path: root/lib
diff options
authorPeter Andersson <peppe@erlang.org>2015-04-13 15:20:37 +0200
committerPeter Andersson <peppe@erlang.org>2015-04-13 15:20:37 +0200
commit47c730909fccad1733e7cfce0ba42561edb3e9ea (patch)
tree5b6152463df5ce9346747a103c3667c5faa3b6e2 /lib
parent6e3e48d39a77aa18b92fb048d6a910baa71badf3 (diff)
Fix problem with suite compilation failures not being correctly reported
Also do some minor logging improvements
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 64 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl
index 498950c9d1..ea3d7c8218 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl
@@ -873,8 +873,8 @@ error_notification(Mod,Func,_Args,{Error,Loc}) ->
PrintErr = fun(ErrFormat, ErrArgs) ->
- Div = "~n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
- "- - - - - - - - - -~n",
+ Div = "~n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
+ "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~n",
io:format(user, lists:concat([Div,ErrFormat,Div,"~n"]),
Link =
@@ -1063,8 +1063,14 @@ get_all_cases1(_, []) ->
get_all(Mod, ConfTests) ->
case catch apply(Mod, all, []) of
{'EXIT',_} ->
- Reason =
- list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Mod)++":all/0 is missing"),
+ Reason =
+ case code:which(Mod) of
+ non_existing ->
+ list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Mod)++
+ " can not be compiled or loaded");
+ _ ->
+ list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Mod)++":all/0 is missing")
+ end,
%% this makes test_server call error_in_suite as first
%% (and only) test case so we can report Reason properly
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_run.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_run.erl
index 4a12481214..4d74fd6a80 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_run.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_run.erl
@@ -1969,22 +1969,7 @@ final_tests(Tests, Skip, Bad) ->
final_tests1([{TestDir,Suites,_}|Tests], Final, Skip, Bad) when
is_list(Suites), is_atom(hd(Suites)) ->
-% Separate =
-% fun(S,{DoSuite,Dont}) ->
-% case lists:keymember({TestDir,S},1,Bad) of
-% false ->
-% {[S|DoSuite],Dont};
-% true ->
-% SkipIt = {TestDir,S,"Make failed"},
-% {DoSuite,Dont++[SkipIt]}
-% end
-% end,
-% {DoSuites,Skip1} =
-% lists:foldl(Separate,{[],Skip},Suites),
-% Do = {TestDir,lists:reverse(DoSuites),all},
- Skip1 = [{TD,S,"Make failed"} || {{TD,S},_} <- Bad, S1 <- Suites,
+ Skip1 = [{TD,S,make_failed} || {{TD,S},_} <- Bad, S1 <- Suites,
S == S1, TD == TestDir],
Final1 = [{TestDir,S,all} || S <- Suites],
final_tests1(Tests, lists:reverse(Final1)++Final, Skip++Skip1, Bad);
@@ -1997,7 +1982,7 @@ final_tests1([{TestDir,all,all}|Tests], Final, Skip, Bad) ->
false ->
- Missing = [{TestDir,S,"Make failed"} || S <- MissingSuites],
+ Missing = [{TestDir,S,make_failed} || S <- MissingSuites],
Final1 = [{TestDir,all,all}|Final],
final_tests1(Tests, Final1, Skip++Missing, Bad);
@@ -2009,7 +1994,7 @@ final_tests1([{TestDir,Suite,GrsOrCs}|Tests], Final, Skip, Bad) when
is_list(GrsOrCs) ->
case lists:keymember({TestDir,Suite}, 1, Bad) of
true ->
- Skip1 = Skip ++ [{TestDir,Suite,all,"Make failed"}],
+ Skip1 = Skip ++ [{TestDir,Suite,all,make_failed}],
final_tests1(Tests, [{TestDir,Suite,all}|Final], Skip1, Bad);
false ->
GrsOrCs1 =
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_ctrl.erl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_ctrl.erl
index 349b033c89..bef0658b6d 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_ctrl.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_ctrl.erl
@@ -1807,26 +1807,31 @@ start_minor_log_file1(Mod, Func, LogDir, AbsName, MFA) ->
io:put_chars(Fd, "<pre>\n"),
SrcListing = downcase(atom_to_list(Mod)) ++ ?src_listing_ext,
- {Info,Arity} =
- if Func == init_per_suite; Func == end_per_suite ->
- {"Config function: ", 1};
- Func == init_per_group; Func == end_per_group ->
- {"Config function: ", 2};
- true ->
- {"Test case: ", 1}
- end,
- case {filelib:is_file(filename:join(LogDir, SrcListing)),
- lists:member(no_src, get(test_server_logopts))} of
- {true,false} ->
- print(Lev, Info ++ "<a href=\"~ts#~ts\">~w:~w/~w</a> "
- "(click for source code)\n",
- [uri_encode(SrcListing),
- uri_encode(atom_to_list(Func)++"-1",utf8),
- Mod,Func,Arity]);
+ case get_fw_mod(?MODULE) of
+ Mod when Func == error_in_suite ->
+ ok;
_ ->
- print(Lev, Info ++ "~w:~w/~w\n", [Mod,Func,Arity])
+ {Info,Arity} =
+ if Func == init_per_suite; Func == end_per_suite ->
+ {"Config function: ", 1};
+ Func == init_per_group; Func == end_per_group ->
+ {"Config function: ", 2};
+ true ->
+ {"Test case: ", 1}
+ end,
+ case {filelib:is_file(filename:join(LogDir, SrcListing)),
+ lists:member(no_src, get(test_server_logopts))} of
+ {true,false} ->
+ print(Lev, Info ++ "<a href=\"~ts#~ts\">~w:~w/~w</a> "
+ "(click for source code)\n",
+ [uri_encode(SrcListing),
+ uri_encode(atom_to_list(Func)++"-1",utf8),
+ Mod,Func,Arity]);
+ _ ->
+ print(Lev, Info ++ "~w:~w/~w\n", [Mod,Func,Arity])
+ end
@@ -2020,7 +2025,7 @@ add_init_and_end_per_suite([{conf,_,_,{Mod,_}}=Case|Cases], LastMod,
PreCases ++ [Case|add_init_and_end_per_suite(Cases, NextMod,
NextRef, FwMod)];
add_init_and_end_per_suite([SkipCase|Cases], LastMod, LastRef, FwMod)
- when element(1,SkipCase) == skip_case ->
+ when element(1,SkipCase) == skip_case; element(1,SkipCase) == auto_skip_case->
[SkipCase|add_init_and_end_per_suite(Cases, LastMod, LastRef, FwMod)];
add_init_and_end_per_suite([{conf,_,_,_}=Case|Cases], LastMod, LastRef, FwMod) ->
[Case|add_init_and_end_per_suite(Cases, LastMod, LastRef, FwMod)];
@@ -3946,8 +3951,8 @@ progress(skip, CaseNum, Mod, Func, GrName, Loc, Reason, Time,
FormatLoc = test_server_sup:format_loc(Loc),
- print(minor, "=== location ~ts", [FormatLoc]),
- print(minor, "=== reason = ~ts", [ReasonStr1]),
+ print(minor, "=== Location: ~ts", [FormatLoc]),
+ print(minor, "=== Reason: ~ts", [ReasonStr1]),
progress(failed, CaseNum, Mod, Func, GrName, Loc, timetrap_timeout, T,
@@ -3972,8 +3977,8 @@ progress(failed, CaseNum, Mod, Func, GrName, Loc, timetrap_timeout, T,
FormatLoc = test_server_sup:format_loc(Loc),
- print(minor, "=== location ~ts", [FormatLoc]),
- print(minor, "=== reason = timetrap timeout", []),
+ print(minor, "=== Location: ~ts", [FormatLoc]),
+ print(minor, "=== Reason: timetrap timeout", []),
progress(failed, CaseNum, Mod, Func, GrName, Loc, {testcase_aborted,Reason}, _T,
@@ -3998,13 +4003,13 @@ progress(failed, CaseNum, Mod, Func, GrName, Loc, {testcase_aborted,Reason}, _T,
FormatLoc = test_server_sup:format_loc(Loc),
- print(minor, "=== location ~ts", [FormatLoc]),
- print(minor, "=== reason = {testcase_aborted,~p}", [Reason]),
+ print(minor, "=== Location: ~ts", [FormatLoc]),
+ print(minor, "=== Reason: {testcase_aborted,~p}", [Reason]),
progress(failed, CaseNum, Mod, Func, GrName, unknown, Reason, Time,
Comment0, {St0,St1}) ->
- print(major, "=result failed: ~p, ~w", [Reason,unknown]),
+ print(major, "=result failed: ~p, ~w", [Reason,unknown_location]),
print(1, "*** FAILED ~ts ***",
[get_info_str(Mod,Func, CaseNum, get(test_server_cases))]),
test_server_sup:framework_call(report, [tc_done,{Mod,{Func,GrName},
@@ -4033,14 +4038,21 @@ progress(failed, CaseNum, Mod, Func, GrName, unknown, Reason, Time,
"<td><font color=\"red\">FAILED</font></td>"
- print(minor, "=== location ~w", [unknown]),
+ print(minor, "=== Location: ~w", [unknown]),
{FStr,FormattedReason} = format_exception(Reason),
- print(minor, "=== reason = " ++ FStr, [FormattedReason]),
+ print(minor, "=== Reason: " ++ FStr, [FormattedReason]),
progress(failed, CaseNum, Mod, Func, GrName, Loc, Reason, Time,
Comment0, {St0,St1}) ->
- print(major, "=result failed: ~p, ~p", [Reason,Loc]),
+ {LocMaj,LocMin} = if Func == error_in_suite ->
+ case get_fw_mod(undefined) of
+ Mod -> {unknown_location,unknown};
+ _ -> {Loc,Loc}
+ end;
+ true -> {Loc,Loc}
+ end,
+ print(major, "=result failed: ~p, ~p", [Reason,LocMaj]),
print(1, "*** FAILED ~ts ***",
[get_info_str(Mod,Func, CaseNum, get(test_server_cases))]),
test_server_sup:framework_call(report, [tc_done,{Mod,{Func,GrName},
@@ -4053,16 +4065,16 @@ progress(failed, CaseNum, Mod, Func, GrName, Loc, Reason, Time,
"" -> "";
_ -> xhtml("<br>","<br />") ++ to_string(Comment0)
- FormatLastLoc = test_server_sup:format_loc(get_last_loc(Loc)),
+ FormatLastLoc = test_server_sup:format_loc(get_last_loc(LocMaj)),
"<td>" ++ St0 ++ "~ts" ++ St1 ++ "</td>"
"<td><font color=\"red\">FAILED</font></td>"
"<td><font color=\"red\">~ts</font>~ts</td></tr>\n",
- FormatLoc = test_server_sup:format_loc(Loc),
- print(minor, "=== location ~ts", [FormatLoc]),
+ FormatLoc = test_server_sup:format_loc(LocMin),
+ print(minor, "=== Location: ~ts", [FormatLoc]),
{FStr,FormattedReason} = format_exception(Reason),
- print(minor, "=== reason = " ++ FStr, [FormattedReason]),
+ print(minor, "=== Reason: " ++ FStr, [FormattedReason]),
progress(ok, _CaseNum, Mod, Func, GrName, _Loc, RetVal, Time,
@@ -4091,7 +4103,7 @@ progress(ok, _CaseNum, Mod, Func, GrName, _Loc, RetVal, Time,
"<td><font color=\"green\">Ok</font></td>"
- print(minor, "=== returned value = ~p", [RetVal]),
+ print(minor, "=== Returned value: ~p", [RetVal]),
@@ -4679,10 +4691,10 @@ collect_cases({make,InitMFA,CaseList,FinMFA}, St0, Mode) ->
collect_cases({Module, Cases}, St, Mode) when is_list(Cases) ->
case (catch collect_case(Cases, St#cc{mod=Module}, [], Mode)) of
- {ok, NewCases, NewSt} ->
- {ok, NewCases, NewSt};
+ Result = {ok,_,_} ->
+ Result;
Other ->
- {error, Other}
+ {error,Other}
collect_cases({_Mod,_Case}=Spec, St, Mode) ->
@@ -4700,9 +4712,9 @@ collect_case({Mod,{conf,_,_,_,_}=Conf}, St, Mode) ->
collect_case(MFA, St, Mode) ->
case in_skip_list(MFA, St#cc.skip) of
- {true,Comment} ->
+ {true,Comment} when Comment /= make_failed ->
- false ->
+ _ ->
case MFA of
{Mod,Case} -> collect_case_invoke(Mod, Case, MFA, St, Mode);
{_Mod,_Case,_Args} -> {ok,[MFA],St}