path: root/lib
diff options
authorBruce Yinhe <bruce@erlang.org>2014-07-09 14:51:24 +0200
committerBruce Yinhe <bruce@erlang.org>2014-07-09 14:51:24 +0200
commit0a79b5b6612a0cb5997e77459bc756caf8bb0e99 (patch)
tree4d06beea10456c5a36e7ab215f6e81bcf4353dd9 /lib
parent329bf2e9c9b3c2e4b89dc120342e3775e9b2f6d4 (diff)
parentcfb2acc734e7173b66c09ed3dd33bc35ae6ffdc8 (diff)
Merge branch 'maint'
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 52 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/lib/os_mon/doc/src/disksup.xml b/lib/os_mon/doc/src/disksup.xml
index dbcfd65095..c8566d0126 100644
--- a/lib/os_mon/doc/src/disksup.xml
+++ b/lib/os_mon/doc/src/disksup.xml
@@ -73,6 +73,16 @@
much disk can be utilized before the <c>disk_almost_full</c>
alarm is set. The default is 0.80 (80%).</p>
+ <tag><c>disksup_posix_only = bool()</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>Specifies whether the <c>disksup</c> helper process should only
+ use POSIX conformant commands (<c>true</c>) or not. The default is
+ <c>false</c>. Setting this parameter to <c>true</c> can be
+ necessary on embedded systems with stripped-down versions
+ of Unix tools like <c>df</c>. The returned disk data and alarms
+ can be different when using this option.</p>
+ <p>The parameter is ignored on Windows.</p>
+ </item>
<p>See <seealso marker="kernel:config">config(4)</seealso> for
information about how to change the value of configuration
diff --git a/lib/os_mon/src/disksup.erl b/lib/os_mon/src/disksup.erl
index 278da26a20..3fd80f2365 100644
--- a/lib/os_mon/src/disksup.erl
+++ b/lib/os_mon/src/disksup.erl
@@ -81,10 +81,12 @@ param_type(disk_space_check_interval, Val) when is_integer(Val),
param_type(disk_almost_full_threshold, Val) when is_number(Val),
Val=<1 -> true;
+param_type(disksup_posix_only, Val) when Val==true; Val==false -> true;
param_type(_Param, _Val) -> false.
param_default(disk_space_check_interval) -> 30;
-param_default(disk_almost_full_threshold) -> 0.80.
+param_default(disk_almost_full_threshold) -> 0.80;
+param_default(disksup_posix_only) -> false.
%% gen_server callbacks
@@ -94,7 +96,8 @@ init([]) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
process_flag(priority, low),
- OS = get_os(),
+ PosixOnly = os_mon:get_env(disksup, disksup_posix_only),
+ OS = get_os(PosixOnly),
Port = case OS of
{unix, Flavor} when Flavor==sunos4;
@@ -102,6 +105,7 @@ init([]) ->
+ Flavor==posix;
@@ -205,8 +209,10 @@ format_status(_Opt, [_PDict, #state{os = OS, threshold = Threshold,
%% Internal functions
-get_os() ->
+get_os(PosixOnly) ->
case os:type() of
+ {unix, _} when PosixOnly ->
+ {unix, posix};
{unix, sunos} ->
case os:version() of
{5,_,_} -> {unix, solaris};
@@ -259,6 +265,9 @@ check_disk_space({unix, irix}, Port, Threshold) ->
check_disk_space({unix, linux}, Port, Threshold) ->
Result = my_cmd("/bin/df -lk", Port),
check_disks_solaris(skip_to_eol(Result), Threshold);
+check_disk_space({unix, posix}, Port, Threshold) ->
+ Result = my_cmd("df -k -P", Port),
+ check_disks_solaris(skip_to_eol(Result), Threshold);
check_disk_space({unix, dragonfly}, Port, Threshold) ->
Result = my_cmd("/bin/df -k -t ufs,hammer", Port),
check_disks_solaris(skip_to_eol(Result), Threshold);
diff --git a/lib/os_mon/test/disksup_SUITE.erl b/lib/os_mon/test/disksup_SUITE.erl
index 94661cfa77..2f62564959 100644
--- a/lib/os_mon/test/disksup_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/os_mon/test/disksup_SUITE.erl
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
-export([terminate/1, unavailable/1, restart/1]).
%% Default timetrap timeout (set in init_per_testcase)
-define(default_timeout, ?t:minutes(1)).
@@ -62,9 +63,9 @@ all() ->
Bugs = [otp_5910],
case test_server:os_type() of
{unix, sunos} ->
- [api, config, alarm, port, unavailable] ++ Bugs;
- {unix, _OSname} -> [api, alarm] ++ Bugs;
- {win32, _OSname} -> [api, alarm] ++ Bugs;
+ [api, config, alarm, port, unavailable, posix_only] ++ Bugs;
+ {unix, _OSname} -> [api, alarm, posix_only] ++ Bugs;
+ {win32, _OSname} -> [api, alarm, posix_only] ++ Bugs;
_OS -> [unavailable]
@@ -83,12 +84,7 @@ api(doc) -> ["Test of API functions"];
api(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% get_disk_data()
- [{Id,KByte,Capacity}|_] = get_disk_data(),
- true = io_lib:printable_list(Id),
- true = is_integer(KByte),
- true = is_integer(Capacity),
- true = Capacity>0,
- true = KByte>0,
+ ok = check_get_disk_data(),
%% get_check_interval()
1800000 = disksup:get_check_interval(),
@@ -405,9 +401,34 @@ otp_5910(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ok = application:start(os_mon),
+posix_only(suite) -> [];
+posix_only(doc) -> ["Test disksup_posix_only option"];
+posix_only(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% Set option and restart disksup
+ ok = application:set_env(os_mon, disksup_posix_only, true),
+ ok = supervisor:terminate_child(os_mon_sup, disksup),
+ {ok, _Child1} = supervisor:restart_child(os_mon_sup, disksup),
+ ok = check_get_disk_data(),
+ %% Reset option and restart disksup
+ ok = application:set_env(os_mon, disksup_posix_only, false),
+ ok = supervisor:terminate_child(os_mon_sup, disksup),
+ {ok, _Child2} = supervisor:restart_child(os_mon_sup, disksup),
+ ok.
dump_info() ->
io:format("Status: ~p~n", [sys:get_status(disksup)]).
+check_get_disk_data() ->
+ [{Id,KByte,Capacity}|_] = get_disk_data(),
+ true = io_lib:printable_list(Id),
+ true = is_integer(KByte),
+ true = is_integer(Capacity),
+ true = Capacity>0,
+ true = KByte>0,
+ ok.
% filter get_disk_data and remove entriew with zero capacity
% "non-normal" filesystems report zero capacity
% - Perhaps errorneous 'df -k -l'?