path: root/lib
diff options
authorJosé Valim <jose.valim@plataformatec.com.br>2013-11-08 23:50:43 +0100
committerAnthony Ramine <n.oxyde@gmail.com>2013-12-12 10:46:07 +0100
commit6c5c39827cc06a9e9b3e3fa4fa856f4610eb40b6 (patch)
tree7946344140b7ada4ca214d07de644b9c7119bb5c /lib
parent458e302f61e2de36ebd49c5a5a5b984224bdce94 (diff)
Support non top level letrecs in dialyzer
Dialyzer so far only supported letrecs at the top-level and comprehension-like letrecs (i.e. that were directly applied) in their body. This commit address this issue by storing in the callgraph bound letrec labels pointing to their functions. This information is then used by the dataflow to properly lookup recursive definitions.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 45 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_callgraph.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_callgraph.erl
index b9ad3f857d..bc32110751 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_callgraph.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_callgraph.erl
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
+ lookup_letrec/2,
@@ -81,6 +82,8 @@
%% digraph - A digraph representing the callgraph.
%% Nodes are represented as MFAs or labels.
%% esc - A set of all escaping functions as reported by dialyzer_dep.
+%% letrec_map - A dict mapping from letrec bound labels to function labels.
+%% Includes all functions.
%% name_map - A mapping from label to MFA.
%% rev_name_map - A reverse mapping of the name_map.
%% rec_var_map - A dict mapping from letrec bound labels to function names.
@@ -93,6 +96,7 @@
-record(callgraph, {digraph = digraph:new() :: digraph(),
active_digraph :: active_digraph(),
esc :: ets:tid(),
+ letrec_map :: ets:tid(),
name_map :: ets:tid(),
rev_name_map :: ets:tid(),
rec_var_map :: ets:tid(),
@@ -117,11 +121,12 @@
-spec new() -> callgraph().
new() ->
- [ETSEsc, ETSNameMap, ETSRevNameMap, ETSRecVarMap, ETSSelfRec, ETSCalls] =
+ [ETSEsc, ETSNameMap, ETSRevNameMap, ETSRecVarMap, ETSLetrecMap, ETSSelfRec, ETSCalls] =
[ets:new(N,[public, {read_concurrency, true}]) ||
N <- [callgraph_esc, callgraph_name_map, callgraph_rev_name_map,
- callgraph_rec_var_map, callgraph_self_rec, callgraph_calls]],
+ callgraph_rec_var_map, callgraph_letrec_map, callgraph_self_rec, callgraph_calls]],
#callgraph{esc = ETSEsc,
+ letrec_map = ETSLetrecMap,
name_map = ETSNameMap,
rev_name_map = ETSRevNameMap,
rec_var_map = ETSRecVarMap,
@@ -144,6 +149,12 @@ lookup_rec_var(Label, #callgraph{rec_var_map = RecVarMap})
when is_integer(Label) ->
ets_lookup_dict(Label, RecVarMap).
+-spec lookup_letrec(label(), callgraph()) -> 'error' | {'ok', label()}.
+lookup_letrec(Label, #callgraph{letrec_map = LetrecMap})
+ when is_integer(Label) ->
+ ets_lookup_dict(Label, LetrecMap).
-spec lookup_call_site(label(), callgraph()) -> 'error' | {'ok', [_]}. % XXX: refine
lookup_call_site(Label, #callgraph{calls = Calls})
@@ -348,16 +359,18 @@ ets_lookup_set(Key, Table) ->
scan_core_tree(Tree, #callgraph{calls = ETSCalls,
esc = ETSEsc,
+ letrec_map = ETSLetrecMap,
name_map = ETSNameMap,
rec_var_map = ETSRecVarMap,
rev_name_map = ETSRevNameMap,
self_rec = ETSSelfRec}) ->
%% Build name map and recursion variable maps.
- build_maps(Tree, ETSRecVarMap, ETSNameMap, ETSRevNameMap),
+ build_maps(Tree, ETSRecVarMap, ETSNameMap, ETSRevNameMap, ETSLetrecMap),
%% First find the module-local dependencies.
- {Deps0, EscapingFuns, Calls} = dialyzer_dep:analyze(Tree),
+ {Deps0, EscapingFuns, Calls, Letrecs} = dialyzer_dep:analyze(Tree),
true = ets:insert(ETSCalls, dict:to_list(Calls)),
+ true = ets:insert(ETSLetrecMap, dict:to_list(Letrecs)),
true = ets:insert(ETSEsc, [{E} || E <- EscapingFuns]),
LabelEdges = get_edges_from_deps(Deps0),
@@ -394,7 +407,7 @@ scan_core_tree(Tree, #callgraph{calls = ETSCalls,
NamedEdges3 = NewNamedEdges1 ++ NewNamedEdges2,
{Names3, NamedEdges3}.
-build_maps(Tree, ETSRecVarMap, ETSNameMap, ETSRevNameMap) ->
+build_maps(Tree, ETSRecVarMap, ETSNameMap, ETSRevNameMap, ETSLetrecMap) ->
%% We only care about the named (top level) functions. The anonymous
%% functions will be analysed together with their parents.
Defs = cerl:module_defs(Tree),
@@ -406,6 +419,7 @@ build_maps(Tree, ETSRecVarMap, ETSNameMap, ETSRevNameMap) ->
MFA = {Mod, FunName, Arity},
FunLabel = get_label(Function),
VarLabel = get_label(Var),
+ true = ets:insert(ETSLetrecMap, {VarLabel, FunLabel}),
true = ets:insert(ETSNameMap, {FunLabel, MFA}),
true = ets:insert(ETSRevNameMap, {MFA, FunLabel}),
true = ets:insert(ETSRecVarMap, {VarLabel, MFA})
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
index 6956850f1a..922ccad599 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ traverse(Tree, Map, State) ->
{State1, Map1, Type};
var ->
?debug("Looking up unknown variable: ~p\n", [Tree]),
- case state__lookup_type_for_rec_var(Tree, State) of
+ case state__lookup_type_for_letrec(Tree, State) of
error ->
LType = lookup_type(Tree, Map),
Opaques = State#state.opaques,
@@ -1468,7 +1468,7 @@ bind_pat_vars([Pat|PatLeft], [Type|TypeLeft], Acc, Map, State, Rev) ->
var ->
Opaques = State#state.opaques,
VarType1 =
- case state__lookup_type_for_rec_var(Pat, State) of
+ case state__lookup_type_for_letrec(Pat, State) of
error ->
LType = lookup_type(Pat, Map),
case t_opaque_match_record(LType, Opaques) of
@@ -2829,12 +2829,11 @@ state__get_warnings(#state{tree_map = TreeMap, fun_tab = FunTab,
state__is_escaping(Fun, #state{callgraph = Callgraph}) ->
dialyzer_callgraph:is_escaping(Fun, Callgraph).
-state__lookup_type_for_rec_var(Var, #state{callgraph = Callgraph} = State) ->
+state__lookup_type_for_letrec(Var, #state{callgraph = Callgraph} = State) ->
Label = get_label(Var),
- case dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_rec_var(Label, Callgraph) of
+ case dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_letrec(Label, Callgraph) of
error -> error;
- {ok, MFA} ->
- {ok, FunLabel} = dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_label(MFA, Callgraph),
+ {ok, FunLabel} ->
{ok, state__fun_type(FunLabel, State)}
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dep.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dep.erl
index febb65b766..1a477f4388 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dep.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dep.erl
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
-%% analyze(CoreTree) -> {Deps, Esc, Calls}.
+%% analyze(CoreTree) -> {Deps, Esc, Calls, Letrecs}.
%% Deps = a dict mapping labels of functions to an ordset of functions
%% it calls.
@@ -53,6 +53,10 @@
%% which the operation can refer to. If 'external' is part of
%% the set the operation can be externally defined.
+%% Letrecs = a dict mapping var labels to their recursive definition.
+%% top-level letrecs are not included as they are handled
+%% separatedly.
-spec analyze(cerl:c_module()) -> {dict(), ordset('external' | label()), dict()}.
@@ -64,7 +68,8 @@ analyze(Tree) ->
State1 = state__add_deps(external, output(Esc), State),
Deps = state__deps(State1),
Calls = state__calls(State1),
- {map__finalize(Deps), set__to_ordsets(Esc), map__finalize(Calls)}.
+ Letrecs = state__letrecs(State1),
+ {map__finalize(Deps), set__to_ordsets(Esc), map__finalize(Calls), Letrecs}.
traverse(Tree, Out, State, CurrentFun) ->
%% io:format("Type: ~w\n", [cerl:type(Tree)]),
@@ -131,9 +136,12 @@ traverse(Tree, Out, State, CurrentFun) ->
letrec ->
Defs = cerl:letrec_defs(Tree),
Body = cerl:letrec_body(Tree),
+ State1 = lists:foldl(fun({ Var, Fun }, Acc) ->
+ state__add_letrecs(cerl_trees:get_label(Var), cerl_trees:get_label(Fun), Acc)
+ end, State, Defs),
Out1 = bind_defs(Defs, Out),
- State1 = traverse_defs(Defs, Out1, State, CurrentFun),
- traverse(Body, Out1, State1, CurrentFun);
+ State2 = traverse_defs(Defs, Out1, State1, CurrentFun),
+ traverse(Body, Out1, State2, CurrentFun);
literal ->
{output(none), State};
module ->
@@ -463,7 +471,8 @@ all_vars(Tree, AccIn) ->
-record(state, {deps :: dict(),
esc :: local_set(),
call :: dict(),
- arities :: dict()}).
+ arities :: dict(),
+ letrecs :: dict()}).
state__new(Tree) ->
Exports = set__from_list([X || X <- cerl:module_exports(Tree)]),
@@ -471,7 +480,7 @@ state__new(Tree) ->
|| {Var, Fun} <- cerl:module_defs(Tree),
set__is_element(Var, Exports)]),
Arities = cerl_trees:fold(fun find_arities/2, dict:new(), Tree),
- #state{deps = map__new(), esc = InitEsc, call = map__new(), arities = Arities}.
+ #state{deps = map__new(), esc = InitEsc, call = map__new(), arities = Arities, letrecs = map__new()}.
find_arities(Tree, AccMap) ->
case cerl:is_c_fun(Tree) of
@@ -490,9 +499,15 @@ state__add_deps(From, #output{type = single, content=To},
%% io:format("Adding deps from ~w to ~w\n", [From, set__to_ordsets(To)]),
State#state{deps = map__add(From, To, Map)}.
+state__add_letrecs(Var, Fun, #state{letrecs = Map} = State) ->
+ State#state{letrecs = map__store(Var, Fun, Map)}.
state__deps(#state{deps = Deps}) ->
+state__letrecs(#state{letrecs = Letrecs}) ->
+ Letrecs.
state__add_esc(#output{content = none}, State) ->
state__add_esc(#output{type = single, content = Set},