path: root/erts/emulator/test/guard_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/test/guard_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 390 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/guard_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/guard_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23482a20d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/guard_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-export([all/1, bad_arith/1, bad_tuple/1, test_heap_guards/1, guard_bifs/1,
+ type_tests/1]).
+-import(lists, [member/2]).
+all(suite) -> [bad_arith, bad_tuple, test_heap_guards, guard_bifs, type_tests].
+bad_arith(doc) -> "Test that a bad arithmetic operation in a guard works correctly.";
+bad_arith(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line 5 = bad_arith1(2, 3),
+ ?line 10 = bad_arith1(1, infinity),
+ ?line 10 = bad_arith1(infinity, 1),
+ ok.
+bad_arith1(T1, T2) when T1+T2 < 10 ->
+ T1+T2;
+bad_arith1(_, _) ->
+ 10.
+bad_tuple(doc) -> "Test that bad arguments to element/2 are handled correctly.";
+bad_tuple(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line error = bad_tuple1(a),
+ ?line error = bad_tuple1({a, b}),
+ ?line x = bad_tuple1({x, b}),
+ ?line y = bad_tuple1({a, b, y}),
+ ok.
+bad_tuple1(T) when element(1, T) == x ->
+ x;
+bad_tuple1(T) when element(3, T) == y ->
+ y;
+bad_tuple1(_) ->
+ error.
+test_heap_guards(doc) -> "";
+test_heap_guards(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:minutes(2)),
+ ?line process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ ?line Tuple = {a, tuple, is, built, here, xxx},
+ ?line List = [a, list, is, built, here],
+ ?line 'try'(fun a_case/1, [Tuple], [Tuple]),
+ ?line 'try'(fun a_case/1, [List], [List, List]),
+ ?line 'try'(fun a_case/1, [a], [a]),
+ ?line 'try'(fun an_if/1, [Tuple], [Tuple]),
+ ?line 'try'(fun an_if/1, [List], [List, List]),
+ ?line 'try'(fun an_if/1, [a], [a]),
+ ?line 'try'(fun receive_test/1, [Tuple], [Tuple]),
+ ?line 'try'(fun receive_test/1, [List], [List, List]),
+ ?line 'try'(fun receive_test/1, [a], [a]),
+ ?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog).
+a_case(V) ->
+ case V of
+ T when T == {a, tuple, is, built, here, xxx} ->
+ [T];
+ L when L == [a, list, is, built, here] ->
+ [L, L];
+ a ->
+ [a]
+ end.
+an_if(V) ->
+ if
+ V == {a, tuple, is, built, here, xxx} ->
+ [V];
+ V == [a, list, is, built, here] ->
+ [V, V];
+ V == a ->
+ [a]
+ end.
+receive_test(V) ->
+ self() ! V,
+ a_receive().
+a_receive() ->
+ receive
+ T when T == {a, tuple, is, built, here, xxx} ->
+ [T];
+ L when L == [a, list, is, built, here] ->
+ [L, L];
+ a ->
+ [a]
+ end.
+'try'(Fun, Args, Result) ->
+ 'try'(512, Fun, Args, Result, []).
+'try'(0, _, _, _, _) ->
+ ok;
+'try'(Iter, Fun, Args, Result, Filler) ->
+ Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [Fun,Args,list_to_tuple(Filler)]),
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', Pid, {result, Result}} ->
+ ?line 'try'(Iter-1, Fun, Args, Result, [0|Filler]);
+ {result, Other} ->
+ ?line io:format("Expected ~p; got ~p~n", [Result, Other]),
+ ?line test_server:fail();
+ Other ->
+ ?line test_server:fail({unexpected_message, Other})
+ end.
+init(Fun, Args, Filler) ->
+ Result = {result,apply(Fun, Args)},
+ dummy(Filler),
+ exit(Result).
+dummy(_) ->
+ ok.
+guard_bifs(doc) -> "Test all guard bifs with nasty (but legal arguments).";
+guard_bifs(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line Big = -237849247829874297658726487367328971246284736473821617265433,
+ ?line Float = 387924.874,
+ %% Succeding use of guard bifs.
+ ?line try_gbif('abs/1', Big, -Big),
+ ?line try_gbif('float/1', Big, float(Big)),
+ ?line try_gbif('float/1', Big, float(id(Big))),
+ ?line try_gbif('trunc/1', Float, 387924.0),
+ ?line try_gbif('round/1', Float, 387925.0),
+ ?line try_gbif('length/1', [], 0),
+ ?line try_gbif('length/1', [a], 1),
+ ?line try_gbif('length/1', [a, b], 2),
+ ?line try_gbif('length/1', lists:seq(0, 31), 32),
+ ?line try_gbif('hd/1', [a], a),
+ ?line try_gbif('hd/1', [a, b], a),
+ ?line try_gbif('tl/1', [a], []),
+ ?line try_gbif('tl/1', [a, b], [b]),
+ ?line try_gbif('tl/1', [a, b, c], [b, c]),
+ ?line try_gbif('size/1', {}, 0),
+ ?line try_gbif('size/1', {a}, 1),
+ ?line try_gbif('size/1', {a, b}, 2),
+ ?line try_gbif('size/1', {a, b, c}, 3),
+ ?line try_gbif('size/1', list_to_binary([]), 0),
+ ?line try_gbif('size/1', list_to_binary([1]), 1),
+ ?line try_gbif('size/1', list_to_binary([1, 2]), 2),
+ ?line try_gbif('size/1', list_to_binary([1, 2, 3]), 3),
+ ?line try_gbif('bit_size/1', <<0:7>>, 7),
+ ?line try_gbif('element/2', {x}, {1, x}),
+ ?line try_gbif('element/2', {x, y}, {1, x}),
+ ?line try_gbif('element/2', {x, y}, {2, y}),
+ ?line try_gbif('self/0', 0, self()),
+ ?line try_gbif('node/0', 0, node()),
+ ?line try_gbif('node/1', self(), node()),
+ %% Failing use of guard bifs.
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('abs/1', Big, 1),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('abs/1', [], 1),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('float/1', Big, 42),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('float/1', [], 42),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('trunc/1', Float, 0.0),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('trunc/1', [], 0.0),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('round/1', Float, 1.0),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('round/1', [], a),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('length/1', [], 1),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('length/1', [a], 0),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('length/1', a, 0),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('length/1', {a}, 0),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('hd/1', [], 0),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('hd/1', [a], x),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('hd/1', x, x),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('tl/1', [], 0),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('tl/1', [a], x),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('tl/1', x, x),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('size/1', {}, 1),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('size/1', [], 0),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('size/1', [a], 1),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('size/1', fun() -> 1 end, 0),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('size/1', fun() -> 1 end, 1),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('element/2', {}, {1, x}),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('element/2', {x}, {1, y}),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('element/2', [], {1, z}),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('self/0', 0, list_to_pid("<0.0.0>")),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('node/0', 0, xxxx),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('node/1', self(), xxx),
+ ?line try_fail_gbif('node/1', yyy, xxx),
+ ok.
+try_gbif(Id, X, Y) ->
+ case guard_bif(Id, X, Y) of
+ {Id, X, Y} ->
+ io:format("guard_bif(~p, ~p, ~p) -- ok", [Id, X, Y]);
+ Other ->
+ ?line ok = io:format("guard_bif(~p, ~p, ~p) -- bad result: ~p\n",
+ [Id, X, Y, Other]),
+ ?line test_server:fail()
+ end.
+try_fail_gbif(Id, X, Y) ->
+ case catch guard_bif(Id, X, Y) of
+ {'EXIT', {function_clause,[{?MODULE,guard_bif,[Id,X,Y]}|_]}} ->
+ io:format("guard_bif(~p, ~p, ~p) -- ok", [Id,X,Y]);
+ Other ->
+ ?line ok = io:format("guard_bif(~p, ~p, ~p) -- bad result: ~p\n",
+ [Id, X, Y, Other]),
+ ?line test_server:fail()
+ end.
+guard_bif('abs/1', X, Y) when abs(X) == Y ->
+ {'abs/1', X, Y};
+guard_bif('float/1', X, Y) when float(X) == Y ->
+ {'float/1', X, Y};
+guard_bif('trunc/1', X, Y) when trunc(X) == Y ->
+ {'trunc/1', X, Y};
+guard_bif('round/1', X, Y) when round(X) == Y ->
+ {'round/1', X, Y};
+guard_bif('length/1', X, Y) when length(X) == Y ->
+ {'length/1', X, Y};
+guard_bif('hd/1', X, Y) when hd(X) == Y ->
+ {'hd/1', X, Y};
+guard_bif('tl/1', X, Y) when tl(X) == Y ->
+ {'tl/1', X, Y};
+guard_bif('size/1', X, Y) when size(X) == Y ->
+ {'size/1', X, Y};
+guard_bif('bit_size/1', X, Y) when bit_size(X) == Y ->
+ {'bit_size/1', X, Y};
+guard_bif('element/2', X, {Pos, Expected}) when element(Pos, X) == Expected ->
+ {'element/2', X, {Pos, Expected}};
+guard_bif('self/0', X, Y) when self() == Y ->
+ {'self/0', X, Y};
+guard_bif('node/0', X, Y) when node() == Y ->
+ {'node/0', X, Y};
+guard_bif('node/1', X, Y) when node(X) == Y ->
+ {'node/1', X, Y}.
+type_tests(doc) -> "Test the type tests.";
+type_tests(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line Types = all_types(),
+ ?line Tests = type_test_desc(),
+ ?line put(errors, 0),
+ ?line put(violations, 0),
+ ?line type_tests(Tests, Types),
+ ?line case {get(errors), get(violations)} of
+ {0, 0} ->
+ ok;
+ {0, N} ->
+ {comment, integer_to_list(N) ++ " standard violation(s)"};
+ {Errors, Violations} ->
+ io:format("~p sub test(s) failed, ~p violation(s)",
+ [Errors, Violations]),
+ ?line test_server:fail()
+ end.
+type_tests([{Test, AllowedTypes}| T], AllTypes) ->
+ type_tests(Test, AllTypes, AllowedTypes),
+ type_tests(T, AllTypes);
+type_tests([], _) ->
+ ok.
+type_tests(Test, [Type|T], Allowed) ->
+ {TypeTag, Value} = Type,
+ case member(TypeTag, Allowed) of
+ true ->
+ case catch type_test(Test, Value) of
+ Test ->
+ ok;
+ _Other ->
+ io:format("Test ~p(~p) failed", [Test, Value]),
+ put(errors, get(errors) + 1)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case catch type_test(Test, Value) of
+ {'EXIT', {function_clause, {?MODULE,type_test,[Test,Value]}}} ->
+ ok;
+ {'EXIT', {function_clause,[{?MODULE,type_test,[Test,Value]}|_]}} ->
+ ok;
+ {'EXIT',Other} ->
+ ?line test_server:fail({unexpected_error_reason,Other});
+ tuple when is_function(Value) ->
+ io:format("Standard violation: Test ~p(~p) should fail",
+ [Test, Value]),
+ put(violations, get(violations) + 1);
+ _Other ->
+ io:format("Test ~p(~p) succeeded (should fail)", [Test, Value]),
+ put(errors, get(errors) + 1)
+ end
+ end,
+ type_tests(Test, T, Allowed);
+type_tests(_, [], _) ->
+ ok.
+all_types() ->
+ [{small, 42},
+ {big, 392742928742947293873938792874019287447829874290742},
+ {float, 3.14156},
+ {nil, []},
+ {cons, [a]},
+ {tuple, {a, b}},
+ {atom, xxxx},
+ {ref, make_ref()},
+ {pid, self()},
+ {port, open_port({spawn, efile}, [])},
+ {function, fun(_) -> "" end},
+ {function, fun erlang:abs/1},
+ {binary, list_to_binary([])},
+ {bitstring, <<0:7>>}].
+type_test_desc() ->
+ [{binary, [binary]},
+ {bitstring, [binary, bitstring]},
+ {integer, [small, big]},
+ {float, [float]},
+ {number, [small, big, float]},
+ {atom, [atom]},
+ {list, [cons, nil]},
+ {nonempty_list, [cons]},
+ {nil, [nil]},
+ {tuple, [tuple]},
+ {pid, [pid]},
+ {port, [port]},
+ {reference, [ref]},
+ {function, [function]}].
+type_test(integer, X) when is_integer(X) ->
+ integer;
+type_test(float, X) when is_float(X) ->
+ float;
+type_test(number, X) when is_number(X) ->
+ number;
+type_test(atom, X) when is_atom(X) ->
+ atom;
+type_test(list, X) when is_list(X) ->
+ list;
+type_test(nonempty_list, [_]) ->
+ nonempty_list;
+type_test(nil, []) ->
+ nil;
+type_test(tuple, X) when is_tuple(X) ->
+ tuple;
+type_test(pid, X) when is_pid(X) ->
+ pid;
+type_test(reference, X) when is_reference(X) ->
+ reference;
+type_test(port, X) when is_port(X) ->
+ port;
+type_test(binary, X) when is_binary(X) ->
+ binary;
+type_test(bitstring, X) when is_bitstring(X) ->
+ bitstring;
+type_test(function, X) when is_function(X) ->
+ function.
+id(I) -> I.