path: root/lib
diff options
authorLukas Larsson <lukas@erlang-solutions.com>2011-07-05 16:06:38 +0200
committerLukas Larsson <lukas@erlang-solutions.com>2011-08-01 16:38:19 +0200
commit02678feab82e52f8f1172eddba6560e880f68969 (patch)
tree4fcf620816b0a171b0d283ee022a90b4c44a780e /lib
parent7c6dbd15b5ce56459606cb1bb6aa719ba9ce4f3c (diff)
Remove driver support for ber decoding
Handle the new error messages from the asn1 nifs Make ber nif decoding use the erlang fallback if the nif could not be loaded. This is useful for application which use inline (such as public_key) and want to work without the nifs, but should use them if they exist
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
2 files changed, 26 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
index 74faade1cf..aa2c3e52db 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
@@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@ gen_partial_inc_dispatcher([],_) ->
driver_parameter() ->
Options = get(encoding_options),
case {lists:member(driver,Options),lists:member(nif,Options)} of
- {true,_} -> ",driver";
+ {true,_} -> ",nif";
{_,true} -> ",nif";
_ -> ""
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin_v2.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin_v2.erl
index 71576e8b29..832c055389 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin_v2.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin_v2.erl
@@ -158,65 +158,42 @@ encode_tlv_list([],Acc) ->
-%% asn1-
-%% decode(B,driver) ->
-%% case catch port_control(asn1_driver_port,2,B) of
-%% Bin when is_binary(Bin) ->
-%% binary_to_term(Bin);
-%% List when is_list(List) -> handle_error(List,B);
-%% {'EXIT',{badarg,Reason}} ->
-%% asn1rt_driver_handler:load_driver(),
-%% receive
-%% driver_ready ->
-%% case catch port_control(asn1_driver_port,2,B) of
-%% Bin2 when is_binary(Bin2) -> binary_to_term(Bin2);
-%% List when is_list(List) -> handle_error(List,B);
-%% Error -> exit(Error)
-%% end;
-%% {error,Error} -> % error when loading driver
-%% %% the driver could not be loaded
-%% exit(Error);
-%% Error={port_error,Reason} ->
-%% exit(Error)
-%% end;
-%% {'EXIT',Reason} ->
-%% exit(Reason)
-%% end.
-%% asn1-1.6.9
-decode(B,driver) ->
- case catch control(?TLV_DECODE,B) of
- Bin when is_binary(Bin) ->
- binary_to_term(Bin);
- List when is_list(List) -> handle_error(List,B);
- {'EXIT',{badarg,_Reason}} ->
- case asn1rt:load_driver() of
- ok ->
- case control(?TLV_DECODE,B) of
- Bin when is_binary(Bin) -> binary_to_term(Bin);
- List when is_list(List) -> handle_error(List,B)
- end;
- Err ->
- Err
- end
- end;
+%% asn1-1.7
decode(B, nif) ->
- asn1rt_nif:decode_ber_tlv(B).
+ case application:get_env(asn1, nif_loadable) of
+ {ok, true} ->
+ case asn1rt_nif:decode_ber_tlv(B) of
+ {error, Reason} -> handle_error(Reason, B);
+ Else -> Else
+ end;
+ {ok, false} ->
+ decode(B);
+ undefined ->
+ case catch code:load_file(asn1rt_nif) of
+ {module, asn1rt_nif} ->
+ application:set_env(asn1, nif_loadable, true);
+ _Else ->
+ application:set_env(asn1, nif_loadable, false)
+ end,
+ decode(B, nif)
+ end;
+decode(B,erlang) ->
+ decode(B).
exit({error,{asn1,{"memory allocation problem"}}});
-handle_error([$1|_],L) -> % error in driver
+handle_error({$1,_},L) -> % error in nif
-handle_error([$2|T],L) -> % error in driver due to wrong tag
+handle_error({$2,T},L) -> % error in nif due to wrong tag
exit({error,{asn1,{"bad tag after byte:",error_pos(T),L}}});
-handle_error([$3|T],L) -> % error in driver due to length error
+handle_error({$3,T},L) -> % error in driver due to length error
exit({error,{asn1,{"bad length field after byte:",
-handle_error([$4|T],L) -> % error in driver due to indefinite length error
+handle_error({$4,T},L) -> % error in driver due to indefinite length error
{"indefinite length without end bytes after byte:",
-handle_error([$5|T],L) -> % error in driver due to indefinite length error
+handle_error({$5,T},L) -> % error in driver due to indefinite length error
exit({error,{asn1,{"bad encoded value after byte:",
handle_error(ErrL,L) ->
@@ -229,10 +206,6 @@ error_pos([B])->
error_pos([B|Bs]) ->
BS = 8 * length(Bs),
B bsl BS + error_pos(Bs).
-%% asn1-1.6.9
-control(Cmd, Data) ->
- Port = asn1rt_driver_handler:client_port(),
- erlang:port_control(Port, Cmd, Data).
decode(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->