path: root/lib
diff options
authorBjörn-Egil Dahlberg <psyeugenic@gmail.com>2010-06-02 15:08:21 +0200
committerBjörn-Egil Dahlberg <psyeugenic@gmail.com>2010-06-09 14:26:05 +0200
commita65462258ce6a4ed0cb63a9fa6ee2cd686a5edfa (patch)
treea330d022b7bdd81efe393d0abfaa53b97ca9e244 /lib
parent671c8091fbd7b12bcaf38b04af728a68033c1b96 (diff)
Teach eprof to align text output
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tools/src/eprof.erl b/lib/tools/src/eprof.erl
index b3cedbc725..6c38df8018 100644
--- a/lib/tools/src/eprof.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/src/eprof.erl
@@ -132,16 +132,37 @@ init([]) ->
sum_bp_total_n_us(Mfas) ->
lists:foldl(fun ({_, {Ci,Usi}}, {Co, Uso}) -> {Co + Ci, Uso + Usi} end, {0,0}, Mfas).
+string_bp_mfa(Mfas, Tus) -> string_bp_mfa(Mfas, Tus, {0,0,0,0,0}, []).
+string_bp_mfa([], _, Ws, Strings) -> {Ws, lists:reverse(Strings)};
+string_bp_mfa([{Mfa, {Count, Time}}|Mfas], Tus, {MfaW, CountW, PercW, TimeW, TpCW}, Strings) ->
+ Smfa = s(Mfa),
+ Scount = s(Count),
+ Stime = s(Time),
+ Sperc = s("~.2f", [100*(Time/Tus)]),
+ Stpc = s("~.2f", [Time/Count]),
+ string_bp_mfa(Mfas, Tus, {
+ erlang:max(MfaW, length(Smfa)),
+ erlang:max(CountW,length(Scount)),
+ erlang:max(PercW, length(Sperc)),
+ erlang:max(TimeW, length(Stime)),
+ erlang:max(TpCW, length(Stpc))
+ }, [[Smfa, Scount, Sperc, Stime, Stpc] | Strings]).
print_bp_mfa(Mfas, {_Tn, Tus}, Fd, Opts) ->
- print(Fd, ["FUNCTION", "CALLS", " %", "TIME", "uS / CALLS"]),
- print(Fd, ["--------", "-----", "---", "----", "----------"]),
- lists:foreach(fun
- ({_, {Count, Time}}) when Count =:= 0; Time < 1 ->
- ok;
- ({Mfa, {Count, Time}}) ->
- print(Fd, [s(Mfa), s(Count), s("~.2f", [100*(Time/Tus)]), s(Time), s("~.2f", [Time/Count])]),
- ok
- end, filter_mfa(sort_mfa(Mfas, proplists:get_value(sort, Opts)), proplists:get_value(thresholds, Opts))),
+ Fmfas = filter_mfa(sort_mfa(Mfas, proplists:get_value(sort, Opts)), proplists:get_value(thresholds, Opts)),
+ {{MfaW, CountW, PercW, TimeW, TpCW}, Strs} = string_bp_mfa(Fmfas, Tus),
+ Ws = {
+ erlang:max(length("FUNCTION"), MfaW),
+ erlang:max(length("CALLS"), CountW),
+ erlang:max(length(" %"), PercW),
+ erlang:max(length("TIME"), TimeW),
+ erlang:max(length("uS / CALLS"), TpCW)
+ },
+ print(Fd, Ws, ["FUNCTION", "CALLS", " %", "TIME", "uS / CALLS"]),
+ print(Fd, Ws, ["--------", "-----", "---", "----", "----------"]),
+ lists:foreach(fun (String) -> print(Fd, Ws, String) end, Strs),
handle_call({analyze, _, _}, _, #state{ bpd = #bpd{ p = {0,nil}, us = 0, n = 0} = Bpd } = S) when is_record(Bpd, bpd) ->
@@ -448,6 +469,7 @@ s({M,F,A}) -> s("~w:~w/~w",[M,F,A]);
s(Term) -> s("~p", [Term]).
s(Format, Terms) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Format, Terms)).
print(Fd, [_,_,_] = Strings) ->
print(Fd, "~.44s ~14s ~14s~n", Strings);
print(Fd, [_,_,_,_] = Strings) ->
@@ -457,6 +479,9 @@ print(Fd, Strings) ->
print(Fd, Format, Strings) ->
format(Fd, Format, Strings).
+format(Fd, {MfaW, CountW, PercW, TimeW, TpCW}, Strings) ->
+ format(Fd, s("~~.~ps ~~~ps ~~~ps ~~~ps [~~~ps]~~n", [MfaW, CountW, PercW, TimeW, TpCW]), Strings);
format(undefined, Format, Strings) ->
io:format(Format, Strings),