path: root/lib
diff options
authorLukas Larsson <lukas@erlang-solutions.com>2012-03-21 14:36:14 +0100
committerLukas Larsson <lukas@erlang-solutions.com>2012-03-21 14:36:14 +0100
commit8c5a3a78d3ae0bd1261226d97e0b2197bbbb0d07 (patch)
tree465b797c27c9bd3c2995360335cb04f92082a4c2 /lib
parent1128da082b925e56e7c0a04bc4a2408150be9fb4 (diff)
parent22d5fe18a285784fe724d5f1ce62578bd7ff4f1a (diff)
Merge branch 'maint'
* maint: Add the surefire ct hook
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
4 files changed, 216 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_hooks_chapter.xml b/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_hooks_chapter.xml
index 8505ee8469..c5b4fd0073 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_hooks_chapter.xml
+++ b/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_hooks_chapter.xml
@@ -429,6 +429,16 @@ terminate(State) ->
<seealso marker="sasl:sasl_app">SASL</seealso> events report
using the normal SASL mechanisms. </cell>
+ <row>
+ <cell>cth_surefire</cell>
+ <cell>no</cell>
+ <cell>Captures all test results and outputs them as surefire XML into
+ a file. The file which is created is by default called junit_report.xml.
+ The name can be by setting the path option for this hook. e.g.
+ <code>-ct_hooks cth_surefix [{path,"/tmp/report.xml"}]</code>
+ Surefire XML can forinstance be used by Jenkins to display test
+ results.</cell>
+ </row>
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/Makefile b/lib/common_test/src/Makefile
index 125aa828fb..e9555de35a 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/Makefile
@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ MODULES= \
ct_slave \
- cth_log_redirect
+ cth_log_redirect\
+ cth_surefire
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/common_test.app.src b/lib/common_test/src/common_test.app.src
index 7fba484b18..bdd48fbc6b 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/common_test.app.src
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/common_test.app.src
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
+ ct_hooks,
+ ct_hooks_lock,
@@ -45,7 +47,9 @@
- ct_slave
+ ct_slave,
+ cth_log_redirect,
+ cth_surefire
{registered, [ct_logs,
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/cth_surefire.erl b/lib/common_test/src/cth_surefire.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c42f956b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/cth_surefire.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+%%% @doc Common Test Framework functions handling test specifications.
+%%% <p>This module creates a junit report of the test run if plugged in
+%%% as a suite_callback.</p>
+%% Suite Callbacks
+-export([id/1, init/2]).
+-record(state, { filepath, axis, properties, package, hostname,
+ curr_suite, curr_suite_ts, curr_group = [], curr_tc,
+ curr_log_dir, timer, tc_log,
+ test_cases = [],
+ test_suites = [] }).
+-record(testcase, { log, group, classname, name, time, failure, timestamp }).
+-record(testsuite, { errors, failures, hostname, name, tests,
+ time, timestamp, id, package,
+ properties, testcases }).
+id(Opts) ->
+ filename:absname(proplists:get_value(path, Opts, "junit_report.xml")).
+init(Path, Opts) ->
+ {ok, Host} = inet:gethostname(),
+ #state{ filepath = Path,
+ hostname = proplists:get_value(hostname,Opts,Host),
+ package = proplists:get_value(package,Opts),
+ axis = proplists:get_value(axis,Opts,[]),
+ properties = proplists:get_value(properties,Opts,[]),
+ timer = now() }.
+pre_init_per_suite(Suite,Config,State) ->
+ {Config, init_tc(State#state{ curr_suite = Suite, curr_suite_ts = now() },
+ Config) }.
+post_init_per_suite(_Suite,Config, Result, State) ->
+ {Result, end_tc(init_per_suite,Config,Result,State)}.
+pre_end_per_suite(_Suite,Config,State) -> {Config, init_tc(State, Config)}.
+post_end_per_suite(_Suite,Config,Result,State) ->
+ NewState = end_tc(end_per_suite,Config,Result,State),
+ TCs = NewState#state.test_cases,
+ Suite = get_suite(NewState, TCs),
+ {Result, State#state{ test_cases = [],
+ test_suites = [Suite | State#state.test_suites]}}.
+pre_init_per_group(Group,Config,State) ->
+ {Config, init_tc(State#state{ curr_group = [Group|State#state.curr_group]},
+ Config)}.
+post_init_per_group(_Group,Config,Result,State) ->
+ {Result, end_tc(init_per_group,Config,Result,State)}.
+pre_end_per_group(_Group,Config,State) -> {Config, init_tc(State, Config)}.
+post_end_per_group(_Group,Config,Result,State) ->
+ NewState = end_tc(end_per_group, Config, Result, State),
+ {Result, NewState#state{ curr_group = tl(NewState#state.curr_group)}}.
+pre_init_per_testcase(_TC,Config,State) -> {Config, init_tc(State, Config)}.
+post_end_per_testcase(TC,Config,Result,State) ->
+ {Result, end_tc(TC,Config, Result,State)}.
+on_tc_fail(_TC, Res, State) ->
+ TCs = State#state.test_cases,
+ TC = hd(State#state.test_cases),
+ NewTC = TC#testcase{ failure =
+ {fail,lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[Res]))} },
+ State#state{ test_cases = [NewTC | tl(TCs)]}.
+on_tc_skip(_Tc, Res, State) ->
+ TCs = State#state.test_cases,
+ TC = hd(State#state.test_cases),
+ NewTC = TC#testcase{
+ failure =
+ {skipped,lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[Res]))} },
+ State#state{ test_cases = [NewTC | tl(TCs)]}.
+init_tc(State, Config) ->
+ State#state{ timer = now(),
+ tc_log = proplists:get_value(tc_logfile, Config)}.
+end_tc(Func, Config, Res, State) when is_atom(Func) ->
+ end_tc(atom_to_list(Func), Config, Res, State);
+end_tc(Name, _Config, _Res, State = #state{ curr_suite = Suite,
+ curr_group = Groups,
+ timer = TS, tc_log = Log } ) ->
+ ClassName = atom_to_list(Suite),
+ PGroup = string:join([ atom_to_list(Group)||
+ Group <- lists:reverse(Groups)],"."),
+ TimeTakes = io_lib:format("~f",[timer:now_diff(now(),TS) / 1000000]),
+ State#state{ test_cases = [#testcase{ log = Log,
+ timestamp = now_to_string(TS),
+ classname = ClassName,
+ group = PGroup,
+ name = Name,
+ time = TimeTakes,
+ failure = passed }| State#state.test_cases]}.
+get_suite(State, TCs) ->
+ Total = length(TCs),
+ Succ = length(lists:filter(fun(#testcase{ failure = F }) ->
+ F == passed
+ end,TCs)),
+ Fail = Total - Succ,
+ TimeTaken = timer:now_diff(now(),State#state.curr_suite_ts) / 1000000,
+ #testsuite{ name = atom_to_list(State#state.curr_suite),
+ package = State#state.package,
+ time = io_lib:format("~f",[TimeTaken]),
+ timestamp = now_to_string(State#state.curr_suite_ts),
+ errors = Fail, tests = Total, testcases = lists:reverse(TCs) }.
+terminate(State) ->
+ {ok,D} = file:open(State#state.filepath,[write]),
+ io:format(D, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding= \"UTF-8\" ?>", []),
+ io:format(D, to_xml(State), []),
+ catch file:sync(D),
+ catch file:close(D).
+to_xml(#testcase{ group = Group, classname = CL, log = L, name = N, time = T, timestamp = TS, failure = F}) ->
+ ["<testcase ",
+ [["group=\"",Group,"\""]||Group /= ""]," "
+ "name=\"",N,"\" "
+ "time=\"",T,"\" "
+ "timestamp=\"",TS,"\" "
+ "log=\"",L,"\">",
+ case F of
+ passed ->
+ [];
+ {skipped,Reason} ->
+ ["<skipped type=\"skip\" message=\"Test ",N," in ",CL,
+ " skipped!\">", sanitize(Reason),"</skipped>"];
+ {fail,Reason} ->
+ ["<failure message=\"Test ",N," in ",CL," failed!\" type=\"crash\">",
+ sanitize(Reason),"</failure>"]
+ end,"</testcase>"];
+to_xml(#testsuite{ package = P, hostname = H, errors = E, time = Time,
+ timestamp = TS, tests = T, name = N, testcases = Cases }) ->
+ ["<testsuite ",
+ [["package=\"",P,"\" "]||P /= undefined],
+ [["hostname=\"",P,"\" "]||H /= undefined],
+ [["name=\"",N,"\" "]||N /= undefined],
+ [["time=\"",Time,"\" "]||Time /= undefined],
+ [["timestamp=\"",TS,"\" "]||TS /= undefined],
+ "errors=\"",integer_to_list(E),"\" "
+ "tests=\"",integer_to_list(T),"\">",
+ [to_xml(Case) || Case <- Cases],
+ "</testsuite>"];
+to_xml(#state{ test_suites = TestSuites, axis = Axis, properties = Props }) ->
+ ["<testsuites>",properties_to_xml(Axis,Props),
+ [to_xml(TestSuite) || TestSuite <- TestSuites],"</testsuites>"].
+properties_to_xml(Axis,Props) ->
+ ["<properties>",
+ [["<property name=\"",Name,"\" axis=\"yes\" value=\"",Value,"\" />"] || {Name,Value} <- Axis],
+ [["<property name=\"",Name,"\" value=\"",Value,"\" />"] || {Name,Value} <- Props],
+ "</properties>"
+ ].
+sanitize([$>|T]) ->
+ "&gt;" ++ sanitize(T);
+sanitize([$<|T]) ->
+ "&lt;" ++ sanitize(T);
+sanitize([$"|T]) ->
+ "&quot;" ++ sanitize(T);
+sanitize([$'|T]) ->
+ "&apos;" ++ sanitize(T);
+sanitize([$&|T]) ->
+ "&amp;" ++ sanitize(T);
+sanitize([H|T]) ->
+ [H|sanitize(T)];
+sanitize([]) ->
+ [].
+now_to_string(Now) ->
+ {{YY,MM,DD},{HH,Mi,SS}} = calendar:now_to_local_time(Now),
+ io_lib:format("~p-~2..0B-~2..0BT~2..0B:~2..0B:~2..0B",[YY,MM,DD,HH,Mi,SS]).