path: root/lib
diff options
authorKostis Sagonas <[email protected]>2011-02-06 18:19:46 +0200
committerKostis Sagonas <[email protected]>2011-02-06 18:19:46 +0200
commita3e7c43db2b7774a5bd528da3adb453d3a6dcfa7 (patch)
tree2ff71e62f1b65b5a861385d45b372608bede18a0 /lib
parentb5bfd43fe718ec020f99238c561fdba6a7123c2c (diff)
Remove typer_annotator.erl and typer.hrl
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
5 files changed, 400 insertions, 498 deletions
diff --git a/lib/typer/src/Makefile b/lib/typer/src/Makefile
index 41ed719d1b..3d7827b5b5 100644
--- a/lib/typer/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/typer/src/Makefile
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ DIALYZER_DIR = $(ERL_TOP)/lib/dialyzer
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Target Specs
# ----------------------------------------------------
-MODULES = typer typer_annotator
+MODULES = typer
-HRL_FILES= typer.hrl
@@ -91,12 +91,9 @@ $(APPUP_TARGET): $(APPUP_SRC) ../vsn.mk
sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' $< > $@
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# dependencies -- I wish they were somehow automatically generated
+# dependencies
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-$(EBIN)/typer.beam: typer.hrl
-$(EBIN)/typer_annotator.beam: typer.hrl
-$(EBIN)/typer_info.beam: typer.hrl
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Release Target
diff --git a/lib/typer/src/typer.app.src b/lib/typer/src/typer.app.src
index d3923e1953..850829e1dc 100644
--- a/lib/typer/src/typer.app.src
+++ b/lib/typer/src/typer.app.src
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
{application, typer,
[{description, "TYPe annotator for ERlang programs, version %VSN%"},
{vsn, "%VSN%"},
- {modules, [typer,
- typer_annotator]},
+ {modules, [typer]},
{registered, []},
{applications, [compiler, dialyzer, hipe, kernel, stdlib]},
{env, []}]}.
diff --git a/lib/typer/src/typer.erl b/lib/typer/src/typer.erl
index 01a068a85d..0393076c1f 100644
--- a/lib/typer/src/typer.erl
+++ b/lib/typer/src/typer.erl
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@
--export([fatal_error/1]). % for error reporting
--export([map__new/0, map__insert/2, map__lookup/2, map__from_list/1, map__remove/2, map__fold/3]).
@@ -47,7 +45,7 @@
-type files() :: [file:filename()].
{mode :: mode(),
macros = [] :: [{atom(), term()}], % {macro_name, value}
includes = [] :: files(),
@@ -69,11 +67,12 @@
func = map__new() :: map(),
inc_func = map__new() :: map(),
trust_plt = dialyzer_plt:new() :: dialyzer_plt:plt()}).
--type analysis() :: #typer_analysis{}.
+-type analysis() :: #analysis{}.
-record(args, {files = [] :: files(),
files_r = [] :: files(),
trusted = [] :: files()}).
+-type args() :: #args{}.
@@ -84,15 +83,15 @@ start() ->
%% io:format("Args: ~p\n", [Args]),
%% io:format("Analysis: ~p\n", [Analysis]),
TrustedFiles = filter_fd(Args#args.trusted, [], fun is_erl_file/1),
- Analysis1 = Analysis#typer_analysis{t_files = TrustedFiles},
+ Analysis1 = Analysis#analysis{t_files = TrustedFiles},
Analysis2 = extract(Analysis1),
All_Files = get_all_files(Args),
%% io:format("All_Files: ~p\n", [All_Files]),
- Analysis3 = Analysis2#typer_analysis{ana_files = All_Files},
+ Analysis3 = Analysis2#analysis{ana_files = All_Files},
Analysis4 = collect_info(Analysis3),
- %% io:format("Final: ~p\n", [Analysis4#typer_analysis.final_files]),
+ %% io:format("Final: ~p\n", [Analysis4#analysis.final_files]),
TypeInfo = get_type_info(Analysis4),
- typer_annotator:annotate(TypeInfo),
+ show_or_annotate(TypeInfo),
%% io:format("\nTyper analysis finished\n"),
@@ -100,8 +99,8 @@ start() ->
-spec extract(analysis()) -> analysis().
-extract(#typer_analysis{macros = Macros, includes = Includes,
- t_files = TFiles, trust_plt = TrustPLT} = Analysis) ->
+extract(#analysis{macros = Macros, includes = Includes,
+ t_files = TFiles, trust_plt = TrustPLT} = Analysis) ->
%% io:format("--- Extracting trusted typer_info... "),
Ds = [{d, Name, Value} || {Name, Value} <- Macros],
CodeServer = dialyzer_codeserver:new(),
@@ -154,21 +153,21 @@ extract(#typer_analysis{macros = Macros, includes = Includes,
dialyzer_plt:insert_contract_list(TmpPlt, SpecList)
NewTrustPLT = lists:foldl(FoldFun, TrustPLT, Modules),
- Analysis#typer_analysis{trust_plt = NewTrustPLT}.
+ Analysis#analysis{trust_plt = NewTrustPLT}.
-spec get_type_info(analysis()) -> analysis().
-get_type_info(#typer_analysis{callgraph = CallGraph,
- trust_plt = TrustPLT,
- code_server = CodeServer} = Analysis) ->
+get_type_info(#analysis{callgraph = CallGraph,
+ trust_plt = TrustPLT,
+ code_server = CodeServer} = Analysis) ->
StrippedCallGraph = remove_external(CallGraph, TrustPLT),
%% io:format("--- Analyzing callgraph... "),
NewPlt = dialyzer_succ_typings:analyze_callgraph(StrippedCallGraph,
TrustPLT, CodeServer),
- Analysis#typer_analysis{callgraph = StrippedCallGraph, trust_plt = NewPlt}
+ Analysis#analysis{callgraph = StrippedCallGraph, trust_plt = NewPlt}
error:What ->
fatal_error(io_lib:format("Analysis failed with message: ~p",
@@ -210,18 +209,361 @@ get_external(Exts, Plt) ->
lists:foldl(Fun, [], Exts).
+%% Showing type information or annotating files with such information.
+-define(TYPER_ANN_DIR, "typer_ann").
+-type fun_info() :: {non_neg_integer(), atom(), arity()}.
+-record(info, {records = map__new() :: map(),
+ functions = [] :: [fun_info()],
+ types = map__new() :: map(),
+ edoc = false :: boolean()}).
+-record(inc, {map = map__new() :: map(), filter = [] :: files()}).
+-spec show_or_annotate(analysis()) -> 'ok'.
+show_or_annotate(#analysis{mode = Mode, final_files = Files} = Analysis) ->
+ case Mode of
+ ?SHOW -> show(Analysis);
+ ?SHOW_EXPORTED -> show(Analysis);
+ Fun = fun ({File, Module}) ->
+ Info = get_final_info(File, Module, Analysis),
+ write_typed_file(File, Info)
+ end,
+ lists:foreach(Fun, Files);
+ IncInfo = write_and_collect_inc_info(Analysis),
+ write_inc_files(IncInfo)
+ end.
+write_and_collect_inc_info(Analysis) ->
+ Fun = fun ({File, Module}, Inc) ->
+ Info = get_final_info(File, Module, Analysis),
+ write_typed_file(File, Info),
+ IncFuns = get_functions(File, Analysis),
+ collect_imported_functions(IncFuns, Info#info.types, Inc)
+ end,
+ NewInc = lists:foldl(Fun, #inc{}, Analysis#analysis.final_files),
+ clean_inc(NewInc).
+write_inc_files(Inc) ->
+ Fun =
+ fun (File) ->
+ Val = map__lookup(File, Inc#inc.map),
+ %% Val is function with its type info
+ %% in form [{{Line,F,A},Type}]
+ Functions = [Key || {Key,_} <- Val],
+ Val1 = [{{F,A},Type} || {{_Line,F,A},Type} <- Val],
+ Info = #info{types = map__from_list(Val1),
+ records = map__new(),
+ %% Note we need to sort functions here!
+ functions = lists:keysort(1, Functions)},
+ %% io:format("Types ~p\n", [Info#info.types]),
+ %% io:format("Functions ~p\n", [Info#info.functions]),
+ %% io:format("Records ~p\n", [Info#info.records]),
+ write_typed_file(File, Info)
+ end,
+ lists:foreach(Fun, dict:fetch_keys(Inc#inc.map)).
+show(Analysis) ->
+ Fun = fun ({File, Module}) ->
+ Info = get_final_info(File, Module, Analysis),
+ show_type_info(File, Info)
+ end,
+ lists:foreach(Fun, Analysis#analysis.final_files).
+get_final_info(File, Module, Analysis) ->
+ Records = get_records(File, Analysis),
+ Types = get_types(Module, Analysis, Records),
+ Functions = get_functions(File, Analysis),
+ Edoc = Analysis#analysis.edoc,
+ #info{records = Records, functions = Functions, types = Types, edoc = Edoc}.
+collect_imported_functions(Functions, Types, Inc) ->
+ %% Coming from other sourses, including:
+ %% FIXME: How to deal with yecc-generated file????
+ %% --.yrl (yecc-generated file)???
+ %% -- yeccpre.hrl (yecc-generated file)???
+ %% -- other cases
+ Fun = fun ({File, _} = Obj, I) ->
+ case is_yecc_gen(File, I) of
+ {true, NewI} -> NewI;
+ {false, NewI} ->
+ check_imported_functions(Obj, NewI, Types)
+ end
+ end,
+ lists:foldl(Fun, Inc, Functions).
+-spec is_yecc_gen(file:filename(), #inc{}) -> {boolean(), #inc{}}.
+is_yecc_gen(File, #inc{filter = Fs} = Inc) ->
+ case lists:member(File, Fs) of
+ true -> {true, Inc};
+ false ->
+ case filename:extension(File) of
+ ".yrl" ->
+ Rootname = filename:rootname(File, ".yrl"),
+ Obj = Rootname ++ ".erl",
+ case lists:member(Obj, Fs) of
+ true -> {true, Inc};
+ false ->
+ NewInc = Inc#inc{filter = [Obj|Fs]},
+ {true, NewInc}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ case filename:basename(File) of
+ "yeccpre.hrl" -> {true, Inc};
+ _ -> {false, Inc}
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+check_imported_functions({File, {Line, F, A}}, Inc, Types) ->
+ IncMap = Inc#inc.map,
+ FA = {F, A},
+ Type = get_type_info(FA, Types),
+ case map__lookup(File, IncMap) of
+ none -> %% File is not added. Add it
+ Obj = {File,[{FA, {Line, Type}}]},
+ NewMap = map__insert(Obj, IncMap),
+ Inc#inc{map = NewMap};
+ Val -> %% File is already in. Check.
+ case lists:keyfind(FA, 1, Val) of
+ false ->
+ %% Function is not in; add it
+ Obj = {File, Val ++ [{FA, {Line, Type}}]},
+ NewMap = map__insert(Obj, IncMap),
+ Inc#inc{map = NewMap};
+ Type ->
+ %% Function is in and with same type
+ Inc;
+ _ ->
+ %% Function is in but with diff type
+ inc_warning(FA, File),
+ Elem = lists:keydelete(FA, 1, Val),
+ NewMap = case Elem of
+ [] -> map__remove(File, IncMap);
+ _ -> map__insert({File, Elem}, IncMap)
+ end,
+ Inc#inc{map = NewMap}
+ end
+ end.
+inc_warning({F, A}, File) ->
+ io:format(" ***Warning: Skip function ~p/~p ", [F, A]),
+ io:format("in file ~p because of inconsistent type\n", [File]).
+clean_inc(Inc) ->
+ Inc1 = remove_yecc_generated_file(Inc),
+ normalize_obj(Inc1).
+remove_yecc_generated_file(#inc{filter = Filter} = Inc) ->
+ Fun = fun (Key, #inc{map = Map} = I) ->
+ I#inc{map = map__remove(Key, Map)}
+ end,
+ lists:foldl(Fun, Inc, Filter).
+normalize_obj(TmpInc) ->
+ Fun = fun (Key, Val, Inc) ->
+ NewVal = [{{Line,F,A},Type} || {{F,A},{Line,Type}} <- Val],
+ map__insert({Key, NewVal}, Inc)
+ end,
+ TmpInc#inc{map = map__fold(Fun, map__new(), TmpInc#inc.map)}.
+get_records(File, Analysis) ->
+ map__lookup(File, Analysis#analysis.record).
+get_types(Module, Analysis, Records) ->
+ TypeInfoPlt = Analysis#analysis.trust_plt,
+ TypeInfo =
+ case dialyzer_plt:lookup_module(TypeInfoPlt, Module) of
+ none -> [];
+ {value, List} -> List
+ end,
+ CodeServer = Analysis#analysis.code_server,
+ TypeInfoList = [get_type(I, CodeServer, Records) || I <- TypeInfo],
+ map__from_list(TypeInfoList).
+get_type({{M, F, A} = MFA, Range, Arg}, CodeServer, Records) ->
+ case dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mfa_contract(MFA, CodeServer) of
+ error ->
+ {{F, A}, {Range, Arg}};
+ {ok, {_FileLine, Contract}} ->
+ Sig = erl_types:t_fun(Arg, Range),
+ case dialyzer_contracts:check_contract(Contract, Sig) of
+ ok -> {{F, A}, {contract, Contract}};
+ {error, {extra_range, _, _}} ->
+ {{F, A}, {contract, Contract}};
+ {error, invalid_contract} ->
+ CString = dialyzer_contracts:contract_to_string(Contract),
+ SigString = dialyzer_utils:format_sig(Sig, Records),
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Error in contract of function ~w:~w/~w\n"
+ "\t The contract is: " ++ CString ++ "\n" ++
+ "\t but the inferred signature is: ~s",
+ [M, F, A, SigString]),
+ fatal_error(Msg);
+ {error, ErrorStr} when is_list(ErrorStr) -> % ErrorStr is a string()
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Error in contract of function ~w:~w/~w: ~s",
+ [M, F, A, ErrorStr]),
+ fatal_error(Msg)
+ end
+ end.
+get_functions(File, Analysis) ->
+ case Analysis#analysis.mode of
+ ?SHOW ->
+ Funcs = map__lookup(File, Analysis#analysis.func),
+ Inc_Funcs = map__lookup(File, Analysis#analysis.inc_func),
+ remove_module_info(Funcs) ++ normalize_incFuncs(Inc_Funcs);
+ Ex_Funcs = map__lookup(File, Analysis#analysis.ex_func),
+ remove_module_info(Ex_Funcs);
+ Funcs = map__lookup(File, Analysis#analysis.func),
+ remove_module_info(Funcs);
+ map__lookup(File, Analysis#analysis.inc_func)
+ end.
+normalize_incFuncs(Functions) ->
+ [FunInfo || {_FileName, FunInfo} <- Functions].
+-spec remove_module_info([fun_info()]) -> [fun_info()].
+remove_module_info(FunInfoList) ->
+ F = fun ({_,module_info,0}) -> false;
+ ({_,module_info,1}) -> false;
+ ({Line,F,A}) when is_integer(Line), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) -> true
+ end,
+ lists:filter(F, FunInfoList).
+write_typed_file(File, Info) ->
+ io:format(" Processing file: ~p\n", [File]),
+ Dir = filename:dirname(File),
+ RootName = filename:basename(filename:rootname(File)),
+ Ext = filename:extension(File),
+ TyperAnnDir = filename:join(Dir, ?TYPER_ANN_DIR),
+ TmpNewFilename = lists:concat([RootName, ".ann", Ext]),
+ NewFileName = filename:join(TyperAnnDir, TmpNewFilename),
+ case file:make_dir(TyperAnnDir) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ case Reason of
+ eexist -> %% TypEr dir exists; remove old typer files
+ ok = file:delete(NewFileName),
+ write_typed_file(File, Info, NewFileName);
+ enospc ->
+ io:format(" Not enough space in ~p\n", [Dir]);
+ eacces ->
+ io:format(" No write permission in ~p\n", [Dir]);
+ _ ->
+ io:format("Unhandled error ~s when writing ~p\n", [Reason, Dir]),
+ halt()
+ end;
+ ok -> %% Typer dir does NOT exist
+ write_typed_file(File, Info, NewFileName)
+ end.
+write_typed_file(File, Info, NewFileName) ->
+ {ok, Binary} = file:read_file(File),
+ Chars = binary_to_list(Binary),
+ write_typed_file(Chars, NewFileName, Info, 1, []),
+ io:format(" Saved as: ~p\n", [NewFileName]).
+write_typed_file(Chars, File, #info{functions = []}, _LNo, _Acc) ->
+ ok = file:write_file(File, list_to_binary(Chars), [append]);
+write_typed_file([Ch|Chs] = Chars, File, Info, LineNo, Acc) ->
+ [{Line,F,A}|RestFuncs] = Info#info.functions,
+ case Line of
+ 1 -> %% This will happen only for inc files
+ ok = raw_write(F, A, Info, File, []),
+ NewInfo = Info#info{functions = RestFuncs},
+ NewAcc = [],
+ write_typed_file(Chars, File, NewInfo, Line, NewAcc);
+ _ ->
+ case Ch of
+ 10 ->
+ NewLineNo = LineNo + 1,
+ {NewInfo, NewAcc} =
+ case NewLineNo of
+ Line ->
+ ok = raw_write(F, A, Info, File, [Ch|Acc]),
+ {Info#info{functions = RestFuncs}, []};
+ _ ->
+ {Info, [Ch|Acc]}
+ end,
+ write_typed_file(Chs, File, NewInfo, NewLineNo, NewAcc);
+ _ ->
+ write_typed_file(Chs, File, Info, LineNo, [Ch|Acc])
+ end
+ end.
+raw_write(F, A, Info, File, Content) ->
+ TypeInfo = get_type_string(F, A, Info, file),
+ ContentList = lists:reverse(Content) ++ TypeInfo ++ "\n",
+ ContentBin = list_to_binary(ContentList),
+ file:write_file(File, ContentBin, [append]).
+get_type_string(F, A, Info, Mode) ->
+ Type = get_type_info({F,A}, Info#info.types),
+ TypeStr =
+ case Type of
+ {contract, C} ->
+ dialyzer_contracts:contract_to_string(C);
+ {RetType, ArgType} ->
+ Sig = erl_types:t_fun(ArgType, RetType),
+ dialyzer_utils:format_sig(Sig, Info#info.records)
+ end,
+ case Info#info.edoc of
+ false ->
+ case {Mode, Type} of
+ {file, {contract, _}} -> "";
+ _ ->
+ Prefix = lists:concat(["-spec ", F]),
+ lists:concat([Prefix, TypeStr, "."])
+ end;
+ true ->
+ Prefix = lists:concat(["%% @spec ", F]),
+ lists:concat([Prefix, TypeStr, "."])
+ end.
+show_type_info(File, Info) ->
+ io:format("\n%% File: ~p\n%% ", [File]),
+ OutputString = lists:concat(["~.", length(File)+8, "c~n"]),
+ io:fwrite(OutputString, [$-]),
+ Fun = fun ({_LineNo, F, A}) ->
+ TypeInfo = get_type_string(F, A, Info, show),
+ io:format("~s\n", [TypeInfo])
+ end,
+ lists:foreach(Fun, Info#info.functions).
+get_type_info(Func, Types) ->
+ case map__lookup(Func, Types) of
+ none ->
+ %% Note: Typeinfo of any function should exist in
+ %% the result offered by dialyzer, otherwise there
+ %% *must* be something wrong with the analysis
+ Msg = io_lib:format("No type info for function: ~p\n", [Func]),
+ fatal_error(Msg);
+ {contract, _Fun} = C -> C;
+ {_RetType, _ArgType} = RA -> RA
+ end.
%% Processing of command-line options and arguments.
--spec process_cl_args() -> {#args{}, #typer_analysis{}}.
+-spec process_cl_args() -> {args(), analysis()}.
process_cl_args() ->
ArgList = init:get_plain_arguments(),
%% io:format("Args is ~p\n", [ArgList]),
- {Args, Analysis} = analyze_args(ArgList, #args{}, #typer_analysis{}),
+ {Args, Analysis} = analyze_args(ArgList, #args{}, #analysis{}),
%% if the mode has not been set, set it to the default mode (show)
- {Args, case Analysis#typer_analysis.mode of
- undefined -> Analysis#typer_analysis{mode = ?SHOW};
+ {Args, case Analysis#analysis.mode of
+ undefined -> Analysis#analysis{mode = ?SHOW};
Mode when is_atom(Mode) -> Analysis
@@ -292,29 +634,29 @@ analyze_result({trusted, Val}, Args, Analysis) ->
NewVal = Args#args.trusted ++ Val,
{Args#args{trusted = NewVal}, Analysis};
analyze_result(edoc, Args, Analysis) ->
- {Args, Analysis#typer_analysis{edoc = true}};
+ {Args, Analysis#analysis{edoc = true}};
%% Get useful information for actual analysis
analyze_result({mode, Mode}, Args, Analysis) ->
- case Analysis#typer_analysis.mode of
- undefined -> {Args, Analysis#typer_analysis{mode = Mode}};
+ case Analysis#analysis.mode of
+ undefined -> {Args, Analysis#analysis{mode = Mode}};
OldMode -> mode_error(OldMode, Mode)
analyze_result({def, Val}, Args, Analysis) ->
- NewVal = Analysis#typer_analysis.macros ++ [Val],
- {Args, Analysis#typer_analysis{macros = NewVal}};
+ NewVal = Analysis#analysis.macros ++ [Val],
+ {Args, Analysis#analysis{macros = NewVal}};
analyze_result({inc, Val}, Args, Analysis) ->
- NewVal = Analysis#typer_analysis.includes ++ [Val],
- {Args, Analysis#typer_analysis{includes = NewVal}};
+ NewVal = Analysis#analysis.includes ++ [Val],
+ {Args, Analysis#analysis{includes = NewVal}};
analyze_result({plt, Plt}, Args, Analysis) ->
- {Args, Analysis#typer_analysis{plt = Plt}};
+ {Args, Analysis#analysis{plt = Plt}};
analyze_result(no_spec, Args, Analysis) ->
- {Args, Analysis#typer_analysis{no_spec = true}}.
+ {Args, Analysis#analysis{no_spec = true}}.
%% File processing.
--spec get_all_files(#args{}) -> files().
+-spec get_all_files(args()) -> files().
get_all_files(#args{files = Fs, files_r = Ds}) ->
case filter_fd(Fs, Ds, fun test_erl_file_exclude_ann/1) of
@@ -445,16 +787,16 @@ collect_info(Analysis) ->
NewPlt =
try get_dialyzer_plt(Analysis) of
DialyzerPlt ->
- dialyzer_plt:merge_plts([Analysis#typer_analysis.trust_plt, DialyzerPlt])
+ dialyzer_plt:merge_plts([Analysis#analysis.trust_plt, DialyzerPlt])
throw:{dialyzer_error,_Reason} ->
fatal_error("Dialyzer's PLT is missing or is not up-to-date; please (re)create it")
NewAnalysis = lists:foldl(fun collect_one_file_info/2,
- Analysis#typer_analysis{trust_plt = NewPlt},
- Analysis#typer_analysis.ana_files),
+ Analysis#analysis{trust_plt = NewPlt},
+ Analysis#analysis.ana_files),
%% Process Remote Types
- TmpCServer = NewAnalysis#typer_analysis.code_server,
+ TmpCServer = NewAnalysis#analysis.code_server,
NewCServer =
NewRecords = dialyzer_codeserver:get_temp_records(TmpCServer),
@@ -474,12 +816,12 @@ collect_info(Analysis) ->
throw:{error, ErrorMsg} ->
- NewAnalysis#typer_analysis{code_server = NewCServer}.
+ NewAnalysis#analysis{code_server = NewCServer}.
collect_one_file_info(File, Analysis) ->
- Ds = [{d,Name,Val} || {Name,Val} <- Analysis#typer_analysis.macros],
+ Ds = [{d,Name,Val} || {Name,Val} <- Analysis#analysis.macros],
%% Current directory should also be included in "Includes".
- Includes = [filename:dirname(File)|Analysis#typer_analysis.includes],
+ Includes = [filename:dirname(File)|Analysis#analysis.includes],
Is = [{i,Dir} || Dir <- Includes],
Options = dialyzer_utils:src_compiler_opts() ++ Is ++ Ds,
case dialyzer_utils:get_abstract_code_from_src(File, Options) of
@@ -508,14 +850,14 @@ collect_one_file_info(File, Analysis) ->
analyze_core_tree(Core, Records, SpecInfo, ExpTypes, Analysis, File) ->
Module = cerl:concrete(cerl:module_name(Core)),
TmpTree = cerl:from_records(Core),
- CS1 = Analysis#typer_analysis.code_server,
+ CS1 = Analysis#analysis.code_server,
NextLabel = dialyzer_codeserver:get_next_core_label(CS1),
{Tree, NewLabel} = cerl_trees:label(TmpTree, NextLabel),
CS2 = dialyzer_codeserver:insert(Module, Tree, CS1),
CS3 = dialyzer_codeserver:set_next_core_label(NewLabel, CS2),
CS4 = dialyzer_codeserver:store_temp_records(Module, Records, CS3),
CS5 =
- case Analysis#typer_analysis.no_spec of
+ case Analysis#analysis.no_spec of
true -> CS4;
false -> dialyzer_codeserver:store_temp_contracts(Module, SpecInfo, CS4)
@@ -523,30 +865,29 @@ analyze_core_tree(Core, Records, SpecInfo, ExpTypes, Analysis, File) ->
MergedExpTypes = sets:union(ExpTypes, OldExpTypes),
CS6 = dialyzer_codeserver:insert_temp_exported_types(MergedExpTypes, CS5),
Ex_Funcs = [{0,F,A} || {_,_,{F,A}} <- cerl:module_exports(Tree)],
- TmpCG = Analysis#typer_analysis.callgraph,
+ TmpCG = Analysis#analysis.callgraph,
CG = dialyzer_callgraph:scan_core_tree(Tree, TmpCG),
Fun = fun analyze_one_function/2,
All_Defs = cerl:module_defs(Tree),
Acc = lists:foldl(Fun, #tmpAcc{file=File, module=Module}, All_Defs),
- Exported_FuncMap = map__insert({File, Ex_Funcs},
- Analysis#typer_analysis.ex_func),
+ Exported_FuncMap = map__insert({File, Ex_Funcs}, Analysis#analysis.ex_func),
%% NOTE: we must sort all functions in the file which
%% originate from this file by *numerical order* of lineNo
Sorted_Functions = lists:keysort(1, Acc#tmpAcc.funcAcc),
- FuncMap = map__insert({File, Sorted_Functions}, Analysis#typer_analysis.func),
+ FuncMap = map__insert({File, Sorted_Functions}, Analysis#analysis.func),
%% NOTE: However we do not need to sort functions
%% which are imported from included files.
IncFuncMap = map__insert({File, Acc#tmpAcc.incFuncAcc},
- Analysis#typer_analysis.inc_func),
- Final_Files = Analysis#typer_analysis.final_files ++ [{File, Module}],
- RecordMap = map__insert({File, Records}, Analysis#typer_analysis.record),
- Analysis#typer_analysis{final_files=Final_Files,
- callgraph=CG,
- code_server=CS6,
- ex_func=Exported_FuncMap,
- inc_func=IncFuncMap,
- record=RecordMap,
- func=FuncMap}.
+ Analysis#analysis.inc_func),
+ Final_Files = Analysis#analysis.final_files ++ [{File, Module}],
+ RecordMap = map__insert({File, Records}, Analysis#analysis.record),
+ Analysis#analysis{final_files = Final_Files,
+ callgraph = CG,
+ code_server = CS6,
+ ex_func = Exported_FuncMap,
+ inc_func = IncFuncMap,
+ record = RecordMap,
+ func = FuncMap}.
analyze_one_function({Var, FunBody} = Function, Acc) ->
F = cerl:fname_id(Var),
@@ -573,7 +914,9 @@ analyze_one_function({Var, FunBody} = Function, Acc) ->
incFuncAcc = IncFuncAcc,
dialyzerObj = NewDialyzerObj}.
-get_dialyzer_plt(#typer_analysis{plt = PltFile0}) ->
+-spec get_dialyzer_plt(analysis()) -> dialyzer_plt:plt().
+get_dialyzer_plt(#analysis{plt = PltFile0}) ->
PltFile =
case PltFile0 =:= none of
true -> dialyzer_plt:get_default_plt();
@@ -581,7 +924,6 @@ get_dialyzer_plt(#typer_analysis{plt = PltFile0}) ->
%% Exported Types
get_exported_types_from_core(Core) ->
diff --git a/lib/typer/src/typer.hrl b/lib/typer/src/typer.hrl
deleted file mode 100644
index d41bf2c83b..0000000000
--- a/lib/typer/src/typer.hrl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2011. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
--define(SHOW, show).
--define(SHOW_EXPORTED, show_exported).
--define(ANNOTATE, annotate).
--define(ANNOTATE_INC_FILES, annotate_inc_files).
- {mode :: mode(),
- macros = [] :: [{atom(), term()}], % {macro_name, value}
- includes = [] :: [file:filename()],
- %% --- for dialyzer ---
- code_server = dialyzer_codeserver:new():: dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver(),
- callgraph = dialyzer_callgraph:new() :: dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph(),
- ana_files = [] :: [file:filename()], % absolute filenames
- plt = none :: 'none' | file:filename(),
- no_spec = false :: boolean(),
- %% --- for typer ---
- t_files = [] :: [file:filename()],
- %% For choosing between contracts or comments
- contracts = true :: boolean(),
- %% Files in 'final_files' are compilable with option 'to_pp'; we keep
- %% them as {FileName, ModuleName} in case the ModuleName is different
- final_files = [] :: [{file:filename(), module()}],
- ex_func = typer:map__new() :: dict(),
- record = typer:map__new() :: dict(),
- func = typer:map__new() :: dict(),
- inc_func = typer:map__new() :: dict(),
- trust_plt = dialyzer_plt:new() :: dialyzer_plt:plt()}).
--record(args, {files = [] :: [file:filename()],
- files_r = [] :: [file:filename()],
- trusted = [] :: [file:filename()]}).
diff --git a/lib/typer/src/typer_annotator.erl b/lib/typer/src/typer_annotator.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 205087407e..0000000000
--- a/lib/typer/src/typer_annotator.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2011. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% File : typer_annotator.erl
-%% Author : Bingwen He <[email protected]>
-%% Description :
-%% If file 'FILENAME' has been analyzed, then the output of
-%% command "diff -B FILENAME.erl typer_ann/FILENAME.ann.erl"
-%% should be exactly what TypEr has added, namely type info.
- %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--define(TYPER_ANN_DIR, "typer_ann").
--type fun_info() :: {non_neg_integer(), atom(), arity()}.
--record(info, {records = typer:map__new() :: dict(),
- functions = [] :: [fun_info()],
- types :: dict(),
- no_comment_specs = true :: boolean()}).
--record(inc, {map = typer:map__new() :: dict(),
- filter = [] :: [file:filename()]}).
--spec annotate(#typer_analysis{}) -> 'ok'.
-annotate(#typer_analysis{mode = Mode, final_files = Files} = Analysis) ->
- case Mode of
- ?SHOW -> show(Analysis);
- ?SHOW_EXPORTED -> show(Analysis);
- Fun = fun ({File, Module}) ->
- Info = get_final_info(File, Module, Analysis),
- write_typed_file(File, Info)
- end,
- lists:foreach(Fun, Files);
- IncInfo = write_and_collect_inc_info(Analysis),
- write_inc_files(IncInfo)
- end.
-write_and_collect_inc_info(Analysis) ->
- Fun = fun ({File, Module}, Inc) ->
- Info = get_final_info(File, Module, Analysis),
- write_typed_file(File, Info),
- IncFuns = get_functions(File, Analysis),
- collect_imported_functions(IncFuns, Info#info.types, Inc)
- end,
- NewInc = lists:foldl(Fun, #inc{}, Analysis#typer_analysis.final_files),
- clean_inc(NewInc).
-write_inc_files(Inc) ->
- Fun =
- fun (File) ->
- Val = typer:map__lookup(File,Inc#inc.map),
- %% Val is function with its type info
- %% in form [{{Line,F,A},Type}]
- Functions = [Key || {Key,_} <- Val],
- Val1 = [{{F,A},Type} || {{_Line,F,A},Type} <- Val],
- Info = #info{types = typer:map__from_list(Val1),
- records = typer:map__new(),
- %% Note we need to sort functions here!
- functions = lists:keysort(1, Functions)},
- %% io:format("Types ~p\n", [Info#info.types]),
- %% io:format("Functions ~p\n", [Info#info.functions]),
- %% io:format("Records ~p\n", [Info#info.records]),
- write_typed_file(File, Info)
- end,
- lists:foreach(Fun, dict:fetch_keys(Inc#inc.map)).
-show(Analysis) ->
- Fun = fun ({File, Module}) ->
- Info = get_final_info(File, Module, Analysis),
- show_type_info(File, Info)
- end,
- lists:foreach(Fun, Analysis#typer_analysis.final_files).
-get_final_info(File, Module, Analysis) ->
- Records = get_records(File, Analysis),
- Types = get_types(Module, Analysis, Records),
- Functions = get_functions(File, Analysis),
- Bool = Analysis#typer_analysis.contracts,
- #info{records = Records, functions = Functions,
- types = Types, no_comment_specs = Bool}.
-collect_imported_functions(Functions, Types, Inc) ->
- %% Coming from other sourses, including:
- %% FIXME: How to deal with yecc-generated file????
- %% --.yrl (yecc-generated file)???
- %% -- yeccpre.hrl (yecc-generated file)???
- %% -- other cases
- Fun = fun ({File, _} = Obj, I) ->
- case is_yecc_gen(File, I) of
- {true, NewI} -> NewI;
- {false, NewI} ->
- check_imported_functions(Obj, NewI, Types)
- end
- end,
- lists:foldl(Fun, Inc, Functions).
--spec is_yecc_gen(file:filename(), #inc{}) -> {boolean(), #inc{}}.
-is_yecc_gen(File, #inc{filter = Fs} = Inc) ->
- case lists:member(File, Fs) of
- true -> {true, Inc};
- false ->
- case filename:extension(File) of
- ".yrl" ->
- Rootname = filename:rootname(File, ".yrl"),
- Obj = Rootname ++ ".erl",
- case lists:member(Obj, Fs) of
- true -> {true, Inc};
- false ->
- NewInc = Inc#inc{filter = [Obj|Fs]},
- {true, NewInc}
- end;
- _ ->
- case filename:basename(File) of
- "yeccpre.hrl" -> {true, Inc};
- _ -> {false, Inc}
- end
- end
- end.
-check_imported_functions({File, {Line, F, A}}, Inc, Types) ->
- IncMap = Inc#inc.map,
- FA = {F, A},
- Type = get_type_info(FA, Types),
- case typer:map__lookup(File, IncMap) of
- none -> %% File is not added. Add it
- Obj = {File,[{FA, {Line, Type}}]},
- NewMap = typer:map__insert(Obj, IncMap),
- Inc#inc{map = NewMap};
- Val -> %% File is already in. Check.
- case lists:keyfind(FA, 1, Val) of
- false ->
- %% Function is not in; add it
- Obj = {File, Val ++ [{FA, {Line, Type}}]},
- NewMap = typer:map__insert(Obj, IncMap),
- Inc#inc{map = NewMap};
- Type ->
- %% Function is in and with same type
- Inc;
- _ ->
- %% Function is in but with diff type
- inc_warning(FA, File),
- Elem = lists:keydelete(FA, 1, Val),
- NewMap = case Elem of
- [] ->
- typer:map__remove(File, IncMap);
- _ ->
- typer:map__insert({File, Elem}, IncMap)
- end,
- Inc#inc{map = NewMap}
- end
- end.
-inc_warning({F, A}, File) ->
- io:format(" ***Warning: Skip function ~p/~p ", [F, A]),
- io:format("in file ~p because of inconsistent type\n", [File]).
-clean_inc(Inc) ->
- Inc1 = remove_yecc_generated_file(Inc),
- normalize_obj(Inc1).
-remove_yecc_generated_file(#inc{filter = Filter} = Inc) ->
- Fun = fun (Key, #inc{map = Map} = I) ->
- I#inc{map = typer:map__remove(Key, Map)}
- end,
- lists:foldl(Fun, Inc, Filter).
-normalize_obj(TmpInc) ->
- Fun = fun (Key, Val, Inc) ->
- NewVal = [{{Line,F,A},Type} || {{F,A},{Line,Type}} <- Val],
- typer:map__insert({Key,NewVal}, Inc)
- end,
- NewMap = typer:map__fold(Fun, typer:map__new(), TmpInc#inc.map),
- TmpInc#inc{map = NewMap}.
-get_records(File, Analysis) ->
- typer:map__lookup(File, Analysis#typer_analysis.record).
-get_types(Module, Analysis, Records) ->
- TypeInfoPlt = Analysis#typer_analysis.trust_plt,
- TypeInfo =
- case dialyzer_plt:lookup_module(TypeInfoPlt, Module) of
- none -> [];
- {value, List} -> List
- end,
- CodeServer = Analysis#typer_analysis.code_server,
- TypeInfoList = [get_type(I, CodeServer, Records) || I <- TypeInfo],
- typer:map__from_list(TypeInfoList).
-get_type({{M, F, A} = MFA, Range, Arg}, CodeServer, Records) ->
- case dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mfa_contract(MFA, CodeServer) of
- error ->
- {{F, A}, {Range, Arg}};
- {ok, {_FileLine, Contract}} ->
- Sig = erl_types:t_fun(Arg, Range),
- case dialyzer_contracts:check_contract(Contract, Sig) of
- ok -> {{F, A}, {contract, Contract}};
- {error, {extra_range, _, _}} ->
- {{F, A}, {contract, Contract}};
- {error, invalid_contract} ->
- CString = dialyzer_contracts:contract_to_string(Contract),
- SigString = dialyzer_utils:format_sig(Sig, Records),
- Msg = io_lib:format("Error in contract of function ~w:~w/~w\n"
- "\t The contract is: " ++ CString ++ "\n" ++
- "\t but the inferred signature is: ~s",
- [M, F, A, SigString]),
- typer:fatal_error(Msg);
- {error, ErrorStr} when is_list(ErrorStr) -> % ErrorStr is a string()
- Msg = io_lib:format("Error in contract of function ~w:~w/~w: ~s",
- [M, F, A, ErrorStr]),
- typer:fatal_error(Msg)
- end
- end.
-get_functions(File, Analysis) ->
- case Analysis#typer_analysis.mode of
- ?SHOW ->
- Funcs = typer:map__lookup(File, Analysis#typer_analysis.func),
- Inc_Funcs = typer:map__lookup(File, Analysis#typer_analysis.inc_func),
- remove_module_info(Funcs) ++ normalize_incFuncs(Inc_Funcs);
- Ex_Funcs = typer:map__lookup(File, Analysis#typer_analysis.ex_func),
- remove_module_info(Ex_Funcs);
- Funcs = typer:map__lookup(File, Analysis#typer_analysis.func),
- remove_module_info(Funcs);
- typer:map__lookup(File, Analysis#typer_analysis.inc_func)
- end.
-normalize_incFuncs(Functions) ->
- [FunInfo || {_FileName, FunInfo} <- Functions].
--spec remove_module_info([fun_info()]) -> [fun_info()].
-remove_module_info(FunInfoList) ->
- F = fun ({_,module_info,0}) -> false;
- ({_,module_info,1}) -> false;
- ({Line,F,A}) when is_integer(Line), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) -> true
- end,
- lists:filter(F, FunInfoList).
-write_typed_file(File, Info) ->
- io:format(" Processing file: ~p\n", [File]),
- Dir = filename:dirname(File),
- RootName = filename:basename(filename:rootname(File)),
- Ext = filename:extension(File),
- TyperAnnDir = filename:join(Dir, ?TYPER_ANN_DIR),
- TmpNewFilename = lists:concat([RootName, ".ann", Ext]),
- NewFileName = filename:join(TyperAnnDir, TmpNewFilename),
- case file:make_dir(TyperAnnDir) of
- {error, Reason} ->
- case Reason of
- eexist -> %% TypEr dir exists; remove old typer files
- ok = file:delete(NewFileName),
- write_typed_file(File, Info, NewFileName);
- enospc ->
- io:format(" Not enough space in ~p\n", [Dir]);
- eacces ->
- io:format(" No write permission in ~p\n", [Dir]);
- _ ->
- io:format("Unhandled error ~s when writing ~p\n", [Reason, Dir]),
- halt()
- end;
- ok -> %% Typer dir does NOT exist
- write_typed_file(File, Info, NewFileName)
- end.
-write_typed_file(File, Info, NewFileName) ->
- {ok, Binary} = file:read_file(File),
- Chars = binary_to_list(Binary),
- write_typed_file(Chars, NewFileName, Info, 1, []),
- io:format(" Saved as: ~p\n", [NewFileName]).
-write_typed_file(Chars, File, #info{functions = []}, _LNo, _Acc) ->
- ok = file:write_file(File, list_to_binary(Chars), [append]);
-write_typed_file([Ch|Chs] = Chars, File, Info, LineNo, Acc) ->
- [{Line,F,A}|RestFuncs] = Info#info.functions,
- case Line of
- 1 -> %% This will happen only for inc files
- ok = raw_write(F, A, Info, File, []),
- NewInfo = Info#info{functions = RestFuncs},
- NewAcc = [],
- write_typed_file(Chars, File, NewInfo, Line, NewAcc);
- _ ->
- case Ch of
- 10 ->
- NewLineNo = LineNo + 1,
- {NewInfo, NewAcc} =
- case NewLineNo of
- Line ->
- ok = raw_write(F, A, Info, File, [Ch|Acc]),
- {Info#info{functions = RestFuncs}, []};
- _ ->
- {Info, [Ch|Acc]}
- end,
- write_typed_file(Chs, File, NewInfo, NewLineNo, NewAcc);
- _ ->
- write_typed_file(Chs, File, Info, LineNo, [Ch|Acc])
- end
- end.
-raw_write(F, A, Info, File, Content) ->
- TypeInfo = get_type_string(F, A, Info, file),
- ContentList = lists:reverse(Content) ++ TypeInfo ++ "\n",
- ContentBin = list_to_binary(ContentList),
- file:write_file(File, ContentBin, [append]).
-get_type_string(F, A, Info, Mode) ->
- Type = get_type_info({F,A}, Info#info.types),
- TypeStr =
- case Type of
- {contract, C} ->
- dialyzer_contracts:contract_to_string(C);
- {RetType, ArgType} ->
- Sig = erl_types:t_fun(ArgType, RetType),
- dialyzer_utils:format_sig(Sig, Info#info.records)
- end,
- case Info#info.no_comment_specs of
- true ->
- case {Mode, Type} of
- {file, {contract, _}} -> "";
- _ ->
- Prefix = lists:concat(["-spec ", F]),
- lists:concat([Prefix, TypeStr, "."])
- end;
- false ->
- Prefix = lists:concat(["%% @spec ", F]),
- lists:concat([Prefix, TypeStr, "."])
- end.
-show_type_info(File, Info) ->
- io:format("\n%% File: ~p\n%% ", [File]),
- OutputString = lists:concat(["~.", length(File)+8, "c~n"]),
- io:fwrite(OutputString, [$-]),
- Fun = fun ({_LineNo, F, A}) ->
- TypeInfo = get_type_string(F, A, Info, show),
- io:format("~s\n", [TypeInfo])
- end,
- lists:foreach(Fun, Info#info.functions).
-get_type_info(Func, Types) ->
- case typer:map__lookup(Func, Types) of
- none ->
- %% Note: Typeinfo of any function should exist in
- %% the result offered by dialyzer, otherwise there
- %% *must* be something wrong with the analysis
- io:format("No type info for function: ~p\n", [Func]),
- halt();
- {contract, _Fun} = C -> C;
- {_RetType, _ArgType} = RA -> RA
- end.