diff options
2 files changed, 39 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/src/custom_sup.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/src/custom_sup.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ec84d798f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/src/custom_sup.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+%%% Dialyzer was giving a warning with this input because of a bug in the
+%%% substitution of remote types in specs. Remote types in the first element of
+%%% a tuple would not update the tuple's tag set and we could end up with a
+%%% non-normalized representation.
+%%% Reported by Damian DobroczyƄski on 29/02/2012
+-spec init(atom()) ->
+ {ok, {{supervisor:strategy(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()},
+ [supervisor:child_spec()]}} | ignore.
+init(StorageName) ->
+ Strategy = {one_for_all, 100, 1},
+ %% get application-wide storage parameters
+ case application:get_env(storage) of
+ undefined ->
+ ignore;
+ {ok, Storage} ->
+ BackendId = proplists:get_value(backend, Storage),
+ BackendArgs = proplists:get_value(args, Storage),
+ if
+ (BackendId =:= undefined) orelse (BackendArgs =:= undefined) ->
+ ignore;
+ true ->
+ {ok, {Strategy,
+ [{id1, {a_module, start_link, []},
+ permanent, 5000, worker, [a_module]},
+ {id2, {another_module, start_link, []},
+ permanent, 5000, worker, [another_module]}]}}
+ end
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
index aa4758c1d3..65b9a057de 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
@@ -683,9 +683,9 @@ t_solve_remote(?opaque(Set), ET, R, C) ->
{NewList, RR} = opaques_solve_remote(List, ET, R, C),
{?opaque(ordsets:from_list(NewList)), RR};
t_solve_remote(?tuple(?any, _, _) = T, _ET, _R, _C) -> {T, []};
-t_solve_remote(?tuple(Types, Arity, Tag), ET, R, C) ->
+t_solve_remote(?tuple(Types, _Arity, _Tag), ET, R, C) ->
{RL, RR} = list_solve_remote(Types, ET, R, C),
- {?tuple(RL, Arity, Tag), RR};
+ {t_tuple(RL), RR};
t_solve_remote(?tuple_set(Set), ET, R, C) ->
{NewSet, RR} = tuples_solve_remote(Set, ET, R, C),
{?tuple_set(NewSet), RR};