path: root/system/doc/top/src/erlresolvelinks.erl
diff options
authorLars G Thorsen <[email protected]>2010-01-26 10:13:35 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <[email protected]>2010-01-26 18:55:11 +0100
commitdf88b47cdafcc2e04452456942ea572a7b72e2f2 (patch)
tree36da537a36b45ff406acb8e714dde97bbe31e7af /system/doc/top/src/erlresolvelinks.erl
parent39ff2b44d130179d3ce722a9b3c07d27bfb72a2a (diff)
OTP-8343 The documentation is now possible to build in an open source
environment after a number of bugs are fixed and some features are added in the documentation build process. - The arity calculation is updated. - The module prefix used in the function names for bif's are removed in the generated links so the links will look like http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/erlang.html#append_element-2 instead of http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/erlang.html#erlang:append_element-2 - Enhanced the menu positioning in the html documentation when a new page is loaded. - A number of corrections in the generation of man pages (thanks to Sergei Golovan) - Moved some man pages to more apropriate sections, pages in section 4 moved to 5 and pages in 6 moved to 7. - The legal notice is taken from the xml book file so OTP's build process can be used for non OTP applications.
Diffstat (limited to 'system/doc/top/src/erlresolvelinks.erl')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/system/doc/top/src/erlresolvelinks.erl b/system/doc/top/src/erlresolvelinks.erl
index 8d277ad17a..a891b67421 120000..100644
--- a/system/doc/top/src/erlresolvelinks.erl
+++ b/system/doc/top/src/erlresolvelinks.erl
@@ -1 +1,144 @@
-../../../../internal_tools/integration/scripts/resolve_links/erlresolvelinks.erl \ No newline at end of file
+%% ------ VERY IMPORTANT ------
+%% Original location for this file:
+%% /clearcase/otp/internal_tools/integration/scripts/resolve_links/
+%% When updating this file, copy the source to
+%% /usr/local/otp/patch/share/program/
+%% and place .beam files (compiled with correct release) in all
+%% /usr/local/otp/patch/share/program/<release>
+%% for releases >= R10B
+%% ----------------------------
+-export([make/1, do_make/1, do_make/2, do_make/3]).
+-define(JAVASCRIPT_NAME, "erlresolvelinks.js").
+make([RootDir]) ->
+ do_make(RootDir);
+make([RootDir, DestDir]) ->
+ do_make(RootDir, DestDir);
+make([RootDir, DestDir, Name]) ->
+ do_make(RootDir, DestDir, Name).
+do_make(RootDir) ->
+ DestDir = filename:join(RootDir, "doc"),
+ do_make(RootDir, DestDir).
+do_make(RootDir, DestDir) ->
+ do_make(RootDir, DestDir, ?JAVASCRIPT_NAME).
+do_make(RootDir, DestDir, Name) ->
+ %% doc/Dir
+ %% erts-Vsn
+ %% lib/App-Vsn
+ DocDirs0 = get_dirs(filename:join([RootDir, "doc"])),
+ DocDirs = lists:map(fun(Dir) ->
+ D = filename:join(["doc", Dir]),
+ {D, D} end, DocDirs0),
+ ErtsDirs = latest_app_dirs(RootDir, ""),
+ AppDirs = latest_app_dirs(RootDir, "lib"),
+ AllAppDirs =
+ lists:map(
+ fun({App, AppVsn}) -> {App, filename:join([AppVsn, "doc", "html"])}
+ end, ErtsDirs ++ AppDirs),
+ AllDirs = DocDirs ++ AllAppDirs,
+ {ok, Fd} = file:open(filename:join([DestDir, Name]), [write]),
+ UTC = calendar:universal_time(),
+ io:fwrite(Fd, "/* Generated by ~s at ~w UTC */\n",
+ [atom_to_list(?MODULE), UTC]),
+ io:fwrite(Fd, "function erlhref(ups, app, rest) {\n", []),
+ io:fwrite(Fd, " switch(app) {\n", []),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun({Tag, Dir}) ->
+ io:fwrite(Fd, " case ~p:\n", [Tag]),
+ io:fwrite(Fd, " location.href=ups + \"~s/\" + rest;\n",
+ [Dir]),
+ io:fwrite(Fd, " break;\n", [])
+ end, AllDirs),
+ io:fwrite(Fd, " default:\n", []),
+ io:fwrite(Fd, " location.href=ups + \"Unresolved\";\n", []),
+ io:fwrite(Fd, " }\n", []),
+ io:fwrite(Fd, "}\n", []),
+ file:close(Fd),
+ ok.
+get_dirs(Dir) ->
+ {ok, Files} = file:list_dir(Dir),
+ AFiles =
+ lists:map(fun(File) -> {File, filename:join([Dir, File])} end, Files),
+ lists:zf(fun is_dir/1, AFiles).
+is_dir({File, AFile}) ->
+ {ok, FileInfo} = file:read_file_info(AFile),
+ case FileInfo#file_info.type of
+ directory ->
+ {true, File};
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+latest_app_dirs(RootDir, Dir) ->
+ ADir = filename:join(RootDir, Dir),
+ RDirs0 = get_dirs(ADir),
+ RDirs1 = lists:filter(fun is_app_dir/1, RDirs0),
+ %% Build a list of {{App, VsnNumList}, AppVsn}
+ SDirs0 =
+ lists:map(fun(AppVsn) ->
+ [App, VsnStr] = string:tokens(AppVsn, "-"),
+ VsnNumList = vsnstr_to_numlist(VsnStr),
+ {{App, VsnNumList}, AppVsn} end,
+ RDirs1),
+ SDirs1 = lists:keysort(1, SDirs0),
+ App2Dirs = lists:foldr(fun({{App, _VsnNumList}, AppVsn}, Acc) ->
+ case lists:keymember(App, 1, Acc) of
+ true ->
+ Acc;
+ false ->
+ [{App, AppVsn}| Acc]
+ end
+ end, [], SDirs1),
+ lists:map(fun({App, AppVsn}) -> {App, filename:join([Dir, AppVsn])} end,
+ App2Dirs).
+is_app_dir(Dir) ->
+ case string:tokens(Dir, "-") of
+ [_Name, Rest] ->
+ is_vsnstr(Rest);
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+is_vsnstr(Str) ->
+ case string:tokens(Str, ".") of
+ [_] ->
+ false;
+ Toks ->
+ lists:all(fun is_numstr/1, Toks)
+ end.
+is_numstr(Cs) ->
+ lists:all(fun(C) when $0 =< C, C =< $9 ->
+ true;
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end, Cs).
+%% We know:
+vsnstr_to_numlist(VsnStr) ->
+ lists:map(fun(NumStr) -> list_to_integer(NumStr) end,
+ string:tokens(VsnStr, ".")).