path: root/lib
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2015-10-26 11:55:42 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2016-02-17 14:47:39 +0100
commit5f571ca95a0cd22dcd050c43dbf111aeece89fd7 (patch)
tree75623a52249dc704c08c3fd4b14e79119971982a /lib
parent8dbd8cb1fd7fe2fbe9f29fd5acf314f4cfe70895 (diff)
epp: Refactor expand_macros()
As a preparation for implementing a ?FUNCTION macro, pass the entire state record to expand_macros/2 and its helpers. That will allow us to have more information available when expanding ?FUNCTION.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl
index be7c2ec346..f55aff1e00 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Le,elif}=Elif|Toks], From, St) ->
scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Le,endif}=Endif|Toks], From, St) ->
scan_endif(Toks, Endif, From, St);
scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Lf,file}=FileToken|Toks0], From, St) ->
- case catch expand_macros(Toks0, {St#epp.macs, St#epp.uses}) of
+ case catch expand_macros(Toks0, St) of
Toks1 when is_list(Toks1) ->
scan_file(Toks1, FileToken, From, St);
{error,ErrL,What} ->
@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Lf,file}=FileToken|Toks0], From, St) ->
scan_toks(Toks0, From, St) ->
- case catch expand_macros(Toks0, {St#epp.macs, St#epp.uses}) of
+ case catch expand_macros(Toks0, St) of
Toks1 when is_list(Toks1) ->
epp_reply(From, {ok,Toks1}),
wait_req_scan(St#epp{macs=scan_module(Toks1, St#epp.macs)});
@@ -1145,24 +1145,24 @@ macro_expansion([T|Ts], _Anno0) ->
[T|macro_expansion(Ts, T)];
macro_expansion([], Anno0) -> throw({error,loc(Anno0),premature_end}).
-%% expand_macros(Tokens, Macros)
+%% expand_macros(Tokens, St)
%% expand_macro(Tokens, MacroToken, RestTokens)
%% Expand the macros in a list of tokens, making sure that an expansion
%% gets the same location as the macro call.
-expand_macros(MacT, M, Toks, Ms0) ->
- {Ms,U} = Ms0,
+expand_macros(MacT, M, Toks, St) ->
+ #epp{macs=Ms,uses=U} = St,
Lm = loc(MacT),
Tinfo = element(2, MacT),
case expand_macro1(Lm, M, Toks, Ms) of
{ok,{none,Exp}} ->
check_uses([{M,none}], [], U, Lm),
- Toks1 = expand_macros(expand_macro(Exp, Tinfo, [], #{}), Ms0),
- expand_macros(Toks1++Toks, Ms0);
+ Toks1 = expand_macros(expand_macro(Exp, Tinfo, [], #{}), St),
+ expand_macros(Toks1++Toks, St);
{ok,{As,Exp}} ->
check_uses([{M,length(As)}], [], U, Lm),
{Bs,Toks1} = bind_args(Toks, Lm, M, As, #{}),
- expand_macros(expand_macro(Exp, Tinfo, Toks1, Bs), Ms0)
+ expand_macros(expand_macro(Exp, Tinfo, Toks1, Bs), St)
expand_macro1(Lm, M, Toks, Ms) ->
@@ -1211,16 +1211,16 @@ get_macro_uses({M,Arity}, U) ->
%% Macro expansion
%% Note: io:scan_erl_form() does not return comments or white spaces.
-expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},{atom,_Lm,M}=MacT|Toks], Ms) ->
- expand_macros(MacT, M, Toks, Ms);
+expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},{atom,_Lm,M}=MacT|Toks], St) ->
+ expand_macros(MacT, M, Toks, St);
%% Special macros
-expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},{var,Lm,'LINE'}=Tok|Toks], Ms) ->
+expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},{var,Lm,'LINE'}=Tok|Toks], St) ->
Line = erl_scan:line(Tok),
- [{integer,Lm,Line}|expand_macros(Toks, Ms)];
-expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},{var,_Lm,M}=MacT|Toks], Ms) ->
- expand_macros(MacT, M, Toks, Ms);
+ [{integer,Lm,Line}|expand_macros(Toks, St)];
+expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},{var,_Lm,M}=MacT|Toks], St) ->
+ expand_macros(MacT, M, Toks, St);
%% Illegal macros
-expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},Token|_Toks], _Ms) ->
+expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},Token|_Toks], _St) ->
T = case erl_scan:text(Token) of
Text when is_list(Text) ->
@@ -1229,9 +1229,9 @@ expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},Token|_Toks], _Ms) ->
-expand_macros([T|Ts], Ms) ->
- [T|expand_macros(Ts, Ms)];
-expand_macros([], _Ms) -> [].
+expand_macros([T|Ts], St) ->
+ [T|expand_macros(Ts, St)];
+expand_macros([], _St) -> [].
%% bind_args(Tokens, MacroLocation, MacroName, ArgumentVars, Bindings)
%% Collect the arguments to a macro call.