path: root/erts/emulator/beam/erl_hashmap.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/beam/erl_hashmap.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 472 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/beam/erl_hashmap.c b/erts/emulator/beam/erl_hashmap.c
index 9b16a5a88f..06012950e1 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/beam/erl_hashmap.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/beam/erl_hashmap.c
@@ -61,22 +61,8 @@ static char *format_binary(Uint64 x, char *b) {
-/* for hashmap_from_list/1 */
-typedef struct {
- Uint32 hx;
- Uint32 skip;
- Uint i;
- Eterm val;
-} hxnode_t;
-static Eterm hashmap_from_list(Process *p, Eterm node);
static Eterm hashmap_merge(Process *p, Eterm nodeA, Eterm nodeB);
static Eterm hashmap_bld_tuple_uint(Uint **hpp, Uint *szp, Uint n, Uint nums[]);
-static Eterm hashmap_from_unsorted_array(Process *p, hxnode_t *hxns, Uint n);
-static Eterm hashmap_from_sorted_unique_array(Process *p, hxnode_t *hxns, Uint n, int is_root);
-static Eterm hashmap_from_chunked_array(Process *p, hxnode_t *hxns, Uint n, int is_root);
-static int hxnodecmp(hxnode_t* a, hxnode_t* b);
-static int hxnodecmpkey(hxnode_t* a, hxnode_t* b);
/* hashmap:new/0 */
@@ -101,13 +87,6 @@ BIF_RETTYPE hashmap_new_0(BIF_ALIST_0) {
/* hashmap:from_list/1 */
-BIF_RETTYPE hashmap_from_list_1(BIF_ALIST_1) {
- if (is_list(BIF_ARG_1) || is_nil(BIF_ARG_1)) {
- return hashmap_from_list(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1);
- }
/* hashmap:get/2 */
/* hashmap:find/2 */
@@ -134,435 +113,11 @@ BIF_RETTYPE hashmap_merge_2(BIF_ALIST_2) {
/* impl. */
-#define swizzle32(D,S) \
- do { \
- (D) = ((S) & 0x0000000f) << 28 | ((S) & 0x000000f0) << 20 \
- | ((S) & 0x00000f00) << 12 | ((S) & 0x0000f000) << 4 \
- | ((S) & 0x000f0000) >> 4 | ((S) & 0x00f00000) >> 12 \
- | ((S) & 0x0f000000) >> 20 | ((S) & 0xf0000000) >> 28; \
- } while(0)
-static Eterm hashmap_from_list(Process *p, Eterm list) {
- Eterm *kv, res, item = list;
- Eterm *hp;
- Eterm tmp[2];
- Uint32 sw, hx;
- Uint ix = 0, n = 0;
- hxnode_t *hxns;
- /* Calculate size and check validity */
- if (is_nil(list)) {
- hp = HAlloc(p, HAMT_HEAD_EMPTY_SZ);
- hp[1] = 0;
- return make_hashmap(hp);
- }
- while(is_list(item)) {
- res = CAR(list_val(item));
- if (is_not_tuple(res))
- goto error;
- kv = tuple_val(res);
- if (*kv != make_arityval(2))
- goto error;
- n++;
- item = CDR(list_val(item));
- }
- if (is_not_nil(item))
- goto error;
- hp = HAlloc(p, (2 * n));
- /* create tmp hx values and leaf ptrs */
- hxns = (hxnode_t *)erts_alloc(ERTS_ALC_T_TMP, n * sizeof(hxnode_t));
- item = list;
- while(is_list(item)) {
- res = CAR(list_val(item));
- kv = tuple_val(res);
- hx = hashmap_restore_hash(tmp,0,kv[1]);
- swizzle32(sw,hx);
- hxns[ix].hx = sw;
- hxns[ix].val = CONS(hp, kv[1], kv[2]); hp += 2;
- hxns[ix].skip = 1; /* will be reassigned in from_array */
- hxns[ix].i = ix;
- ix++;
- item = CDR(list_val(item));
- }
- ASSERT(n > 0);
- res = hashmap_from_unsorted_array(p, hxns, n);
- erts_free(ERTS_ALC_T_TMP, (void *) hxns);
- BIF_RET(res);
-Eterm erts_hashmap_from_array(Process *p, Eterm *leafs, Uint n) {
- Eterm tmp[2];
- Uint32 sw, hx;
- Uint ix;
- hxnode_t *hxns;
- Eterm res;
- /* create tmp hx values and leaf ptrs */
- hxns = (hxnode_t *)erts_alloc(ERTS_ALC_T_TMP, n * sizeof(hxnode_t));
- for (ix = 0; ix < n; ix++) {
- hx = hashmap_restore_hash(tmp,0,CAR(list_val(leafs[ix])));
- swizzle32(sw,hx);
- hxns[ix].hx = sw;
- hxns[ix].val = leafs[ix];
- hxns[ix].skip = 1;
- hxns[ix].i = ix;
- }
- res = hashmap_from_unsorted_array(p, hxns, n);
- erts_free(ERTS_ALC_T_TMP, (void *) hxns);
- return res;
-static Eterm hashmap_from_unsorted_array(Process *p, hxnode_t *hxns, Uint n) {
- Uint jx = 0, ix = 0, lx, cx;
- Eterm res;
- /* sort and compact array (remove non-unique entries) */
- qsort(hxns, n, sizeof(hxnode_t), (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) hxnodecmp);
- ix = 0, cx = 0;
- while(ix < n - 1) {
- if (hxns[ix].hx == hxns[ix+1].hx) {
- /* find region of equal hash values */
- jx = ix + 1;
- while(jx < n && hxns[ix].hx == hxns[jx].hx) { jx++; }
- /* find all correct keys from region
- * (last in list but now hash sorted so we check highest id instead) */
- /* resort with keys instead of hash value within region */
- qsort(&hxns[ix], jx - ix, sizeof(hxnode_t),
- (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) hxnodecmpkey);
- while(ix < jx) {
- lx = ix;
- while(ix < jx && EQ(CAR(list_val(hxns[ix].val)), CAR(list_val(hxns[lx].val)))) {
- if (hxns[ix].i > hxns[lx].i) {
- lx = ix;
- }
- ix++;
- }
- hxns[cx].hx = hxns[lx].hx;
- hxns[cx].val = hxns[lx].val;
- cx++;
- }
- ix = jx;
- continue;
- }
- if (ix > cx) {
- hxns[cx].hx = hxns[ix].hx;
- hxns[cx].val = hxns[ix].val;
- }
- cx++;
- ix++;
- }
- if (ix < n) {
- hxns[cx].hx = hxns[ix].hx;
- hxns[cx].val = hxns[ix].val;
- cx++;
- }
- if (cx > 1) {
- /* recursive decompose array */
- res = hashmap_from_sorted_unique_array(p, hxns, cx, 0);
- } else {
- Eterm *hp;
- /* hash value has been swizzled, need to drag it down to get the
- * correct slot. */
- hp = HAlloc(p, HAMT_HEAD_BITMAP_SZ(1));
- hp[0] = MAP_HEADER_HAMT_HEAD_BITMAP(1 << ((hxns[0].hx >> 0x1c) & 0xf));
- hp[1] = 1;
- hp[2] = hxns[0].val;
- res = make_hashmap(hp);
- }
- return res;
-static Eterm hashmap_from_sorted_unique_array(Process *p, hxnode_t *hxns, Uint n, int lvl) {
- Eterm res = NIL;
- Uint i,ix,jx,elems;
- Uint32 sw, hx;
- Eterm val;
- Eterm th[2];
- hxnode_t *tmp;
- ASSERT(lvl < 32);
- ix = 0;
- elems = 1;
- while (ix < n - 1) {
- if (hxns[ix].hx == hxns[ix+1].hx) {
- jx = ix + 1;
- while (jx < n && hxns[ix].hx == hxns[jx].hx) { jx++; }
- tmp = (hxnode_t *)erts_alloc(ERTS_ALC_T_TMP, ((jx - ix)) * sizeof(hxnode_t));
- for(i = 0; i < jx - ix; i++) {
- val = hxns[i + ix].val;
- hx = hashmap_restore_hash(th, lvl + 8, CAR(list_val(val)));
- swizzle32(sw,hx);
- tmp[i].hx = sw;
- tmp[i].val = val;
- tmp[i].i = i;
- tmp[i].skip = 1;
- }
- qsort(tmp, jx - ix, sizeof(hxnode_t), (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) hxnodecmp);
- hxns[ix].skip = jx - ix;
- hxns[ix].val = hashmap_from_sorted_unique_array(p, tmp, jx - ix, lvl + 8);
- erts_free(ERTS_ALC_T_TMP, (void *) tmp);
- ix = jx;
- if (ix < n) { elems++; }
- continue;
- }
- hxns[ix].skip = 1;
- elems++;
- ix++;
- }
- res = hashmap_from_chunked_array(p, hxns, elems, !lvl);
- return res;
-#define maskval(V,L) (((V) >> ((7 - (L))*4)) & 0xf)
-#define cdepth(V1,V2) (hashmap_clz((V1) ^ (V2)) >> 2)
/* n must be > 1
* hash values in hxns has to be unique
#define HALLOC_EXTRA 200
-static Eterm hashmap_from_chunked_array(Process *p, hxnode_t *hxns, Uint n, int is_root) {
- Uint ix, d, dn, dc, slot, elems;
- Uint32 v, vp, vn, hdr;
- Uint bp, sz;
- Eterm res = NIL, *hp = NULL, *nhp;
- ASSERT(n > 1);
- /* push initial nodes on the stack,
- * this is the starting depth */
- ix = 0;
- d = 0;
- vp = hxns[ix].hx;
- v = hxns[ix + hxns[ix].skip].hx;
- ASSERT(vp > v);
- slot = maskval(vp,d);
- while(slot == maskval(v,d)) {
- ESTACK_PUSH(stack, 1 << slot);
- d++;
- slot = maskval(vp,d);
- }
- res = hxns[ix].val;
- if (hxns[ix].skip > 1) {
- dc = 7;
- /* build collision nodes */
- while (dc > d) {
- hp[0] = MAP_HEADER_HAMT_NODE_BITMAP(1 << maskval(vp,dc));
- hp[1] = res;
- res = make_hashmap(hp);
- dc--;
- }
- }
- ESTACK_PUSH(stack, res);
- ESTACK_PUSH(stack, 1 << slot);
- /* all of the other nodes .. */
- elems = n - 2; /* remove first and last elements */
- while(elems--) {
- hdr = ESTACK_POP(stack);
- ix = ix + hxns[ix].skip;
- /* determine if node or subtree should be built by looking
- * at the next value. */
- vn = hxns[ix + hxns[ix].skip].hx;
- dn = cdepth(v,vn);
- ASSERT(v > vn);
- res = hxns[ix].val;
- if (hxns[ix].skip > 1) {
- int wat = (d > dn) ? d : dn;
- dc = 7;
- /* build collision nodes */
- while (dc > wat) {
- hp[0] = MAP_HEADER_HAMT_NODE_BITMAP(1 << maskval(v,dc));
- hp[1] = res;
- res = make_hashmap(hp);
- dc--;
- }
- }
- /* next depth is higher (implies collision) */
- if (d < dn) {
- /* hdr is the popped one initially */
- while(d < dn) {
- slot = maskval(v, d);
- bp = 1 << slot;
- ESTACK_PUSH(stack, hdr | bp);
- d++;
- hdr = 0; /* clear hdr for all other collisions */
- }
- slot = maskval(v, d);
- bp = 1 << slot;
- /* no more collisions */
- ESTACK_PUSH(stack,res);
- ESTACK_PUSH(stack,bp);
- } else if (d == dn) {
- /* no collisions at all */
- slot = maskval(v, d);
- bp = 1 << slot;
- ESTACK_PUSH(stack,res);
- ESTACK_PUSH(stack,hdr | bp);
- } else {
- /* dn < n, we have a drop and we are done
- * build nodes and subtree */
- while (dn != d) {
- slot = maskval(v, d);
- bp = 1 << slot;
- /* OR bitposition before sz calculation to handle
- * redundant collisions */
- hdr |= bp;
- sz = hashmap_bitcount(hdr);
- nhp = hp;
- *hp++ = (hdr == 0xffff) ? MAP_HEADER_HAMT_NODE_ARRAY : MAP_HEADER_HAMT_NODE_BITMAP(hdr);
- *hp++ = res; sz--;
- while (sz--) { *hp++ = ESTACK_POP(stack); }
- ASSERT((hp - nhp) < 18);
- res = make_hashmap(nhp);
- /* we need to pop the next hdr and push if we don't need it */
- hdr = ESTACK_POP(stack);
- d--;
- }
- ESTACK_PUSH(stack, res);
- ESTACK_PUSH(stack, hdr);
- }
- vp = v;
- v = vn;
- d = dn;
- }
- /* v and vp are reused from above */
- dn = cdepth(vp,v);
- ix = ix + hxns[ix].skip;
- res = hxns[ix].val;
- if (hxns[ix].skip > 1) {
- dc = 7;
- /* build collision nodes */
- while (dc > dn) {
- hp[0] = MAP_HEADER_HAMT_NODE_BITMAP(1 << maskval(v,dc));
- hp[1] = res;
- res = make_hashmap(hp);
- dc--;
- }
- }
- hdr = ESTACK_POP(stack);
- /* pop remaining subtree if any */
- while (dn) {
- slot = maskval(v, dn);
- bp = 1 << slot;
- /* OR bitposition before sz calculation to handle
- * redundant collisions */
- hdr |= bp;
- sz = hashmap_bitcount(hdr);
- nhp = hp;
- *hp++ = (hdr == 0xffff) ? MAP_HEADER_HAMT_NODE_ARRAY : MAP_HEADER_HAMT_NODE_BITMAP(hdr);
- *hp++ = res; sz--;
- while (sz--) { *hp++ = ESTACK_POP(stack); }
- res = make_hashmap(nhp);
- hdr = ESTACK_POP(stack);
- dn--;
- }
- /* and finally the root .. */
- slot = maskval(v, dn);
- bp = 1 << slot;
- hdr |= bp;
- sz = hashmap_bitcount(hdr);
- hp = HAlloc(p, sz + /* hdr + item */ (is_root ? 2 : 1));
- nhp = hp;
- if (is_root) {
- *hp++ = (hdr == 0xffff) ? MAP_HEADER_HAMT_HEAD_ARRAY : MAP_HEADER_HAMT_HEAD_BITMAP(hdr);
- *hp++ = n;
- } else {
- *hp++ = (hdr == 0xffff) ? MAP_HEADER_HAMT_NODE_ARRAY : MAP_HEADER_HAMT_NODE_BITMAP(hdr);
- }
- *hp++ = res; sz--;
- while (sz--) { *hp++ = ESTACK_POP(stack); }
- res = make_hashmap(nhp);
- ASSERT(ESTACK_COUNT(stack) == 0);
- return res;
-static int hxnodecmpkey(hxnode_t *a, hxnode_t *b) {
- return CMP_TERM(CAR(list_val(a->val)), CAR(list_val(b->val)));
-static int hxnodecmp(hxnode_t *a, hxnode_t *b) {
- if (a->hx < b->hx)
- return 1;
- else if (a->hx == b->hx)
- return 0;
- else
- return -1;
-#define HALLOC_EXTRA 200
static Eterm hashmap_merge(Process *p, Eterm nodeA, Eterm nodeB) {
#define PSTACK_TYPE struct HashmapMergePStackType
@@ -938,30 +493,3 @@ BIF_RETTYPE hashmap_info_1(BIF_ALIST_1) {
-/* implementation of builtin emulations */
-#if !defined(__GNUC__)
-/* Count leading zeros emulation */
-Uint32 hashmap_clz(Uint32 x) {
- Uint32 y;
- int n = 32;
- y = x >>16; if (y != 0) {n = n -16; x = y;}
- y = x >> 8; if (y != 0) {n = n - 8; x = y;}
- y = x >> 4; if (y != 0) {n = n - 4; x = y;}
- y = x >> 2; if (y != 0) {n = n - 2; x = y;}
- y = x >> 1; if (y != 0) return n - 2;
- return n - x;
-const Uint32 SK5 = 0x55555555, SK3 = 0x33333333;
-const Uint32 SKF0 = 0xF0F0F0F, SKFF = 0xFF00FF;
-/* CTPOP emulation */
-Uint32 hashmap_bitcount(Uint32 x) {
- x -= ((x >> 1 ) & SK5);
- x = (x & SK3 ) + ((x >> 2 ) & SK3 );
- x = (x & SKF0) + ((x >> 4 ) & SKF0);
- x += x >> 8;
- return (x + (x >> 16)) & 0x3F;