path: root/erts/emulator/test/map_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/test/map_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/map_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/map_SUITE.erl
index 02f3c89318..d0a6763fe5 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/map_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/map_SUITE.erl
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@
+ t_map_get/1,
+ t_is_map_key/1,
%% Specific Map BIFs
@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@
- t_bif_erts_internal_maps_to_list/1,
+ t_bif_map_next/1,
%% erlang
@@ -119,12 +121,12 @@ all() -> [t_build_and_match_literals, t_build_and_match_literals_large,
t_bif_map_to_list, t_bif_map_from_list,
- t_bif_erts_internal_maps_to_list,
+ t_bif_map_next,
%% erlang
t_erlang_hash, t_map_encode_decode,
- t_map_size, t_is_map,
+ t_map_size, t_map_get, t_is_map,
%% non specific BIF related
@@ -680,6 +682,88 @@ t_map_size(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+t_map_get(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% small map
+ 1 = map_get(a, id(#{a=>1})),
+ 2 = map_get(b, id(#{a=>1, b=>2})),
+ "hi" = map_get("hello", id(#{a=>1, "hello"=>"hi"})),
+ "tuple hi" = map_get({1,1.0}, id(#{a=>a, {1,1.0}=>"tuple hi"})),
+ M0 = id(#{ k1=>"v1", <<"k2">> => <<"v3">> }),
+ "v4" = map_get(<<"k2">>, M0#{<<"k2">> => "v4"}),
+ %% large map
+ M1 = maps:from_list([{I,I}||I<-lists:seq(1,100)] ++
+ [{a,1},{b,2},{"hello","hi"},{{1,1.0},"tuple hi"},
+ {k1,"v1"},{<<"k2">>,"v3"}]),
+ 1 = map_get(a, M1),
+ 2 = map_get(b, M1),
+ "hi" = map_get("hello", M1),
+ "tuple hi" = map_get({1,1.0}, M1),
+ "v3" = map_get(<<"k2">>, M1),
+ %% error cases
+ do_badmap(fun(T) ->
+ {'EXIT',{{badmap,T},[{erlang,map_get,_,_}|_]}} =
+ (catch map_get(a, T))
+ end),
+ {'EXIT',{{badkey,{1,1}},[{erlang,map_get,_,_}|_]}} =
+ (catch map_get({1,1}, id(#{{1,1.0}=>"tuple"}))),
+ {'EXIT',{{badkey,a},[{erlang,map_get,_,_}|_]}} = (catch map_get(a, id(#{}))),
+ {'EXIT',{{badkey,a},[{erlang,map_get,_,_}|_]}} =
+ (catch map_get(a, id(#{b=>1, c=>2}))),
+ %% in guards
+ M2 = id(#{a=>1}),
+ true = if map_get(a, M2) =:= 1 -> true; true -> false end,
+ false = if map_get(x, M2) =:= 1 -> true; true -> false end,
+ do_badmap(fun
+ (T) when map_get(x, T) =:= 1 -> ok;
+ (T) -> false = is_map(T)
+ end),
+ ok.
+t_is_map_key(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% small map
+ true = is_map_key(a, id(#{a=>1})),
+ true = is_map_key(b, id(#{a=>1, b=>2})),
+ true = is_map_key("hello", id(#{a=>1, "hello"=>"hi"})),
+ true = is_map_key({1,1.0}, id(#{a=>a, {1,1.0}=>"tuple hi"})),
+ M0 = id(#{ k1=>"v1", <<"k2">> => <<"v3">> }),
+ true = is_map_key(<<"k2">>, M0#{<<"k2">> => "v4"}),
+ %% large map
+ M1 = maps:from_list([{I,I}||I<-lists:seq(1,100)] ++
+ [{a,1},{b,2},{"hello","hi"},{{1,1.0},"tuple hi"},
+ {k1,"v1"},{<<"k2">>,"v3"}]),
+ true = is_map_key(a, M1),
+ true = is_map_key(b, M1),
+ true = is_map_key("hello", M1),
+ true = is_map_key({1,1.0}, M1),
+ true = is_map_key(<<"k2">>, M1),
+ %% error cases
+ do_badmap(fun(T) ->
+ {'EXIT',{{badmap,T},[{erlang,is_map_key,_,_}|_]}} =
+ (catch is_map_key(a, T))
+ end),
+ false = is_map_key({1,1}, id(#{{1,1.0}=>"tuple"})),
+ false = is_map_key(a, id(#{})),
+ false = is_map_key(a, id(#{b=>1, c=>2})),
+ %% in guards
+ M2 = id(#{a=>1}),
+ true = if is_map_key(a, M2) -> true; true -> false end,
+ false = if is_map_key(x, M2) -> true; true -> false end,
+ do_badmap(fun
+ (T) when is_map_key(T, x) =:= 1 -> ok;
+ (T) -> false = is_map(T)
+ end),
+ ok.
build_and_check_size([K|Ks],N,M0) ->
N = map_size(M0),
M1 = M0#{ K => K },
@@ -2364,41 +2448,71 @@ t_bif_map_from_list(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{'EXIT', {badarg,_}} = (catch maps:from_list(id(42))),
-t_bif_erts_internal_maps_to_list(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- %% small maps
- [] = erts_internal:maps_to_list(#{},-1),
- [] = erts_internal:maps_to_list(#{},-2),
- [] = erts_internal:maps_to_list(#{},10),
- [{a,1},{b,2}] = lists:sort(erts_internal:maps_to_list(#{a=>1,b=>2}, 2)),
- [{a,1},{b,2}] = lists:sort(erts_internal:maps_to_list(#{a=>1,b=>2}, -1)),
- [{_,_}] = erts_internal:maps_to_list(#{a=>1,b=>2}, 1),
- [{a,1},{b,2},{c,3}] = lists:sort(erts_internal:maps_to_list(#{c=>3,a=>1,b=>2},-2)),
- [{a,1},{b,2},{c,3}] = lists:sort(erts_internal:maps_to_list(#{c=>3,a=>1,b=>2},3)),
- [{a,1},{b,2},{c,3}] = lists:sort(erts_internal:maps_to_list(#{c=>3,a=>1,b=>2},5)),
- [{_,_},{_,_}] = erts_internal:maps_to_list(#{c=>3,a=>1,b=>2},2),
- [{_,_}] = erts_internal:maps_to_list(#{c=>3,a=>1,b=>2},1),
- [] = erts_internal:maps_to_list(#{c=>3,a=>1,b=>2},0),
- %% big maps
- M = maps:from_list([{I,ok}||I <- lists:seq(1,500)]),
- [] = erts_internal:maps_to_list(M,0),
- [{_,_}] = erts_internal:maps_to_list(M,1),
- [{_,_},{_,_}] = erts_internal:maps_to_list(M,2),
- Ls1 = erts_internal:maps_to_list(M,10),
- 10 = length(Ls1),
- Ls2 = erts_internal:maps_to_list(M,20),
- 20 = length(Ls2),
- Ls3 = erts_internal:maps_to_list(M,120),
- 120 = length(Ls3),
- Ls4 = erts_internal:maps_to_list(M,-1),
- 500 = length(Ls4),
+t_bif_map_next(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- %% error cases
- {'EXIT', {{badmap,[{a,b},b]},_}} = (catch erts_internal:maps_to_list(id([{a,b},b]),id(1))),
- {'EXIT', {badarg,_}} = (catch erts_internal:maps_to_list(id(#{}),id(a))),
- {'EXIT', {badarg,_}} = (catch erts_internal:maps_to_list(id(#{1=>2}),id(<<>>))),
+ erts_debug:set_internal_state(available_internal_state, true),
+ try
+ none = maps:next(maps:iterator(id(#{}))),
+ verify_iterator(#{}),
+ verify_iterator(#{a => 1, b => 2, c => 3}),
+ %% Use fatmap in order to test iterating in very deep maps
+ FM = fatmap(43),
+ verify_iterator(FM),
+ {'EXIT', {{badmap,[{a,b},b]},_}} = (catch maps:iterator(id([{a,b},b]))),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg,_}} = (catch maps:next(id(a))),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg,_}} = (catch maps:next(id([a|FM]))),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg,_}} = (catch maps:next(id([1|#{}]))),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg,_}} = (catch maps:next(id([-1|#{}]))),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg,_}} = (catch maps:next(id([-1|FM]))),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg,_}} = (catch maps:next(id([16#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF|FM]))),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg,_}} = (catch maps:next(id([-16#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF|FM]))),
+ %% This us a whitebox test that the error code works correctly.
+ %% It uses a path for a tree of depth 4 and tries to do next on
+ %% each of those paths.
+ (fun F(0) -> ok;
+ F(N) ->
+ try maps:next([N|FM]) of
+ none ->
+ F(N-1);
+ {_K,_V,_I} ->
+ F(N-1)
+ catch error:badarg ->
+ F(N-1)
+ end
+ end)(16#FFFF),
+ ok
+ after
+ erts_debug:set_internal_state(available_internal_state, false)
+ end.
+verify_iterator(Map) ->
+ KVs = t_fold(fun(K, V, A) -> [{K, V} | A] end, [], Map),
+ %% Verify that KVs created by iterating Map is of
+ %% correct size and contains all elements
+ true = length(KVs) == maps:size(Map),
+ [maps:get(K, Map) || {K, _} <- KVs],
+t_fold(Fun, Init, Map) ->
+ t_fold_1(Fun, Init, maps:iterator(Map)).
+t_fold_1(Fun, Acc, Iter) ->
+ case maps:next(Iter) of
+ {K, V, NextIter} ->
+ t_fold_1(Fun, Fun(K,V,Acc), NextIter);
+ none ->
+ Acc
+ end.
t_bif_build_and_check(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ok = check_build_and_remove(750,[fun(K) -> [K,K] end,
fun(K) -> [float(K),K] end,
@@ -2966,8 +3080,19 @@ y_regs(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
true = is_map(Map2) andalso is_map(Map4),
+ gurka = y_regs_literal(0),
+ gaffel = y_regs_literal(1),
+y_regs_literal(Key) when is_integer(Key) ->
+ %% Forces the key to be placed in a Y register.
+ lists:seq(1, 2),
+ case is_map_key(Key, #{ 0 => 0 }) of
+ true -> gurka;
+ false -> gaffel
+ end.
y_regs_update(Map0, Val0) ->
Val1 = {t,Val0},
K1 = id({key,1}),