path: root/lib
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authorHans Nilsson <[email protected]>2019-01-09 15:01:11 +0100
committerHans Nilsson <[email protected]>2019-01-15 11:54:35 +0100
commit4bba5a53a247a14a59696a1439306f432cea9d4f (patch)
treef69fcb9d1114a0a9f540562af634f228a746c6ab /lib
parent2c5da61c121902fcbaf9027d96b6e1246e455747 (diff)
crypto: Refresh of test case for elliptic curves
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/lib/crypto/test/crypto_SUITE.erl b/lib/crypto/test/crypto_SUITE.erl
index 8111102a5a..98de1d7700 100644
--- a/lib/crypto/test/crypto_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/crypto/test/crypto_SUITE.erl
@@ -566,29 +566,40 @@ compute(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
use_all_elliptic_curves() ->
[{doc, " Test that all curves from crypto:ec_curves/0"}].
use_all_elliptic_curves(_Config) ->
+ Msg = <<"hello world!">>,
+ Sups = crypto:supports(),
+ Curves = proplists:get_value(curves, Sups),
+ Hashs = proplists:get_value(hashs, Sups),
+ ct:log("Lib: ~p~nFIPS: ~p~nCurves:~n~p~nHashs: ~p", [crypto:info_lib(),
+ crypto:info_fips(),
+ Curves,
+ Hashs]),
Results =
- [try
- crypto:generate_key(ecdh, C)
- of
- {B1,B2} when is_binary(B1) and is_binary(B2) ->
- %% That is, seems like it works as expected.
- {ok,C};
- Err ->
- ct:log("ERROR: Curve ~p generated ~p", [C,Err]),
- {error,{C,Err}}
- catch
- Cls:Err:Stack ->
- ct:log("ERROR: Curve ~p exception ~p:~p~n~p", [C,Cls,Err,Stack]),
- {error,{C,{Cls,Err}}}
- end
- || C <- crypto:ec_curves(),
- not lists:member(C, [ed25519, ed448])
+ [{{Curve,Hash},
+ try
+ {Pub,Priv} = crypto:generate_key(ecdh, Curve),
+ true = is_binary(Pub),
+ true = is_binary(Priv),
+ Sig = crypto:sign(ecdsa, Hash, Msg, [Priv, Curve]),
+ crypto:verify(ecdsa, Hash, Msg, Sig, [Pub, Curve])
+ catch
+ C:E ->
+ {C,E}
+ end}
+ || Curve <- Curves -- [ed25519, ed448, x25519, x448, ipsec3, ipsec4],
+ Hash <- Hashs -- [md4, md5, ripemd160, sha3_224, sha3_256, sha3_384, sha3_512]
- OK = [C || {ok,C} <- Results],
- ct:log("Ok (len=~p): ~p", [length(OK), OK]),
- false = lists:any(fun({error,_}) -> true;
- (_) -> false
- end, Results).
+ Fails =
+ lists:filter(fun({_,true}) -> false;
+ (_) -> true
+ end, Results),
+ case Fails of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ct:log("Fails:~n~p",[Fails]),
+ ct:fail("Bad curve(s)",[])
+ end.
generate() ->