path: root/erts/emulator/test/big_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/test/big_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/big_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/big_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6cedd39009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/big_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-export([t_div/1, eq_28/1, eq_32/1, eq_big/1, eq_math/1, big_literals/1,
+ borders/1, negative/1, big_float/1, big_float_1/1, big_float_2/1,
+ shift_limit_1/1, powmod/1, system_limit/1, otp_6692/1]).
+%% Internal exports.
+-export([eval/1, funcall/2]).
+-export([fac/1, fib/1, pow/2, gcd/2, lcm/2]).
+-export([init_per_testcase/2, fin_per_testcase/2]).
+all(suite) ->
+ [t_div, eq_28, eq_32, eq_big, eq_math, big_literals, borders,
+ negative, big_float, shift_limit_1, powmod, system_limit, otp_6692].
+init_per_testcase(Func, Config) when is_atom(Func), is_list(Config) ->
+ Dog=?t:timetrap(?t:minutes(3)),
+ [{watchdog, Dog}|Config].
+fin_per_testcase(_Func, Config) ->
+ Dog=?config(watchdog, Config),
+ ?t:timetrap_cancel(Dog).
+%% Syntax of data files:
+%% Expr1 = Expr2.
+%% ...
+%% built in functions are:
+%% fac(N).
+%% fib(N).
+%% pow(X, N) == X ^ N
+%% gcd(Q, R)
+%% lcm(Q, R)
+eq_28(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ TestFile = test_file(Config, "eq_28.dat"),
+ test(TestFile).
+eq_32(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ TestFile = test_file(Config, "eq_32.dat"),
+ test(TestFile).
+eq_big(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ TestFile = test_file(Config, "eq_big.dat"),
+ test(TestFile).
+eq_math(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ TestFile = test_file(Config, "eq_math.dat"),
+ test(TestFile).
+borders(doc) -> "Tests border cases between small/big.";
+borders(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ TestFile = test_file(Config, "borders.dat"),
+ test(TestFile).
+negative(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ TestFile = test_file(Config, "negative.dat"),
+ test(TestFile).
+%% Find test file
+test_file(Config, Name) ->
+ DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ filename:join(DataDir, Name).
+%% Run test on file test_big_seq.erl
+test(File) ->
+ test(File, [node()]).
+test(File, Nodes) ->
+ ?line {ok,Fd} = file:open(File, [read]),
+ Res = test(File, Fd, Nodes),
+ file:close(Fd),
+ case Res of
+ {0,Cases} -> {comment, integer_to_list(Cases) ++ " cases"};
+ {_,_} -> test_server:fail()
+ end.
+test(File, Fd, Ns) ->
+ test(File, Fd, Ns, 0, 0, 0).
+test(File, Fd, Ns, L, Cases, Err) ->
+ case io:parse_erl_exprs(Fd, '') of
+ {eof,_} -> {Err, Cases};
+ {error, {Line,_Mod,Message}, _} ->
+ Fmt = erl_parse:format_error(Message),
+ io:format("~s:~w: error ~s~n", [File, Line+L, Fmt]),
+ {Err+1, Cases};
+ {ok, [{match,ThisLine,Expr1,Expr2}], Line} ->
+ case multi_match(Ns, {op,0,'-',Expr1,Expr2}) of
+ [] ->
+ test(File, Fd, Ns, Line+L-1,Cases+1, Err);
+ [_|_] ->
+ PP = erl_pp:expr({op,0,'=/=',Expr1,Expr2}),
+ io:format("~s:~w : error ~s~n", [File,ThisLine+L, PP]),
+ test(File, Fd, Ns, Line+L-1,Cases+1, Err+1)
+ end;
+ {ok, Exprs, Line} ->
+ PP = erl_pp:exprs(Exprs),
+ io:format("~s: ~w: equation expected not ~s~n", [File,Line+L,PP]),
+ test(File, Fd, Ns, Line+L-1,Cases+1, Err+1)
+ end.
+multi_match(Ns, Expr) ->
+ multi_match(Ns, Expr, []).
+multi_match([Node|Ns], Expr, Rs) ->
+ ?line X = rpc:call(Node, big_SUITE, eval, [Expr]),
+ if X == 0 -> multi_match(Ns, Expr, Rs);
+ true -> multi_match(Ns, Expr, [{Node,X}|Rs])
+ end;
+multi_match([], _, Rs) -> Rs.
+eval(Expr) ->
+ Fun = {?MODULE,funcall},
+ {value,V,_} = erl_eval:expr(Expr, [], Fun), %Applied arithmetic BIFs.
+ V = eval(Expr, Fun), %Real arithmetic instructions.
+ V.
+funcall(F, As) -> apply(?MODULE, F, As).
+%% Like a subset of erl_eval:expr/3, but uses real arithmetic instructions instead of
+%% applying them (it does make a difference).
+eval({op,_,Op,A0}, LFH) ->
+ A = eval(A0, LFH),
+ Res = eval_op(Op, A),
+ erlang:garbage_collect(),
+ Res;
+eval({op,_,Op,A0,B0}, LFH) ->
+ [A,B] = eval_list([A0,B0], LFH),
+ Res = eval_op(Op, A, B),
+ erlang:garbage_collect(),
+ Res;
+eval({integer,_,I}, _) -> I;
+eval({call,_,{atom,_,Local},Args0}, LFH) ->
+ Args = eval_list(Args0, LFH),
+ LFH(Local, Args).
+eval_list([E|Es], LFH) ->
+ [eval(E, LFH)|eval_list(Es, LFH)];
+eval_list([], _) -> [].
+eval_op('-', A) -> -A;
+eval_op('+', A) -> +A;
+eval_op('bnot', A) -> bnot A.
+eval_op('-', A, B) -> A - B;
+eval_op('+', A, B) -> A + B;
+eval_op('*', A, B) -> A * B;
+eval_op('div', A, B) -> A div B;
+eval_op('rem', A, B) -> A rem B;
+eval_op('band', A, B) -> A band B;
+eval_op('bor', A, B) -> A bor B;
+eval_op('bxor', A, B) -> A bxor B;
+eval_op('bsl', A, B) -> A bsl B;
+eval_op('bsr', A, B) -> A bsr B.
+%% Built in test functions
+fac(0) -> 1;
+fac(1) -> 1;
+fac(N) -> N * fac(N-1).
+%% X ^ N
+pow(_, 0) -> 1;
+pow(X, 1) -> X;
+pow(X, N) when (N band 1) == 1 ->
+ X2 = pow(X, N bsr 1),
+ X*X2*X2;
+pow(X, N) ->
+ X2 = pow(X, N bsr 1),
+ X2*X2.
+fib(0) -> 1;
+fib(1) -> 1;
+fib(N) -> fib(N-1) + fib(N-2).
+%% Gcd
+gcd(Q, 0) -> Q;
+gcd(Q, R) -> gcd(R, Q rem R).
+%% Least common multiple
+lcm(Q, R) ->
+ Q*R div gcd(Q, R).
+%% Test case t_div cut in from R2D test suite.
+t_div(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line 'try'(fun() -> 98765432101234 div 98765432101235 end, 0),
+ % Big remainder, small quotient.
+ ?line 'try'(fun() -> 339254531512 div 68719476736 end, 4),
+ ok.
+'try'(Fun, Result) ->
+ 'try'(89, Fun, Result, []).
+'try'(0, _, _, _) ->
+ ok;
+'try'(Iter, Fun, Result, Filler) ->
+ spawn(?MODULE, init, [self(), Fun, list_to_tuple(Filler)]),
+ receive
+ {result, Result} ->
+ 'try'(Iter-1, Fun, Result, [0|Filler]);
+ {result, Other} ->
+ io:format("Expected ~p; got ~p~n", [Result, Other]),
+ test_server:fail()
+ end.
+init(ReplyTo, Fun, _Filler) ->
+ ReplyTo ! {result, Fun()}.
+big_literals(doc) ->
+ "Tests that big-number literals work correctly.";
+big_literals(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% Note: The literal test cannot be compiler on a pre-R4 Beam emulator,
+ %% so we compile it now.
+ ?line DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ ?line Test = filename:join(DataDir, "literal_test"),
+ ?line {ok, Mod, Bin} = compile:file(Test, [binary]),
+ ?line {module, Mod} = code:load_binary(Mod, Mod, Bin),
+ ?line ok = Mod:t(),
+ ok.
+big_float(doc) ->
+ ["Test cases for mixing bignums and floats"];
+big_float(suite) ->
+ [big_float_1, big_float_2].
+big_float_1(doc) ->
+ ["OTP-2436, part 1"];
+big_float_1(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% F is a number very close to a maximum float.
+ ?line F = id(1.7e308),
+ ?line I = trunc(F),
+ ?line true = (I == F),
+ ?line false = (I /= F),
+ ?line true = (I > F/2),
+ ?line false = (I =< F/2),
+ ?line true = (I*2 >= F),
+ ?line false = (I*2 < F),
+ ?line true = (I*I > F),
+ ?line false = (I*I =< F),
+ ?line true = (F == I),
+ ?line false = (F /= I),
+ ?line false = (F/2 > I),
+ ?line true = (F/2 =< I),
+ ?line false = (F >= I*2),
+ ?line true = (F < I*2),
+ ?line false = (F > I*I),
+ ?line true = (F =< I*I),
+ ok.
+big_float_2(doc) ->
+ ["OTP-2436, part 2"];
+big_float_2(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line F = id(1.7e308),
+ ?line I = trunc(F),
+ ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch 1/(2*I)),
+ ?line _Ignore = 2/I,
+ ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch 4/(2*I)),
+ ok.
+shift_limit_1(doc) ->
+ ["OTP-3256"];
+shift_limit_1(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line case catch (id(1) bsl 100000000) of
+ {'EXIT', {system_limit, _}} ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ ok.
+powmod(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ A = 1696192905348584855517250509684275447603964214606878827319923580493120589769459602596313014087329389174229999430092223701630077631205171572331191216670754029016160388576759960413039261647653627052707047,
+ B = 43581177444506616087519351724629421082877485633442736512567383077022781906420535744195118099822189576169114064491200598595995538299156626345938812352676950427869649947439032133573270227067833308153431095,
+ C = 52751775381034251994634567029696659541685100826881826508158083211003576763074162948462801435204697796532659535818017760528684167216110865807581759669824808936751316879636014972704885388116861127856231,
+ 42092892863788727404752752803608028634538446791189806757622214958680350350975318060071308251566643822307995215323107194784213893808887471095918905937046217646432382915847269148913963434734284563536888 = powmod(A, B, C),
+ ok.
+powmod(A, 1, C) ->
+ A rem C;
+powmod(A, 2, C) ->
+ A*A rem C;
+powmod(A, B, C) ->
+ B1 = B div 2,
+ B2 = B - B1,
+ P = powmod(A, B1, C),
+ case B2 of
+ B1 ->
+ (P*P) rem C;
+ _ ->
+ (P*P*A) rem C
+ end.
+system_limit(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line Maxbig = maxbig(),
+ ?line {'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch Maxbig+1),
+ ?line {'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch -Maxbig-1),
+ ?line {'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch 2*Maxbig),
+ ?line {'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch bnot Maxbig),
+ ?line {'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch apply(erlang, id('bnot'), [Maxbig])),
+ ?line {'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch Maxbig bsl 2),
+ ?line {'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch apply(erlang, id('bsl'), [Maxbig,2])),
+ ?line {'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch id(1) bsl (1 bsl 45)),
+ ?line {'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch id(1) bsl (1 bsl 69)),
+ ok.
+maxbig() ->
+ %% We assume that the maximum arity is (1 bsl 19) - 1.
+ Ws = erlang:system_info(wordsize),
+ (((1 bsl ((16777184 * (Ws div 4))-1)) - 1) bsl 1) + 1.
+id(I) -> I.
+otp_6692(suite) ->
+ [];
+otp_6692(doc) ->
+ ["Tests for DIV/REM bug reported in OTP-6692"];
+otp_6692(Config) when is_list(Config)->
+ ?line loop1(1,1000).
+fact(N) ->
+ fact(N,1).
+fact(0,P) -> P;
+fact(N,P) -> fact(N-1,P*N).
+raised(X,1) ->
+ X;
+raised(X,N) ->
+ X*raised(X,N-1).
+loop1(M,M) ->
+ ok;
+loop1(N,M) ->
+ loop2(fact(N),raised(7,7),1,8),
+ loop1(N+1,M).
+loop2(_,_,M,M) ->
+ ok;
+loop2(X,Y,N,M) ->
+ Z = raised(Y,N),
+ case X rem Z of
+ Z ->
+ exit({failed,X,'REM',Z,'=',Z});
+ 0 ->
+ case (X div Z) * Z of
+ X ->
+ ok;
+ Wrong ->
+ exit({failed,X,'DIV',Z,'*',Z,'=',Wrong})
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ loop2(X,Y,N+1,M).