path: root/lib
diff options
authorRichard Carlsson <[email protected]>2018-04-17 15:20:52 +0200
committerRichard Carlsson <[email protected]>2018-05-04 10:22:36 +0200
commitf33f832d85584ffdbecf16bee8023e80c3af15ea (patch)
tree432906aeb161122255408777003f3ad26ed8de8d /lib
parent5684a2c7715c4cf0524a2be91ddeaf47281634bb (diff)
Move extended parse functions in lib.erl to erl_eval.erl
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
9 files changed, 233 insertions, 235 deletions
diff --git a/lib/debugger/src/dbg_icmd.erl b/lib/debugger/src/dbg_icmd.erl
index 4cd3dce670..55cbada53b 100644
--- a/lib/debugger/src/dbg_icmd.erl
+++ b/lib/debugger/src/dbg_icmd.erl
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ mark_break(Cm, LineNo, Le) ->
parse_cmd(Cmd, LineNo) ->
{ok,Tokens,_} = erl_scan:string(Cmd, LineNo, [text]),
- {ok,Forms,Bs} = lib:extended_parse_exprs(Tokens),
+ {ok,Forms,Bs} = erl_eval:extended_parse_exprs(Tokens),
{Forms, Bs}.
diff --git a/lib/debugger/src/dbg_wx_win.erl b/lib/debugger/src/dbg_wx_win.erl
index f1298154ab..fea94156c1 100644
--- a/lib/debugger/src/dbg_wx_win.erl
+++ b/lib/debugger/src/dbg_wx_win.erl
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ entry(Parent, Title, Prompt, {Type, Value}) ->
verify(Type, Str) ->
case erl_scan:string(Str, 1, [text]) of
{ok, Tokens, _EndLine} when Type==term ->
- case lib:extended_parse_term(Tokens++[{dot, erl_anno:new(1)}]) of
+ case erl_eval:extended_parse_term(Tokens++[{dot, erl_anno:new(1)}]) of
{ok, Value} -> {edit, Value};
_Error ->
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_lib.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_lib.erl
index 0678b64134..718ef91942 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_lib.erl
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ parse_string(Str) ->
{error, {_SLine, SMod, SError}, _} ->
throw(io_lib:format("~ts", [SMod:format_error(SError)]))
- case lib:extended_parse_term(Tokens) of
+ case erl_eval:extended_parse_term(Tokens) of
{error, {_PLine, PMod, PError}} ->
throw(io_lib:format("~ts", [PMod:format_error(PError)]));
Res -> Res
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_eval.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_eval.erl
index 4ee11383da..0f6d48b9a3 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_eval.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_eval.erl
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@
+-export([extended_parse_exprs/1, extended_parse_term/1,
+ subst_values_for_vars/2]).
-export([is_constant_expr/1, partial_eval/1]).
%% Is used by standalone Erlang (escript).
@@ -1286,6 +1287,224 @@ merge_bindings(Bs1, Bs2) ->
%% error -> Bs
%% end
%% end, Bs2, Bs1).
+%% Substitute {value, A, Item} for {var, A, Var}, preserving A.
+%% {value, A, Item} is a shell/erl_eval convention, and for example
+%% the linter cannot handle it.
+-spec subst_values_for_vars(ExprList, Bindings) -> [term()] when
+ ExprList :: [erl_parse:abstract_expr()],
+ Bindings :: binding_struct().
+subst_values_for_vars({var, A, V}=Var, Bs) ->
+ case erl_eval:binding(V, Bs) of
+ {value, Value} ->
+ {value, A, Value};
+ unbound ->
+ Var
+ end;
+subst_values_for_vars(L, Bs) when is_list(L) ->
+ [subst_values_for_vars(E, Bs) || E <- L];
+subst_values_for_vars(T, Bs) when is_tuple(T) ->
+ list_to_tuple(subst_values_for_vars(tuple_to_list(T), Bs));
+subst_values_for_vars(T, _Bs) ->
+ T.
+%% `Tokens' is assumed to have been scanned with the 'text' option.
+%% The annotations of the returned expressions are locations.
+%% Can handle pids, ports, references, and external funs ("items").
+%% Known items are represented by variables in the erl_parse tree, and
+%% the items themselves are stored in the returned bindings.
+-spec extended_parse_exprs(Tokens) ->
+ {'ok', ExprList, Bindings} | {'error', ErrorInfo} when
+ Tokens :: [erl_scan:token()],
+ ExprList :: [erl_parse:abstract_expr()],
+ Bindings :: erl_eval:binding_struct(),
+ ErrorInfo :: erl_parse:error_info().
+extended_parse_exprs(Tokens) ->
+ Ts = tokens_fixup(Tokens),
+ case erl_parse:parse_exprs(Ts) of
+ {ok, Exprs0} ->
+ {Exprs, Bs} = expr_fixup(Exprs0),
+ {ok, reset_expr_anno(Exprs), Bs};
+ _ErrorInfo ->
+ erl_parse:parse_exprs(reset_token_anno(Ts))
+ end.
+tokens_fixup([]) -> [];
+tokens_fixup([T|Ts]=Ts0) ->
+ try token_fixup(Ts0) of
+ {NewT, NewTs} ->
+ [NewT|tokens_fixup(NewTs)]
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ [T|tokens_fixup(Ts)]
+ end.
+token_fixup(Ts) ->
+ {AnnoL, NewTs, FixupTag} = unscannable(Ts),
+ String = lists:append([erl_anno:text(A) || A <- AnnoL]),
+ _ = (fixup_fun(FixupTag))(String),
+ NewAnno = erl_anno:set_text(fixup_text(FixupTag), hd(AnnoL)),
+ {{string, NewAnno, String}, NewTs}.
+unscannable([{'#', A1}, {var, A2, 'Fun'}, {'<', A3}, {atom, A4, _},
+ {'.', A5}, {float, A6, _}, {'>', A7}|Ts]) ->
+ {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7], Ts, function};
+unscannable([{'#', A1}, {var, A2, 'Fun'}, {'<', A3}, {atom, A4, _},
+ {'.', A5}, {atom, A6, _}, {'.', A7}, {integer, A8, _},
+ {'>', A9}|Ts]) ->
+ {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9], Ts, function};
+unscannable([{'<', A1}, {float, A2, _}, {'.', A3}, {integer, A4, _},
+ {'>', A5}|Ts]) ->
+ {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5], Ts, pid};
+unscannable([{'#', A1}, {var, A2, 'Port'}, {'<', A3}, {float, A4, _},
+ {'>', A5}|Ts]) ->
+ {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5], Ts, port};
+unscannable([{'#', A1}, {var, A2, 'Ref'}, {'<', A3}, {float, A4, _},
+ {'.', A5}, {float, A6, _}, {'>', A7}|Ts]) ->
+ {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7], Ts, reference}.
+expr_fixup(Expr0) ->
+ {Expr, Bs, _} = expr_fixup(Expr0, erl_eval:new_bindings(), 1),
+ {Expr, Bs}.
+expr_fixup({string,A,S}=T, Bs0, I) ->
+ try string_fixup(A, S) of
+ Value ->
+ Var = new_var(I),
+ Bs = erl_eval:add_binding(Var, Value, Bs0),
+ {{var, A, Var}, Bs, I+1}
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ {T, Bs0, I}
+ end;
+expr_fixup(Tuple, Bs0, I0) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
+ {L, Bs, I} = expr_fixup(tuple_to_list(Tuple), Bs0, I0),
+ {list_to_tuple(L), Bs, I};
+expr_fixup([E0|Es0], Bs0, I0) ->
+ {E, Bs1, I1} = expr_fixup(E0, Bs0, I0),
+ {Es, Bs, I} = expr_fixup(Es0, Bs1, I1),
+ {[E|Es], Bs, I};
+expr_fixup(T, Bs, I) ->
+ {T, Bs, I}.
+string_fixup(A, S) ->
+ Text = erl_anno:text(A),
+ FixupTag = fixup_tag(Text, S),
+ (fixup_fun(FixupTag))(S).
+new_var(I) ->
+ list_to_atom(lists:concat(['__ExtendedParseExprs_', I, '__'])).
+reset_token_anno(Tokens) ->
+ [setelement(2, T, (reset_anno())(element(2, T))) || T <- Tokens].
+reset_expr_anno(Exprs) ->
+ [erl_parse:map_anno(reset_anno(), E) || E <- Exprs].
+reset_anno() ->
+ fun(A) -> erl_anno:new(erl_anno:location(A)) end.
+fixup_fun(function) -> fun function/1;
+fixup_fun(pid) -> fun erlang:list_to_pid/1;
+fixup_fun(port) -> fun erlang:list_to_port/1;
+fixup_fun(reference) -> fun erlang:list_to_ref/1.
+function(S) ->
+ %% External function.
+ {ok, [_, _, _,
+ {atom, _, Module}, _,
+ {atom, _, Function}, _,
+ {integer, _, Arity}|_], _} = erl_scan:string(S),
+ erlang:make_fun(Module, Function, Arity).
+fixup_text(function) -> "function";
+fixup_text(pid) -> "pid";
+fixup_text(port) -> "port";
+fixup_text(reference) -> "reference".
+fixup_tag("function", "#"++_) -> function;
+fixup_tag("pid", "<"++_) -> pid;
+fixup_tag("port", "#"++_) -> port;
+fixup_tag("reference", "#"++_) -> reference.
+%%% End of extended_parse_exprs.
+%% `Tokens' is assumed to have been scanned with the 'text' option.
+%% Can handle pids, ports, references, and external funs.
+-spec extended_parse_term(Tokens) ->
+ {'ok', Term} | {'error', ErrorInfo} when
+ Tokens :: [erl_scan:token()],
+ Term :: term(),
+ ErrorInfo :: erl_parse:error_info().
+extended_parse_term(Tokens) ->
+ case extended_parse_exprs(Tokens) of
+ {ok, [Expr], Bindings} ->
+ try normalise(Expr, Bindings) of
+ Term ->
+ {ok, Term}
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ Loc = erl_anno:location(element(2, Expr)),
+ {error,{Loc,?MODULE,"bad term"}}
+ end;
+ {ok, [_,Expr|_], _Bindings} ->
+ Loc = erl_anno:location(element(2, Expr)),
+ {error,{Loc,?MODULE,"bad term"}};
+ {error, _} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+%% From erl_parse.
+normalise({var, _, V}, Bs) ->
+ {value, Value} = erl_eval:binding(V, Bs),
+ Value;
+normalise({char,_,C}, _Bs) -> C;
+normalise({integer,_,I}, _Bs) -> I;
+normalise({float,_,F}, _Bs) -> F;
+normalise({atom,_,A}, _Bs) -> A;
+normalise({string,_,S}, _Bs) -> S;
+normalise({nil,_}, _Bs) -> [];
+normalise({bin,_,Fs}, Bs) ->
+ {value, B, _} =
+ eval_bits:expr_grp(Fs, [],
+ fun(E, _) ->
+ {value, normalise(E, Bs), []}
+ end, [], true),
+ B;
+normalise({cons,_,Head,Tail}, Bs) ->
+ [normalise(Head, Bs)|normalise(Tail, Bs)];
+normalise({tuple,_,Args}, Bs) ->
+ list_to_tuple(normalise_list(Args, Bs));
+normalise({map,_,Pairs}, Bs) ->
+ maps:from_list(lists:map(fun
+ %% only allow '=>'
+ ({map_field_assoc,_,K,V}) ->
+ {normalise(K, Bs),normalise(V, Bs)}
+ end, Pairs));
+%% Special case for unary +/-.
+normalise({op,_,'+',{char,_,I}}, _Bs) -> I;
+normalise({op,_,'+',{integer,_,I}}, _Bs) -> I;
+normalise({op,_,'+',{float,_,F}}, _Bs) -> F;
+normalise({op,_,'-',{char,_,I}}, _Bs) -> -I; %Weird, but compatible!
+normalise({op,_,'-',{integer,_,I}}, _Bs) -> -I;
+normalise({op,_,'-',{float,_,F}}, _Bs) -> -F;
+normalise({'fun',_,{function,{atom,_,M},{atom,_,F},{integer,_,A}}}, _Bs) ->
+ %% Since "#Fun<M.F.A>" is recognized, "fun M:F/A" should be too.
+ fun M:F/A.
+normalise_list([H|T], Bs) ->
+ [normalise(H, Bs)|normalise_list(T, Bs)];
+normalise_list([], _Bs) ->
+ [].
%% Evaluate expressions:
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/lib.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/lib.erl
index 4df8d8416f..576eeb88d9 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/lib.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/lib.erl
@@ -19,231 +19,10 @@
--export([extended_parse_exprs/1, extended_parse_term/1,
- subst_values_for_vars/2]).
-export([format_exception/6, format_exception/7,
format_stacktrace/4, format_stacktrace/5,
format_call/4, format_call/5, format_fun/1, format_fun/2]).
-%% `Tokens' is assumed to have been scanned with the 'text' option.
-%% The annotations of the returned expressions are locations.
-%% Can handle pids, ports, references, and external funs ("items").
-%% Known items are represented by variables in the erl_parse tree, and
-%% the items themselves are stored in the returned bindings.
--spec extended_parse_exprs(Tokens) ->
- {'ok', ExprList, Bindings} | {'error', ErrorInfo} when
- Tokens :: [erl_scan:token()],
- ExprList :: [erl_parse:abstract_expr()],
- Bindings :: erl_eval:binding_struct(),
- ErrorInfo :: erl_parse:error_info().
-extended_parse_exprs(Tokens) ->
- Ts = tokens_fixup(Tokens),
- case erl_parse:parse_exprs(Ts) of
- {ok, Exprs0} ->
- {Exprs, Bs} = expr_fixup(Exprs0),
- {ok, reset_expr_anno(Exprs), Bs};
- _ErrorInfo ->
- erl_parse:parse_exprs(reset_token_anno(Ts))
- end.
-tokens_fixup([]) -> [];
-tokens_fixup([T|Ts]=Ts0) ->
- try token_fixup(Ts0) of
- {NewT, NewTs} ->
- [NewT|tokens_fixup(NewTs)]
- catch
- _:_ ->
- [T|tokens_fixup(Ts)]
- end.
-token_fixup(Ts) ->
- {AnnoL, NewTs, FixupTag} = unscannable(Ts),
- String = lists:append([erl_anno:text(A) || A <- AnnoL]),
- _ = (fixup_fun(FixupTag))(String),
- NewAnno = erl_anno:set_text(fixup_text(FixupTag), hd(AnnoL)),
- {{string, NewAnno, String}, NewTs}.
-unscannable([{'#', A1}, {var, A2, 'Fun'}, {'<', A3}, {atom, A4, _},
- {'.', A5}, {float, A6, _}, {'>', A7}|Ts]) ->
- {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7], Ts, function};
-unscannable([{'#', A1}, {var, A2, 'Fun'}, {'<', A3}, {atom, A4, _},
- {'.', A5}, {atom, A6, _}, {'.', A7}, {integer, A8, _},
- {'>', A9}|Ts]) ->
- {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9], Ts, function};
-unscannable([{'<', A1}, {float, A2, _}, {'.', A3}, {integer, A4, _},
- {'>', A5}|Ts]) ->
- {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5], Ts, pid};
-unscannable([{'#', A1}, {var, A2, 'Port'}, {'<', A3}, {float, A4, _},
- {'>', A5}|Ts]) ->
- {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5], Ts, port};
-unscannable([{'#', A1}, {var, A2, 'Ref'}, {'<', A3}, {float, A4, _},
- {'.', A5}, {float, A6, _}, {'>', A7}|Ts]) ->
- {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7], Ts, reference}.
-expr_fixup(Expr0) ->
- {Expr, Bs, _} = expr_fixup(Expr0, erl_eval:new_bindings(), 1),
- {Expr, Bs}.
-expr_fixup({string,A,S}=T, Bs0, I) ->
- try string_fixup(A, S) of
- Value ->
- Var = new_var(I),
- Bs = erl_eval:add_binding(Var, Value, Bs0),
- {{var, A, Var}, Bs, I+1}
- catch
- _:_ ->
- {T, Bs0, I}
- end;
-expr_fixup(Tuple, Bs0, I0) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
- {L, Bs, I} = expr_fixup(tuple_to_list(Tuple), Bs0, I0),
- {list_to_tuple(L), Bs, I};
-expr_fixup([E0|Es0], Bs0, I0) ->
- {E, Bs1, I1} = expr_fixup(E0, Bs0, I0),
- {Es, Bs, I} = expr_fixup(Es0, Bs1, I1),
- {[E|Es], Bs, I};
-expr_fixup(T, Bs, I) ->
- {T, Bs, I}.
-string_fixup(A, S) ->
- Text = erl_anno:text(A),
- FixupTag = fixup_tag(Text, S),
- (fixup_fun(FixupTag))(S).
-new_var(I) ->
- list_to_atom(lists:concat(['__ExtendedParseExprs_', I, '__'])).
-reset_token_anno(Tokens) ->
- [setelement(2, T, (reset_anno())(element(2, T))) || T <- Tokens].
-reset_expr_anno(Exprs) ->
- [erl_parse:map_anno(reset_anno(), E) || E <- Exprs].
-reset_anno() ->
- fun(A) -> erl_anno:new(erl_anno:location(A)) end.
-fixup_fun(function) -> fun function/1;
-fixup_fun(pid) -> fun erlang:list_to_pid/1;
-fixup_fun(port) -> fun erlang:list_to_port/1;
-fixup_fun(reference) -> fun erlang:list_to_ref/1.
-function(S) ->
- %% External function.
- {ok, [_, _, _,
- {atom, _, Module}, _,
- {atom, _, Function}, _,
- {integer, _, Arity}|_], _} = erl_scan:string(S),
- erlang:make_fun(Module, Function, Arity).
-fixup_text(function) -> "function";
-fixup_text(pid) -> "pid";
-fixup_text(port) -> "port";
-fixup_text(reference) -> "reference".
-fixup_tag("function", "#"++_) -> function;
-fixup_tag("pid", "<"++_) -> pid;
-fixup_tag("port", "#"++_) -> port;
-fixup_tag("reference", "#"++_) -> reference.
-%%% End of extended_parse_exprs.
-%% `Tokens' is assumed to have been scanned with the 'text' option.
-%% Can handle pids, ports, references, and external funs.
--spec extended_parse_term(Tokens) ->
- {'ok', Term} | {'error', ErrorInfo} when
- Tokens :: [erl_scan:token()],
- Term :: term(),
- ErrorInfo :: erl_parse:error_info().
-extended_parse_term(Tokens) ->
- case extended_parse_exprs(Tokens) of
- {ok, [Expr], Bindings} ->
- try normalise(Expr, Bindings) of
- Term ->
- {ok, Term}
- catch
- _:_ ->
- Loc = erl_anno:location(element(2, Expr)),
- {error,{Loc,?MODULE,"bad term"}}
- end;
- {ok, [_,Expr|_], _Bindings} ->
- Loc = erl_anno:location(element(2, Expr)),
- {error,{Loc,?MODULE,"bad term"}};
- {error, _} = Error ->
- Error
- end.
-%% From erl_parse.
-normalise({var, _, V}, Bs) ->
- {value, Value} = erl_eval:binding(V, Bs),
- Value;
-normalise({char,_,C}, _Bs) -> C;
-normalise({integer,_,I}, _Bs) -> I;
-normalise({float,_,F}, _Bs) -> F;
-normalise({atom,_,A}, _Bs) -> A;
-normalise({string,_,S}, _Bs) -> S;
-normalise({nil,_}, _Bs) -> [];
-normalise({bin,_,Fs}, Bs) ->
- {value, B, _} =
- eval_bits:expr_grp(Fs, [],
- fun(E, _) ->
- {value, normalise(E, Bs), []}
- end, [], true),
- B;
-normalise({cons,_,Head,Tail}, Bs) ->
- [normalise(Head, Bs)|normalise(Tail, Bs)];
-normalise({tuple,_,Args}, Bs) ->
- list_to_tuple(normalise_list(Args, Bs));
-normalise({map,_,Pairs}, Bs) ->
- maps:from_list(lists:map(fun
- %% only allow '=>'
- ({map_field_assoc,_,K,V}) ->
- {normalise(K, Bs),normalise(V, Bs)}
- end, Pairs));
-%% Special case for unary +/-.
-normalise({op,_,'+',{char,_,I}}, _Bs) -> I;
-normalise({op,_,'+',{integer,_,I}}, _Bs) -> I;
-normalise({op,_,'+',{float,_,F}}, _Bs) -> F;
-normalise({op,_,'-',{char,_,I}}, _Bs) -> -I; %Weird, but compatible!
-normalise({op,_,'-',{integer,_,I}}, _Bs) -> -I;
-normalise({op,_,'-',{float,_,F}}, _Bs) -> -F;
-normalise({'fun',_,{function,{atom,_,M},{atom,_,F},{integer,_,A}}}, _Bs) ->
- %% Since "#Fun<M.F.A>" is recognized, "fun M:F/A" should be too.
- fun M:F/A.
-normalise_list([H|T], Bs) ->
- [normalise(H, Bs)|normalise_list(T, Bs)];
-normalise_list([], _Bs) ->
- [].
-%% To be used on ExprList and Bindings returned from extended_parse_exprs().
-%% Substitute {value, A, Item} for {var, A, ExtendedParseVar}.
-%% {value, A, Item} is a shell/erl_eval convention, and for example
-%% the linter cannot handle it.
--spec subst_values_for_vars(ExprList, Bindings) -> [term()] when
- ExprList :: [erl_parse:abstract_expr()],
- Bindings :: erl_eval:binding_struct().
-subst_values_for_vars({var, A, V}=Var, Bs) ->
- case erl_eval:binding(V, Bs) of
- {value, Value} ->
- {value, A, Value};
- unbound ->
- Var
- end;
-subst_values_for_vars(L, Bs) when is_list(L) ->
- [subst_values_for_vars(E, Bs) || E <- L];
-subst_values_for_vars(T, Bs) when is_tuple(T) ->
- list_to_tuple(subst_values_for_vars(tuple_to_list(T), Bs));
-subst_values_for_vars(T, _Bs) ->
- T.
%%% Formatting of exceptions, mfa:s and funs.
%% -> iolist() (no \n at end)
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl
index 3a66f6930b..77607494e3 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ string_to_handle(Str, Options, Bindings) when is_list(Str) ->
case erl_scan:string(Str, 1, [text]) of
{ok, Tokens, _} ->
ScanRes =
- case lib:extended_parse_exprs(Tokens) of
+ case erl_eval:extended_parse_exprs(Tokens) of
{ok, [Expr0], SBs} ->
{ok, Expr0, SBs};
{ok, _ExprList, _SBs} ->
@@ -1196,8 +1196,8 @@ abstract1({table, TableDesc}, _NElements, _Depth, _A) ->
{ok, Tokens, _} =
erl_scan:string(lists:flatten(TableDesc++"."), 1, [text]),
{ok, Es, Bs} =
- lib:extended_parse_exprs(Tokens),
- [Expr] = lib:subst_values_for_vars(Es, Bs),
+ erl_eval:extended_parse_exprs(Tokens),
+ [Expr] = erl_eval:subst_values_for_vars(Es, Bs),
false -> % abstract expression
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/shell.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/shell.erl
index 1be37672e7..bbae8b1a9f 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/shell.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/shell.erl
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ server_loop(N0, Eval_0, Bs00, RT, Ds00, History0, Results0) ->
{Res,Eval0} = get_command(Prompt, Eval_1, Bs0, RT, Ds0),
case Res of
{ok,Es0,XBs} ->
- Es1 = lib:subst_values_for_vars(Es0, XBs),
+ Es1 = erl_eval:subst_values_for_vars(Es0, XBs),
case expand_hist(Es1, N) of
{ok,Es} ->
{V,Eval,Bs,Ds} = shell_cmd(Es, Eval0, Bs0, RT, Ds0, cmd),
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ get_command(Prompt, Eval, Bs, RT, Ds) ->
io:scan_erl_exprs(group_leader(), Prompt, 1, [text])
{ok,Toks,_EndPos} ->
- lib:extended_parse_exprs(Toks);
+ erl_eval:extended_parse_exprs(Toks);
{eof,_EndPos} ->
{error,ErrorInfo,_EndPos} ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/qlc_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/qlc_SUITE.erl
index 8f8a0f6e73..5c189a6c73 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/qlc_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/qlc_SUITE.erl
@@ -7468,7 +7468,7 @@ strip_qlc_call(H) ->
strip_qlc_call2(H) ->
S = qlc:info(H, {flat, false}),
{ok, Tokens, _EndLine} = erl_scan:string(S++".", 1, [text]),
- {ok, [Expr], Bs} = lib:extended_parse_exprs(Tokens),
+ {ok, [Expr], Bs} = erl_eval:extended_parse_exprs(Tokens),
{case Expr of
{call,_,{remote,_,{atom,_,qlc},{atom,_,q}},[LC]} ->
{qlc, lists:flatten([erl_pp:expr(LC), "."]), []};
@@ -7489,7 +7489,7 @@ strip_qlc_call2(H) ->
join_info_count(H) ->
S = qlc:info(H, {flat, false}),
{ok, Tokens, _EndLine} = erl_scan:string(S++".", 1, [text]),
- {ok, [Expr], _Bs} = lib:extended_parse_exprs(Tokens),
+ {ok, [Expr], _Bs} = erl_eval:extended_parse_exprs(Tokens),
#ji{nmerge = Nmerge, nlookup = Nlookup,
nkeysort = NKeysort, nnested_loop = Nnested_loop} =
ji(Expr, #ji{}),
@@ -7533,7 +7533,7 @@ lookup_keys({generate,_,Q}, L) ->
lookup_keys(Q, L);
lookup_keys({table,Chars}, L) when is_list(Chars) ->
{ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(lists:flatten(Chars++"."), 1, [text]),
- {ok, [Expr], _Bs} = lib:extended_parse_exprs(Tokens),
+ {ok, [Expr], _Bs} = erl_eval:extended_parse_exprs(Tokens),
case Expr of
{call,_,_,[_fun,AKs]} ->
case erl_parse:normalise(AKs) of
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/shell_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/shell_SUITE.erl
index ca85314775..7225452d15 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/shell_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/shell_SUITE.erl
@@ -2967,10 +2967,10 @@ otp_14296(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
R = t(S)
- %% Test lib:extended_parse_term/1
+ %% Test erl_eval:extended_parse_term/1
TF = fun(S) ->
{ok, Ts, _} = erl_scan:string(S++".", 1, [text]),
- case lib:extended_parse_term(Ts) of
+ case erl_eval:extended_parse_term(Ts) of
{ok, Term} -> Term;
{error, _}=Error -> Error