diff options
19 files changed, 1486 insertions, 509 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/scripts/.gitignore b/lib/compiler/scripts/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e4eba766d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compiler/scripts/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/lib/compiler/scripts/smoke b/lib/compiler/scripts/smoke
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2429f104c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compiler/scripts/smoke
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env escript
+%% -*- erlang -*-
+main(_Args) ->
+ setup(),
+ clone_elixir(),
+ build_elixir(),
+ test_elixir(),
+ setup_mix(),
+ smoke(main),
+ smoke(rabbitmq),
+ halt(0).
+setup() ->
+ ScriptsDir = scripts_dir(),
+ SmokeBuildDir = filename:join(ScriptsDir, "smoke-build"),
+ _ = file:make_dir(SmokeBuildDir),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(SmokeBuildDir),
+ ok.
+clone_elixir() ->
+ {ok,SmokeDir} = file:get_cwd(),
+ DotGitDir = filename:join([SmokeDir,"elixir",".git"]),
+ ElixirRepo = "[email protected]:elixir-lang/elixir.git",
+ case filelib:is_dir(DotGitDir) of
+ false ->
+ cmd("git clone " ++ ElixirRepo);
+ true ->
+ GetHeadSHA1 = "cd elixir && git rev-parse --verify HEAD",
+ Before = os:cmd(GetHeadSHA1),
+ cmd("cd elixir && git pull --ff-only origin master"),
+ case os:cmd(GetHeadSHA1) of
+ Before ->
+ ok;
+ _After ->
+ %% There were some changes. Clean to force a re-build.
+ cmd("cd elixir && make clean")
+ end
+ end.
+build_elixir() ->
+ cmd("cd elixir && make compile").
+test_elixir() ->
+ cmd("cd elixir && make test_stdlib").
+setup_mix() ->
+ MixExsFile = filename:join(scripts_dir(), "smoke-mix.exs"),
+ {ok,MixExs} = file:read_file(MixExsFile),
+ ok = file:write_file("mix.exs", MixExs),
+ {ok,SmokeDir} = file:get_cwd(),
+ ElixirBin = filename:join([SmokeDir,"elixir","bin"]),
+ PATH = ElixirBin ++ ":" ++ os:getenv("PATH"),
+ os:putenv("PATH", PATH),
+ mix("local.rebar --force"),
+ ok.
+smoke(Set) ->
+ os:putenv("SMOKE_DEPS_SET", atom_to_list(Set)),
+ _ = file:delete("mix.lock"),
+ cmd("touch mix.exs"),
+ mix("deps.clean --all"),
+ mix("deps.get"),
+ mix("deps.compile"),
+ ok.
+scripts_dir() ->
+ Root = code:lib_dir(compiler),
+ filename:join(Root, "scripts").
+mix(Cmd) ->
+ cmd("mix " ++ Cmd).
+cmd(Cmd) ->
+ run("sh", ["-c",Cmd]).
+run(Program0, Args) ->
+ Program = case os:find_executable(Program0) of
+ Path when is_list(Path) ->
+ Path;
+ false ->
+ abort("Unable to find program: ~s\n", [Program0])
+ end,
+ Cmd = case {Program0,Args} of
+ {"sh",["-c"|ShCmd]} ->
+ ShCmd;
+ {_,_} ->
+ lists:join(" ", [Program0|Args])
+ end,
+ io:format("\n# ~s\n", [Cmd]),
+ Options = [{args,Args},binary,exit_status,stderr_to_stdout],
+ try open_port({spawn_executable,Program}, Options) of
+ Port ->
+ case run_loop(Port, <<>>) of
+ 0 ->
+ ok;
+ ExitCode ->
+ abort("*** Failed with exit code: ~p\n",
+ [ExitCode])
+ end
+ catch
+ error:_ ->
+ abort("Failed to execute ~s\n", [Program0])
+ end.
+run_loop(Port, Output) ->
+ receive
+ {Port,{exit_status,Status}} ->
+ Status;
+ {Port,{data,Bin}} ->
+ io:put_chars(Bin),
+ run_loop(Port, <<Output/binary,Bin/binary>>);
+ Msg ->
+ io:format("L: ~p~n", [Msg]),
+ run_loop(Port, Output)
+ end.
+abort(Format, Args) ->
+ io:format(Format, Args),
+ halt(1).
diff --git a/lib/compiler/scripts/smoke-mix.exs b/lib/compiler/scripts/smoke-mix.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82ae3370fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compiler/scripts/smoke-mix.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+defmodule Smoke.MixProject do
+ use Mix.Project
+ def project do
+ [
+ app: :smoke,
+ version: "0.1.0",
+ elixir: "~> 1.8",
+ start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
+ deps: deps()
+ ]
+ end
+ # Run "mix help compile.app" to learn about applications.
+ def application do
+ [
+ extra_applications: [:logger]
+ ]
+ end
+ # Run "mix help deps" to learn about dependencies.
+ defp deps do
+ case :os.getenv('SMOKE_DEPS_SET') do
+ 'main' ->
+ [
+ {:bear, "~> 0.8.7"},
+ {:cloudi_core, "~> 1.7"},
+ {:concuerror, "~> 0.20.0"},
+ {:cowboy, "~> 2.6.1"},
+ {:ecto, "~> 3.0.6"},
+ {:ex_doc, "~> 0.19.3"},
+ {:distillery, "~> 2.0.12"},
+ {:erlydtl, "~> 0.12.1"},
+ {:gen_smtp, "~> 0.13.0"},
+ {:getopt, "~> 1.0.1"},
+ {:gettext, "~> 0.16.1"},
+ {:gpb, "~> 4.6"},
+ {:gproc, "~> 0.8.0"},
+ {:graphql, "~> 0.15.0", hex: :graphql_erl},
+ {:hackney, "~> 1.15.0"},
+ {:ibrowse, "~> 4.4.1"},
+ {:jose, "~> 1.9.0"},
+ {:lager, "~> 3.6"},
+ {:locus, "~> 1.6"},
+ {:nimble_parsec, "~> 0.5.0"},
+ {:phoenix, "~> 1.4.0"},
+ {:riak_pb, "~> 2.3"},
+ {:scalaris, git: "https://github.com/scalaris-team/scalaris",
+ compile: build_scalaris()},
+ {:tdiff, "~> 0.1.2"},
+ {:webmachine, "~> 1.11"},
+ {:wings, git: "https://github.com/dgud/wings.git",
+ compile: build_wings()},
+ {:zotonic_stdlib, "~> 1.0"},
+ ]
+ 'rabbitmq' ->
+ [{:rabbit_common, "~> 3.7"}]
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end
+ end
+ defp build_scalaris do
+ # Only compile the Erlang code.
+ """
+ echo '-include("rt_simple.hrl").' >include/rt.hrl
+ (cd src && erlc -W0 -I ../include -I ../contrib/log4erl/include -I ../contrib/yaws/include *.erl)
+ (cd src/comm_layer && erlc -W0 -I ../../include -I *.erl)
+ (cd src/cp && erlc -W0 -I ../../include -I *.erl)
+ (cd src/crdt && erlc -W0 -I ../../include -I *.erl)
+ (cd src/json && erlc -W0 -I ../../include -I *.erl)
+ (cd src/paxos && erlc -W0 -I ../../include -I *.erl)
+ (cd src/rbr && erlc -W0 -I ../../include -I *.erl)
+ (cd src/rrepair && erlc -W0 -I ../../include -I *.erl)
+ (cd src/time && erlc -W0 -I ../../include -I *.erl)
+ (cd src/transactions && erlc -W0 -I ../../include -I *.erl)
+ (cd src/tx && erlc -W0 -I ../../include -I *.erl)
+ """
+ end
+ defp build_wings do
+ # If the Erlang system is not installed, the build will
+ # crash in plugins_src/accel when attempting to build
+ # the accel driver. Since there is very little Erlang code in
+ # the directory, skip the entire directory.
+ """
+ echo "all:\n\t" >plugins_src/accel/Makefile
+ git commit -a -m'Disable for smoke testing'
+ git tag -a -m'Smoke test' vsmoke_test
+ make
+ """
+ end
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
index 4081e366a5..b56d53d4ce 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
@@ -303,11 +303,11 @@ valfun_1(_I, #vst{current=none}=Vst) ->
%% the original R10B compiler thought would return.
valfun_1({badmatch,Src}, Vst) ->
- assert_term(Src, Vst),
+ assert_not_fragile(Src, Vst),
valfun_1({case_end,Src}, Vst) ->
- assert_term(Src, Vst),
+ assert_not_fragile(Src, Vst),
valfun_1(if_end, Vst) ->
@@ -315,40 +315,21 @@ valfun_1(if_end, Vst) ->
valfun_1({try_case_end,Src}, Vst) ->
- assert_term(Src, Vst),
+ assert_not_fragile(Src, Vst),
%% Instructions that cannot cause exceptions
valfun_1({bs_get_tail,Ctx,Dst,Live}, Vst0) ->
+ bsm_validate_context(Ctx, Vst0),
verify_live(Live, Vst0),
Vst = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst0),
- #vst{current=#st{x=Xs,y=Ys}} = Vst,
- {Reg, Tree} = case Ctx of
- {x,X} -> {X, Xs};
- {y,Y} -> {Y, Ys};
- _ -> error({bad_source,Ctx})
- end,
- Type = case gb_trees:lookup(Reg, Tree) of
- {value,#ms{}} -> propagate_fragility(term, [Ctx], Vst);
- _ -> error({bad_context,Reg})
- end,
- set_type_reg(Type, Dst, Vst);
+ extract_term(binary, [Ctx], Dst, Vst, Vst0);
valfun_1(bs_init_writable=I, Vst) ->
call(I, 1, Vst);
valfun_1(build_stacktrace=I, Vst) ->
call(I, 1, Vst);
-valfun_1({move,{y,_}=Src,{y,_}=Dst}, Vst) ->
- %% The stack trimming optimization may generate a move from an initialized
- %% but unassigned Y register to another Y register.
- case get_term_type_1(Src, Vst) of
- {catchtag,_} -> error({catchtag,Src});
- {trytag,_} -> error({trytag,Src});
- Type -> set_type_reg(Type, Dst, Vst)
- end;
-valfun_1({move,Src,Dst}, Vst0) ->
- Type = get_move_term_type(Src, Vst0),
- Vst = set_type_reg(Type, Dst, Vst0),
- set_alias(Src, Dst, Vst);
+valfun_1({move,Src,Dst}, Vst) ->
+ assign(Src, Dst, Vst);
valfun_1({fmove,Src,{fr,_}=Dst}, Vst) ->
assert_type(float, Src, Vst),
set_freg(Dst, Vst);
@@ -356,7 +337,7 @@ valfun_1({fmove,{fr,_}=Src,Dst}, Vst0) ->
assert_freg_set(Src, Vst0),
assert_fls(checked, Vst0),
Vst = eat_heap_float(Vst0),
- set_type_reg({float,[]}, Dst, Vst);
+ create_term({float,[]}, Dst, Vst);
valfun_1({kill,{y,_}=Reg}, Vst) ->
set_type_y(initialized, Reg, Vst);
valfun_1({init,{y,_}=Reg}, Vst) ->
@@ -378,24 +359,24 @@ valfun_1({bif,Op,{f,_},Src,Dst}=I, Vst) ->
%% Put instructions.
valfun_1({put_list,A,B,Dst}, Vst0) ->
- assert_term(A, Vst0),
- assert_term(B, Vst0),
+ assert_not_fragile(A, Vst0),
+ assert_not_fragile(B, Vst0),
Vst = eat_heap(2, Vst0),
- set_type_reg(cons, Dst, Vst);
+ create_term(cons, Dst, Vst);
valfun_1({put_tuple2,Dst,{list,Elements}}, Vst0) ->
- _ = [assert_term(El, Vst0) || El <- Elements],
+ _ = [assert_not_fragile(El, Vst0) || El <- Elements],
Size = length(Elements),
Vst = eat_heap(Size+1, Vst0),
Type = {tuple,Size},
- set_type_reg(Type, Dst, Vst);
+ create_term(Type, Dst, Vst);
valfun_1({put_tuple,Sz,Dst}, Vst0) when is_integer(Sz) ->
Vst1 = eat_heap(1, Vst0),
- Vst = set_type_reg(tuple_in_progress, Dst, Vst1),
+ Vst = create_term(tuple_in_progress, Dst, Vst1),
#vst{current=St0} = Vst,
St = St0#st{puts_left={Sz,{Dst,{tuple,Sz}}}},
valfun_1({put,Src}, Vst0) ->
- assert_term(Src, Vst0),
+ assert_not_fragile(Src, Vst0),
Vst = eat_heap(1, Vst0),
#vst{current=St0} = Vst,
case St0 of
@@ -403,7 +384,7 @@ valfun_1({put,Src}, Vst0) ->
#st{puts_left={1,{Dst,Type}}} ->
St = St0#st{puts_left=none},
- set_type_reg(Type, Dst, Vst#vst{current=St});
+ create_term(Type, Dst, Vst#vst{current=St});
#st{puts_left={PutsLeft,Info}} when is_integer(PutsLeft) ->
St = St0#st{puts_left={PutsLeft-1,Info}},
@@ -418,19 +399,13 @@ valfun_1(remove_message, Vst) ->
%% The message term is no longer fragile. It can be used
%% without restrictions.
-valfun_1({'%', {type_info, Reg, match_context}}, Vst0) ->
- set_aliased_type(#ms{}, Reg, Vst0);
-valfun_1({'%', {type_info, Reg, NewType0}}, Vst0) ->
+valfun_1({'%', {type_info, Reg, match_context}}, Vst) ->
+ update_type(fun meet/2, #ms{}, Reg, Vst);
+valfun_1({'%', {type_info, Reg, Type}}, Vst) ->
%% Explicit type information inserted by optimization passes to indicate
%% that Reg has a certain type, so that we can accept cross-function type
%% optimizations.
- OldType = get_durable_term_type(Reg, Vst0),
- NewType = case meet(NewType0, OldType) of
- none -> error({bad_type_info, Reg, NewType0, OldType});
- T -> T
- end,
- Type = propagate_fragility(NewType, [Reg], Vst0),
- set_aliased_type(Type, Reg, Vst0);
+ update_type(fun meet/2, Type, Reg, Vst);
valfun_1({'%',_}, Vst) ->
valfun_1({line,_}, Vst) ->
@@ -507,20 +482,20 @@ valfun_1({try_case,Reg}, #vst{current=#st{ct=[Fail|Fails]}}=Vst0) ->
valfun_1({get_list,Src,D1,D2}, Vst0) ->
assert_type(cons, Src, Vst0),
- Vst = set_type_reg(term, Src, D1, Vst0),
- set_type_reg(term, Src, D2, Vst);
+ Vst = extract_term(term, [Src], D1, Vst0),
+ extract_term(term, [Src], D2, Vst);
valfun_1({get_hd,Src,Dst}, Vst) ->
assert_type(cons, Src, Vst),
- set_type_reg(term, Src, Dst, Vst);
+ extract_term(term, [Src], Dst, Vst);
valfun_1({get_tl,Src,Dst}, Vst) ->
assert_type(cons, Src, Vst),
- set_type_reg(term, Src, Dst, Vst);
+ extract_term(term, [Src], Dst, Vst);
valfun_1({get_tuple_element,Src,I,Dst}, Vst) ->
assert_type({tuple_element,I+1}, Src, Vst),
- set_type_reg(term, Src, Dst, Vst);
+ extract_term(term, [Src], Dst, Vst);
valfun_1({jump,{f,Lbl}}, Vst) ->
kill_state(branch_state(Lbl, Vst));
valfun_1(I, Vst) ->
@@ -619,73 +594,59 @@ valfun_4({make_fun2,_,_,_,Live}, Vst) ->
call(make_fun, Live, Vst);
%% Other BIFs
valfun_4({bif,tuple_size,{f,Fail},[Tuple],Dst}=I, Vst0) ->
- TupleType0 = get_term_type(Tuple, Vst0),
Vst1 = branch_state(Fail, Vst0),
- TupleType = upgrade_tuple_type({tuple,[0]}, TupleType0),
- Vst = set_aliased_type(TupleType, Tuple, Vst1),
+ Vst = update_type(fun meet/2, {tuple,[0]}, Tuple, Vst1),
set_type_reg_expr({integer,[]}, I, Dst, Vst);
valfun_4({bif,element,{f,Fail},[Pos,Tuple],Dst}, Vst0) ->
- TupleType0 = get_term_type(Tuple, Vst0),
- PosType = get_term_type(Pos, Vst0),
+ PosType = get_durable_term_type(Pos, Vst0),
Vst1 = branch_state(Fail, Vst0),
- TupleType = upgrade_tuple_type({tuple,[get_tuple_size(PosType)]}, TupleType0),
- Vst = set_aliased_type(TupleType, Tuple, Vst1),
- set_type_reg(term, Tuple, Dst, Vst);
+ Type = {tuple,[get_tuple_size(PosType)]},
+ Vst = update_type(fun meet/2, Type, Tuple, Vst1),
+ extract_term(term, [Tuple], Dst, Vst);
valfun_4({bif,raise,{f,0},Src,_Dst}, Vst) ->
validate_src(Src, Vst),
valfun_4(raw_raise=I, Vst) ->
call(I, 3, Vst);
-valfun_4({bif,map_get,{f,Fail},[_Key,Map]=Src,Dst}, Vst0) ->
- validate_src(Src, Vst0),
+valfun_4({bif,map_get,{f,Fail},[_Key,Map]=Ss,Dst}, Vst0) ->
+ validate_src(Ss, Vst0),
Vst1 = branch_state(Fail, Vst0),
- Vst = set_aliased_type(map, Map, Vst1),
- Type = propagate_fragility(term, Src, Vst),
- set_type_reg(Type, Dst, Vst);
-valfun_4({bif,is_map_key,{f,Fail},[_Key,Map]=Src,Dst}, Vst0) ->
- validate_src(Src, Vst0),
+ Vst = update_type(fun meet/2, map, Map, Vst1),
+ extract_term(term, Ss, Dst, Vst);
+valfun_4({bif,is_map_key,{f,Fail},[_Key,Map]=Ss,Dst}, Vst0) ->
+ validate_src(Ss, Vst0),
Vst1 = branch_state(Fail, Vst0),
- Vst = set_aliased_type(map, Map, Vst1),
- Type = propagate_fragility(bool, Src, Vst),
- set_type_reg(Type, Dst, Vst);
-valfun_4({bif,Op,{f,Fail},[Cons]=Src,Dst}, Vst0)
+ Vst = update_type(fun meet/2, map, Map, Vst1),
+ extract_term(bool, Ss, Dst, Vst);
+valfun_4({bif,Op,{f,Fail},[Cons]=Ss,Dst}, Vst0)
when Op =:= hd; Op =:= tl ->
- validate_src(Src, Vst0),
+ validate_src(Ss, Vst0),
Vst1 = branch_state(Fail, Vst0),
- Vst = set_aliased_type(cons, Cons, Vst1),
- Type0 = bif_type(Op, Src, Vst),
- Type = propagate_fragility(Type0, Src, Vst),
- set_type_reg(Type, Dst, Vst);
-valfun_4({bif,Op,{f,Fail},Src,Dst}, Vst0) ->
- validate_src(Src, Vst0),
+ Vst = update_type(fun meet/2, cons, Cons, Vst1),
+ Type = bif_type(Op, Ss, Vst),
+ extract_term(Type, Ss, Dst, Vst);
+valfun_4({bif,Op,{f,Fail},Ss,Dst}, Vst0) ->
+ validate_src(Ss, Vst0),
Vst = branch_state(Fail, Vst0),
- Type0 = bif_type(Op, Src, Vst),
- Type = propagate_fragility(Type0, Src, Vst),
- set_type_reg(Type, Dst, Vst);
-valfun_4({gc_bif,Op,{f,Fail},Live,Src,Dst}, #vst{current=St0}=Vst0) ->
+ Type = bif_type(Op, Ss, Vst),
+ extract_term(Type, Ss, Dst, Vst);
+valfun_4({gc_bif,Op,{f,Fail},Live,Ss,Dst}, #vst{current=St0}=Vst0) ->
+ validate_src(Ss, Vst0),
verify_live(Live, Vst0),
St = kill_heap_allocation(St0),
Vst1 = Vst0#vst{current=St},
Vst2 = branch_state(Fail, Vst1),
- Vst3 = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst2),
- SrcType = get_term_type(hd(Src), Vst3),
- Vst = case Op of
- length when SrcType =/= cons, SrcType =/= nil ->
- %% If we already know we have a cons cell or nil, it
- %% shouldn't be demoted to list.
- set_type(list, hd(Src), Vst3);
- map_size ->
- set_type(map, hd(Src), Vst3);
- _ ->
- Vst3
+ Vst3 = case Op of
+ length -> update_type(fun meet/2, list, hd(Ss), Vst2);
+ map_size -> update_type(fun meet/2, map, hd(Ss), Vst2);
+ _ -> Vst2
- validate_src(Src, Vst),
- Type0 = bif_type(Op, Src, Vst),
- Type = propagate_fragility(Type0, Src, Vst),
- set_type_reg(Type, Dst, Vst);
+ Type = bif_type(Op, Ss, Vst3),
+ Vst = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst3),
+ extract_term(Type, Ss, Dst, Vst, Vst0);
valfun_4(return, #vst{current=#st{numy=none}}=Vst) ->
- assert_term({x,0}, Vst),
+ assert_not_fragile({x,0}, Vst),
valfun_4(return, #vst{current=#st{numy=NumY}}) ->
@@ -695,7 +656,7 @@ valfun_4({loop_rec,{f,Fail},Dst}, Vst0) ->
%% remove_message/0 is executed. If control transfers
%% to the loop_rec_end/1 instruction, no part of
%% this term must be stored in a Y register.
- set_type_reg({fragile,term}, Dst, Vst);
+ create_term({fragile,term}, Dst, Vst);
valfun_4({wait,_}, Vst) ->
@@ -711,7 +672,7 @@ valfun_4(timeout, #vst{current=St}=Vst) ->
valfun_4(send, Vst) ->
call(send, 2, Vst);
valfun_4({set_tuple_element,Src,Tuple,I}, Vst) ->
- assert_term(Src, Vst),
+ assert_not_fragile(Src, Vst),
assert_type({tuple_element,I+1}, Tuple, Vst),
%% Match instructions.
@@ -723,52 +684,15 @@ valfun_4({select_val,Src,{f,Fail},{list,Choices}}, Vst0) ->
valfun_4({select_tuple_arity,Tuple,{f,Fail},{list,Choices}}, Vst) ->
assert_type(tuple, Tuple, Vst),
- TupleType = case get_term_type(Tuple, Vst) of
- {fragile,TupleType0} -> TupleType0;
- TupleType0 -> TupleType0
- end,
+ TupleType = get_durable_term_type(Tuple, Vst),
kill_state(branch_arities(Choices, Tuple, TupleType,
branch_state(Fail, Vst)));
%% New bit syntax matching instructions.
-valfun_4({test,bs_start_match3,{f,Fail},Live,[Src],Dst}, Vst0) ->
- %% Match states are always okay as input.
- SrcType = get_move_term_type(Src, Vst0),
- DstType = propagate_fragility(bsm_match_state(), [Src], Vst0),
- verify_live(Live, Vst0),
- verify_y_init(Vst0),
- Vst1 = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst0),
- BranchVst = case SrcType of
- #ms{} ->
- %% The failure branch will never be taken when Src is a
- %% match context. Therefore, the type for Src at the
- %% failure label must not be match_context (or we could
- %% reject legal code).
- set_type_reg(term, Src, Vst1);
- _ ->
- Vst1
- end,
- Vst = branch_state(Fail, BranchVst),
- set_type_reg(DstType, Dst, Vst);
-valfun_4({test,bs_start_match2,{f,Fail},Live,[Src,Slots],Dst}, Vst0) ->
- %% Match states are always okay as input.
- SrcType = get_move_term_type(Src, Vst0),
- DstType = propagate_fragility(bsm_match_state(Slots), [Src], Vst0),
- verify_live(Live, Vst0),
- verify_y_init(Vst0),
- Vst1 = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst0),
- BranchVst = case SrcType of
- #ms{} ->
- %% The failure branch will never be taken when Src is a
- %% match context. Therefore, the type for Src at the
- %% failure label must not be match_context (or we could
- %% reject legal code).
- set_type_reg(term, Src, Vst1);
- _ ->
- Vst1
- end,
- Vst = branch_state(Fail, BranchVst),
- set_type_reg(DstType, Dst, Vst);
+valfun_4({test,bs_start_match3,{f,Fail},Live,[Src],Dst}, Vst) ->
+ validate_bs_start_match(Fail, Live, bsm_match_state(), Src, Dst, Vst);
+valfun_4({test,bs_start_match2,{f,Fail},Live,[Src,Slots],Dst}, Vst) ->
+ validate_bs_start_match(Fail, Live, bsm_match_state(Slots), Src, Dst, Vst);
valfun_4({test,bs_match_string,{f,Fail},[Ctx,_,_]}, Vst) ->
bsm_validate_context(Ctx, Vst),
branch_state(Fail, Vst);
@@ -810,7 +734,7 @@ valfun_4({bs_get_position, Ctx, Dst, Live}, Vst0) ->
verify_live(Live, Vst0),
Vst = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst0),
- set_type_reg(bs_position, Dst, Vst);
+ create_term(bs_position, Dst, Vst);
valfun_4({bs_set_position, Ctx, Pos}, Vst) ->
bsm_validate_context(Ctx, Vst),
assert_type(bs_position, Pos, Vst),
@@ -818,91 +742,68 @@ valfun_4({bs_set_position, Ctx, Pos}, Vst) ->
%% Other test instructions.
valfun_4({test,is_atom,{f,Lbl},[Src]}, Vst) ->
- assert_term(Src, Vst),
- set_aliased_type({atom,[]}, Src, branch_state(Lbl, Vst));
+ type_test(Lbl, {atom,[]}, Src, Vst);
valfun_4({test,is_boolean,{f,Lbl},[Src]}, Vst) ->
- assert_term(Src, Vst),
- set_aliased_type(bool, Src, branch_state(Lbl, Vst));
-valfun_4({test,is_float,{f,Lbl},[Float]}, Vst) ->
- assert_term(Float, Vst),
- set_type({float,[]}, Float, branch_state(Lbl, Vst));
-valfun_4({test,is_tuple,{f,Lbl},[Tuple]}, Vst) ->
- Type0 = get_term_type(Tuple, Vst),
- Type = upgrade_tuple_type({tuple,[0]}, Type0),
- set_aliased_type(Type, Tuple, branch_state(Lbl, Vst));
+ type_test(Lbl, bool, Src, Vst);
+valfun_4({test,is_float,{f,Lbl},[Src]}, Vst) ->
+ type_test(Lbl, {float,[]}, Src, Vst);
+valfun_4({test,is_tuple,{f,Lbl},[Src]}, Vst) ->
+ type_test(Lbl, {tuple,[0]}, Src, Vst);
valfun_4({test,is_integer,{f,Lbl},[Src]}, Vst) ->
- assert_term(Src, Vst),
- set_aliased_type({integer,[]}, Src, branch_state(Lbl, Vst));
-valfun_4({test,is_nonempty_list,{f,Lbl},[Cons]}, Vst) ->
- assert_term(Cons, Vst),
- Type = cons,
- set_aliased_type(Type, Cons, branch_state(Lbl, Vst));
+ type_test(Lbl, {integer,[]}, Src, Vst);
+valfun_4({test,is_nonempty_list,{f,Lbl},[Src]}, Vst) ->
+ type_test(Lbl, cons, Src, Vst);
+valfun_4({test,is_list,{f,Lbl},[Src]}, Vst) ->
+ type_test(Lbl, list, Src, Vst);
+valfun_4({test,is_nil,{f,Lbl},[Src]}, Vst) ->
+ type_test(Lbl, nil, Src, Vst);
+valfun_4({test,is_map,{f,Lbl},[Src]}, Vst) ->
+ case Src of
+ {Tag,_} when Tag =:= x; Tag =:= y ->
+ type_test(Lbl, map, Src, Vst);
+ {literal,Map} when is_map(Map) ->
+ Vst;
+ _ ->
+ assert_term(Src, Vst),
+ kill_state(Vst)
+ end;
valfun_4({test,test_arity,{f,Lbl},[Tuple,Sz]}, Vst) when is_integer(Sz) ->
assert_type(tuple, Tuple, Vst),
- Type = {tuple,Sz},
- set_aliased_type(Type, Tuple, branch_state(Lbl, Vst));
+ update_type(fun meet/2, {tuple,Sz}, Tuple, branch_state(Lbl, Vst));
valfun_4({test,is_tagged_tuple,{f,Lbl},[Src,Sz,_Atom]}, Vst) ->
- validate_src([Src], Vst),
- Type = {tuple,Sz},
- set_aliased_type(Type, Src, branch_state(Lbl, Vst));
+ assert_term(Src, Vst),
+ update_type(fun meet/2, {tuple,Sz}, Src, branch_state(Lbl, Vst));
valfun_4({test,has_map_fields,{f,Lbl},Src,{list,List}}, Vst) ->
assert_type(map, Src, Vst),
branch_state(Lbl, Vst);
-valfun_4({test,is_list,{f,Lbl},[Src]}, Vst) ->
- validate_src([Src], Vst),
- Type = case get_term_type(Src, Vst) of
- cons -> cons;
- nil -> nil;
- _ -> list
- end,
- set_aliased_type(Type, Src, branch_state(Lbl, Vst));
-valfun_4({test,is_map,{f,Lbl},[Src]}, Vst0) ->
- Vst = branch_state(Lbl, Vst0),
- case Src of
- {Tag,_} when Tag =:= x; Tag =:= y ->
- Type = map,
- set_aliased_type(Type, Src, Vst);
- {literal,Map} when is_map(Map) ->
- Vst0;
- _ ->
- kill_state(Vst0)
- end;
-valfun_4({test,is_nil,{f,Lbl},[Src]}, Vst0) ->
- Vst = case get_term_type(Src, Vst0) of
- list ->
- branch_state(Lbl, set_aliased_type(cons, Src, Vst0));
- _ ->
- branch_state(Lbl, Vst0)
- end,
- set_aliased_type(nil, Src, Vst);
valfun_4({test,is_eq_exact,{f,Lbl},[Src,Val]=Ss}, Vst0) ->
validate_src(Ss, Vst0),
Infer = infer_types(Src, Vst0),
Vst1 = Infer(Val, Vst0),
- Vst2 = upgrade_ne_types(Src, Val, Vst1),
+ Vst2 = update_ne_types(Src, Val, Vst1),
Vst3 = branch_state(Lbl, Vst2),
Vst = Vst3#vst{current=Vst1#vst.current},
- upgrade_eq_types(Src, Val, Vst);
+ update_eq_types(Src, Val, Vst);
valfun_4({test,is_ne_exact,{f,Lbl},[Src,Val]=Ss}, Vst0) ->
validate_src(Ss, Vst0),
- Vst1 = upgrade_eq_types(Src, Val, Vst0),
+ Vst1 = update_eq_types(Src, Val, Vst0),
Vst2 = branch_state(Lbl, Vst1),
Vst = Vst2#vst{current=Vst0#vst.current},
- upgrade_ne_types(Src, Val, Vst);
+ update_ne_types(Src, Val, Vst);
valfun_4({test,_Op,{f,Lbl},Src}, Vst) ->
validate_src(Src, Vst),
branch_state(Lbl, Vst);
valfun_4({bs_add,{f,Fail},[A,B,_],Dst}, Vst) ->
- assert_term(A, Vst),
- assert_term(B, Vst),
- set_type_reg({integer,[]}, Dst, branch_state(Fail, Vst));
+ assert_not_fragile(A, Vst),
+ assert_not_fragile(B, Vst),
+ create_term({integer,[]}, Dst, branch_state(Fail, Vst));
valfun_4({bs_utf8_size,{f,Fail},A,Dst}, Vst) ->
assert_term(A, Vst),
- set_type_reg({integer,[]}, Dst, branch_state(Fail, Vst));
+ create_term({integer,[]}, Dst, branch_state(Fail, Vst));
valfun_4({bs_utf16_size,{f,Fail},A,Dst}, Vst) ->
assert_term(A, Vst),
- set_type_reg({integer,[]}, Dst, branch_state(Fail, Vst));
+ create_term({integer,[]}, Dst, branch_state(Fail, Vst));
valfun_4({bs_init2,{f,Fail},Sz,Heap,Live,_,Dst}, Vst0) ->
verify_live(Live, Vst0),
@@ -910,12 +811,12 @@ valfun_4({bs_init2,{f,Fail},Sz,Heap,Live,_,Dst}, Vst0) ->
is_integer(Sz) ->
true ->
- assert_term(Sz, Vst0)
+ assert_not_fragile(Sz, Vst0)
Vst1 = heap_alloc(Heap, Vst0),
Vst2 = branch_state(Fail, Vst1),
Vst = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst2),
- set_type_reg(binary, Dst, Vst);
+ create_term(binary, Dst, Vst);
valfun_4({bs_init_bits,{f,Fail},Sz,Heap,Live,_,Dst}, Vst0) ->
verify_live(Live, Vst0),
@@ -928,43 +829,43 @@ valfun_4({bs_init_bits,{f,Fail},Sz,Heap,Live,_,Dst}, Vst0) ->
Vst1 = heap_alloc(Heap, Vst0),
Vst2 = branch_state(Fail, Vst1),
Vst = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst2),
- set_type_reg(binary, Dst, Vst);
+ create_term(binary, Dst, Vst);
valfun_4({bs_append,{f,Fail},Bits,Heap,Live,_Unit,Bin,_Flags,Dst}, Vst0) ->
verify_live(Live, Vst0),
- assert_term(Bits, Vst0),
- assert_term(Bin, Vst0),
+ assert_not_fragile(Bits, Vst0),
+ assert_not_fragile(Bin, Vst0),
Vst1 = heap_alloc(Heap, Vst0),
Vst2 = branch_state(Fail, Vst1),
Vst = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst2),
- set_type_reg(binary, Dst, Vst);
+ create_term(binary, Dst, Vst);
valfun_4({bs_private_append,{f,Fail},Bits,_Unit,Bin,_Flags,Dst}, Vst0) ->
- assert_term(Bits, Vst0),
- assert_term(Bin, Vst0),
+ assert_not_fragile(Bits, Vst0),
+ assert_not_fragile(Bin, Vst0),
Vst = branch_state(Fail, Vst0),
- set_type_reg(binary, Dst, Vst);
+ create_term(binary, Dst, Vst);
valfun_4({bs_put_string,Sz,_}, Vst) when is_integer(Sz) ->
valfun_4({bs_put_binary,{f,Fail},Sz,_,_,Src}, Vst) ->
- assert_term(Sz, Vst),
- assert_term(Src, Vst),
+ assert_not_fragile(Sz, Vst),
+ assert_not_fragile(Src, Vst),
branch_state(Fail, Vst);
valfun_4({bs_put_float,{f,Fail},Sz,_,_,Src}, Vst) ->
- assert_term(Sz, Vst),
- assert_term(Src, Vst),
+ assert_not_fragile(Sz, Vst),
+ assert_not_fragile(Src, Vst),
branch_state(Fail, Vst);
valfun_4({bs_put_integer,{f,Fail},Sz,_,_,Src}, Vst) ->
- assert_term(Sz, Vst),
- assert_term(Src, Vst),
+ assert_not_fragile(Sz, Vst),
+ assert_not_fragile(Src, Vst),
branch_state(Fail, Vst);
valfun_4({bs_put_utf8,{f,Fail},_,Src}, Vst) ->
- assert_term(Src, Vst),
+ assert_not_fragile(Src, Vst),
branch_state(Fail, Vst);
valfun_4({bs_put_utf16,{f,Fail},_,Src}, Vst) ->
- assert_term(Src, Vst),
+ assert_not_fragile(Src, Vst),
branch_state(Fail, Vst);
valfun_4({bs_put_utf32,{f,Fail},_,Src}, Vst) ->
- assert_term(Src, Vst),
+ assert_not_fragile(Src, Vst),
branch_state(Fail, Vst);
%% Map instructions.
valfun_4({put_map_assoc,{f,Fail},Src,Dst,Live,{list,List}}, Vst) ->
@@ -976,31 +877,12 @@ valfun_4({get_map_elements,{f,Fail},Src,{list,List}}, Vst) ->
valfun_4(_, _) ->
-upgrade_ne_types(Src1, Src2, Vst0) ->
- T1 = get_durable_term_type(Src1, Vst0),
- T2 = get_durable_term_type(Src2, Vst0),
- Type = subtract(T1, T2),
- set_aliased_type(Type, Src1, Vst0).
-upgrade_eq_types(Src1, Src2, Vst0) ->
- T1 = get_durable_term_type(Src1, Vst0),
- T2 = get_durable_term_type(Src2, Vst0),
- Meet = meet(T1, T2),
- Vst = case T1 =/= Meet of
- true -> set_aliased_type(Meet, Src1, Vst0);
- false -> Vst0
- end,
- case T2 =/= Meet of
- true -> set_aliased_type(Meet, Src2, Vst);
- false -> Vst
- end.
verify_get_map(Fail, Src, List, Vst0) ->
assert_not_literal(Src), %OTP 22.
assert_type(map, Src, Vst0),
Vst1 = foldl(fun(D, Vsti) ->
case is_reg_defined(D,Vsti) of
- true -> set_type_reg(term,D,Vsti);
+ true -> create_term(term, D, Vsti);
false -> Vsti
end, Vst0, extract_map_vals(List)),
@@ -1019,7 +901,7 @@ extract_map_keys([]) -> [].
verify_get_map_pair([Src,Dst|Vs], Map, Vst0, Vsti0) ->
assert_term(Src, Vst0),
- Vsti = set_type_reg(term, Map, Dst, Vsti0),
+ Vsti = extract_term(term, [Map], Dst, Vsti0),
verify_get_map_pair(Vs, Map, Vst0, Vsti);
verify_get_map_pair([], _Map, _Vst0, Vst) -> Vst.
@@ -1027,13 +909,29 @@ verify_put_map(Fail, Src, Dst, Live, List, Vst0) ->
assert_type(map, Src, Vst0),
verify_live(Live, Vst0),
- foreach(fun (Term) -> assert_term(Term, Vst0) end, List),
+ foreach(fun (Term) -> assert_not_fragile(Term, Vst0) end, List),
Vst1 = heap_alloc(0, Vst0),
Vst2 = branch_state(Fail, Vst1),
Vst = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst2),
Keys = extract_map_keys(List),
- set_type_reg(map, Dst, Vst).
+ create_term(map, Dst, Vst).
+%% Common code for validating bs_start_match* instructions.
+validate_bs_start_match(Fail, Live, Type, Src, Dst, Vst0) ->
+ verify_live(Live, Vst0),
+ verify_y_init(Vst0),
+ %% #ms{} can represent either a match context or a term, so we have to mark
+ %% the source as a term if it fails, and retain the incoming type if it
+ %% succeeds (match context or not).
+ Vst1 = set_aliased_type(term, Src, Vst0),
+ Vst2 = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst1),
+ Vst3 = branch_state(Fail, Vst2),
+ extract_term(Type, [Src], Dst, Vst3, Vst0).
%% Common code for validating bs_get* instructions.
@@ -1044,7 +942,7 @@ validate_bs_get(Fail, Ctx, Live, Type, Dst, Vst0) ->
Vst1 = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst0),
Vst = branch_state(Fail, Vst1),
- set_type_reg(Type, Dst, Vst).
+ create_term(Type, Dst, Vst).
%% Common code for validating bs_skip_utf* instructions.
@@ -1117,7 +1015,7 @@ verify_call_args(_, Live, _) ->
verify_call_args_1(0, _) -> ok;
verify_call_args_1(N, Vst) ->
X = N - 1,
- get_term_type({x,X}, Vst),
+ assert_not_fragile({x,X}, Vst),
verify_call_args_1(X, Vst).
verify_local_call(Lbl, Live, Vst) ->
@@ -1405,14 +1303,12 @@ select_val_branches_1([], _, _, Vst) -> Vst.
infer_types(Src, Vst) ->
case get_def(Src, Vst) of
{bif,is_map,{f,_},[Map],_} ->
- fun({atom,true}, S) -> set_aliased_type(map, Map, S);
+ fun({atom,true}, S) -> update_type(fun meet/2, map, Map, S);
(_, S) -> S
{bif,tuple_size,{f,_},[Tuple],_} ->
fun({integer,Arity}, S) ->
- Type0 = get_term_type(Tuple, S),
- Type = upgrade_tuple_type({tuple,Arity}, Type0),
- set_aliased_type(Type, Tuple, S);
+ update_type(fun meet/2, {tuple,Arity}, Tuple, S);
(_, S) -> S
{bif,'=:=',{f,_},[ArityReg,{integer,_}=Val],_} when ArityReg =/= Src ->
@@ -1429,11 +1325,93 @@ infer_types(Src, Vst) ->
%%% Keeping track of types.
-set_alias(Reg1, Reg2, #vst{current=St0}=Vst) ->
- case Reg1 of
+%% Assigns Src to Dst and marks them as aliasing each other.
+assign({y,_}=Src, {y,_}=Dst, Vst) ->
+ %% The stack trimming optimization may generate a move from an initialized
+ %% but unassigned Y register to another Y register.
+ case get_term_type_1(Src, Vst) of
+ initialized -> set_type_reg(initialized, Dst, Vst);
+ _ -> assign_1(Src, Dst, Vst)
+ end;
+assign({Kind,_}=Reg, Dst, Vst) when Kind =:= x; Kind =:= y ->
+ assign_1(Reg, Dst, Vst);
+assign(Literal, Dst, Vst) ->
+ create_term(get_term_type(Literal, Vst), Dst, Vst).
+%% Creates a completely new term with the given type.
+create_term(Type, Dst, Vst) ->
+ set_type_reg(Type, Dst, Vst).
+%% Extracts a term from Ss, propagating fragility.
+extract_term(Type, Ss, Dst, Vst) ->
+ extract_term(Type, Ss, Dst, Vst, Vst).
+%% As extract_term/4, but uses the incoming Vst for fragility in case x-regs
+%% have been pruned and the sources can no longer be found.
+extract_term(Type0, Ss, Dst, Vst, OrigVst) ->
+ Type = propagate_fragility(Type0, Ss, OrigVst),
+ set_type_reg(Type, Dst, Vst).
+%% Helper function for simple "is_type" tests.
+type_test(Fail, Type, Reg, Vst0) ->
+ assert_term(Reg, Vst0),
+ Vst = branch_state(Fail, update_type(fun subtract/2, Type, Reg, Vst0)),
+ update_type(fun meet/2, Type, Reg, Vst).
+%% This is used when linear code finds out more and more information about a
+%% type, so that the type gets more specialized.
+update_type(Merge, Type0, Reg, Vst) ->
+ %% If the old type can't be merged with the new one, the type information
+ %% is inconsistent and we know that some instructions will never be
+ %% executed at run-time. For example:
+ %%
+ %% {test,is_list,Fail,[Reg]}.
+ %% {test,is_tuple,Fail,[Reg]}.
+ %% {test,test_arity,Fail,[Reg,5]}.
+ %%
+ %% Note that the test_arity instruction can never be reached, so we use the
+ %% new type instead of 'none'.
+ Type = case Merge(get_durable_term_type(Reg, Vst), Type0) of
+ none -> Type0;
+ T -> T
+ end,
+ set_aliased_type(propagate_fragility(Type, [Reg], Vst), Reg, Vst).
+update_ne_types(LHS, RHS, Vst) ->
+ T1 = get_durable_term_type(LHS, Vst),
+ T2 = get_durable_term_type(RHS, Vst),
+ Type = propagate_fragility(subtract(T1, T2), [LHS], Vst),
+ set_aliased_type(Type, LHS, Vst).
+update_eq_types(LHS, RHS, Vst0) ->
+ T1 = get_durable_term_type(LHS, Vst0),
+ T2 = get_durable_term_type(RHS, Vst0),
+ Meet = meet(T1, T2),
+ Vst = case T1 =/= Meet of
+ true ->
+ LType = propagate_fragility(Meet, [LHS], Vst0),
+ set_aliased_type(LType, LHS, Vst0);
+ false ->
+ Vst0
+ end,
+ case T2 =/= Meet of
+ true ->
+ RType = propagate_fragility(Meet, [RHS], Vst0),
+ set_aliased_type(RType, RHS, Vst);
+ false ->
+ Vst
+ end.
+%% Helper functions for the above.
+assign_1(Src, Dst, Vst0) ->
+ Type = get_move_term_type(Src, Vst0),
+ Vst = set_type_reg(Type, Dst, Vst0),
+ case Src of
{Kind,_} when Kind =:= x; Kind =:= y ->
+ #vst{current=St0} = Vst,
#st{aliases=Aliases0} = St0,
- Aliases = Aliases0#{Reg1=>Reg2,Reg2=>Reg1},
+ Aliases = Aliases0#{Src=>Dst,Dst=>Src},
St = St0#st{aliases=Aliases},
_ ->
@@ -1567,6 +1545,12 @@ assert_term(Src, Vst) ->
get_term_type(Src, Vst),
+assert_not_fragile(Src, Vst) ->
+ case get_term_type(Src, Vst) of
+ {fragile, _} -> error({fragile_message_reference, Src});
+ _ -> ok
+ end.
assert_not_literal({x,_}) -> ok;
assert_not_literal({y,_}) -> ok;
assert_not_literal(Literal) -> error({literal_not_allowed,Literal}).
@@ -1692,12 +1676,8 @@ subtract(bool, {atom,true}) -> {atom, false};
subtract(Type, _) -> Type.
assert_type(WantedType, Term, Vst) ->
- case get_term_type(Term, Vst) of
- {fragile,Type} ->
- assert_type(WantedType, Type);
- Type ->
- assert_type(WantedType, Type)
- end.
+ Type = get_durable_term_type(Term, Vst),
+ assert_type(WantedType, Type).
assert_type(Correct, Correct) -> ok;
assert_type(float, {float,_}) -> ok;
@@ -1716,36 +1696,6 @@ assert_type(cons, {literal,[_|_]}) ->
assert_type(Needed, Actual) ->
-%% upgrade_tuple_type(NewTupleType, OldType) -> TupleType.
-%% upgrade_tuple_type/2 is used when linear code finds out more and
-%% more information about a tuple type, so that the type gets more
-%% specialized. If OldType is not a tuple type, the type information
-%% is inconsistent, and we know that some instructions will never
-%% be executed at run-time.
-upgrade_tuple_type(NewType, {fragile,OldType}) ->
- Type = upgrade_tuple_type_1(NewType, OldType),
- make_fragile(Type);
-upgrade_tuple_type(NewType, OldType) ->
- upgrade_tuple_type_1(NewType, OldType).
-upgrade_tuple_type_1(NewType, OldType) ->
- case meet(NewType, OldType) of
- none ->
- %% Unoptimized code may look like this:
- %%
- %% {test,is_list,Fail,[Reg]}.
- %% {test,is_tuple,Fail,[Reg]}.
- %% {test,test_arity,Fail,[Reg,5]}.
- %%
- %% Note that the test_arity instruction can never be reached.
- %% To make sure it's not rejected, set the type of Reg to
- %% NewType instead of 'none'.
- NewType;
- Type ->
- Type
- end.
get_tuple_size({integer,[]}) -> 0;
get_tuple_size({integer,Sz}) -> Sz;
get_tuple_size(_) -> 0.
@@ -2110,7 +2060,7 @@ bif_type('+', Src, Vst) ->
bif_type('*', Src, Vst) ->
arith_type(Src, Vst);
bif_type(abs, [Num], Vst) ->
- case get_term_type(Num, Vst) of
+ case get_durable_term_type(Num, Vst) of
{float,_}=T -> T;
{integer,_}=T -> T;
_ -> number
@@ -2162,6 +2112,7 @@ bif_type(is_port, [_], _) -> bool;
bif_type(is_reference, [_], _) -> bool;
bif_type(is_tuple, [_], _) -> bool;
%% Misc.
+bif_type(tuple_size, [_], _) -> {integer,[]};
bif_type(node, [], _) -> {atom,[]};
bif_type(node, [_], _) -> {atom,[]};
bif_type(hd, [_], _) -> term;
@@ -2198,13 +2149,15 @@ is_bif_safe(_, _) -> false.
arith_type([A], Vst) ->
%% Unary '+' or '-'.
- case get_term_type(A, Vst) of
+ case get_durable_term_type(A, Vst) of
{integer,_} -> {integer,[]};
{float,_} -> {float,[]};
_ -> number
arith_type([A,B], Vst) ->
- case {get_term_type(A, Vst),get_term_type(B, Vst)} of
+ TypeA = get_durable_term_type(A, Vst),
+ TypeB = get_durable_term_type(B, Vst),
+ case {TypeA, TypeB} of
{{integer,_},{integer,_}} -> {integer,[]};
{{float,_},_} -> {float,[]};
{_,{float,_}} -> {float,[]};
@@ -2227,9 +2180,15 @@ return_type_1(erlang, setelement, 3, Vst) ->
case get_term_type({x,0}, Vst) of
- {integer,[]} -> TupleType;
- {integer,I} -> upgrade_tuple_type({tuple,[I]}, TupleType);
- _ -> TupleType
+ {integer,[]} ->
+ TupleType;
+ {integer,I} ->
+ case meet({tuple,[I]}, TupleType) of
+ none -> TupleType;
+ T -> T
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ TupleType
return_type_1(erlang, '++', 2, Vst) ->
case get_term_type({x,0}, Vst) =:= cons orelse
diff --git a/lib/crypto/src/crypto.erl b/lib/crypto/src/crypto.erl
index 6836e30a1b..987bc3fe0f 100644
--- a/lib/crypto/src/crypto.erl
+++ b/lib/crypto/src/crypto.erl
@@ -914,7 +914,8 @@ rand_seed_nif(_Seed) -> ?nif_stub.
-type pk_sign_verify_opts() :: [ rsa_sign_verify_opt() ] .
-type rsa_sign_verify_opt() :: {rsa_padding, rsa_sign_verify_padding()}
- | {rsa_pss_saltlen, integer()} .
+ | {rsa_pss_saltlen, integer()}
+ | {rsa_mgf1_md, sha2()}.
-type rsa_sign_verify_padding() :: rsa_pkcs1_padding | rsa_pkcs1_pss_padding
| rsa_x931_padding | rsa_no_padding
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
index 5e3c767c2c..a28f4add1b 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ encode_extensions(Exts) ->
encode_extensions(Exts, <<>>).
encode_extensions([], <<>>) ->
- <<>>;
+ <<?UINT16(0)>>;
encode_extensions([], Acc) ->
Size = byte_size(Acc),
<<?UINT16(Size), Acc/binary>>;
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_logger.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_logger.erl
index ce8225bf72..c4dd2dad60 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_logger.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_logger.erl
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
@@ -57,12 +58,20 @@ format(#{level:= _Level, msg:= {report, Msg}, meta:= _Meta}, _Config0) ->
%% Stateful logging
-debug(Level, Report, Meta) ->
+debug(Level, Direction, Protocol, Message)
+ when (Direction =:= inbound orelse Direction =:= outbound) andalso
+ (Protocol =:= 'tls_record' orelse Protocol =:= 'handshake') ->
case logger:compare_levels(Level, debug) of
lt ->
- ?LOG_DEBUG(Report, Meta);
+ ?LOG_DEBUG(#{direction => Direction,
+ protocol => Protocol,
+ message => Message},
+ #{domain => [otp,ssl,Protocol]});
eq ->
- ?LOG_DEBUG(Report, Meta);
+ ?LOG_DEBUG(#{direction => Direction,
+ protocol => Protocol,
+ message => Message},
+ #{domain => [otp,ssl,Protocol]});
_ ->
@@ -159,8 +168,24 @@ parse_handshake(Direction, #hello_request{} = HelloRequest) ->
Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, HelloRequest",
Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(hello_request, HelloRequest)]),
+ {Header, Message};
+parse_handshake(Direction, #certificate_1_3{} = Certificate) ->
+ Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, Certificate",
+ [header_prefix(Direction)]),
+ Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(certificate_1_3, Certificate)]),
+ {Header, Message};
+parse_handshake(Direction, #certificate_verify_1_3{} = CertificateVerify) ->
+ Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, CertificateVerify",
+ [header_prefix(Direction)]),
+ Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(certificate_verify_1_3, CertificateVerify)]),
+ {Header, Message};
+parse_handshake(Direction, #encrypted_extensions{} = EncryptedExtensions) ->
+ Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, EncryptedExtensions",
+ [header_prefix(Direction)]),
+ Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(encrypted_extensions, EncryptedExtensions)]),
{Header, Message}.
parse_cipher_suites([_|_] = Ciphers) ->
[format_cipher(C) || C <- Ciphers].
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.erl
index 499ba108f2..d0a72ce51f 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.erl
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
@@ -124,12 +125,14 @@ activate_pending_connection_state(#{current_write := Current,
%% Description: Activates the next encyrption state (e.g. handshake
%% encryption).
-step_encryption_state(#{pending_read := PendingRead,
- pending_write := PendingWrite} = States) ->
+step_encryption_state(#state{connection_states =
+ #{pending_read := PendingRead,
+ pending_write := PendingWrite} = ConnStates} = State) ->
NewRead = PendingRead#{sequence_number => 0},
NewWrite = PendingWrite#{sequence_number => 0},
- States#{current_read => NewRead,
- current_write => NewWrite}.
+ State#state{connection_states =
+ ConnStates#{current_read => NewRead,
+ current_write => NewWrite}}.
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
index 26f9fc99d3..01e378702c 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
@@ -339,14 +339,8 @@ queue_handshake(Handshake, #state{negotiated_version = Version,
ssl_options = SslOpts} = State0) ->
{BinHandshake, ConnectionStates, Hist} =
encode_handshake(Handshake, Version, ConnectionStates0, Hist0),
- Report = #{direction => outbound,
- protocol => 'tls_record',
- message => BinHandshake},
- HandshakeMsg = #{direction => outbound,
- protocol => 'handshake',
- message => Handshake},
- ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, HandshakeMsg, #{domain => [otp,ssl,handshake]}),
- ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, Report, #{domain => [otp,ssl,tls_record]}),
+ ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, outbound, 'handshake', Handshake),
+ ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, outbound, 'tls_record', BinHandshake),
State0#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
handshake_env = HsEnv#handshake_env{tls_handshake_history = Hist},
@@ -364,10 +358,7 @@ queue_change_cipher(Msg, #state{negotiated_version = Version,
ssl_options = SslOpts} = State0) ->
{BinChangeCipher, ConnectionStates} =
encode_change_cipher(Msg, Version, ConnectionStates0),
- Report = #{direction => outbound,
- protocol => 'tls_record',
- message => BinChangeCipher},
- ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, Report, #{domain => [otp,ssl,tls_record]}),
+ ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, outbound, 'tls_record', BinChangeCipher),
State0#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
flight_buffer = Flight0 ++ [BinChangeCipher]}.
@@ -416,10 +407,7 @@ send_alert(Alert, #state{negotiated_version = Version,
{BinMsg, ConnectionStates} =
encode_alert(Alert, Version, ConnectionStates0),
send(Transport, Socket, BinMsg),
- Report = #{direction => outbound,
- protocol => 'tls_record',
- message => BinMsg},
- ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, Report, #{domain => [otp,ssl,tls_record]}),
+ ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, outbound, 'tls_record', BinMsg),
StateData0#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates}.
%% If an ALERT sent in the connection state, should cause the TLS
@@ -520,14 +508,9 @@ init({call, From}, {start, Timeout},
{BinMsg, ConnectionStates, Handshake} =
encode_handshake(Hello, HelloVersion, ConnectionStates0, Handshake0),
send(Transport, Socket, BinMsg),
- Report = #{direction => outbound,
- protocol => 'tls_record',
- message => BinMsg},
- HelloMsg = #{direction => outbound,
- protocol => 'handshake',
- message => Hello},
- ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, HelloMsg, #{domain => [otp,ssl,handshake]}),
- ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, Report, #{domain => [otp,ssl,tls_record]}),
+ ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, outbound, 'handshake', Hello),
+ ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, outbound, 'tls_record', BinMsg),
State = State0#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
negotiated_version = HelloVersion, %% Requested version
session =
@@ -1104,6 +1087,7 @@ handle_alerts(_, {stop, _, _} = Stop) ->
handle_alerts([#alert{level = ?WARNING, description = ?CLOSE_NOTIFY} | _Alerts],
{next_state, connection = StateName, #state{user_data_buffer = Buffer,
+ socket_options = #socket_options{active = false},
protocol_buffers = #protocol_buffers{tls_cipher_texts = CTs}} =
State}) when (Buffer =/= <<>>) orelse
(CTs =/= []) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection_1_3.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection_1_3.erl
index a20499972b..48b3ff0d97 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection_1_3.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection_1_3.erl
@@ -135,32 +135,10 @@ start(internal,
- Map,
- #state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
- session = #session{session_id = SessionId,
- own_certificate = OwnCert},
- ssl_options = #ssl_options{} = SslOpts,
- key_share = KeyShare,
- handshake_env = #handshake_env{tls_handshake_history = HHistory0},
- private_key = CertPrivateKey,
- static_env = #static_env{
- cert_db = CertDbHandle,
- cert_db_ref = CertDbRef,
- socket = Socket,
- transport_cb = Transport}} = State0, _Module) ->
- Env = #{connection_states => ConnectionStates0,
- session_id => SessionId,
- own_certificate => OwnCert,
- cert_db => CertDbHandle,
- cert_db_ref => CertDbRef,
- ssl_options => SslOpts,
- key_share => KeyShare,
- tls_handshake_history => HHistory0,
- transport_cb => Transport,
- socket => Socket,
- private_key => CertPrivateKey},
- case tls_handshake_1_3:do_negotiated(Map, Env) of
+%% TODO: remove suppression when function implemented!
+-dialyzer([{nowarn_function, [negotiated/4]}, no_match]).
+negotiated(internal, Map, State0, _Module) ->
+ case tls_handshake_1_3:do_negotiated(Map, State0) of
#alert{} = Alert ->
ssl_connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, {3,4}, negotiated, State0);
M ->
@@ -187,4 +165,5 @@ update_state(#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
pending_write => PendingWrite#{security_parameters => SecParamsW}},
State#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
key_share = KeyShare,
- session = Session#session{session_id = SessionId}}.
+ session = Session#session{session_id = SessionId},
+ negotiated_version = {3,4}}.
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl
index f0bbd0f94f..eee2437bfd 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl
@@ -388,10 +388,7 @@ get_tls_handshake_aux(Version, <<?BYTE(Type), ?UINT24(Length),
Raw = <<?BYTE(Type), ?UINT24(Length), Body/binary>>,
try decode_handshake(Version, Type, Body) of
Handshake ->
- Report = #{direction => inbound,
- protocol => 'handshake',
- message => Handshake},
- ssl_logger:debug(Opts#ssl_options.log_level, Report, #{domain => [otp,ssl,handshake]}),
+ ssl_logger:debug(Opts#ssl_options.log_level, inbound, 'handshake', Handshake),
get_tls_handshake_aux(Version, Rest, Opts, [{Handshake,Raw} | Acc])
_:_ ->
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake_1_3.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake_1_3.erl
index 670c4d424d..f92c54dc53 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake_1_3.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake_1_3.erl
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
@@ -40,7 +41,8 @@
%% Create handshake messages
- certificate_verify/5,
+ certificate_verify/4,
+ encrypted_extensions/0,
@@ -66,8 +68,35 @@ server_hello_extensions(KeyShare) ->
Extensions = #{server_hello_selected_version => SupportedVersions},
ssl_handshake:add_server_share(Extensions, KeyShare).
+%% TODO: implement support for encrypted_extensions
+encrypted_extensions() ->
+ #encrypted_extensions{
+ extensions = #{}
+ }.
%% TODO: use maybe monad for error handling!
+%% enum {
+%% X509(0),
+%% RawPublicKey(2),
+%% (255)
+%% } CertificateType;
+%% struct {
+%% select (certificate_type) {
+%% case RawPublicKey:
+%% /* From RFC 7250 ASN.1_subjectPublicKeyInfo */
+%% opaque ASN1_subjectPublicKeyInfo<1..2^24-1>;
+%% case X509:
+%% opaque cert_data<1..2^24-1>;
+%% };
+%% Extension extensions<0..2^16-1>;
+%% } CertificateEntry;
+%% struct {
+%% opaque certificate_request_context<0..2^8-1>;
+%% CertificateEntry certificate_list<0..2^24-1>;
+%% } Certificate;
certificate(OwnCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, _CRContext, server) ->
case ssl_certificate:certificate_chain(OwnCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) of
{ok, _, Chain} ->
@@ -82,23 +111,56 @@ certificate(OwnCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, _CRContext, server) ->
?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INTERNAL_ERROR, {server_has_no_suitable_certificates, Error})
-%% TODO: use maybe monad for error handling!
-certificate_verify(OwnCert, PrivateKey, SignatureScheme, Messages, server) ->
+certificate_verify(PrivateKey, SignatureScheme,
+ #state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
+ handshake_env =
+ #handshake_env{
+ tls_handshake_history = {Messages, _}}}, server) ->
+ #{security_parameters := SecParamsR} =
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, write),
+ #security_parameters{prf_algorithm = HKDFAlgo} = SecParamsR,
{HashAlgo, _, _} =
- %% Transcript-Hash(Handshake Context, Certificate)
- Context = [Messages, OwnCert],
- THash = tls_v1:transcript_hash(Context, HashAlgo),
+ Context = lists:reverse(Messages),
- Signature = digitally_sign(THash, <<"TLS 1.3, server CertificateVerify">>,
- HashAlgo, PrivateKey),
+ %% Transcript-Hash uses the HKDF hash function defined by the cipher suite.
+ THash = tls_v1:transcript_hash(Context, HKDFAlgo),
- #certificate_verify_1_3{
- algorithm = SignatureScheme,
- signature = Signature
+ %% Digital signatures use the hash function defined by the selected signature
+ %% scheme.
+ case digitally_sign(THash, <<"TLS 1.3, server CertificateVerify">>,
+ HashAlgo, PrivateKey) of
+ {ok, Signature} ->
+ {ok, #certificate_verify_1_3{
+ algorithm = SignatureScheme,
+ signature = Signature
+ }};
+ {error, badarg} ->
+ {error, badarg}
+ end.
+finished(#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
+ handshake_env =
+ #handshake_env{
+ tls_handshake_history = {Messages, _}}}) ->
+ #{security_parameters := SecParamsR} =
+ ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, write),
+ #security_parameters{prf_algorithm = HKDFAlgo,
+ master_secret = SHTS} = SecParamsR,
+ FinishedKey = tls_v1:finished_key(SHTS, HKDFAlgo),
+ VerifyData = tls_v1:finished_verify_data(FinishedKey, HKDFAlgo, Messages),
+ #finished{
+ verify_data = VerifyData
%% Encode handshake
@@ -115,6 +177,12 @@ encode_handshake(#certificate_1_3{
EncContext = encode_cert_req_context(Context),
EncEntries = encode_cert_entries(Entries),
{?CERTIFICATE, <<EncContext/binary, EncEntries/binary>>};
+ algorithm = Algorithm,
+ signature = Signature}) ->
+ EncAlgo = encode_algorithm(Algorithm),
+ EncSign = encode_signature(Signature),
+ {?CERTIFICATE_VERIFY, <<EncAlgo/binary, EncSign/binary>>};
encode_handshake(#encrypted_extensions{extensions = Exts})->
{?ENCRYPTED_EXTENSIONS, encode_extensions(Exts)};
@@ -164,6 +232,11 @@ decode_handshake(?CERTIFICATE, <<?BYTE(CSize), Context:CSize/binary,
certificate_request_context = Context,
certificate_list = CertList
+decode_handshake(?CERTIFICATE_VERIFY, <<?UINT16(EncAlgo), ?UINT16(Size), Signature:Size/binary>>) ->
+ Algorithm = ssl_cipher:signature_scheme(EncAlgo),
+ #certificate_verify_1_3{
+ algorithm = Algorithm,
+ signature = Signature};
decode_handshake(?ENCRYPTED_EXTENSIONS, <<?UINT16(Size), EncExts:Size/binary>>) ->
extensions = decode_extensions(EncExts, encrypted_extensions)
@@ -204,9 +277,16 @@ encode_cert_entries([#certificate_entry{data = Data,
extensions = Exts} | Rest], Acc) ->
DSize = byte_size(Data),
BinExts = encode_extensions(Exts),
- ExtSize = byte_size(BinExts),
- [<<?UINT24(DSize), Data/binary, ?UINT16(ExtSize), BinExts/binary>> | Acc]).
+ [<<?UINT24(DSize), Data/binary, BinExts/binary>> | Acc]).
+encode_algorithm(Algo) ->
+ Scheme = ssl_cipher:signature_scheme(Algo),
+ <<?UINT16(Scheme)>>.
+encode_signature(Signature) ->
+ Size = byte_size(Signature),
+ <<?UINT16(Size), Signature/binary>>.
decode_cert_entries(Entries) ->
decode_cert_entries(Entries, []).
@@ -260,22 +340,26 @@ certificate_entry(DER) ->
%% 79
%% 00
%% 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101
-digitally_sign(THash, Context, HashAlgo, PrivateKey = #'RSAPrivateKey'{}) ->
+digitally_sign(THash, Context, HashAlgo, PrivateKey) ->
Content = build_content(Context, THash),
%% The length of the Salt MUST be equal to the length of the output
- %% of the digest algorithm.
- PadLen = ssl_cipher:hash_size(HashAlgo),
- public_key:sign(Content, HashAlgo, PrivateKey,
+ %% of the digest algorithm: rsa_pss_saltlen = -1
+ try public_key:sign(Content, HashAlgo, PrivateKey,
[{rsa_padding, rsa_pkcs1_pss_padding},
- {rsa_pss_saltlen, PadLen}]).
+ {rsa_pss_saltlen, -1},
+ {rsa_mgf1_md, HashAlgo}]) of
+ Signature ->
+ {ok, Signature}
+ catch
+ error:badarg ->
+ {error, badarg}
+ end.
build_content(Context, THash) ->
- <<" ",
- " ",
- Context/binary,?BYTE(0),THash/binary>>.
+ Prefix = binary:copy(<<32>>, 64),
+ <<Prefix/binary,Context/binary,?BYTE(0),THash/binary>>.
%% Handle handshake messages
@@ -362,17 +446,19 @@ do_negotiated(#{client_share := ClientKey,
group := SelectedGroup,
sign_alg := SignatureScheme
} = Map,
- #{connection_states := ConnectionStates0,
- session_id := SessionId,
- own_certificate := OwnCert,
- cert_db := CertDbHandle,
- cert_db_ref := CertDbRef,
- ssl_options := SslOpts,
- key_share := KeyShare,
- tls_handshake_history := HHistory0,
- transport_cb := Transport,
- socket := Socket,
- private_key := CertPrivateKey}) ->
+ #state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
+ session = #session{session_id = SessionId,
+ own_certificate = OwnCert},
+ ssl_options = #ssl_options{} = _SslOpts,
+ key_share = KeyShare,
+ handshake_env = #handshake_env{tls_handshake_history = _HHistory0},
+ private_key = CertPrivateKey,
+ static_env = #static_env{
+ cert_db = CertDbHandle,
+ cert_db_ref = CertDbRef,
+ socket = _Socket,
+ transport_cb = _Transport}
+ } = State0) ->
{Ref,Maybe} = maybe(),
@@ -380,46 +466,40 @@ do_negotiated(#{client_share := ClientKey,
%% Extensions: supported_versions, key_share, (pre_shared_key)
ServerHello = server_hello(SessionId, KeyShare, ConnectionStates0, Map),
- %% Update handshake_history (done in encode!)
- %% Encode handshake
- {BinMsg, ConnectionStates1, HHistory1} =
- tls_connection:encode_handshake(ServerHello, {3,4}, ConnectionStates0, HHistory0),
- %% Send server_hello
- tls_connection:send(Transport, Socket, BinMsg),
- log_handshake(SslOpts, ServerHello),
- log_tls_record(SslOpts, BinMsg),
- %% ConnectionStates2 = calculate_security_parameters(ClientKey, SelectedGroup, KeyShare,
- %% HHistory1, ConnectionStates1),
+ {State1, _} = tls_connection:send_handshake(ServerHello, State0),
{HandshakeSecret, ReadKey, ReadIV, WriteKey, WriteIV} =
- calculate_security_parameters(ClientKey, SelectedGroup, KeyShare,
- HHistory1, ConnectionStates1),
- ConnectionStates2 =
- update_pending_connection_states(ConnectionStates1, HandshakeSecret,
+ calculate_security_parameters(ClientKey, SelectedGroup, KeyShare, State1),
+ State2 =
+ update_pending_connection_states(State1, HandshakeSecret,
ReadKey, ReadIV, WriteKey, WriteIV),
- ConnectionStates3 =
- ssl_record:step_encryption_state(ConnectionStates2),
+ State3 = ssl_record:step_encryption_state(State2),
+ %% Create EncryptedExtensions
+ EncryptedExtensions = encrypted_extensions(),
+ %% Encode EncryptedExtensions
+ State4 = tls_connection:queue_handshake(EncryptedExtensions, State3),
%% Create Certificate
Certificate = certificate(OwnCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, <<>>, server),
%% Encode Certificate
- {_, _ConnectionStates4, HHistory2} =
- tls_connection:encode_handshake(Certificate, {3,4}, ConnectionStates3, HHistory1),
- %% log_handshake(SslOpts, Certificate),
+ State5 = tls_connection:queue_handshake(Certificate, State4),
%% Create CertificateVerify
- {Messages, _} = HHistory2,
- %% Use selected signature_alg from here, HKDF only used for key_schedule
- CertificateVerify =
- tls_handshake_1_3:certificate_verify(OwnCert, CertPrivateKey, SignatureScheme,
- Messages, server),
- io:format("### CertificateVerify: ~p~n", [CertificateVerify]),
+ CertificateVerify = Maybe(certificate_verify(CertPrivateKey, SignatureScheme,
+ State5, server)),
%% Encode CertificateVerify
+ State6 = tls_connection:queue_handshake(CertificateVerify, State5),
+ %% Create Finished
+ Finished = finished(State6),
- %% Send Certificate, CertifricateVerify
+ %% Encode Certificate, CertifricateVerify
+ {_State7, _} = tls_connection:send_handshake(Finished, State6),
%% Send finished
@@ -440,28 +520,19 @@ not_implemented(State) ->
{error, {state_not_implemented, State}}.
-log_handshake(SslOpts, Message) ->
- Msg = #{direction => outbound,
- protocol => 'handshake',
- message => Message},
- ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, Msg, #{domain => [otp,ssl,handshake]}).
-log_tls_record(SslOpts, BinMsg) ->
- Report = #{direction => outbound,
- protocol => 'tls_record',
- message => BinMsg},
- ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, Report, #{domain => [otp,ssl,tls_record]}).
-calculate_security_parameters(ClientKey, SelectedGroup, KeyShare, HHistory, ConnectionStates) ->
+calculate_security_parameters(ClientKey, SelectedGroup, KeyShare,
+ #state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
+ handshake_env =
+ #handshake_env{
+ tls_handshake_history = HHistory}}) ->
#{security_parameters := SecParamsR} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
#security_parameters{prf_algorithm = HKDFAlgo,
cipher_suite = CipherSuite} = SecParamsR,
%% Calculate handshake_secret
- EarlySecret = tls_v1:key_schedule(early_secret, HKDFAlgo , {psk, <<>>}),
+ PSK = binary:copy(<<0>>, ssl_cipher:hash_size(HKDFAlgo)),
+ EarlySecret = tls_v1:key_schedule(early_secret, HKDFAlgo , {psk, PSK}),
PrivateKey = get_server_private_key(KeyShare), %% #'ECPrivateKey'{}
IKM = calculate_shared_secret(ClientKey, PrivateKey, SelectedGroup),
@@ -479,7 +550,8 @@ calculate_security_parameters(ClientKey, SelectedGroup, KeyShare, HHistory, Conn
{ReadKey, ReadIV} = tls_v1:calculate_traffic_keys(HKDFAlgo, Cipher, ClientHSTrafficSecret),
{WriteKey, WriteIV} = tls_v1:calculate_traffic_keys(HKDFAlgo, Cipher, ServerHSTrafficSecret),
- {HandshakeSecret, ReadKey, ReadIV, WriteKey, WriteIV}.
+ %% TODO: store all relevant secrets in state!
+ {ServerHSTrafficSecret, ReadKey, ReadIV, WriteKey, WriteIV}.
%% %% Update pending connection state
%% PendingRead0 = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
@@ -527,13 +599,14 @@ calculate_shared_secret(OthersKey, MyKey = #'ECPrivateKey'{}, _Group)
public_key:compute_key(Point, MyKey).
-update_pending_connection_states(CS = #{pending_read := PendingRead0,
- pending_write := PendingWrite0},
+update_pending_connection_states(#state{connection_states =
+ CS = #{pending_read := PendingRead0,
+ pending_write := PendingWrite0}} = State,
HandshakeSecret, ReadKey, ReadIV, WriteKey, WriteIV) ->
PendingRead = update_connection_state(PendingRead0, HandshakeSecret, ReadKey, ReadIV),
PendingWrite = update_connection_state(PendingWrite0, HandshakeSecret, WriteKey, WriteIV),
- CS#{pending_read => PendingRead,
- pending_write => PendingWrite}.
+ State#state{connection_states = CS#{pending_read => PendingRead,
+ pending_write => PendingWrite}}.
update_connection_state(ConnectionState = #{security_parameters := SecurityParameters0},
HandshakeSecret, Key, IV) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_record.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_record.erl
index b8bf4603dd..ad2bfb7a5c 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_record.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_record.erl
@@ -404,10 +404,7 @@ get_tls_records_aux({MajVer, MinVer} = Version, <<?BYTE(Type),?BYTE(MajVer),?BYT
Type == ?ALERT;
- Report = #{direction => inbound,
- protocol => 'tls_record',
- message => [RawTLSRecord]},
- ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, Report, #{domain => [otp,ssl,tls_record]}),
+ ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, inbound, 'tls_record', [RawTLSRecord]),
get_tls_records_aux(Version, Rest, [#ssl_tls{type = Type,
version = Version,
fragment = Data} | Acc], SslOpts);
@@ -423,10 +420,7 @@ get_tls_records_aux(Versions, <<?BYTE(Type),?BYTE(MajVer),?BYTE(MinVer),
case is_acceptable_version({MajVer, MinVer}, Versions) of
true ->
- Report = #{direction => inbound,
- protocol => 'tls_record',
- message => [RawTLSRecord]},
- ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, Report, #{domain => [otp,ssl,tls_record]}),
+ ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, inbound, 'tls_record', [RawTLSRecord]),
get_tls_records_aux(Versions, Rest, [#ssl_tls{type = Type,
version = {MajVer, MinVer},
fragment = Data} | Acc], SslOpts);
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_sender.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_sender.erl
index 1559fcbb37..1f34f9a420 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_sender.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_sender.erl
@@ -386,10 +386,7 @@ send_tls_alert(Alert, #data{negotiated_version = Version,
{BinMsg, ConnectionStates} =
Connection:encode_alert(Alert, Version, ConnectionStates0),
Connection:send(Transport, Socket, BinMsg),
- Report = #{direction => outbound,
- protocol => 'tls_record',
- message => BinMsg},
- ssl_logger:debug(LogLevel, Report, #{domain => [otp,ssl,tls_record]}),
+ ssl_logger:debug(LogLevel, outbound, 'tls_record', BinMsg),
StateData0#data{connection_states = ConnectionStates}.
send_application_data(Data, From, StateName,
@@ -414,18 +411,12 @@ send_application_data(Data, From, StateName,
StateData = StateData0#data{connection_states = ConnectionStates},
case Connection:send(Transport, Socket, Msgs) of
ok when DistHandle =/= undefined ->
- Report = #{direction => outbound,
- protocol => 'tls_record',
- message => Msgs},
- ssl_logger:debug(LogLevel, Report, #{domain => [otp,ssl,tls_record]}),
+ ssl_logger:debug(LogLevel, outbound, 'tls_record', Msgs),
{next_state, StateName, StateData, []};
Reason when DistHandle =/= undefined ->
{next_state, death_row, StateData, [{state_timeout, 5000, Reason}]};
ok ->
- Report = #{direction => outbound,
- protocol => 'tls_record',
- message => Msgs},
- ssl_logger:debug(LogLevel, Report, #{domain => [otp,ssl,tls_record]}),
+ ssl_logger:debug(LogLevel, outbound, 'tls_record', Msgs),
{next_state, StateName, StateData, [{reply, From, ok}]};
Result ->
{next_state, StateName, StateData, [{reply, From, Result}]}
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_v1.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_v1.erl
index df2a421bce..5c023bd2d8 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_v1.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_v1.erl
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@
groups/1, groups/2, group_to_enum/1, enum_to_group/1, default_groups/1]).
-export([derive_secret/4, hkdf_expand_label/5, hkdf_extract/3, hkdf_expand/4,
- key_schedule/3, key_schedule/4,
+ key_schedule/3, key_schedule/4, create_info/3,
external_binder_key/2, resumption_binder_key/2,
client_early_traffic_secret/3, early_exporter_master_secret/3,
client_handshake_traffic_secret/3, server_handshake_traffic_secret/3,
client_application_traffic_secret_0/3, server_application_traffic_secret_0/3,
exporter_master_secret/3, resumption_master_secret/3,
update_traffic_secret/2, calculate_traffic_keys/3,
- transcript_hash/2]).
+ transcript_hash/2, finished_key/2, finished_verify_data/3]).
-type named_curve() :: sect571r1 | sect571k1 | secp521r1 | brainpoolP512r1 |
sect409k1 | sect409r1 | brainpoolP384r1 | secp384r1 |
@@ -74,18 +74,24 @@ derive_secret(Secret, Label, Messages, Algo) ->
Context::binary(), Length::integer(),
Algo::ssl_cipher_format:hash()) -> KeyingMaterial::binary().
hkdf_expand_label(Secret, Label0, Context, Length, Algo) ->
+ HkdfLabel = create_info(Label0, Context, Length),
+ hkdf_expand(Secret, HkdfLabel, Length, Algo).
+%% Create info parameter for HKDF-Expand:
+%% HKDF-Expand(PRK, info, L) -> OKM
+create_info(Label0, Context0, Length) ->
%% struct {
%% uint16 length = Length;
%% opaque label<7..255> = "tls13 " + Label;
%% opaque context<0..255> = Context;
%% } HkdfLabel;
Label1 = << <<"tls13 ">>/binary, Label0/binary>>,
- LLen = size(Label1),
- Label = <<?BYTE(LLen), Label1/binary>>,
+ LabelLen = size(Label1),
+ Label = <<?BYTE(LabelLen), Label1/binary>>,
+ ContextLen = size(Context0),
+ Context = <<?BYTE(ContextLen),Context0/binary>>,
Content = <<Label/binary, Context/binary>>,
- Len = size(Content),
- HkdfLabel = <<?UINT16(Len), Content/binary>>,
- hkdf_expand(Secret, HkdfLabel, Length, Algo).
+ <<?UINT16(Length), Content/binary>>.
-spec hkdf_extract(MacAlg::ssl_cipher_format:hash(), Salt::binary(),
KeyingMaterial::binary()) -> PseudoRandKey::binary().
@@ -368,6 +374,25 @@ exporter_master_secret(Algo, {master_secret, Secret}, M) ->
resumption_master_secret(Algo, {master_secret, Secret}, M) ->
derive_secret(Secret, <<"res master">>, M, Algo).
+-spec finished_key(binary(), atom()) -> binary().
+finished_key(BaseKey, Algo) ->
+ %% finished_key =
+ %% HKDF-Expand-Label(BaseKey, "finished", "", Hash.length)
+ ssl_cipher:hash_size(Algo),
+ hkdf_expand_label(BaseKey, <<"finished">>, <<>>, ssl_cipher:hash_size(Algo), Algo).
+-spec finished_verify_data(binary(), atom(), iodata()) -> binary().
+finished_verify_data(FinishedKey, HKDFAlgo, Messages) ->
+ %% The verify_data value is computed as follows:
+ %%
+ %% verify_data =
+ %% HMAC(finished_key,
+ %% Transcript-Hash(Handshake Context,
+ %% Certificate*, CertificateVerify*))
+ Context = lists:reverse(Messages),
+ THash = tls_v1:transcript_hash(Context, HKDFAlgo),
+ tls_v1:hmac_hash(HKDFAlgo, FinishedKey, THash).
%% The next-generation application_traffic_secret is computed as:
%% application_traffic_secret_N+1 =
@@ -394,7 +419,8 @@ update_traffic_secret(Algo, Secret) ->
-spec calculate_traffic_keys(atom(), atom(), binary()) -> {binary(), binary()}.
calculate_traffic_keys(HKDFAlgo, Cipher, Secret) ->
Key = hkdf_expand_label(Secret, <<"key">>, <<>>, ssl_cipher:key_material(Cipher), HKDFAlgo),
- IV = hkdf_expand_label(Secret, <<"iv">>, <<>>, ssl_cipher:key_material(Cipher), HKDFAlgo),
+ %% TODO: remove hard coded IV size
+ IV = hkdf_expand_label(Secret, <<"iv">>, <<>>, 12, HKDFAlgo),
{Key, IV}.
%% TLS v1.3 ---------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/property_test/ssl_eqc_handshake.erl b/lib/ssl/test/property_test/ssl_eqc_handshake.erl
index e4c4c89021..38a4b7fb11 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/property_test/ssl_eqc_handshake.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/property_test/ssl_eqc_handshake.erl
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ tls_msg(?'TLS_v1.3'= Version) ->
- %%certificate_verify()
+ certificate_verify_1_3(),
@@ -163,6 +163,13 @@ certificate_1_3() ->
certificate_list = certificate_entries(Certs, [])
+certificate_verify_1_3() ->
+ ?LET(Certs, certificate_chain(),
+ #certificate_verify_1_3{
+ algorithm = sig_scheme(),
+ signature = signature()
+ }).
finished() ->
?LET(Size, digest_size(),
#finished{verify_data = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(Size)}).
@@ -511,6 +518,42 @@ sig_scheme_list() ->
+sig_scheme() ->
+ oneof([rsa_pkcs1_sha256,
+ rsa_pkcs1_sha384,
+ rsa_pkcs1_sha512,
+ ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256,
+ ecdsa_secp384r1_sha384,
+ ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512,
+ rsa_pss_rsae_sha256,
+ rsa_pss_rsae_sha384,
+ rsa_pss_rsae_sha512,
+ rsa_pss_pss_sha256,
+ rsa_pss_pss_sha384,
+ rsa_pss_pss_sha512,
+ rsa_pkcs1_sha1,
+ ecdsa_sha1]).
+signature() ->
+ <<44,119,215,137,54,84,156,26,121,212,64,173,189,226,
+ 191,46,76,89,204,2,78,79,163,228,90,21,89,179,4,198,
+ 109,14,52,26,230,22,56,8,170,129,86,0,7,132,245,81,
+ 181,131,62,70,79,167,112,85,14,171,175,162,110,29,
+ 212,198,45,188,83,176,251,197,224,104,95,74,89,59,
+ 26,60,63,79,238,196,137,65,23,199,127,145,176,184,
+ 216,3,48,116,172,106,97,83,227,172,246,137,91,79,
+ 173,119,169,60,67,1,177,117,9,93,38,86,232,253,73,
+ 140,17,147,130,110,136,245,73,10,91,70,105,53,225,
+ 158,107,60,190,30,14,26,92,147,221,60,117,104,53,70,
+ 142,204,7,131,11,183,192,120,246,243,68,99,147,183,
+ 49,149,48,188,8,218,17,150,220,121,2,99,194,140,35,
+ 13,249,201,37,216,68,45,87,58,18,10,106,11,132,241,
+ 71,170,225,216,197,212,29,107,36,80,189,184,202,56,
+ 86,213,45,70,34,74,71,48,137,79,212,194,172,151,57,
+ 57,30,126,24,157,198,101,220,84,162,89,105,185,245,
+ 76,105,212,176,25,6,148,49,194,106,253,241,212,200,
+ 37,154,227,53,49,216,72,82,163>>.
client_hello_versions(?'TLS_v1.3') ->
@@ -739,10 +782,13 @@ key_share_entry_list(N, Pool, Acc) ->
key_exchange = P},
key_share_entry_list(N - 1, Pool -- [G], [KeyShareEntry|Acc]).
+%% TODO: fix curve generation
when Group =:= secp256r1 orelse
Group =:= secp384r1 orelse
- Group =:= secp521r1 ->
+ Group =:= secp521r1 orelse
+ Group =:= x448 orelse
+ Group =:= x25519 ->
#'ECPrivateKey'{publicKey = PublicKey} =
public_key:generate_key({namedCurve, secp256r1}),
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_ECC_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_ECC_SUITE.erl
index a5309e866b..ca8d0ec70c 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_ECC_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_ECC_SUITE.erl
@@ -212,53 +212,61 @@ client_ecdsa_server_ecdsa_with_raw_key(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ecc_default_order(Config) ->
Default = ssl_test_lib:default_cert_chain_conf(),
+ DefaultCurve = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0))),
{COpts0, SOpts0} = ssl_test_lib:make_ec_cert_chains([{server_chain, Default},
{client_chain, Default}],
- ecdhe_ecdsa, ecdhe_ecdsa, Config),
+ ecdhe_ecdsa, ecdhe_ecdsa,
+ Config, DefaultCurve),
COpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(COpts0, Config),
SOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(SOpts0, Config),
ECCOpts = [],
- case ssl_test_lib:supported_eccs([{eccs, [sect571r1]}]) of
- true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(sect571r1, COpts, SOpts, [], ECCOpts, Config);
+ case ssl_test_lib:supported_eccs([{eccs, [DefaultCurve]}]) of
+ true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(DefaultCurve, COpts, SOpts, [], ECCOpts, Config);
false -> {skip, "unsupported named curves"}
ecc_default_order_custom_curves(Config) ->
Default = ssl_test_lib:default_cert_chain_conf(),
+ DefaultCurve = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0))),
{COpts0, SOpts0} = ssl_test_lib:make_ec_cert_chains([{server_chain, Default},
{client_chain, Default}],
- ecdhe_ecdsa, ecdhe_ecdsa, Config),
+ ecdhe_ecdsa, ecdhe_ecdsa,
+ Config, DefaultCurve),
COpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(COpts0, Config),
SOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(SOpts0, Config),
- ECCOpts = [{eccs, [secp256r1, sect571r1]}],
+ ECCOpts = [{eccs, [secp256r1, DefaultCurve]}],
case ssl_test_lib:supported_eccs(ECCOpts) of
- true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(sect571r1, COpts, SOpts, [], ECCOpts, Config);
+ true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(DefaultCurve, COpts, SOpts, [], ECCOpts, Config);
false -> {skip, "unsupported named curves"}
ecc_client_order(Config) ->
Default = ssl_test_lib:default_cert_chain_conf(),
+ DefaultCurve = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0))),
{COpts0, SOpts0} = ssl_test_lib:make_ec_cert_chains([{server_chain, Default},
{client_chain, Default}],
- ecdhe_ecdsa, ecdhe_ecdsa, Config),
+ ecdhe_ecdsa, ecdhe_ecdsa,
+ Config, DefaultCurve),
COpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(COpts0, Config),
SOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(SOpts0, Config),
ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, false}],
- case ssl_test_lib:supported_eccs([{eccs, [sect571r1]}]) of
- true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(sect571r1, COpts, SOpts, [], ECCOpts, Config);
+ case ssl_test_lib:supported_eccs([{eccs, [DefaultCurve]}]) of
+ true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(DefaultCurve, COpts, SOpts, [], ECCOpts, Config);
false -> {skip, "unsupported named curves"}
ecc_client_order_custom_curves(Config) ->
Default = ssl_test_lib:default_cert_chain_conf(),
+ DefaultCurve = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0))),
{COpts0, SOpts0} = ssl_test_lib:make_ec_cert_chains([{server_chain, Default},
{client_chain, Default}],
- ecdhe_ecdsa, ecdhe_ecdsa, Config),
+ ecdhe_ecdsa, ecdhe_ecdsa,
+ Config, DefaultCurve),
COpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(COpts0, Config),
SOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(SOpts0, Config),
- ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, false}, {eccs, [secp256r1, sect571r1]}],
+ ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, false}, {eccs, [secp256r1, DefaultCurve]}],
case ssl_test_lib:supported_eccs(ECCOpts) of
- true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(sect571r1, COpts, SOpts, [], ECCOpts, Config);
+ true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(DefaultCurve, COpts, SOpts, [], ECCOpts, Config);
false -> {skip, "unsupported named curves"}
@@ -274,12 +282,13 @@ ecc_unknown_curve(Config) ->
client_ecdh_rsa_server_ecdhe_ecdsa_server_custom(Config) ->
Default = ssl_test_lib:default_cert_chain_conf(),
+ DefaultCurve = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0))),
{COpts0, SOpts0} = ssl_test_lib:make_ec_cert_chains([{server_chain, Default},
{client_chain, Default}],
ecdh_rsa, ecdhe_ecdsa, Config),
COpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(COpts0, Config),
SOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(SOpts0, Config),
- ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, true}, {eccs, [secp256r1, sect571r1]}],
+ ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, true}, {eccs, [secp256r1, DefaultCurve]}],
case ssl_test_lib:supported_eccs(ECCOpts) of
true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(secp256r1, COpts, SOpts, [], ECCOpts, Config);
false -> {skip, "unsupported named curves"}
@@ -287,12 +296,13 @@ client_ecdh_rsa_server_ecdhe_ecdsa_server_custom(Config) ->
client_ecdh_rsa_server_ecdhe_rsa_server_custom(Config) ->
Default = ssl_test_lib:default_cert_chain_conf(),
+ DefaultCurve = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0))),
{COpts0, SOpts0} = ssl_test_lib:make_ec_cert_chains([{server_chain, Default},
{client_chain, Default}],
ecdh_rsa, ecdhe_rsa, Config),
COpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(COpts0, Config),
SOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(SOpts0, Config),
- ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, true}, {eccs, [secp256r1, sect571r1]}],
+ ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, true}, {eccs, [secp256r1, DefaultCurve]}],
case ssl_test_lib:supported_eccs(ECCOpts) of
true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(secp256r1, COpts, SOpts, [], ECCOpts, Config);
@@ -301,12 +311,13 @@ client_ecdh_rsa_server_ecdhe_rsa_server_custom(Config) ->
client_ecdhe_rsa_server_ecdhe_ecdsa_server_custom(Config) ->
Default = ssl_test_lib:default_cert_chain_conf(),
+ DefaultCurve = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0))),
{COpts0, SOpts0} = ssl_test_lib:make_ec_cert_chains([{server_chain, Default},
{client_chain, Default}],
ecdhe_rsa, ecdhe_ecdsa, Config),
COpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(COpts0, Config),
SOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(SOpts0, Config),
- ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, true}, {eccs, [secp256r1, sect571r1]}],
+ ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, true}, {eccs, [secp256r1, DefaultCurve]}],
case ssl_test_lib:supported_eccs(ECCOpts) of
true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(secp256r1, COpts, SOpts, [], ECCOpts, Config);
false -> {skip, "unsupported named curves"}
@@ -314,19 +325,21 @@ client_ecdhe_rsa_server_ecdhe_ecdsa_server_custom(Config) ->
client_ecdhe_rsa_server_ecdhe_rsa_server_custom(Config) ->
Default = ssl_test_lib:default_cert_chain_conf(),
+ DefaultCurve = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0))),
{COpts0, SOpts0} = ssl_test_lib:make_ec_cert_chains([{server_chain, Default},
{client_chain, Default}],
ecdhe_rsa, ecdhe_rsa, Config),
COpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(COpts0, Config),
SOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(SOpts0, Config),
- ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, true}, {eccs, [secp256r1, sect571r1]}],
+ ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, true}, {eccs, [secp256r1, DefaultCurve]}],
case ssl_test_lib:supported_eccs(ECCOpts) of
true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(secp256r1, COpts, SOpts, [], ECCOpts, Config);
false -> {skip, "unsupported named curves"}
client_ecdhe_rsa_server_ecdh_rsa_server_custom(Config) ->
Default = ssl_test_lib:default_cert_chain_conf(),
+ DefaultCurve = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0))),
Ext = x509_test:extensions([{key_usage, [keyEncipherment]}]),
{COpts0, SOpts0} = ssl_test_lib:make_ec_cert_chains([{server_chain, [[], [], [{extensions, Ext}]]},
{client_chain, Default}],
@@ -334,8 +347,8 @@ client_ecdhe_rsa_server_ecdh_rsa_server_custom(Config) ->
COpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(COpts0, Config),
SOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(SOpts0, Config),
- ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, true}, {eccs, [secp256r1, sect571r1]}],
- Expected = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0))), %% The certificate curve
+ ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, true}, {eccs, [secp256r1, DefaultCurve]}],
+ Expected = secp256r1, %% The certificate curve
case ssl_test_lib:supported_eccs(ECCOpts) of
true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(Expected, COpts, SOpts, [], ECCOpts, Config);
@@ -344,12 +357,13 @@ client_ecdhe_rsa_server_ecdh_rsa_server_custom(Config) ->
client_ecdhe_ecdsa_server_ecdhe_ecdsa_server_custom(Config) ->
Default = ssl_test_lib:default_cert_chain_conf(),
+ DefaultCurve = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0))),
{COpts0, SOpts0} = ssl_test_lib:make_ec_cert_chains([{server_chain, Default},
{client_chain, Default}],
ecdhe_ecdsa, ecdhe_ecdsa, Config),
COpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(COpts0, Config),
SOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(SOpts0, Config),
- ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, true}, {eccs, [secp256r1, sect571r1]}],
+ ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, true}, {eccs, [secp256r1, DefaultCurve]}],
case ssl_test_lib:supported_eccs(ECCOpts) of
true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(secp256r1, COpts, SOpts, [], ECCOpts, Config);
false -> {skip, "unsupported named curves"}
@@ -357,12 +371,13 @@ client_ecdhe_ecdsa_server_ecdhe_ecdsa_server_custom(Config) ->
client_ecdhe_ecdsa_server_ecdhe_rsa_server_custom(Config) ->
Default = ssl_test_lib:default_cert_chain_conf(),
+ DefaultCurve = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0))),
{COpts0, SOpts0} = ssl_test_lib:make_ec_cert_chains([{server_chain, Default},
{client_chain, Default}],
ecdhe_ecdsa, ecdhe_rsa, Config),
COpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(COpts0, Config),
SOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(SOpts0, Config),
- ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, true}, {eccs, [secp256r1, sect571r1]}],
+ ECCOpts = [{honor_ecc_order, true}, {eccs, [secp256r1, DefaultCurve]}],
case ssl_test_lib:supported_eccs(ECCOpts) of
true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(secp256r1, COpts, SOpts, [], ECCOpts, Config);
false -> {skip, "unsupported named curves"}
@@ -370,12 +385,13 @@ client_ecdhe_ecdsa_server_ecdhe_rsa_server_custom(Config) ->
client_ecdhe_ecdsa_server_ecdhe_ecdsa_client_custom(Config) ->
Default = ssl_test_lib:default_cert_chain_conf(),
+ DefaultCurve = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0))),
{COpts0, SOpts0} = ssl_test_lib:make_ec_cert_chains([{server_chain, Default},
{client_chain, Default}],
ecdhe_ecdsa, ecdhe_ecdsa, Config),
COpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(COpts0, Config),
SOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(SOpts0, Config),
- ECCOpts = [{eccs, [secp256r1, sect571r1]}],
+ ECCOpts = [{eccs, [secp256r1, DefaultCurve]}],
case ssl_test_lib:supported_eccs(ECCOpts) of
true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(secp256r1, COpts, SOpts, ECCOpts, [], Config);
false -> {skip, "unsupported named curves"}
@@ -383,12 +399,13 @@ client_ecdhe_ecdsa_server_ecdhe_ecdsa_client_custom(Config) ->
client_ecdhe_rsa_server_ecdhe_ecdsa_client_custom(Config) ->
Default = ssl_test_lib:default_cert_chain_conf(),
+ DefaultCurve = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0))),
{COpts0, SOpts0} = ssl_test_lib:make_ec_cert_chains([{server_chain, Default},
{client_chain, Default}],
ecdhe_rsa, ecdhe_ecdsa, Config),
COpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(COpts0, Config),
SOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(SOpts0, Config),
- ECCOpts = [{eccs, [secp256r1, sect571r1]}],
+ ECCOpts = [{eccs, [secp256r1, DefaultCurve]}],
case ssl_test_lib:supported_eccs(ECCOpts) of
true -> ssl_test_lib:ecc_test(secp256r1, COpts, SOpts, ECCOpts, [], Config);
false -> {skip, "unsupported named curves"}
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_basic_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_basic_SUITE.erl
index 0727505dde..f4ecc4dc33 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_basic_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_basic_SUITE.erl
@@ -272,7 +272,9 @@ rizzo_tests() ->
tls13_test_group() ->
- tls_record_1_3_encode_decode].
+ tls_record_1_3_encode_decode,
+ tls13_finished_verify_data,
+ tls13_1_RTT_handshake].
init_per_suite(Config0) ->
@@ -4533,6 +4535,632 @@ tls_record_1_3_encode_decode(_Config) ->
ct:log("Decoded: ~p ~n", [DecodedText]),
+tls13_1_RTT_handshake() ->
+ [{doc,"Test TLS 1.3 1-RTT Handshake"}].
+tls13_1_RTT_handshake(_Config) ->
+ %% ConnectionStates with NULL cipher
+ ConnStatesNull =
+ #{current_write =>
+ #{security_parameters =>
+ #security_parameters{cipher_suite = ?TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL},
+ sequence_number => 0
+ }
+ },
+ %% {client} construct a ClientHello handshake message:
+ %%
+ %% ClientHello (196 octets): 01 00 00 c0 03 03 cb 34 ec b1 e7 81 63
+ %% ba 1c 38 c6 da cb 19 6a 6d ff a2 1a 8d 99 12 ec 18 a2 ef 62 83
+ %% 02 4d ec e7 00 00 06 13 01 13 03 13 02 01 00 00 91 00 00 00 0b
+ %% 00 09 00 00 06 73 65 72 76 65 72 ff 01 00 01 00 00 0a 00 14 00
+ %% 12 00 1d 00 17 00 18 00 19 01 00 01 01 01 02 01 03 01 04 00 23
+ %% 00 00 00 33 00 26 00 24 00 1d 00 20 99 38 1d e5 60 e4 bd 43 d2
+ %% 3d 8e 43 5a 7d ba fe b3 c0 6e 51 c1 3c ae 4d 54 13 69 1e 52 9a
+ %% af 2c 00 2b 00 03 02 03 04 00 0d 00 20 00 1e 04 03 05 03 06 03
+ %% 02 03 08 04 08 05 08 06 04 01 05 01 06 01 02 01 04 02 05 02 06
+ %% 02 02 02 00 2d 00 02 01 01 00 1c 00 02 40 01
+ %%
+ %% {client} send handshake record:
+ %%
+ %% payload (196 octets): 01 00 00 c0 03 03 cb 34 ec b1 e7 81 63 ba
+ %% 1c 38 c6 da cb 19 6a 6d ff a2 1a 8d 99 12 ec 18 a2 ef 62 83 02
+ %% 4d ec e7 00 00 06 13 01 13 03 13 02 01 00 00 91 00 00 00 0b 00
+ %% 09 00 00 06 73 65 72 76 65 72 ff 01 00 01 00 00 0a 00 14 00 12
+ %% 00 1d 00 17 00 18 00 19 01 00 01 01 01 02 01 03 01 04 00 23 00
+ %% 00 00 33 00 26 00 24 00 1d 00 20 99 38 1d e5 60 e4 bd 43 d2 3d
+ %% 8e 43 5a 7d ba fe b3 c0 6e 51 c1 3c ae 4d 54 13 69 1e 52 9a af
+ %% 2c 00 2b 00 03 02 03 04 00 0d 00 20 00 1e 04 03 05 03 06 03 02
+ %% 03 08 04 08 05 08 06 04 01 05 01 06 01 02 01 04 02 05 02 06 02
+ %% 02 02 00 2d 00 02 01 01 00 1c 00 02 40 01
+ %%
+ %% complete record (201 octets): 16 03 01 00 c4 01 00 00 c0 03 03 cb
+ %% 34 ec b1 e7 81 63 ba 1c 38 c6 da cb 19 6a 6d ff a2 1a 8d 99 12
+ %% ec 18 a2 ef 62 83 02 4d ec e7 00 00 06 13 01 13 03 13 02 01 00
+ %% 00 91 00 00 00 0b 00 09 00 00 06 73 65 72 76 65 72 ff 01 00 01
+ %% 00 00 0a 00 14 00 12 00 1d 00 17 00 18 00 19 01 00 01 01 01 02
+ %% 01 03 01 04 00 23 00 00 00 33 00 26 00 24 00 1d 00 20 99 38 1d
+ %% e5 60 e4 bd 43 d2 3d 8e 43 5a 7d ba fe b3 c0 6e 51 c1 3c ae 4d
+ %% 54 13 69 1e 52 9a af 2c 00 2b 00 03 02 03 04 00 0d 00 20 00 1e
+ %% 04 03 05 03 06 03 02 03 08 04 08 05 08 06 04 01 05 01 06 01 02
+ %% 01 04 02 05 02 06 02 02 02 00 2d 00 02 01 01 00 1c 00 02 40 01
+ ClientHello =
+ hexstr2bin("01 00 00 c0 03 03 cb 34 ec b1 e7 81 63
+ ba 1c 38 c6 da cb 19 6a 6d ff a2 1a 8d 99 12 ec 18 a2 ef 62 83
+ 02 4d ec e7 00 00 06 13 01 13 03 13 02 01 00 00 91 00 00 00 0b
+ 00 09 00 00 06 73 65 72 76 65 72 ff 01 00 01 00 00 0a 00 14 00
+ 12 00 1d 00 17 00 18 00 19 01 00 01 01 01 02 01 03 01 04 00 23
+ 00 00 00 33 00 26 00 24 00 1d 00 20 99 38 1d e5 60 e4 bd 43 d2
+ 3d 8e 43 5a 7d ba fe b3 c0 6e 51 c1 3c ae 4d 54 13 69 1e 52 9a
+ af 2c 00 2b 00 03 02 03 04 00 0d 00 20 00 1e 04 03 05 03 06 03
+ 02 03 08 04 08 05 08 06 04 01 05 01 06 01 02 01 04 02 05 02 06
+ 02 02 02 00 2d 00 02 01 01 00 1c 00 02 40 01"),
+ ClientHelloRecord =
+ %% Current implementation always sets
+ %% legacy_record_version to Ox0303
+ hexstr2bin("16 03 03 00 c4 01 00 00 c0 03 03 cb
+ 34 ec b1 e7 81 63 ba 1c 38 c6 da cb 19 6a 6d ff a2 1a 8d 99 12
+ ec 18 a2 ef 62 83 02 4d ec e7 00 00 06 13 01 13 03 13 02 01 00
+ 00 91 00 00 00 0b 00 09 00 00 06 73 65 72 76 65 72 ff 01 00 01
+ 00 00 0a 00 14 00 12 00 1d 00 17 00 18 00 19 01 00 01 01 01 02
+ 01 03 01 04 00 23 00 00 00 33 00 26 00 24 00 1d 00 20 99 38 1d
+ e5 60 e4 bd 43 d2 3d 8e 43 5a 7d ba fe b3 c0 6e 51 c1 3c ae 4d
+ 54 13 69 1e 52 9a af 2c 00 2b 00 03 02 03 04 00 0d 00 20 00 1e
+ 04 03 05 03 06 03 02 03 08 04 08 05 08 06 04 01 05 01 06 01 02
+ 01 04 02 05 02 06 02 02 02 00 2d 00 02 01 01 00 1c 00 02 40 01"),
+ {CHEncrypted, _} =
+ tls_record:encode_handshake(ClientHello, {3,4}, ConnStatesNull),
+ ClientHelloRecord = iolist_to_binary(CHEncrypted),
+ %% {server} extract secret "early":
+ %%
+ %% salt: 0 (all zero octets)
+ %%
+ %% IKM (32 octets): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ %% 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ %%
+ %% secret (32 octets): 33 ad 0a 1c 60 7e c0 3b 09 e6 cd 98 93 68 0c
+ %% e2 10 ad f3 00 aa 1f 26 60 e1 b2 2e 10 f1 70 f9 2a
+ HKDFAlgo = sha256,
+ Salt = binary:copy(<<?BYTE(0)>>, 32),
+ IKM = binary:copy(<<?BYTE(0)>>, 32),
+ EarlySecret =
+ hexstr2bin("33 ad 0a 1c 60 7e c0 3b 09 e6 cd 98 93 68 0c
+ e2 10 ad f3 00 aa 1f 26 60 e1 b2 2e 10 f1 70 f9 2a"),
+ {early_secret, EarlySecret} = tls_v1:key_schedule(early_secret, HKDFAlgo, {psk, Salt}),
+ %% {client} create an ephemeral x25519 key pair:
+ %%
+ %% private key (32 octets): 49 af 42 ba 7f 79 94 85 2d 71 3e f2 78
+ %% 4b cb ca a7 91 1d e2 6a dc 56 42 cb 63 45 40 e7 ea 50 05
+ %%
+ %% public key (32 octets): 99 38 1d e5 60 e4 bd 43 d2 3d 8e 43 5a 7d
+ %% ba fe b3 c0 6e 51 c1 3c ae 4d 54 13 69 1e 52 9a af 2c
+ CPublicKey =
+ hexstr2bin("99 38 1d e5 60 e4 bd 43 d2 3d 8e 43 5a 7d
+ ba fe b3 c0 6e 51 c1 3c ae 4d 54 13 69 1e 52 9a af 2c"),
+ %% {server} create an ephemeral x25519 key pair:
+ %%
+ %% private key (32 octets): b1 58 0e ea df 6d d5 89 b8 ef 4f 2d 56
+ %% 52 57 8c c8 10 e9 98 01 91 ec 8d 05 83 08 ce a2 16 a2 1e
+ %%
+ %% public key (32 octets): c9 82 88 76 11 20 95 fe 66 76 2b db f7 c6
+ %% 72 e1 56 d6 cc 25 3b 83 3d f1 dd 69 b1 b0 4e 75 1f 0f
+ SPrivateKey =
+ hexstr2bin("b1 58 0e ea df 6d d5 89 b8 ef 4f 2d 56
+ 52 57 8c c8 10 e9 98 01 91 ec 8d 05 83 08 ce a2 16 a2 1e"),
+ SPublicKey =
+ hexstr2bin("c9 82 88 76 11 20 95 fe 66 76 2b db f7 c6
+ 72 e1 56 d6 cc 25 3b 83 3d f1 dd 69 b1 b0 4e 75 1f 0f"),
+ %% {server} construct a ServerHello handshake message:
+ %%
+ %% ServerHello (90 octets): 02 00 00 56 03 03 a6 af 06 a4 12 18 60
+ %% dc 5e 6e 60 24 9c d3 4c 95 93 0c 8a c5 cb 14 34 da c1 55 77 2e
+ %% d3 e2 69 28 00 13 01 00 00 2e 00 33 00 24 00 1d 00 20 c9 82 88
+ %% 76 11 20 95 fe 66 76 2b db f7 c6 72 e1 56 d6 cc 25 3b 83 3d f1
+ %% dd 69 b1 b0 4e 75 1f 0f 00 2b 00 02 03 04
+ ServerHello =
+ hexstr2bin("02 00 00 56 03 03 a6 af 06 a4 12 18 60
+ dc 5e 6e 60 24 9c d3 4c 95 93 0c 8a c5 cb 14 34 da c1 55 77 2e
+ d3 e2 69 28 00 13 01 00 00 2e 00 33 00 24 00 1d 00 20 c9 82 88
+ 76 11 20 95 fe 66 76 2b db f7 c6 72 e1 56 d6 cc 25 3b 83 3d f1
+ dd 69 b1 b0 4e 75 1f 0f 00 2b 00 02 03 04"),
+ %% {server} derive secret for handshake "tls13 derived":
+ %%
+ %% PRK (32 octets): 33 ad 0a 1c 60 7e c0 3b 09 e6 cd 98 93 68 0c e2
+ %% 10 ad f3 00 aa 1f 26 60 e1 b2 2e 10 f1 70 f9 2a
+ %%
+ %% hash (32 octets): e3 b0 c4 42 98 fc 1c 14 9a fb f4 c8 99 6f b9 24
+ %% 27 ae 41 e4 64 9b 93 4c a4 95 99 1b 78 52 b8 55
+ %%
+ %% info (49 octets): 00 20 0d 74 6c 73 31 33 20 64 65 72 69 76 65 64
+ %% 20 e3 b0 c4 42 98 fc 1c 14 9a fb f4 c8 99 6f b9 24 27 ae 41 e4
+ %% 64 9b 93 4c a4 95 99 1b 78 52 b8 55
+ %%
+ %% expanded (32 octets): 6f 26 15 a1 08 c7 02 c5 67 8f 54 fc 9d ba
+ %% b6 97 16 c0 76 18 9c 48 25 0c eb ea c3 57 6c 36 11 ba
+ Hash =
+ hexstr2bin("e3 b0 c4 42 98 fc 1c 14 9a fb f4 c8 99 6f b9 24
+ 27 ae 41 e4 64 9b 93 4c a4 95 99 1b 78 52 b8 55"),
+ Hash = crypto:hash(HKDFAlgo, <<>>),
+ Info =
+ hexstr2bin("00 20 0d 74 6c 73 31 33 20 64 65 72 69 76 65 64
+ 20 e3 b0 c4 42 98 fc 1c 14 9a fb f4 c8 99 6f b9 24 27 ae 41 e4
+ 64 9b 93 4c a4 95 99 1b 78 52 b8 55"),
+ Info = tls_v1:create_info(<<"derived">>, Hash, ssl_cipher:hash_size(HKDFAlgo)),
+ Expanded =
+ hexstr2bin("6f 26 15 a1 08 c7 02 c5 67 8f 54 fc 9d ba
+ b6 97 16 c0 76 18 9c 48 25 0c eb ea c3 57 6c 36 11 ba"),
+ Expanded = tls_v1:derive_secret(EarlySecret, <<"derived">>, <<>>, HKDFAlgo),
+ %% {server} extract secret "handshake":
+ %%
+ %% salt (32 octets): 6f 26 15 a1 08 c7 02 c5 67 8f 54 fc 9d ba b6 97
+ %% 16 c0 76 18 9c 48 25 0c eb ea c3 57 6c 36 11 ba
+ %%
+ %% IKM (32 octets): 8b d4 05 4f b5 5b 9d 63 fd fb ac f9 f0 4b 9f 0d
+ %% 35 e6 d6 3f 53 75 63 ef d4 62 72 90 0f 89 49 2d
+ %%
+ %% secret (32 octets): 1d c8 26 e9 36 06 aa 6f dc 0a ad c1 2f 74 1b
+ %% 01 04 6a a6 b9 9f 69 1e d2 21 a9 f0 ca 04 3f be ac
+ %% salt = Expanded
+ HandshakeIKM =
+ hexstr2bin("8b d4 05 4f b5 5b 9d 63 fd fb ac f9 f0 4b 9f 0d
+ 35 e6 d6 3f 53 75 63 ef d4 62 72 90 0f 89 49 2d"),
+ HandshakeSecret =
+ hexstr2bin("1d c8 26 e9 36 06 aa 6f dc 0a ad c1 2f 74 1b
+ 01 04 6a a6 b9 9f 69 1e d2 21 a9 f0 ca 04 3f be ac"),
+ HandshakeIKM = crypto:compute_key(ecdh, CPublicKey, SPrivateKey, x25519),
+ {handshake_secret, HandshakeSecret} =
+ tls_v1:key_schedule(handshake_secret, HKDFAlgo, HandshakeIKM,
+ {early_secret, EarlySecret}),
+ %% {server} derive secret "tls13 c hs traffic":
+ %%
+ %% PRK (32 octets): 1d c8 26 e9 36 06 aa 6f dc 0a ad c1 2f 74 1b 01
+ %% 04 6a a6 b9 9f 69 1e d2 21 a9 f0 ca 04 3f be ac
+ %%
+ %% hash (32 octets): 86 0c 06 ed c0 78 58 ee 8e 78 f0 e7 42 8c 58 ed
+ %% d6 b4 3f 2c a3 e6 e9 5f 02 ed 06 3c f0 e1 ca d8
+ %%
+ %% info (54 octets): 00 20 12 74 6c 73 31 33 20 63 20 68 73 20 74 72
+ %% 61 66 66 69 63 20 86 0c 06 ed c0 78 58 ee 8e 78 f0 e7 42 8c 58
+ %% ed d6 b4 3f 2c a3 e6 e9 5f 02 ed 06 3c f0 e1 ca d8
+ %%
+ %% expanded (32 octets): b3 ed db 12 6e 06 7f 35 a7 80 b3 ab f4 5e
+ %% 2d 8f 3b 1a 95 07 38 f5 2e 96 00 74 6a 0e 27 a5 5a 21
+ %% PRK = HandshakeSecret
+ CHSTHash =
+ hexstr2bin("86 0c 06 ed c0 78 58 ee 8e 78 f0 e7 42 8c 58 ed
+ d6 b4 3f 2c a3 e6 e9 5f 02 ed 06 3c f0 e1 ca d8"),
+ CHSTInfo =
+ hexstr2bin("00 20 12 74 6c 73 31 33 20 63 20 68 73 20 74 72
+ 61 66 66 69 63 20 86 0c 06 ed c0 78 58 ee 8e 78 f0 e7 42 8c 58
+ ed d6 b4 3f 2c a3 e6 e9 5f 02 ed 06 3c f0 e1 ca d8"),
+ CHSTrafficSecret =
+ hexstr2bin(" b3 ed db 12 6e 06 7f 35 a7 80 b3 ab f4 5e
+ 2d 8f 3b 1a 95 07 38 f5 2e 96 00 74 6a 0e 27 a5 5a 21"),
+ CHSH = <<ClientHello/binary,ServerHello/binary>>,
+ CHSTHash = crypto:hash(HKDFAlgo, CHSH),
+ CHSTInfo = tls_v1:create_info(<<"c hs traffic">>, CHSTHash, ssl_cipher:hash_size(HKDFAlgo)),
+ CHSTrafficSecret =
+ tls_v1:client_handshake_traffic_secret(HKDFAlgo, {handshake_secret, HandshakeSecret}, CHSH),
+ %% {server} derive secret "tls13 s hs traffic":
+ %%
+ %% PRK (32 octets): 1d c8 26 e9 36 06 aa 6f dc 0a ad c1 2f 74 1b 01
+ %% 04 6a a6 b9 9f 69 1e d2 21 a9 f0 ca 04 3f be ac
+ %%
+ %% hash (32 octets): 86 0c 06 ed c0 78 58 ee 8e 78 f0 e7 42 8c 58 ed
+ %% d6 b4 3f 2c a3 e6 e9 5f 02 ed 06 3c f0 e1 ca d8
+ %%
+ %% info (54 octets): 00 20 12 74 6c 73 31 33 20 73 20 68 73 20 74 72
+ %% 61 66 66 69 63 20 86 0c 06 ed c0 78 58 ee 8e 78 f0 e7 42 8c 58
+ %% ed d6 b4 3f 2c a3 e6 e9 5f 02 ed 06 3c f0 e1 ca d8
+ %%
+ %% expanded (32 octets): b6 7b 7d 69 0c c1 6c 4e 75 e5 42 13 cb 2d
+ %% 37 b4 e9 c9 12 bc de d9 10 5d 42 be fd 59 d3 91 ad 38
+ %% PRK = HandshakeSecret
+ %% hash = CHSTHash
+ SHSTInfo =
+ hexstr2bin("00 20 12 74 6c 73 31 33 20 73 20 68 73 20 74 72
+ 61 66 66 69 63 20 86 0c 06 ed c0 78 58 ee 8e 78 f0 e7 42 8c 58
+ ed d6 b4 3f 2c a3 e6 e9 5f 02 ed 06 3c f0 e1 ca d8"),
+ SHSTrafficSecret =
+ hexstr2bin("b6 7b 7d 69 0c c1 6c 4e 75 e5 42 13 cb 2d
+ 37 b4 e9 c9 12 bc de d9 10 5d 42 be fd 59 d3 91 ad 38"),
+ SHSTInfo = tls_v1:create_info(<<"s hs traffic">>, CHSTHash, ssl_cipher:hash_size(HKDFAlgo)),
+ SHSTrafficSecret =
+ tls_v1:server_handshake_traffic_secret(HKDFAlgo, {handshake_secret, HandshakeSecret}, CHSH),
+ %% {server} derive secret for master "tls13 derived":
+ %%
+ %% PRK (32 octets): 1d c8 26 e9 36 06 aa 6f dc 0a ad c1 2f 74 1b 01
+ %% 04 6a a6 b9 9f 69 1e d2 21 a9 f0 ca 04 3f be ac
+ %%
+ %% hash (32 octets): e3 b0 c4 42 98 fc 1c 14 9a fb f4 c8 99 6f b9 24
+ %% 27 ae 41 e4 64 9b 93 4c a4 95 99 1b 78 52 b8 55
+ %%
+ %% info (49 octets): 00 20 0d 74 6c 73 31 33 20 64 65 72 69 76 65 64
+ %% 20 e3 b0 c4 42 98 fc 1c 14 9a fb f4 c8 99 6f b9 24 27 ae 41 e4
+ %% 64 9b 93 4c a4 95 99 1b 78 52 b8 55
+ %%
+ %% expanded (32 octets): 43 de 77 e0 c7 77 13 85 9a 94 4d b9 db 25
+ %% 90 b5 31 90 a6 5b 3e e2 e4 f1 2d d7 a0 bb 7c e2 54 b4
+ %% PRK = HandshakeSecret
+ %% hash = Hash
+ %% info = Info
+ MasterDeriveSecret =
+ hexstr2bin("43 de 77 e0 c7 77 13 85 9a 94 4d b9 db 25
+ 90 b5 31 90 a6 5b 3e e2 e4 f1 2d d7 a0 bb 7c e2 54 b4"),
+ MasterDeriveSecret = tls_v1:derive_secret(HandshakeSecret, <<"derived">>, <<>>, HKDFAlgo),
+ %% {server} extract secret "master":
+ %%
+ %% salt (32 octets): 43 de 77 e0 c7 77 13 85 9a 94 4d b9 db 25 90 b5
+ %% 31 90 a6 5b 3e e2 e4 f1 2d d7 a0 bb 7c e2 54 b4
+ %%
+ %% IKM (32 octets): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ %% 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ %%
+ %% secret (32 octets): 18 df 06 84 3d 13 a0 8b f2 a4 49 84 4c 5f 8a
+ %% 47 80 01 bc 4d 4c 62 79 84 d5 a4 1d a8 d0 40 29 19
+ %% salt = MasterDeriveSecret
+ %% IKM = IKM
+ MasterSecret =
+ hexstr2bin("18 df 06 84 3d 13 a0 8b f2 a4 49 84 4c 5f 8a
+ 47 80 01 bc 4d 4c 62 79 84 d5 a4 1d a8 d0 40 29 19"),
+ {master_secret, MasterSecret} =
+ tls_v1:key_schedule(master_secret, HKDFAlgo, {handshake_secret, HandshakeSecret}),
+ %% {server} send handshake record:
+ %%
+ %% payload (90 octets): 02 00 00 56 03 03 a6 af 06 a4 12 18 60 dc 5e
+ %% 6e 60 24 9c d3 4c 95 93 0c 8a c5 cb 14 34 da c1 55 77 2e d3 e2
+ %% 69 28 00 13 01 00 00 2e 00 33 00 24 00 1d 00 20 c9 82 88 76 11
+ %% 20 95 fe 66 76 2b db f7 c6 72 e1 56 d6 cc 25 3b 83 3d f1 dd 69
+ %% b1 b0 4e 75 1f 0f 00 2b 00 02 03 04
+ %%
+ %% complete record (95 octets): 16 03 03 00 5a 02 00 00 56 03 03 a6
+ %% af 06 a4 12 18 60 dc 5e 6e 60 24 9c d3 4c 95 93 0c 8a c5 cb 14
+ %% 34 da c1 55 77 2e d3 e2 69 28 00 13 01 00 00 2e 00 33 00 24 00
+ %% 1d 00 20 c9 82 88 76 11 20 95 fe 66 76 2b db f7 c6 72 e1 56 d6
+ %% cc 25 3b 83 3d f1 dd 69 b1 b0 4e 75 1f 0f 00 2b 00 02 03 04
+ %% payload = ServerHello
+ ServerHelloRecord =
+ hexstr2bin("16 03 03 00 5a 02 00 00 56 03 03 a6
+ af 06 a4 12 18 60 dc 5e 6e 60 24 9c d3 4c 95 93 0c 8a c5 cb 14
+ 34 da c1 55 77 2e d3 e2 69 28 00 13 01 00 00 2e 00 33 00 24 00
+ 1d 00 20 c9 82 88 76 11 20 95 fe 66 76 2b db f7 c6 72 e1 56 d6
+ cc 25 3b 83 3d f1 dd 69 b1 b0 4e 75 1f 0f 00 2b 00 02 03 04"),
+ {SHEncrypted, _} =
+ tls_record:encode_handshake(ServerHello, {3,4}, ConnStatesNull),
+ ServerHelloRecord = iolist_to_binary(SHEncrypted),
+ %% {server} derive write traffic keys for handshake data:
+ %%
+ %% PRK (32 octets): b6 7b 7d 69 0c c1 6c 4e 75 e5 42 13 cb 2d 37 b4
+ %% e9 c9 12 bc de d9 10 5d 42 be fd 59 d3 91 ad 38
+ %%
+ %% key info (13 octets): 00 10 09 74 6c 73 31 33 20 6b 65 79 00
+ %%
+ %% key expanded (16 octets): 3f ce 51 60 09 c2 17 27 d0 f2 e4 e8 6e
+ %% e4 03 bc
+ %%
+ %% iv info (12 octets): 00 0c 08 74 6c 73 31 33 20 69 76 00
+ %%
+ %% iv expanded (12 octets): 5d 31 3e b2 67 12 76 ee 13 00 0b 30
+ %% PRK = SHSTrafficSecret
+ WriteKeyInfo =
+ hexstr2bin("00 10 09 74 6c 73 31 33 20 6b 65 79 00"),
+ WriteKey =
+ hexstr2bin("3f ce 51 60 09 c2 17 27 d0 f2 e4 e8 6e e4 03 bc"),
+ WriteIVInfo =
+ hexstr2bin("00 0c 08 74 6c 73 31 33 20 69 76 00"),
+ WriteIV =
+ hexstr2bin(" 5d 31 3e b2 67 12 76 ee 13 00 0b 30"),
+ Cipher = aes_128_gcm, %% TODO: get from ServerHello
+ WriteKeyInfo = tls_v1:create_info(<<"key">>, <<>>, ssl_cipher:key_material(Cipher)),
+ %% TODO: remove hardcoded IV size
+ WriteIVInfo = tls_v1:create_info(<<"iv">>, <<>>, 12),
+ {WriteKey, WriteIV} = tls_v1:calculate_traffic_keys(HKDFAlgo, Cipher, SHSTrafficSecret),
+ %% {server} construct an EncryptedExtensions handshake message:
+ %%
+ %% EncryptedExtensions (40 octets): 08 00 00 24 00 22 00 0a 00 14 00
+ %% 12 00 1d 00 17 00 18 00 19 01 00 01 01 01 02 01 03 01 04 00 1c
+ %% 00 02 40 01 00 00 00 00
+ %%
+ %% {server} construct a Certificate handshake message:
+ %%
+ %% Certificate (445 octets): 0b 00 01 b9 00 00 01 b5 00 01 b0 30 82
+ %% 01 ac 30 82 01 15 a0 03 02 01 02 02 01 02 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48
+ %% 86 f7 0d 01 01 0b 05 00 30 0e 31 0c 30 0a 06 03 55 04 03 13 03
+ %% 72 73 61 30 1e 17 0d 31 36 30 37 33 30 30 31 32 33 35 39 5a 17
+ %% 0d 32 36 30 37 33 30 30 31 32 33 35 39 5a 30 0e 31 0c 30 0a 06
+ %% 03 55 04 03 13 03 72 73 61 30 81 9f 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7
+ %% 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03 81 8d 00 30 81 89 02 81 81 00 b4 bb 49 8f
+ %% 82 79 30 3d 98 08 36 39 9b 36 c6 98 8c 0c 68 de 55 e1 bd b8 26
+ %% d3 90 1a 24 61 ea fd 2d e4 9a 91 d0 15 ab bc 9a 95 13 7a ce 6c
+ %% 1a f1 9e aa 6a f9 8c 7c ed 43 12 09 98 e1 87 a8 0e e0 cc b0 52
+ %% 4b 1b 01 8c 3e 0b 63 26 4d 44 9a 6d 38 e2 2a 5f da 43 08 46 74
+ %% 80 30 53 0e f0 46 1c 8c a9 d9 ef bf ae 8e a6 d1 d0 3e 2b d1 93
+ %% ef f0 ab 9a 80 02 c4 74 28 a6 d3 5a 8d 88 d7 9f 7f 1e 3f 02 03
+ %% 01 00 01 a3 1a 30 18 30 09 06 03 55 1d 13 04 02 30 00 30 0b 06
+ %% 03 55 1d 0f 04 04 03 02 05 a0 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01
+ %% 01 0b 05 00 03 81 81 00 85 aa d2 a0 e5 b9 27 6b 90 8c 65 f7 3a
+ %% 72 67 17 06 18 a5 4c 5f 8a 7b 33 7d 2d f7 a5 94 36 54 17 f2 ea
+ %% e8 f8 a5 8c 8f 81 72 f9 31 9c f3 6b 7f d6 c5 5b 80 f2 1a 03 01
+ %% 51 56 72 60 96 fd 33 5e 5e 67 f2 db f1 02 70 2e 60 8c ca e6 be
+ %% c1 fc 63 a4 2a 99 be 5c 3e b7 10 7c 3c 54 e9 b9 eb 2b d5 20 3b
+ %% 1c 3b 84 e0 a8 b2 f7 59 40 9b a3 ea c9 d9 1d 40 2d cc 0c c8 f8
+ %% 96 12 29 ac 91 87 b4 2b 4d e1 00 00
+ %%
+ %% {server} construct a CertificateVerify handshake message:
+ %%
+ %% CertificateVerify (136 octets): 0f 00 00 84 08 04 00 80 5a 74 7c
+ %% 5d 88 fa 9b d2 e5 5a b0 85 a6 10 15 b7 21 1f 82 4c d4 84 14 5a
+ %% b3 ff 52 f1 fd a8 47 7b 0b 7a bc 90 db 78 e2 d3 3a 5c 14 1a 07
+ %% 86 53 fa 6b ef 78 0c 5e a2 48 ee aa a7 85 c4 f3 94 ca b6 d3 0b
+ %% be 8d 48 59 ee 51 1f 60 29 57 b1 54 11 ac 02 76 71 45 9e 46 44
+ %% 5c 9e a5 8c 18 1e 81 8e 95 b8 c3 fb 0b f3 27 84 09 d3 be 15 2a
+ %% 3d a5 04 3e 06 3d da 65 cd f5 ae a2 0d 53 df ac d4 2f 74 f3
+ EncryptedExtensions =
+ hexstr2bin("08 00 00 24 00 22 00 0a 00 14 00
+ 12 00 1d 00 17 00 18 00 19 01 00 01 01 01 02 01 03 01 04 00 1c
+ 00 02 40 01 00 00 00 00"),
+ Certificate =
+ hexstr2bin("0b 00 01 b9 00 00 01 b5 00 01 b0 30 82
+ 01 ac 30 82 01 15 a0 03 02 01 02 02 01 02 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48
+ 86 f7 0d 01 01 0b 05 00 30 0e 31 0c 30 0a 06 03 55 04 03 13 03
+ 72 73 61 30 1e 17 0d 31 36 30 37 33 30 30 31 32 33 35 39 5a 17
+ 0d 32 36 30 37 33 30 30 31 32 33 35 39 5a 30 0e 31 0c 30 0a 06
+ 03 55 04 03 13 03 72 73 61 30 81 9f 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7
+ 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03 81 8d 00 30 81 89 02 81 81 00 b4 bb 49 8f
+ 82 79 30 3d 98 08 36 39 9b 36 c6 98 8c 0c 68 de 55 e1 bd b8 26
+ d3 90 1a 24 61 ea fd 2d e4 9a 91 d0 15 ab bc 9a 95 13 7a ce 6c
+ 1a f1 9e aa 6a f9 8c 7c ed 43 12 09 98 e1 87 a8 0e e0 cc b0 52
+ 4b 1b 01 8c 3e 0b 63 26 4d 44 9a 6d 38 e2 2a 5f da 43 08 46 74
+ 80 30 53 0e f0 46 1c 8c a9 d9 ef bf ae 8e a6 d1 d0 3e 2b d1 93
+ ef f0 ab 9a 80 02 c4 74 28 a6 d3 5a 8d 88 d7 9f 7f 1e 3f 02 03
+ 01 00 01 a3 1a 30 18 30 09 06 03 55 1d 13 04 02 30 00 30 0b 06
+ 03 55 1d 0f 04 04 03 02 05 a0 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01
+ 01 0b 05 00 03 81 81 00 85 aa d2 a0 e5 b9 27 6b 90 8c 65 f7 3a
+ 72 67 17 06 18 a5 4c 5f 8a 7b 33 7d 2d f7 a5 94 36 54 17 f2 ea
+ e8 f8 a5 8c 8f 81 72 f9 31 9c f3 6b 7f d6 c5 5b 80 f2 1a 03 01
+ 51 56 72 60 96 fd 33 5e 5e 67 f2 db f1 02 70 2e 60 8c ca e6 be
+ c1 fc 63 a4 2a 99 be 5c 3e b7 10 7c 3c 54 e9 b9 eb 2b d5 20 3b
+ 1c 3b 84 e0 a8 b2 f7 59 40 9b a3 ea c9 d9 1d 40 2d cc 0c c8 f8
+ 96 12 29 ac 91 87 b4 2b 4d e1 00 00"),
+ CertificateVerify =
+ hexstr2bin("0f 00 00 84 08 04 00 80 5a 74 7c
+ 5d 88 fa 9b d2 e5 5a b0 85 a6 10 15 b7 21 1f 82 4c d4 84 14 5a
+ b3 ff 52 f1 fd a8 47 7b 0b 7a bc 90 db 78 e2 d3 3a 5c 14 1a 07
+ 86 53 fa 6b ef 78 0c 5e a2 48 ee aa a7 85 c4 f3 94 ca b6 d3 0b
+ be 8d 48 59 ee 51 1f 60 29 57 b1 54 11 ac 02 76 71 45 9e 46 44
+ 5c 9e a5 8c 18 1e 81 8e 95 b8 c3 fb 0b f3 27 84 09 d3 be 15 2a
+ 3d a5 04 3e 06 3d da 65 cd f5 ae a2 0d 53 df ac d4 2f 74 f3"),
+ %% {server} calculate finished "tls13 finished":
+ %%
+ %% PRK (32 octets): b6 7b 7d 69 0c c1 6c 4e 75 e5 42 13 cb 2d 37 b4
+ %% e9 c9 12 bc de d9 10 5d 42 be fd 59 d3 91 ad 38
+ %%
+ %% hash (0 octets): (empty)
+ %%
+ %% info (18 octets): 00 20 0e 74 6c 73 31 33 20 66 69 6e 69 73 68 65
+ %% 64 00
+ %%
+ %% expanded (32 octets): 00 8d 3b 66 f8 16 ea 55 9f 96 b5 37 e8 85
+ %% c3 1f c0 68 bf 49 2c 65 2f 01 f2 88 a1 d8 cd c1 9f c8
+ %%
+ %% finished (32 octets): 9b 9b 14 1d 90 63 37 fb d2 cb dc e7 1d f4
+ %% de da 4a b4 2c 30 95 72 cb 7f ff ee 54 54 b7 8f 07 18
+ %% PRK = SHSTrafficSecret
+ FInfo =
+ hexstr2bin("00 20 0e 74 6c 73 31 33 20 66 69 6e 69 73 68 65
+ 64 00"),
+ FExpanded =
+ hexstr2bin("00 8d 3b 66 f8 16 ea 55 9f 96 b5 37 e8 85
+ c3 1f c0 68 bf 49 2c 65 2f 01 f2 88 a1 d8 cd c1 9f c8"),
+ FinishedVerifyData =
+ hexstr2bin("9b 9b 14 1d 90 63 37 fb d2 cb dc e7 1d f4
+ de da 4a b4 2c 30 95 72 cb 7f ff ee 54 54 b7 8f 07 18"),
+ FInfo = tls_v1:create_info(<<"finished">>, <<>>, ssl_cipher:hash_size(HKDFAlgo)),
+ FExpanded = tls_v1:finished_key(SHSTrafficSecret, HKDFAlgo),
+ MessageHistory0 = [CertificateVerify,
+ Certificate,
+ EncryptedExtensions,
+ ServerHello,
+ ClientHello],
+ FinishedVerifyData = tls_v1:finished_verify_data(FExpanded, HKDFAlgo, MessageHistory0),
+ %% {server} construct a Finished handshake message:
+ %%
+ %% Finished (36 octets): 14 00 00 20 9b 9b 14 1d 90 63 37 fb d2 cb
+ %% dc e7 1d f4 de da 4a b4 2c 30 95 72 cb 7f ff ee 54 54 b7 8f 07
+ %% 18
+ FinishedHSBin =
+ hexstr2bin("14 00 00 20 9b 9b 14 1d 90 63 37 fb d2 cb
+ dc e7 1d f4 de da 4a b4 2c 30 95 72 cb 7f ff ee 54 54 b7 8f 07
+ 18"),
+ FinishedHS = #finished{verify_data = FinishedVerifyData},
+ FinishedIOList = tls_handshake:encode_handshake(FinishedHS, {3,4}),
+ FinishedHSBin = iolist_to_binary(FinishedIOList).
+tls13_finished_verify_data() ->
+ [{doc,"Test TLS 1.3 Finished message handling"}].
+tls13_finished_verify_data(_Config) ->
+ ClientHello =
+ hexstr2bin("01 00 00 c6 03 03 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
+ 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
+ 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8
+ e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8
+ f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff 00 06 13 01 13 02 13 03 01
+ 00 00 77 00 00 00 18 00 16 00 00 13 65 78 61 6d
+ 70 6c 65 2e 75 6c 66 68 65 69 6d 2e 6e 65 74 00
+ 0a 00 08 00 06 00 1d 00 17 00 18 00 0d 00 14 00
+ 12 04 03 08 04 04 01 05 03 08 05 05 01 08 06 06
+ 01 02 01 00 33 00 26 00 24 00 1d 00 20 35 80 72
+ d6 36 58 80 d1 ae ea 32 9a df 91 21 38 38 51 ed
+ 21 a2 8e 3b 75 e9 65 d0 d2 cd 16 62 54 00 2d 00
+ 02 01 01 00 2b 00 03 02 03 04"),
+ ServerHello =
+ hexstr2bin("02 00 00 76 03 03 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
+ 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
+ 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 20 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8
+ e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8
+ f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff 13 01 00 00 2e 00 33 00 24
+ 00 1d 00 20 9f d7 ad 6d cf f4 29 8d d3 f9 6d 5b
+ 1b 2a f9 10 a0 53 5b 14 88 d7 f8 fa bb 34 9a 98
+ 28 80 b6 15 00 2b 00 02 03 04"),
+ EncryptedExtensions =
+ hexstr2bin("08 00 00 02 00 00"),
+ Certificate =
+ hexstr2bin("0b 00 03 2e 00 00 03 2a 00 03 25 30 82 03 21 30
+ 82 02 09 a0 03 02 01 02 02 08 15 5a 92 ad c2 04
+ 8f 90 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 0b 05
+ 00 30 22 31 0b 30 09 06 03 55 04 06 13 02 55 53
+ 31 13 30 11 06 03 55 04 0a 13 0a 45 78 61 6d 70
+ 6c 65 20 43 41 30 1e 17 0d 31 38 31 30 30 35 30
+ 31 33 38 31 37 5a 17 0d 31 39 31 30 30 35 30 31
+ 33 38 31 37 5a 30 2b 31 0b 30 09 06 03 55 04 06
+ 13 02 55 53 31 1c 30 1a 06 03 55 04 03 13 13 65
+ 78 61 6d 70 6c 65 2e 75 6c 66 68 65 69 6d 2e 6e
+ 65 74 30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d
+ 01 01 01 05 00 03 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82
+ 01 01 00 c4 80 36 06 ba e7 47 6b 08 94 04 ec a7
+ b6 91 04 3f f7 92 bc 19 ee fb 7d 74 d7 a8 0d 00
+ 1e 7b 4b 3a 4a e6 0f e8 c0 71 fc 73 e7 02 4c 0d
+ bc f4 bd d1 1d 39 6b ba 70 46 4a 13 e9 4a f8 3d
+ f3 e1 09 59 54 7b c9 55 fb 41 2d a3 76 52 11 e1
+ f3 dc 77 6c aa 53 37 6e ca 3a ec be c3 aa b7 3b
+ 31 d5 6c b6 52 9c 80 98 bc c9 e0 28 18 e2 0b f7
+ f8 a0 3a fd 17 04 50 9e ce 79 bd 9f 39 f1 ea 69
+ ec 47 97 2e 83 0f b5 ca 95 de 95 a1 e6 04 22 d5
+ ee be 52 79 54 a1 e7 bf 8a 86 f6 46 6d 0d 9f 16
+ 95 1a 4c f7 a0 46 92 59 5c 13 52 f2 54 9e 5a fb
+ 4e bf d7 7a 37 95 01 44 e4 c0 26 87 4c 65 3e 40
+ 7d 7d 23 07 44 01 f4 84 ff d0 8f 7a 1f a0 52 10
+ d1 f4 f0 d5 ce 79 70 29 32 e2 ca be 70 1f df ad
+ 6b 4b b7 11 01 f4 4b ad 66 6a 11 13 0f e2 ee 82
+ 9e 4d 02 9d c9 1c dd 67 16 db b9 06 18 86 ed c1
+ ba 94 21 02 03 01 00 01 a3 52 30 50 30 0e 06 03
+ 55 1d 0f 01 01 ff 04 04 03 02 05 a0 30 1d 06 03
+ 55 1d 25 04 16 30 14 06 08 2b 06 01 05 05 07 03
+ 02 06 08 2b 06 01 05 05 07 03 01 30 1f 06 03 55
+ 1d 23 04 18 30 16 80 14 89 4f de 5b cc 69 e2 52
+ cf 3e a3 00 df b1 97 b8 1d e1 c1 46 30 0d 06 09
+ 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 0b 05 00 03 82 01 01 00
+ 59 16 45 a6 9a 2e 37 79 e4 f6 dd 27 1a ba 1c 0b
+ fd 6c d7 55 99 b5 e7 c3 6e 53 3e ff 36 59 08 43
+ 24 c9 e7 a5 04 07 9d 39 e0 d4 29 87 ff e3 eb dd
+ 09 c1 cf 1d 91 44 55 87 0b 57 1d d1 9b df 1d 24
+ f8 bb 9a 11 fe 80 fd 59 2b a0 39 8c de 11 e2 65
+ 1e 61 8c e5 98 fa 96 e5 37 2e ef 3d 24 8a fd e1
+ 74 63 eb bf ab b8 e4 d1 ab 50 2a 54 ec 00 64 e9
+ 2f 78 19 66 0d 3f 27 cf 20 9e 66 7f ce 5a e2 e4
+ ac 99 c7 c9 38 18 f8 b2 51 07 22 df ed 97 f3 2e
+ 3e 93 49 d4 c6 6c 9e a6 39 6d 74 44 62 a0 6b 42
+ c6 d5 ba 68 8e ac 3a 01 7b dd fc 8e 2c fc ad 27
+ cb 69 d3 cc dc a2 80 41 44 65 d3 ae 34 8c e0 f3
+ 4a b2 fb 9c 61 83 71 31 2b 19 10 41 64 1c 23 7f
+ 11 a5 d6 5c 84 4f 04 04 84 99 38 71 2b 95 9e d6
+ 85 bc 5c 5d d6 45 ed 19 90 94 73 40 29 26 dc b4
+ 0e 34 69 a1 59 41 e8 e2 cc a8 4b b6 08 46 36 a0
+ 00 00"),
+ CertificateVerify =
+ hexstr2bin("0f 00 01 04 08 04 01 00 17 fe b5 33 ca 6d 00 7d
+ 00 58 25 79 68 42 4b bc 3a a6 90 9e 9d 49 55 75
+ 76 a5 20 e0 4a 5e f0 5f 0e 86 d2 4f f4 3f 8e b8
+ 61 ee f5 95 22 8d 70 32 aa 36 0f 71 4e 66 74 13
+ 92 6e f4 f8 b5 80 3b 69 e3 55 19 e3 b2 3f 43 73
+ df ac 67 87 06 6d cb 47 56 b5 45 60 e0 88 6e 9b
+ 96 2c 4a d2 8d ab 26 ba d1 ab c2 59 16 b0 9a f2
+ 86 53 7f 68 4f 80 8a ef ee 73 04 6c b7 df 0a 84
+ fb b5 96 7a ca 13 1f 4b 1c f3 89 79 94 03 a3 0c
+ 02 d2 9c bd ad b7 25 12 db 9c ec 2e 5e 1d 00 e5
+ 0c af cf 6f 21 09 1e bc 4f 25 3c 5e ab 01 a6 79
+ ba ea be ed b9 c9 61 8f 66 00 6b 82 44 d6 62 2a
+ aa 56 88 7c cf c6 6a 0f 38 51 df a1 3a 78 cf f7
+ 99 1e 03 cb 2c 3a 0e d8 7d 73 67 36 2e b7 80 5b
+ 00 b2 52 4f f2 98 a4 da 48 7c ac de af 8a 23 36
+ c5 63 1b 3e fa 93 5b b4 11 e7 53 ca 13 b0 15 fe
+ c7 e4 a7 30 f1 36 9f 9e"),
+ BaseKey =
+ hexstr2bin("a2 06 72 65 e7 f0 65 2a 92 3d 5d 72 ab 04 67 c4
+ 61 32 ee b9 68 b6 a3 2d 31 1c 80 58 68 54 88 14"),
+ VerifyData =
+ hexstr2bin("ea 6e e1 76 dc cc 4a f1 85 9e 9e 4e 93 f7 97 ea
+ c9 a7 8c e4 39 30 1e 35 27 5a d4 3f 3c dd bd e3"),
+ Messages = [CertificateVerify,
+ Certificate,
+ EncryptedExtensions,
+ ServerHello,
+ ClientHello],
+ FinishedKey = tls_v1:finished_key(BaseKey, sha256),
+ VerifyData = tls_v1:finished_verify_data(FinishedKey, sha256, Messages).
%% Internal functions ------------------------------------------------
@@ -5321,3 +5949,31 @@ tls_or_dtls('dtlsv1.2') ->
tls_or_dtls(_) ->
+hexstr2int(S) ->
+ B = hexstr2bin(S),
+ Bits = size(B) * 8,
+ <<Integer:Bits/integer>> = B,
+ Integer.
+hexstr2bin(S) when is_binary(S) ->
+ hexstr2bin(S, <<>>);
+hexstr2bin(S) ->
+ hexstr2bin(list_to_binary(S), <<>>).
+hexstr2bin(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+hexstr2bin(<<C,T/binary>>, Acc) when C =:= 32; %% SPACE
+ C =:= 10; %% LF
+ C =:= 13 -> %% CR
+ hexstr2bin(T, Acc);
+hexstr2bin(<<X,Y,T/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ I = hex2int(X) * 16 + hex2int(Y),
+ hexstr2bin(T, <<Acc/binary,I>>).
+hex2int(C) when $0 =< C, C =< $9 ->
+ C - $0;
+hex2int(C) when $A =< C, C =< $F ->
+ C - $A + 10;
+hex2int(C) when $a =< C, C =< $f ->
+ C - $a + 10.
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl
index 0173b98e1a..fdbd39d016 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
-record(sslsocket, { fd = nil, pid = nil}).
-define(SLEEP, 1000).
+-define(DEFAULT_CURVE, secp256r1).
%% For now always run locally
run_where(_) ->
@@ -618,9 +619,12 @@ make_rsa_cert_chains(UserConf, Config, Suffix) ->
make_ec_cert_chains(UserConf, ClientChainType, ServerChainType, Config) ->
+ make_ec_cert_chains(UserConf, ClientChainType, ServerChainType, Config, ?DEFAULT_CURVE).
+make_ec_cert_chains(UserConf, ClientChainType, ServerChainType, Config, Curve) ->
ClientChain = proplists:get_value(client_chain, UserConf, default_cert_chain_conf()),
ServerChain = proplists:get_value(server_chain, UserConf, default_cert_chain_conf()),
- CertChainConf = gen_conf(ClientChainType, ServerChainType, ClientChain, ServerChain),
+ CertChainConf = gen_conf(ClientChainType, ServerChainType, ClientChain, ServerChain, Curve),
ClientFileBase = filename:join([proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), atom_to_list(ClientChainType)]),
ServerFileBase = filename:join([proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), atom_to_list(ServerChainType)]),
GenCertData = public_key:pkix_test_data(CertChainConf),
@@ -635,7 +639,11 @@ default_cert_chain_conf() ->
%% Use only default options
-gen_conf(mix, mix, UserClient, UserServer) ->
+gen_conf(ClientChainType, ServerChainType, UserClient, UserServer) ->
+ gen_conf(ClientChainType, ServerChainType, UserClient, UserServer, ?DEFAULT_CURVE).
+gen_conf(mix, mix, UserClient, UserServer, _) ->
ClientTag = conf_tag("client"),
ServerTag = conf_tag("server"),
@@ -646,12 +654,12 @@ gen_conf(mix, mix, UserClient, UserServer) ->
ServerConf = merge_chain_spec(UserServer, DefaultServer, []),
new_format([{ClientTag, ClientConf}, {ServerTag, ServerConf}]);
-gen_conf(ClientChainType, ServerChainType, UserClient, UserServer) ->
+gen_conf(ClientChainType, ServerChainType, UserClient, UserServer, Curve) ->
ClientTag = conf_tag("client"),
ServerTag = conf_tag("server"),
- DefaultClient = chain_spec(client, ClientChainType),
- DefaultServer = chain_spec(server, ServerChainType),
+ DefaultClient = chain_spec(client, ClientChainType, Curve),
+ DefaultServer = chain_spec(server, ServerChainType, Curve),
ClientConf = merge_chain_spec(UserClient, DefaultClient, []),
ServerConf = merge_chain_spec(UserServer, DefaultServer, []),
@@ -673,43 +681,43 @@ proplist_to_map([Head | Rest]) ->
conf_tag(Role) ->
list_to_atom(Role ++ "_chain").
-chain_spec(_Role, ecdh_rsa) ->
+chain_spec(_Role, ecdh_rsa, Curve) ->
Digest = {digest, appropriate_sha(crypto:supports())},
- CurveOid = hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0)),
+ CurveOid = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(Curve),
[[Digest, {key, {namedCurve, CurveOid}}],
[Digest, {key, hardcode_rsa_key(1)}],
[Digest, {key, {namedCurve, CurveOid}}]];
-chain_spec(_Role, ecdhe_ecdsa) ->
+chain_spec(_Role, ecdhe_ecdsa, Curve) ->
Digest = {digest, appropriate_sha(crypto:supports())},
- CurveOid = hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0)),
+ CurveOid = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(Curve),
[[Digest, {key, {namedCurve, CurveOid}}],
[Digest, {key, {namedCurve, CurveOid}}],
[Digest, {key, {namedCurve, CurveOid}}]];
-chain_spec(_Role, ecdh_ecdsa) ->
+chain_spec(_Role, ecdh_ecdsa, Curve) ->
Digest = {digest, appropriate_sha(crypto:supports())},
- CurveOid = hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0)),
+ CurveOid = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(Curve),
[[Digest, {key, {namedCurve, CurveOid}}],
[Digest, {key, {namedCurve, CurveOid}}],
[Digest, {key, {namedCurve, CurveOid}}]];
-chain_spec(_Role, ecdhe_rsa) ->
+chain_spec(_Role, ecdhe_rsa, _) ->
Digest = {digest, appropriate_sha(crypto:supports())},
[[Digest, {key, hardcode_rsa_key(1)}],
[Digest, {key, hardcode_rsa_key(2)}],
[Digest, {key, hardcode_rsa_key(3)}]];
-chain_spec(_Role, ecdsa) ->
+chain_spec(_Role, ecdsa, Curve) ->
Digest = {digest, appropriate_sha(crypto:supports())},
- CurveOid = hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0)),
+ CurveOid = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(Curve),
[[Digest, {key, {namedCurve, CurveOid}}],
[Digest, {key, {namedCurve, CurveOid}}],
[Digest, {key, {namedCurve, CurveOid}}]];
-chain_spec(_Role, rsa) ->
+chain_spec(_Role, rsa, _) ->
Digest = {digest, appropriate_sha(crypto:supports())},
[[Digest, {key, hardcode_rsa_key(1)}],
[Digest, {key, hardcode_rsa_key(2)}],
[Digest, {key, hardcode_rsa_key(3)}]];
-chain_spec(_Role, dsa) ->
+chain_spec(_Role, dsa, _) ->
Digest = {digest, appropriate_sha(crypto:supports())},
[[Digest, {key, hardcode_dsa_key(1)}],
[Digest, {key, hardcode_dsa_key(2)}],
@@ -742,7 +750,7 @@ merge_spec(User, Default, [Conf | Rest], Acc) ->
make_mix_cert(Config) ->
Ext = x509_test:extensions([{key_usage, [digitalSignature]}]),
Digest = {digest, appropriate_sha(crypto:supports())},
- CurveOid = hd(tls_v1:ecc_curves(0)),
+ CurveOid = pubkey_cert_records:namedCurves(?DEFAULT_CURVE),
Mix = proplists:get_value(mix, Config, peer_ecc),
ClientChainType =ServerChainType = mix,
{ClientChain, ServerChain} = mix(Mix, Digest, CurveOid, Ext),