1),
{t_nonempty_list(T), L1};
t_from_form({type, _L, nonempty_improper_list, [Cont, Term]}, TypeNames,
- ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- {T1, L1} = t_from_form(Cont, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L - 1),
- {T2, L2} = t_from_form(Term, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L1),
+ ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ {T1, L1} = t_from_form(Cont, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L - 1),
+ {T2, L2} = t_from_form(Term, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L1),
{t_cons(T1, T2), L2};
t_from_form({type, _L, nonempty_maybe_improper_list, []}, _TypeNames,
- _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+ _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_cons(?any, ?any), L};
t_from_form({type, _L, nonempty_maybe_improper_list, [Cont, Term]},
- TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- {T1, L1} = t_from_form(Cont, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L - 1),
- {T2, L2} = t_from_form(Term, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L1),
+ TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ {T1, L1} = t_from_form(Cont, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L - 1),
+ {T2, L2} = t_from_form(Term, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L1),
{t_cons(T1, T2), L2};
-t_from_form({type, _L, nonempty_string, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, nonempty_string, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_nonempty_string(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, number, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, number, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_number(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, pid, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, pid, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_pid(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, port, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, port, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_port(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, pos_integer, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, pos_integer, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_pos_integer(), L};
t_from_form({type, _L, maybe_improper_list, []}, _TypeNames,
- _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+ _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_maybe_improper_list(), L};
t_from_form({type, _L, maybe_improper_list, [Content, Termination]},
- TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- {T1, L1} = t_from_form(Content, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L - 1),
- {T2, L2} = t_from_form(Termination, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L1),
+ TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ {T1, L1} = t_from_form(Content, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L - 1),
+ {T2, L2} = t_from_form(Termination, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L1),
{t_maybe_improper_list(T1, T2), L2};
-t_from_form({type, _L, product, Elements}, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- {Lst, L1} = list_from_form(Elements, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D - 1, L),
+t_from_form({type, _L, product, Elements}, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ {Lst, L1} = list_from_form(Elements, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D - 1, L),
{t_product(Lst), L1};
t_from_form({type, _L, range, [From, To]} = Type,
- _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+ _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
case {erl_eval:partial_eval(From), erl_eval:partial_eval(To)} of
{{integer, _, FromVal}, {integer, _, ToVal}} ->
{t_from_range(FromVal, ToVal), L};
_ -> throw({error, io_lib:format("Unable to evaluate type ~w\n", [Type])})
-t_from_form({type, _L, record, [Name|Fields]}, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- record_from_form(Name, Fields, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L);
-t_from_form({type, _L, reference, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, record, [Name|Fields]}, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ record_from_form(Name, Fields, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L);
+t_from_form({type, _L, reference, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_reference(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, string, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, string, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_string(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, term, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, term, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_any(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, timeout, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, timeout, []}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_timeout(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, tuple, any}, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+t_from_form({type, _L, tuple, any}, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{t_tuple(), L};
-t_from_form({type, _L, tuple, Args}, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- {Lst, L1} = list_from_form(Args, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D - 1, L),
+t_from_form({type, _L, tuple, Args}, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ {Lst, L1} = list_from_form(Args, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D - 1, L),
{t_tuple(Lst), L1};
-t_from_form({type, _L, union, Args}, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- {Lst, L1} = list_from_form(Args, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L),
+t_from_form({type, _L, union, Args}, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ {Lst, L1} = list_from_form(Args, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L),
{t_sup(Lst), L1};
-t_from_form({user_type, _L, Name, Args}, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- type_from_form(Name, Args, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L);
-t_from_form({type, _L, Name, Args}, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
+t_from_form({user_type, _L, Name, Args}, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ type_from_form(Name, Args, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L);
+t_from_form({type, _L, Name, Args}, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
%% Compatibility: modules compiled before Erlang/OTP 18.0.
- type_from_form(Name, Args, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L);
+ type_from_form(Name, Args, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L);
t_from_form({opaque, _L, Name, {Mod, Args, Rep}}, _TypeNames,
- _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+ _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
%% XXX. To be removed.
{t_opaque(Mod, Name, Args, Rep), L}.
-builtin_type(Name, Type, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
+builtin_type(Name, Type, TypeNames, ET, Site, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ M = site_module(Site),
case dict:find(M, MR) of
{ok, R} ->
case lookup_type(Name, 0, R) of
{_, {{_M, _FL, _F, _A}, _T}} ->
- type_from_form(Name, [], TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L);
+ type_from_form(Name, [], TypeNames, ET, Site, MR, V, D, L);
error ->
{Type, L}
@@ -4225,29 +4231,31 @@ builtin_type(Name, Type, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
{Type, L}
-type_from_form(Name, Args, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
+type_from_form(Name, Args, TypeNames, ET, Site0, MR, V, D, L) ->
ArgsLen = length(Args),
- {ArgTypes, L1} = list_from_form(Args, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L),
- {ok, R} = dict:find(M, MR),
+ {ArgTypes, L1} = list_from_form(Args, TypeNames, ET, Site0, MR, V, D, L),
+ Module = site_module(Site0),
+ {ok, R} = dict:find(Module, MR),
+ TypeName = {type, {Module, Name, ArgsLen}},
case lookup_type(Name, ArgsLen, R) of
{type, {{Module, _FileName, Form, ArgNames}, _Type}} ->
- TypeName = {type, Module, Name, ArgsLen},
case can_unfold_more(TypeName, TypeNames) of
true ->
List = lists:zip(ArgNames, ArgTypes),
TmpV = dict:from_list(List),
- t_from_form(Form, [TypeName|TypeNames], ET, M, MR, TmpV, D, L1);
+ Site = TypeName,
+ t_from_form(Form, [TypeName|TypeNames], ET, Site, MR, TmpV, D, L1);
false ->
{t_any(), L1}
{opaque, {{Module, _FileName, Form, ArgNames}, Type}} ->
- TypeName = {opaque, Module, Name, ArgsLen},
{Rep, L2} =
case can_unfold_more(TypeName, TypeNames) of
true ->
List = lists:zip(ArgNames, ArgTypes),
TmpV = dict:from_list(List),
- t_from_form(Form, [TypeName|TypeNames], ET, M, MR, TmpV, D, L1);
+ Site = TypeName,
+ t_from_form(Form, [TypeName|TypeNames], ET, Site, MR, TmpV, D, L1);
false -> {t_any(), L1}
Rep1 = choose_opaque_type(Rep, Type),
@@ -4263,36 +4271,36 @@ type_from_form(Name, Args, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
throw({error, Msg})
-remote_from_form(RemMod, Name, Args, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- {ArgTypes, L1} = list_from_form(Args, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L),
+remote_from_form(RemMod, Name, Args, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ {ArgTypes, L1} = list_from_form(Args, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L),
ET =:= replace_by_none ->
{t_none(), L1};
true ->
ArgsLen = length(Args),
+ MFA = {RemMod, Name, ArgsLen},
case dict:find(RemMod, MR) of
error ->
- self() ! {self(), ext_types, {RemMod, Name, ArgsLen}},
+ self() ! {self(), ext_types, MFA},
{t_any(), L1};
{ok, RemDict} ->
- MFA = {RemMod, Name, ArgsLen},
+ RemType = {type, MFA},
case sets:is_element(MFA, ET) of
true ->
case lookup_type(Name, ArgsLen, RemDict) of
{type, {{_Mod, _FileLine, Form, ArgNames}, _Type}} ->
- RemType = {type, RemMod, Name, ArgsLen},
case can_unfold_more(RemType, TypeNames) of
true ->
List = lists:zip(ArgNames, ArgTypes),
TmpVarDict = dict:from_list(List),
NewTypeNames = [RemType|TypeNames],
+ Site = RemType,
t_from_form(Form, NewTypeNames, ET,
- RemMod, MR, TmpVarDict, D, L1);
+ Site, MR, TmpVarDict, D, L1);
false ->
{t_any(), L1}
{opaque, {{Mod, _FileLine, Form, ArgNames}, Type}} ->
- RemType = {opaque, RemMod, Name, ArgsLen},
List = lists:zip(ArgNames, ArgTypes),
TmpVarDict = dict:from_list(List),
{NewRep, L2} =
@@ -4346,22 +4354,24 @@ choose_opaque_type(Type, DeclType) ->
false -> DeclType
-record_from_form({atom, _, Name}, ModFields, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
+record_from_form({atom, _, Name}, ModFields, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
case can_unfold_more({record, Name}, TypeNames) of
true ->
+ M = site_module(S),
{ok, R} = dict:find(M, MR),
case lookup_record(Name, R) of
{ok, DeclFields} ->
NewTypeNames = [{record, Name}|TypeNames],
+ S1 = {record, {M, Name, length(DeclFields)}},
{GetModRec, L1} = get_mod_record(ModFields, DeclFields,
- NewTypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L),
+ NewTypeNames, ET, S1, MR, V, D, L),
case GetModRec of
{error, FieldName} ->
throw({error, io_lib:format("Illegal declaration of #~w{~w}\n",
[Name, FieldName])});
{ok, NewFields} ->
{NewFields1, L2} =
- fields_from_form(NewFields, NewTypeNames, ET, M, MR,
+ fields_from_form(NewFields, NewTypeNames, ET, S1, MR,
dict:new(), D, L1),
Rec = t_tuple(
@@ -4375,12 +4385,12 @@ record_from_form({atom, _, Name}, ModFields, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
{t_any(), L}
-get_mod_record([], DeclFields, _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+get_mod_record([], DeclFields, _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{{ok, DeclFields}, L};
-get_mod_record(ModFields, DeclFields, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
+get_mod_record(ModFields, DeclFields, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
DeclFieldsDict = lists:keysort(1, DeclFields),
{ModFieldsDict, L1} =
- build_field_dict(ModFields, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L),
+ build_field_dict(ModFields, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L),
case get_mod_record_types(DeclFieldsDict, ModFieldsDict, []) of
{error, _FieldName} = Error -> {Error, L1};
{ok, FinalKeyDict} ->
@@ -4389,17 +4399,17 @@ get_mod_record(ModFields, DeclFields, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
{{ok, Fields}, L1}
-build_field_dict(FieldTypes, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- build_field_dict(FieldTypes, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L, []).
+build_field_dict(FieldTypes, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ build_field_dict(FieldTypes, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L, []).
build_field_dict([{type, _, field_type, [{atom, _, Name}, Type]}|Left],
- TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L, Acc) ->
- {T, L1} = t_from_form(Type, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L - 1),
+ TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L, Acc) ->
+ {T, L1} = t_from_form(Type, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L - 1),
NewAcc = [{Name, Type, T}|Acc],
{Dict, L2} =
- build_field_dict(Left, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L1, NewAcc),
+ build_field_dict(Left, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L1, NewAcc),
{Dict, L2};
-build_field_dict([], _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L, Acc) ->
+build_field_dict([], _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L, Acc) ->
{lists:keysort(1, Acc), L}.
get_mod_record_types([{FieldName, _Abstr, _DeclType}|Left1],
@@ -4418,88 +4428,94 @@ get_mod_record_types(_, [{FieldName2, _FormType, _ModType}|_], _Acc) ->
%% It is important to create a limited version of the record type
%% since nested record types can otherwise easily result in huge
%% terms.
-fields_from_form([], _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+fields_from_form([], _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{[], L};
-fields_from_form([{Name, Abstr, _Type}|Tail], TypeNames, ET, M, MR,
+fields_from_form([{Name, Abstr, _Type}|Tail], TypeNames, ET, S, MR,
V, D, L) ->
- {T, L1} = t_from_form(Abstr, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L),
- {F, L2} = fields_from_form(Tail, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L1),
+ {T, L1} = t_from_form(Abstr, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L),
+ {F, L2} = fields_from_form(Tail, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L1),
{[{Name, T}|F], L2}.
-list_from_form([], _TypeNames, _ET, _M, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
+list_from_form([], _TypeNames, _ET, _S, _MR, _V, _D, L) ->
{[], L};
-list_from_form([H|Tail], TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L) ->
- {H1, L1} = t_from_form(H, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L - 1),
- {T1, L2} = list_from_form(Tail, TypeNames, ET, M, MR, V, D, L1),
+list_from_form([H|Tail], TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L) ->
+ {H1, L1} = t_from_form(H, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L - 1),
+ {T1, L2} = list_from_form(Tail, TypeNames, ET, S, MR, V, D, L1),
{[H1|T1], L2}.
--spec t_check_record_fields(parse_form(), sets:set(mfa()), module(),
+-spec t_check_record_fields(parse_form(), sets:set(mfa()), site(),
mod_records()) -> ok.
-t_check_record_fields(Form, ExpTypes, Module, RecDict) ->
- t_check_record_fields(Form, ExpTypes, Module, RecDict, dict:new()).
+t_check_record_fields(Form, ExpTypes, Site, RecDict) ->
+ t_check_record_fields(Form, ExpTypes, Site, RecDict, dict:new()).
--spec t_check_record_fields(parse_form(), sets:set(mfa()), module(),
+-spec t_check_record_fields(parse_form(), sets:set(mfa()), site(),
mod_records(), var_table()) -> ok.
%% If there is something wrong with parse_form()
%% throw({error, io_lib:chars()} is called.
-t_check_record_fields({var, _L, _}, _ET, _M, _MR, _V) -> ok;
-t_check_record_fields({ann_type, _L, [_Var, Type]}, ET, M, MR, V) ->
- t_check_record_fields(Type, ET, M, MR, V);
-t_check_record_fields({paren_type, _L, [Type]}, ET, M, MR, V) ->
- t_check_record_fields(Type, ET, M, MR, V);
+t_check_record_fields({var, _L, _}, _ET, _S, _MR, _V) -> ok;
+t_check_record_fields({ann_type, _L, [_Var, Type]}, ET, S, MR, V) ->
+ t_check_record_fields(Type, ET, S, MR, V);
+t_check_record_fields({paren_type, _L, [Type]}, ET, S, MR, V) ->
+ t_check_record_fields(Type, ET, S, MR, V);
t_check_record_fields({remote_type, _L, [{atom, _, _}, {atom, _, _}, Args]},
- ET, M, MR, V) ->
- list_check_record_fields(Args, ET, M, MR, V);
-t_check_record_fields({atom, _L, _}, _ET, _M, _MR, _V) -> ok;
-t_check_record_fields({integer, _L, _}, _ET, _M, _MR, _V) -> ok;
-t_check_record_fields({op, _L, _Op, _Arg}, _ET, _M, _MR, _V) -> ok;
-t_check_record_fields({op, _L, _Op, _Arg1, _Arg2}, _ET, _M, _MR, _V) -> ok;
-t_check_record_fields({type, _L, tuple, any}, _ET, _M, _MR, _V) -> ok;
-t_check_record_fields({type, _L, map, any}, _ET, _M, _MR, _V) -> ok;
-t_check_record_fields({type, _L, binary, [_Base, _Unit]}, _ET, _M, _MR, _V) ->
+ ET, S, MR, V) ->
+ list_check_record_fields(Args, ET, S, MR, V);
+t_check_record_fields({atom, _L, _}, _ET, _S, _MR, _V) -> ok;
+t_check_record_fields({integer, _L, _}, _ET, _S, _MR, _V) -> ok;
+t_check_record_fields({op, _L, _Op, _Arg}, _ET, _S, _MR, _V) -> ok;
+t_check_record_fields({op, _L, _Op, _Arg1, _Arg2}, _ET, _S, _MR, _V) -> ok;
+t_check_record_fields({type, _L, tuple, any}, _ET, _S, _MR, _V) -> ok;
+t_check_record_fields({type, _L, map, any}, _ET, _S, _MR, _V) -> ok;
+t_check_record_fields({type, _L, binary, [_Base, _Unit]}, _ET, _S, _MR, _V) ->
t_check_record_fields({type, _L, 'fun', [{type, _, any}, Range]},
- ET, M, MR, V) ->
- t_check_record_fields(Range, ET, M, MR, V);
-t_check_record_fields({type, _L, range, [_From, _To]}, _ET, _M, _MR, _V) ->
+ ET, S, MR, V) ->
+ t_check_record_fields(Range, ET, S, MR, V);
+t_check_record_fields({type, _L, range, [_From, _To]}, _ET, _S, _MR, _V) ->
-t_check_record_fields({type, _L, record, [Name|Fields]}, ET, M, MR, V) ->
- check_record(Name, Fields, ET, M, MR, V);
-t_check_record_fields({type, _L, _, Args}, ET, M, MR, V) ->
- list_check_record_fields(Args, ET, M, MR, V);
-t_check_record_fields({user_type, _L, _Name, Args}, ET, M, MR, V) ->
- list_check_record_fields(Args, ET, M, MR, V).
-check_record({atom, _, Name}, ModFields, ET, M, MR, V) ->
+t_check_record_fields({type, _L, record, [Name|Fields]}, ET, S, MR, V) ->
+ check_record(Name, Fields, ET, S, MR, V);
+t_check_record_fields({type, _L, _, Args}, ET, S, MR, V) ->
+ list_check_record_fields(Args, ET, S, MR, V);
+t_check_record_fields({user_type, _L, _Name, Args}, ET, S, MR, V) ->
+ list_check_record_fields(Args, ET, S, MR, V).
+check_record({atom, _, Name}, ModFields, ET, Site, MR, V) ->
+ M = site_module(Site),
{ok, R} = dict:find(M, MR),
{ok, DeclFields} = lookup_record(Name, R),
- case check_fields(ModFields, DeclFields, ET, M, MR, V) of
+ case check_fields(Name, ModFields, DeclFields, ET, Site, MR, V) of
{error, FieldName} ->
throw({error, io_lib:format("Illegal declaration of #~w{~w}\n",
[Name, FieldName])});
ok -> ok
-check_fields([{type, _, field_type, [{atom, _, Name}, Abstr]}|Left],
- DeclFields, ET, M, MR, V) ->
- Type = t_from_form(Abstr, ET, M, MR, V),
+check_fields(RecName, [{type, _, field_type, [{atom, _, Name}, Abstr]}|Left],
+ DeclFields, ET, Site0, MR, V) ->
+ M = site_module(Site0),
+ Site = {record, {M, RecName, length(DeclFields)}},
+ Type = t_from_form(Abstr, ET, Site, MR, V),
{Name, _, DeclType} = lists:keyfind(Name, 1, DeclFields),
TypeNoVars = subst_all_vars_to_any(Type),
case t_is_subtype(TypeNoVars, DeclType) of
false -> {error, Name};
- true -> check_fields(Left, DeclFields, ET, M, MR, V)
+ true -> check_fields(RecName, Left, DeclFields, ET, Site0, MR, V)
-check_fields([], _Decl, _ET, _M, _MR, _V) ->
+check_fields(_RecName, [], _Decl, _ET, _Site, _MR, _V) ->
-list_check_record_fields([], _ET, _M, _MR, _V) ->
+list_check_record_fields([], _ET, _S, _MR, _V) ->
-list_check_record_fields([H|Tail], ET, M, MR, V) ->
- ok = t_check_record_fields(H, ET, M, MR, V),
- list_check_record_fields(Tail, ET, M, MR, V).
+list_check_record_fields([H|Tail], ET, S, MR, V) ->
+ ok = t_check_record_fields(H, ET, S, MR, V),
+ list_check_record_fields(Tail, ET, S, MR, V).
+site_module({_, {Module, _, _}}) ->
+ Module.
-spec t_var_names([erl_type()]) -> [atom()].
@@ -4594,8 +4610,9 @@ t_form_to_string({type, _L, Name, []} = T) ->
M = mod,
D0 = dict:new(),
MR = dict:from_list([{M, D0}]),
+ S = {type, {M,Name,0}},
{T1, _} =
- t_from_form(T, [], sets:new(), M, MR, D0, _Deep=1000, _ALot=100000),
+ t_from_form(T, [], sets:new(), S, MR, D0, _Deep=1000, _ALot=100000),
catch throw:{error, _} -> atom_to_string(Name) ++ "()"